I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1886 DC Universe Martial Arts Conference

Three days later, New Kelu Star, Sky Island State Hotel.

A beam of green light pierced the sky and fell into the hanging garden overlooking most of the capital of Colu.

"Harley, are you looking for me?" Green Lantern leader Hal Jordan put his legs together, his waist straight, his feet half a meter off the ground, and he lowered his head and looked down at Harley, who was tasting Colu's wine at the table.

"Are you just a projection on New Colu at this time? Can the projection also eat and drink?" He asked with a strange look in his eyes.

"Even if the sun shines on me and leaves a shadow on the ground, I can still stand up and move, eat and drink like normal people." Harley said calmly.

Both gods and wizards who have not broken through the gods can cast "astral projection".

The projection of a wizard is just illusory spiritual power, while the projection of a god can be just spiritual power, or it can be added with divine power. Divine power 100% simulates the physical body. It can fight with others and do many things, including eating and drinking.

Harley is even more powerful. Even if her projection does not contain divine power, as long as she has her will, she can digest any food with the help of level 9 food defense expertise.

In fact, Harley herself doesn't have much magical power.

In addition to the "Heaven God of War wages" that Silver City regularly gives her, which is the Holy Power of Heaven, magic and ordinary divine power are digested and refined by her, and transformed into the power of blood using Asal's "Method of Escape".

The "original thick-skinned divine power" she lent to the God's Beloved is actually the power of blood. Only when it enters the body of the God's Beloved will the bloodline power be transformed into the "true thick-skinned divine power".

A normal god-king uses his divine power to simulate a material body and digestive system; Harley does not have enough divine power and does not need a material body. She can digest any food by activating her food defense expertise.

Hal not only knew what the divine body of the gods could do, but also knew that Harley did not have the power to condense the divine body. At this time, it was a pure mental projection, even though she looked unusually "solid", so he was surprised and confused.

However, he didn't pay too much attention to such trivial matters and asked directly: "What do you want from me? I came here from the earth."

It is clear that her body is in Gotham Lisa, but he had called her two days ago to ask about the "Sword in the Stone of Entropy". Thousands of Green Lanterns under his command are gearing up to verify whether he is the legendary "King Arthur" .

"The Prosperous Star Territory is such a vast starry sky. Didn't you Green Lantern Corps notice that the time, space and basic laws there are distorted and deformed?"

Harry didn't waste any time and explained the changes in the Prosperity Star Territory in detail.

"I can't stay there all the time, and I don't have much energy to continue to pay attention to it. Although the Koru civilization is advanced, with their current methods, they are still unable to complete a detailed analysis of the basic laws and structure of the universe.

So the task of tracking the prosperous star field is left to you, the Green Lantern Corps.

There are millions of civilized planets in that star field, and you, the Green Lantern Corps, also have the responsibility to arrange for at least one Lantern to protect it. "

"There are tens of thousands of Lanterns gathered near the hole in the Origin Wall, and 30% of them belong to Green Lanterns. The Legion's control over various sectors of the universe is far less than before." Hal explained first, and then said doubtfully: "It's only been a few days. Did it happen before? Why didn’t you—"

Halfway through the question, something moved in his mind. He looked around, a thoughtful look on his face, and swallowed the rest of his words again.

"Harry, you are so thoughtful." He said with emotion.

Why didn't you contact him directly by phone? Why didn't Harley on Earth find him? Instead, she asked him to go all the way to New Colu. Because calling him over and informing him of this matter was just a means to let the people of Colu see that the leader of the Green Lantern Corps had already Knowing this and attaching great importance to the prosperous star field is the main purpose.

"Actually, Harley, you are also a superhero. Although you are not called a superhero, you are practicing the justice of superheroes." He couldn't help but praise again.

However, Harley didn't feel the slightest bit of his praise, waving her hands and saying: "Don't put gold on your face, I'm not a superhero, and I don't practice your ideas.

If I really have any ideas, they are only my own ideas. "

If the leader of the Koru did not call her to go to the prosperous star field and she stayed on the earth, even if the Koru in the future destroyed all the planets with civilization one after another, and even if the news came to her ears afterwards, she would only A sigh of relief: This is the basic survival law of interstellar civilization, the fittest survive, and the strong are respected.

