I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1885 Darkseid’s Sepurk Plan

"Garbage civilization." Harley looked at the somewhat hysterical Yeruni and smiled sarcastically, "If they are all garbage civilization, then your Clu Academy of Sciences has really poor vision."

In fact, among the millions of civilized planets selected by the Kolu people, they are basically considered to be only one in a million.

According to the Kolu people's standards for judging extraordinary civilizations, they either have great potential, have already shown a good momentum of development and are on the verge of soaring into the sky, or are already very powerful and are only just a step away from breaking through the planet.

At the Kolu Civilization Congress, civilizations that broke through the planet were not even qualified to enter. Participants were at least half-step advanced civilizations and had the ability to cross the galaxy and conduct ultra-long distance voyages.

It is an extraordinary civilization rather than a technological civilization that can be chosen by the Koru people.

Extraordinary civilization breaks through planets, comparable to the "immortal martial civilization" of the Celestial Dynasty, and shattering the void becomes the norm, which is definitely a world of high martial arts.

The reason why they are reduced to birds in cages and flowers in pots for people to observe and study is not that they are too weak, but simply that Kelu is too strong, so strong that it makes middle and lower civilizations despair.

"What impact will the loss of the energy of the four major civilizations have on us in Kelu?"

It took Yeruni several minutes to finally calm down the turbulent waves in his heart.

In fact, Harley has answered similar questions in the previous "Omega Titan Discussion Conference".

At that time, she said that she had not been exposed to the four major civilization energies and could not clearly perceive and distinguish them, just like ordinary people without talent could not perceive the ubiquitous natural magic elements.

Harley also encouraged them: Civilization should be self-reliant and don’t believe in ghosts and gods.

She suggested that they should not care about the ethereal, unpredictable, and uncontrollable energy of civilization, but that they should believe in themselves and unswervingly hold the future of civilization in their own hands.

These words were true at the time. Harley did not perceive the existence of the four major energies of civilization.

In fact, she felt deeply sorry for this incident.

The Omega Titans died too early. She originally planned to wait for them to plant the tree of civilization next time, then hide her identity and quietly snatch a few fruits of civilization. Unless you taste a few ginseng fruits yourself, you will never know what ginseng fruits taste like.

Well, she planned to eat the fruits of other people's civilization. Of course, she couldn't reveal her identity. She also had to do it secretly and put the blame for eating the fruits on the giant god. Even if you don’t understand what the four major energies of civilization are, you can still understand that losing the fruits of civilization will definitely be detrimental to civilization.

At that time, representatives of major civilizations and the "Einsteins" of various civilizations were quite satisfied with Harley's answer.

First of all, Harley is sincere enough. If you don’t understand, you just don’t understand.

Secondly, they are all advanced civilizations dominated by science and technology. They naturally believe more in logical rules that are real, detectable and understandable. They also believe that the future of civilization is in the hands of the civilized nation itself.

Now that Harley has made a prediction that the energy of civilization will make the "Civilization in a Bottle" prosperous and have a promising future, she must have a new understanding of the energy of civilization.

Harley pondered: "Speaker Yeruni, let me tell you the truth. If you were not the supreme leader of Kelu, I would not tell you the truth.

Even now, I still firmly believe that individual will and individual efforts can change personal destiny; the faith and will of a nation determine the future of a nation.

If the Koru people lose their fighting spirit because of what I'm about to say, or change their past beliefs, well, I don't mean the kind of belief that is ruthless and regards middle and lower civilizations as ants.

If you still have this belief, I hope you will change it and establish a new concept of "good people will be rewarded, and good civilization will have its own destiny."

What I appreciate is your persistent pursuit of knowledge and truth.

You must continue to maintain this spirit of being a citizen scientist who devotes himself to studying knowledge and does not imitate others who waste time and resources on interstellar hegemony.

As long as you stick to this belief, I'm sure you can still control your own destiny. "

"Thank you~~" Yeruni bowed to her with a complex expression and said firmly: "No matter when and what circumstances we encounter, our belief in truth and logic will not change.

Because it has been engraved in the genes of every Korlu and in our souls.

Therefore, you can directly tell me the truth about civilization energy.

No matter how shocking it is and how it impacts our existing three views, we will not change our beliefs. "

Harley said: "The extraordinary civilization samples selected by you should all have the spirit of the planet, right?"

"The 'spirit of the planet' you are talking about refers to the collective consciousness of the planet where the civilization is located?" Yeruni asked.

