Harley once promised Zha Kang, Xiao Zha and other mage friends who could not live in Lishan Manor: No matter where they are in Gotham, they will always be under her attention and protection.

She would not directly use her mental power to monitor their every move.

That's too exaggerated and too low-key, and it doesn't show her ability.

Harley established cause and effect with them on the timeline and fate line at the same time, and observed the changes in their fate and time through the cause and effect connection.

It was equivalent to tying a knot at the intersection between her and their timelines and fate lines, a causal knot.

Destiny represents the future, and time includes the past, present, and future. Theoretically, before Weird attacks them, she will sense them and rescue them in time.

He would not waste the "last rescue time" like the previous Animal Man, waiting for his body to be alienated before sending it to her.

This kind of protection based on causal connections consumes mental energy. Harley must always activate the ninth-level destiny defense expertise, sink two consciousnesses into the river of destiny and the mother river of time, and at the same time pay attention to the fluctuations in their timelines and destiny lines. .

Because she consumes a lot of money, she can't protect too many people. Fortunately, she is not a "true righteous hero" who is determined to protect the world and blames herself if one of them dies. She only has so many friends, so she has to protect them. Then I was satisfied.

It should have been a second or two ago, when she was chatting with representatives of alien civilization at Lishan Manor. Suddenly, the "karma knot" between her and several mage friends was like a bell tied to a rope, the rope of fate and time. The strings were tightened and tightened at the same time, and the bells of the "karma knot" jingled fiercely.

It's not like "the wind blows and the bells shake" like the storm is about to come, but there is a sign.

This crisis came extremely suddenly and swiftly.

Not only one or two bells of Zha Kang or Xiao Zha were rang.

Many "karma knots" in timelines and fate lines were triggered, including Madam Xanadu, Dead Man Boston and several other mage friends from the Dark Alliance.

And these people all attended the wedding of Zha Kang and Xiao Zha. It is very likely that they are still in Constantine's House of Mystery at this time.

Harry stood at "Constantine's Little Manor" and thought for a moment, and finally returned to Lishan Manor in a flash.

Constantine's life and death became a mystery before the night of the wedding was over, and she was not interested in chatting with the alien anymore.

"Something strange has come to Gotham again, everyone should go back first."

Sam Lane's expression changed and he asked nervously: "Is the matter serious?"

"It's very serious. I will devote all my energy to dealing with the 'weird incident' and I won't have time to entertain you all. However, if you are still interested in the 'Sword in the Mountain', you can try it on your own at the foot of the mountain."

Other alien leaders and representatives of alien civilizations were hesitant to prepare to go down the mountain, but Sam Lane still stayed where he was, taking a step closer to Harley and saying worriedly: "The trial of the sword in the mountain involves the magic circle and is also related to magic, right? ?So, are there any risks for the friendly elites participating in the trial to be targeted by Weird?"

The aliens who were hesitant at first stopped and looked at Harley eagerly.

Harley was calm as usual, not too impatient because what appeared in front of them at this time was not her true form.

Her body has returned to the meditation room, released her spiritual thoughts into Limbo, and searched for the mysterious house with all her strength.

No matter what accident happened to Zha Kang and the others, finding the mysterious house is always a top priority.

Only by finding the Mysterious House can you find them. Only after you find them can you know what crisis they encountered and how to help them solve it.

"Not all magic formations are related to magic. Magic formations are just a popular term. A more accurate name should be 'formation that touches the laws of the universe'.

It’s not just magic that can drive the ‘formation’.

Have you seen the news about the Zatara magic accident a week ago?

At that time, the people who used magic, and even the magic that was used, were all affected by "weirdness", but I used the technique of dimension division to send the audience out.

I wasn't affected in any way. It wasn't that Weird was afraid of me and didn't dare to attack me.

In fact, anyone who came close to the mutated 'weird rabbit' at that time would be affected.

I guess Weird used the great magician of Zatara as bait to test the reactions and methods of all parties.

