I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1897 Who is wailing?

The realm of night is similar to Big Brother Destiny's Garden of Destiny and Sandman Morpheus' Dream Kingdom. It is the realm of the endless night.

The Endless Ones have absolute authority in their own domain, or in other words, the domain is themselves.

Therefore, as long as there are abnormal changes in the realm of the Endless Ones, they will be the first to notice it.

For example, when Zatanna shouted the irony magic that summoned Weirdness to come, before Weirdness put his finger out of her mouth, the Mother of Night knew that Weirdness broke through the gap between dimensions and came to the realm of night hidden on the edge of Taixu.

Another example is now, before Harley imitates the Upside Down and emerges from Zha Kang's mouth, the Night Mother already knows that she is about to cross the border.

Even earlier, the Mother of Night received news that Harley was about to forcefully break through the gap in the dimension and enter the realm of night to encircle and suppress the weird with her.

It wasn't the Mother of Night who used the secret of dawn to predict Harley's actions before she did so.

It was Harley who took the initiative to tell her.

Harley had long known about the existence of the Mother of Night and the Realm of Night, but she didn't know where they were, just like she had previously known that Destiny was in the Garden of Destiny, but didn't know the location of the Garden of Destiny.

She first disguised herself as Mrs. Xanadu, distorted the fate of all living beings in the main universe through divination for the universe's powerful people, and disturbed the normal operation of the river of destiny. Finally, she relied on her connection with the twisted thread of destiny to follow the clues to locate the Garden of Destiny.

Entering the Night Realm today does not require so much trouble, because Zha Kang and the others were directly pulled into the Night Realm by the House of Miracles.

Dream creatures can find the dream kingdom that is inaccessible to ordinary people, the God of Destiny can sense the location of the Garden of Destiny, and the House of Miracles can enter the realm of night.

Later, Zha Kang summoned a ray of Harley's consciousness to come to him, a "pseudo thick-skinned believer", through the "Thick-skinned Divine Descent Technique" modified from the "Nine-Nine Gods' List". At that time, Harley had already determined the fate of the Night Realm. coordinate.

There are two reasons why her true body did not come in directly: First, this is a special period, and she must sit in Gotham to ensure that the mage friends around her are not quietly harvested by the mother of weirdness or magic.

In fact, being in Gotham is not just about protecting friends.

She may be able to protect herself at this time, but she is not 100% sure about dealing with the Mother of Magic and Weirdness.

Their magical debt seems to be much higher than the existing magical energy level in the world, which makes the level 9 divine defense expertise somewhat insufficient.

But she also has the God Defense feat.

God is omnipotent, and the level 10 God defense expertise is also very resistant to magical power. She should be able to protect herself and several relatives and friends around her.

But Harley's pursuit is not only self-protection. She guards Gotham in the hope of "eating rice cakes" again, that is, magic or magical devices contaminated by strange origins.

In the incident at the Zatara Magic Theater the day before yesterday, those tentacle monsters had a small amount of strange power in their bodies, but they looked so disgusting and contained so little power that Harley was too lazy to talk about it in public.

The second reason why the main body did not immediately enter the realm of night was for the face of the Mother of Night.

Although the Mother of Night set off a tide of darkness, Harley knew very well that the tide of darkness at this time was only the shadow of the Mother of Night, and the Mother of Night only invested very weak power.

If she directly breaks into the realm of night, even if it is just for the sake of face and to maintain her authority, the Mother of Night will definitely use her true body and use her full power.

No matter when, if there is not enough benefit, it is not wise to break up with a powerful Endless One.

But the Mother of Night seems to be determined to win the "House of Miracles Debt" and must harvest Xiao Zhazhakan and the others. It may be difficult to escape with just a ray of consciousness coming.

Now even the legendary World Tree has come to engage in "Infernal Affairs".

It’s okay for the World Tree to play Infernal Affairs. Harley is not stupid and just ignores her. But by the time she realizes the existence of the World Tree, the treacherous bastard has already gotten into the body of the swamp monster and entered the magic boat.

