I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1883 Meeting Abao again

Harley took the initiative to bring up the magic potion, but she only warned the leader of Kelu not to think about studying the remains of the aliens.

Seeing that he was just listening calmly, as if this was just Sam Lane's private matter and had nothing to do with him or the Kolu civilization, Harley didn't bother to persuade him.

Anyway, she reminded them, which was a reward for their kindness in receiving her with the highest courtesy.

If they don't listen to their own advice, if something unexpected happens in the future, it will have nothing to do with her.

The group of people talked for a while about "how mortals can completely avoid the magic debt crisis" and then walked out of the basement of the Capitol Building, which served as a temporary morgue.

According to the plan of the Koru people, they will take these earthlings to the "Kolu State Hotel" to attend a state banquet specially prepared for Harley.

If possible, the leader of Kelu will try to keep Harley to live on the new Keru planet and lead them to continue the "Cosmic Civilization Congress" that was previously interrupted by "alien".

But as soon as they walked out of the gate of the Capitol, they were stopped by a large group of people before they even had time to see the "VIP Speedster".

Not an ordinary citizen of Coru.

Those Koru people who have the same blue skin as Brainiac and have the same yellow brain-machine connectors on their heads are very disciplined and orderly and will not attack the security line of the Koru machine guards.

The people who crowded over were all high-level civilized leaders who came after hearing the news. The Kelu Guards could not persuade them, but they did not dare to violently stop them.

"Admiral Galaxy, you are finally here. Now that you are here, we have a backbone!" The daughter-in-law of the former commander Zetas, Queen Finite, who looks like a watermelon man, was the first to shout excitedly.

Zetas is still struggling on Apokolips, and she has not publicly divorced Zetas. In theory, she is still regarded as the daughter-in-law of Earth, and her relationship with the people on Earth is relatively close.

As soon as the Omega Titan Crisis ended, she came to Earth as soon as possible and stayed until the Koru people held the "Cosmic Civilization Congress."

"Miss Quinn, what's going on in the Capitol? Are we being attacked by mysterious forces?"

"Admiral Galaxy, you actually came to the planet Kelu in person. Is the incident in the Capitol more terrifying than the cosmic terrorist attack? Is it another cosmic crisis after the Omega Titan?"

"Hi, Harley, do you remember me? I am the queen of the Tamaran civilization. The Justice League is also here. Is my sister Starfire here? We are all old friends. Why don't we come to the Tamaran Embassy to sit down? The chef has prepared a table of earthly dishes."

Queen Blackfyre of Tamaran also came and was very enthusiastic.

"Admiral of the Galaxy, since you are here, please be sure to stay in New Culu for a few more days. You can move to the 'Domini Star Hotel' with the Earth representatives. We have prepared the most luxurious 'Emperor Suite' for you. ', the Galaxy Magic Ball Hotel is not worthy of your status."

Some alien leaders are concerned about the changes in the Colu Capitol, while others have not suffered any losses in the changes, so they focus more on Harley herself.

In fact, there were also representatives of civilization who suffered heavy casualties and were only interested in getting close to Harley.

It's not that they don't care about the changes in the Capitol, it's just that they think more about it - if the Witch Harley comes to their home as a guest, what questions will they not have the opportunity to ask?

For example, Queen Blackfire of Tamaran also participated in the Universal Civilization Congress, but she was not qualified to enter the "Universe 108 Giants". She did not care much about the Congress, so she did not bring her magic advisor to the conference.

But the Tamaran Embassy is within 100 kilometers of the Parliament Building in Culu, and there are distortions in the embassy.

She wanted to invite Harley to her embassy, ​​not only to inquire about the aberrations in detail, but also to listen to Harley's personal secrets about the Omega Titans.

"Everyone, Kelu has prepared a banquet for Miss Quinn and the heroes of Zhenglian who have come from afar. We will go to the Sky Island State Hotel soon.

If you are also interested, you can come together. But please don't surround us or block our way. This place is facing the street and is not a place for conversation. "

Before Harley could respond to the surrounding civilization leaders, Kelu's acting chief scientist was the first to shout loudly.

He also used his spiritual power to calm down the somewhat fanatical crowd.

Well, Coru's genetic technology is extremely advanced. Like Brainiac, many Coru people have powerful telepathic abilities, especially the scientists at the Coru Academy of Science. Almost all of them are psychics.

