I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1887 What Heaven Wants

"Have you heard about the incident at the New Kulu Planet Capitol Building?" Harley asked.

"Knights of the Round Table" Jason Blood nodded and said: "Although Keru officially did not announce this news, and the earth's media only said that the Capitol building was attacked by a cosmic terrorist organization, the flow of information in the magical world has not been interrupted. .

Several magical heroes in the Justice League have also preached this matter in the Oblivion Bar many times.

In fact, the tragedy at the Capitol was also the direct reason that prompted us to convene the Magic Convention.

No one wants to make the same mistakes again. "

In order not to cause panic within the universe and prevent the name of the magic master from spreading throughout the universe, Kelu decided to block the news of the magic debt crisis after discussing with the leaders of major civilizations.

They all used the same approach, claiming that a certain cosmic terrorist group had released a deadly biological virus.

The named cosmic terrorist group also immediately stated that it was responsible for the attack. The Koru people made the whole thing watertight, and ordinary people were basically fooled.

However, the magic circles of these civilized planets were warned in time, and like the earth, they still secretly supervise the extraordinary people, determine their life and death, and clean up their deformed corpses in time.

Harley said: "There are two main reasons why Weird is targeting the Colu Universe Civilization Conference. First, too many people are talking about the magic debt crisis and Hecate, the mother of magic.

Secondly, too many influential people come together to cause trouble among them, and things are bound to be sensational.

Although Weird is not Hecate, their relationship is complicated.

I even suspect that they are more closely connected than we suspected.

It cannot be said that they are two sides of the same body. Talking about either side will also attract the attention of the other side.

When Wei Wei noticed that the giants of the universe's civilization gathered together, accompanied by many magic advisors and magic bodyguards, they naturally didn't mind starting a dark terror craze across the universe.

Magic and faith are so closely integrated, and the cognition and fear of all living beings are equivalent to alternative beliefs, which can not only enhance the strange power, but also strengthen its existence in the multiverse. "

The so-called "existence force" is the counterforce against the multiverse that excludes its existence.

"Obviously, your Magic Conference is another 'Colu Conference of Nations', and all elements are very similar.

There are a large number of magicians gathered together, and they are all small giants and big giants who have far-reaching influence in the magic world.

Your magic convention will most likely turn into a grand dinner party for Weird and Hecate.

Maybe they have already put on their napkins, picked up their knives and forks, and are just waiting for the meal to begin. "Harry said at last.

Jason Blood's eyes flashed and he asked: "Do you have a plan to deal with the magic debt crisis?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he immediately changed his words and said: "You must have your own plan. What I mean is, do you have a plan to protect magic for the world and other extraordinary people in the extraordinary world?"

Harley said frankly: "This time even I have to be collected for debt. I really don't have the energy to protect the world. I don't have the extra heart and the power is not enough."

Jason Blood didn't take her confession seriously and said, "You only have a plan to protect yourself, but you don't have the determination and confidence to protect everyone.

But everyone is just like you, a person with thoughts and emotions.

We all want to survive, so we will naturally protect ourselves at all costs.

We understand that gatherings at times like this are dangerous, but it’s always safer to hold a Magical Convention now than the next.

The longer time passes, the stronger the mother of weirdness and magic becomes.

Simply put, if you encounter them at this time, you definitely have a better chance of winning than if you encounter them later.

And a group of extraordinary mages who work together to deal with them will definitely have a greater chance of surviving than facing them alone. "

When Harley heard this, she immediately thought of various martial arts conferences in martial arts novels.

At the Juxianzhuang martial arts conference, the martial arts heroes made it clear that they would join forces to deal with Qiao Feng.

After a great victory at the Guan Wulin Conference, Guo Jing and his wife directly stated that they would gather all forces to fight against the Mongolian army that was about to move south.

In these martial arts conferences, what the heroes are least afraid of is meeting the rightful master on the spot.

Just like Jason Blood said at this time, they were originally going to deal with the target person, and this is the most powerful time when everyone is together.

