I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1884 The Prosperous Star Territory is very prosperous

"Ms. Quinn, can I speak to you alone?"

The leader of Kelu, Yeruni, had a very respectful attitude, and there was cautious expectation in his eyes.

It was already the evening of the second day, and we were still in the Coru Sky Island State Hotel. We had just walked out of the conference room, and people were still in the corridor.

Sam Lane, Louise and other ordinary people yawned repeatedly, with unconcealed fatigue on their faces, clearly visible bloodshot eyes, and faint dark circles around their eye sockets.

From noon yesterday to now, the entire meeting lasted more than 30 hours. This was still Colu time, but almost two days and three nights in Earth time.

Even if they could doze off in the conference room and sneak out from the back door to replenish their food, such long and continuous meetings still left them physically and mentally exhausted.

"Speaker Yeruni, what else do you want to say?" Harley was in good spirits.

First of all, she is extraordinary and full of energy.

Secondly, the content of the meeting was more exciting than she expected.

She was not alone on the podium, talking about what she had already repeated several times in the Zhenglian and Shangdu.

Those who ask questions are all top scholars in their professional fields. Civilization leaders themselves do not participate in meetings unless, like Yeruni, they are the most knowledgeable people in the civilization and have achieved the highest academic achievements.

In other words, everyone who communicates with Harley is the "Einstein" of advanced civilization.

The questions asked by "Alien Einsteins" are very professional and very "advanced".

For example, when Harley said, "Omega Titan looks like a giant steel robot on the surface, but its essence is similar to the law of gravity, so even if the steel shell is destroyed, the foundation of the Titan will not be harmed." Earth's heroes and White House officials all had expressions on their faces. He nodded in surprise to show that he understood.

If replaced by "Alien Einstein", they will inquire in detail about the detailed parameters of the Titan's metal shell. They will discuss whether the metal shell is binding the laws or becoming the material basis on which the laws depend. After getting the answer from Harley, they will discuss it. The technical principles and various professional issues continue one after another, and they are becoming more and more specialized and in-depth.

The people on Earth suddenly nodded, not because they didn't know how to pretend to understand. Harley explained that at this point, they already had a general understanding of the Titans and there was no need to delve into "useless" details.

It's like giving a mobile phone to a group of people who haven't graduated from elementary school. They just need to learn how to use the mobile phone.

Their curiosity for knowledge is satisfied, and the way they use mobile phones also meets their daily needs.

The "alien Einsteins" have a research attitude of figuring out all the principles until they can build a copycat machine based on the existing conditions.

It is absolutely impossible to say that people on earth do not want to build copycat phones.

However, discussing the functions and principles of each part of a mobile phone requires a very professional knowledge reserve. They are not capable enough and do not even know how to ask.

At most they asked, "Harley, can you create the Omega Titan?" Harley shook her head, and they said "oh" and were not disappointed.

If the "alien Einsteins" were just pestering Halle with questions, Halle wouldn't have been able to persist for so long, let alone enjoy it.

They also contributed their wisdom and creative ideas.

What Harry gained from this meeting exceeded all of them combined.

Kelu leader Yeruni turned his head and glanced behind him. There were many tired-looking alien leaders and high-spirited "alien Einsteins" in the corridor outside the conference room.

He used his spiritual power to transmit a message: "It is still an issue related to the Omega Titan, and it is also related to our Kolu civilization."

Harry frowned and said, "I thought that in the meeting just now, everyone had nothing to hide and spoke freely."

Yeruni said: "I did tell everything I knew at the meeting, but the issues to be discussed this time are only indirectly related to the giant gods. Even being related to the giant gods is just my personal guess, which is very uncertain."

After a pause, he added: "If it is convenient, please come with me to the 'Prosperous Galaxy', which is the galaxy where we placed the planet in the bottle.

The remaining power of the Omega Titan seems to be affecting that star field and also affecting the civilization released from the planet in the bottle. "

Harley glanced at him and said directly: "Dachao, Sam, you guys go to rest first, Speaker Yeruni and I may have to leave New Colu for a while.