"Harley, Harley bastard, don't stop me. I am the former commander-in-chief of the United States and a friend of Harley! If you dare to insult me ​​in front of Admiral Galaxy, do you think you don't take Admiral Galaxy seriously?"

The civilized leaders were quiet, but suddenly the howling sounds of ghosts and wolves came from behind them.

Sam Lane changed his expression before the leader of Kelu. The leader of Kelu has a deep palace and strong control over his body and emotions. Although his expression changes, it is not obvious.

"Harry, it's Abao. As expected, he has been a scourge for thousands of years. He was not eaten by the 'alien'." Ryan whispered, with a touch of regret and deep disgust in his tone. "Let's not pay attention to him. He's looking for us." You are probably up to no good."

His son-in-law's eyes flashed red, he had turned on his super vision, and said: "Abao is not alone. Next to him is Speaker Dos, the former Speaker, and thousands of people from the earth are gathering further away.

They all seemed to be marchers. Although the team was running wildly, it was orderly. Some people were holding banners that read, "Sam Ryan steps down and the 2024 election will be held again." "

Sam Lane leaned into Harley's ear, lowered his voice, and said in a hateful voice: "Abao, Dos and those failed Run people have always been like this. Every time I come to the Capitol or attend public events on behalf of the Earth, They will all hold up signs and shout slogans on the road I must pass.

We don't need to pay attention to them. We are used to it and they are used to it themselves.

Even the alien representatives on Kelu and the people of Kelu are also used to it.

Therefore, let A Bao make trouble and there is no need to pay attention to him. Even if they yell and curse again, it will not be a big deal. "

Harley glanced at the Keru leader next to her. Unlike other alien leaders who were ashamed of the Earthlings, he didn't have any embarrassment on his face. He was probably really used to this kind of situation.

But Harry could feel some irritation and uneasiness from the bottom of his heart.

Maybe Abao's unexpected appearance has something to do with him?

"Harley, it's me, Harley, I'm Abao, can you hear me? Harley~~~~"

Abao was still struggling and screaming.

Most people don't directly call Harley by her name. They call her "Harley" or "Harley Quinn" behind her back. They usually use honorifics in person.

Abao is not Harley's friend, but in the four years he served as the commander-in-chief of the United States, he has experienced many earth crises and cosmic crises. He would always deal with Harley during the crisis. When he met Harley, he successfully got close to her and called her by her first name.

Similar to him are the former commander-in-chief Zetas and the caravan leader, as well as a group of top dignitaries. Zetas had known Harley as early as the caravan leader, and the two could barely be regarded as old acquaintances, while the rest were just pure Attributes are close to each other.

"Let him come over. It's not easy to meet an acquaintance on the Kelu planet far away from the solar system, let alone an acquaintance." Harley said.

No matter what A Bao planned to say or do, when he didn't call her name, she could pretend not to hear or see it, but since he called it and she heard it, she couldn't ignore him completely.

When he was the commander-in-chief, Harley did not ignore him; now that he failed in the election, fled in a hurry, suffered misfortune, and killed his whole family, she stopped paying attention to him. Doesn't it mean that she cares about the mere "commander-in-chief of the United States" when interacting with others? "Such an identity?

In fact, in Harley's mind, there is no difference between Abao when he was the commander-in-chief and Abao as an amateur at this time.

When he was the commander-in-chief, she only talked to him for work needs.

With Harley's words, neither the Earthling bodyguards guarding Sam Lane and following Lucy Lane's command, nor the Kolu guards and security robots maintaining order on the periphery, no longer blocked Po.

Even the representatives of nearby civilization moved out of the way and watched with strange eyes as Bao walked towards Harley with his head held high.

Abao did not come alone. Behind him were former Acting Speaker Doss and former Acting Secretary of Commerce Hemingway on the left and right.

Both Doss and Hemingway were Sam Lane's people before, or even his political allies and old partners, but now they seem to have become Po's "King Kong protector".

"Harry, you are finally here!" Abao was very excited.

"This is not the place to talk. We'll talk later." Harley didn't want to talk nonsense with Abao at the gate of the Kelu Parliament Building.

They didn't waste any time and followed Harley, Ryan and others directly into the special car arranged by the leader of Keru, a planet-level aircraft as big as two buses side by side.

In addition to Abao, other representatives of higher civilizations who are closer to the earth are also lucky enough to share the same car with Harley.

The other representatives of civilization did not disperse.

They followed the Koru ship in their own craft.