"It can be understood this way, but in fact, at the beginning of the birth of civilization, the planet already had a hazy spiritual consciousness." Harley pointed to the planet below and said: "The spirit of its planet is continuously strengthening.

The source of power that makes it stronger is the Tomb of the Titan in Limbo Prison 'below'.

Now I still cannot directly capture the energy of civilization, but I am sure that strange energy escapes from the Tomb of the Titans and is absorbed by the planet spirit of this planet.

You have studied millions of extraordinary civilizations, and you must have an in-depth understanding of the spirit of the planet.

In the simplest terms, the spirit of the planet is the ‘mother’ of many lives on the planet.

Just like us people on earth call Gaia, the earth’s star spirit, ‘Mother Earth’.

If the mother is strong, the children born to her will be strong. If the spirit of the planet is strong, the probability of talented people appearing in the civilization will increase. The civilization will have more talented leaders and its prospects will be better. "

"Actually, the impact of the planet spirit on civilization is far more than this. But as the planet spirit strengthens, civilization will have a better future. It is 100% certain." Harley finally said.

Yeruni pursed his lips, "You are just sure that the planet spirit in the world below is strengthening, and you are sure that it will leave the star system within 3000 years?"

"Planet Spirit is just the most obvious change."

Harley mused: "You Kelu have studied various types of civilizations and understand the motivation and manifestations of each civilization's upgrade.

Then tell me, apart from the positive influence of the planet spirit, what are the other factors that can promote the prosperity and development of civilization and the smooth transition. "

Yeruni thought for a while and said hesitantly: "There are many factors that can make a stagnant civilization suddenly prosper and develop.

It may be that a great thinker appears in civilization, triggering a new cultural wave, which in turn drives the advancement of science and technology and social systems; or it may be an unexpected experimental accident that results in the development of a machine that greatly improves social productivity.

Even a burst of inspiration from an ordinary researcher can create a miracle that makes the entire civilization stride forward. To sum up, it is nothing more than people and resources. People burst out with inspiration, and the world develops new energy and new resources. "

Harley said: “Civilization energy benefits a civilization in all aspects.

Absorbing the energy of civilization escaping from the tomb of the giant god, all elements that can promote the prosperity of civilization are growing.

For example, the researcher's burst of inspiration you mentioned is actually related to fate.

It can be simply understood as a lucky break.

Your think tank elite must have studied the Battle of the Garden of Destiny. "

Yeruni's eyes flashed slightly, feeling a little embarrassed, but he nodded honestly and admitted.

“Luck is real and can be transferred and changed. By absorbing the energy of civilization, even the fate of the prosperous star field civilization has undergone tremendous changes.

Just like the Handis civilization below, their civilization's destiny is like boiling water, rolling and bubbling in the river of destiny. I noticed it at the second glance.

Well, the first look is the protoss of the planet.

It has low-level wisdom. It probably heard about my name and deeds from you, and took the initiative to say hello to me with a very humble attitude. "

——The attitude towards me is more respectful than that of you.

"The impact of civilization energy on a civilization is so huge and so immediate." Yeruni was shocked and heartbroken. "Those energies belong to our Kolu civilization, and now they are taken away by the giant god. Then the civilization promotion factors of our Kolu civilization 'Isn't it going to decrease exponentially?

From now on, it will be difficult for such a great civilization to produce a peerless genius. Even if a genius is born, the genius will have bad luck in his life. He will have no inspiration and no unexpected experimental discoveries. It is obviously a correct experiment but it is regarded as the wrong path due to accidents."

He screamed sadly and excitedly.

However, Harley's eyes were calm, her heart was calm, and her tone was calm, "If you spread this fact and the people of Koru lose hope and momentum, then the fact will become the reality of Korlu's future."

Yeruni took a few deep breaths and asked: "Can we, Kelu, still be able to recover the energy of civilization?"

Harry shook his head and said: "It's hard to go against destiny! If a mortal goes against heaven, his fate will only be more bumpy; if civilization goes against heaven, civilization will soon die out; if I want to go against heaven, heaven will follow my will."

The problem is, there is only one me in the entire multiverse, and no one else can reverse fate except me. "

After hesitating for a few seconds, she added: "For the sake of Kelu's warm hospitality to me, I can change your fate just for you."

Yeruni's eyes shone brightly, his knees softened, and he knelt directly in the void, shouting excitedly: "Thank you, His Majesty the King of Martial God, for changing the destiny of our Kelu civilization against the heavens."

——Now you know how to call "Your Majesty", you continue to call "Ms. Quinn"!