The reason why I was not affected was simply because I directly controlled the laws of time and space and used my own physical strength to skillfully complete the dimension division.

I didn't use magic at all, and I didn't activate the power of miracles. It was so weird that I couldn't help it. "

It cannot be said that the power of miracles is not used at all, but the space defense expertise does not belong to the category of magic, nor is it a kind of energy.

It is a passive defense talent, a special buff that helps Harley deepen her understanding and control of space rules.

The real force that pushed the dimensional space into two layers was Harley's physical power.

Physical strength is not controlled by "magic".

Harry said: "The current Mountain Sword Trial Array is similar to the situation that day.

I didn't use magic, I just used the force field of creation escaping from the Barbatos dragon bone to form a lens, projecting the shadow of the Entropy Sword on the top of the mountain onto the trialer.

Of course, for the sake of greater safety, I should indeed shut down the Mountain Sword Trial.

After all, there is no magic power fluctuation in the trial field, but the trialist himself may be a mage, or may have been in contact with magic for a long time.

Weird is eyeing Gotham. If you don't come to Gotham, you may be safe. But once you come to Gotham, Weird will immediately notice you. "

"No need to shut down!" Immediately an alien leader shouted hurriedly, "We and other alien supreme leaders will definitely leave Gotham and leave the earth immediately.

But ordinary people in our civilization who have never been exposed to magic are the main group of people.

They are completely unaffected by the magic debt crisis, and are not afraid of turning into abnormal mage corpses. They can continue to participate in trials.

After all, we all know that the Omega Titan has entered the multiverse, and nothing will be surprising if he comes back next time.

The magic debt crisis is only a disaster for mages, but our interstellar civilizations are mostly based on technology.

Compared with the mother of weirdness and magic, the 'outsider crisis' is more terrifying and more difficult to solve after all! "

The representative of Kelu added: "My personal idea is to arrange for more civilization elites to participate in the trial as soon as possible. The more samples there are, the more various standards of 'strong will' can be found.

After researching the standards, His Majesty the God of War can develop the "Magical Art of Entropy".

"The Magic Power of Entropy" is the foundation for the existence of the multiverse!

Internal troubles cannot destroy us, but external troubles may make reality disappear. "

"If three thousand elites practice the "Magical Art of Entropy" together, the multiverse will be completely safe and worry-free, and they can even expand the territory and help us gain a certain say in the omnipotent universe." Adam's Wife Lan En's face was full of enthusiasm say.

Harley had a strange illusion when she heard that "three thousand men would practice the "Sunflower Book" together, and the Ming Dynasty would no longer be afraid of slave-building and rebellion, and would even be able to expand its territory."

"Well, you can continue to arrange for people to come over to participate in the trial. I will stay in Gotham for a while."

Since they themselves were not afraid of death, she had nothing to say.

After Sam Lane and a group of aliens left, Hal and Rachel came over and asked: "What happened? What's weird?"

"Just now, Constantine's House of Mystery suddenly disappeared." Harley said.

Rachel wondered: "If something strange really comes to the Mystery House, it shouldn't be able to escape! The Mystery House itself is a product of magic."

"Maybe it's not weird, maybe it's related to weirdness. I'm not sure what state they are in."

"You went to Constantine's house and found that his house was missing. What does this mean? Maybe he got married today, was in a happy mood, controlled the house of mystery, and traveled around the fantasy world. He might even have gone on his honeymoon in advance." Hal. road.

Harry shook his head and said: "The wedding night is not an ordinary time. Constantine will never use the House of Mystery to wander around, let alone leave Gotham suddenly without saying goodbye.

When the House of Mystery moves in Limbo, it will cause slight fluctuations in the surrounding elemental tides. This is a normal phenomenon.

But in the ground and shadow realm near Constantine's house, there were extremely violent elements that fluctuated rapidly, as if a magic rocket had detonated.