They were not interested in Kelu's state banquet, but the opportunity to talk to Harley at the state banquet was very precious.

Since the end of the Omega Titan Crisis, many people have gone to Earth to look for opportunities to meet Harley. They have waited until now, waiting from Earth to Kelu, such as the Empress of the Watermelon Man.

"Harry, why did you come to Colu? It must be very difficult for you to be attracted by the changes in the Colu Capitol, right?" Abao has never known what it means to be restrained, so he naturally squeezed Sam Lane away with his big butt. He sat down directly opposite Harley and asked with a natural expression.

Compared with his natural openness, his two companions were much more reserved. They even hesitated to sit on the "main seat". They only huddled on the ordinary seats behind A Bao with awkward smiles, not daring to share their sharp gazes with him. The Lane father and daughter looked at each other. It was their second daughter, Lucy, not Louise. Louise's attitude towards them was quite gentle and polite.

"The wizards in the Capitol have encountered a magic debt crisis. I came here to find out whether the will of the magic debtor has left." Harley said simply.

"It turns out to be a magic debt crisis." Abao was a little surprised and had many questions in his heart.

But he knew that the opportunity to talk to Harley was rare. If he asked about the crisis in detail, Harley would be impatient, and there would be no benefit to him.

"Now that there is a magic debt crisis on the planet Kelu, can the Universal Congress continue to be held?" He asked Harley, and at the same time glanced at the leader of Kelu on the other side of the square table.

"The magic debt crisis has little to do with mortals, but whether to hold a conference depends on the ideas of the organizers and civilization representatives."

The leader of Keru immediately said: "Ms. Quinn, to tell you the truth, from the beginning, we have been extremely expecting President Ryan to persuade you to come to the meeting.

You know the two major issues of Omega Titans and the Magical Debt Crisis best than anyone else.

Especially the Titans, they are related to the omnipotent universe and the path to transcendence of civilization in the material universe. We would like to know their detailed information. "

Harley raised her chin towards Ryan and Da Chao, "They have probably asked me about the questions you want to ask. Asking them now is no different from asking me face to face."

The leader of Kolu also looked at Ryan and Chao, and said frankly: "I'm not sure the Justice League can answer the questions in our hearts, but I am sure that President Ryan doesn't know much more than we do."

The Empress of Xiguatiao Man said even more bluntly, "Since the end of the Omega Titan Crisis, President Lane has been attending various celebration banquets.

There are banquets with extraterrestrial friends, and meetings with media reporters from both inside and outside the earth.

Until he accepted the invitation of Kelu and came to New Kelu to participate in the 'Kolu Disaster Commemoration Event', President Lane was busy from morning to night almost every day. He never had free time to visit you in Lishan, and naturally he had no chance to ask about the Omega Titan Crisis. details.

At the previous congress, he said a lot, but they were just scraps that everyone knew and did not go into the core. "

Not to mention Ryan himself, even his cosmic daughter and Superman son-in-law were a little embarrassed for him.

Especially Superman, he was very sure that Queen Fenite was telling the truth.

After the Titan was destroyed, his father-in-law never went to Lishan or met Harley.

Banqueting every day, I have no time, and probably no thought, to find Harley to find out what's going on with the Omega Titan.

Even if Zheng Lian went to find Harley, he did not summon the Zheng Lian hero for detailed questioning. After receiving the news, he called the Hall of Justice and asked for a report. The report was written by Da Chao himself. Considering the report It may be seen by others, and the content is very omitted and perfunctory.

"Hehe, I was indeed right. Sam Lane neglected his duties. He only wanted to show off in front of the media and at banquets. He never fulfilled his obligations as a 'public servant'." Abao did not miss the opportunity to add insult to injury and mocked happily. road.

Ryan glared at him angrily, said nothing, then turned to several alien leaders and said solemnly: "I am not the only one who came to Kelu to participate in the memorial service.

If I can't answer your questions, it means that my staff really don't know the answers to the relevant questions.

And among my staff are heroes from the Justice League. Cyborg and Animal Man know everything that the Justice League knows. "

After saying that, he felt that it was not enough, so he added, "I am the commander-in-chief of the United States. I have great responsibilities and have many things to do every day. Some repetitive tasks do not need to be done by me personally."

"I understand, and I also believe in the seriousness and candor of His Excellency the President." The leader of Kelu nodded, then turned his attention to Harley, and said: "But there are indeed many questions for which there are no definite answers, so we need Ms. Quinn .”

