I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1892 The Disappearing Newlyweds

The bride's parents hold the bride's hand and hand her over to the groom. The couple swears an oath to each other under the witness of the priest, and the wedding ceremony is officially completed.

Zha Kang did not invite the priest because he felt that God would not bless him. Frankly speaking, Harley also felt that God would not give Constantine a real blessing unless he was a bitch or drunk.

In fact, it is normal for a mage to get married without asking a priest to officiate the wedding.

After all, there are many peoples in the world who don’t believe in God. They don’t ask a priest when they get married. Why don’t they live a happy life and grow old together?

However, it is normal for both parents of the couple to attend and bless the couple, no matter which country or ethnic group they are in. Even aliens mostly have similar customs.

Xiaozha's mother died early, and her father died almost 20 years ago. She was able to feed herself and the whole family was not hungry.

"Zatara" is a direct descendant of Leonardo da Vinci, and he has many distant relatives in old Europe. But Xiao Zha didn't invite them. Firstly, they hadn't contacted each other for many years, so the relationship was a bit unfamiliar, and the "elder woman" had a relatively close identity. Secondly, the wedding was not big, and the guests were all old friends, so he called a "stranger" to come over. , everyone will feel uncomfortable.

Xiao Zha hesitated for a long time between Harley and Xanadu, and finally chose Mrs. Xanadu.

Well, she originally had the idea of ​​choosing Harley as her "elder".

Harley is not old (can be older or younger, depending on needs), but her status is definitely sufficient. And everyone knows that she stole the "Secret of the First Cause and Effect" in the "Book of Destiny" and has the "Kui's Great Cause and Effect Destiny Technique". Letting her be an elder and getting her blessing is more effective than calling 10,000 priests. efficient.

Harley declined.

"Don't worry, I will definitely spend my whole life blessing you two.

After all, you both don't look very good, and both of you are destined to be single and widowed for the rest of your life. I have to protect you no matter what. "

These words made the two newlyweds both unhappy and at ease. They were not happy that Harley said this about them, but Harley had already said this and would definitely use her whole life to bless them.

In fact, Harley really wasn't mocking them, nor was she joking.

In her divination of the fate of the two of them, the relationship between the two of them was in a mess in most timelines, and it was difficult to have a good ending. Even if they finally get tired of playing and want to settle down, their partner in the second half of their lives will not be each other.

And in their marriage, Hallie saw an ominous fate on the line.

Harley felt that the two of them chose to get married at this time, which to some extent broke the established trajectory of fate and was an act of changing fate.

She doesn't know whether her feelings are right or wrong, and she can't find the exact answer in the river of destiny.

As the magic debt crisis begins, the river of destiny becomes extremely chaotic.

There is mist above the river, turbid waves on the river, and undercurrents below the river.

The fate of the future has become very elusive.

But Harley would rather believe in her vague intuition and use her whole life to bless them both.

Xiao Zha chose Mrs. Xanadu as the "elder bride". He is personable and suave, and as talented and amazing as Zha Kang. Shangdu likes this little fresh-faced mage the most. The two of them have been dating for as long as Xiao Zha and Zha Kang now.

Giovanni met Xanadu when he was a boy, and the first relationship he encountered after breaking up with Xanadu was Xiao Zha's mother.

Although the identity of "father and old lover" is a bit strange, looking around, Mrs. Xanadu is indeed the most suitable "female parent" for Xiao Zha.

The wedding was on Saturday. On Friday night, both Zha Kang and Xiao Zha had a wild night at the bar. Many female superheroes also attended Xiao Zha's bachelorette party before the wedding.

Harley also went, only drank two glasses of wine and left quietly.

Later, I heard from Rachel that they had a crazy time, and at the end there was a finale performance by more than a dozen male strippers (ps).

But they wore hero uniforms, and the uniforms were neat from beginning to end, so they didn't cause any scandal.

Sister Zha Kang is still alive, and she is Zha Kang's well-deserved parent.

Seeing Zha Kang kissing the bride in a high-end handmade suit, Cheryl cried excitedly.

It's not easy. Her daughters have grown up, she is over fifty years old, her brothers have finally gotten married, and their lives are settled.

Harley also fulfilled her promise that day and blessed them with all her strength.

Well, it's not about shouting blessings at the top of your lungs.

In the fantasy DC world, blessings and curses are both real and effective. Curses have relevant laws, and blessings also have relevant laws.