Harley had a clear realization at that time: if she wanted to save Xiao Zha and the others, it seemed that the only option left was to use her own body.

But she was not willing to take the risk of having her home stolen by Wei Wei, and had a fruitless fight with the Mother of Night.

——How to minimize the losses caused by the ontology? If possible, it is better to turn losses into gains.

Harley got inspiration from Xiao Zha's words: Xiao Zha can summon Weirdness to the realm of night!

The World Tree is the biggest bait.

The Night Mother is Harley's biggest helper

"Aunt Heiye, you have seen the situation at this time. You have no other choice but to cooperate with me. Of course, I have no intention of threatening you.

Alas, it was actually you who left me with no choice in the first place. I was helpless and torn before I made this decision.

But, as long as you and I work together, this will no longer be a bad idea, but a great plan that will never be seen in the ages! "

The moment Harley's body left the material universe and entered the realm of night, she sent a message to the Mother of Night.

"Witch Harley, you are such a bastard." Mother of Night first roared and cursed.

"Don't think that you are the only smart person in the world. I don't need to be your thug. I can immediately tell the Upside Down that you have entered the Realm of Night and are ready to plot against it.

As long as it leaves my domain, I will have no conflict with it. "

"Auntie, don't be so naive, children only get emotional, adults only talk about gains and losses.

The Upside Down is simply not accepted by the multiverse.

I don’t know the specific reason now, but ‘Origin’ extremely rejects it and does not allow it to exist.

Today, the main purpose of the multiverse is to oppose upside-down people and fight against upside-down people.

If you make peace with it, you will be the enemy of the multiverse and the object of rejection by the Origin.

You will lose your destiny, your dignity in the highest circle, and the love of your children. Moreover, do you think upside-down people are easy to talk to?

Can you believe it?

Don't forget how you had a conflict with my friend.

The House of Miracles is also a magical creation, you owe it to it!

There are countless miraculous powers and miraculous creations in the realm of night, and even your own life changing from rules to independent will is also a manifestation of miracles.

Magic is not just energy, it represents miracles.

The Upside Down reaps not only magic power, but also the power to use miracles.

You are also a debtor. "

First, there was some "adult analysis of interests and coercion and inducement," and then Harley slowed down her tone and comforted her softly: "Actually, I know that Auntie, you are just talking angrily.

You are the darkness before all things were born.

You are the mother of all that exists in the multiverse, my mother, the mother of all mages, the mother of all living beings.

You deserve the true name of ‘Mother of the Night’.

A mother may take sides in conflicts between her own children, but she will never help outsiders bully all her children. "

If she were not using her defense expertise to wrap her mental power for telepathic transmission, if her words were heard by outsiders, they would definitely arouse countless scorn and ridicule: Witch Harley is so shameless, she even called her "Mom" .

Well, although Harley meant to say soft words to appease the Mother of Night, her words were not wrong.

As the "foundation" of the multiverse, the Mother of Night is indeed the mother of all things in the universe.

"Auntie, you don't need to do much. You just need to use your broad and majestic mind to firmly bind the upside-down person and trap it in your domain. The ensuing close combat, life-and-death struggle, liver and brain smeared on the ground, blood splattered on the spot, Corpses litter the fields, it’s too horrible to look at. I’ll bear it all!”

After saying this, Harley's fingers stretched out from Zha Kang's mouth, followed by her palms, arms, and head.

After Harley's true form arrived, she didn't waste much time. While shouting slogans, she also pointed out a huge gold-film bubble and filled it with all the wizards on the magic boat.

The magic boat and the magic shield outside the boat turned into nothingness at the same time and disappeared.

She flicked her fingers, and the golden-coated ball roared upwards with everyone, galloping away into the distance, leaving only herself and a foreign world tree pillar.

The "Capitol Massacre" that occurred on the planet Kelu proved that the range of influence of weirdness in the material world is limited. If the distance is more than 10 kilometers from it, the risk of being alienated is greatly reduced.

As long as the Night Mother doesn't deliberately act like a monster and send the golden ball to the edge of the battlefield, Zha Kang and the others will not be in danger until Harley is defeated.