Harley sneered in her heart and said seriously: "In the original destiny line, when you learned the truth, you became furious and led the Keru fleet to destroy the civilizations in the prosperous star field one by one -"

"I didn't! I won't!" Yeerni shouted repeatedly.

He shouted loudly, but felt a little panicked in his heart.

Harley ignored him and continued: "You think that by destroying the 'junk civilization' in the prosperous star field, the civilization energy taken away by them will return to Kelu.

This idea is dead wrong.

A civilization whose planets have been blown up may lose its civilization energy, but the civilization energy will never return to Kelu. Perhaps they will converge on other civilization stars, making other bottle planet civilizations more prosperous.

Before you finally wiped out the prosperous star field, Keru was destroyed by a civilization blessed by destiny.

Even if you use rules-based weapons to destroy the entire star field at once, there will still be fish that slip through the net. All the shadows of fate will fall on one person. That will be the son of destiny at the cosmic level, and you will still be unable to bear it. "

Yaleni's expression changed several times.

After a long time, he asked: "You said you wanted to help Kelu change his destiny against the odds."

Harley glanced down at him, with a hint of disgust in her eyes, "Now that I'm leaking the secret and telling you in advance the catastrophe that Kelu may encounter, am I not helping you change your fate?"

"Uh, you're saying that after hearing your prophecy, I no longer think about destroying the Prosperous Star Field, and Kelu will not encounter catastrophes. This is considered a change of destiny?" Yeerni said with a twisted expression.

——You are not bluffing me, trying to prevent me from destroying this prosperous star field.

As soon as this thought came up in his mind, he heard Harley sneer: "Don't you think I'm bluffing you, and my real purpose is to protect this star field?"

Yeruni's heart tightened, and he quickly shook his head and said: "Actually, you have misunderstood. Kelu is a civilized country and has never wanted to destroy any planetary civilization, let alone the entire star field?

And because I never thought about destroying the Prosperous Star Field to regain the energy of civilization, I thought that what you said about "changing fate against the will of heaven" was to help Kelu regain the energy of civilization. "

Harley said calmly: "Researching, collecting, and utilizing civilization energy are technologies outside the multiverse. We cannot understand this technology, nor can we master it.

If I can help you restore civilization energy, then why should I help you instead of stuffing civilization energy into the earth so that my mother civilization can prosper and live forever?

I will even drain all the civilizational energy of higher civilizations, so that the earth will soar into the sky and one family will dominate. "

Yeruni's expression was horrified, his body was cold and stiff, his hands and feet were numb and trembling.

Harley sighed and slowed down her tone: "Actually, although the energy of the four major civilizations is powerful, it has its limits.

Civilization energy is special energy containing civilization information.

The civilization information inside comes from Keru and will only decrease and not increase out of thin air.

Perhaps after receiving this wave of energy, some civilization will surpass your Kelu in some aspects of achievement, but most of this credit is due to the efforts of the civilization itself. "

Yeruni looked at the "junk civilization" below unwillingly and said: "Each civilization has a different development path. Even if the energy of the civilization itself has its limits and has no direct benefit to the civilization itself, it can be absorbed by another civilization. It is also possible to create unlimited potential.

The most indispensable thing for the development of civilization is hard work.

The most fearful thing about the development of civilization is that efforts are in vain but there is no inspiration and potential, and even a million years of hard work cannot make a single step forward. "

Harley said: "This is true, but civilizations in the multiverse are destined to be unable to steal the energy of other people's civilizations.

It belongs to a powerful civilization or organization outside the multiverse.

The way they look at the civilization of the universe is even more contemptuous than the way you look at the Handis civilization.

Their attitude towards civilizations that steal their way is more cruel than what you want to do to Handis. "

"This reality is really disappointing." Yeruni said bitterly.

"You don't feel desperate until you know it. Go to the planet below and ask the Handis people if they are desperate, or do you think they need to despair?" Harley smiled meaningfully.

Yeruni was startled, "They."

The Handis people were supposed to be in despair, but now they encountered "Witch Harley".

So, when the transcendent civilization behind the Omega Titan prepares to deal with them, can they also encounter "the rescuing, merciful, and invincible divine Harley"?

The answer seems to have already appeared.

She killed the Four Omega Gods and successfully prevented the "Korru of the Omniverse" from harvesting the "Handis of the Multiverse".

For a moment, Yeerni's mood was extremely complicated, and his feelings for Harley were constantly changing.

