I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1895 Summoning Strangeness

"Don't panic, everyone, the Tide of Darkness is just a facade, and Mother Night at this time is just a shadow."

Harley was still there as an old god. Facing the approaching black ghost, she just stretched out her hand a little further, and a beam of magic light shot out, spreading a magic shield in mid-air.

It's not a golden film force field with thick-skinned divine power, but a real shield magic.

What is the effect of the thick-skinned god king's defensive magic?

"Crack!" It was like raindrops falling on the windshield of a car, the sound was loud, but the densely falling black resentful ghost was smashed into pieces, and the black "splash" that made up the body scattered.

The magic shield is motionless, as stable as a rock.

"Hehehe, although my space and time magic is powerful, defense is the foundation and my specialty!" Harley said with a proud smile.

She drives the magic power in Zha Kang's body to use defensive magic, just like the God of Thunder Zeus uses thunder magic, and like the God of Fire using fire magic, the effect is great.

The magic shield not only blocked the incoming black tide of grudges, but the boat wrapped in the magic shield still rode the wind and waves, rushed into the waves, and continued to move towards the position of Harley's body.

"Harry, I seem to feel the unusual greenness of everything," Swamp Thing said hesitantly.

"You mean there is the green of all things in the 'Night Realm'? Where is it?" Harley asked in surprise.

Swamp Thing shook his head, "I can't determine its location, and I'm not even sure if I'm hallucinating."

"Perhaps it's the potted plants at Mother Night's house?" Private Boston laughed.

"Send it a message, ask who it is, and see if it responds," Harley said.

"let me try."

Swamp Monster fell into silence. The others looked at each other and had nothing to say. They all looked at the Black Tide Grudge outside the ship's side with worried eyes.

five minutes later.

"Harley, do you still have enough magic power?" Xanadu asked softly with a worried expression.

The magic shield still held strong against the black tide of resentful ghosts, but the boat was still unable to completely cross the surging dark ocean.

It was clear that the dark tide would follow them.

Countless black tides of resentful ghosts attack every moment, endlessly, and never stopping.

"Constantine is also a three-line god. In order to 'prove the Tao with force', he absorbed a large amount of magic power. Even if he deliberately suppressed the total amount of magic power in his body, the magic power in his body at this time is still the lowest. 'Prove the Tao with force' 'Three times the standard! Among spiritual wizards, it can be considered an upper-middle-class level." Harry said with a calm smile.

Shangdu opened his mouth and wanted to continue asking, "Why haven't I broken out of the black tide yet? Can I persist to the end? Will I be tortured to death by Aunt Dark Night?" But looking around, everyone seemed to be worried, and some of them were just like her. Worrying, she swallowed back the frustrated words that surged into her throat.

After being silent for about ten seconds, Frankenstein looked at "Constantine" and sighed: "Constantine is already a god. Oh, it's really unimaginable."

"The Battle of Destiny Garden is such a big news, and you Shadow Bureau agents don't know about it?" Dead Man Boston said in surprise.

Frankenstein looked around, but the black tide was still coming.

"I have read the Shadow Bureau report on the Battle of Destiny Garden, but in my mind Constantine has always been a bastard who deserves to go to hell and will soon fall into hell. He is a big bad person, Xiao Zha, I'm sorry, I don’t mean anything else.”

Seeing Zatanna still wearing her wedding dress, Frankenstein's expression became very embarrassed.

He had no intention of harming the bride.

In fact, he had no intention of mocking Zha Kang. He was just looking for a topic to lighten the current dull and depressing atmosphere.

"He is indeed a bad person. Alas, this is an undeniable fact, just like the fact that I love him is also an unchangeable fact." Zatanna was very calm and calm.

Seeing that she didn't care, Frankenstein continued: "I have always felt that Constantine was very close to hell, and I have always thought that gods are very sacred and great.

Suddenly one day I heard that a rotten person had become a great and holy being. I subconsciously couldn't accept it. "

Although he had nothing to say, these words were also the truth in his heart.

If Zha Kang died in a dark, damp, dirty garbage dump in the back alley of a bar one day, he would think it was normal.

The god is very great, majestic, sacred and solemn, which does not match the slovenly Constantine who smokes cigarettes, talks lies and is full of lies.

"Of course, even if Constantine is a bastard and a bad person, I still don't deny that I am friends with him." He finally added.