Louise suggested softly: "Harry, why don't you stay an extra half day and have a closed-door meeting with everyone. The number of people doesn't need to be too large, so it won't be too troublesome."

Harley looked around and said, "We don't have to eat anymore. If you have any questions, you can ask them now."

What she came over was just a projection, she could eat but it was not necessary.

The leader of Kelu said happily: "If you are not hungry, we can also chat in the living room of the State Guesthouse. The environment there is good, comfortable and spacious.

I can now contact representatives of those civilized countries and give them an opportunity to meet with you. "

"That's okay." Harley turned her attention to Abao opposite, "You're calling me in a hurry, just to ask about the incident in the Capitol Building?"

Abao blurted out, "Of course not, I still want to report to you——"

His words suddenly got stuck in his throat. His eyes widened. He first looked at the leader of Koru, hesitated for a moment and then turned to Sam Lane, his expression even more hesitant and entangled.

"You want to report me?"

Sam Lane was holding back a lot of evil fire. Before, he had thought about not embarrassing the earth's civilization in front of the alien, so he could bear to ignore him.

Now being called out by Abao, it was useless for him to hold back and wanted to vent his anger.

"Po, while Harley and the heroes of Zhenglian are here today, let's talk clearly.

When the Colu disaster happened, did I never think of rescuing you? Have I ever put up obstacles to prevent Earth's heroes from going to Kelu?

If I have any other dereliction of duty, tell me directly, one by one, we ask Harley to be the judge, and if I am guilty, let her judge me. "

"I'm not reporting you. I won't report you now." Abao waved his hand and looked at the leader of Kelu with a firm gaze, "Harry, I'm not reporting anyone, I just want you to uphold justice for me.

The Koru people have made it clear that I will replace Sam Lane and speak at the Universe Congress on issues related to the 'Entropy of Civilization'.

It's equivalent to me becoming an agency giant.

As a result, I didn't even finish a single speech today, so they deprived me of my qualifications for no reason.

I was puzzled before, not understanding why their attitudes changed so much.

After today's incident, I'm not sure whether the Universal Congress will continue to work. There is no need for them to find me immediately and tell me "you are fired". "

"It's very baffling." Abao made a gesture of spreading his hands in confusion at first, and then became angry and excited, "Soon I received the news that it was you.

The Koru people felt that you were called by Sam Lane, so Sam Lane was far more useful to them than me. They immediately abandoned me and began to please and appease Sam Lane.

Hum, you used me to attack Sam Lane before, but now you find that Sam Lane is more useful and powerful. His identity as the mere commander of the United States will definitely not be noticed by the Koru people. Lane's power comes from his relationship with you!

To this group of aliens, you are the symbol of the highest power in the universe, and anyone who has even the slightest connection with you is considered a big shot.

Once it was confirmed that Ryan was more 'powerful', the Koru people immediately threw me away like garbage.

Not only did they deprive me of my status as the ‘Agent Universe 108 Giant’, they also cut off my financial assistance.

It's clear that the Koru want us to roll back to Earth.

But I’m not a toilet that I just throw away after use, and I definitely don’t want to be a toilet! "

Even if Harley could sense a person's inner emotions, be aware of his past and possible future behaviors, she was still a little shocked by Abao: How could he not be so embarrassed? Obstacle to speak out publicly?

If Abao found her quietly and alone and said the above complaints with a coy expression, Harley would be very calm and a little proud, because after all, Abao's words clearly meant to compliment her.

But now, except for Abao himself, no one is not embarrassed. The only difference is the degree of embarrassment and whether there are other emotions besides embarrassment.

Like Sam Lane.

He was very happy to hear that Po had been abandoned by the Koru people and would be driven back to Earth. He could still maintain a solemn expression on his face, but there was a smile that couldn't be hidden in his eyes.

Another example is the leader of Koru.

He was not only embarrassed at this moment, but also very angry, "Mr. Tesla, our Keru civilization only cares about the dispute between you and President Lane and never interferes with it. Moreover, regarding your dismissal."

He paused and corrected him seriously: "I think you not only misunderstood our notice about ending the discussion on the topic of entropy of civilization, but also seriously misunderstood your relationship with the Keru government.

We have never hired you and there is no possibility of firing you.

What I want to say is that after the incident at the Capitol in Colu, it is no longer appropriate to hold a public meeting with the participation of all civilized representatives.

Even if Ms. Quinn were to stay and chair the meeting, it would be a different format.

