I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1888 The Dragon of Wall Street

"Harry, I heard that you were going to Winstergate to attend the Magic Conference, and were you selected as the leader of the Magic Alliance in advance?" As soon as Harley finished her morning exercises the next morning, Mrs. Xanadu came over.

"Did you also receive an invitation letter to the Magic Conference?" Harley asked.

"Of course, I am the oldest mage in the supernatural world on earth. Well, I am now a spiritual wizard. Although my level has fallen, I am trying to rebuild my skills and reach a higher level."

She told so many lies that even she subconsciously took them as truth. She really felt that she was deliberately giving up all extraordinary powers and practicing the "Xanadu God King Kung Fu" again as a blank slate.

Ivy came over, looked at Xanadu with doubtful eyes, and said, "Didn't we discuss the Magic Conference last night? Why are you still asking?"

Xanadu originally built the "Spiritual Cave" in the center of the "Dragon's Back Mountains" behind Mount Li.

She felt more at ease living there alone.

Later, because she lost her miraculous power and the magic debt crisis came, in order to save her own life, she moved to Lishan Manor and lived with Harry and the others.

Last night, when Harley stood alone on the top of Mount Li, a ray of consciousness drifted towards the Silver City, Selina, Ivy, Xanadu and Rachel were discussing the Magic Conference in the living room.

In other words, Xanadu knew as early as last night that Harley had agreed to Jason and Zaulie's invitation and was about to serve as the leader of the Magic Alliance and host the Magic Conference in two days.

"I'm greeting Harley!" Mrs. Xanadu looked a little embarrassed. She hesitated for a while and then said: "Actually, I want to ask Harley for a favor.

Wasn't my second sister Morgana sentenced to 'rape' and sent to the Magic Prison of the Sky Eye Society to serve her sentence?

She was sentenced to two hundred and fifty years!

But the magic debt crisis has arrived. If she remains in prison, wouldn't it be equivalent to killing someone at the slightest provocation or being captured without mercy? "

"Do you want to bail her out to avoid disaster?" Harley asked.

Shangdu nodded, "Okay? When the magic debt crisis is over, I will be responsible. I am not capable now, so you can be my guarantee. When the debt crisis is over, if she refuses to come back to serve her sentence honestly, you will be responsible for arresting her." Arrest her and bring her to justice.

With your ability, it should be easy, right? I can help you divine her movements then. "

Ivy said: "Even if Morgana is released, can she alone handle the magic debt crisis?"

"She must have prepared a way to overcome the disaster for herself. Maybe she will go to Lake Avalon to find my eldest sister, and they will go to Fairyland to join Queen Titania.

Perhaps there is a mage at the magic conference who has created a constructive and feasible ‘joint disaster ritual’. "

"Like the joint psychic ceremony back then? This is not a good sign." Harley said strangely.

Xanadu said with a complicated expression: "Although the joint channeling ceremony was extremely thrilling and killed several extremely talented masters, no one can deny that with the power of mortals, we could spy on the Little Black Bean's journey through hell and attack heaven as if we were personally present at the scene. The whole process.

You must know that even powerful demons and angels still suffer heavy casualties, the casualty rate is higher than us, and the risk factor is far higher than us.

We can’t say that the joint psychic ritual developed by Giovanni Zatara is not good, we can only blame Little Black Bean for being too strong.”

At this point, the emotions and memories on her face turned into slight doubts, "It's not entirely because Little Black Bean is too strong.

Afterwards, we studied the joint channeling magic circle for a long time and determined that Zatara was worthy of being the 'first person in magic of the previous generation', and his joint channeling theory was perfect.

In fact, the ceremony was very safe at the beginning, without any accidents, until the end. Alas, maybe we were unlucky, and our psychic consciousness unfortunately attracted a glimpse of the will of Little Black Bean. "

"After that joint channeling, you swore on the spot that you would never participate in similar activities again." Harley said.