Or the House of Mystery itself has become a magic rocket of time and space, flying crazily towards an unknown place.

Almost at the same time, I sensed a strong sense of foreboding in the River of Destiny, originating from the uncertainty of their fate.

They may have encountered something terrible. "

Rachel's expression changed slightly, "I heard that the owners of the House of Mystery and the House of Secrets will encounter unknown things."

"Unknown what exactly?" Hal asked doubtfully.

"No one knows, because those who know have met unknown circumstances." Rachel said.

Ivy said: "Harry, since the House of Mystery left like a magic rocket, it must have left obvious traces in Limbo. You were the first to rush over, why didn't you follow?"

Harry sighed: "I also hesitated, but I was worried that this was a weird trick to lure the tiger away from the mountain.

Sticking to Gotham is my 'way to survive'.

More importantly, the elemental tidal trail left by the House of Mystery quickly broke off.

It went into a strange dimension that I couldn't reach, that I didn't yet understand, and was gone and couldn't be traced. "

As long as she can follow the traces, she will at least use "astral projection" to dedicate part of her spiritual will to continue tracking.

"You are already at this level of strength, but there are still places in the multiverse that you cannot reach or even understand?" Ivy said in shock.

"Well, our multiverse lacks everything except all kinds of mysterious and unknown weirdos, weird people, weird things, and weird dimensions. For example, Constantine's House of Mystery, I have been studying it for a while, and I have no idea about it. The nature of it is still a bit uncertain, it is just a big weird thing." Harley said.

Hal was puzzled: "Isn't the House of Mystery and the House of Secrets the embodiment of human belief in houses?

You told us early on that the human desire and understanding of the house coalesced into a magical entity within Limbo.

The Mysterious House can satisfy any fantasy of the owner. The rooms in the house can be transformed into any shape according to the owner's will, and even a room can be transformed into a small world. "

"Knowing this, can it explain why the owner of the House of Mystery encountered an unknown situation? What kind of unknown situation it was? What happened to Constantine and the others?" Harley asked.

Hal scratched the back of his head, "Then what's your plan? Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Go and do your own thing. I have begun to look for their traces in the river of destiny and the mother river of time, and I am always ready to be summoned by them." Harley said.

"They can summon you?" Hal asked in surprise.

Rachel suddenly said: "Constantine is the greatest 'thick-skin magic' mage in the world. As Harley's priest, Barbara learned more than 90% of the magic from Constantine.

If they can solve the crisis, we don't have to worry.

If they encounter danger that is difficult to resolve, Constantine will definitely try to summon Harley, at least to borrow Thickhide's divine power.

As long as Harley actively cooperates in the multiverse, the summons will be difficult to block. "

Hal said thoughtfully: "Now Constantine and the others just encountered an accident, they did not die, and their will was not eroded by the unknown. No wonder you are still calm and calm."

"Even if their bodies are completely cold, I'm still calm and collected," Harley said.

She couldn't even find the House of Mystery. Even if her body was shaking with excitement, her cheeks were red, and her fists were clenched, what was the use?

"Harry, how do you determine whether this rampage in the House of Mystery is simply due to the unknown curse of the House of Mystery, or whether it is a direct or indirect influence of weirdness?" Rachel asked worriedly.

She is not as calm as Harley.

At this moment, she realized that she was completely unable to help, and she was not sure about the status of the House of Mystery. She was already very anxious.

"I can't be sure."

"Can I ask about the voice of heaven?" Ivy asked.

Harry shook his head and said, "There are some things that even the Voice of Heaven doesn't know."

Even if Tian Zhi Sheng knew about some things, he would deliberately use sky-high price merit points to disgust her.

In the early years when she was still in Novice Village, she was just a little guy. She had no conflict of interest with the big boss in Heaven, and the Voice of Heaven could still help a lot.

Now, as her strength and realm continue to improve, she has already broken up with the archangels in heaven, but behind the voice of heaven stands the acting king Raphael.

