I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1894 Auntie is so fierce

"Very good, you are all very cunning. Constantine deceived me, and you also succeeded in bringing a ray of will to him." Xiaohong stared at "Constantine", gritting her teeth, "But so what? Can you still break free? This is a place of endless darkness, and soon you will be drowned in the waves of night."

"Xiaohong, I don't want to talk nonsense with you now. You have only two choices, either shout out your boss and let him come forward to convince me how not to blow his head off, or I will blow you up first and then go find your boss. Get mad," Harley said.

"Blow me up? Now you only have a ray of consciousness, how much power can you have?" Xiao Hong took two steps back, put his palms forward, faced "Constantine", and shouted: "Tear them apart, regardless of the cost, regardless of the loss. !”

"Ouch~~~~" For a moment, black wind blew up in the mysterious house, and the sound of ghosts howling could be heard endlessly.

The ceiling, floor, walls, and furniture were covered in darkness, twisting and transforming into giant monsters that exuded the stench of rotting corpses.

It's not sure whether it was the monster's mouth or its palm that could cover the world. Darkness appeared above "Constantine" and he was swallowed whole into the putrid darkness.

"Constantine" did not open the thick-skin defense field. In fact, she could not use the thick-skin divine power.

Because Zha Kang only used the "hiding technique in the body" technique to hide a thick-skinned magic.

The power contained in divine magic is also used to communicate with the Sea of ​​Laws and build a descending channel. The effect of using a defensive force field is not very good, and it may be very embarrassing.

A mere mysterious house made it impossible for her to show off. How could she face Xiaohong's boss later?

In fact, Harley is very capable of showing off right now, and is very qualified to show off, because she finally has plenty of magic power "in her body".

Her realm and knowledge, coupled with the magic power in Zha Kang's body, make her confident.

"You are so talented but you dare to do the same thing!"

Before the "house monster" came into contact with Constantine's body, the surrounding space solidified into a solid state like opalescent glass.

"Kakakaka~~~" They struggled for a while, and finally became motionless bugs in amber.

This was not the end. The sound of "clicking, clicking" quickly spread outward, and even the space that was not attacking "Constantine" was solidified. Xiaohong and the houses around her were all sealed into the "glass mass".

Next, turn the pork belly inside out just like when cleaning it.

The house of mystery became a pig's belly, the space folded and deformed, and the internal space turned outwards, "Crash!"

"Constantine" and the other mages in the room were like impurities in the pig's belly, which were poured out when the pig's belly was being washed.

The House of Mystery is still sealed in a white space, right next to them.

Harley smiled softly, and the huge white lump quickly shrank, and finally landed in the palm of "Constantine".

"Xiao Hong, how do you feel?"

"Witch Harley, you have no idea what you are facing." Xiaohong's sharp voice came from the "little glass lump", full of anger and hatred, "House of Secrets, what are you waiting for?"

"Witch Harley, you are happy too soon."

A male voice reached Harry's ears, and at the same time, a light suddenly lit up in the dark space around him.

It's not an illusion or a metaphor, it's just a real electric lamp, about two hundred watts, very bright, hanging from the ceiling, with several small unlit milky-white bulbs around it.

Harley turned her head and looked around. At some point, she came to the living room of another house.

There was a ceiling above her, the floor beneath her feet, and walls around her, on which hung several things that clearly belonged to Constantine—a few of his dirty clothes.

There was also a "white gentleman" with white hair and black skin standing by the fence on the second floor.

He held the railing and overlooked "Constantine" in the living room on the first floor.

He was dressed like a gentleman, with a tuxedo, white shirt, and red bow tie. He was neatly dressed, just like Alfred welcoming a distinguished guest.

"Middle-aged Ah Fu" has a completely Caucasian appearance, with half-long hair as white as snow, and pure black skin. It is not as black as a black man, as if light cannot be reflected from the surface of his skin and is completely absorbed, as black as a black hole.

Harry remained as calm as ever and asked with a smile: "Should I call you Xiaobai or Xiaohei?"

"Dear His Majesty the King of Martial God, in fact, we all have our own names." He also performed a very standard gentleman's courtesy and prepared to introduce himself, "The House of Mystery and the House of Secrets are our real names. In addition to our real names, we also have our own names." I chose the name myself, my name is——"

Xiaohong shouted impatiently, "Are you stupid? She is Witch Harley, and you don't know the mage commandment of 'Don't talk to Witch Harley'?"