Xanadu said matter-of-factly: "Now that I have your protection, of course I will not participate in the 'Joint Tribulation Ceremony' again. If there is really a mage who imitates Zatara back then and develops this type of ritual."

But no matter what results are discussed at the magic conference and what plans are drawn up to deal with the robbery, it is definitely not safer than living in your home and staying by your side.

The problem is, I can stay at your house, but I can’t bring my relatives and friends over, right? "

There was actually a bit of expectation in her eyes, but when she didn't get a response from Harry, she hid her disappointment and continued: "For Morgana, the Magic Conference is definitely worth looking forward to.

If she stayed in prison, she would definitely die. Joining the Magic Alliance would at least have a chance of survival.

In fact, she received an invitation to the Magic Conference last night.

A robin transformed by the power of the mage's mind passed through the prison doors and delivered the invitation to Morgana. Then Morgana notified me through the prison phone. "

Harley pondered: "Contact Waller and tell me what I said. All magic villains and prisoners who are in jail can be released on bail."

Xanadu's eyes widened, "I just want to bail Morgana out."

Harley sighed: "The law does not punish the public, and the law does not sacrifice love. The laws were the same when they were tried. Now, due to special circumstances, criminals released from prison must abide by the same set of 'temporary laws.'"

Ivy frowned and said: "Since it is a temporary bill, do you need to notify the White House and Congress? Let them come forward and bear the responsibility, so that you will not be criticized after something happens."

Harley shook her head and said: "It's not necessary. Now even mages who have committed no crimes will report their status to the Eyes of Heaven or the Bureau of Shadows regularly.

After those magic criminals are released from prison on bail, they will definitely be subject to limited supervision by the agents of the Sky Eye Society.

If they dare to cause trouble while on bail, Waller will not let them go.

You can question Waller's conscience, but you must trust her methods of dealing with criminals. "

Mages living in the United States need to report their status to the Eyes of Heaven or the Bureau of Shadows regularly.

This is to ensure that the mage himself has not yet encountered a magic debt crisis.

Just show that you are alive and everything is fine, there is no need to go into too much detail.

At other times, the mages would be unrestrained in their love of freedom and would not pay any attention to the Sky Eye Society and the Bureau of Shadows, even if Harley supported this rule.

Now they just hate whether the Sky Eye will be able to convince Harley to build a "temporary shelter" in Lishan and let them all live in it.

Some mages who are more afraid of death have even built an "unobstructed meditation room" at home: cameras are installed in the meditation room to allow agents to monitor their every move in real time.

They also removed all defensive measures in the meditation room to facilitate agents and Zhenglian heroes to rescue them in time.

Death cannot make mages surrender, but the magic debt crisis is not just death, it is countless times more terrifying than death.

From the outside, there is almost no difference between the Winstergate Manor and the single-family wooden houses of the American middle class.

Without the guidance of the invitation letter in hand, it would be difficult for the mages to find Baron Winster's manor in a long row of residential areas with their naked eyes and experience, because it is exactly the same as other houses in the community, whether it is the structure of the house or the layout of the courtyard. Or a sense of atmosphere that is very consistent with the community environment.

"Baron Winston is really a genius. He chose such a place that completely conforms to the 'weird' aesthetic. No one even collected his body when he died."

Zha Kang pulled on his clothes and stood up the collar of his brown Burberry windbreaker to block the night wind blowing like a scalpel.

As soon as he retracted his right hand into his pocket, he couldn't help but take out his cigarette case and lighter, and lit one for himself.

The cigarette shines brightly and dimly, like a firefly flying on a dark, deserted street.

"Give yourself some morale!" Xiao Zha glanced at him and warned: "We are guests of Winstergate Manor and will enjoy the fireplace and wine provided by the host.

Even if we have not dealt with Baron Winston in the past, we should not lose the most basic courtesy. "

It's rare that she didn't wear black leather briefs and fishnet stockings today.

It was indeed cold in Ottawa in early February, and it was almost midnight.

Xiao Zha wears a light blue cashmere long coat on the upper body, long leather boots and black velvet pants on the lower body.