If you wait too long and become impatient, you can return to Earth by yourself first. "

The leader of Keru breathed a sigh of relief, with a look of gratitude on his face, "Heroes of the Justice League and representatives of Earth's civilization, you can live directly on the island in the sky, and you can live there for as long as you like."

Dachao said in surprise: "Harry, where are you going and what are you doing?"

Sam Lane pulled his son-in-law and whispered: "Harry has his own plans, we don't need to worry about him. Let's go and have a good meal."

As he spoke, he pulled his son-in-law towards the restaurant, and the rest of the Earthlings followed suit with doubts.

"Do you know what they are going to do?" After entering the private room and sitting down at the dining table, Da Chao frowned and looked at his old father-in-law.

While feeding tomato and beef brisket macaroni into his mouth, Sam Lane said vaguely: "I don't know, but Speaker Yeruni made it clear that he wanted to talk to Harley alone to discuss private matters.

You rush to ask, aren't you afraid that others will think you are rude? "

"We obviously came here with Harley, why did Speaker Yeuni deliberately avoid us?" Da Chao only took a sip of red wine and did not wolf it down like the others.

Although other people came out to replenish food and water during the meeting, they were only fast food, not a serious meal like now, but the signature dishes of various countries on the earth.

Dachao only gets hungry when he feels he needs to eat.

Lucy glanced at her brother-in-law and said with a hint of teasing: "Earlier in the conference room, when Harley and the group of alien researchers discussed the 'Great Omnipotent Universe Technology,' you didn't say much.

Later, he quit the 'brainwave chat group' with a tired look and ran outside to bask in the sun alone. "

If we communicate in a normal way, even 300 Kluu hours will not be enough to complete a comprehensive discussion of the details of the Omega Titan.

The Kollu people's "multimedia conference room" has specially prepared brainwave interactive equipment, which can directly communicate mentally, and exchange thousands of words in one thought.

It's like the mental space of Martian Manhunter.

However, the brainwave interaction of the Koru people is more advanced and complete than pure mental communication.

For example, in the mental space of Martian Manhunter, the rules are determined by personal will. Even if you use your imagination to create a perpetual motion machine, it can be truly displayed in the mental space.

What a person can manifest with his mental power depends entirely on his own knowledge and ability. If you have never seen a TV, you will not be able to create a TV; if you cannot make a circuit board in the real world, the circuit board you will see will be just a fake.

The Korlu people's brainwave interaction system has settings and templates that comply with the rules of the universe.

In the brainwave space, all your wishes can still come true, but the system will mark parts that are inconsistent with existing scientific knowledge.

If you have never seen a stellar engine and don’t understand how a stellar engine works, it doesn’t matter.

As long as he thinks about "stellar engine" in his mind, the system will also provide a full set of stellar engine molds for him to choose from, each of which is a 100% authentic reproduction of the stellar engine that exists in reality.

In the end, during discussions between Harley and the "Alien Einsteins", they created a super laboratory covering an area of ​​billions of kilometers.

There are countless machines and instruments in the super laboratory.

There is even an "alien Einstein" who used his mental power to assemble a complete quantum engine production line to study the "law power system" of the Omega Titan.

It only takes one thought to create an entire production line, which is very efficient.

More than 90% of all the machines and equipment they created with their own thoughts exist in reality, and the remaining 10% are "Titan technology" extracted from the Omega Titan.

Also because Harley and the "Alien Einsteins" were playing it real, even if they couldn't understand or understand, the representatives from the Earth stood by eagerly watching.

At least they are really grown up and experienced this time.

“On Earth, I may be considered a super scientist, but the top researchers of advanced civilizations are proficient in the three major categories of knowledge, mysteries, and wonders at the same time. They have a thorough understanding of all three majors of civilization.

Some scientific research giants even have profound insights into the entropy of civilization.

Even if I activate my super brain, I still can't keep up with their ideas.

Especially the wonders and mysterious knowledge that are completely integrated with science, I can't understand. Naturally, I can't participate in their discussions and can only remain silent.

