I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1889 A super hard-core way to overcome the tribulation

"Nonsense!" Harley shouted: "I am the God of War in Heaven, how can I cause any harm to the angels in the Heaven camp?"

Penny, the First Fallen, apologized repeatedly, "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, His Majesty the God of War in Heaven, I'm talking nonsense, I'm talking nonsense, I'm asking for your forgiveness.

In this alliance, the only requirement from hell is that you, as the mediator, will not harm any demon who enters the earth in any way or for any reason.

Nor will it prevent us from entering or leaving the gate of hell at any time in any way or for any reason.

As for the angels in heaven”

The Dragon of Wall Street glanced at the Eagle Archangel Zaulie beside him, "You are the God of War in Heaven. How you arrange the angels in Heaven and how you implement the methods of overcoming tribulation in Heaven are all your own business.

You are free to do as you like, we First Fallen have no right to interfere, nor do we have any intention of interfering. "

There were six or seven high-level demons who came to Winstergate Manor to participate in the magic conference, but there was only one First Fallen, Penny. At this time, Penny was the only one who came with Etrigan to discuss the alliance.

There were seven or eight angels entering the conference. At this time, in addition to Zaulie, there was also a fire angel, Harry, who had a stronger aura, whiter skin, and more holy feathers. His silver-white armor was covered with burning flame sacred patterns. It can be seen that he is a high-ranking human angel.

Among the four major angel groups in Silver City, human angels are naturally superior to others.

The black bald female angel Zawlie was clearly the leader of the Eagle Angels. Standing in front of a high-ranking human angel whose name Harry didn't even know, she looked as shabby as a little follower.

The Angel of the Flame Saint Pattern quietly touched Zaulie's right arm. Zaulie tilted his head and looked at him with questioning eyes for a second or two, and then said: "Harry, although you are an archangel in heaven, in Silver There are still very high authorities in the city, but this time you are not participating in the oath as an angel in heaven.

You are the mediator of the oaths of heaven and hell.

A mediator should be fair and impartial and not take sides.

Even if we all know that you will not really harm the angels in the lower world, and will not interfere with the method of overcoming the tribulation in heaven, please temporarily put aside your identity in heaven, and use an absolutely neutral mediator attitude to do the same to both parties in the alliance. Promise of. "

After a pause, she took two steps closer to Harry and whispered: "The mediator's promise is your personal oath.

Technically speaking, you are always the mediator.

It's just that the mediator also needs to make a commitment to both parties.

This is the normal process of the oath, and it is not directed at you. "

——What the hell, you are forcing her, the God of War in Heaven and the Young Lord of Silver City, to promise never to harm the angels in Heaven or interfere with the actions of Heaven, just like the oath she swore, and why are you targeting her?

How distrustful of her this is, the first fallen from hell’s defense against her is nothing more than this.

Harley felt uncomfortable, but she wasn't really angry either.

Whether it is Penny and Etrigan, the First Fallen in front of them, or the Flame Angel and Lao Zha in heaven, they are just busy little guys at the front desk.

The real boss didn't show up at today's magic conference at all.

And she had already met Michael, the real boss of Silver City.

She had reached a similar agreement with Michael that day: before Operation Heaven failed, she would not interfere at all, unless she offered help in times of need. Only when Heaven failed completely could she show off her power and do whatever she wanted. If she succeeded, she would share the silver. The city gets a piece of the pie.

Of course, it was Harley who took the initiative to share a piece of Silver City's pie.

The Omega Titans have appeared, and anyone with a little foresight understands that the opening of the "Copy of the Almighty Universe" is just around the corner.

There will be many times in the future when she will rely on Brother God's reputation and power, and now of course she will try her best to curry favor with Brother God. Well, the real background behind Heaven's action to snatch the "miracle power" is actually Brother God, who is more insidious and cunning than her.

Michael made it clear that Heaven is determined to gain the miraculous power it already possesses.

Brother God is determined to get it, but if she doesn't take the initiative to offer it, she is too short-sighted and incapable of flattering him.

"Lao Zha, are you the person in charge of this operation in heaven?" Harley asked.

A trace of uncertainty and a bit of embarrassment flashed across Zaulehey's face, "Currently, I am the person in charge and the general representative of the Heaven side in the Magic Conference.