However, she still did not abandon her "magical hottie style". The coat was open, and there was only a small vest that tightly hugged her breasts. Most of it was white and even slightly reflective in the dark night.

"Isn't what I said the truth?" Zha Kang held the cigarette butt in his right hand and pointed at the forest and said: "The eerie forest, the trees are bare, the branches point to the sky, just like the claws of a desperate man reaching towards the sky before death.

The north wind blew, bringing wailing sobs from the forest, as if there were hundreds of ghouls hiding in it.

After walking for almost three kilometers on the asphalt road outside the town, Xie didn't see a single streetlight or even a passing car.

Our fantasy of a ‘weird’ lair is just a scene here and now, right? "

"If you come here in September, the scene you will see will be completely different." A voice came from behind the two of them, it was a "boy" holding a cat in his arms, "Lush woods, flowers stained with dew , deer are scattered on the roadside, birds are singing in the forest, and a breeze blows, as if you can smell the fragrance of green grass."

"Witch boy?" Zha Kang looked back at him, his expression not very surprised, "I thought this was a banquet for a 'magic giant'."

The witch boy is only about 1.2 meters tall and has blue skin.

Ignoring his surly demeanor and cold temperament, his face is as childish as a child's and looks like a child.

Although he looked like a child, he was dressed very formally, wearing a complete black suit, even his hair was waxed, and there were obvious traces of makeup on his face.

"You say I'm not qualified?" A blue light flashed in the witch boy's eyes, and he revealed a pair of sharp canine teeth that looked like vampires when he spoke, but he was not a vampire.

"Hiss~~" The big cat in the witch boy's arms also grinned at Zha Kang.

Zha Kang shrugged, "That's not what I said. Everyone knows that you have a good relationship with Baron Winster, otherwise you wouldn't know about the 'Beautiful Views of Winstergate Manor' in September.

But everyone also knows that when Phoenix Faust recruited a group of magical villains to snatch the "Book of Magic", many bastards received invitations, but you were the only one who heard that you recommended yourself to be a pillow but were rejected?

Nick also ridiculed you as the weakest grandmaster? "

Even to acquaintances and friends, Zha Kang is often sarcastic.

The witch boy is not a life-and-death enemy, but also an opponent that he has not dealt with for many years. Naturally, he will not show mercy.

Xiao Zha, on the other hand, lightly touched his shoulder and gave him a reproachful look.

"I heard that you gained a lot of benefits from the Book of Magic incident?" The witch boy looked at Zha Kang and sneered: "Weird must like this abundant magic power very much, right? I guess you will see him soon. It’s time. Constantine, I swear, I will go to the Halls of Justice to say a final goodbye to your deformed corpse.”

There was an unnatural look on Zha Kang's face for a moment. "Proving the Tao with force" was not what he wanted.

It is really stupid and dangerous to "prove the Tao with force" on the eve of magic debt and become a spiritual wizard and gain oneself with powerful supernatural powers.

"You still dare to come to the Magic Convention at this time. You must have great trust in the security commitment of my good friend Harley, right? Hehe, you are very discerning, and it feels good to be protected by her.

Even if the news of the Colu Capitol reaches the earth, and even if the Justice League has searched for more than 30 deformed corpses around the world, I am still happy and comfortable, without any psychological pressure, eating well, drinking and having fun every day.

Hehe, recently I even considered proposing to Xiao Zha! "

Xiao Zha's face was red with embarrassment, but his eyes were a bit resentful: All you talk without practice is useless, if you have the guts, propose to me now!

The witch boy glared at him coldly, quickened his pace and passed the two of them, disappearing into the darkness ahead in an instant.

Zha Kang watched him quickly move away with his two short legs, but still refused to let him go. He laughed and said to Xiao Zha from behind: "Haha, did you see? The witch boy stared at me with only one look in his eyes. Part of it is hatred, and the rest is all envy and jealousy. Oh, this is called typical envy, jealousy and hatred, right? Hahaha."