Even if he knew everything but didn't tell her, there was nothing she could do except feel aggrieved.

In order not to feel aggrieved, it is better not to ask. If it is really related to weirdness, it is useless to ask.

Ruotian's voice is also omniscient about strange things. Silver City is still worried that it will not join forces with the hell demons, and even summons the earth's mages to work together.

Constantine dared to swear to God that today was the happiest day of his life.

He drank a lot of wine, "Lishan Wine" shipped from Harley's cellar.

Selena offered it to them.

Besides drinks, there was everything they needed for a wedding that they didn't have.

He was drunk.

While the guests were still drinking in the living room, he fell down first and was carried into the bedroom on the second floor by Frankenstein.

He wouldn't have gotten drunk so easily, but he was so happy today.

Harley toasted him, and he was a little flattered. It seemed like the first time in his life that he was being toasted by her. Can he not drink it? His sister Cheryl and brother-in-law Tony also toasted to him, how could he refuse? Not only did he not refuse, he was also very helpful.

He refused to refuse anyone who came, drank the wine, accepted the blessings of the toasting guests, and then he fell drunk.

Xiao Zha was also drunk. When he was thrown sleepily onto the wedding bed, Xiao Zha had already been put down.

"Xiao Zha."

He grabbed Xiao Zha's hand, looked at her red face with blurred vision, and fell into a deep sleep happily.

It was strange that he fell into a dream almost immediately, and it was a very beautiful dream.

In the dream, he and Xiao Zha were far away from all magical crises, cosmic crises, and even away from magic itself. They just lived on the beach of Long Island like an ordinary couple.

The dream was so clear that he almost thought it was reality.

They soon gave birth to a daughter with black hair who looked like Xiao Zha.

He also happily named her "Harley Constantine."

This name naturally wards off evil spirits.

A few years later, Xiao Zha became pregnant again and finally gave birth to a boy with yellow hair, who was as smart and handsome as him.

Then Constantine felt a strange palpitation in his heart, as if the sky was spinning and the earth was spinning, and the world was twisting. It was like being suddenly stuffed into a drum washing machine, and he woke up.

"What the hell - ugh!" His face twitched a few times quickly, and he opened his eyes suddenly. The sour rot in his stomach spurted out from his throat along with half a curse, spraying half of the bed.

"Ah~~~" Zha Kang woke up from a fright. Oh, he was already awake. He should have woken up instantly from the fright.

He was still lying on the marriage bed in a "big" shape.

The brand new sheets and quilts that Selina prepared for them were messy and crumpled.

But he saw the ceiling "below", and there were many small pink light bulbs hanging on the ceiling.

At this time, the space of the wedding room rotated 180 degrees, the ground turned to the sky, and the ceiling fell below.

When he opened his eyes, he found that he seemed to be hanging in the sky, and even the vomit was hanging on the side. He did not fly up to the bed, nor did he "fall" to the ceiling.

"What happened? Xiao Zha——"

Zha Kang yelled and reached out to touch the side again, but found nothing.

He collected himself, forced himself to calm down, wiped the vomit from his mouth, and shouted: "Xiao Zha, Xiao Zha, where are you?"

No one responded to him.

——The time and space here is very wrong. Am I still in my own home, in the House of Mystery?

Zha Kang tried to shout: "En'ao, come out, are you kidding me? I understand, today is a good day for my wedding, and you will definitely try to trick me. This is called 'making trouble in the bridal chamber,' right?"

If it were me, I would do the same thing. Now that you have succeeded, come out. I surrender. You have seen all my ugliness. You have won a great victory and you can laugh at me loudly. "

En'ao is the steward of the House of Mystery, an old ghoul.

The old ghoul butler existed before Zha Kang got the House of Mystery.

According to it, it has been bound to the House of Mystery and has become part of the House of Mystery, and he cannot refuse.

These old ghouls cannot be said to be very loyal, but at least they are conscientious and work hard without complaining.