The plan to overcome the tribulation after the magic conference may have to be discussed again in heaven. "

Having said this, she looked at Harry with doubtful eyes and asked, "Didn't you send Father Carlisle to attend the last Angel Council on your behalf?

The resolutions and plans of the Angel Council were clearly stated at the meeting. "

It was she who took the initiative to welcome Carlisle, who was awkward and embarrassed. It was she who moved a chair for Lao Carl and placed the chair next to the Eagle Angel's seat, so that he would not be overwhelmed by the cold and coercive eyes of the archangels. Make a fool of yourself and lose face.

In fact, even at this time, the Angel Council has not ended and is still convening.

Just as the "Voice of Heaven" told Harley two days ago, the meeting will last at least two days. Only when the results of the Magic Conference come out will the Angel Councilors of Silver City make the next plan.

Nor can we blame the Angel MPs for their lack of foresight in their work.

It is true that Harley has too much influence today. Any unexpected "fantastic idea" she has may make the "perfect plan" that was originally planned in advance become full of errors and unexecutable.

"You also said that I just sent Carlisle to observe. He didn't send me the meeting report, and I don't know what you talked about." Harry said.

Then she turned her gaze to the human angel next to her and asked: "This fire angel, can you answer my question?"

The Fire Angel first bowed to Harley and introduced himself: "To the Archangel of the God of War, my name is Udon, and I am the adjutant of Lord Uriel, the Archangel of Fire."

"It is very possible that Archangel Zauliel is not the executor of heaven's plan." He said cautiously.

The title "Martial God King Archangel" is very interesting.

First of all, Harley is indeed an archangel worthy of the name. She was also given a pair of angel wings in her early years. The "salary" (God's power) from the God of War in Heaven and the defense of Silver City are stored in those wings, just like other angels.

Secondly, King of Martial Arts was not a title given to her by heaven, but "Silver City Guard" did not sound impressive, and Udon guessed that Harley would not like to hear others call her that.

The "Heavenly Wargod" has a name but no power. Generally, no angel calls Harley this way, because if they shout like this, it means that they recognize Harley's identity as the Heavenly Wargod. This recognition itself is part of the authority and has power.

"The designated executor of the Heaven Tribulation Plan shouldn't be the 'sinner' Uriel, right?" Harley said.

Zauliel is a dark-skinned eagle archangel who guards the gates of heaven.

Uriel was one of the 12 archangels, and his power was only lower than that of Michael and Gabriel. If he had not messed up the "Son's Coming" plan in heaven more than ten years ago, it would not be Raphael's turn to be the "Acting King" now.

Raphael was just Uriel's backup.

Udon pursed his lips, lowered his eyes and said: "Sir Uriel will strive for the opportunity to make meritorious service, but the final result has not yet been determined, and there is no advance decision.

If Lord Martial God King takes the initiative to ask for help, he is very likely to gain the status of ‘general person in charge’ for Archangel Zaulie. "

Zaulie looked at Harry eagerly.

Harry ignored her and said directly: "You all swear an oath, I promise to be your mediator, and I will absolutely abide by the mediator's duty to be impartial and never interfere with any party.

No matter who of you intends to break the oath, I will punish you according to the oath to ensure that the oath is not broken. "

Etrigan first looked at Penny, the Dragon of Wall Street, and then said, "Harry, you don't even ask about the content of the oath and the plans of hell and heaven?"

"Didn't you just promise to the people outside that you would fulfill your oath and be the first to announce the method of overcoming the tribulation of hell?" Harley said.

Etrigan said: "That being said, the method of overcoming the tribulation we plan may be modified to a certain extent according to your wishes.

The bill that gets your approval is the final plan I will announce to the public.

Of course, if you modify too much content, Penny may have to go back to hell immediately to ask for instructions from the people above. "

"Well, you guys are quite sensible." Harley nodded with satisfaction and said, "Tell me what your plan is."

Etrigan straightened his back and said solemnly: "The chief planner of this hell operation is my father, Beelzebub, the only 'Satan' in hell today!"

Upon hearing this, Penny immediately took half a step forward, and then said: "Beelzebub's power has been sealed, and he is extremely weak at this time.

It is actually the Inner Dragon King who actually organizes the First Fallen Legion, and the First Fallen all obey the wise leadership of the Inner Dragon King. "

Etrigen frowned and glanced at him, "My father Beelzebub is the 'Satan' recognized by His Majesty Lucifer and all demons.