"Alas, the wizard boy clearly meant no harm at first and even took the initiative to talk to us. Why should you?

When everyone is in danger, putting aside grudges and helping each other is the right way, which is also the purpose of the Magic Conference. "Xiao Zha sighed.

Zha Kang smiled and said: "Are you really planning to establish a 'Magic Mutual Protection Alliance' with them? We have Harley, and today we are just here to go through the motions to give Jason and Zaulie a face.

In other words, give Harley's 'God brother' some face.

The mastermind behind this magic convention is obviously the old God. "

"Harley is also having a hard time. She is not 100% sure of dealing with debt collectors. Now we should find ways to share the pressure for her instead of relying on her power to show off in front of other mages.

Once you show off, other mages will of course think - as the leader of the alliance, can Harley also give them some protection? "Xiao Zha said.

Zha Kang said disapprovingly: "Relax, don't ask Harley to be the leader of the alliance, even if they call her 'mom' or 'grandma', she still won't give them an extra glance."

"But the dissatisfaction in their hearts will turn into hatred. Harley may not care, but this is always bad, and this badness is exactly caused by your wanton display." Xiao Zha said.

There is an iron fence half a person's height outside Winstergate Manor. The iron gate on the front is opened directly. There are no light bulbs or street lights hung in the courtyard or at the gate.

It was only when I walked through the front yard with yellow lawn and came to the wooden building that a yellow chandelier was lit.

Under the chandelier stood a well-dressed and elegant middle-aged man.

He was also wearing a top hat and looked like a typical British gentleman, but he was also holding a big yellow dog at night, which looked very strange.

"Hi, Baron Winston, you look very good." Zha Kang greeted with a smile.

The big yellow dog stretched out its head and sniffed at him and Xiao Zha without barking.

Baron Winston stared at Zha Kang for a while, then turned sideways with a calm expression, moved out of the way, and simply said: "Welcome, please come in."

Zha Kang was planning to make some more jokes to raise his old friend's blood pressure a few degrees, but Xiao Zha grabbed his arm and dragged him directly into the house.

Zha Kang and Xiao Zha arrived early.

It was less than half past ten when we entered the gate of the manor, but the living room was already crowded with people.

In fact, there were many tables, chairs and sofas in the classical hall of more than 400 square meters, but they were all full of people. The witch boy who arrived one step earlier than Zha Kang and the others could only sit on the floor holding the cat.

The fireplace was burning brightly, and only candles were lit in the hall. There were no modern light bulbs. The air was a bit hot, but the atmosphere could not match the warmth, and could even be considered heavy and condensing.

Most people were silent and did not speak, and even if they talked to their companions, they would only whisper to each other.

Zha Kang stood on tiptoe and took a look inside, and he understood the reason for the dull atmosphere: several angels with white wings and several high-level demons were standing in the center of the hall, not saying a word, only confronting each other with their momentum.

"I saw Xanadu, let's go find her."

Zha Kang tried to squeeze in again, but Zatanna immediately grabbed him and pulled him to the oval table in the southeast corner, next to the floor-to-ceiling window.

Madam Xanadu sat with several familiar mages such as Mr.

They were all speechless, looking at the mages around them boredly and aimlessly.

"Hi, John, Xiao Zha!" Shangdu was very happy to see the two of them coming over, and quickly directed the people at the same table to move their positions, forcing two empty seats on the sofa.

"When did you come here?" Xiao Zha asked casually.

After sitting down, she also began to observe the mages around her.

"It's earlier than you, but it's not too early. Even if you arrive a quarter of an hour early, you won't be unable to find a seat." Xanadu said.

"Where's Harley?" Xiao Zha asked.

As if a switch was triggered, hundreds of pairs of eyes in the hall looked over, including the angels and demons who were confronting each other. Xiao Zha shrank his head in embarrassment.

Xanadu was used to big scenes and said calmly: "It's not the agreed meeting time yet, she will definitely have to wait until the last second and start the meeting directly after arriving.