When Harley was put into the house of secrets, the white "glass lump" in "Constantine's" hand disappeared.

"I just think that even if we have to kill all of them, we should maintain basic etiquette. We also have the ability and courage to maintain etiquette."

"What a brave man, she is the Witch Harley! It is impossible to say that when you salute her, she has already found enough opportunities and time to crush you to ashes a hundred times.

Stop talking nonsense and merge with me immediately. No one of us can deal with her alone.

We need to enter our strongest state, and only the 'House of Miracles' can deal with her. "

Although Xiaobai stopped introducing himself, he still bowed to "Constantine" in the end.

Then his body suddenly exploded, and the scattered body turned into countless wooden boards and bricks.

The houses around Harley were quickly dismantled into boards and stones.

For a moment, boards and bricks were flying around, and the house quickly and regularly collapsed into its original raw materials.

But in an instant, they seemed chaotic and quickly and regularly reorganized into a house.

A stone-based wooden building with new, more solid rules and an appearance ten times more majestic than before appeared in Harry's mind.

Well, she was still contained in the house and couldn't see the whole house with her naked eyes.

"Hahaha, Witch Harley, you never imagined that the House of Mystery and the House of Secrets are also divided into male and female. I am the female and he is the male. However, a male and a female can be merged into a brand new 'House of Miracles'! "A voice that was neither male nor female, both male and female, surrounded "Constantine". The voice contained both Xiaobai's reason and restraint, and Xiaohong's madness and intensity.

"This is the House of Miracles? It's interesting, but what can you do?" Harley asked curiously.

"I am the House of Miracles, I am older than creation, newer than tomorrow, I am everything!" The House of Miracles proudly screams: "In the House of Miracles, I control the power of complete miracles, I am equal to everything, I am omniscient and omnipotent !”

"Really? Let's give it a try. Well, I'll still use the same trick. Just watch it."

"Constantine" put his hands in his pockets and held a cigarette in his mouth. He took a big drag and two lines of smoke came out of his nose.

"Crack, click, click!"

It was almost a replay of the previous events. With her as the center, the surrounding time and space quickly froze into lumps like ice cubes, and then turned outward like a pig's belly. The inner walls of the house turned to the outside, the outer walls turned to the inside, and the interior furniture and People fall outside and the decorations of the houses outside appear inside the houses.

Then the "Ice Tuotuo Pork Belly" that was opened quickly shrank and appeared in the palm of "Constantine".

"This is impossible. I am the House of Miracles. The space of the House of Miracles is completely controlled by me. How can you have higher authority over the space than me?

This is unreasonable and unmagical!

At this time, my authority is more powerful than the kings of the Kingdom of God, because I created the space in the house.

Without me, there is no space.

There is no space in the Night Realm, I created the space! "The House of Miracles screamed out of control.

Harry chuckled and said, "You have had many masters, but have you ever had a God-King among your masters? Have you seen the power of a God-King?"

Now she only has a ray of will coming to Zha Kang's body.

Zha Kang gave his body to her, which equaled her realm plus Zha Kang's magic power.

House of Miracles does have very high authority over the house space.

However, Harley's understanding and grasp of the laws of space are too strong.

She can even use her space defense expertise to solidify the space in the Divine Realm when she has no magic power, making it difficult for the God King to teleport and escape.

The space in the House of Miracles was created by the House of Miracles. Could it be that the space in the Divine Realm was created by Harley?

The Kingdom of God created by the God King was still suppressed by her in terms of space control.

The House of Miracles is very strong, but the God King is already the limit of power in the multiverse, and it is impossible for the House of Miracles to break the limit.

"Even the king of gods and demons still can't escape the unknown!"

The House of Miracles roared proudly again, and then exploded with a "puff", turning into invisible black smoke. The black smoke completely blended into the surrounding pure black void, making it impossible to see or find them again.

In the next moment, the lights lit up in front of Harley's eyes again, and there was an electric light above her head.

She was actually put into the living room of the house again!

Harry was stunned for a moment, nodded slightly and said, "Even an ordinary god-king who holds the basic power of creation may be beaten to death by you.

The environment here is very strange, and you have an absolute home field advantage.

It seems that you are not lying, you have a master, and it is also the master of this domain. "

"Hahaha, Witch Harley, you don't understand what you are facing at all, and you don't understand the meaning of the Night Realm.

This is my mother's womb, this is the place where I was born, and this is the place where I return to ruins.