In the House of Mystery, in addition to Constantine as the owner, the butler ghoul also has certain authority.

At this time, Zha Kang thought, no, he should be expecting the old ghoul to cooperate with others in the bridal chamber.

He already had an unknown premonition.

"It's interesting that you can wake up. Why?"

Zha Kang didn't hear the old ghoul's rough and old voice, but a hoarse and charming woman's voice sounded outside the house.

"Who, who are you?" Zha Kang asked warily.

"Squeak~~~" The door opened and a charming red-haired woman walked in.

Her face is delicate and distinctive, her figure is tall, plump and voluptuous, and she is a very majestic and bright beauty.

She has red fluffy curly hair that covers her hips. She is wearing a dark black evening dress, and the whiteness on her chest and arms is extremely dazzling.

"Who am I? Haha." The red-haired woman covered her mouth and chuckled, "I am every room, every door, every corridor, and every staircase.

I am still the wind that makes the wind chimes jingle, the crunch of oak floors when you walk across them. "

Her blue eyes sparkled with strange light, "Even the shadow under you is still me. I am the House of Mystery!"

Zha Kang's heart sank, and he forced a smile and said, "Are you kidding me? If the House of Mystery were a charming beauty like you, wouldn't my loneliness all these years have been in vain?"

He knew that the House of Mystery had a certain consciousness, but it was not a personal will, but a vague collection of pan-consciousness. At most, it can assist him in managing the House of Mystery like a smart phone. It is definitely not the way it is now that it can create a woman with a unique style and a complete personality.

But he had a strong feeling: the red-haired woman wasn't lying.

"Why, are you also interested in me?" The enchanting woman stepped forward and pushed Zha Kang on the bed. Her red lips seemed to be about to press on him, but she suddenly stepped back and slapped the tip of her nose with disgust. He said: "It's a pity that I'm not interested in you. I'm even tired of the feeling of you going in and out of my body every day. It's disgusting, dirty, sloppy, and depraved."

Ten years ago, Zha Kang would have been really interested in this woman.

Not to mention the "House Spirit" of the House of Mystery, he has even been to the City Spirit.

Ten years ago, he lived in Los Angeles for a period of time. The city spirit of Los Angeles asked him to help eliminate a group of hell demons that had crossed the border. After the success, he possessed a group of Hollywood handsome men and beauties, allowing Zha Kang to enjoy the happiness of the world.

Now he is married, but the bride is missing.

Not to mention the obvious hostility of the enchanting woman, even if she took the initiative to throw herself into her arms, he would not be able to stand up to her, nor would he be interested in standing up to her.

"If you are the House of Mystery, then am I not your master? Xiaohong, you suddenly show up now, do you want to have a wedding?" Zha Kang said with a smile.

"Xiao Hong." The enchanting red-haired woman touched her red curly hair and said sarcastically: "Haven't you heard of the legend of the 'Haunted House'? Don't you know that every owner of the House of Mystery has encountered something unknown? ?

You are not my master, you are just my rations and my slaves!

Before today, you had a magical contract with the House of Mystery, and your soul was closely connected to it. You could know everything in the house and control everything in the house.

What now?

Haha, you can’t feel anything anymore, right?

In fact, the magic contract still exists, but it's my turn to feel all your thoughts, your physical state, and no matter what you are thinking, I can clearly understand it.

I can even control your thoughts to form a dream that looks like a real one. In fact, it is not a dream, it is just simulating an illusory world with your thoughts. "

Zha Kang's expression did not change, and he still had a mean smile, and asked: "Then tell me what I am thinking."

He unified all his thoughts, gathered the thoughts in his mind into one, and covered his thoughts with laws.

In the battle in the Garden of Destiny, he did not contribute much, but he broke through the master and became a real god. He was also a "multi-system god" with multiple laws imprinted into the sea of ​​laws.