Ordinary gods can only leverage the law of blessing through power and indirectly bless the target. Harley can penetrate the power of blessing into the river of destiny.

But she is not sure about the specific effect.

Generally speaking, the effect of divine blessing is determined by three aspects: First, blessing is a technical job and a magic profession. The more in-depth the gods study the blessing spell, the better the effect will be.

Secondly, if the well-wisher has a high level and powerful position, the effect will be better.

For example, a sincere blessing from a god king is definitely better than that from an ordinary god.

Finally, the fate of the blessed person himself. Without the protagonist's life, and receiving the same blessings as the protagonist, at most he is an ordinary person with better luck, but he still cannot become a protagonist who becomes lucky in adversity and is stronger without death.

Even though she was not sure of the effect, Harley felt at ease.

Because she fulfills her promise, does her best, and holds nothing back.

Saturday's wedding reception is scheduled to be held at a five-star hotel in downtown Manhattan.

After eating and drinking, the guests gathered around the bride and groom to go to their wedding room, the "Little Manor of Constantine" on the Long Island coastline.

Harley didn't go to the wedding room to make a fuss, and most of the superheroes stayed behind after the wedding banquet in the hotel.

Harley was not interested in fussing. If she watched from the side, those making trouble would feel uncomfortable and embarrassed.

The heroes have no time or energy to bother. The "First Sword in the Mountain Selection Conference" is about to begin. Alien leaders, alien representatives, and alien contestants are rushing to Earth in an endless stream in the past two days. "Supervision of the life and death status of mages" is still carried out every day. Recently, heroes without magical powers have been really busy.

However, Constantine’s small manor does not need to worry about being left alone. Superheroes without magic need to deal with strange and alien events, protect alien guests, and run around and put out fires; magicians have not dared to use magic recently. Mortals, completely lying down, have a lot of time and energy to make noises with the newlyweds.

It's approaching dusk, Lishan Manor.

"Harry, you are finally back!"

Before Harley could enter the living room, Sam Lane came out of the door to greet her.

He was also holding a green-skinned cantaloupe in his hand, chewing on it until his face was covered with juice, and he looked a little embarrassed.

"Sam, you're back on Earth." Harley looked at him in surprise and asked, "What are you doing?"

Sam Lane was still as rosy as when he first met in Kelu, and his face was even rounder.

It seems that he is still eating well and drinking well these days, and he is very happy and energetic, and his body has gained weight.

"I returned to Earth this morning, had a meeting at the White House and then came to Gotham. I have been waiting since three o'clock in the afternoon and am feeling a little hungry, so I picked a melon in your backyard to quench my thirst and suppress my hunger."

Sam didn't throw away the half of the cantaloupe in his hand, he opened his mouth wide and ate it in several mouthfuls, and burped at the end.

Her second daughter, Lucy Lane, was also there, also nibbling on the cantaloupe, but she cut the melon into small pieces with a knife, put them in a large porcelain bowl, and ate them with a fork.

Apart from them, there is no one else in the manor. Xiao Zha is getting married today, and even Bruce is attending the banquet.

However, the Lanes would definitely not go to the backyard to "steal melons" by themselves.

Angela, the housekeeper of Lishan Manor, is still at the foot of the mountain!

Seeing that Ryan was an old acquaintance, she entertained them for a while and then left.

Sure enough, Ryan wiped his hands and said, "Mrs. Angela wants to prepare dinner for us, but I heard that you will be back soon, so I didn't want to go to too much trouble, so I just ate some fruit."

"Two of my friends are getting married today, and they just came back from the wedding." Harley explained casually, and then asked, "What do you want from me? You just came back today, are you in a hurry?"

Ryan said: "If you want to say I'm not in a hurry, I'm not in a hurry myself, but if I'm talking about being in a hurry, others are pushing me quite a bit.

It’s about the ‘Demon King’s Arms’. The alien representatives have arrived and asked about the specific trial time.

I remember when you were in Cluj you said it was almost ready.

Now that half a month has passed, it should be completely fine, right? "

"Why did it become the Demon King's Arms? Isn't it the Sword Demon Arms, or the 'Sword of the Mountain'?" Harley asked.

"You don't know? Hal Jordan Lantern recorded some scenes of himself using the Demonic Sword of Entropy. He edited them into a promotional video for 'The Sword in the Stone', which has now been circulated among major civilizations in the universe.