Here, you can never destroy me or imprison me.

I will eventually become the final winner.

No matter how long the struggle takes, no matter how difficult the process, the outcome will not change.

I will definitely compress your friends into books, and I will also completely erase this ray of consciousness of your arrival. "Miracle House laughed heartily.

"Whether it is the previous House of Secrets, the House of Mystery, or the current Miracle Object, its essence seems to be the concept of 'house', and space confinement cannot imprison the concept." Xanadu came over and whispered.

They were still dizzy and not very conscious before. They were also hidden in different rooms and could not communicate with each other.

After Harley flipped the house back and forth several times, they were all gathered together by her and placed on the transparent space platform, right next to her.

They were still gradually waking up after leaving the house. When the House of Miracles covered them in, it broke them up and imprisoned them again, and tried to confuse their minds. However, after being easily manipulated by Harley several times, it gave up. They only deal with her wholeheartedly.

"Only by destroying the concept of 'house' can the House of Miracles be truly harmed." Xanadu said.

Zatanna, who was still wearing a wedding dress, looked at her husband's body "Harley" with a strange expression, "Actually, our fundamental purpose is just to get rid of the unknown.

Just leaving here can end the unknown. There is no need to fight against the House of Miracles, and there is no need to kill it here.

When we return to the material universe, without the blessing of the unique environment here, the House of Miracles will no longer be able to change as it pleases based on its conceptual nature. By then."

Zatanna paused, looked around, and added: "I even suspect that it dare not follow us back to the material universe, because it is afraid of the magic debt crisis!"

"Why am I here? I didn't come to your shit wedding at all. I'm with two forest nymphs, Srippy!" "Nightmare Nurse" Asa, one of Zha Kang's friends, yelled in confusion.

"I received the invitation and attended the wedding banquet, but I left earlier than Harley." Xuan Lan from the Justice League Dark also wondered: "I remember that I returned to the Bureau of Shadows and was discussing with Father Time to temporarily move the Bureau of Shadows Moving the headquarters to Gotham and accepting Harley's shelter to tide over the magic debt crisis."

"Constantine" twitched the corner of his mouth slightly and said: "You often go in and out of Constantine's mysterious house, and you even have your own exclusive bedroom in the house.

Customize your favorite scenery and decorations in the bedroom.

You are also considered one of the owners of the house, and you are also contaminated by the unknown. "

The House of Mystery is a conscious collection of house concepts.

Its power is not only reflected in the infinite changes in the internal space, but also in its super mobility and its mysterious connection with the real house in the material world.

To put it simply, when the owner of the House of Mystery calls out a person's true name and has the intention to summon the other person, that person is immediately pulled into the House of Mystery, even if that person has never been to the House of Mystery before.

After testing, only pure savages who have never lived in a house are immune to the forced summons of the Mysterious House.

Of course, if you are strong enough, you can resist the pull of the House of Mystery.

"Let's get out of here first, Harley, can you send us away?" the bride Zatanna said, holding "Constantine"'s arm.

"You can't go anywhere, I have haunted your body and soul like a ghost.

‘Unknown’ is as inescapable as a magic debt mark.

You can only face your final miserable fate. The more you struggle, the more painful it becomes, hahaha! "The House of Miracles laughed.

Harry said calmly: "Originally, I planned to pretend to be cool and deal with you easily and with a smile. Since you are struggling so hard and won't let me pretend, I can only deal with you neatly."

As soon as he finished speaking, the space solidified, sealing the House of Miracles again, and "turning the pig belly" again, turning the house out from the inside, shrinking it to the size of an apple, and falling into the palm of your hand.

But this time Harley didn't stop.

She grasped the house of miracles in space with the palm of her left hand, and waved the flower with one hand in her right hand.

As she shook her right hand, a faint transparent silk thread appeared out of thin air, winding around her right hand into a marshmallow-like ball.

"Omaika, are you creating a timeline out of thin air and twisting it into a river of time?!"

Xanadu kept staring at her flower-waving hand, making his eyes dizzy and brain-swelling. Countless illusions of rapidly changing time appeared in front of his eyes and in his mind. In the end, his soul actually felt the faint pressure of facing the mother river of time.

"Really or not, you actually created the river of time with one hand?"

Xiao Zha, Nightmare Nurse and other people who knew the goods were also shocked.

They don't want to believe it, it's beyond their knowledge, it's very unmagical.