"The gods are not holy and great. How many villains have you seen in recent years?" Dead Man Boston said.

"Gods are supposed to be holy and great. Those gods whose behavior and thoughts are depraved are disqualified and do not deserve to be called gods. Only Uncle Sam is the real god!"

Frankenstein looked around outside. The dark wave of ghosts seemed to be getting more and more turbulent, but the magic shield was still holding on. It just needed "Constantine" to continue to input magic power to maintain its existence.

"Harry, I heard from Father Time that you and the Legion of Heaven and Hell are planning to seize the magic debt. If you seize the final ownership of the magic power, it is possible to reshape the existing magic rules, right?"

"Father Time is talking nonsense! My only wish at this time is to protect my friends around me from the magical debt crisis." Harley said seriously.

She really wasn't lying.

Her wish "at this time" is just to survive the magic debt crisis, because she has not yet seen an opportunity to seize the magic debt.

"Okay, it's just that the Legions of Heaven and Hell are very ambitious." Frankenstein touched his nose and said, "If they seize the authority of the Mother of Magic, can they re-modify the rules of magic?"

"It might work."

"I feel that the existing magic rules are unreasonable, and there should be no promotion path of 'proven by force'.

It can be replaced by 'proving the Tao through virtue'. Only holy and noble people can become spiritual wizards. "

"Harry, what do you think? If you successfully seize the power of the Mother of Magic in the future, can you change the magic rules to this? Without villains, gods and demons, there will be less crisis and suffering in the world."

Frankenstein was just looking for a topic to chat with to pass the time, but now his face was really filled with anticipation.

"First of all, let me say it again. My greatest ambition is to protect all my friends. Also, stop dreaming. You will never be able to achieve enlightenment through virtue, and Origin will not allow it." Harley said.

"Why?" Frankenstein was disappointed and confused.

"The superficial meaning of proving the way by force is that the mage uses huge magic power to push his master's law to impact the sea of ​​law, and forcibly uses magic power to imprint the law that is not accepted by the sea of ​​law into the sea of ​​law.

But in essence, "proving the Tao with force" is an act of selling one's official position.

Do you know where the power of the tens of millions of new gods from today’s Qixi Star and Genesis Star comes from?

After the death of a spiritual wizard who proves the Tao through force, the laws he imprints into the Sea of ​​Laws and the force that pushes the laws to impact the Sea of ​​Laws will belong to the origin, become the property of the 'public', and become the divine power and divinity of the new god.

Just like in modern society, when people die without heirs, their property belongs to the state. "

Frankenstein was startled, "Doesn't magic have a master? If a spiritual wizard dies unexpectedly, won't his power be taken away by the master of magic?"

Harry said: "If there is no heir, the property belongs to the state, but in the end the meat rots in the pot.

Even if a creditor rushes to collect the debt, when the creditor dies, the magic power that was taken away by him must be returned.

Proving the Tao with force is barely considered an equivalent exchange, and proving the Tao with virtue, what can Origin gain?

Origin doesn't want too many good people, it wants balance, the balance of good and evil, light and dark.

A group of gods are benevolent and kind-hearted saints, and the balance of good and evil in the universe is broken. Instead, a "good guy crisis" appears that is more difficult to deal with. "

Frankenstein looked at Xanadu next to him with a suspicious expression, "This is the first time I've heard this statement. Harley didn't fool me, right?"

"This is also the first time I've heard of it." mother.

Only she knows best whether the magic power she has put into the multiverse continues to decrease. "

"The power of the new gods is obviously also the power of miracles. Are they really not affected by the magic debt crisis?" Frankenstein frowned.

"They seem really calm, not at all like us who are scared." Xanadu said.

Harry sneered and said: "Maybe they are not afraid of the Mother of Magic, but if something weird comes to their door, the 'state-owned enterprise employees' will also have to be laid off."

"You think the strange power is higher than the Mother of Magic?" Zatanna asked in surprise.

Harley said: "I only know that magic is one of the basic forces of the universe. Perhaps the original miraculous magic came from the mother of magic, but she introduced magic into the multiverse, which is the destiny of our multiverse.

She is under destiny, and her destiny is in the river of destiny.

She belongs to the 'institution' of the multiverse, and is at best a powerful boss.

She is the owner of the magic debt, but she is only the transporter of magic power. Magic power is supposed to enter the multiverse.