They all say that Hal, who wears skeleton armor and wields a hundred-meter-long sword of entropy to kill, is like a demon king on earth, imposing and terrifying. "

As Ryan said this, he took out his Paradise Mountain Promax phone and played a video to Harley.

To be honest, accompanied by the exciting music, the bone-armored sword demon Howl in it is really cool, very majestic, and has the look of a great devil.

"Hal is not a public person, why would he create such a promotional video?" Harley asked doubtfully.

When Hal first became the Green Lantern, he was absolutely domineering. He wished that the whole universe could hear his shout every day: Did you see, I am awesome, I am the Green Lantern of Sector 2814!

Zero Hour Crisis allowed Hal to completely get rid of his frivolity and become very mature and stable. He suddenly became the most emotionally stable and reliable superhero in the Justice League.

"As far as I know, this video was circulated from within the Green Lantern Corps. Probably Hal Jordan wanted to promote the 'Sword in the Stone' within the Green Lantern Corps and encourage the Lanterns to actively sign up to participate in the selection of 'Space King Arthur' ." Lucy said.

Harley brought the two Ryans to the yard, pointed to the top of the mountain and said, "It's called the 'Mountain Sword' because it's stuck on the top of the mountain. It's already stuck on the top of Lishan Mountain. As long as it can be pulled out, it will be gone." To own it and become a part of the 'Legion of Chaos'."

Whether it was the previous Indian Mountain or the current "Longshouli Mountain", the manor was built halfway up the mountain.

"Isn't it the 'Demon Sword Legion'? Why did it become the Chaos Legion again?" Sam asked doubtfully.

"Entropy is the ultimate chaos, the essence of chaos. The warriors who control the power of entropy are naturally the legions of chaos."

After a pause, Harley continued: "Actually, to you, it doesn't matter what the name of the Demon Swordsman organization is.

The reason why it is specially called 'Chaos Legion' is mainly to facilitate future promotion in the omnipotent universe.

If the name contains "devil", others will immediately have a bad impression and association after hearing it.

The Chaos Legion is much more grand. Outside the universe is Chaos. No matter what style of other world, everyone can understand it and respect the power of "Chaos". "

"It makes sense." Sam Lane nodded in agreement, then looked up at the top of the mountain and said excitedly: "The sword in the mountain has been inserted into the mountain. Can we go up and have a look?"

"Actually, there's nothing interesting to see. It's very ordinary."

Having said that, Harley still led the way, taking the Lane father and daughter to the top of Lishan Mountain.

There is a circular stone platform on the top of the mountain, probably at the top of the head of Barbatos's keel. The area is as big as half a football field. The ground is not flat, with the middle being higher and the surrounding areas slightly lower.

At the end of the stairs, on the edge of the platform entering the top of the mountain, an octagonal pavilion was built.

The Teen Titans group of young people often come to the top of the mountain for barbecues.

Breathing in the night breeze, drinking cold beer, eating fragrant and spicy barbecue, and overlooking the night view of downtown Manhattan in the distance, it is very comfortable and very enjoyable.

Now, on the raised circular platform in the center of the mountain top, there is a jade bone sword two fingers wide.

The style of the sword is very simple, with a 20cm hilt and four anti-slip hoops. The rest is a sword body of just over 30cm, without even a hand guard.

"It feels very ordinary, not even overwhelming."

Sam Lane circled the "Sword in the Mountain" twice, put his nose to it and smelled it, and put his ears close to the sword body to listen carefully. He felt nothing, saw nothing, and heard nothing.

"I told you before, it's very ordinary, nothing interesting to see." Harley stood aside with a calm expression and a calm tone.

"The more ordinary it is on the surface, the more extraordinary it is." Lucy Lane said.

Harley and Old Sam both looked at her.

Sam thought that his old daughter had discovered something extraordinary, and there was expectation in her eyes; but Harley felt that she was being talkative, and there was a hint of suspicion in her eyes.

Lucy pointed at the "Tooth Fairy Sword" and said: "Everyone knows that the reason why the 'Demon King's Arms' is so terrifying is because the sword contains the 'entropy' that the omnipotent and transcendent people are extremely afraid of.

Entropy represents the ultimate chaos and chaos, which can destroy all ordered things and the concept of order.