She wouldn't go out of her way to find the Koru people to punish evil and promote good.

Her philosophy is that as long as you don't encounter trouble, don't care about it. If you want to take care of something, do it well. Never allow yourself to have troubled thoughts.

"What will the Prosperous Star Field eventually evolve into?"

Hal only sighed with emotion, and then began to inquire about the situation in the Prosperous Star Territory.

"The civilization within the star field will probably not be affected, and even if it is affected, it will be a beneficial impact. The time and space outside the star field may be greatly distorted, and it will be distorted into a nearly closed independent small world.

In the early stage, Lanterns can patrol around the star field.

When time and space are so distorted that normal super-light flight is no longer possible, you can ask the Lantern to leave the Prosperous Star Field and just stay on the periphery.


Harley's tone was a little uncertain, "There may be a huge space-time vortex in the future connecting the normal material universe and the prosperous star field. You just need to guard the entrance to the space-time vortex."

"Why does the Cage World have such a big impact on the main universe? It actually allowed such a large star field to form an independent small world.

I have been a lantern for decades and have seen countless wonders of the universe, but I have never encountered this phenomenon. " Hal asked doubtfully.

"Even the moon approaching the earth can cause tidal phenomena. How could a huge thing like the Cage World not have any impact when it comes to the edge of the main universe? As for the specific impact, it is not important and does not need to be delved into. , after all, you are not an astronomer, and you cannot reverse this result."

"What about you, can you blow up the cage world so that it no longer affects the material universe?" Hal asked.

"It's not an adverse effect. What do you care about it? Now that the cage universe is destroyed, I don't know what chain reaction it will trigger." Harley said disapprovingly.

Hal asked again: "The reason why the Cage World is close to the Prosperous Star Territory is because the 'civilization energy' absorbed by the Titan was absorbed by the Prosperous Star Territory. Why is the civilization energy not returned to Kelu?

Although the Prosperous Star Field legally belongs to Kelu's territory, we all know that Kelu is just looking for a place to place the bottle planet.

This kind of resettlement work is not even considered compensation.

The planet in the bottle originally had its own home and galaxy. The Koru people kidnapped the planet and used stellar bombs to blow up the star system and make them homeless.

The ownership of the prosperous star field now belongs to those civilized planets, not Kelu.

I believe that if those civilizations knew the truth, they would never want to regard themselves as part of Kelu. "

Harley said: "You are right, the question is where does the civilizational energy of the Kolu people come from?"

Hal said in surprise: "The Koru people conduct experiments on millions of extraordinary civilization planets to obtain the experience and wisdom of extraordinary civilizations from them. After those wisdoms are absorbed by the Koru civilization and become 'Koru civilization energy', they still belong to the original Extraordinary civilization?”

Harley said: "Civilized energy may have no memory and no clear owner's mark.

Otherwise, the miraculous power drained from Xanadu would never return.

But God has eyes, and the selfless world has memories and rules.

At least ‘Master Tian’ can enforce his own rules through destiny. "

Hal sighed softly: "Only the surviving civilization in the bottle have a chance to be compensated by fate.

Many planets in bottles simply disappeared.

There may even be many civilizations that are not qualified to enter the laboratory of the Koru people, and may not even have the chance to become a 'planet in a bottle'.

Who can compensate for the vanished civilization and the millions of lives that make up the civilization? "

"If 'God' has made it so that everyone's good deeds and evil deeds will be rewarded, what else do you, the Justice League, need to do? What's the point of good people and heroes existing?" Harley said.

Hal shook his head and said, "I'd rather the world didn't need superheroes."

"I'm also thinking, if everyone honestly puts the source of magic to my mouth, I don't need to be deceitful, cunning, and insidious. How beautiful that would be, and how pure and kind I would be?" Harley said.

Hal no longer felt sad and sentimental.

"Harry, when are you going back? It seems that the 'Cosmic Civilization Congress' is over."

"I'll leave after you leave."

She really made a meal of dumplings just for the sake of "calling Hal to Kelu".

"Where is the Earth delegation? Will they go back with you? There has been no news on Earth that they are coming back." Hal said.