Weirdness is different.

Whether it's stronger than the Mother of Magic, I'm not sure yet.

But it is clearly not allowed to exist in the multiverse.

It is not allowed to exist, is not within the destiny and rules, and belongs to existence outside the system. Naturally, it will not be restricted by the rules of the multiverse. The 'iron rice bowl' given to the New God by 'Origin' is useless in front of it. "

There are seven sets of fundamental forces in the multiverse.

The seven fundamental forces are the raw materials of the multiverse.

Just like bricks, tiles, tiles, and cement are to a house.

The multiverse is a house, and the basic force is the bricks, tiles, wood, cement and other building materials used to build the house.

Among the seven groups of basic powers are magic (divine power) and the wind of nothingness.

Building a house cannot be without bricks and steel bars, and the multiverse cannot be without the magic of miracles.

Magic power is like the base of a cocktail, combined with the power of faith and then integrated into the divinity of the gods, it becomes a divine power with different flavors.

Just like the Speed ​​Force has the Speed ​​Force incarnation Barry Allen, and the emotional spectrum energy has the will incarnation Hal Jordan, magic also gave birth to its own consciousness, which is Hecate, the mother of magic.

It would not be wrong to say that Hecate brought the miracle of magic to the world.

But it is more accurate to say that the mother of magic is the magic of miracles itself.

She belongs to the multiverse, so naturally she cannot violate the will of "Origin" and cannot escape her own destiny. The state-owned enterprise founded by "Origin" - the New Protoss - is not on the list of debt repayers for magic.

Weird but coming from a deeper source of magic, an unwelcome "outsider".

"Origin" does not allow weirdness to exist, and weirdness does not need to care about the rules of "origin".

"You guys are really in a leisurely mood. You can still chat about all kinds of things at this time."

The taunting voice of "Mother Night" sounded again in the dark wave.

The boat was still traveling through the dark tide. The people on the boat relaxed and let go of their worries and anxieties while chatting. Aunt Hei Ye outside the boat seemed unable to hold back any longer.

"Sister Ye, we are actually not in a hurry at all. What are we going to do in a hurry? There is a magic debt crisis in the whole universe right now. Even when using magic, we have to be careful and vigilant, for fear that the fluctuation of magic power will attract strange looks.

I have lived my whole life and stolen so much magic power, but I have never used magic so wantonly.

Now I am borrowing Constantine's body and magic power to spend my money freely. He will bear all the magic mark and magic debt, and he doesn't have to worry about crisis in your domain. Hey, it's so comfortable and happy! "

Mrs. Xanadu gently pulled "Constantine"'s arm and said mentally: "Didn't you call her 'aunt' just now? You could even call her 'aunt'. Why did you change it to 'sister' again?" "

"When I leave here, I will still call her 'Xiao Ye', but she calls me 'Sister'! It's because of the situation that I can't control it, so I lower my attitude and call her 'Sister'."

Xanadu said helplessly: "You'd better be polite and call her 'aunt'.

Let's talk more about how you desperately broke into the Garden of Destiny to save her second son Mengjun. Tell her about your friendship with her eldest daughter's death. Maybe the 'Night Aunt' can be accommodating and let us go. . "

"Stop it, it's useless for you to call her an ancestor now." Harley said disapprovingly.

"Based on your relationship with Mengjun, you must at least maintain basic etiquette!" Xanadu sighed.

"We discuss our own affairs. I call him 'Brother Morpheus' and he calls me 'Sister Harley'." Harley said.

Xanadu's mouth twitched a few times and stopped trying to persuade him.

Because it was a spiritual transmission, the exchange of information was just a thought, and the two people's "ear-biting" did not affect "Sister Ye".

"Haha, you are Witch Harley. You have to listen to everything Witch Harley says."

Sister Ye's voice was confident, with a hint of sneer, "Are you almost exhausted now?

You can fool them with a confident smile and make them feel at ease, but you can't hide it from me.

No matter how calm you pretend to be and talk and laugh on the surface, you can't hide the fact that the magic shield is consuming Constantine's magic and mental power every moment.

I know the total magic power in his body before you came, and I also know the magic power consumed by the magic shield every second now.

In fact, just maintaining the divine state for a long time is also a huge burden on his soul. If he persists forcibly, it will not take long to cause irreparable damage.