Now it is tightly sealed in the heart of the sword, not even a trace of abnormal aura leaks out, and it does not cause any abnormal celestial phenomena. This is the biggest miracle and extraordinary! "

"This sword is so powerful. It suppresses the transcendent power and controls it perfectly. It's amazing!" Lucy sighed with emotion.

——You are also very good at thinking of analyzing the Tooth Fairy Sword from this perspective!

Harley said: "The entropy hasn't been filled in yet, now it's just an empty shell."

"Uh" Lucy's expression froze and she was speechless.

Sam Lane, who had just given a thumbs up and a smile full of praise and was about to praise his second son for his knowledge, was also stiff on the spot with an awkward expression.

"Didn't you say you were ready?"

Harley said: "I'm ready, I just haven't recharged it. Don't you know that the 'Chaos Legion' is similar to the Green Lantern Corps in that they both need to carry an energy furnace to recharge the big sword before the oil runs out?"

At this time, the sword in the mountain is like a lamp ring with exhausted energy.

Even a lantern ring requires a certain amount of energy to select a lantern.

The problem is, I don’t know where the ‘Preparatory Lantern’ is at the moment. I charged it up so early, making it glow with rays of light, a myriad of phenomena, earth-shattering, shocking Gotham, and the earth. What to do? "

The corners of Ryan's mouth twitched and he said: "I see that Hal Jordan has been carrying the magic sword with him, but there is no abnormal aura around him, there are no rays of light, thousands of scenes, nor has it shaken the world or shocked the universe.

If you want, you don't need to be so ostentatious, right? "

Harley waved her hand and said, "It's not that I want to show off. The selection of members of the Chaos Legion will inevitably leak out the aura and grand momentum."

"How to do it specifically? Can I try it?" Lucy asked.

"If you want to test it, you have to go down the mountain." Harley said.

Lucy said curiously: "Why do you want to go to the foot of the mountain? Isn't the test method to draw the sword in the mountain? How can I draw the sword if I go to the foot of the mountain?"

"No need to pull it out." Harley reached out to hold the hilt of the sword, and with a slight lift, the bone sword rose from the ground.

Originally, the blade of the sword was more than thirty centimeters above the ground. Now that the sword had been drawn out, the blade was still only more than thirty centimeters, and it had not grown much.

The Ryans and their daughters were stunned. They leaned their heads over and took a look. Sure enough, they saw only a shallow gap in the center of the stone platform, which was no longer than their knuckles. They could see the bottom at a glance.

"This is different from the legendary 'Sword in the Stone'!" Sam Lane murmured.

The sword in the stone is inserted into the stone, and the sword in the mountain can only be said to be stuck on the ground.

"If you just stood on the edge and pulled it out, wouldn't it be the same as the Sword in the Stone? Why would it be called the 'Sword in the Mountain'?" Harry lightly stamped his feet and said, "The trial starts at the bottom of the mountain. Who can go to the top to get it?" Whoever takes this sword will be the 'King Arthur of the Universe'."

"How to go? We walked all the way from the bottom of the mountain to the top, and we didn't see any trial levels." Sam Lane said.

Harley inserted the bone sword back, held the hilt in her hand, and sent a very weak ray of "pure entropy" into the heart of the sword, saying: "Now as long as you shout at the foot of the mountain, 'I am XXX, come here' Accept the Mountain Sword Trial', and the trial will automatically start."

Lucy glanced down the mountain and asked, "Do we have to go down the mountain? What's the point of this arrangement? It feels so complicated, far more complicated than the legendary Sword in the Stone."

“I can’t put the Magic Sword of Entropy away from my control, but I don’t want my house to become a vegetable market with people coming and going.

Without the talent to control entropy, he could not even enter the gate at the foot of the mountain, let alone walk to the manor halfway up the mountain, or climb to the top of the mountain. " Harley said.

It would of course be simpler to directly imitate "The Sword in the Stone".

But when you pull out the Sword in the Stone, you have to get to the Sword in the Stone and hold the handle of the sword with your hands.

There are tens of thousands of people in the Seguang Legion alone.

There are countless civilizations interested in the sword in the mountain, and there are countless "elites" in civilizations.

If they were to come to the top of the mountain one by one to draw their swords, wouldn't Lishan Manor become "Wanda Plaza"?

If the bone sword filled with entropy is placed elsewhere, if it is secretly stolen by some shameless God King and Demon King, the entire multiverse will be in crisis of complete destruction.