"They are probably returning to Earth soon, because the focus of the cosmic media is about to shift from New Colu to Earth. Only when they return to Earth can they continue to be glowing and proud."

"What big thing is happening on Earth? Even if there is a magic debt crisis, Earth is far from being the hardest hit area." Halqi said.

"The Sword in the Stone of Entropy is about to be released. I told you before, and I also told Da Chao about the news.

As a result, his wife knew it immediately, and within half an hour, his father-in-law and sister-in-law also knew it.

Less than two hours later, more than 200 civilization representatives came to my door and told me that they wanted to use the manpower of civilization to build security for the universe. "

"Uh, aliens are also going to send civilized elites to the earth to try to pull out the 'Sword in the Stone'?" Hal's expression was a little strange. "Although the 'Sword Demon Arms' is indeed a power that transcends the limits of the universe, it is of no use to civilization itself. ah.

The 'Demon Sword' cannot be used in the universe at all, and cannot be used in StarCraft.

It cannot even become a 'cosmic nuclear weapon' to deter hostile civilizations - the final control of the magic sword is in your hands, and you will definitely not allow it.

But if the magic sword goes out of control, the first to suffer is the magic swordsman’s own mother civilization. "

After truly seeing the power of the Tooth Fairy Sword, he didn't even want to carry it with him, wanting Harley to drain all the entropy from it.

Carrying it with him, he was restless and had trouble sleeping and eating, for fear that the Tooth Fairy Sword would accidentally lose control.

What he is afraid of is not that he will be swallowed up by entropy.

He is worried that his hometown, his home planet, and his universe will be destroyed.

"Hey, your vision is still too narrow, and you only think about interstellar hegemony in the universe. Leaders of other advanced civilizations have long-term vision and foresight, and they have already begun to think about how to survive in the omnipotent universe." Harley said with a half-smile but not a smile.

"To consider the issue of survival in the omnipotent universe, we must at least leave the multiverse first, which is to achieve the legendary transcendence of civilization, right?" Hal asked strangely.

Harry smiled and said: "As the saying goes, you know autumn when you see fallen leaves. Now that they saw the Omega God, they naturally began to think about their own transcendence and contact with transcendent civilizations.

During the few days I was in New Colu, the question most asked by the civilized leaders was not the 'Colu Capitol Incident', nor the magic debt crisis that plunged all gods and mages into great fear and despair.

They are most concerned about the road to civilization's transcendence, and they only regret that I cannot immediately compile a civilized version of the 'Thinking Sutra' so that they can follow the steps and successfully transcend. "

"Do you agree to let the elites of major civilizations try to pull out the 'Sword in the Stone'?" As soon as he asked, Hal felt that he had said stupid nonsense, "You don't have to refuse, the more 'Devil Sword Arms' you have, the more The happier.

Anyway, the ocean of entropy is there, and you have unlimited resources to build countless ‘magic sword weapons’.

If you have an armed army of magic swords, you can become a regional overlord in the omnipotent universe. "

Harley shook her head and said: "Even if we really form a magic sword armed force one day in the future, I will not be the 'village overlord'.

I will promote the concept of absolute justice in the Demon Sword Legion.

I want to build them into the Justice League at the level of the omnipotent universe.

Their mission is not to fight for my hegemony, but to protect our multiverse and the other multiverses we come into contact with.

Once the magic sword of entropy is unsheathed, it can destroy the world and destroy the multiverse, but the magic swordsman who uses it is the 'universal superhero' who protects the multiverse from being destroyed and bullied. "

Hal looked surprised, "Are you serious?"

"Do I need to joke with you?"

"But you insist on not being a superhero, and you still look down on our concept of absolute justice?" Hal asked doubtfully.

“I myself don’t need the concept of absolute justice, but I also understand that the concept of absolute justice is best for uniting people.

The ordinary army relies on numbers to win and does not have high requirements for the quality of soldiers. Let them receive a happy education from an early age and give them enough benefits and a little "patriotic" praise when they grow up, so that they can work like wild beasts for a small group of ruling classes.

When it comes to you superpowers, the old tricks won't work as well.

At best, you will be deceived into fighting for the United States and freedom, and you will never become a warrior of a certain dynasty.