After all, he is just a mortal on earth, and his mortal body cannot withstand the impact of too strong magic power. "

Sister Ye is not a spiritual voice, everyone on the boat can hear it.

Xiao Zha first looked at her "husband" with worried eyes and moved her lips, as if asking about his situation.

"Sister Ye, why bother, why bother~~"

Harley sighed: "Now I only have a glimmer of consciousness, and I can hold on for so long.

If my true form comes, you will definitely not be able to stop me.

When the time comes and you are in a state of embarrassment, what else can you gain except getting angrier and more resentful? "

"Witch Harley, just based on your words, I can't let you go easily."

"Sister Ye"'s voice turned cold, and the surrounding dark tide suddenly spread out in all directions, and then quickly gathered together on the edge. It was no longer a wave, but a huge dark woman.

He has a European and American face with deep features, a delicate appearance, and long wavy hair. He is very similar to the previous "Xiao Hong", or in other words, Xiao Hong imitated Sister Ye's appearance.

The woman as a whole is composed of the tide of darkness, and her entire body is black, darker than the surrounding darkness.

"Boom!" The huge black woman stretched out her right hand and slapped the magic boat.

Harley controlled the boat to dash left and right, moving forward and backward quickly, but always seemed to be crashing into a huge dark hand.

The realm of night is the realm of Mother Night, and she controls all the rules of this realm.

If she wanted to, she could hit the target.


The eggshell-shaped magic shield was almost sunken inward into a pancake shape, and the magic boat was like a tennis ball hitting a locomotive head-on. It did not break, but left a beam of colorful light in the dark void with a "whoosh".

"Hahaha, I am the God King of Defense. It is impossible for a projection that is not even a clone to break my magic shield." Even if the magic boat was knocked away, Harley still laughed wildly.

Mother Heiye said coldly: "I advise you to take a few breaths first and spit out the blood in your throat, otherwise your possessed body may suffocate to death."

"Ah, John, you - Hallie, John is bleeding, bleeding from all his orifices!" Xiao Zha looked at his "new husband" and shouted in horror.

"Constantine" was now very miserable. His eyeballs were covered with thick bloodshot eyes, as if the eyeballs were glass, and the glass balls had cracked.

In addition to the eyes, the nose, ears, and corners of the mouth were also bleeding, especially the two nostrils. It was like a toilet flushing when the switch was pressed.

Although "Constantine" still looked up to the sky and laughed, his mouth was full of blood, but he did not spit it out.

"Xiao Zha, you don't have to worry about me. I only have a glimmer of consciousness and a mere skin injury will not affect me." "Constantine" is as heroic as ever.

Shandu's cheek muscles twitched a few times, and he said in a muffled voice: "Obviously, Xiao Zha is not worried about you. Just take it easy. Constantine and Xiao Zha just got married! You can't start a funeral just after the wedding, right?"

"Harry, just at today's wedding banquet, you swore that you would do your best to prevent Xiao Zha from becoming a widow." Dead Man Boston also said.

"Well, I told you that your wedding was full of foreboding, but you still look unhappy, thinking that I am cursing you."

"Constantine" wiped away the blood stains on his lips and said calmly: "There is no need to worry about Constantine, he is a spiritual wizard now and his body is strong!"

"But you are bleeding from all your orifices." Xanadu said.

"The instantaneous consumption of magic power exceeds the endurance limit of the body and soul. That's all. It won't kill anyone. As long as the person doesn't die, nothing will happen."

"Harry, Mother Night's slap is here again!" Boston, the dead man, screamed as he looked "above".

"Don't panic, I can handle it-"


Harley is worthy of being the thick-skinned god king. The magic shield once again withstood Sister Ye's "dark slap". The boat was knocked away again, but the magic shield was not broken, and the boat shot steadily without falling apart.

But "Constantine" couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood, which covered the Swamp Monster's face.

"My dear, Harry, John~~" Xiao Zha's eyes were red.

"Constantine"'s face was pale, his clothes and the corners of his mouth were stained with blood, but he was still confident and indifferent, and said with a smile: "Xiao Zha, you don't have to worry about me, uh, I mean, you don't have to worry about John, he just got kicked. , it’s okay.”

Xuanlan touched the blood on the Swamp Monster's face and frowned: "There seems to be minced meat in the blood. John's organs are broken."