With her personality, you can't expect her to come over early and chat with everyone, right? "

Zha Kang pointed towards the center of the hall and asked, "What do they want to do?"

"What a stupid question. When an angel and a demon meet, what else can they think about other than wanting each other to die?" Witch Sargon glanced at Xiao Zha with complicated eyes, her tone was a little unkind.

Her father, the wizard Sargon, and Xiao Zha's father, Zatara, have been friends for many years, and their friendship began when they were teenagers.

She and Xiao Zha also met early because of their father.

When they met at this time, they should have embraced each other warmly, laughed and talked, but there was a bit of embarrassment between them. There was no greeting or hug, and they even tried not to look at each other.

It has nothing to do with the identity of Sargon’s witch Leng Yan’s Holy See. It’s purely a love triangle, robbing men, and sisters tearing each other apart.

After the wizard Sargon and Zatara died together in the combined psychic magic, Zatara was still boyfriend and girlfriend with Nick, but the witch Sargon had been friends with Zha Kang for a long time. The witch Sargon may have He didn't regard himself as Zha Kang's girlfriend, but regarded Zha Kang as his property.

When Xiao Zha and Zha Kang got involved, Witch Sargon started fighting with her childhood friend, and even tried to pry Zha into the corner again and snatch Zha Kang back.

After snatching her back, she didn't want to be a boyfriend and girlfriend, but mainly to have sex and make her feel sick.

"Superficial! At this time and on this occasion, of course I asked the angels and demons what they wanted to plan when they got together.

In other words, the purpose of this magic conference is to deal with the magic debt crisis, and what specific plan they plan to come up with. "

Zha Kang is thick-skinned, let alone bringing his current wife to meet his ex. Even if his deskmates are all his exes, he still has a natural expression and smiles without restraint.

"You are not superficial. You are still a friend of the Witch Harley. Come and answer this question!" Witch Sargon sneered.

Xanadu said: "Please keep your voice down! Both angels and demons are looking at you."

Zha Kang closed his mouth and followed their example of remaining silent, only looking around at the mages present with his eyes.

When the wall clock above the fireplace struck the eleventh hour, Harry entered the hall with Baron Winston.

She didn't make a shocking appearance with any sound and light special effects, and she didn't show off by riding the dog Saint Son Yebi. She walked in through the gate like other guests this time.

"Sorry, everyone." Baron Winston left the big yellow dog outside the house and stood in front of the fireplace to speak first, saying: "At other times, I will use magic to expand the space in the living room so that each of you has a comfortable bed. On the sofa, everyone sits by the warm fireplace, and the puppet maid serves you food and drinks.

But as you all know, this is a special time. Any spellcasting behavior or even simple magic fluctuations may attract "weird" eyes.

We have seen many examples over the past few days.

More than 90% of the deformed corpses collected by the Justice League were devoured by their own spells when they cast spells, and the magic changed from a plaything in their hands to something deadly and 'weird'. "

"Alas, magic is 'weird' itself!"

Baron Winston sighed, took two steps back, and gave up his position.

Jason Blood and Harley looked at each other, and then the second one appeared, saying: "Magic is the mother of magic, weirdness itself, but magic is also the foundation of our existence!

We can't lose magic, the world can't lose magic, the universe needs miracles!

We are not only protecting our own lives and the power of miracles.

We are still guarding the order of magic and guarding the wonders of the universe from being destroyed or usurped by anyone.

No one can protect magic and miracles by the strength of one person alone. We must unite and we must act first! "

He looked around, "None of us can survive alone. If we fail, magic will cease to exist, and all existence related to magic will be destroyed.

Therefore, no matter what differences and hatred we have had, we must work together to build an alliance at this time. "

Jason glanced at Harley again and winked at her quietly.

Harry thought for a moment, but couldn't think of any inspiring opening remarks. He could only get straight to the point and said: "This Magic Conference is to establish an alliance. I will be the leader. Which of you agrees and who opposes?"