High-level civilized elites who can control the "sword-demon armament" are smarter and have better character, so they are harder to fool.

You can't let the aliens love the United States, the earth, and food, right?

There must be a high-level ideological program that transcends a single cosmic civilization, allowing them to unite, be brave and fearless, and not be afraid of sacrifice.

Your theory of absolute justice is very good. Even if the "Sword Demon Arms" become popular in the entire universe in the future, and a large number of warriors from other multiverses are recruited into the team, this program will still be strong. "

"We, the Justice League, will not be fooled by the American government." Hal looked confused, and then said in confusion: "The idea of ​​arming the Sword Demon Armed Forces with the Justice League's concept of absolute justice is very good, I agree with it, but you can get What’s the benefit?”

Harley pointed at herself, "I am the legion commander of the Sword Demon Armed Forces. The legionnaires do good people and good deeds and have a reputation. Even if I do nothing and walk into other multiverses empty-handed, everyone will regard me as a good person. First of all, hospitality.

The 'chief of good guys' punished the traitors and eliminated evil for them, and killed some 'extraterritorial demon kings'. They would definitely be grateful and support him strongly. "

"While killing the 'extraterrestrial demon king', you also plundered their divine power and the source of their magic? How is this different from the Omega Titan? The fundamental purpose is to plunder the original power of other people's multiverses." Hal frowned.

"Well, what you said makes sense. How can I be the same as the Omega Titan?"

Hal just frowned and heard her say again: "The Omega Titans are only the lowest servants. I can't be as lowly as them. I also need to visit various multiverses in person.

I also need to recruit a group of younger brothers to serve as the envoys of the 'Head of Good People', who will go to various regions on my behalf to punish rape and eradicate evil and promote my reputation. "

Hal's expression was distorted.

After Hal left New Colu, Harley's trip to New Colu also came to an end.

In fact, during the days when she was projected on New Kelu, Harley on Earth was not idle.

After the aberration crisis in the Kluu Capitol Building, she reminded the major superhero organizations and the governments of the earth to strengthen their supervision of the extraordinary mages in their territory and check their conditions regularly.

Harley wasn't trying to spy on Earth's mages and pry into their secrets, but to make sure they weren't quietly being charged magic debts.

The crisis in the Kluu Capitol occurred in public, but the gathering of a large number of mages was only an exception.

Most of the time, mages are loners and live alone.

Those who have the conditions will even build their own magic cabin or mage tower in a remote place.

For example, Xiao Zha's ancestral mansion "Shadow Peak".

Shadow Peak is not a mountain, but a super luxurious classical manor, but the manor is like an illusory shadow, existing in the space mezzanine on the outskirts of Gotham, and ordinary people cannot see or touch it.

According to Zatanna herself, Shadow Peak has existed since the time of her direct ancestor Leonardo da Vinci, and the family's thousand-year accumulation was passed down to her after her father's death.

Apart from the magic puppet butler, there is only one person in the entire Shadow Peak, Xiao Zha.

If she encounters a debt crisis in Shadow Peak, no one will even know if her body dies.

If it were just like an old man living alone, with no one to care about his body rotting, there would be no need for Harley to urge superheroes and governments to strengthen supervision of mages.

The key is that even if a person dies and his soul and miraculous power are taken away by the debt collector, the corpses left behind still belong to the debt collector, and they may become "alien" at any time.

The Koru people can deal with "others" relatively easily, but it doesn't mean that the people on Earth can also.

The Koru people have robot police that are so powerful that they can fly across the universe, they have a "cosmic shield" that is as strong as a dimensional barrier, and they have the technology to put a huge capitol building in a bottle and seal it away. What do the people on earth have?

Oh, now the earth guys have also copied a batch of "Brainiac technology".

But even copycat technology is only spread among a very small number of individuals.

If an "alien" crisis breaks out on a large scale, even Harley won't be able to suppress it in a short time.

At this moment, Justice League Hall Morgue.

"This used to be the storage place for the corpses of heroes, before the Blackest Night. After the Blackest Night, all the corpses of heroes were burned to ashes and placed in the 'Walahar' cemetery. Now."