Although part of his satanic power has been sealed, one of the additional contents of tonight's oath is to ask Harley to lift the seal and allow my father to reach his peak state. "

Penny was startled and looked at Harry eagerly, "You want to lift Beelzebub's power seal? Lord Martial God King, you have to think clearly. Beelzebub is not an ordinary First Fallen. If he regains his strength, you and your Friends will not live in peace."

Harry scanned the faces of the two hell demons and said, "Is it possible that there are two methods of overcoming tribulation in hell? Neilong and Beelzebub are divided into two factions, each with their own method of overcoming tribulation, and they also interact with each other." compete?"

Penny and Etrigan both had embarrassed looks on their faces.

After making eye contact with each other for a moment, Etrigan said frankly: "There is only one way to overcome the tribulation. We should work together, but the factions are different, and the bad things of internal fighting are inevitable after all."

Penny became more and more embarrassed.

Etrigan felt calm after speaking out his words.

The two angels on the side showed sarcastic and contemptuous expressions. In fact, they were also like crows laughing and pigs being black. Silver City has never been short of internal strife. It was less than ten years since the last rebellion in heaven! Now that the God of War in Heaven and the members of the Archangel Council in Heaven are clearly not dealing with them, Xiao Qiang's disaster may not happen again in the future.

Harley is also very calm. She knows very well what kind of virtue the demons in hell are. If there is no internal fighting, the demons will work together. Unless the retired Lucifer Morningstar picks up his wings and the king returns.

Especially Etrigan and Neilong, they set each other up in the earlier "Ghost Out of Control Crisis", and their hatred is as deep as the sea (ps).

But she was also a little confused about Etrigan's attitude.

As far as she knew, Etrigan's relationship with the demon king's father, Beelzebub, had never been harmonious.

In the early years when Lucifer was still around, Etrigan was an unswervingly loyal fan of Lucifer. Even though his father Beelzebub became one of the three Satans, he insisted on being Lucifer's vanguard and captain of the guard.

When Lucifer decided to divide the power of "Satan" into three parts, Etrigen also tried his best to persuade the "king" to take back his life.

He said in front of his father: "Except for your Majesty Lucifer, no other demon is worthy of commanding the First Fallen, and no one in this world is qualified to be on an equal footing with you."

If hell is a court, Lucifer is the old king, and Etrigan is the staunchest royalist.

Etrigan is so loyal to Lucifer because of Lao Lu's charm, ability, and admirable power, but he also has the intention of protecting himself by joining Lao Lu.

It is precisely because he has surrendered to the old path, become his confidant, and gained his protection that Etrigan has been able to live freely and happily in the past thousand years.

The devil never appears as a loving father.

It is very common in hell for the Third House to use its daughter Rachel as a carrier of power to invade the material world. Rachel's three demon brothers not only work hard for Dad to collect souls and expand his business, but they also often provide their bodies for Dad to use when needed.

His body was blown apart in the battle, and only the devil's son and grandson died, while the devil's father was safe and sound.

Unkind fathers and unfilial sons are the norm in demon families in hell.

Now Etrigan behaves like a dutiful son, working extremely enthusiastically for his father, even using his relationship with Jason to ask Harley to help his father remove the power seal.

Could it be that Lucifer ran away, Etrigen lost his backer, and is now being threatened by Beelzebub?

Many thoughts flashed through Harry's mind, but she asked without hesitation: "Etrigen, your father Beelzebub was stabbed in the waist by Constantine, right?"

Etrigan said: "Not only the kidneys, Constantine was ruthless and used your waist-cutting sword to cut open my father's intestines and take out the heart and kidneys.

Then I used my father's heart and kidneys as sacrifices to seal most of his origin in the lightless sea under the nine hells. "

"Being sacrificed to Little Black Bean?" Harley had a strange expression. "This is a bit difficult to handle. The power fell into Little Black Bean's hands and it will be difficult to get it back."

Etrigan said in a deep voice: "Harley, if my father returns to normal, he will personally lead the First Fallen to carry out the method of overcoming the tribulation of hell.

If there is a 'Satan' as the leader, the success rate will inevitably be increased to the highest level.

A win-win result is almost guaranteed. "

Then he turned his head again and said to the "Dragon of Wall Street" who was hesitant to speak: "Penny, I hope you can understand that what we are facing is the greatest and ultimate disaster for extraordinary beings.