"You have a lot of ideas. What is unknown, who am I, how to control me, where is my dear new wife Xiaozha, and why hasn't the great savior Harley Quinn come yet?"

The red-haired woman showed the same mean smile as Zha Kang, but Zha Kang turned pale and could no longer smile.

He pursed his lips and said, "The ominous thing has already happened, right? You failed. You were very surprised when I woke up, so the ominous thing is that I was intoxicated in a beautiful dream and couldn't wake up."

"Yes, that's wrong. In the past tens of billions of years, the House of Mystery has had countless owners, ranging from a hundred years to a few months. I will definitely turn them into books."

The enchanting red-haired woman waved her hand, and the room where Zha Kang was located immediately rotated 180 degrees, and the originally upside-down space returned to normal.

The wooden wall behind her turned into a curtain and opened to both sides, revealing a huge library behind that was like a dream book library.

There are endless long bookshelves in sight. The bookshelves are filled with books. The books vary in thickness, but the titles are very uniform: there is only a name on the empty cover and nothing else.

The enchanting red-haired woman took out a book from the edge of the bookshelf, with "John Constantine" written clearly on the cover.

"You are so lucky, you just woke up after enjoying a perfect dream. Your various tragic futures, and even the unbearable past that made you regret and shed tears, didn't even have time to show you!

You are also very powerful. You were the first person to escape the fate of being compressed into a book. How did you do it?

She is obviously very happy, happy, and has a daughter and a son. Why did she suddenly wake up? "

Zha Kang shrugged, "Maybe I suddenly thought about the tuition and living expenses of raising a second child, and I was frightened and woke up."

"Xiaohong" glared at him and said coldly: "No one can truly escape the unknown. Your struggle will only make you more painful."

"Aren't you a Mystery House? What do you want a book for?" Zha Kang asked, pointing to the bookshelf.

"The book is prepared for my true master. The stories in the book can please Him and relieve His loneliness." Xiao Hong said respectfully.

"You still have a real master? Is he your creator?" Zha Kang said in surprise.

"He is my master and my mother. He did not create me, but she accepted me and gave birth to me!" The tone and expression of the enchanting red-haired woman became extremely enthusiastic.

"Who is she?" Zha Kang asked again.

The red-haired woman glanced at him and said, "If you give up struggling, accept your fate honestly, and don't make secret tricks, I will tell you whatever you want to know, and let you die clearly and completely."

Zha Kang smiled and said: "I am very honest. I did nothing except calling Harley secretly."

"Hmph, you shout. Now that we have long left the main universe, and even left Limbo, in the boundless darkness within the amber of time, it is useless for you to break your throat."

"Time Amber" Zha Kang thought quickly in his mind but got nothing, so he changed his question again: "Even if you want to drag me into the unknown, why can't you wait two more days?

As the saying goes, the most beautiful thing in life is the wedding night.

Isn't it a bit too much for you to ruin the best time of my life?

Even if you wait until the next morning to compress me into a book, I won't be so resentful. "

The enchanting woman looked down at his hands.

Although he had quietly put his hands behind his back, she was the house of mystery, and the whole house was her.

The small gesture of putting his hands behind his back to secretly perform the "God Summoning Magic" could not be hidden from her at all.

However, she only raised a hint of sarcasm at the corner of her mouth and did not stop him.

"For being able to wait until today, for you to marry Zatanna, you have to thank the Witch Harley for her protection.

Without her, the unknown would have befallen you as early as the first day of the magic debt crisis.

But now I just can't bear it anymore.

I am the house of mystery, and what you call ‘unknown’.

I cannot see the owner of the House of Mystery reaching the peak of happiness.

I really hope you get married smoothly and spend the wedding night smoothly. With your character, you will probably die without regrets from now on.

You've already died without any regrets, so why would you care about the unknown?

I can't believe that you and Zatanna would hug each other and laugh, interlocking their fingers, and facing death together would make you so happy, and I would be more miserable than death. "

Xiaohong's face was filled with malice and hatred, and a faint black smoke even rose from her body. Countless resentful and hateful faces were vaguely visible in the black smoke.