"You mean, you are still looking forward to Weird appearing at the magic conference, and then you will work together to kill it while it is still weak?" Harley said with a weird expression.

——I'm afraid that the weak existence you are looking forward to is also Xiao Feng with a stereo and a wine bottle!

Jason seemed to guess her thoughts from her expression and said, "I heard Wonder Woman say that Weird suffered a big loss in your hands.

You even pulled out the tiger's teeth and sawed off the horns of the dragon's head, stealing part of its origin, scaring it so much that it ran away in panic, not even daring to show its face.

And the reason why you took the time to come to the Universal Civilization Congress and participate in those matters that you are impatient with is because you are thirsty and want to continue looking for weird things to feast on.

If you were sitting at the magic conference, I firmly believe that the weirdness will never come back, and all the extraordinary people participating in the conference will be safe and sound. "

Harry waved his hand and said, "I'm not as greedy and domineering as you say, and Weird is not as pitiful and miserable as you say."

"But you are not afraid of it. If you encounter it again now, you will still be happy, won't you?" Jason stared into her eyes and said.

Harley said with a tangled expression: "The weirdness at this stage is indeed not very powerful, but it is still delicious. I mean, its origin is very rich."

The corner of Jason's mouth twitched slightly, and he thought to himself: You don't have to quibble, Wonder Woman has already told us, you just use your mouth to chew the strange distortion marks left behind, like crispy rice cakes, it makes a crunching sound when you eat it. His face was filled with happiness, and the heroes of Zhenglian beside him were terrified after watching it. Our scalps were numb and our skin had goosebumps after listening to the "second-hand stories".

"As you said, I am very happy to meet it again, but not as the leader of the magic alliance in the spotlight, but as a top predator hiding in the shadows." Harley said.

"You are so strong and you still don't want to be upright, and you still want to continue to secretly shoot?"

Jason looked at her with incredible eyes for a while, and said with emotion: "No wonder you are invincible. Just because of your spirit of not being scornful because of the enemy's weakness, and not being stern because of one's own strength, whoever you don't win will win, you If not strong, who is strong?

But the problem is, you are now known to the gods and demons of the multiverse as the ‘number one in the world’. You have even taken the turn of the three creators several times. How can you still hide in the dark?

You are a huge sun. Wherever you hide, you will be under the spotlight. "

Harley was a little proud of his compliment, but she still shook her head and said, "Well, if all villains had the same idea as you, they wouldn't cause trouble, and the world wouldn't have all kinds of crises.

They know my name and my power, but they still dare to do big things, just because they are stronger.

Although the sun is bright, it is basically a shadow area in front of the supernova. "

The black-skinned angel Zaulie beside him became impatient and said: "I'm just asking you to participate in the magic conference, and I'm not asking you to carry the burden of all the mages' debts and attack the strange lair alone.

You keep talking non-stop, as if we are here to kill you.

Not to mention anything else, just based on the relationship between me and Jason and you, if any one of us comes to Lishan Manor in person, there is no need to give any reason. You should pat your chest and proudly say that you will be there on time. "

Harley glanced at her and said, "Are you just asking me to participate in the magic conference? You want me to be the leader and the leading sister! If I am just an ordinary participant, will I talk nonsense with you?"

"If you are willing to be everyone's leader, everyone will be happy and excited, but are you willing?

The so-called alliance leader is just the person who presides over the alliance.

At most, when something strange comes, you are strong and need to put in more effort. "Zhaulie said disapprovingly.

Jason smoothed things over and said, "Harley is just asking for details. Whether she is the leader or not, we have to explain the details clearly.

After all, the planned magic conference cannot be perfect. In the process of talking with Harley, we can find out and fill in the gaps in our plan. "

Harley looked at Archangel Eagle and said, "Old Za, you are right. Based on my relationship with you two, if you encounter any difficulties, I will just draw my sword and chop you off without saying a word.

But this magic conference is your two business?