And you are in the First Fallen team, and you also serve as the vanguard officer.

You are the spokesperson of hell and the CEO of the method of overcoming the tribulation of hell. You will be the first to face the mother of weirdness and magic, negotiate with them, and convince them to divide the magic power to hell.

You have a very important mission, but your job is also very dangerous.

Who knows if Weiyi will listen to your deceptive tongue.

Even if you are as cunning as Harley, you still need a chance to speak, right?

Then use your brain to think about it.

It is safer to have my father personally lead thousands of newly fallen people to stand behind you and act as your safety guarantee.

Or should you listen to the inner dragon and exclude my father? However, the inner dragon himself is still hiding in hell and refuses to go into battle in person. Is it safer to just have a group of ordinary first-fallen people around you?

The purpose of internal fighting is for interests, and the prerequisite for competing for interests is survival. "

Penny was moved, and his expression became struggling, "I can't betray the Inner Dragon King. I have followed the Inner Dragon King since we were still Angels of Silver City.

I can be promoted to the Demon King only with the full help of the Inner Dragon King. Moreover, the Inner Dragon King will not forgive betrayal. The Legion of the First Fallen was almost entirely established by him. If I betray Him, I will no longer have a place to stay. "

"This is not a question of whether you want to betray the inner dragon." Etrigan turned his eyes to Harley, "I am asking Harley for help. As long as Harley is willing to help me, my father will definitely return as the king.

Hell demons respect the strong. When the time comes, even Neilong will become a hero who knows the current affairs. What choice do you have? "

Harley stared at his eyes for a while and asked, "What is the method you hell demons have prepared to overcome the tribulation? How come there are tens of millions of First Fallen? Is it possible that we have to go to war with Weird directly?"

“Force is not the best method, but it must be the most direct and effective method.

We who have just fallen into hell have the awareness to face the strangeness, defeat it, and replace it.

That is, of course, if the mother of weirdness and magic refuses our request for cooperation.

In order to achieve this goal, we have mobilized more than 3,000 First Fallen, 5,000 Ancient Demons, starting with the lowest Demon Lord, and more than 300 Demon Kings and beings with Demon King strength!

After the Magic Conference is over, we will begin to recruit ordinary demons. There is no upper limit on the total number of demons. We will try our best to show our power.

This is why we need you to be a mediator and to uphold your promise of absolute neutrality.

Without your promise not to harm any demon at will, even the ancient demons and the First Fallen would not dare to enter the earth at will, let alone move at will. "

"Three thousand First Fallen, five thousand ancient demons, the lowest demon king, and the demon king has more than 300 courage!" Even with Harley's current knowledge and strength, she couldn't help but want to take a breath: these demons are crazy. Well, take the initiative to get a copy of "Hell Buddha Jumps over the Wall" and send it to Weiyi. Anyway, it's a gift, why not give it to me? With eight thousand demon kings and three hundred demon kings, how strong must my divine power be?

She was both shocked and ready to move.

Anyway, she has no credibility in the supernatural world, so she might as well break her oath again

At the same time, she was still a bit unwilling and angry.

These bastards were not so active when dealing with her. They only lost one demon king, Mamen, and they all shrank back and refused to bring food to her mouth again.

It's so pitiful that she has grown so old and yet she has never eaten a devil.

Mammon is hung on the wall of origin, and most of the origins of the Three Palace Demons belong to God and Rachel.

"Are you really confident, or are the benefits too great to hold back? I admit that three hundred demon kings sound scary, but what you are facing is strange, the master of miracles!

I'm not saying that you have no chance of winning.

The problem is, no one can guarantee that you will win completely and lose nothing.

Is it worth it, as far as that goes? "

Etrigen opened his mouth, and finally glanced at the two angels watching the show, and said: "Harley, why don't you ask Zauri and Udon to see how brave the City of Silver is."

Harley also turned to the two angels.

Zaulie subconsciously looked at Udon, who was at a lower level.

Fire Angel Udon hesitated for a moment and said: "The final plan of Silver City has not been determined yet, but I estimate that the total force will be no less than Hell."

Etrigan then continued: "In crisis, there is opportunity. With great risks, there are great opportunities.

Harley, you must understand how beneficial the magic debt is. "

He changed to spiritual transmission and continued: "In addition to the basic benefits of becoming the new master of magic power, the hell demon also received a promise.