Zha Kang was stunned and said thoughtfully: "Our guess about you is correct. You are a collection of human beliefs about the house, and the human thoughts that can survive in Limbo are malicious and full of negative energy.

So, you will be jealous of my wonderful life.

Most of human beings' beliefs about houses are the desire for property and home.

The resentment of being unable to satisfy your desire lingers in Limbo and eventually becomes you.

Part of your essence is the hatred and jealousy of countless people who don't have houses and those who have houses, property and wives.

You can't see the owner of the House of Mystery living a good life. "

Xiao Hong took a few deep breaths, and the black smoke and residual shadow of resentment disappeared from her body.

"We are about to enter the depths of darkness. You are finished. It is useless to say anything or do anything now." She returned to her sneer expression again.

Zha Kang sighed: "I thought you were afraid of Harley, and with her protection, you didn't dare to take action against me.

now I understand.

What you are afraid of is weirdness, the mother of magic, because you yourself are the greatest magic miracle!

No matter who your master is, it cannot hide the fact that you are a magical creature.

Xiaohong, why don't you wait until the magic debt crisis is over before attacking me?

Have you ever thought that if you allow me to be unknown now, your master will definitely be able to protect you through the crisis?

Staying in Gotham, Harley will always protect us and go to the 'Time Amber'. If the Time Amber is a very secret place, the weird one might not even notice your master.

Now that you are roaring into the amber of time, and you are bringing with you magicians like us whose magic power fluctuates violently, the strangeness must have attracted your attention.

You are harming others, yourself, and your own mother! "

"Look back, the road ahead is dangerous, but it's safe to turn back!"

Xiaohong sneered and said: "Is your magic ready? Try it out. I bet you can't even summon a hair from the witch Harley."

She began to retreat slowly, slapping her hands lightly as she retreated, and said with a smile: "Actually, your judgment about me is correct. I am the House of Mystery, and the House of Mystery is a collection of human obsessions and beliefs about houses.

The entire house, every brick, every plank, is made of them.

Now they are coming for you and they will tear you to pieces! "

"Huhuhu~~~" With Zha Kang as the center, the floor below, the ceiling above, the surrounding walls, and the furniture on the walls. Except for the bed and dressing table that Selina bought for Zha Kang and his wife, all the furniture in the house Everything roared and turned into black ghosts full of resentment. The ghosts gathered together to form a tornado, roaring together and drowning Zha Kang.

"Xiaohong, you have been with me for so many years, but you still don't understand me!" Zha Kang was very calm. Seeing the wedding room turned into thousands of ghosts, he still took out his Zippo lighter and lit a cigarette for himself.

When his body was about to be submerged, he shouted: "Hallelujah, answer my call, Halle, God comes down!"

A bright golden light suddenly erupted from his chest. Wherever the golden light passed, thousands of ghosts howled and turned into black smoke.

The black smoke was not completely annihilated, but he didn't dare to get any closer to him.

Zha Kang's chest lit up, his body was like a small sun, and bunches of black smoke fled around him. The sound of ghosts crying and wolf howling made people's scalp numb, and Xiao Hong became angry and shocked.

"Is this thick-skinned divine power? Impossible. I have already passed through the amber of time and entered the land of night. Why can you still use the "Nine-Nine Gods' Name Table" to summon the gods? No, no, your divine spell has no power at all. Activated."

Xiaohong's eyes widened and she said in disbelief: "You originally had Witch Harley's thick-skinned power in your body?! Damn it, when did you become Witch Harley's favored one?"

Zha Kang continued to maintain the state of holding a cigarette in his mouth, arms spread out, chest raised, legs together, body suspended in the void, and said with a smile: "I will never be Harley's favored person in my life.

Old John will never be anyone's believer or favored by God, not even God!

But you are right, I already have the power of thick skin in my body.