You guys are just errand boys at the front desk, right? "

"The Magic Conference is not a private matter of any one party, it is a matter for all of us. In the magic debt crisis, all extraordinary beings are caught up in it." Zaulie said seriously.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, you two should be honest, whose will do you represent?" Harley said.

Jason pondered: "Zaulie definitely represents the will of Silver City. If you insist on saying who I represent, I can only say that I represent myself and Etrigan at this time.

Since Merlin fused Etrigan and I into one, I have accepted the responsibility of using my power to protect.

Now the tide of darkness is about to swallow up the supernatural world, and all people and things related to magic will perish. I cannot remain indifferent, do nothing, and watch the disaster happen. "

Harley nodded secretly. Although Jason Blood has not joined the Justice League Dark, he is a well-deserved magical superhero. It is not surprising that he has such an awareness.

"Okay, I've done this 'Magic Alliance Leader'." Harley sighed.

She no longer expected to find out the origin of the Magic Conference from these two "front desk managers".

She decided to go to Silver City later to talk to the "backstage boss" in detail.

Jason breathed a sigh of relief and said in a brisk tone: "Today is February 3, 2025, and the day after tomorrow will be at 11 o'clock in the evening on the 5th at Winstergate Manor. The Magic Conference will be held on time."

Harry was stunned for a moment and said in surprise: "Is it Baron Winston's manor? I thought you were planning to come to Lishan for a meeting."

She had been unwilling at all before, and she didn't want her hometown to become a playground or a refuge for magicians.

"It would be best if the venue could be held at your home." Jason's eyes were full of anticipation and excitement.

Harry quickly waved his hand and said: "Put it in Winstergate Manor, which is the destined place for the Magic Conference."

"The land of destiny?" The expectation on Jason's face turned into confusion, "Why?"

——Why else is it that martial arts tournaments are usually held in the homes of people who are not very powerful but have a small reputation? For example, the You brothers in the Juxianzhuang Martial Arts Tournament and the Lujiazhuang in the Guan Martial Arts Tournament were victorious.

Even if he did encounter Xiao Feng with a stereo, the one that was destroyed would only be Juxian Village, which had nothing to do with him. Even if nothing happened at the time and was later retaliated by the Mongolian cavalry, it would only be the Lu Family Village that no one paid attention to after the martial arts conference. bear.

Isn't Winstergate Manor now the Juxian Manor and Lu Family Manor in the DC multiverse?

The identity, name and status are all so similar, it’s simply God’s will, and the “Land of Destiny” is truly worthy of the name.

"Don't you often hold 'magic events' at Winstergate Manor? Everyone is used to it, and the manor naturally has its destiny." Harry said casually.

She was actually not familiar with Winstergate Manor.

Because the owner of Winstergate Manor, Baron Winster, didn't have much interaction with her.

Every superhero has his own lifelong enemy, and their lifelong enemy is consistent with their identity and abilities.

For example, most of Bateman's lifelong enemies came from Arkham Asylum. Well, it's not that Bateman is also insane, but his mental state is indeed different from ordinary people.

Wonder Woman is a magical warrior, and most of her lifelong enemies are related to magic.

Baron Winston and Harley's former little brother, Dr. Neuro, are both male members of the Wonder Woman fandom.

Baron Winston was not from Gotham, and his abilities and personality were not very distinctive. Harley paid little attention to him and did not know what legendary events his ancestral manor had held.

However, both Juxian Village and Lujiazhuang are well-known in the martial arts world and have hosted many martial arts people. Otherwise, they would not have been chosen as the venue for the martial arts conference.

As the gathering place of the DC world, Winstergate Manor must also be a place where magical people often gather.

With this inference, Harley would "talk nonsense".

Unexpectedly, when Jason heard this, he nodded in agreement and said: "Winstergate Manor has indeed held many magic events, and everyone is used to it.

For example, during the Little Black Bean incident twenty years ago, the Earth Master chose Winstergate Manor to hold a joint psychic ceremony. "

"Uh, the joint channeling where many magic masters died tragically was held at Winstergate Manor?" Harry had a strange expression, and felt more and more like Winstergate Manor like Juxian Manor.