Angels, demons, human mages, including Jason Blood, were all stunned for a moment.

——You didn’t mention the rules and purpose of the alliance, nor the responsibilities and obligations of the alliance leader. Why did you start choosing the alliance leader directly?

"I agree!" Zaulie spoke first.

"We agree." Others, regardless of their status, immediately raised their hands in agreement.

"Okay, I am the leader of the alliance, Jason, please tell me how to form this alliance?" Harley said.

Jason was speechless, you are already the leader of the alliance, why are you asking how to form an alliance?

"First of all, I want to state that the core purpose of the Earth Magic Alliance is to protect magic and miracles.

To put it bluntly, it is to survive, to survive!

Therefore, the Alliance will not force anyone to make sacrifices that he does not want to make. There is no such thing as sacrificing an individual's life for the overall situation unless he is willing.

We will not let our allies serve someone's selfish interests. Our allies are not someone's personal arm, and they do not serve any purpose unrelated to the magic debt crisis. "

Many mages with solemn expressions looked relaxed.

Harley knew in her heart that this was aimed at her and limiting the power of her alliance leader, but she didn't care at all.

Senjie continued: "Under the alliance leader, there will be multiple members forming a committee, and there are no restrictions on the identity and number of members.

Anyone can become a committee member, as long as he can propose a practical way to overcome the disaster.

Even if you can't directly overcome the magic debt crisis, as long as you can serve to overcome the tribulation, it is considered a way to overcome the tribulation, and you can join the committee.

The committee members can mobilize the power within the alliance to turn their own methods of overcoming the disaster into reality."

Jason Bullard had clearly thought about it, and he kept talking for half an hour, clearly explaining the responsibilities and scope of authority of alliance members, committee members, and committees.

During his narration, only people asked questions and no one objected.

Even Zha Kang, the most picky and fond of finding fault with others, never raised any doubts.

Because Jason is truly selfless, he also gives the members of the alliance the greatest freedom: they can refuse the call of any committee member, or even do no tasks at all.

Whether to do something or not depends on the consciousness of the members of the alliance, not the oppression of someone's authority.

After finishing speaking, Jason turned his eyes to Harley again, "Harley, you are the leader of the alliance, but you are not the chairman or committee member.

Of course, like other allies in the alliance, you can submit your own plan, and you can become a committee member after it is approved. If you become a committee member, you must be the committee chairman. "

"I would like to hear the opinions of all committee members first." Harley said with a smile.

Jason nodded and faced everyone again and said: "The leader of the alliance is not the same as the chairman of the committee, but the leader of the alliance also has extremely important tasks.

Please look around. There are your friends and people you have never dealt with in the past. There are people you absolutely trust and there are people you can't trust at all. There are strangers and old acquaintances.

How to ensure that you will not be plotted and betrayed when performing the tasks of the committee members?

How to ensure that the secret of your power is not leaked by your companions?

We need an absolutely worry-free alliance environment! "

He pointed at Harley, "What I mean is that all of us must swear the 'Witch's Oath' in front of Harley.

That is to say, activating the oath and the law of contract, swearing to Harley herself or her thick-skin law, the one who breaks the oath will definitely touch her thick-skin law, make her have bad thoughts, and sooner or later create her poisonous hand, and eventually her essence will be drained. Life dries up and dies.

Moreover, the soul will not have peace after death, and will sink into the gate of hell, become a part of the gate of hell, and be guarded by hell forever - driven and tortured by the witch Harley. "

The surrounding mages, angels, and demons all had serious expressions, and the atmosphere in the living room was extremely heavy and depressing.

Although Harley next to her had no expression on her face, she felt very uncomfortable: Damn it, the Witch's Oath was so terrifying that even she was a little scared.

Jason said in a deep voice: "You must have some idea of ​​Harley's ability. She stole the origin of destiny and the law of cause and effect in the "Book of Destiny".

Now she has mastered the 'Great Karma and Destiny Technique'.