"If I go down the mountain now, I can start the trial? Are there any restrictions?" Lucy asked eagerly.

Harley said: "The trial will not be open 24 hours a day, after all, I may leave Lishan.

But if the trial can be turned on, there will be obvious sound and light phenomena after it is turned on. You don't need to ask me specifically, you can judge whether the trial is turned on and whether you have talent.

If I close the trial circle, it will be useless even if the people at the bottom of the mountain shout their throats.

If you find that the trial is not started, you can leave first and come back at another time. "

After a while, the "Testing Sword Pavilion" at the foot of Lishan Mountain was actually a piece of mud beside the parking lot, with a lot of yellow weeds growing on it. Even the name "Testing Sword Pavilion" was just given by Harry, and the brand name was Not hung up.

Lucy took a deep breath and shouted softly: "I am Lucy Lane, here to accept the mountain sword trial!"

There was no reaction, no vision.

But it was her first time to participate in a trial, and she wasn't sure if it was going to start. She subconsciously took a step forward, but felt nothing except the withered grass that made her black stocking calves feel a little itchy.

She took another step.

Harry shouted from the side: "Your voice is too soft, and the trial circle has not been activated yet."

Lucy reluctantly took two steps back, took a deep breath, her chest bulged high, and then exhaled loudly, "I am Lucy Lane, and I am here to accept the mountain sword trial!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she knelt on her knees with a thud, holding her hands on the overgrown ground, and screamed miserably: "Ah, no~~~no~~~~~"

Sam Lane didn't understand why at first. He took two nervous steps closer and found that there was a faint shadow under his daughter's body. It was because it was dark now that the shadow was not obvious.

But that layer of shadow cannot cover even darkness. If it were during the day, it would be very clear.

Under the shadow, Lucy's body was shaking violently, as if in extreme pain.

"Lucy, what's wrong with you - Omaika, those grasses, they, they are disappearing?!"

Sam Lane finally discovered something unusual. The withered yellow weeds that were also shrouded in shadow were slowly blending into the shadow, or in other words, disappearing into the shadow.

Old God Harry stepped forward and pulled Lucy out of the shadows.

The strange thing is that after Lucy left the "Testing Sword Pavilion", the original shadow disappeared immediately.

If it weren't for part of the weeds obviously disappearing, Sam Lane would have thought he was hallucinating before his eyes.

"What is that? That black shadow seems to be eating weeds." Sam Lane asked in surprise.

Harley pointed in the direction of the top of the mountain and said: "The trial process is a bit complicated, but the principle of the trial ground is very simple.

I just projected the power aura of the bone sword from the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain.

Just a reflection of the faintest breath of entropy, like a shadow cast by a mirror.

The closer you get to the top of the mountain, the clearer the shadow and the stronger the power.

But even if there is only an illusory shadow, the distance is still so far, the characteristic of entropy annihilating all things has not completely disappeared.

Those disappearing weeds are their own material structures, completely disrupted by entropy, and eventually disappear.

If you can't bear the first step, it can almost be concluded that the trialist does not have the talent to join the 'Chaos Legion', and there is no need to enter Lishan to disturb me and my family and friends.

If he can walk through the gate at the foot of the mountain step by step, it means that he has an unparalleled talent that is rare in billions of lives and is a Galaxy Emperor.

Even if you have the appearance of a great emperor, you are certainly qualified to enter my house.

If you can walk halfway up the mountain, you are qualified to see me.

If you reach the top of the mountain, you will be at the top of the mountain and you will be able to show your ambition! "

Sam Lane had to admit that Harley was worthy of being Harley. Even in the trials and selections, she was so qualified - others were not qualified, but she was very qualified.

But his daughter hadn't even taken a step out, so didn't she have the qualifications to enter the gate at the foot of the mountain?

Is this too low?

Looking down at his daughter who had fainted and looked pale, Sam began to worry again, "What's wrong with Lucy?"

"It's not serious, it's just that some body cells have died, just like those weeds. I'll go back and recuperate for two days, and I'll be a lively and good girl again." Harley comforted him.

"Oh, it's just a trial, why is it so dangerous?" Sam frowned.

"Is entropy dangerous? If you try to control a tiger, you may get scratched or bitten. How can you remain unscathed if you try to control entropy?" Harley asked.

Selena was carried back by Cassandra.