But the "marshmallow" does exude a strong breath of the river of time, and the faint soul pressure is not an illusion.

Harley said nothing and continued to move her hands.

After shaking the hand with the right hand to produce a "marshmallow", the lump of space held by the left hand was thrown upward, and it happened to fall into the "marshmallow".

The lump in the space seems to have an invisible attraction, attracting the "marshmallow" sugar threads to move closer to it. During the process of getting closer, the sugar threads are still entangled together, and finally form a transparent and illusory ring.

Like planetary rings surrounding planets, lumps in space are planets.

Everyone couldn't understand it at first and didn't know what Harley was going to do, until Frankenstein wondered: "Why doesn't the House of Miracles struggle anymore? It just broke free from the solidification of space and shouted triumphantly, Very arrogant.”

The House of Miracles definitely did not voluntarily become obedient, and space solidification alone cannot restrain it.

Now that it is quiet, it must be related to the river of time that Harry fabricated purely by hand.

"Ah, I understand. The House of Miracles is trapped in a time loop. This is a time ring!" Xanadu was still the most knowledgeable. She pointed to the "planetary ring" outside the space and exclaimed: "I Buy Karma, the river of time is entwined into a ring, time is locked at one point, no wonder the House of Miracles can't break free."

"Harley, when did you learn such exquisite and profound time and space magic?" Zatanna murmured.

"I've always been able to do it, I just haven't used my magic power before."

"Didn't you say you don't want to show off?" Nurse Nightmare muttered, "Such a fancy trick stunned us all."

"It's only when you destroy the House of Miracles in one move that you show off. Now that I'm struggling so hard, my majestic king's face has been completely humiliated. Alas~~"

Everyone was speechless. Is this pretentious or pretentious?

As Harry spoke, he wrapped his hands around the space tuotuo, and the magic power of earth, water, wind and fire oozed out between his fingers.

Then she kept rubbing and pressing the "tuotuo" with both hands, as if it had turned into a noodle.

When everyone was about to ask, they saw her holding a ball of dough with both hands and stretching it into noodles easily.

"What is this?" Their eyes widened, they had suspicions in their minds, but they couldn't believe it at all. Until Harley opened her left palm, a ball of water quickly gathered in her palm, and flames rose out of thin air below the water, and the water was quickly boiled. Then the long, noodle-like thing fell into the water and boiled.

"Constantine" held the soup pot with his left hand, and conjured up chopped green onions, green vegetables, salt and other seasonings out of thin air with his right hand and threw them in.

In less than ten seconds, a bowl of clear soup noodles is ready.

"Chiliu~~~" "Constantine" bit out the end of the noodles and sucked hard. The noodles in the soup pot were like chains after an anchor was thrown into the deep sea. With the sound of "chiliu", they quickly disappeared into the soup pot.

"The burp is so full!" Harry also deliberately touched his belly and burped.

The eyes of all the mages nearby almost popped out.

"Harley, what have you done?" Xanadu murmured.

"As you can see, I first created a short but complete river of time, and kneaded it into a ring of time, so that the House of Miracles would always cycle within a 'point' of time.

That 'point' in time is also a period of time in theory.

But it was too short, so short that the House of Wonders had no time to complete a thought.

Even if it knew that it had to break free immediately, it couldn't finish the thought, so how could it break free?

Before a thought is finished, the next round of time reincarnation will immediately start. It will fall into an infinite loop that is almost frozen in time, and will sink forever.

Well, I had the idea of ​​freezing it in time, but the environment of the 'Night Realm' is very special, and the concept of a house cannot be completely stopped at a certain point in time.

The next step is simple.

I am the God-King who can create the world. As long as I have enough magic power, creating the world is not a problem.

It is not difficult to use magic to turn it into a noodle. After all, even you can create small lives and small objects through magic. "

Zatanna swallowed hard and said with difficulty: "Are you a hidden peerless magic genius? That is the House of Miracles that is the combination of the House of Mystery and the House of Secrets!

Conjuring a small animal and turning it into noodles are not magic of the same magnitude. "

Harley sighed: "I didn't expect that I could be so strong. Really, don't think I'm showing off.

Now I am the 'King of the Perfect God King' who possesses magical power and can use it unscrupulously.

Before, I was a cripple without legs. Even if I had Bolt's motor nerves and will, I couldn't run.

No wonder even Silver City cares so much about magic debt, magic is so easy to use.