"Sorry, Upside Down dude, I'm a police officer. Oh, I'm a multiverse person and can't defy the will of the Origin."

Harley swallowed the monster tree stump on the boat in one gulp, no matter how hard the tumors on its body struggled with its mouth, a handful of gastric acid mist was sprayed over, and the stomach bag instantly calmed down.

"Hiccup~~~" Harley exhaled a stream of gray-black smoke from her mouth, her body flashed, and she had been transferred to another space.

Instead of moving on her own, the Night Mother moved her to the Upside Down.

The Upside Down was enjoying his feast at the moment.

Under it is a million-meter-high towering tree, with crystal green leaves, golden trunk branches, and silver lines on the bark, which is sacred and magnificent.

At this time, the upper half of the big tree has transformed into an ugly and deformed monster, and the lower body is struggling desperately, wailing miserably, "Please, please let me go, Your Majesty the Upside Down Man, please let me go, I'm just a tree without a tree." A very useful old tree, it withdrew from the extraordinary circle hundreds of millions of years ago and did not participate in the changes of the multiverse at all. It hurts, it hurts, my soul and my body are distorted, and my origin is going to Being squeezed dry, it hurts so much, so miserable~~~"

She didn't shout "Mother of the Night, help me" because the Mother of the Night was already trying her best to save her.

A powerful force of rules prevents the spread of alienation, and a powerful spiritual power protects the core within the World Tree.

"Witch Harley, you are indeed a capricious, cunning and cunning villain. The Eight Laws of the Mage are very reasonable. I can just beat you to death when we meet. There is no need to say anything to you."

The Upside Down Man also had a different change at this moment.

It was still hanging upside down by its head and feet, but a long, thin, crooked opening was opened above its two big feet. A strange and powerful darkness seeped out of the opening and spread in the night realm. .

"Auntie, work harder!"

Seeing the crack that penetrated the darkness, Harley couldn't help but feel anxious, and said through her mind: "As the saying goes, 'Close the door and beat the dog.' If you can't close the door tightly, what if it escapes in the middle of the fight? Aren’t you going to give up all your previous efforts and wast this wonderful opportunity?”

The darkness seeping out of the cracks is exactly the same as the aura on the Upside Down, which is the "weirdness" itself.

Harley understands that the Upside Down wants to pollute the realm of night with strange power to resist the suppression of the Night Mother's power.

But now the Upside Down Man can open a hole that connects to the "Weird Mother Realm" and release strange aura into the Night Realm. When the battle breaks out and Harley gains the upper hand, the Upside Down Man can turn into dark smoke and escape back through the hole. Lair.

If she really failed and let it escape, then what would be the point of taking the risk of leaving Gotham and rushing into the Realm of Night?

"The Upside Down cannot be destroyed. As long as it can be defeated and escape, we will have achieved the greatest victory." Mother of Night responded.

Harry wanted to curse out loud: incompetent, short-sighted, stupid, and lack of ambition!

Seeing the crack above the Upside Down's big feet, she understood that the Mother of Night had the idea of ​​"surrounding three buildings."

The Mother of Night only wanted to drive away the Upside Down Man and expel the strange aura, so she did not firmly cut off the connection between the Upside Down Man and the "Weird Mother Realm".

With her ability and authority, she can definitely do it.

If the Mother of Night cannot even do this, the sixth dimensional barrier will not be able to stop the magic debt crisis.

Well, the magic debt crisis is only outside the sixth dimension, and the realm of the Creator is not affected.

For example, Sage Ochi went to the Forge of the World to serve as the "Second Generation Dragon of Barbatos", and he temporarily avoided the magic debt crisis (ps).

"Auntie, I feel that just chasing away the upside down people is not worthy of your status and ambition. This time I will be the main attacker and charge in the front. You only need to play support in the rear to help me suppress the upside down people. If you can't win, It is my responsibility. If you take it, you will have great achievements, benefit the people, be famous all over the world, and be praised by everyone." Harley said firmly.

Mother of Night said: "I have confidence in myself, but I have no confidence in you. I don't trust you."