In the previous meetings, everyone had no backbone and naturally expressed their own opinions. Now that Ms. Quinn is present, she is naturally speaking on the stage, and all of us are just spectators in the audience, listening to her insights and words of truth.

Therefore, we cancel your status as the ‘Entropy Spokesperson for Earth Civilization’.

And because we are not sure whether the 'Magic Master' will continue to pay attention to the New Keru Planet.

For the safety of all civilized representatives, the Capitol will be closed at least until the magic debt crisis is over, and irrelevant personnel must be sent away from New Colu as much as possible. "

"Speaker Yeruni, you Koru people are indeed more evolved and smarter, but that doesn't mean that I am a fool who can be easily fooled by you.

Yes, you didn't hire me openly, but we received 350,000 Rann coins in activity funds every week.

It is said that a certain cosmic human-canine organization is supporting us. In fact, everyone who knows it knows that the "interstellar meta-human rights protection organization" was created by you Koru people. "

Seeing the serious expression on the Kelu leader's face and opening his mouth to argue, Abao waved his hand, "No need to explain, I believe your explanation must be very reasonable. In reality, there can also be found countless evidence to prove that the Kelu government and the 'Pan-Human Rights Protection Organization' have no Any relationship.

But I don’t believe it. Neither Harley nor Superman nor Sam Lane nor Lois believe it.

Because of similar tricks, we Americans have long been exhausted.

You can't even deceive ordinary people on earth, but you still want to deceive us, a group of American elites? "

Sam Lane shouted: "Abao, don't talk nonsense. The U.S. government will not do the dirty things you said. I firmly believe that the Kolu civilization, the 'Lighthouse of Universe Civilization', will not do such boring things."

Then he stood up and bowed to the Kelu leader with shame on his face, then bowed again, and then three times. The fourth Kelu leader quickly stood up and supported him.

"I'm sorry, Speaker Yeruni, I have been ashamed to let you see the ugliness of our country's political struggle. Now your country is even more misunderstood for no reason. I'm really——"

The leader of Colu said quickly: "No, President Lane, I understand that this matter has nothing to do with you, earth civilization, or the US government. It is purely the mistake of our Colu government staff that allowed Mr. Tesla to treat us There was a huge misunderstanding.”

"Speaker Yeruni." Ryan's eyes turned red.

The leader of Keru patted his hand gently, with a tolerant and kind look on his face.

Abao just looked at them and sneered, without making any sarcasm.

When the leader of Kelu and Ryan let go of their hands in embarrassment and each retreated to their seats, he got in front of everyone and said: "Harley, I'm not telling you this because I want you to help me take back the 'Universal Congress Speech'" It is not my qualifications as a person to be able to uphold justice for myself."

"You are a beautiful traitor who accepts donations from unknown forces in the universe and deliberately slanders your motherland. How can you be fair?" Ryan said sarcastically.

"I don't want to argue with you now." Abao didn't look at Ryan and continued to say to Harley: "I just have too much grievance and pain in my heart, and I want to take advantage of your influence to speak out publicly.

Even if my situation doesn't change after I say it, at least I feel better.

Of course, I'm not looking for you just for my own pleasure.

I really have something very important to ask for your help. "

He looked around and said, "The spaceship has stopped. We have arrived at the Kelu State Guesthouse on Sky Island, right?

Can anyone else go down first? Let Halle and I have a few words alone. "

Then he added, "Harry, don't worry, it won't take long."

Harry waved to a few people who looked hesitant, "You go down and prepare the conference room first. I will definitely be there within half an hour."

At this moment, her real body is still in Gotham Leshan, and she only came to Kelu Star as a projection, so she is not afraid of wasting time.

After they all left, Abao looked around and sighed: "I know there must be monitors on the spaceship, but it doesn't matter. I avoided them because the topic was more private and not something shameful.

You must have known that my family members all suffered misfortunes during the Koru planet disaster."

As he spoke, tears gathered in his eyes. Before the tears fell, he wiped them away immediately.

"Alas, when I arrived at Keru, the planet had exploded." Harley sighed.

"I know. I don't blame you. After all, you have to protect the civilization of the earth."

——But why didn’t you come to Cluj earlier?

Abao still felt resentful in his heart, but he also understood that if he publicly complained about Sam Lane, he might also receive sponsorship money from a mysterious alien organization.