"Did she drink too much?" At first, Harley thought she was having fun at Zhan Kang's house and got herself drunk.

"She failed the trial and fainted. Sam Lane said she was fine and could recover after two days of rest. Is that true?" Cassandra asked.

Harley smiled, "Is it the Mountain Sword Trial? I told her earlier that she has no talent.

Don't worry about her. She is thicker and thicker than Lucy Lane. She probably just fainted temporarily and will wake up within an hour. "

"Oh, then I will put her on the bed in the bedroom." After Cassandra put Selena down, she ran out in small steps.

"Where are you going? Where are Ivy Rachel and the others?" Harley asked.

"They are all conducting the Mountain Sword Trial at the foot of the mountain, and I want to try it too."

After saying that, Cassandra asked: "Master, it's so lively down there. There are a lot of aliens and a lot of media from both inside and outside the earth. The atmosphere is even more lively than the Super Bowl. Why don't you go down and take a look?"

"The result has been known for a long time. There are no expectations or surprises at all. What else is there to see?" Harley shook her head.

Cassandra's eyes widened, "Did you do something to deliberately prevent others from passing the trial?"

Harley said angrily: "I hope there will be more 'Hal Jordans' more than anyone else."

"Then why do you say the result has been determined?"

"Alas, there has only been one Hal Jordan in the multiverse for so many years. How is it possible to find the second one? The Mountain Sword Trial is just a formality, blocking the aliens' mouths with facts and breaking some gods with ulterior motives. Fantasy." Harley sighed.

"Hal Jordan may have a strong will, but I think I can't lose to him. Even if I am really not as good as him, if he can reach the top of the mountain, I will also reach the middle of the mountain." Cassandra said with high spirits.

"Then you go down the mountain."

Half an hour later, Cassandra was carried back by Ivy.

"Master, although I failed, I didn't faint!" she said weakly.

"How many steps have you taken?" Harley asked.

Cassandra retracted her head into Ivy's back and whispered: "Send me to my room quickly."

Ivy smiled and said: "Cassandra is already good enough, at least the third stage of the power of entropy."

"What the hell is the third stage of the power of entropy?" Harley's mouth twitched.

"Just take three steps, and each step counts as a 'section'. Once you enter, you will become a 'saint', a 'sage of entropy', and the one who reaches the mountainside will become an 'emperor of entropy'.

This is the level standard given by Sam Lane when facing the leaders of advanced alien civilizations.

He also said that this standard comes from you! "Ivy looked at Harley strangely.

Harry raised his forehead and said, "I'm just using a metaphor to say that those who can get started must have the qualifications of the Galaxy Emperor. I'm not that boring. There are several levels of Entropy Power, including Entropy Saint and Entropy Emperor."

"Although I only have the third level of entropy power, I have surpassed 99% of the testers." Kassandra said.

Harley waved her hand, "Go inside and rest."

Harley was right, there was only one Hal Jordan, and no one in the trials under the mountain could match Hal Jordan.

By midnight, the first batch of alien testers who arrived on Earth had all been tested, and not a single one had walked through the door.

"Harry, are there any problems with your trial journey?" Sam Lane came to Mountainside Manor again.

This time he was not the only one, there were also forty or fifty representatives of advanced alien civilizations.

At any other time, Harry would never let them into the Villa. But not long ago, she was enjoying the highest national gift in Colu. The people of Colu tried their best to please, so she couldn't even refuse to let the representative of Colu in, right?

Once the Kelu representatives are brought in, it will be difficult to reject other civilization leaders who come with the Kelu representatives.

"Didn't you try it yourself? What's the problem?"

"Is it too difficult? There are thousands of elites from the universe, but not even one can enter the gate. Even heroes such as Superman and Batman, who are famous for their strong will, cannot stand and enter the gate at the foot of the mountain.

We must know that Superman and Batman have escaped from the control of Barbatos' nightmare. Who can doubt their will? asked Sam.

Harley asked: "Superman and Batman are so powerful, why is Hal Jordan the first green light, and the second, third, fourth, and fifth lanterns have all appeared, and there is no quota for them?"

Firm belief and never compromise is only one of the criteria and a basic condition for a strong will.

In addition to indestructible ‘hardness’, it also needs absolute flexibility and the ability to tolerate all things.”

Seeing that they all looked confused, Harley sighed and said, "Assuming there is a total amount of willpower, Hal Jordan has 100 standard units of willpower.