"You don't need to trust me, you just trust yourself, you imprison me and the Upside Down together, and use all your power to squeeze us to one point.

If I am killed by it, it will be my own stupidity.

Even if I am beaten to death by it, it will not remain unscathed.

When the time comes, it will be easier for you to expel a battle-damaged Upside Down. "

Mother of Night hesitated for a moment and said: "I don't trust you, and I don't wish you well. If you win and get huge benefits from the Upside Down, I will feel even more uncomfortable than if my son died."

Harley wanted to yell: You are the Mother of the Night. Everything in the universe was born from your arms. Can you be a little grand, big-hearted, and big-minded?

"Auntie, there isn't such a big hatred between us, right? Even if I have some misunderstanding with Brother Destiny, it's just a matter of the death of a son. How can I get a little benefit and your pain be greater than the death of a son?"

"It was just a small friction before, but you summoned the Upside Down Man in an attempt to force me to cooperate with you in restricting it so that you could take it and seize the magic debt. I was treated like a clown by you, treated like recyclable garbage, and I couldn't wait to expose it. Your skin, eat your flesh! This hatred is greater than killing ten sons." Mother of Night said through gritted teeth.

——Stop talking, you don’t have ten sons at all!

Harry complained in her heart and sighed: "Auntie, you are the Mother of Night, so you should have a mother's broad mind! Moreover, I only eliminate harm for the people and eliminate weirdness for the Origin. Where does the magic debt come from?

The magic debt is in the hands of the Mother of Magic.

I don't know if you pay attention to the news outside.

In order to solve the magic debt crisis, human mages held a magic alliance conference with the help of Silver City.

Before holding the magic conference, I specifically swore to Michael, the King of Heaven, that I would never steal magic debt in any way before Heaven and Hell exit.

If you don’t believe me, don’t you still believe that I am loyal to the source of my power? "

If it weren't for the fact that this was just a spiritual transmission, she would have made the sign of the cross on her chest with a pious look on her face, and would have looked at the direction of Silver City at a 45-degree angle, with her eyes full of firmness in her faith, and her face full of devotion to God. piety to enhance persuasion.

Well, in fact, her last sentence was already very convincing, so there was no need to add icing on the cake.

Why is Witch Harley so awesome?

This is a topic discussed by everyone in the multiverse (including the Angels and Lords of Silver City).

Basically, they can all agree on the answer: God is too partial to her.

Of course, her own talents are also very strong, and she can perfectly display the power of "God descending to earth". There is no reason why God should not favor her.

The Mother of Night had a similar understanding, so she believed Harley's words: she could deceive anyone, but she did not dare to betray her oath to God.

"Witch Harley, I will keep an eye on you. If you dare to hide any magic debt secretly, you can do it yourself!"

Mother of Night originally wanted to threaten her, but mid-sentence, she felt that it was not in line with her status and magnanimity as the "Mother of All Things in the Universe", so she swallowed the rest of her words.

But she has already made a decision in her heart: no matter whether Witch Harley lies or not, she will cooperate with her to try her best to control and restrict the Upside Down, because she is the Mother of Night, an Endless who is absolutely loyal to the "Origin" and loyal to the multiverse. !

But regardless of whether Witch Harley has stolen even a little bit of magic debt, she will publicize the matter later, letting the world know that Witch Harley broke her promise to God and stole magic debt privately.

She is the Mother of Night and thinks she has a broad mind, but she is also a woman of her own will. Today, Harley treated the Night Mother like a monkey and forced her to cooperate with her wholeheartedly for the sake of the overall situation and not to be disqualified. The fact that she couldn't stand it, she had to take revenge.

The spiritual communication between Harley and the Night Mother only happened for a moment.

In the special sealed space of the Night Realm, Harley was stunned for only a moment, then smiled and said: "Brother Upside Down, you can't blame me for lying to you!

As the saying goes, this time and that time.

At that time, I only had a ray of consciousness on my friend. He was small and weak, and the priority was to save his life. Now that my true form has appeared, I can protect myself, so I should plan more.

However, I still have no ill intentions towards you.

If you believe me, immediately stop infringing on the World Tree.