When I think about the design ideas and inspirations of each researcher for a long time, my head will get hot and I will fall into a state of mental exhaustion and fatigue. I need to go out to take a breath and relax my brain. "Da Chao said honestly.

"Then why are you still complaining that Speaker Yeruni only looks for Harley and avoids you who came to Colu with her? They think you can't help and know that it's useless to look for you, so they classify you as the same as us. ranks of ordinary people.

If it were you, if you wanted to do something important, you wouldn't ask for help from someone who can't help you. "Lucy said.

Louise first put two big meat buns on her husband's empty dinner plate, and then defended him: "It's not Superman's fault. Superman's super brain is very powerful. Even Harley is envious. However, the upper limit of the earth's technological culture Put it there.

No matter how smart a person is, if someone has never taught him music, he will not be able to learn to play it immediately after receiving an instrument.

And those alien scientists are all the elites of major advanced civilizations. They can be called "Alien Newton" and "Alien Einstein". Not only do they have IQs that far exceed those of ordinary people, but the key is to receive systematic higher education from an early age.

Our college students are still studying the basic "Four Mechanics" and advanced mathematics. In other people's elementary school experimental classes of higher civilization, they have begun to assemble their own hyperlight engines.

How does this compare?

If Superman were given the same educational resources, he would definitely surpass those 'alien Einsteins'. "

At this point, she couldn't help but sigh, "People have been promoting it before, even if it is to prevent the children from losing at the starting line, we should take the opportunity to leave the earth and strive to get a higher civilization green card.

I didn't take it seriously before, thinking they were just making excuses for themselves.

Now I am a little hesitant about whether to send Xiao Qiao to study abroad in Xinkelu.

If we come to Colu to study abroad, should we buy a house in the school district?

Only if you own real estate can you get a residence permit, and only if you have a residence permit can you enjoy the Colu education subsidy. "

Sam Lane said disapprovingly: "I suggest that before you worship foreigners, you'd better first see who those 'alien Einsteins' and alien leaders are listening to."

Louise was stunned for a moment and said in surprise: "Yes, Harley seems to be able to understand what the alien expert said. Why?"

Cyborg had a strange expression and opened his mouth but said nothing in the end.

"More than just being able to understand, the galactic admiral has incarnated into millions of people in the brainwave space, talking to thousands of 'alien Einsteins' at the same time.

She answered all of their questions at the same time. Tens of thousands of galactic admirals were chatting away, saying different things and analyzing different issues. The leaders and advisors of the surrounding alien civilizations were dazzled. "The foreign minister said with an awe-inspiring expression.

The Minister of Commerce also looked shocked and sighed: "Yes, at the beginning, the 'Alien Einsteins' still answered questions, expressed their opinions, and argued with the Galaxy Admiral.

In the last few hours of the meeting, the only thing that could be heard in the large conference room was Admiral Galaxy's talk. Although I couldn't understand it, I saw that those 'Alien Einsteins' seemed to understand.

Although they seem to understand, they are extremely serious.

Obviously the Galaxy Admiral had something to say, but it was too profound and they couldn't quite understand it. "

Ryan said: "Didn't you notice? After the meeting, the civilized leaders asked to pack up the video of today's meeting and take it away.

I asked Mrs. Strange (Adam Stranger's wife and current leader of Lann) why, and she said that today's meeting video alone would be enough for Lann Academy of Sciences to study for at least 50,000 years. "

"Fifty thousand years! Many civilizations have existed for less than fifty thousand years." He stretched out his finger and said excitedly.

"Oh, no wonder the leader of Kelu disliked me before, and the giants of Universe 108 blamed me for not calling Harley here. They were right. This kind of meeting does not need me at all, but Harley is the most indispensable." He said with emotion.

"Why?" Louise asked again in confusion: "Harley didn't even graduate from middle school and is known as a 'technologically illiterate'. Why can she speak advanced knowledge that even the alien 'Einstein' can't understand? "

"Harley is not illiterate. She has received a serious American education." Sam Lane said seriously.

Louise said: "I know she later went to Gotham University for further studies, but she studied cultural courses. Can Gotham University's scientific and technological background support her in showing off her knowledge in front of the alien 'Einstein'?"