Both Superman and Batman are extraordinary, and their willpower is 70 points.

70 is indeed lower than 100, but Hal is the "first Green Lantern in history" after all. The willpower of ordinary members of the Green Lantern Corps is 60, 60, 70, and 100. In fact, there is no essential difference.

Why are the effects of their use of light rings so different? Why can Hal Jordan become a time demon and directly control the rift of entropy to swallow the entire mother river of time? "

"Why?" Sam asked in surprise.

"One unit of Hal's willpower can control 1 million units of green light energy. One unit of ordinary Lantern's willpower can control 100 units of green light energy. One unit of Superman and Batman's willpower can control 10 units of green light energy.

This is the difference between them, this is the 'flexibility' of willpower.

You can think of willpower as dough, and the energy controlled by willpower is the filling of the bun.

For the same dough, ordinary people can only use a rolling pin to roll out a dough as big as a palm. Green Lantern is very powerful. The dough he rolls out is as big as a tabletop and can wrap stuffing as big as a tabletop.

The dough is as big as Hal's egg, and the dough rolled out reaches the atomic level. One layer of dough is one atom, or smaller than an atom, and can cover the entire earth or the solar system. "

Sam murmured: "With such a thin skin, won't the filling fall apart?"

Harley rolled her eyes at him and said, "Hal Jordan's willpower is not only flexible, but also has the highest hardness in the universe.

Will is not material. The thicker the material, the stronger it is. Will is not thin or thick.

I used the example of rolling out dough just to explain the flexibility of the will, but it does not mean that the will is really the dough. "

"It's very possible that will is more complicated than what I said." Harley thought of her cheeky defense expertise, which seemed to be one of the characteristics of will.

"The reason why Hal Jordan is the greatest Lantern in the world is because no matter how many standards there are for will, every one of his standards is top-notch. He is the embodiment of the will of the multiverse!"

"Harley, you are ridiculous, I am not the incarnation of the will of the universe now." A beam of green light fell from the sky, landed in the yard, and transformed into a Lantern in a green lantern energy armor.

"Harley, I heard that the road to trial has been opened and the Green Lantern Corps is ready. Can we let them enter the solar system?" he asked.

Before Harley could speak, he saw all the alien leaders present staring at him as if looking at strange objects.

He couldn't help but explain: "I am serious. I once had the destiny to incarnate the will of the universe, but now the destiny has disappeared, and I am just an ordinary person."

The representative of Kelu asked: "Your Majesty the King of Valkyrie, is it easier for Green Lanterns to pull out the Sword of the Mountain? Their will is more malleable, they can leverage more of the power of entropy, and they can also control the Sword of Entropy."

Harley shook her head and said: "I still can't fully understand the principle of willpower controlling entropy."

Speaking of which, she couldn't help but smile bitterly, "To tell you the truth, I myself cannot control the Sword of Entropy like Hal Jordan.

You came to participate in the trial, which can be regarded as providing me with a lot of experimental materials to facilitate my research on "The Divine Art of Entropy". "

The eyes of the alien representatives lit up, and their voices trembled: "Is it possible to enhance the control of entropy by practicing a certain method?"

"I believe that everything that exists, whether energy or matter, can be controlled with the right techniques."

Their eyes brightened even more, and they said in unison: "We believe it too!"

"We still believe in you. You will definitely be able to create the "Magical Art of Entropy."" The desire in Queen Tamaran's eyes almost turned into liquid and flowed out. "Harley, when you create the "Magical Art of Entropy", can you let me Do you want to practice too?"

"we'll talk about it then."

Even if you can create the "Magical Art of Entropy" by then, you will definitely not be able to practice it.

Or if she wants to practice this skill, she has not thought about what she must do first.

Harley pointed at Hal and said: "Don't you suspect that the mountain sword trial road is too difficult? Hal Jordan, go there yourself and let everyone see if it is harder or easier."

A moment later, a shocking exclamation came from the bottom of the mountain.

As soon as Hal Jordan took a step forward, the shadow that fell on him immediately seemed to come to life, squirming and condensing rapidly, and finally turned into a black sword the size of a finger.

Hal's expression was calm, his right hand spread out, and the black sword hung in his palm.

After taking the second step, the black sword only became more solid and darker.

The third, fourth, and fifth steps were like taking a leisurely stroll in the courtyard, all the way from the "Testing Sword Pavilion" to the mountainside without even taking a breath.