Especially with the power of creation. Alas, I am not a magic genius, but after mastering the power of creation, basic magic can basically be done at your will. Probably only special forbidden spells require special research. "

Xanadu doubted: "Is it just the power of creation that can achieve this level? The House of Miracles also said before that it had brought unknown dangers to the God King, and it had murdered the God King.

You also said that you have only mastered the basic power of god kings, which is not as good as ordinary god kings in heaven. They live too long, tens of millions of years, and billions of years of law research. You cannot do it in a short time. Beyond. "

"It's just the power of creation. You are really loud." "Constantine" curled his lips, "You have lived for two thousand years and practiced for two thousand years. You have become one of the most knowledgeable and experienced mages in the algorithmic world. .

As a novice god king, I can barely reach the passing level of creation power, and I still need 50,000 years of practice experience.

Isn’t the power of creation that you have barely mastered after fifty thousand years of training as a god king more powerful and more difficult to learn than all your secret magic?

And, I just have average grades.

In some specialties, I can even crush the old gods like Zeus.

Such as space and time. "

Defensive feats are not directly equivalent to experience related to corresponding powers and laws.

Defense expertise is a cheating tool in learning, which can help break through obstacles and gain a deeper understanding of the nature of related powers.

Turn on the time and space defense expertise to study the laws of time and space, and your efficiency will increase more than a hundred times.

And before she entered the Martial God King Era, she activated the full-level time and space defense expertise.

She has studied the laws of time and space for tens of thousands of years with her full-level time and space defense expertise, so she was able to create the "time and space cage" that sealed the House of Miracles after obtaining Zha Kang's magic power.

If she had turned on the Destiny Defense specialty before entering the Martial God King Era, it would have been easier to deal with the House of Miracles today. She can even create a virtual fate line for it, so that it can be unlucky enough to get home, stuff its teeth with cold water, and choke to death when scolding Harley.

But without defensive expertise to assist in learning, such as the four basic elemental laws of earth, water, wind, and fire, Harley would not be able to do well. Her understanding and control of them barely reached the standard line that constitutes the power of creation.

Give her enough magic power, and Harley will be able to sweep across the world with just space magic or time magic without having to use thick-skinned divine power. She can directly compete with the established God King without falling behind. This is how to complete "I am me" The equation proves the true strength of King Wushen. Well, it’s a bit strange. King Wushen doesn’t use martial arts, but uses magic.

Also give her enough magic power, and only use magic outside of space and time. She probably won't be able to defeat even a master with strong innovative abilities like Zha Kang.

Of course, Zha Kang has now "proven the Tao with force" and has become a god, no longer a master.

"Harry, since your magic ability is so strong, why don't you use space magic to send us away from here immediately?" Zatanna said.

Today is a good day for her to get married. She just wants to get rid of the "unknown" immediately and let her life return to normal.

"It's a bit difficult." Harley looked around and said, "Didn't you notice that there is nothing here except darkness, no matter, no laws, no space and no time.

The House of Mystery previously said that entering the realm of night through 'time amber', as the name suggests, time is almost frozen in time amber, and only after passing through the frozen layer of time can one enter the realm of night.

That is to say, leaving time.

There is no concept of time in the Night Realm. "

"How can I activate space teleportation when I don't even have time and space?

Regardless of the solidification of space that trapped the House of Miracles just now, or the river of time rubbed out with one hand, they are all 'miracle creations' created by my magic power.

Only near me, the space I created exists.

I can't extend the space outside the 'Realm of Night'. Well, if I am not possessing Constantine now, but a veteran god-king with a rich background, I may be able to create a space ladder and let it extend infinitely. Travel through the 'Realm of Night'.

Of course, that's assuming no one interferes.

But the house of miracles has an owner, and this place has an owner. "

"Without matter and no laws, isn't it Taixu? We have entered Taixu. The owner of the House of Miracles is the legendary Lord of Taixu - the 'Master Monitor'?" Xanadu asked in surprise.

Harry shook his head and said: "If we are in Taixu, our thoughts escaping will form a mirage around us, which is the illusion of Taixu.

Although there is no matter and law here, and no energy fluctuations can be felt, there is darkness here!

Darkness itself is also a ‘presence’.

Taixu is not black, unless you think it is black. Your thoughts will escape out of the sea of ​​consciousness and form a dark illusion in Taixu that matches your cognition. "

Zatanna looked around at her mage friends and asked, "Have you ever heard of the Night Realm?"