Diana looked around. The morgue was about the size of half a football field. The empty concrete floor contained only neatly arranged rectangular tables. Half of the metal tables were filled with deformed and twisted corpses.

The belly of a corpse exploded, and a "fat tree" grew out of it. The trunk and branches of the intestine were more than one meter high, and the branches were knotted. It was a dark red meat tree.

There was a corpse with half of its body turned into foam.

Some corpses had fleshy spines as thick as their thumbs sprouting from various parts of their bodies, resembling human-shaped sea cucumbers.

There are also corpses whose intestines are growing crazily, bursting out from the mouth, nostrils, eye sockets, and ears, crawling everywhere like snakes, and crawling more than ten meters away. Of course, they are all motionless now, placed on the cold morgue, huddled together. Tuo, it looks like a chef putting unwashed intestines in the wrong place.

"Now this place has become a monster room. I am used to seeing weird things, but even in the dark multiverse, I have never seen anything so deformed and disgusting.

They don't have any power on their own, but they are enough to make any normal person's heart tremble and his soul tremble when he sees them. "

"You'll be fine once you get used to it." Harley said calmly.

"I'm afraid I can't get used to it." Diana pointed at the deformed corpse and said: "After the 'unexplainable strange existence' drained the magician's miraculous power, his own dark aura remained on the corpse.

Normally, they should be intact, normal corpses.

Because of the dark aura of the "unexplainable strange existence", the corpse was twisted into a strange creature with the characteristics of the "unexplainable strange existence" in a way that we cannot understand and accept.

We see them as we see the indescribable—"

"Hey, wait a minute!" Harley started to frown when she first heard about the "unexplainable strange existence". Now she couldn't help but interrupt her and said: "About the identity and ability of the 'Magic Master' Speculation, didn’t I tell you?”

"You said it, and we also know it, but we...I don't care, but they don't dare to use the title of 'Magic Master'.

Not only did they dare not say it, they also tried their best to prevent others from calling it an 'unexplainable and strange existence', and did not allow the information about the 'magic master' to spread.

Because you made it very clear that the world does not allow ‘unexplainable and strange existences’ to exist——”

Harley interrupted her again, "'Unexplainable strange existence' makes me have a headache. Please change the name and just call it 'weird'."

Diana explained: "When translated into English, the name is very long and strange. If it is a magical language, such as runes, it only requires two letters without consonants. It is very simple and easy to remember."

Then she continued: "Weirdness is not allowed to exist in the world, which means that it cannot fully enter our multiverse.

But if we give it a name and let the name be accepted by everyone, the mages will often call it by its name in conversations, which means that we are gradually accepting its existence.

The will of the world is the collection of wills of all living beings.

The mage subconsciously accepts its existence, and the world will gradually accept it, and it can completely enter our world. "

Harry thought for a moment and said in surprise: "Which mage came up with this theory? It's very interesting and very reasonable. I didn't notice that the name was related to the 'unexplainable' before. Well, I didn't notice that the name was related to the weird thing. positive influence."

"At first it seemed that several angels were talking to the First Fallen. Their warning quickly spread throughout the magical world. I also heard what the stranger said when I was inquiring about the news in the Forgotten Bar." Diana said.

"Have you met the Stranger? What has he been doing recently? Hal is looking for him. Have you told him?" Harley asked continuously.

"Hal is looking for the Stranger? I don't know. No one told me, what is he looking for the Stranger for?" Diana was also surprised, "I only met the Stranger a few times, and we only talked when we met. Say hello and have a casual chat.

However, I can see that he is very concerned about the magic debt crisis.

He asked me about your analysis of aliens and weirdness in detail, and also said that he would go to Lishan to find you in a few days. "

"Do you remember Twilight?" Harley explained Hal's reason for looking for the Stranger, and then asked: "Heaven and Hell are also very concerned about the magic debt crisis. They seem to have the idea of ​​ending it personally?"

Diana said calmly: "You are really seeking fish by chance and riding a donkey to find a donkey. You are obviously the Young Lord of Silver City, the King of Martial Gods in Heaven, the Harley Sister of God, the Arkham God of War in Heaven, and the Guardian of the Gate of Hell. You shouldn't be Do you tell us your plans for heaven and hell?”