"Hey, I finally understand today. The human body on earth is really fragile. It can't bear even such a small burst of magic power, and a small piece of its heart was blown to pieces."

Harley's tone was complicated.

As soon as I experienced the pleasure of freely wielding magic power, I immediately felt that the human body was extremely weak to withstand magic power.

The magic power in Zha Kang's body is not small, at least it is enough, and her understanding of the defense laws has already reached her defense level of 145!

The magic shield opened at this time can basically maintain a constant defense strength of 110 points, and can be increased to 120 points if necessary.

120 points of defense is enough to withstand Sister Ye's "Dark Slap".

However, she has a level far beyond 120 points, and can also keep the magic defense shield at the extreme value of 120 points, but Zha Kang's body cannot withstand the intensity of "God-King Level Forbidden Magic".

Well, the defensive shield that Harley cast casually at this time was already a forbidden curse in the eyes of other gods. After all, it was slapped twice by the Endless Night Mother. Even though the Night Mother was just a projection at this time, under her Within the field, its slap is also close to the attack limit.

At this moment, only a ray of Harley's will came to Zha Kang's body, and Zha Kang's own body and soul were completely responsible for the cost and consequences of the spell.

Can the body of a human wizard bear the cost of releasing the "Top God King's Forbidden Curse"?

If Zha Kang can be unscathed now, it means that he does not need the natal artifact to transfer his soul and divine essence. He can always use his own body like the innate gods and demons, even if he reaches the realm of a god king in the future.

But Zha Kang is just a human being, and his body is not as good as the ancient ancestors' Naboo.

Not yet a god-king in the Naboo realm, his body could no longer withstand the impact and consumption of magic power.

"Harry, John is a human mage and cannot withstand your god-king-level forbidden spell magic." Zatanna also understood the reason why "Constantine's" internal organs were broken and blood spurted out.

She understood even more that her husband couldn't hold on for even a few moments and his body would completely collapse.

"He is a spiritual wizard now, and his internal organs are no longer important. Even if his body is completely shattered, it is just transferring the life essence and divine essence to the natal artifact in advance."

"Constantine" rummaged around in his upper and lower pockets and took out the Zippo lighter that had just been replaced with a shell from his trouser pocket.

Harley first waved the lighter in front of Xiao Zha, then held it tightly with her hand, and said confidently: "Xiao Zha, you can relax.

I have perfectly survived the nightmare demonization, my soul has merged with all the illusions, and I am close to transcendence.

With my awareness and operation, I will be able to perfectly transfer the essence of Constantine into the lighter. "

Zatanna not only heard the confidence in her voice, but also saw excitement flashing on "his" face, and eager anticipation in his eyes.

"Harry, I just got married. I married a warm and energetic body, not a lighter. I don't want to live with a lighter all my life!" She almost burst into tears.

Xanadu also blamed: "Xiao Zha didn't even have time to enjoy the wedding night, so you replaced the groom's flesh handle with an iron handle, it's too——"

Harley interrupted her and said, "Don't scare Zuckerberg randomly. Even if John turns into a lighter, he can still have a warm and energetic body. He has no shortage of magic power and can condense flesh and blood with divine power."

Frankenstein said with a weird expression: "If John turned into a lighter, he wouldn't have that desire, right?

I heard Father Time analyze it. After the essence is transferred to the natal artifact, they tend to become devoid of desires and have no desires.

This is the characteristic of the artifact, and it is also the price of being an artifact.

All miracles have a price. "

Xuanlan's expression was also a little strange, and she said: "Generally, after transferring the life essence to the natal artifact, the human wizard will not re-condensate the body, but will hand over the natal artifact to the divine being, and borrow the body of the divine divine if necessary.

Save more energy.

Like God-King Naboo and Dr. Fate.

Perhaps, in the future, the earth will have many extraordinary heroes who use Zippo lighters. I don’t know who John will choose to be the favored one. Hehe, I am looking forward to it. "

The dead man Boston continued: "What about Xiao Zha? You can't live with that God's favored hero from now on, right? She married Constantine, not Constantine's God's favored one."

"Or, learn from me?" A thoughtful expression appeared on his dead face, "I have no body and can only possess other men, like Dorn (the white dove in The Eagle and the White Dove).

But Bai Ge cannot inspire passion when facing other men, even if she knows that the soul in that body is me.