They all shook their heads slightly.

Nightmare Nurse sighed: "I didn't even know what the 'unknown' in the House of Mystery was before, so how can I learn about the 'Realm of Night'?"

After saying that, she looked at Harley again and asked, "Is the House of Miracles dead? Can you get the information about this place from its mind?"

"Constantine" touched his belly and said: "Its thinking has fallen into a 'singularity loop' and is being slowly digested.

When the noodles in the stomach are completely digested, it will also be digested.

I can't disturb its consciousness at the moment. Once it discovers its own state and has a complete idea of ​​'escape', it can probably 'conceptualize' again and disappear in this 'realm of night'. "

The nightmare nurse asked in shock: "Does it really become noodles after it turns into noodles?"

"Although it is not completely noodles, it has some characteristics of noodles and is easier to digest. After all, this is Constantine's body, not mine. I only have a ray of consciousness at the moment and have no chance to transmit the thick-skinned divine power. "

If she hadn't perfectly survived the demonization of the nightmare, her soul was almost detached, and even her consciousness wouldn't be able to sense Zha Kang's call, nor would she be able to penetrate the realm of night.

But there is only a ray of consciousness, don't think about the thick-skinned power, it can't come.

Now Zha Kang can only use the weak remaining power of the Thick Skin Magic in his body to activate the "fractured version" of his food defense expertise.

In order to facilitate digestion, she also specially turned the house of miracles into noodles. The soup is watery and easy to digest.

In her normal state, as soon as they met, she opened her mouth and sucked in fiercely, swallowing the entire House of Miracles wholeheartedly.

"It's been digested. Do you still feel no pain?" Nurse Nightmare asked curiously, staring at "Constantine's" slightly bulging belly.

"It probably can't feel it, and its thoughts can't change." Xanadu said.

"Harry, there is an owner of the House of Miracles. That owner is probably the master of this area. Can you feel its aura? With the strength of the House of Miracles, its owner should not be weaker than the God King, right?" Zatanna asked.

I'm not sure if the House of Miracles is bragging. Assuming that it really brought misfortune to the God King, its owner must not be weaker than the God King.

For such a powerful being, the aura should be obvious.

But Harley really felt nothing. She felt nothing but darkness thicker than midnight.

"I didn't feel the other party's aura of power, but I have some guesses about its identity."

"Constantine's" expression was a little strange at this time, and there was a forbearance on his face that he was reluctant to speak.

"Who is it?" Everyone looked at her curiously.

"Constantine" shook his head and said: "We'd better leave here. If we can avoid disturbing her, it's best not to disturb her. Hey, I hope we really didn't disturb her."

Xiao Zha said doubtfully: "Are you saying that you can't open the space - eh?"

Before she finished speaking, "Constantine" stretched out his hand a little, and shot out a beam of colorful magic light from his right index finger. In the blink of an eye, a small airship appeared at their feet.

Seeing the magic airship, she also understood: it was impossible to teleport away directly from this place, but it could "fly" out slowly.

"There is no direction and no space here. Can you find the exact location? Can you confirm that we are moving in the normal direction?"

"How did the House of Mystery and the House of Secrets get in if they couldn't move?"

Harley said confidently: "Relax, I know what the right 'direction' is."

There are many types of "directions". The most common "direction" for humans is the orientation on a three-dimensional structure.

In fact, they are equivalent to two-dimensional rivers and pipelines, equivalent to one-dimensional currents and network signals, and they all have directions.

In Limbo, there is no direction of the three-dimensional material structure.

But Limbo is the dimension of consciousness and thinking, and the direction of thinking is the direction of progress.

Now Harley only needs to make sure that she is approaching the true body, that is the most correct direction.

There is no time in the Night Realm, and Harley and the others only have their own time on the boat.

The boat, shining with magical light, took them "forward" for less than ten minutes when an accident occurred.

"Omaika, look ahead, am I dazzled? It's a rolling wave?"

Boston, the dead man floating on the mast, suddenly pointed to the right side of the ship and shouted excitedly.

When everyone heard the news, they immediately changed from confusion to dumbfounded shock.

There is no space or time in the Night Realm, so normal sounds cannot be transmitted, and they cannot hear any sounds from outside the ship.

But at this moment, they seemed to hear the sound of thousands of horses galloping, because a huge wave was crushing towards them.