Harley looked a little embarrassed and defended: "Several other titles are fine, but 'Arkham God of War' has been a thing of the past many years ago. I am now the official 'Heaven God of War' without any prefixes or modifications. "

"I've been too busy recently and haven't been to heaven for a long time." She quickly added.

Diana glanced at her and said: "You didn't say you were the 'God of War in Heaven', you are the God of War in Heaven.

Only those of us with connections know from our own channels that you have become the ‘God of War in Heaven’, even if you do not have the same ‘God of War’ as me, can you be considered the God of War in Heaven. "

Diana also knew the rule that no second "god" other than God could exist in heaven, and understood that even if Harley was really the god of war in heaven, she would not have the power of the god of war in the old god system.

Although Heaven and Hell have their own system, they are not closed off from the country and have frequent exchanges with the major divine realms. As long as Silver City officially recognizes her as the "God of War in Heaven", everyone will know about it soon.

On the contrary, if Silver City officials had never recognized her status as the "God of War in Heaven", no one would have any misunderstanding.

For example, the title of "Arkham God of War".

Harley thought it sounded ugly and didn't publicize it to the outside world at all. She could only proudly declare that she was the "God of War in Heaven." However, Diana revealed her "real name", which was obviously news from within the Silver City.

"Hey, don't tell me, if I cared about the title of 'God of War in Heaven', Silver City would have announced it already.

It’s just that in the past few years, I have been indifferent to fame and fortune, and I disdain to associate with the ‘Archangel Council’ headed by Raphael.

I stopped playing with them, and naturally I didn’t strive for higher status and power. "

Harley really didn't brag, at least not about "God of War in Heaven".

When she was canonized as the "Arkham God of War", she also received a "God of War Seal" that simulated the godhead of the old god, something similar to the Holy Glory.

But the God of War's Seal is completely blank, and her divinity needs to be condensed with her own combat experience. When she fills up the God of War's Seal, Tian Zhisheng will consider giving her the position of "God of War in Heaven".

In the era of the Martial God King, with the help of the training of the gods in the sky, coupled with the selfless supply of the human Martial Gods, her God of War Seal has become extremely solid, and it is even enough to feed the real Olympus God of War Diana, allowing her to grow from her. Get combat experience from the War Divine Glory.

But by this time, she no longer cared as much about the "Heaven War God" who had no special heavenly power and only had a famous name.

And the fact that she didn't bother with Raphael and the others wasn't because she was really indifferent to fame and fortune.

The authority of Silver City is different from that of the empty-name God of War.

In fact, just because the name of the God of War does not bring actual heavenly power, she doesn't care much.

The power of heaven in the DC multiverse can truly enhance her status in the "Grand Almighty Universe Heaven System".

Just like Michael used the power of the King to borrow the power of heaven from the multiverse next door to help Harley's story spread faster.

She stopped playing, just because she realized the fact: as long as Michael was still in Silver City, it would be useless no matter how hard she tried.

When Michael ran away that day, she rushed to Silver City immediately, kicked the "Acting Lord" Raphael across several streets, sat down on the throne of the Lord, and then looked around at the great kings. Angel, ask: When I become a king, which of you agrees and who opposes?

At that time, unless her god brother was qualified enough to stand up and express a different opinion, anyone who objected would be slapped away.

Diana said: "I suggest you go back to heaven and have a good communication with the archangels.

Heaven seems to be doing something big this time.

I heard Bobo from the Oblivion Bar say that Earth mages are planning to convene a 'magic conference', and the mastermind behind it is suspected to be an archangel. "

"What is the Magic Conference for? Mages from all over the world gather together to prepare a banquet for the Mother of Weirdness and Magic?" Harley asked amusedly.

Diana said seriously: "Now even ordinary people know that the magic debt crisis has broken out.

Every magician can die in a very miserable and twisted way.

Like you, they are all living people, with the desire to live well, and the responsibility to protect their families and friends.

They don't have your confidence, and they don't have your protection.

In order to cope with the debt crisis that is about to fall on them, they will try their best to fight for that glimmer of hope.