As long as there is a causal connection with her, no one can escape her divination and prophecy.

And as long as you break the oath of the witch, you will definitely have a big cause and effect with her.

In the past, even if you used the Witch's Oath behind your back, you could still hope that you would not meet Witch Harley after breaking the oath, or that when you met her, she would be in a good mood and not interested in you.

Now that Harley is on the scene, she will definitely take the initiative to hunt down the Oathbreakers.

Therefore, the Witch's Oath at this time is the most terrifying oath in the multiverse.

Because she is the most terrifying existence, harder to violate than the law of the contract itself. "

Harley was a little embarrassed and a little angry.

She wanted to defend herself: Even if she draws someone's magic power, she would not deliberately torture him or make him suffer more. With her current strength, death in her hands would be very pleasant.

But the mages, angels and demons below all had expressions of recognition on their faces and nodded slightly.

"Okay, let's take an oath. The content of the oath is not harsh. As long as you don't take revenge for personal gain, don't stab anyone in the back, don't deliberately fail to do your job, don't destroy the committee's method of overcoming the disaster, don't betray magic itself, and don't take the initiative to seek refuge with magic creditors. ——”

Zha Kang finally raised his hand and shouted: "If Weird puts a knife on my neck, should I listen to it? If I listen, will it be considered a breach of my oath?"

Jason hesitated for a moment, then leaned in front of Harley and had a few mental conversations with her, and then said: "I just said, as long as you don't actively surrender to the enemy, it doesn't count as breaking your oath.

If Weird finds you and threatens to eat you, you will do anything to save your life.

Of course, if you succumb to the weirdness, the Law of Oath will not trouble you, and we will definitely kill you if we encounter you. "

"Weird forced me to do it, and you still want to beat me to death?" Zha Kang shouted.

Jason said: "The weirdness is forcing you to surrender. Of course you can surrender in order to survive, but we also want to survive. If we don't kill you and let you continue to act as an aide, we will lose our lives.

Your life is life, and so is our life. For your own life, you can surrender, or we can beat you to death, fair and just. "

"Yes, fair and just." The other mages followed, shouting very excitedly, looking at Zha Kang's eyes full of teasing and eagerness, as if Zha Kang had already committed "devil rape" at this time.

Zha Kang shrugged, "Anyway, I have Harley's protection, so I definitely have no chance of being threatened by Weird. Even if someone is killed fairly and justly, it's just you and has nothing to do with me."

Except for a few mages who were close to him and Harley, everyone else felt as sick as flies.

Harley interjected: "When Weird needs help from one of you and accepts you as a magical traitor, it just proves that Weird is not omnipotent and invincible.

Therefore, those who have become traitors should not despair, but should strengthen their determination to resist Weirdness.

I’m not asking you to resist on the spot.

You can secretly come to me to confess your betrayal, and you may be able to deceive me at a critical moment.

I promise you that as long as I am on the scene, I will try my best to save your lives and give you a huge reward afterwards. "

"Well, Harley is right. Invincible people don't need help or traitors. Even if you are targeted by Weirdness and threatened by it, don't give up hope or resistance," Jason said.

Then, under his leadership, all the mages present swore the "Witch's Oath".

"Harley, it's your turn to swear an oath next. You have to make a promise to the angels in heaven and the devils in hell at the same time." Jason whispered to Harley.

Harry frowned and said, "Didn't you say that you only want me to be the mediator of the oath?"

"Actually, you are still the mediator." Jason turned back to the mages and said: "We have sworn the witch's oath, the Magic Self-Preservation Alliance has been officially established, and the next step is to elect committee members.

Being a committee member is the key to surviving the Magic Debt Crisis.

The people who were invited to attend the Magic Conference were all legendary mages from the extraordinary world.

You are all the ‘protagonists’ of a certain era and a certain country.

I believe that you will definitely not be willing to suffer the consequences. You have already made your own plan to overcome the tribulation.