No matter which First Fallen can obtain 5% of the total magic debt, he will become the real Lord of Hell.

Like His Majesty Lucifer in the past, he is the only 'Satan'.

Not only does the authority of the past three Satans belong to one person, but even the key to the gate of hell in your hand must be handed over.

Maybe your hell garrison will be abolished, and the management of the gates of hell will return to the hands of Satan again.

At that time, hell will return to its original appearance when His Majesty Lucifer was still there, and Satan at that time must also be the real master of hell. "

"Who gave you the promise? Has he asked me? The key to the gate of hell is in my hand, and my duty as the guardian of hell is forged with real swords and guns. Who can deprive me of my power?" Harley said.

Etrigan gave her a blank look, "Of course it is an existence that can take away your power and can fulfill its promise 100%.

Don’t you really like your position as the Guardian of Hell?

I have never seen you sit at the gate of hell, and there are only a thousand households of mortals arranged by you at the gate. Those thousand households only know how to eat and drink, making the guard house a mess.

If you can perform well in this magic debt crisis and satisfy your superiors, even if the Hell Guard House is really abolished, you will definitely have a better job. "

"Are you serious?" Harley stared at his face and asked directly.

"From the time I entered the house to now, I have taken every word seriously." Etrigan said solemnly, and then asked: "What do you mean by seriousness?"

"Do you really want your father to lift the power seal?" Harley said.

Etrigen nodded heavily and said, "I hope he will become the leader of the Hell Legion."

"Okay, I'll discuss it with Constantine later. There should be no big problem."

Penny's pale face showed anxiety.

Harley turned her gaze to him again and said: "Neilong was also stabbed through the waist by the waist-cutting sword. He has not returned to his full strength now, right?

You go and tell him that if he is willing to go to the battlefield like Beelzebub, I can also help him restore his true nature. "

After finishing speaking, she looked around the scene and said with emotion: "I went to Silver City the day before yesterday. Although I did not attend the meeting of Archangel Councilors, I listened to the teachings of Lord Michael at the Tower of Holy Sound.

I deeply understand the importance of this magic conference to our Lord God and to our system of heaven and hell.

You all know me. I am where I am today only because of God’s love.

Brother God loves me, and I love Brother God.

I can do whatever it takes for the sake of profit, but I don’t want to let my Lord down, lose, or fail.

Therefore, not only will I fully abide by the mediator's promise not to interfere with your relevant actions or harm the relevant personnel, I will also try my best to ensure the success rate of both of you.

I don't like Beelzebub, but I will help him. With him around, the success rate of the plan to escape from hell will increase dramatically.

I don’t like the inner dragon and the fire angel Uriel either, but I will try my best to meet their needs. With them around, the success rate of hell and heaven will increase dramatically. "

She waved her hands to them, "You can contact your respective bosses behind the scenes and convey my meaning to them so that they understand what I mean."

The other three turned around and wanted to leave, but Zaulie stayed where he was, still looking at Harry eagerly, and said, "How did you think about what Wu Dong said just now?"

"What?" Harley asked confused.

"If you also join the angel team and fully support me, I can replace Archangel Uriel and become the overall person in charge of the plan to overcome the tribulation in heaven." Her eyes were full of expectation.

Harley wanted to pry open her skull and see what was inside.

How can Eagle Angel, who can't even defeat a superhero, have the confidence to face the strangeness head-on?

However, there was no need to pry open Zaulie's head, and Harry knew that apart from a few bundles of rice straw, the only thing left inside was loyalty to Brother God and the enthusiasm to dedicate everything to Brother God.

Lao Zha is an honest angel with no selfish motives.

"Lao Zha, you have a good heart, but my heart is a little dark. You asked me to support you with all my strength, which is no problem, but I'm worried that I will be unjust at the critical moment!

Do you know that my promise to Lord Michael is that I will never intervene during the operation of Heaven and Hell, and I will not rob you of your merits or excessive magic debt that may be distributed. "

Harley's words and expression at this time also looked like an honest person.

She waved her hand and finally said to Lao Zha: "You can go back to heaven with Ambassador Wu Dong first, continue to attend the Angel Council meeting, and ask for the instructions and opinions of the top leaders. Don't make unreasonable opinions. Good intentions will not be praised."

Zauliel opened his eyes to look at the Fire Angel Udon.