"you do not know?"

Jason was a little surprised. Just now she said that Winstergate Manor held many magic events. How come she didn't even know about the most important magic event in the past hundred years?

"I was just a little shrimp at the time, how could I be qualified to participate in the big boss's event? In fact, I had no idea about their psychic plan.

However, after the accident, I seemed to have heard that the joint channeling ceremony was in Europe, Sweden or somewhere? I don't remember clearly. " Harley said.

In front of the alien leader, "Alien Einstein", even if she didn't know it, a part of her mind would sink into the mother river of time, pretending to be an omniscient person with an indifferent expression.

In front of friends, she will not waste her energy and make daily communication unnatural and uncomfortable.

"You are not a little shrimp. You have shocked the multiverse several times at that time." Jason said with a complicated expression.

He knew her before the Little Black Bean incident and the joint channeling.

At that time, she got an opportunity to summon Etrigan from Hell Judge Huanxi, and she always regarded it as her final trump card. Now, only 20 years have passed, and the "Demon Knight" has almost no use to her.

"Winstergate Manor is very similar to Zatanna's 'Shadow Peak'. They are both magical buildings that have been passed down for a long time. Although they cannot move as quickly and come and go as freely as the Mysterious House, they can also be changed by summoning magic. Location. Last time it was in Europe, but this time it was in Canada, a small town outside Ottawa."

Jason explained first, then took out a magic invitation and handed it to Harley, "Maybe you don't need it, but holding it can lead you directly into the manor, which can save a lot of trouble."

Harry accepted the invitation and said, "I thought Winstergate Manor would be in the United States, near Boston."

Wonder Woman is the city protector of Boston, and most of her fans live in Boston.

"Baron Winston did stay in Boston for many years before, until the 'Book of Magic' incident not long ago. Alas, he was very unlucky, suffered huge physical and mental trauma, and needed to move to a secluded place away from the hustle and bustle to slowly recuperate. "Jason said.

"The Book of Magic." Harry suddenly said: "I remembered that Baron Winster accepted the invitation from Phoenix Faust and Nick, and wanted to snatch the 'pure magic power' of the ancestors of white magic, but ended up falling to Iper In the hands of a police officer, he was dismembered by a mad scientist.

Hahaha, he is still in the mood to hold a magic conference, and it seems that he is recovering well. "

In fact, Xanadu, Zha Kang, Frankenstein and others were also dismembered by the mad scientist of Ipok that day. They were still alive and well, as if they had not left any psychological shadow.

Jason and Zaulie did not stay at Lishan Manor for long.

After handing the invitation to Harley, they chatted about weird things for a while, and then the two of them said goodbye and left.

They also have to send invitations to other extraordinary bosses.

Harley was their first guest. After taking care of Harley, the other magical people didn't even need to visit in person. They only needed to use magic to send the letter. The letter only said, "Harley is the leader of the alliance and promises to be responsible for on-site security. Please come quickly” can easily get almost everyone.

But some extraordinary giants, such as Naboo in the Tower of Destiny and Shazam in the Fortress of Eternity, have very unusual identities and need to visit them in person.

After seeing off the two guests, Harley stood on the top of Lishan Mountain and looked at the moon for a while. An illusory shadow floated out from her body and turned into a bright white light and disappeared at the end of the sky.

After passing through Limbo and the unguarded gate of heaven, she arrived outside the gate of Silver City.

As soon as she arrived at the gate, she heard the indifferent voice of the "Voice of Heaven" in her mind, "Harley Quinn, the Archangel of Heaven is holding a 'Magic Debt Response Strategy Discussion Conference' in the Central Council Hall.

You have the status of an archangel and are also an 'alternate angel councillor', so you are barely qualified to observe the meeting.

With the permission of the Acting Maharaja, you will also have the opportunity to express your opinion at the meeting. "

"Oh, I know." Harley continued to drift towards the Golden Hall unhurriedly.