Sam turned his gaze to his son-in-law, "Do you know when Harley became so powerful?"

Da Chao didn’t know either and was very shocked.

Suddenly he caught a glimpse of Cyborg's strange expression, and his heart moved, and he asked: "Cyborg, you seem to know something?"

Cyborg looked around and said hesitantly, "This is Harley's secret. It's not easy to tell outsiders."

"You really know!" Dachao was a little surprised. He took out his mobile phone and said, "You use the guard dog to send me messages."

Cyborg didn't move, only his electronic eyes flickered a few times.

Then Da Chao received a long text message: I discovered Harley's abnormality before you did. While Da Chao went out to use the toilet, I directly made a video call with Harley on Earth. She proudly told me that she All knowledge comes from the "alien Einstein" on the scene.

If she didn't know about the existence of "alien Einsteins", she wouldn't have thought to search for their timeline.

But now that they appear in front of her, she can naturally observe their timeline easily and directly.

Even if her main consciousness enters the mother river of time and sees the entire life of "Alien Einstein", it will only last an instant in the real world.

It only consumes mental energy and does not waste time.

Understanding the academic life of "Alien Einstein" from the mother river of time is just the beginning. She will also use the "Kui's Great Prophecy" to spy on the "Alien Einstein"'s research on Omega Titan technology in the second half of his life. .

Pure destiny divination cannot reveal the details of the research, but she can use destiny divination to assist timeline observation, find the future timeline closest to the predicted results, and directly watch the timeline to know when the "alien Einstein" will be. You can clearly see how many times you have failed and how many times you will fail in the future.

Finally, she combined their wisdom, experience and inspiration to deduce the research on the Omega Titans in her own timeline until she was exhausted and her brain ran out.

On the surface, Harley has always been in front of our eyes, but in fact she may have been studying the Omega Titans for millions of years.

Such Harley can naturally give answers that all "Alien Einsteins" can easily understand, be extremely satisfied with, and be very shocked.

Dachao stared at the phone screen, his mouth wide open, his expression dull, and he didn't say a word for a long time.

It wasn't until Louise couldn't help but stick her head over to take a peek that he put away the phone and sighed: "Hallie is no longer a human being!"

Cyborg nodded slightly in agreement and said, "This is not how humans should behave. If she hadn't said it herself, I wouldn't have even thought of it."

"What are you talking about, what did Harley do?"

Louise was dissatisfied with their riddles and very curious about the content of their conversation.

Dachao waved his hand and said: "Eat dinner, go back and have a good sleep. If you have any questions, ask Harley when you return to Earth."

The people present understood that Superman just didn't want to expose Harley's secret in front of the Koru people, and they didn't continue to ask questions.

Sam Lane put down his fork, burped, and said with a smile: "Louise, now you understand, instead of following the example of those Run people who bought a semester house on the planet Culu, it is better to move the family to Arkham and let the children Joe goes to be Hallie’s apprentice.”

"Be Harry's apprentice." Louise was a little moved, while others looked at her with envy.

They also have children, and they don’t want their children to lose at the starting line!

"Harley, Harley~~" The door to the private room was suddenly pushed open by someone outside, and Abao poked his head in and glanced around, wondering: "Harley isn't here? Where did she go?"

Sam Lane ignored him, only frowned and looked at his second daughter, "Where are the bodyguards?"

Lucy also frowned and was about to get up and go out to check. The presidential bodyguard in a black suit and black sunglasses had already walked in and said awkwardly: "Sorry, Mr. President, Mr. Tesla said you made an appointment."

Abao looked sideways at the Ryans and his daughter from the corner of his eyes, and said in a disdainful tone: "Don't be so sentimental, I'm not here to find you."

"What are you doing with Harley? Didn't you finish talking on the spaceship before?" Sam Lane asked.

Abao raised his chin slightly and said arrogantly: "Don't talk nonsense, tell me where Harley is. If she is not here, I will leave immediately."

Sam Lane wanted to stand up and punch him, "Get out of here, Harley is back on earth."