The previous words were indeed spoken by Udon himself, and Udon must have received the highest instructions from his leaders.

Udon hesitated and said: "Master Wu Shen Wang, everyone knows your conduct.

As you just said, everything you have comes from the Lord’s love, and you will never let the Lord down no matter what.

As long as you make a commitment and only contribute without taking away any source or power, I think all the archangels still trust you. "

Harley glared, "Of course I am willing to dedicate myself to the Lord, but some people like to gain benefits for themselves in the name of the Lord.

Let me be honest, Etrigan has told me that only 5% of the magic debt is needed to win.

In other words, the power above 10% can be taken away by the winner.

If you work hard and enjoy the fruits of victory, I will at most be envious and jealous, but I don’t think you deserve it.

But if I was asked to fight tooth and nail, I was made to swear that I would hand over the fruits of victory to those bastards in Silver City. Get out of here, don’t let me slap you to death! "

With her last words, she unleashed all her might, and the powerful aura of the King of Martial Gods rushed toward the opposite side like a tidal wave.

Udon's face turned pale and his body trembled slightly. Without saying a word, he just bowed and ran out in a panic.

Zaulie followed out with a look of helplessness.

The two hell demons laughed happily on the side: The internal fighting among the angels in heaven is no less than that of the first descendants from hell!

A moment later, still in the same room.

"What are you talking about? Let me unlock Beelzebub's power seal and help it return to its full strength?" After hearing Harley's request, Zha Kang's expression immediately changed and he jumped excitedly: "Do you know that in order to get it? How long have I been planning to disable it, and how much effort and price have I spent?

If it returns to its full glory, do you think it will come to Weird first, or to me?

Harley, I'm getting married soon, don't hurt me like this! "

"Who are you going to marry?" Harley asked in surprise.

"That's not the point, okay, it's also very important, but I'm talking to you about Beelzebub now!" He yelled loudly, and he had no choice but to slow down his tone, "I'm not you, you are not afraid of heaven and earth now, Demon King God King is just a dish.

If I don't use conspiracy and tricks, I can't even deal with an ordinary demon duke.

The last time I was able to defeat Beelzebub, three points were due to his strategy, and six points were due to his contempt and lack of attention to me.

A person will not fall into the same pit twice, and a demon will not be defeated twice by the same human being. "

"Put aside the inconsequential issue of unblocking Beelzebub's power. Tell me, who are you going to marry? Xiao Zha? She is blind and actually agrees to your proposal?

That's not right. You are born with a face that makes you die alone. How could you think of proposing to Xiao Zha? "Harry still looked surprised and didn't care about his so-called point.

Zha Kang stared at her for a while, then smiled proudly and said: "You are wrong about that. It was not me who proposed to Xiao Zha, but she who loved me to the core and couldn't help herself, and took the initiative to show her love to me. Hey, how could I Do you have the heart to reject her?"

"John Constantine, how dare you talk nonsense!" Zatanna roared in shame and anger from outside the door.

"Uh, Xiao Zha, what are you doing?" Zha Kang was startled, then pointed at Harley and said angrily: "You are hurting me! Xiao Zha was staying in the living room on the first floor to have a fire and drink with Xanadu and the others, but you deliberately pulled her out of the door. of."

Harley smiled and raised her chin towards the door, "Go and ask Xiao Zha if it was me who pulled her here."

"Squeak~~" The door opened in response. Xiao Zha's face was flushed. He glanced at Harry shyly and said angrily: "Harley, don't gloat about your misfortune! Although you didn't use space magic to pull me here, you deliberately The spiritual message asked me if John lied."

Harley made an innocent expression and said: "In my impression, you are reserved and proud, and you have the capital to refuse any licking. It is impossible for you to take the initiative to propose to Constantine.

I think he is lying, so I ask you.

Do you think that my impression of you is wrong? You are not reserved and shy, but you are bohemian, passionate, shameless, and take the initiative to be Constantine's dog licker? "

Xiao Zha was speechless and could only glare at Zha Kang.

Zha Kang said awkwardly: "I don't mean anything else, I just brag out of habit after being proud of myself. Xiao Zha, can you understand?"

Then he coughed again, turned to Harley and said, "I proposed to Xiao Zha. When I was talking to Xanadu and the others, I asked myself to speak rashly, but Xiao Zha agreed. I was very touched and thanked her very much.