Eventually she broke up with me.

Alas, I really love her, and she loves me too. Why do lovers have to be separated by yin and yang? "

After sighing, he looked at Xiao Zha with questioning eyes, "I don't know if Xiao Zha's mentality can be more open than Duo En.

I suggest you open your mind and accept that spiritual marriage is not the norm.

After all, it took a lot of effort for you to get along with John. "

Xiao Zha is about to collapse.

A few hours ago, she was still a smiling bride accepting blessings from friends, cuddling with her new husband, as happy as soaking in a honeypot; a few hours later, she had to consider spending the rest of her life with a lighter, or even with someone else. Dawn can't stand men having sex, and she doesn't have such an open mind!


While they were talking, the huge black night projection did not stop and slapped the magic flying boat twice in succession.

The magic defense shield deflated and bounced back up, but it was never broken, but Constantine's body was already broken and crumbling.

Zatanna gritted her teeth and said, "Harry, what do you think? I will use healing magic to repair John's body now and make him return to his original state?"

"The weirdness has targeted you. If you use irony magic again, it will definitely-"

At this point, Harry's heart moved, and the look in Xiao Zha's eyes became a little strange, "Xiao Zha, you are now a 'weird summoning machine'!"

"The physical burden damage caused by this kind of over-level casting cannot be repaired with magic!" Mrs. Shangdu said.

Although it was a question, she said it with certainty because it was common sense.

Those broken internal organs and gaping wounds are filled with high-energy magic and strong law aura, which will offset the repairing effect of the healing magic.

"Healing magic cannot repair the damage caused by the magic burden from the root. It can at least alleviate John's poor physical condition." Xiao Zha said.

Harley was about to speak, and Swamp Monster, who had been silent since he sensed the power of all things, finally opened his eyes and said excitedly: "Harley, we are saved!"

"What I felt just now was indeed correct. The Realm of Night really has the greenness of all things. It is not a potted plant in the night, but the World Tree that sinks deep into the Realm of Night. It is the legendary origin of the world!"

"The World Tree?" Harley was stunned and asked, "Is it the World Tree that gave rise to the nine realms in Nordic mythology?"

"It's her, but she's not just the World Tree in Norse mythology, she's greater and more sacred." Swamp Monster tore open his chest like a vegetable salad, and a brown branch as thick as a thumb grew out of a clump of green plants. .

There are two crystal clear leaves on the top of the branches, which are sparkling and very charming.

"Harley, I have contacted her and a branch has grown from my body. You can communicate with her personally."

"Hello, Harley Quinn." A gentle female voice came into "Constantine"'s mind. The two bright leaves swaying gently on the branches were like two eyes, curiously looking at Harley opposite.

"Are you the World Tree? Why are you in the realm of night?" Harley asked curiously.

"Of course I should be here." The gentle female voice asked: "Do you know what the night represents?"

"Sister Ye told me that she is the darkness before the birth of the world, the source of the birth of all things, and the final destination of all existence.

According to my understanding, if the multiverse is a building, then it should be the foundation in the land.

Taixu is land.

Taixu has always existed before the emergence of the multiverse.

The multiverse is like a building, built on Taixu, which is the real "darkness before the birth of the universe".

Of course, Taixu is already outside the multiverse.

If we only count within the scope of the multiverse, the dark night deserves the title of 'the source of the birth of all things'. " Harley said.

As cognition increases and the scope of vision expands, the original truth may become a fallacy.

Before coming into contact with Taixu, Heiye's self-introduction was completely correct and there was no bragging. But after getting to know Taixu, he realized that Taixu was the "deep foundation" beneath the foundation.

Perhaps when she leaves the multiverse and enters the omnipotent universe, she will find that "the Taixu without any existence" is also a kind of existence, and there is a more primitive power before the Taixu.

"Well, you are right, the night is the 'foundation' of the multiverse. Since the night is the foundation, of course my original World Tree is rooted here." The World Tree said.

"Well, that makes sense." Harley looked up and saw that Sister Ye's dark slap fell again.

"Sister Shu, do you know Sister Ye? Can you help us make peace?"

The World Tree said: "Although I have been rooted here for countless billions of years, she and I have never been friends. We are old rivals. If I try to persuade her, I will only add fuel to the fire."