You can look down on ordinary people, but you can't laugh at other people's efforts to survive. "

"Okay, I don't laugh at them, I apologize, although their behavior of gathering together to feed Weird is indeed ridiculous." Harley still had a faint smile on her face.

Diana sighed helplessly, pointed to the deformed corpses in the morgue, and said: "There is still a strange aura left on them, which makes people feel frightened from the bottom of their hearts, especially mages, who are more affected than ordinary people.

Why don't you burn them immediately, and what are you keeping them for? "

"Wait until the weirdness gets to them." Harley said.

"Then what? Can you still snatch its origin like last time? It's not stupid." Diana said.

"The reason why many people fail is not because they do anything stupid. It may just be that they are not as smart as their enemies or have insufficient abilities." Harley said.

Diana said calmly: "You are very cunning and very powerful. The problem is that all mages in the supernatural world know you.

Weirdness may have looked down on you before, but once it suffers a loss in your hands, it will definitely get information about you from the recently harvested mage souls.

Then it will at least understand a basic truth - as long as it ignores you, your tricks will have no effect on it. "

"If it ignores me and completely ignores the corpses here, then there is no harm in putting them here. Why are you worrying so much?" Harley said.

Diana was speechless.

Harley put her hands behind her back, walked up to a deformed corpse, and said quietly: "Actually, rather than deceiving its origin, I want to have a good chat with it."

"What to talk about?"

"We can talk about anything. War is a continuation of politics, and politics is an art of compromise." Harley stared at the deformed corpse with eyeballs squeezed out of its sockets.

——You don’t want to deceive even dead people, do you?

Diana looked at the back of her head, completely disbelieving that she was willing to compromise with Weirdness.

Over the years, she may have compromised against the "multiverse-level villains" who caused major crises, but each compromise was like a retreat before throwing the next punch.

"It's a pity that you know how to compromise. With your weird violence and brutality, you may not necessarily understand the art of politics."

"Contact more, I think 'Weird Brother' will understand." Harley said.

——It's over, even "Brother" was shouted out, it was definitely going to be miserable, and there was no possibility of compromise.

Diana murmured in her heart and said helplessly: "Oh, I hope so."

Diana is very busy. She is a superhero who collects deformed corpses.

Other heroes either don't understand magic, don't know how to deal with deformed corpses, or can't even break through the magic restrictions of the mage's magic cabin.

There are many heroes who know magic, but they are trapped in a debt crisis and unable to save themselves. If they touch a deformed corpse with a strange aura, they are likely to be targeted by the strange, and then encounter an unknown, and have their miraculous power drained away in an instant.

Those who know magic don't dare to deal with the deformed corpse, and those who don't know magic don't know how to deal with it.

There are very few heroes who can dispose of corpses.

Diana was busy traveling around the world to collect the deformed corpses of mages, and Harley didn't stay in the Hall of Justice for long.

That night, two unexpected guests came to Harley's house.

"Old Zha, why are you here?" Zhaulie's arrival really surprised her.

It has been many years since the Eagle Archangel came to the world.

"The magic debt crisis has arrived. In order to deal with this magic catastrophe, Silver City sent me to the human world to participate in the 'Magic Conference'." The black-skinned bald female angel said and turned to Jason Blood beside her, "Jason You are the host of the Magic Conference, and we hope you will serve as the mage leader of the Magic Conference."

"It's the leader again."

Harley's mouth twitched a few times, and she really wanted to ask: Is it possible that I have the words "This person is stupid, come and throw the blame" written on my forehead?

Jason Blood said: “This magic conference is an unprecedented event in the history of the earth’s supernatural world.

All the famous mages on earth received the invitation.

Regardless of their stance, heroes and villains will participate.

Hell and Heaven will also sign a cooperation contract at the conference.

I choose you as the leader of the magic conference just because magic heroes, magic villains, neutrals, angels from heaven, and first-time descendants from hell all obey you.

As the leader of the alliance, you do not need to bear any responsibilities. The main thing is to guarantee the 'alliance contract' signed at the magic conference.

You act as mediator, and no one dares to break the oath. "

"Although everyone can't believe your oath, everyone is convinced that no one dares to betray their oath to you." He touched his nose and muttered another sentence.

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