"Your Majesty the King of Martial Gods, the Omega Titans are sealed in the imprisoned world created by the gods. Can the Transcendents outside the Origin Wall determine who murdered them and how they were killed?"

"You probably want to ask, do the detached people outside know that I am the mastermind?" Harley said.

Yeruni looked embarrassed, "You are the leader of all gods and all material civilizations, but the responsibility for the death of the Omega Titan belongs to everyone, and no one can stay out of it."

This sentence is at least nine percent sincere.

Because he, the Koru of the multiverse, doesn't care who the leader of Handis is. To compare with others, the "Korlu of the Omniverse Universe" certainly doesn't care who the leader of the "Handis Multiverse" is.

"Maybe he knows it now, maybe he doesn't know it, but as long as he enters our multiverse, he will definitely know everything." Harley said.

"You never seem to be afraid of the revenge of the Almighty Universe?" he asked doubtfully.

Harley had already regarded the ocean of entropy as her last resort, so of course she felt confident.

Even without the ocean of entropy as a retreat, Harley would not be as desperate as them.

There is really no way out. Not only does Harley not despair, but she also has high morale and has the urge to have a chance with the transcendent.

Because she is also a transcendent person who has not yet transcended!

Yes, Harley is actually considered a detached person. As long as the level is higher than 120, she is detached.

She is now almost level 145, far beyond level 120.

Even if they are all main gods above level 110, their strength is different. Transcendents above level 120 are probably similar, and Harley has surpassed level 120 by several realms.

The main reason why Harley does not show obvious characteristics of a transcendent is because she has not left the DC multiverse.

The only difference between a magic master and a spiritual wizard is that the laws comprehended by the master are not accepted by the sea of ​​laws, while the laws of the gods have been imprinted into the sea of ​​laws and received the power of the gods given by the "origin".

Harley suspected that after entering the Almighty Universe, there would be a place similar to the Sea of ​​Laws, which would allow god-kings over level 120 to "match their bodies and their ways."

Only by combining the body with the Tao can we utilize the power and power of the Tao. In the DC multiverse, the master's law is imprinted into the law, which is equivalent to the "small harmony", and the god king's law overrides the basic laws, which is the "great harmony".

In other words, a student who did not take the imperial examination is the same person as a student who completed the imperial examination, and his knowledge will not be qualitatively improved by taking one more imperial examination.

However, the Jinshi master and Bai Shen, who has no fame and fame, are completely different identities. The former has the authority blessed by the court and can crush the Bai Shen students, but the student's own conduct (knowledge) has not changed at all.

Harley, who is level 145, is equivalent to "a great scholar rarely seen in a thousand years", but she is white and has never taken part in the imperial examination.

The detached person outside may be at level 121, barely considered a "Sun Shan", but after all, he is on the list and obtains authority and strength from the "imperial court".

Can a white-bodied Hongru kill a court official who has the emperor's orders to protect his body and the officers and soldiers to protect his body?

Harley thought she could give it a try.

When she was at level 20, she dared to trick the supreme masters like Lucifer and Barbatos, but now she is a "Great Confucian"!

As for whether she should also go out and take the "jinshi" exam.

She was unwilling even to imprint the thick-skinned law into the law sea.

All miracles have a price. In my hometown, I am a white-skinned scholar, powerless but free and carefree, sleeping until midnight with no one to care about me. When I go to the court to become a high-ranking official, I have authority, but I also sell my life to the "official family", and I am restricted and exploited by many rules. .

"Hey, he's just a transcendent person from the omnipotent universe."

Harley put her hands behind her back and smiled proudly, "There is someone behind me. If you really open up and make it clear, no one is afraid of anyone."

Even if she plans to take the people of Earth to fight guerrillas in the Ocean of Entropy, she will not give up changing the guerrilla flag to Brother God's "Holy Cross Flag."

Even if she takes the people on earth to fight guerrillas in the ocean of entropy, as long as she raises the banner of Brother God, she is still majestic and majestic, and no one dares to underestimate her.

If she raises the banner of Brother God and is forced to fight guerrillas in the ocean of entropy, only Brother God will be embarrassed.

Therefore, Brother God’s banner cannot be toppled.

As long as there is a place where God's name is spread, Brother God's banner will be of great use. Even if it is just to take the blame for her.

No, the chief scientist of Kelu, who advocates absolute rationality and logic, was frightened.

Yeruni first showed an expression of realization, and then turned into envy and admiration, "Are you sure that God's power is still effective in the omnipotent universe?"