This divine power was not given to me by her.

In the early days when that bastard Nick was still alive, the three of us would spend Saturday nights working on new magic.

Once, Harley saw the 'Zatara Water Tank Escape Technique' that delayed the activation of the cost magic, and made an agreement with Nick to ask him to help develop a technology with a longer delay time and preferably to store the 'power of the cost'.

Nick has declined, but I haven't forgotten it.

Hehe, I still haven’t figured out whether the cost magic has the ‘power of cost’, but I have already created the technology to store the ‘Thick Skin Magic’.

You're not even the first bastard to face it.

A few years ago, I used this technique to trick and kill Beelzebub, Lord of the Flies.

That bastard is clearly the Satan of Hell, but he's scared to death of Harley.

If I could still use the 'thick skin magic' normally, he would never dare to do anything to me.

He was afraid that Harley would bring Superman to kill him. To be honest, Harley really planned this.

In order to seal my 'Summoning God', he specially found a magic circle from the ancient demon to seal the world.

Similar to your time amber, it can isolate the summoning spell and even block my connection with the sea of ​​law.

Unfortunately, His power and realm are dozens of floors higher than mine, but His wisdom is at least one floor lower than mine. "

Zha Kang was elated and gushed, "I didn't know that He had prepared the 'Ancient Magic Array', but I understood His scruples and knew that when He came to me, He would definitely prepare the move to seal my 'Summoning God' .

I followed his plan and made Him think that His evil plan was successful. I fell into His ultimate trap.

Under normal circumstances, I, a mortal, can't even get close to the demon king's body.

The satanic power emanating from His body can melt me.

Just like the little black bean's breath made countless demons and angels dissolve into pure dark power.

So after seeing me fall into the trap, He came to me unprepared and asked me to use this "Hidden Body Technique".

The magical technique I had hidden in my body at that time was called ‘Demon-Destroying Light’.

This is Harley's move to create a field with "God descends" to destroy the enemy's magic structure.

His magic shield shattered, and his magic body was directly exposed in front of me, and I thrust my sword into my waist. "

Xiaohong's expression changed, "Why didn't I find the secret of 'Hiding the Technique with the Body' in your mind?"

Zha Kang laughed loudly and said: "You are really a house of mystery. Your brain is either stone or wood, and you are not very bright.

I am the ‘god of deceit’, ‘god of true knowledge’ and ‘god of disguise’!

Even Beelzebub was deceived by me, and you, a broken-down house, still want to completely see through my thoughts!

From the beginning, everything you see is what I want you to see.

Even if I take the initiative to expose the secret now, I have no ulterior motives. Hallie, come on! "

"Buzz~~" Outside the Mysterious House, a beam of golden light divided the pure black void into two halves. For a long time, the remaining golden light did not disappear. In an instant, the golden light came to the Mysterious House and fell into the door of Constantine's head. .

A hazy shadow flashed on Zha Kang's body and overlapped with him.

"It's interesting that such a mature and powerful spiritual body is hidden in the House of Mystery."

Constantine seemed to still be Constantine, but his expression, tone, and even his speaking voice had changed.

His eyes sparkled with gold, and his voice was entirely that of a woman.

Xiaohong is still very familiar with it.

"Witch Harley?! How is that possible?" it exclaimed.

"Why is it impossible? After disappearing from the House of Mystery, I sank my consciousness into the River of Destiny, the Mother River of Time, and the Sea of ​​Law, and activated my God-King Law in the Sea of ​​Law.

Take the initiative to bring the laws of the God King closer to the relevant laws of the ‘Nine-Nine Divine Name List’.

I was fully prepared to be summoned and to be borrowed my divine power by the 'Nine-Nine Gods List' spell.

Constantine is even more cunning. He has a magical power hidden in his body, but he does not activate the magic. Instead, he uses the magic as a guide to build a bridge to the Thick Skin Law.

It can be said that the two of us are going in both directions. "

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