Then he surrendered and accepted the care of the Night Mother.

As long as we can be sure that you will no longer harm any mages in the universe, we will set you free immediately. "

As she spoke, she paid attention to the gap above the Upside Down's large feet.

It's healing rapidly.

Before she could finish her words, it completely disappeared without a trace.

——Don’t mess with it, use your methods immediately, I can’t suppress it for a long time.

The Mother of Night also sent a message to remind her to act quickly.

There was no need for Harley to move first. After realizing that the energy connection between himself and the "Weird Mother Realm" was cut off, the Upside Down guessed that he would be immediately besieged by them, so he took the initiative.

It came to Harley in an instant, opened its big mouth full of sharp teeth, and bit Harley's head.

"Witch Harley, you seem to be smart, but you are actually stupid and ignorant. You don't know me at all, you don't know what I can do, you don't know what I am, I don't know how I exist, how I fight. You know nothing about me. , where do you have the confidence to face me with the power of your bloodline, and even try to snatch my power and magic debt?!"

"Click!" It bit down on the egg-shaped protective gold film, and its teeth left a series of magic sparks on the surface of the gold film. A sticky, stinking liquid dripped from the gaps between the teeth and landed on the surface of the gold film, emitting concentrated sulfuric acid. There was a "sizzling" sound as the iron shell was thrown, and a puff of black smoke rose up.

At the same time, Harley's skin bulged with fist-sized bumps, and it seemed like there was a small mouse hidden in the big bump, running fast and disorderly.

If there are only one or two big bumps wandering around the body surface, it will look strange at best.

But her whole body was covered with dense bumps. The bumps swelled from fists to the size of cantaloupe, then from cantaloupe to cantaloupe, then from cantaloupe to unicorn watermelon, from unicorn melon to twenty or thirty kilograms of Ningxia selenium-rich watermelon.

Moreover, small bags quickly expand on top of the big bag, and the small bags grow together with the big bag. There are medium bags on top of the big bags, and there are densely packed small bags on top of the medium bags. The small bags can also expand into "watermelon bags."

In the blink of an eye, Harley had lost her human appearance and turned into a 100-meter-high mountain of meat. The "watermelon buns" that made up the mountain of meat were still expanding and wandering around her like little mice.

Apparently, the "weirdness" has finally come directly to her, and the Upside Down is harvesting her magical debt.

Even if she used Goddess Asal's "Escape Technique" to reverse the magic power into the power of blood, the magic power only changed from a simple substance to a compound and did not completely disappear.

Now all the magic power integrated into Harley's blood began to run wild, and they seemed to turn into "Inverted Man" particles.

Every magic power is like a microscopic upside-down person, with a big mouth densely packed with sharp teeth, dripping with slippery autumn stench and crushing it, burrowing everywhere in Harry's body, swallowing up all the energy and spirit it touches. Sex and the power of miracles.

All the miraculous power and miraculous things swallowed by the "Inverted Man Particles" will be alienated into a "weird" part, controlled by the Inverted Man, and flow in the direction of the Inverted Man.

At some point, the golden film force field surrounding Harley's body had disappeared.

The squirming body of Halli was like a pile of stewed and rotten "handfuls of meat." If she held it with chopsticks and placed it above her mouth, the meat would not be able to withstand the pull of gravity and slide down to the bottom of her mouth.

The Upside Down Man hangs upside down above Harley, and Harley gradually slides upward and falls into the Upside Down Man's mouth.

It had no eyes or nose, and its face was not obvious. Its expression should not have been visible, but now everyone could see that it was eating with enjoyment.

"Ah, Witch Harley was eaten by the Upside Down!" Portmoss, who was protected at the core by the Mother of Night, screamed tremblingly.

His voice was shaking, his body was shaking, and he wasn't sure whether he was scared or excited.

Maybe half panic and half excitement?

He should have been totally excited because, from the looks of it, his archnemesis died horribly.

But the picture shown by Mother of Night was so horrifying that even if he just looked at the upside-down man in the picture, he would feel fear involuntarily.

When he was still destiny, he would definitely not be so miserable.