"The conference is held in the Central Council Hall, not the Golden Hall." After a moment, the voice of heaven reminded again.

Harley stopped and asked, "Are you inviting me over for a meeting?"

"You can go to the auditorium and speak after getting permission from the Acting Lord." The Voice of Heaven repeated it again.

"You can go, or you can not go. Did I understand you correctly? Otherwise, you wouldn't have told me until the meeting had started." Harley said.

Tian Zhisheng was silent for a while, then said indifferently: "You don't have to go, but it is your right as an 'alternate member' to go to the 'Angel Parliament' to observe the highest-level meeting.

Your performance and contribution in the Angel Council will be the basis for your promotion from 'Alternate Member' to 'Provisional Member'. "

——Fake, I thought that after the alternate members would be the official members of the parliament, I didn't expect that there would be a "temporary member". I'm impressed by your shamelessness!

Harry was just about to give up the so-called "rights of alternate members" with a cold face, when a thought suddenly flashed in his mind, and he changed his mind and said: "How long have the Acting Lord and the Archangels been meeting?

Will it be over as soon as I pass? "

"The meeting will last at least two days." Tianzhi said.

"Two days later."

The Earth Magic Convention is also two days away.

After she received the highest instructions from the Acting Lord of Silver City at the meeting, she happened to go to the mortal world to hold a magic conference to convey the spirit of the great leader Raphael to the mortal mages?

Or does she personally practice the spiritual theories of the great leader?

Harry nodded and said: "Since I can still attend for two days, I will definitely not miss it. It would be a pity to miss it."

She immediately changed direction and floated towards the Silver City garrison.

Old Father Carlisle was very happy to see her, but before he could say a few greetings, Harry directly urged: "You know where the Archangel's Council Hall is, right? Go quickly.

A meeting of archangels is being held there. You are exercising your rights as an 'alternate member' on my behalf. Remember to write down everything you heard at the meeting verbatim, and then write a report and give it to me after the meeting is over. "

Carlisle said in shock: "I know where the Central Council Hall is. I heard from a few days ago that an Archangel meeting was going to be held there. But I am not qualified to participate. Even you-"

He paused and then said: "In recent years, Silver City has held many central meetings, but you have not participated. Even if you are qualified now, you can't transfer your qualifications to others, right?"

Harry scolded Raphael a few more words in his mind and said calmly: "Even the Great King Michael can transfer the power of the King to his confidants, who are just 'alternate members', why can't he transfer his qualifications?

If the act of acting as an agent is illegal, doesn’t it mean that the ‘acting monarch’ is illegal?

Carlisle, you are so brave, how dare you question the legitimacy of Raphael's acting monarch? "

"No, how dare I." Carlisle waved his hands repeatedly and said with a wry smile: "I'll go to the Central Council Hall and ask. If they don't let me in, I won't insist and come back immediately and honestly. How about that?"

"Relax and repeat what I said. I don't think anyone in Silver City dares to question the authority of the noble, sacred and supreme Raphael." Harley smiled meaningfully, her voice loud and unobstructed.

Tian Zhi Sheng finally couldn't help it, and there was a bit of anger in his cold voice, "Since you have come to Silver City, why don't you go to the Central Council Hall in person?"

"How can I attend a meeting with those distinguished angel councilors?" Harley shook her head and sighed.

Then she floated straight into the golden hall, and shouted loudly as soon as she entered, "Lord Michael, Lord Michael, the magic debt crisis has broken out. Do you know, let's have a small meeting together!"

"Oh, why bother? If you want to understand the Lord's thoughts and plans, asking the 'Voice of Heaven' is the most direct and accurate way. If you come to me, I can only relay what Raphael and the others said in the Central Council Hall. Exact words."

At the top of the golden hall "Tower of Holy Sound", Michael with long golden curly hair sighed.

Harry didn't explain, just looked at him and asked: "If you were me, would you go to the Central Council Hall to listen to the archangels talking nonsense, or would you come here to talk nonsense with you?"