"Ah, I'm going back now"

Abao was a little disappointed, but he kept his promise and turned around to leave, with no intention of talking nonsense with Ryan.

Ryan's expression changed. He stood up and walked to his son-in-law. He leaned into his ear and said, "Help me monitor Abao."

Without waiting for his son-in-law to refuse, he immediately added: "I just want to know if he is making another evil plan that harms the interests of the United States.

When we got off the spacecraft yesterday, we all saw that he was in mourning, distraught and confused, as if his energy and energy had been sucked out of him. Now he suddenly became energetic again, which is very abnormal. "

Dachao did not hesitate, shook his head firmly and refused: "Unless they are identified super villains in crisis incidents, I will not monitor anyone."

In fact, without turning on super vision and super hearing, he also knew that Abao would never approach Harley to discuss a plan to damage the interests of the United States.

Not only did he know it, but so did Ryan.

What Ryan calls "harming the interests of the United States" actually refers to his personal interests, replacing the United States with himself.

Dachao guessed right, Abao's search for Harley has nothing to do with the interests of the United States.

But it also has nothing to do with Ryan.

"Harley is not here, Ryan said she has returned to Earth." Abao whispered to Doss in the garden outside the Sky Island State Hotel.

Doss said anxiously: "Without Admiral Galaxy's help, our plan may be difficult to implement."

Hemingway also complained: "Po, you should not have publicly reported the leader of Kelu to Harley Quinn in the first place.

If we haven't offended the people of Colu to death, we may not be able to stay in Colu and continue our previous career. "

Abao glared at him, "Do you plan to stay in Kelu for the rest of your life and be a clown in the eyes of the people of Kelu?"

"We are not clowns. They respect us very much and call us 'human and dog fighters.' The alien media has also been paying attention to our activities. We are very influential." Hemingway said.

Abao sneered and said: "The premise of self-deception is that there are benefits to be gained. But what is the situation now? The Colu people have even cut off financial assistance, and they want to expel us from the New Colu planet!

We have no choice, either to be thrown back to the earth like a mangy dog, or to turn into a fighting dog, bite off a piece of fat meat from the Koru people, and return home with a lot of honors. Well, in the United States, when you have money, you get praise. "

"Having said that, the Koru people are not even willing to provide aid funds, so how can they use trillions of Lann coins to compensate us?" Hemingway said.

Abao said in a deep voice: "This is not a question of whether they are willing or not. Our family members died tragically on the old Kelu planet, and all the properties we spent huge sums of money to purchase on the old Kelu planet were destroyed. They should compensate us.

Tens of millions of our people have died, so compensation of 100,000 Rann coins per person is not expensive, right? "

Doss's eyes flashed and he said: "More than a dozen people in my family died. I am very sad. I will never be willing to accept only more than one million yuan in compensation."

Abao said meaningfully: "We are not ordinary people. If the Koru people do not satisfy us, we will continue to lead one hundred thousand earthlings to siege the Koru government just like we did before we besieged Sam Lane.

The apparent trillions in compensation will only be shared equally among everyone.

The Koru people have to pay an extra price to appease us.

There is no need to pay. Their genetic technology is very advanced. They can help a few of us adjust our genes and extend our lifespan by a hundred or two hundred years.

After regaining our youth, we return to Earth, remarry, have children, and run for office again.

We must get back everything we lost on Old Koru. "

Doss looked excited and nodded repeatedly, "Yes, that's how it should be."

Hemingway was also excited for a while, and then worried: "The problem is, with the protection of the Galaxy Admiral, I dare to be alone, naked, write 'The life of the earth is also a life' in red pen on my chest and back, and force myself to break into the science and technology department." Lu Supreme Council.

Now that the Galaxy Admiral has returned to Earth, I am wary of even discussing this matter with you, for fear that the "Colu FBI" may eavesdrop on the conversation, and then be shot in the back that night, and the Colu police will conclude that he "committed suicide in memory of his deceased wife." "

"No, definitely not." Abao's face turned pale and his eyes were darting around, but he held on and waved his hands repeatedly, "Kelu civilization is governed by scientists. Scientists have strict rules and will not be as unruly as traditional politicians. .”