Now that he has lost the power and power of the Infinite, he is essentially no different from a mortal.

If a mortal could really see the Upside Down and paralyze his enemy speechless, his performance would have been very good.

"No, Witch Harley is not dead." There was only the figure of the Mother of Night, but no trace of her.

She has fulfilled her promise and used all her power to seal off the Upside Down: She transformed into darkness again, merged with the Realm of Night, and completely blocked the Upside Down's contact with the outside world.

There was solemnity and a hint of nervousness in her voice, but her tone was very sure.

"She has slipped into the mouth of the Upside Down like a ball of meat jelly. Isn't she still dead? Maybe not completely dead, but the end has been decided. She is finished. Her God's descent may be very strong, but God's descent itself is also a miraculous phenomenon. !

The upside down man is the nemesis of all miracles.

Not only the miracles of magic, but also the miracles and wonders that magic brings to the multiverse are all restrained by the Upside Down.

Just like a frog meeting a snake, it is suppressed by the blood and unable to resist.

What's more, Witch Harley's own butt is very dirty. She is too greedy and has too much magic power fused into the power of blood.

Before the arrival of the magic creditor, those bloodline powers were hers; when the Upside Down activated the mark on the magic, those bloodline powers immediately became part of it, and it controlled her bloodline power and swallowed everything she had. "

Although Portmos lost the power of destiny and the power of the Endless, his brain and memory were still there, and he could accurately analyze Harley's current state.

"The battle with the Upside Down will not be a regular battle at all." He shook his head slightly and said with emotion: "Regular battles compete on strength, skills and tactics, but the owner of the 'Magic Debt' starts from the most fundamental power. Starting with the mark, it directly deprives the opponent of all miraculous power and miraculous status.

As long as you are contaminated with magic marks, as long as you are burdened with magic debt, no matter how strong your strength is, how clever your skills are, or how sophisticated your tricks are, you will never have time to use them, and you will be deprived of the foundation of existence and power in an instant, and you will even lose yourself. How can you still fight? "

The Mother of Night did not explain much, but just zoomed in on the image of Harley's fleshy body and said: "Her body has not been completely alienated, even though it has been twisted and deformed into a human-like shape, her skin is still fair and smooth.

Without alienation, the multiverse still allows her to exist, and she is still herself. "

Portmos was stunned, and then compared Roshan Harley with the Howling World Tree. The upper half of the World Tree was completely alienated, turning into a gray-brown twisted sarcoma, with mouths, sharp teeth, arms, and bone claws on the surface. Human organs are ugly, dirty, terrifying, and deformed, which makes people scared and disgusting.

Although Harley's body is twisted into a mountain of flesh, it looks white and fat. To say it is scary, it is indeed scary, but against the backdrop of the World Tree, the twisted mountain of flesh is even a bit holy and cute.

It's not that Harley's skin is still smooth and fair.

It is the creatures in the DC multiverse that naturally resent and hate "others".

The upper half of the World Tree is completely alien, disgusting and abhorrent. Since Roshan Harley does not have a naturally disgusting and hateful aura, she is not an anomaly now.

“She’s not completely alienated yet, just because God descended to earth was really strong enough and gave her a chance to struggle.

But struggle does not equal equal confrontation.

Most of the time struggle is just the reverberation of futile and fearless life.

At this moment, the Upside Down is already devouring her and will soon swallow her. No matter how white and smooth her skin is, it will be useless. "

As soon as Portmos finished speaking, Harry had completely disappeared from the Upside Down's lips.

She was eaten whole by it, just like a fat man eating a piece of meat from a plate, without even burping or having a bulging belly.

"Ah, Witch Harley has been eaten up!" The World Tree howled miserably, "Mother of the Night, help! Your Majesty, the Inverted Man, please, let me go. I am willing to work for you and control the sky. The detailed information of the gods of the realm will be told to you, and they are more plump and juicy.

Wuwuwu, Your Majesty the Inverted Man, please don’t eat me. Even if you want to eat me, don’t uproot me. Even if you cut the leek, the leek root will remain. You can leave me a root, there is no need-"

"Stop howling." Mother of the Night couldn't stand it anymore and shouted: "Witch Harley is not dead yet."