Michael stopped talking.

He is even prouder than Lucifer, how could he endure the slightest offense from a "lower person"?

"What do you want to ask?" After a while, he asked.

"Don't you know what I want to ask? Just say what you can, lest I ask too deeply and you have to worry about how to frustrate me," said Harley.

Michael stared at her for a while and said: "You just need to be a witness at the Magic Conference and let them sign an alliance."

Harry waited for a while but didn't wait for the second sentence, so he frowned and said, "Go on."

"There is nothing else to say. No matter what plans the Lord has or what arrangements heaven has, they have nothing to do with you. There is no need for you to participate, and there is no need for you to understand." Michael said.

Harley patted her big breasts and said curiously: "Did you see that standing here is the famous 'Heaven God of War', the number one combat force in Silver City!

It would make sense to say that you are completely devoid of desire and have no intention whatsoever to deal with this magic debt crisis, leaving my 'peerless magic weapon' to rust in the warehouse.

But you obviously have big moves and big plans, and you even went to great lengths to create a ‘Magic Conference’.

Your ambition is so strong, why don't you still care about the 'Peerless Divine Weapon'?

Is it possible that you are so confident that you don’t need me, the number one combat force in Silver City? Oh no, is my brother going to end up personally? "

"Don't call Him 'brother' in front of me. If you call Him brother, where will that put me?" Michael said displeased.

——One day you will also have to call me "Aunt Harley".

Harley waved her hand and said: "Don't worry about such small details, I don't believe that 'God Brother' will end up personally.

If He had this intention, He would not have arranged for ghosts to clarify the debt issues in heaven and hell in advance of the multi-restart crisis a few years ago. "

Michael said calmly: "Don't worry about what plans heaven has. As long as the plans have nothing to do with you, you don't need to care. It's useless to care. It's impossible for me to reveal to you plans in heaven that have nothing to do with you."

Harley said thoughtfully: "You are unwilling to reveal to me the plan for heaven that does not require my participation. It is not that the plan has nothing to do with me, but that your plan does not require me, but it may conflict with me."

“Although Raphael and the others are bastards, they will never take the risk of delaying Brother God’s business just to disgust me.

They really didn't need me to participate in the Archangel Council, so the meeting had already been held before I came to Silver City. "

Harley asked strangely: "Brother God also wants to become the second generation magic master?"

The magic debt crisis is of course a big crisis, but the crisis also comes with big opportunities.

Being charged a magic debt by Hecate and Strange is terrible.

But if a certain debtor can turn against his client and kill two creditors, can he become the new "Hecate" and "Master of Magic"?

Anyway, Harley had this idea.

If heaven has a similar plan, then she, "Witch Harley", cannot be the host of the plan, or even be allowed to participate in it.

Because even children in the wizarding world know one truth: the source of power that falls into the hands of Witch Harley will never be taken back.

"Go away, I won't tell you anything." Michael waved his hands expressionlessly.

Harley said: "Your Majesty, at least let me understand Silver City's attitude towards magic power, whether it values ​​it generally, attaches great importance to it, or is determined to win it.

Although I am arrogant, I also understand who I rely on for my success today.

If Silver City is determined to win, I will definitely not dare to disappoint Brother God; if you just work hard casually and make plans, people will succeed and God will succeed, hehehehe."

Michael hesitated for a moment and asked: "If you are determined to win the Silver City, will you do your best to help? If you only attach great importance to it, what should you do?"

Harry smiled and said: "I think Silver City is determined to win, so I will definitely sit back and watch, absolutely not interfere in any way, and let Silver City use its methods to compete in the Central Plains.

When you fall short of your achievements, I will not hesitate to help you in times of need. "

Michael sneered: "If Silver City's plan falls by the wayside, you can appear on your own stage, flex your muscles, and do whatever you want?"

Harley said calmly: "You have all given up halfway and have no hope at all. Why don't you let me finish the competition?

If you give up halfway, I will also lie down, and Silver City will have nothing.