"You are planning to lead hundreds of thousands of Earthlings to demonstrate at the Colu Parliament Hall, and you still expect them to have moral integrity?" Hemingway said.

While Ryan and Abao were talking about Harley behind their backs, Harley had followed the leader of Kelu to the "Prosperous Star Field" near the edge of the universe.

The Prosperous Star Territory was not originally called this name.

In fact, it had only a number before, not a name.

After the Koru people released the planet in the bottle in this star field, the "Prosperous Star Field" appeared in the news of major civilized countries.

"Hey, the laws in this star field are a little abnormal. Time and space seem to be bending 'downward', from a flat surface to a 'wine bottle' state." Harley said in surprise.

"Your perception is so keen, you discovered the anomalies in this star field before leaving the super-light space." Yerini complimented.

Harley lowered her head to look at the deck of the spaceship, but her gaze spanned the layers of space folds and dimensional barriers and saw the source of the anomaly in the star field.

"It seems that the changes in the Prosperous Star Field are really related to the Omega Titan." Harley's eyes flashed with silver light, and she said with a surprised expression: "The 'Cage World' where the Omega Titan was buried has risen from the bottom of Limbo. It also happens to be directly 'below' the Prosperous Star Territory, which is probably not a coincidence."

Yeruni's eyes flashed and he asked, "Have you discovered it yet?"

The silver glow in Harry's eyes dissipated, "Have you sent a mage to investigate Limbo?"

Yeruni nodded and said frankly: "We first discovered the changes in Limbo, and then guessed that the cage world would have an unknown impact on the prosperous star field of the material universe."

Then he added: "Did you know? After the Omega Titan was destroyed, many magicians in Limbo were very curious about the 'Tomb of the Titan'.

They say that there are fragments of the Titans in the Tomb of the Titans. The fragments contain the secrets of the omnipotent universe, and even the god kings are salivating. "

Even the God King has a piece of it in his hands, and he is still coveting it.

The ones who really covet the secrets of the cage world are the mages from all the major civilized countries in the material universe.

The Kolu civilization once hired 10 mages to form a death squad to sneak into the cage world. As a result, the meat buns beat the dogs and never came back.

"The Tomb of the Titan." Harley nodded slightly and said with a smile: "This name is quite appropriate. Isn't the cage world created by the gods jointly the tomb of the Omega Titan?

However, the internal situation of the Tomb of the Titans is very complicated, and it is also a restricted area for the God King. It is best not to try to gain any benefits from it.

There aren't many Omega Titan fragments left in there, so there's nothing good to be gained from them. "

"Even the King of Gods may encounter danger when entering it? Wasn't the Tomb of the Titans created by the gods?" Yeruni was surprised.

"The gods are not certain gods, and the gods are not the only builders. The three creators also participated in the construction of the cage world."

Harley gave a simple explanation and then asked: "You called me here because you want to ask about the final impact of the Tomb of the Titans on the Prosperous Star Territory?

Let the mothership jump out of super-light space.

Find a civilized planet, and I want to personally observe the specific state of the planet in the bottle. "

Yeruni said: "I am planning to take you to the center of the prosperous star field. Would it be better to observe the civilization stars in the center?"

"Center." Harley secretly "calculated" and said: "The center in space is not the real center. Go to the star system closest to the origin wall of the prosperous star field, which is the center of the energy and structure of the star field. "

Yeruni immediately winked at the first mate beside him.

When the first officer changed the flight course, the Kolu leader asked again: "Will the Tomb of the Titans enter the material world? Why didn't you just destroy it in the first place?"

"The cost of destroying it directly is much higher than letting it destroy naturally. In fact, it is now on the verge of collapse.

If it were still a caged world, it would not directly affect the material universe. "

"You mean, it is the 'strange matter' in the cage world that affects the material universe? The strange matter from the giant god erupted from the broken cage world and affected the prosperous star field of the main universe?" Yeroni asked.