"She was all eaten~~~~" The World Tree stopped shouting.

Her perception was not as sharp and comprehensive as the Mother of Night, but she also discovered something unusual: It had been a while, and the Upside Down neither laughed proudly, "Witch Harley, you are finally finished," nor licked his tongue, with a look on his face. He continued to attack her in retrospect.

In fact, the speed at which the World Tree was alienated directly stopped.

Even when the Upside Down chewed "Harley the Meat Witch" before, the speed at which she was alienated was only slightly reduced, and the process was not interrupted.

"Is the Upside Down choking on his food? Why is he hanging upside down and motionless?" Yggdrasil asked cautiously.

The Mother of Night didn't know why, and she wasn't sure what the Upside Down was doing as if time had stood still.

She didn't respond to the World Tree and didn't speak.

The scene fell into an eerie silence until the upside down man's body twitched a few times and a golden light flashed across his body.

"This is..." Mother of Night was shocked, but she didn't finish her words.

The Upside Down Man continued to twitch, and the golden light on his body flickered for a while, eventually condensing into a spherical golden film.

"Father of Time is up!" Portmoss shouted in shock, "Witch Harley is finally finished. She was completely digested, and even the thick golden membrane was taken away by the Upside Down. Father of Time is up, the multiverse is It’s over!”

If the Mother of Night had gathered her body nearby or left a projection, she would have given her son a sideways glance at this moment: Your mother and I are right next to you, and you are still "Father of Time is here", have you ever turned me around? Take it seriously? !

Well, Mother Night and Father Time have been separated for many years, and the relationship between the two is not very good.

However, the situation was special at this moment, and Mother of the Night only responded with a sigh of relief in her heart, and shouted: "Don't talk nonsense, Witch Harley is not dead at all."

"But her thick-skinned force field was taken away by the Upside Down. Maybe God has lost it when he came to earth, so how can she still live?" Portmos asked doubtfully.

"Shut your mouth and watch carefully for yourself."

Portmos only half-listened to what he said. He was observing carefully, but he really couldn't keep his mouth shut.

Because very quickly the upside-down man's whole body went from twitching to distorted and deformed. Even under its skin covered with sticky and slippery "fish scales", there were egg-sized bumps bulging out, like little mice out for a walk. The watch moves slowly.

"Father of Time, has the Upside Down also encountered something 'strange'? Is it also alienating? But it itself is the source of alienation!" Portmos shouted in shock.

It cannot be said that what happened to Harley before happened again, but the Upside Down Man did slowly twist into a twisted mountain of flesh four to five meters high.

Unlike Harley, who still maintains smooth and delicate white skin after turning into a mountain of meat, the fleshy bumps on the upside-down body surface still have a cracked mouth.

Some mouths are the same as those before the Upside Down, with no upper and lower lips, and the mouths are filled with sharp and dense teeth.

Some of the mouths looked like women's mouths, with red lips, white teeth, and beautiful lip shapes. Portmos immediately thought of Harley's bitter and mean mouth.

There is also a mouth that is part human female and part upside-down, which looks a bit disgusting.

"Hahahaha, God comes down to earth, God bless me, the origin is above, destiny bless me~~~" Harley's laughter rang out from the woman's mouth.

"Ahhhhh, no, no, please, don't do this, don't eat me~~~"

If you didn't listen to the sound and just looked at the content, you would think that the Old World Tree started wailing again, but in fact the sound came from the mouth of the Upside Down Man.

Not only was the mouth of the upside-down man on the sarcoma screaming, but there were also arms stretched out from the sarcoma, and the sharp nails scratched the "darkness" making a sharp and piercing sound, like a blade scraping glass.

The darkness of nothingness seemed to be formless and qualityless, but it blocked the claws, not allowing them to struggle, let alone break free, and not allow them to have a chance to break through the cracks in the dimensions.