He immediately added eagerly: "Your Majesty King Wushen, don't get me wrong, I don't want to offend you or God, I am purely ignorant.

There are countless civilizations throughout the universe, and almost every civilization has its own "God story", and their "God" also existed before the universe appeared. "

Harry sneered: "I won't say that any archangel or demon king in heaven and hell is the top god king.

Just because I want to call God my brother, what else do you need to doubt? "

No matter what kind of person she is as "Witch Harley", why would she call her "God Brother" affectionately for decades without huge benefits? Didn't she see that the person she called "brother" back then has now become "Brother XX"?

"We in Colu have also introduced the God belief of the Paradise Mountain Sect. Bishop Galileo and I are still friends!"

Yeruni knew that "Witch Harley" was only interested in profit and would not be able to get up early without profit, but she disguised herself so well that he really felt that she was a devout believer who did not expect anything in return.

But he was also convinced by Harley.

All the 'gods' of alien civilizations combined are not enough to defeat "Harley", but Harley is invincible, all thanks to a little shadow of God, which shows that God's power really transcends the multiverse.

As for whether they can remain strong in the omnipotent universe, they, Kelu, have not even touched the threshold of transcendence. They are lucky to find a transcendent force as a backer. How can they care about whether the transcendent force is strong or not?

"As long as you practice God's way, be charitable and do not harm the weak, God will definitely bless the Kelu civilization to continue to progress and never stagnate." Harley said with a smile.

Yeruni solemnly said: "I am now considering making the New Bible an elective course at the University of Culu."

Harley nodded without committing to anything or continuing the topic.

She looked around and said: "I have a clear understanding of the situation in the Prosperous Star Territory, and will inform the Green Lantern Corps later to monitor the changes in space and time in the Star Territory.

You don’t have to worry, no matter what happens here, it will not affect the core star field of Kelu. "

Yeruni sighed secretly and gave up all thoughts of wiping out the Prosperous Star Territory, saying: "The Prosperous Star Territory is also considered a part of the Kelu civilization. If the civilization in this star domain has any needs, Kelu will do its best to help."

"Very good."

"Father, Witch Harley should leave. The Koru people's mothership has disappeared for two days. They do not know our existence and will not hide and wait for us to show our faces.

In fact, for Witch Harley, there is no need to waste time waiting. She is very clever and can pull us out from the cracks in the dimensions. "

Two days later, on the planet Handis, a man and a woman appeared out of thin air on a densely populated street.

Both looked young.

The woman is over 1.95 meters tall, with gray skin, a mohawk haircut, and eyes like two scarlet flames. She is clearly the daughter of Darkseid, Grell, who has not been seen in person for a long time.

There is only one man who can be called "father" by Greer, Darkseid!

However, the young man at this time was slender, not muscular, and had a bald head without a single hair. He actually looked exactly like Lex Luthor.

However, Luther has white skin, while the young Luther-faced Darkseid has the same gray skin as Greer.

"Witch Harley has come, and I feel relieved." Darkseid's Luther showed a smile on his face, "As long as she comes once, she will not pay any attention to this star field again. We can relax a little bit.”

"Witch Harley must be like you and can see the huge potential of the Prosperous Star Field. She doesn't care that the 'Planet in the Bottle' benefits greatly from the Tomb of the Titans, but the Koru people must not be able to help but want to do something cruel.

The Korru are capable and ruthless enough. Once they decide to wipe out the bottle planet, none of them will survive. "Greier said.

Darkseid sneered: "Don't worry, with Witch Harley's hypocrisy and vanity, she will definitely stop the Koru people from killing wantonly."

"Are you sure? It's not an easy thing to convince the Koru people to give up the 'strange energy' of their own civilization."

Greer does not doubt "Witch Harley's hypocrisy", but doubts her willingness to waste time and energy on a mere planet in a bottle.

“Although she is a complete bastard, she really enjoys the feeling of being praised by mortals, so she will work hard to become a good and great person in the eyes of mortals.

Things that are difficult for others may not be a problem for her. "

Darkseid looked around and continued: "And the Tomb of the Titans will completely collapse soon.

By then, this star field will become a 'cosmic tumor' under the influence of complex and huge energy. "

"What is a cosmic tumor?" Greer asked doubtfully.

“When humans are exposed to high-level, high-density energy radiation, cancer cells will form and tumors will appear on the skin.

The universe, like people, will also be affected by high-level, high-density energy radiation, causing distortions at the level of time, space and basic laws. "

Darkseid's Luthor showed a complicated expression on his face, "Witch Harley is very courageous, very charismatic, or in other words, very powerful. She can gather all the god kings and creators in the multiverse to create a world that has never been seen before." 'Cage Universe'.