The realm of night was so dark that they couldn't see their fingers, but the waves that came were darker than the darkness, so that they could clearly distinguish the splashing waves above the waves.

It's not an illusion, it's really a "water wave" as majestic as the Origin Wall rolling in from the distance.

The small boat was as insignificant as an ant under the heel of the Great Wall in front of the dark waves.

"Why is there water and waves here? We are in an almost empty dimension!" Xiadu rubbed his eyes in disbelief. The black waves did not disappear, and they were closer to them.

Not only is it huge, it's also incredibly fast.

"That's not water. It looks like water, but it's actually pure darkness, just like the sentence in the article by the literary youth, 'Darkness is coming to us like a tide.'

The darkness of night is all relative.

Some nights, it's so dark that you can only see the outline of a person a few steps away; some nights, it's so dark that you can't even see your fingers if you reach out.

The reason why there is a tide of darkness is simply because a darker existence is rushing toward us. "Constantine" said with a gloomy expression.

"What's darker?" Dead Man Boston asked tremblingly.

With Harley by their side - even if it's just Constantine's version of "Harley with a Level 1 Disability", they should feel at ease, but now facing the tide of darkness, they seem to be alone in the unknown darkness where they can't see their fingers. , an uncontrollable fear rose up in my heart for no reason.

"Probably my 'aunt'." Harley sighed.

"Your aunt?" All the mages who were still secretly afraid in their hearts had their expressions distorted by her words.

The atmosphere of fear was gone.

"Don't think I'm joking. Based on my relationship with Mengjun and death, she can still deserve to be called 'old aunt'," said Harley.

"Mengjun, Death, the Realm of Night" everyone's eyes widened and he cried out: "Ah, she is the old mother of the Endless Family, Black Night!?"


As soon as the screams ended, the wave of darkness poured towards the small ferry like the sky falling.

"Ah, great goddess of the night, please don't hurt us, we are your believers."

Shangdu's knees weakened, and he subconsciously knelt on the ground and saluted according to the etiquette of ancient ancestors.

"I am your believer. They are all innocent and kind people. Among them is a family friend of yours. She wants to call you 'aunt'!"

Harley put her hand on her forehead, wanting to kick her off the boat, "Are you showing off your brain?"

However, she also felt a little emotional. Xanadu was incompetent and spineless, but he was very knowledgeable. He performed a set of ancient etiquette exclusively for the Endless family like a flowing stream without stopping to recall it for a moment.

"Mortals, calling me 'goddess' is an insult to me. I transcend everything. I am the endless dark ocean before the creation of the world. I am the sea of ​​Brahma. I am the source of the birth of all things and the final destination of all existence. .”

"I am your catastrophe!" she roared.

Morpheus's mother's voice was quite pleasant, but at this time her screams were filled with thunderous fury and vague hatred.

Well, the others could be vaguely checked, and Harry's words directly felt the hatred that cut into his bones.

"Sister, please calm down for two seconds and recognize who I am first." Harley shouted.

Mother Night just wanted to yell: I recognize it very clearly, Witch Harley, if you kill my son, you will be doomed today!

But Harry didn't expect her to answer at all, and immediately added: "I am the ruthless person who defeated your eldest son, in his domain, his garden of destiny; I am the ruthless person who defeated the three major creators, also in their respective fields. , and once stole their origin; I am the terminator of the Omega Titan, I am the leader of the future Chaos Legion, and the entropy stored in my belly is greater than the dark wave you are showing now."

"I am the original plunderer, and I am the vicious villain who will be punished by the wrath of the emperor!" Harley also roared loudly, her momentum like a rainbow.

She shouted so confidently that the people around her heard some hallucinations, as if she was not shouting "Original Predator" and "Vicious Villain", but the glory of "Great Holy" and "Supreme Holy". identity.

The dark wave falling from the sky stopped for 0.01 seconds before falling again.

"Witch Harley, nothing you say today is of any use, you must pay the price! According to the rules, you must also pay the price, because I am the owner of the House of Miracles!

I am the foundation of the multiverse. The multiverse is like a house built on me. The concept of a house in the world is the single self.

You have enjoyed my magic house and you deserve to pay the price. "

Accompanied by the thunderous figure of the night, the wave of darkness exploded in mid-air into a waterfall pouring down from the sky. The waterfall split into countless water droplets, and each drop of dark water turned into a resentful soul with dark red eyes.

"Ouch~~" Countless ghosts roared towards them, and their huge number almost filled their field of vision.

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