"Mother, what happened? Why is the Upside Down crazy?" Portmos was shocked and confused. He called to his old mother repeatedly, "Mother, talk to me. Did the Upside Down have a bad stomach? Witch Harley's Meat is poisonous?”

"I'm very busy now and have no time to talk to you."

Mother of Night's voice was a little labored, and it was very difficult to speak every word.

It seemed as if she was doing something that consumed a lot of energy and concentration.

However, the old World Tree suddenly felt a "long-lost" freedom and relaxation, and responded: "Portmos, don't disturb Her Majesty the Mother of the Night, she is teaming up with the Witch Harley to devour the Upside Down Man!"

The strange aura that enveloped her body seemed to be encountered by a high-powered vacuum cleaner, and was quickly absorbed.

Not only did the state of alienation completely stop, but even the branches and leaves that had been alienated before were turned into fly ash at a speed visible to the naked eye and scattered away.

She returned to the relaxation and freedom she had felt a few minutes ago, untainted by the "weird" power. She no longer had the pain of being devoured and distorted by her origin, and no longer had the weight of her soul that was gradually being rejected by the multiverse.

Before today, Yggdrasil had never known that an ordinary person could be so happy. She was so moved that she wanted to cry.

It wasn't that she was being pretentious. Although it had only been a few minutes, the seconds seemed like years to her. It seemed like several lifetimes had passed. It was too difficult.

"Devouring the Upside Down Man?" Portmos asked horrified: "How are they going to devour the Upside Down Man? Can the Upside Down Man be swallowed?"

The World Tree also had some fear and trembling in its tone, "Can't you see how it devours you? Witch Harley and the Upside Down bite with their mouths. Although they don't bite directly with their mouths, they are both monsters, and the things in their bodies are Cells and energy. I don’t know if it’s cells. The Upside Down is the incarnation of dark magic. The human body is embodied. Maybe it doesn’t have cells. Witch Harley is just doing what she does – plundering the origin?

Well, you could think of them as two beasts.

Two ferocious beasts were locked in a cage by the Mother of Night. The Witch Beast was chewed up and swallowed by the Upside Down, but it continued to struggle in its belly, eating some of its internal organs. You chew me, I chew you, you cells in my body, and my cells are also eaten by you.

Facts have proved that Witch Harley is Witch Harley after all, and no one can surpass her in terms of snatching the origin. "

"Witch Harley is the well-deserved 'ancestral plunderer of the source of magic'!" World Tree said with emotion.

"Are you sure that Witch Harley has the upper hand?" Portmos looked uncertain, with a hint of reluctance in his tone.

"Hey, you didn't hear or see? She obviously has better teeth. She bit the Upside Down so badly that he even began to beg for mercy. With Harley on top, the Upside Down was actually wailing and begging for mercy. This world is too crazy. !”

From the deformed and fleshy mouth, a miserable howl that confuses the human voice is still coming out.

At this moment, it not only shouted "spare my life", but also insulted the Mother of Night, "Splasher, don't stop me, let me out! You bitch of the night, you are just the incarnation of the rules of the universe and cannot participate in the battle of life in the universe. This is The basic rules of the Endless.”

Mother of Night panted and replied, "Witch Harley, bite me hard and kill this bastard."

"You don't understand anything. Do you think killing me will end the 'weirdness'? You're too naive. I swear, you will suffer great retribution soon!" Thousands of sarcoma mouths issued the same vicious curse.

ps: In the original comic, the Upside Down also said, "When I get stronger, I will go to heaven and hell." From this sentence, we can see one thing: the power and power that the Upside Down can show in the multiverse. It's not staying the same, it's getting stronger.

When he first appeared, the Upside Down couldn't break through the blockade between heaven and hell, and probably couldn't enter the sixth dimension.

When it becomes stronger, it can break the barrier and bring the magic debt crisis to any corner of the multiverse, including heaven, hell and the Creator dimension.

However, the three monitor brothers are very pure in power and are not afraid of turning people upside down at all.

Regarding the way the Inverter enhances himself, he said it himself in the previous chapter - the traces left in the DC multiverse.

The wider the story spreads, the deeper the traces and the stronger the power.

This is also the case in comics.

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