If I win, Silver City will at least get a piece of venison. "

Michael frowned and said, "What if Silver City is not something you are determined to win?"

Harry shook his head and said: "I will end early. As long as you are not determined to win, let alone give up halfway, you will definitely die early."

"Okay, you just sit around and watch. If you have walked ninety miles from Baiyin City and are short of energy, you can come and help me in times of need, and give you a piece of fat venison afterwards.

If you can't reach even half of Silver City, you will leave immediately and we will applaud you from the sidelines. "Michael said.

Harry curled his lips and said: "As the saying goes, a person who travels a hundred miles is only half a mile. You have only walked ninety miles of a hundred miles. If I push you through the last and most difficult 10 kilometers, it will not be a help in times of need, but a mainstay." , turn the tide.”

Then she asked curiously: "God is omniscient and omnipotent, why does he attach so much importance to the power of magic? Magic is not yet omniscient and omnipotent. With the power of an omniscient and omnipotent God, wouldn't magic seem superfluous?"

Michael pondered: "Actually, although Silver City attaches great importance to the magic debt crisis this time, it has no intention of winning.

In other words, what Silver City is determined to obtain is not the ultimate ownership of magic power as you think.

Do you know what Hecate, the mother of magic, is like, and what significance does magic have to the multiverse? "

Harry thought deeply and said, “I heard my teacher Asael tell the secret of Hecate.

She said that before Hecate appeared, there was no miraculous power in the multiverse. We now define all extraordinary powers as 'miraculous power', but the miraculous power at this time was different from that then.

Teacher Asal also gave a very simple example.

Now it is easy for a mage to use magic to conjure a flower out of thin air, or a chair that is no different from the real thing.

Simply using the power of God or other miraculous powers can achieve similar effects.

But before Hecate appeared, even if they were powerful enough to punch a mountain with one punch and blow away the rain clouds in the sky, their actions were still within the scope of science and logic.

Beating a mountain with enough strength is essentially the same as knocking down a wall as an ordinary person.

Blowing away rain clouds is no different from blowing out candles. The principles of both are the same and they both follow the laws of mechanical motion.

Even some seemingly miraculous things, such as breathing fire from the mouth and controlling thunder and lightning with both hands, are just more profound scientific principles at work.

After Hecate appeared, miracles that defied science and logic were born.

The 'pure physical force' that originally smashed a mountain peak used magic as a pry bar to smash the rules of physics and scientific logic to pieces. The 'strength' turned into a flower, turned into any object or wonder in the heart, including... Not limited to life.

We must know that the creation of life and matter belongs to the Creator’s power. Even if they cannot reach the level of the Creator, the Creator’s ‘creative power’ no longer belongs solely to the Creator.

Even the most ordinary mortals can use magic as a lever to move reality and touch the power of creation. "

Michael nodded and said: "The greatest thing about Hecate is not that it brings magic to the multiverse, but that the arrival of magic gives the multiverse the concept of 'spectacles' and 'miracles'.

In the beginning, God was still omnipotent, the truly omnipotent and omniscient Lord. "

He said this with great emotion, with deep awe and nostalgia in his eyes.

Harley thought he was talking about "whole God."

"But apart from the Lord, we angels cannot use the power given by God to create the miracles we imagine in a single thought like we do today." Michael hesitated for a long time and changed to spiritual transmission, "Even the current Lord , we must also rely on the miracle concept brought by Hecate to cast the miracle of 'omnipotence'.

Even He and They themselves are part of the great miracle. "

Michael turned his head, looked at the Holy Sound in the distance, and said softly: "What Silver City wants is not magical power, we want to continue to retain this 'concept of miracles'.

Of course we are determined to achieve something, which is to leave the Silver City and leave the Lord's mark on the concept of miracles.

We hope that from now on this miracle with the mark of the Lord will always belong to us, only to us, but can be lent to others. Even if Hecate came to borrow, she would have to leave an IOU and it would have to be left on her soul. The mark of the Lord. "

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