If the General of the Galaxy is publicly responsible for the tragic deaths of thousands of people on the planet Keru, perhaps many people, gods, and demons will praise him in their hearts, but even those who praise him will not mind killing him , please the Galaxy Admiral.

Although he didn't say it, Harley could sense the resentment in his heart.

She felt a little unhappy.

She gave him face, but he still resented her. Harley looked at him, secretly calculated, and decided to give him retribution: tell him two truths.

"Well, what were you thinking at the time? It was clear that the election was coming and victory was in sight. Why did you suddenly feel like you were cursed, giving up your absolute electoral advantage, abandoning everything and leaving the earth? If you had not gone to Colu, none of the misfortunes would have happened." Harley sighed.

"Victory is in sight, absolute advantage?" Abao was stunned and said in a trembling voice, "You mean I have a good chance of defeating Sam Lane?"

Harley smiled secretly in her heart and said with a strange expression: "Don't you ever watch the polls? It's almost election day, and your support rate is still far higher than Sam Lane.

He was so anxious that he came to me specifically and asked me to persuade Angel Zauliel to stop praising your campaign platform on social media.

Of course I would not agree. In order to appease him, I agreed to publicly support him once. The effect was good, but it was still difficult to change the overall situation. "

Abao's expression changed, and his voice was hoarse: "Don't you want to ensure that he is elected, and won't you publicly canvass votes for him on election day?"

"If I wanted to protect him, I would have done my best long ago. Why wait until election day to do so?" Harley shook her head.

Abao asked with difficulty: "Harley, you are as proficient in divination as Mrs. Xanadu, right? If I had not left the earth, what chance would I have of being elected?"

Harley said honestly: "You will definitely win. In almost every timeline where you have not left the earth, you have defeated Sam Lane, so I comforted him that he is still young and can wait for the next one."

Abao's body was swaying, his eyes were spinning, and his chest was so tight that he wanted to scream to the sky and spit out a mouthful of blood.

Harley allowed him to relax for three minutes before asking: "What exactly do you want to say?"

Abao raised his head in a daze, and after a while he murmured: "I want to ask you about my family's death. Although they died, their souls went to heaven, right?"

After Harley took out her phone and checked it, she told the second truth, saying: "Omega Titan can actually drain the power of the soul and completely annihilate the soul, but that is when the multiverse is completely collapsed.

At least when the planet Kelu collapsed, the souls of the people on earth survived and went to where they should go.

But your family did not go to heaven, your daughter and wife went to hell, and your son also died at a young age. Alas, look at it, falling into hell is not the complete end, hell is just another place of redemption. "

Abao finally broke free from his previous extremely low and remorseful mood, and shouted excitedly: "My daughter is so cute, so pure, and so pious. God should love her more than the purest angel, so how can he let her go to hell?

Moreover, I clearly used the back door for them and put them all on the "patriot list". After death, they can at least go to the Hero Island and enter the reincarnation gate. "

Harley pressed the phone screen a few more times and asked: "How did you get through the back door? They were not on the Patriot list. They were briefly on the Patriot list, but were later deleted by the former Commander-in-Chief Zetas. ."

"What? Why does Zetas?" Abao was shocked, angry, and very suspicious.

Harley handed him the phone directly and said, "Judging from the modification date, it was probably after you shouted the campaign slogan of 'Let America be religious again'.

If you still have doubts, you can go back to Earth and search for the ‘Patriot Files’.

The data currently displayed in the 'Hero Island' system are all transcribed from Patriot documents. "

"Ze~ta~si~~" Abao glared and gritted his teeth.

Harley comforted him and said: "Look at it openly. Everyone walks on their own life path by choice. Others can't help and there is no need to help."

Abao lowered his head and pulled his hair hard.

After a while, he said in a hoarse voice: "If we encounter a crisis that is enough to restart the world in the future, do I still have hope to see them again?"

"Do you know Sam Lane's wife? She originally died when Louise was in college. Later, when the world restarted, she came back inexplicably. The Lane family was happy for a long time."

Abao's eyes lit up, "Isn't this magic debt crisis enough to restart the world?"

"I'm not sure, but even if the world restarts and your family returns, it doesn't mean that the souls howling in hell will return to the world." Harley said.

The small fire in Abao's eyes was extinguished instantly, and his expression was struggling and distorted.

"Well, you need to be alone for a while. I'll tell Yeruni and ask him to prepare a separate lounge for you." Harley's eyes were filled with pity, but she felt very happy in her heart, at least her thoughts were clear.

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