The caged universe alone already has a huge volume and extremely high energy level.

There is also a giant god in the cage.

The Titan was destroyed by entropy, and the energy and matter of the Titan completely exploded. The Tomb of the Titan is the largest source of energy radiation. Not to mention that the material universe cannot bear it, even if it is close to the Heaven Realm or the Apokolips Star, the Heaven Realm and the Apokolips Star will give birth to a 'world tumor' '. "

"Does Witch Harley know that the Prosperous Star Field will turn into a cosmic tumor?" Greer asked.

Darkseid said with certainty: "She must know!"

"My wisdom and knowledge used to be far superior to hers, but the benefits she gained from the battle in the Garden of Destiny were too great, and her magical powers overshadowed my talents.

The results that I can judge with wisdom can be perceived by her through the 'great power of cause and effect'. "He said with regret in his words.

"What exactly is a cosmic tumor? From what you're saying, it seems that it only benefits and does no harm to the civilization in the prosperous star field." Greer asked strangely.

“Now the time and space of the Prosperous Star Territory is bending towards Limbo, eventually forming a closed ‘small universe’, and that small universe is the ‘cosmic tumor’.

It is equivalent to a pimple on a person's face. The pimple forms its own space, and its internal laws and energy are extremely chaotic."

Darkseid said as he walked towards the city center's palace, "It's a bit similar to the force field blockade of the Omega Titan.

During the Kolu Disaster, the Titan force field only blocked the Kolu star system. Now, a huge force field that blocks the entire prosperous star field is forming, which is a cosmic tumor.

The cosmic tumor may not be able to stop the Witch Harley, but it is an absolutely insurmountable barrier for others.

Even I will not be able to enter and leave the Prosperous Star Territory at will.

However, the civilizations in the prosperous star field have never left the star system, and losing contact with the outside world will have no impact on themselves. "

"It's not that there is no impact at all, but it has a big impact. All the energy leaked from the giant gods will be absorbed by them. Even if the Koru people ignore the attitude of Witch Harley, they will not be able to enter and interfere with their free development."

Darkseid's eyes flashed, "Unless Korru is like me and stays in the Prosperous Star Territory until a cosmic tumor forms."

Greer stopped and looked seriously at "Little Luther's father", "Father, I hope you still remember our agreement. You must fight against your destiny as the 'incarnation of darkness and evil', and you can no longer harm innocent people at will.

Even if I don't care about the life and death of the civilization in the bottle of Prosperity Star Territory, I will not allow you to harm them.

What I care about is not them, but the promise that the new Darkseid must be a good person.

My promise is to you, to my mother, to myself, and to Witch Harley. "

A contemptuous smile appeared on Darkseid's lips, but the smile disappeared instantly.

"Greier, please relax, I have confessed my plan to you from the beginning, and everything is for Sepulke!

Everything I do now is geared toward building Sepulke.

It is not a war weapon and will not be used to conquer the multiverse. In fact, you can feel it, I have become very bored with this multiverse.

Now, I have no interest in it.

In the past, my attempts to conquer the multiverse were only in service of a greater plan. "

Greer said calmly: "It's no use just talking, I will keep an eye on you."

"Grell, you not only have to keep an eye on me." Darkseid looked at the majestic castle in front of him, "You also have to help me. In order to make my body grow and develop quickly, I wasted too much divine power.

At this time, apart from the Omega effect, the remaining power in my body is less than one millionth of what it was in its heyday.

There's a good chance I won't even be able to defeat a superhero.

And building Sepurk requires huge strength and your divine power. "

Greer frowned and looked at the castle, "What are you going to do to these mortals? Isn't Sepulk the ark to escape from the multiverse? What does it have to do with the Prosperous Star Field?"

“Sepulk is not just an ark leaving the multiverse.

Even a mere Archimedes airship can become an ark, so what is an ark?

I want more, my Sepurk is a sanctuary that protects us from the catastrophe of the Origin Wall, and may even be the last hope for life in the remaining multiverse after the death of the multiverse.

Therefore, it is not easy to forge it. We not only need to find enough fragments of the giant god, but also need to store endless faith. "

Darkseid pointed to the castle in front and said: "Here will be the birth of the Knight King who will unify the continent. As long as we become the gods he believes in now, we will be the gods of all knights and civilians on the continent in the future.

Show your great power and let him bow under your Amazon skirt. "

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