In fact, I had this idea the last time you locked us up on the Ark Continent.

At that time, there were only Xiao Zha and I in Ark Continent. I mean, no one knew us in Ark Continent. We had no familiar people around us, and we didn’t need to be wary of known or unknown crises and enemies.

Without any mental burden, you can fully enjoy the fun of traveling for two.

One morning, I woke up from bed and looked at Xiao Zha's peaceful and beautiful sleeping face next to me. I suddenly had an impulse - I wanted to be with her forever.

I want to marry her! "

"John." Xiao Zha's eyes were watery, and the happiness and emotion on his face seemed to turn into invisible pink hearts, filling the whole room.

Harry was so panicked that he no longer wanted to watch the excitement, and shouted: "Xiao Zha, please go out first, and I will go down to find you after John and I finish talking about business."

Zha Kang grabbed Xiao Zha's hand and said, "We are talking about business now."

"Do you know how much courage I had to muster up before I dared to express my feelings to Xiao Zha? It didn't take me so much determination to play with the three Satans of Hell.

Now it's not easy for lovers to finally get married, but you want to release our biggest enemy. Do you want my wedding to turn into a funeral? "

"What enemy?" Xiao Zha asked doubtfully.

"Harley asked me to remove the power seal of Beelzebub, Lord of the Flies. I stabbed it dozens of times with my waist-cutting sword, and also specially sacrificed the organs rich in its power source to the Sunless Sea." Zha Kang simplified the matter Explained again.

Harry felt very uncomfortable, "If only you had a bright mind and sacrificed Beelzebub's origin to me, the bad things like today wouldn't have happened."

He knew who she was and what she needed, yet he still threw away the big fat piece of meat he got.

Zha Kang was stunned for a moment, and then explained helplessly: "I didn't completely subdue Beelzebub, I can do whatever I want.

I set a trap for it, and I was lucky enough to let it fall into the trap, but there wasn't much I could do to do whatever I wanted. "

The trap he set can only drag Beelzebub back to hell, and the sacrifice of the origin is just the way of taking advantage of the situation.

"I mean, you don't have to worry about it at all. After you get Beelzebub's body out, give me a call, and I'll surround it with Superman, Wonder Woman and other regular heroes.

It's dead, it's over, and Etrigan won't ask me to restore his father. " Harley said.

Zha Kang shook his head and said: "You can surround and kill ordinary demon kings, but you can't deal with Beelzebub.

It is Satan from hell, and the origin of hell will not let it die.

No matter what killing move you prepare, as long as the energy level and volume of the killing move do not exceed the hell itself, you cannot prevent the hell from pulling it back at the critical moment. "

Harry did not argue with him, but only explained the plan to overcome the tribulation of heaven and hell, and finally said: "You can relax, Beelzebub will definitely swear to me that he will never take action against you within a hundred or two hundred years.

If it breaks the oath, I will have a great cause and effect with it, and I will definitely catch it and avenge you. "

Zha Kang frowned and said: "Why don't you take action against me within 'two hundred years'? Why don't you always stay away from me? Besides, revenge is useless, all of us are dead."

"The hatred between you two cannot be completely resolved. If you give it a thought, its oath will become more sincere.

Just like you said, everyone is dead, and even helping you to avenge you can't give you a good life.

The more sincere and less resentful it is when it swears, and the less likely it is to break its oath, the less likely you will be beaten to death by it.

If it can't help it, it will definitely beat you to death for breaking its oath, so you don't have to worry too much. "

Harley continued: "There is a rule in heaven, and you know it - neither angels nor demons can completely destroy the soul that believes in God.

Don't look at the demons in hell who often devour fallen human souls and eat them with gusto.

In fact, being eaten by demons is just part of the punishment in hell.

What the devil enjoys is not the soul itself, but the sin stained on the soul.

Just like ordinary people eating enoki mushrooms, they eat them in the morning and see them in the evening; they eat them at the table and see them in the toilet.

After I avenge you, I will definitely find your broken soul in Beelzebub's poop. "

Zha Kang's expression was distorted, and Xiao Zha also felt a little disgusted.

"When they come back from heaven and hell, I will ask the Archangel of Heaven to be the mediator. If Beelzebub breaks his oath, the Archangel of Heaven promises to take your soul to heaven, repair it, and use the pure holy power of heaven to condense your faith in God for free. body.