Now that the Magic Conference is temporarily adjourned, you can think for yourself or discuss with your friends to decide whether to offer a way to overcome the disaster and become a member of the Alliance Committee.

People who are originally at a loss and have no way to overcome the disaster can also work with allies on the scene to come up with a way to overcome the disaster.

In short, for the next five hours, you can move around freely. You can stay in the living room to discuss, or you can ask Baron Winster to arrange a small conference room for you. "

Everyone signaled to each other with their eyes, and when they were about to leave, Zha Kang called out again, "Jason, as the initiator of the alliance, you must have some doubts in your heart, so tell me your way to overcome the disaster first!"

All the mages stopped moving and looked at Jason curiously.

Jason pondered for a while and said: "You all know my situation, I am not alone, I am Jason Blood, and I am also the demon Etrigan.

The simple human knight Jason Blood has limited abilities and cannot find a way to overcome the disaster.

Etrigan is a representative of hell, and hell has a plan to overcome the disaster.

But before announcing the devil's plan to overcome the catastrophe, Hell and Heaven must once again complete a cooperation oath under the witness of Harley.

Therefore, please wait for another five hours. When the adjournment is over, I will be the first to announce the method of overcoming the tribulation in hell on behalf of hell. "

A moment later, in a room on the second floor.

"Harry, you should have noticed that this is a First Fallen." Demon Prince Etrigan pointed at the man beside him and introduced: "Maybe you have heard of his name, 'Dragon of Wall Street' Penny" , the newly rising financial devil.”

Etrigan is still in the body of Jason Blood at this time, he just replaces Jason in taking control of the "Demon Knight".

The "Dragon of Wall Street" has black hair combed into a meticulously slicked back hair, a hooked nose, and a very handsome appearance. He looks in his forties, has skin as white as wax, and wears a blood-red handmade suit. He is very delicately dressed. Sophisticated.

"Well, Penny, you are famous both in Gotham and in Hell. Of course I know you." Harley looked at him with burning eyes and swallowed lightly, "It's just that I've heard of your name for a long time, but I've never seen it until today. It’s rare to see the real body. Oh, I’m glad to meet you.”

As early as 20 years ago, after Harley upgraded her God's Power Defense Specialty to level 10, Penny, the "Dragon of Wall Street", had been making her salivate.

It was the devil closest to her and the biggest piece of fat that was delivered to her.

Even though Mammon, the former king of wealth, is also active in the earth's financial circle, Mammon's home base is still in hell. At most, he can arrange for his son to live in Los Angeles or Wall Street.

Because Mammon's financial business is mainly the trade of souls between hell and the major divine realms, its financial currency is souls.

Penny is the most authentic "King of Finance". His authority lies in the earth's financial industry. His home base is on Wall Street, and his identity is also on Wall Street.

The reason why Etrigan calls it the new demon king is because before the development of financial trade on the earth, Penny was just a demon king, and his promotion to the demon king happened a hundred years ago.

At that time, it was a sensation in hell and all the major divine realms!

Now Harley is a famous figure in the supernatural world, but the "Witch Harley" 100 years ago was Penny.

It's a pity that Harley has been greedy for its powerful demonic origin for decades. She has led "Dark Warrior" to sweep Wall Street countless times, but she has never found it.

Not even a clone was found.

However, the "Dragon of Wall Street" is still famous and active in the industry, and has not remained in seclusion.

"Where have you been hiding all these years? Are you still on Wall Street? Why can't I find you, but you seem to have been active on Wall Street?" She couldn't help but sit up straight, approached it and asked curiously.

Penny's face turned paler, and his legs were still a little weak. He subconsciously took a step back, hiding half of his body behind Etrigan, and said with a forced smile: "Your Majesty, King of Martial Gods, what Etrigan means is that as a first-time descendant of hell, you and The mediators of peace talks with angels in heaven must adhere to the principle of being impartial and not harming any party.

It is equivalent to you making an oath with us - during the magic debt crisis, you will never harm any demon in the hell camp and any angel in the heaven camp in any way. "

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