"Sister Shu, you are the tree of the world. You have the power to reach the sky and can fight with the old mother of the endless family for countless billions of years. It shouldn't be difficult to send us away, right? You help me today, and I will come to the door with a heavy gift to say thank you someday." Ha. Li said.

The World Tree said: "Although I have been fighting against the night for countless billions of years, you should have discovered that the legend of the World Tree has not been heard in the multiverse for countless years.

Alas, I was defeated and suppressed, and I am powerless to help you. "


"Constantine" was hit hard again, and he spat out another mouthful of viscera fragments. Xiao Zha was so distressed that tears came to his eyes, and he wiped "him" gently.

"Your Majesty the World Tree, you can always help us, right?" Xanadu said with a face full of pleading.

"The only one who can help you is yourselves. The most I can do is provide you with a chance." The World Tree said slowly.

"What chance?" Harley asked immediately.

"Have you heard the story about Odin gaining worldly wisdom?" the World Tree said.

"Odin sacrificed an eye to the Fountain of Wisdom and gained all the wisdom in the world. He then hung himself upside down on the World Tree and stabbed himself with a spear, finally gaining the secret of rune writing." said Mrs. Shandu.

"The fountain of wisdom is right next to me. You can re-walk Odin's old path and find the wisdom to escape from here. Of course, there is only one Odin in the world, and you will definitely not gain nothing, but how much wisdom you can gain depends on Look at your own creation." The World Tree said.

"Constantine"'s eyes flashed, and he immediately stepped forward, stretched out his hand to clasp his left eye, and said: "I can start now if you want to make a sacrifice."

"Ah, Harley, don't gouge John's eyes out!" Zatanna yelled.

Harley advised: "Xiao Zha, his body is about to collapse. What does one eye mean? Without the eye, he still has a warm embrace and a vibrant body. It is better than a lighter anyway."

Then she turned to the World Tree and said boldly: "Come on, Sister World Tree, you want that eye, you can take it as you like, or take both."

The World Tree seemed to be stunned for a moment, and then said dryly: "Are you a god descending on your own believer now? It's useless to sacrifice his eyeballs, you have to sacrifice your own."

"If I were here, I wouldn't have to be afraid of projections in the dark night." Harley said.

The World Tree said: "What was sacrificed to the Fountain of Wisdom was not the eyes of flesh and blood, but the concept of eyes.

Otherwise, even ordinary gods can use magic to create a new, perfect eye. Why would Odin remain a one-eyed dragon?

I will teach you a formation that can sacrifice your eyes to the fountain of wisdom even with just a ray of will.

I can also turn into a big tree so you can hang upside down on it. "

After saying that, it grew rapidly, from a branch as thick as a finger to an ash tree as thick as a thigh.

The golden trunk, silver bark texture, emerald green shiny leaves, and the natural sacred atmosphere exude a sense of awe and worship.

"World Tree, if you dare to help Witch Harley, I will burn you to ashes today!"

With such a huge ash tree growing in the magic boat, how could Mother Night outside not notice it?

It stretched out a hand again, and moved its two hands up and down, wrapping the magic boat in the center.

"Bang~~" With a muffled groan, the boat penetrated the palm formed by the dark wave. Blood spurted out from "Constantine", his body also twisted and deformed, and blood flowed out from the wound.

"Harley, hurry up! Dark Night is here to kill you." Zatanna urged anxiously.

"Xiao Zha, listen to me." Harley whispered mentally, "Don't look around, don't be confused, don't ask too many questions, trust me, immediately use your irony magic to shout 'Summon the strange world tree that has descended in front of you' On the other hand, if you look at it yourself and shout, it roughly means this."

Xiao Zha still showed an expression of disbelief, his eyes almost popped out of his sockets, and he yelled: "Are you crazy?"

"I'm not crazy. In order to save you, I will not hesitate to add one eye, not to mention one finger, and I will gain the wisdom of the world without losing any of it." Harley said bravely. shouted.

——Yggdrasil and the Night are together, they want to make money from me! Believe me, if the weird falls on the World Tree, it must first pollute the World Tree. Just like your top hat magic that day, we can easily retreat.

Xiao Zha hesitated for three seconds, and finally opened his mouth and shouted: "! The front eye of the world of Shangshu has arrived and a strange summons has come."

The next moment, a strange and ominous atmosphere filled the realm of night.

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