The alien representatives at the gate of the manor were dumbfounded.

"Why is nothing wrong with him? Why did the shadow turn into a black sword?"

Harley smiled and said: "The so-called 'shadow' is just a very weak projection of the power of entropy, a shadow.

Since Hal can control the pure power of entropy, the power of projection is weak, making it easier to control.

Not to mention the little sword, whatever form he wanted it to take, it would immediately become whatever it was.

If someone is talented enough, even if he doesn't understand the control method at first, after taking a few steps, he will rely on instinct to slowly explore and gradually master this little skill.

As long as they control the projection power of entropy in the 'shadow', the power will naturally no longer harm their bodies and they can reach the top of the mountain safely. "

After waiting for another three minutes, Hal flew down with the bone sword.

"Isn't the Mountain Sword Trial too easy?" He frowned, "With only this level of entropy control, how can you control the 'Sword Demon Arms'?"

"Easy? Are you kidding me?" Ryan yelled.

"I'm not joking, it's really too simple." Hal said seriously: "If you only have this level of control, the magic sword will inevitably get out of control, and the multiverse will be destroyed."

Harley said: "There is only one incarnation of will! If your willpower is used as the passing standard, then they don't need to test it, and there won't be a single one who passes the test."


Harley waved her hand and said: "You don't have to worry about the destruction of the universe. The Chaos Legion will not draw the sword in the universe at all. Put the sword back, there are still people under the mountain waiting for the trial!"

After Hal left, a group of alien representatives gathered together to discuss quietly for a while.

The Koru people asked: "Your Majesty the King of Martial God, is it possible that the trial elites we selected according to our own standards do not actually meet the standards for the use of the Mountain Sword?

After all, not even you can pull out the sword from the mountain.

You are a recognized genius in the multiverse today! "

Harley can actually draw the Mountain Sword, but her control of entropy is not as good as Hal's. Otherwise, how could she control the intensity of the projection of the Bone Sword on the top of the mountain?

She didn't explain, but asked curiously: "What do you think?"

Kelu Human said: "We can treat the 'standard for drawing a sword' as a research topic, and the strongest elites of all civilizations in the universe will join forces to find the standard answer.

Knowing the standards, firstly, it will be easier to select suitable trialists to strengthen the 'Chaos Legion' led by you; secondly, you can create the "Magic of Entropy" according to the standards. "

Harley took a deep look at him and said: "I can promise you that whoever develops the 'standard conditions for drawing a sword', even just one, can share my "Magical Art of Entropy"."

All the aliens were ecstatic, "His Majesty the King of Martial God is wise, long live His Majesty the King of Martial God~~~"

"This is mutually beneficial -" Before Harley could finish her polite words, her expression suddenly changed, and without saying a word, her body disappeared on the spot, and she instantly arrived at the "Constantine Manor" on Long Island.

The manor has disappeared, leaving only a white land and a wild elemental storm.

"Rampage in the House of Mystery. Did something strange happen?"

(ps: In the original comic, Xiao Zha and Zha Kang's lover could not get together after all, and they did not get married at all. They only got married and had children in their dreams, and gave birth to a black-haired daughter and a yellow-haired son.

It's pathetic, almost as pathetic as the "Hal and Carol" pre-Carol Green Hal.

Well, after Carol fell in love with Hal and fell in love with Kyle, she and Hal had a deep sadomasochistic relationship for decades, and they couldn't get it, and they couldn't keep it.

Although Zuckerberg and Zuckerberg are not married in the comics, asking male strippers to perform does not slander those female superheroes. There is a similar plot in the comics. On the eve of the wedding of Dinah the Black Canary and Oliver the Green Arrow, the heroine They gathered together to hold a bachelor party for Dinah. At the party, they drank, got drunk, and told dirty jokes (a group of heroines discussed netizens writing their own pornographic novels, drawing pornographic comics, and becoming model workers in the 3D animation area. The topic was explosive). I plan to invite male strippers to perform. They have the same virtues as ordinary people.

However, the heroines were just having fun, always neatly dressed, even wearing uniforms, and not having sex, and the stripper's dream did not come true, and the party was interrupted. After all, DC still sells comics.

It’s a fact that American comic heroines don’t have all the ‘chastity baggage’ that Asian female pigs have, and they don’t look like minotaurs at all. )

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