When the time comes, you can still be happy and carefree by becoming a grass-headed god in Tiantian Mountain. "Harry said at last.

"Harry, what do you think of this? I don't want an archangel to be my mediator. You only need to promise that when the matter is over, you and I will immediately join forces to attack Beelzebub again and seize his waist again. Then you can rob it as you like. Origin, grab as much as you can." Zha Kang said.

Harry said meaningfully: "The end of the matter means that the plan to escape from hell is successful?"

"Can they succeed? If they fail," Zha Kang said with a thoughtful expression on his face, "Are they too reckless to have anal sex with Weird?"

"They may be a little reckless and motivated by interests, but they are definitely not stupid. Even if one or two angels or First Fallen are stupid, it is impossible for all First Fallen and Archangels to be stupid and ignorant," said Harley.

Zha Kang nodded slightly and said thoughtfully: "To be honest, if they arrange it properly, there is a certain chance.

The core of the Hell's Tribulation Plan is the First Fallen and the Ancient Demon, which is obviously well prepared.

The First Fallen were transformed from the angels created by God, and the Ancient Demons were born from the original hell created by God and were the natives of hell.

Whether they are the First Fallen or the Ancient Demon, their initial power is extremely pure and pure. They are not contaminated by any magic power, and their bodies and souls do not leave any magic marks.

The power of God and magic belong to two different systems of miraculous power.

In terms of energy level, God's power cannot be lower than magic.

Therefore, the battle between the Legion of the First Fallen from Hell and the strange ones is a normal equal battle. The competition is about skills and strength, not the mother of magic versus the mage. They are crushed purely by the 'magic debt rules'. No matter they are as weak as a magic apprentice or a magician, As powerful as the God King, he can move in seconds, and there is no chance to compete with real combat power. "

The First Fallen have been fighting with the angels of heaven for tens of billions of years, and they are most lacking in combat power and skills. "

"So heaven and hell have won? Is the magic debt crisis coming to an end?" Xiao Zha asked in surprise.

Zha Kang looked hesitant, looked at Harley and said, "What do you think?"

"It's definitely impossible to win for sure. I think the chances of winning are still very low." Harley said.

Zha Kang nodded lightly and sighed: "If 10 billion years ago, the Legion of Heaven and Hell would win surely, but now it's a bit uncertain."

"Why? In tens of billions of years, the legions of heaven and hell will only become stronger." Xiao Zha asked puzzledly.

Zha Kang said: "The fighting power must be stronger, but their power is no longer so pure.

Just take Beelzebub, doesn’t he like to eat ‘enoki mushrooms’?

Even if the 'Enoki Mushroom' itself is indigestible and you eat it in the morning and defecate at night, the magic power and miraculous wisdom of the 'Enoki Mushroom' will definitely be absorbed by it.

How many enoki mushrooms has it eaten over the years?

Hell demons, whether they are first fallen or ancient demons, who has not eaten 'Enoki Mushroom'? "

Flammulina enoki is the soul of a mage who believes in God. A mage has magic power. After being eaten by a demon, the magic power will naturally not be returned to the broken mage soul.

Xiao Zha was shocked: "So, the legions of hell and heaven are destined to lose? No matter the first descendants of hell or the angels of heaven, they are no longer pure.

There are fallen mages in hell, and there are holy priests and holy mages in heaven. For example, Father Carlisle has entered heaven, but he is a serious magician!

The power of heaven is also tainted by magic. "

Zha Kang shook his head and said: "It's not that we don't have to be so desperate. Everything we can think of now, the angels in heaven and the first fallen in hell must have also considered it.

Hell only selected three thousand fallen angels. There were hundreds of thousands of fallen angels who followed Lucifer and fell into hell!

Why? "

"Because those three thousand first fallen ones are the purest?" Xiao Zha asked.

"It may be the purest, and it may also be the most consistent with some kind of joint combat ritual, just like the joint channeling back then. Angels have never lacked combination skills, and angels have never lacked creative geniuses." Zha Kang looked at Harley and asked: "You are familiar with heavenly combat techniques. Do you have any magic circles or magic rituals suitable for dealing with strange things?"

"I don't know, and there's no need to guess. I'll ask them directly later. Now you can use the waist-cutting sword to lift part of Beelzebub's seal," said Harley.

This time Zha Kang did not refuse. He moved very quickly, without even the slightest hesitation, with a happy smile on his face.

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