"Hey, strange substances." Harley looked at the Koru people with strange eyes and said with a smile: "The Prosperous Star Territory is also considered the territory of your Koru civilization, right?"

Yeruni didn't know why, so he only told the truth: "Originally it didn't belong to us. In order to place the planet in the bottle, we exchanged it with the Domini people for another more prosperous and smaller star field."

Harley closed her eyes and said, "I'm going to rest for a while, and you can call me again when we get to the destination."

In fact, Yeruni still had many questions in his mind, but seeing her like this, he could only retreat silently.

About half a day later, the Kolu mothership jumped out of the super-light space and came to an ancient planet bathed in the red sun.

"We have estimated that this red sun can survive for another billion years, and there will be no stellar crisis in the star system for at least 30 million years." Yeroni explained with some embarrassment.

The red sun is very old, and the resources in the star system are also extremely poor. Apart from the transplanted civilized planets, there is only a meteorite belt inside the star system, and there is not even a giant satellite that stores ice and hydrogen.

Harley put her hands behind her back, floating in the planet's low-Earth orbit, and said with a weird smile: "It doesn't matter. If nothing happens, it won't take three thousand years for the 'Handis Civilization' below to walk out of the star system."

Yeruni was shocked when he heard this. The so-called "Handis Civilization" was just a continent called Handis. There were more than one continent on the planet, and the knights on the continent didn't even know that they were living on a planet.

Can this kind of medieval barbaric country leave the star system within 3,000 years?

"There is no coal or oil on this planet. After more than 100,000 years of development, civilization is still very primitive." He said euphemistically.

"When you selected it, wasn't it because it had difficulty taking the road of science and technology and could only focus on developing the civilization of extraordinary beings?" Harley said.

"It's Brainiac." Yeroni argued subconsciously, even saying it made him feel embarrassed.

He smiled coquettishly and asked: "Could it be that the Handis people can follow the path of miracles and upgrade extraordinary civilization to the level of intermediate civilization? Back then."

He hesitated for a moment before continuing: "We have been observing this planet for more than three thousand years. They seem to be reincarnating and never making progress. Why do you say that they can break out of the star system within three thousand years?"

"What are the four civilizational energies that the Omega Titan absorbed from the planet Kelu?" Harley asked.

"Entropy, knowledge, wonders and mysteries." Yeruni said.

"What are entropy, knowledge, wonders and mysteries?" Harley continued to ask.

Yeruni glanced at her. At the previous "Omega Titan Research Conference", she had described the four types of civilization energy in detail.

"They are not pure information, but special energy rich in information. Those energies are beyond our cognition. The multiverse cannot naturally produce similar energy, and we cannot collect and utilize that energy.

They are to current civilization what the nuclear fusion elements in seawater are to primitive civilization.

Only more advanced technology can detect them, extract and utilize them, and that technology belongs to the level of the omnipotent universe. "He repeated Harley's words honestly.

Harley sighed: "I was wrong. Although we cannot artificially utilize them with our technology, it does not mean that they cannot be recycled.

After the energy of the four major civilizations of your Koru people was absorbed by the Omega Titan, it did not completely disappear.

When the giant god was destroyed, the energy flowed out again and returned to the 'Korlu Civilization'. "

She pointed to the planet below and said: "Handis civilization has absorbed part of the 'Korlu's Wonder Energy'.

Those energies are about to be transformed into the potential of the Handis civilization. In the next few hundred years, many knights with extraordinary talents and extraordinary wisdom will be born on this planet.

They will embark on a ‘path of demon knights’.

Well, it's similar to the 'fighting spirit' in the novel, absorbing magical elements and integrating them into the blood, and then bursting out in the form of special knight skills.

The most powerful 'Star Knight' is comparable to a god, capable of destroying the world and spanning the void. "

Yeruni was surprised and happy, and said with expectation: "Even Handis has such potential, then we, Keru."

"Handis's potential comes from your Kelu. The law of conservation of energy also applies to civilized energy." Harley said.

Yeruni's expression suddenly changed, and he exclaimed in shock: "Has our potential in Kelu been divided up by these garbage planets?!"

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