I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1880 Alien Arrival

The Omega Titan Crisis did far less damage to the multiverse than Barbatos from Dark Nights.

Many people on earth even complained that the Omega Titan was too lax, which made them fearful for months. They either spent huge sums of money to escape disasters in extraterrestrial places, or swarmed into the Ark Continent, causing diseases and injuries to spread rampantly. .

But the crisis of the Omega Titan has touched the people of the universe far more than any previous crisis.

First, for the first time, they confirmed the existence of the omnipotent universe, knowing that both civilizations and individuals can transcend the multiverse; second, they understood the four basic elements of civilization, and confirmed the development direction and level standards of civilization from the Omega Titan; finally, they understood the four basic elements of civilization. , people all over the universe know that the civilization with the most transcendent potential in the universe today is not Rann and Senagan, who fought for hegemony in the galaxy back then, nor is it the Earth with a promising future, but Kelu!

Therefore, when New Kelu held the "Omega Titan Crisis Commemoration and Mourning Event", almost all the higher civilizations that received the invitation came, and they all arranged for the supreme leader to go.

In addition to discussing the impact and follow-up arrangements of the Omega Titan Crisis, I also want to find out the reasons why the Kolu civilization won "the first place in the Civilization Achievement Examination".

The leaders of each civilization are also accompanied by many experts in economics, society, science and technology, and culture, and plan to come to Colu to learn from and absorb the advanced experience of the Colu civilization.

Although it was tragic that the planet Kelu was drained of the essence of its civilization by the Omega Titan, the Omega Titan could be regarded as making the Kolu civilization famous.

The Koru people did not need to launch a vast and cruel interstellar war to prove that they were the best in the world, and they obtained the golden sign of "No. 1 in the Universe" recognized by all civilizations.

As for the second-ranked Earth, all aliens know that the Earth's civilization was tricked by Brainiac. The fact that the Omega Titans chose the Earth as the second target does not mean that the Earth's civilization ranks second overall.

At this "Cosmic Civilization Conference", 108 civilization leaders were selected as "representatives of the most influential civilizations in the material universe", also known as the "108 Giants of the Pan-Universal Civilization Congress".

The name of the giant is not just a word of praise from the universe media, this title has real practical significance.

Representatives of all major civilizations gather in New Colu these days, and a consultation meeting will be held at the Colu Capitol Building almost every other day.

There are more than 108 civilizations that have received invitations from Kelu.

Only Kelu Civilization has more than a thousand subordinate subordinates.

There were even countless representatives of civilizations who came over on their own initiative after hearing that there was a grand gathering in Colu.

After all, it involves the universe and civilization’s transcendence, and any civilization that pursues it will not turn a blind eye.

More than 500,000 civilized representatives came to New Colu, and only 108 were able to ascend the highest "rostrum" of the Colu Capitol Building, and could speak publicly in the presence of everyone, or put forward any constructive opinions.

Other civilizations, even advanced civilizations, if they are not among the 108 giants, can only watch as spectators.

The level of civilization is low and the influence is weak. They can't even enter the Capitol Building and can only watch the live broadcast in front of the TV.

At least during this period of time, on New Kolu, Giant 108 was the most dazzling political star in the universe, and his every word and deed attracted the attention of countless civilizations and countless people in the universe.

This is also the reason why Sam Lane is obsessed with the trip to Colu and has no desire to return to Earth early.

Among the 108 giants is his "Earth Star" Sam Lane! !

He told Hallie earlier that he carried the hopes and expectations of the entire global village, which was not entirely a boast.

These days, the people of the United States are indeed in front of the TV every day, expecting Sam Lane to speak at the "Cosmic Civilization Congress" and attract the attention of 100,000 representatives of civilizations.

Whenever Ryan finished his speech and countless civilized representatives applauded him, the American people felt warm in their hearts, and an uncontrollable pride and excitement rose in their chests. They seemed to have returned to the time when they watched "The Galaxy's Strongest Trainee".

This kind of emotion can't even be found in Harley, because Harley has done so many awesome things, they have become desensitized and take it for granted that she does everything she can.

Now, Sam Lane has been expelled from the ranks of "Panverse 108 Titans".

"Father, why did the Koru people deprive you of your status as the 'Universe 108 Giant'? They were the ones who pushed you to the 108 representative seat in the first place! Such a direct slap in the face of the earth's civilization, they thought that the Galaxy Admiral was the same as the Zhenglian Hero good temper?"

Louise understood the significance of the "Big 108" seat, and was naturally very excited when she heard her father's words.

Her sister Lucy mused: “Actually, it doesn’t have to be about depriving the father of his seat.

Maybe it's just that today's situation is special, and the Koru people feel that their father is not suitable to return to the 'Earth Seat'.

Earth's civilization still has a place in the highest seat of the Colu Congress Hall, but the person occupying the seat has been replaced by someone else. "

Louise was surprised and asked: "Are you saying that the Koru people have temporarily handed over their identity as the 'Universe 108 Giant' belonging to the earth's civilization to others? Who can replace the commander-in-chief of the United States?"

"My dear, are the Chinese people here too? The Chinese people are ignoring the international view and openly fighting against us Americans?" As soon as she asked this question, she shouted excitedly again.

Lucy immediately shook her head and said, "You misunderstood, you are not from Tianchao."

"If you are not from China, then who is qualified to compete with the commander-in-chief of the United States for the seat of the Earth representative of the '108 Giants of the Pan-Universe'?" Louise breathed a sigh of relief and asked doubtfully.

"Abao Tesla!" Ryan said through gritted teeth and clenched his fists.

"Po? Why him? He only served as the commander-in-chief of the United States, but now he has no public office, so why should he represent the earth?" Louise asked in shock.

"Aside from retaliating and giving us eye drops, why else?" Sam Lane said angrily.

"You mean they were angry at Harley for rejecting the proposal of the 'Alliance of Extraordinaries', and then specifically retaliated against you, giving Harley eye drops by making you and the earth's civilization lose face? How dare they?" Louise asked He looked suspicious and asked: "Is there any misunderstanding? The Koru people must have an explanation. What did they say?"

"There is no misunderstanding, they are just slapping Harley in the face, Cyborg, contact me immediately Harley -" After shouting, Ryan seemed to think of something, a look of concern flashed in his eyes, and he quickly pulled Cyborg and let him go. He said in a low voice: "It's better not to disturb Harry with such a trivial matter.

She has a proud temper and is currently busy dealing with the magic debt crisis.

Well, let's wait for the Koru people to give us an explanation. Maybe there is a misunderstanding.

If the Korlu people can discover the mistakes in time and correct them immediately, we are not chicken-hearted people and will not destroy the 20-year friendship between the Earth and Kelu just because of a small misunderstanding. "

He was indeed angry and wanted to get angry with the Koru people, but he was angry because he was deprived of his seat in the "Universe 108 Giants"; his anger was to warn the Koru people and ask them to return the seat to him immediately.

If she really snitched to Harley, according to her character, she would not interfere directly in the matter.

Maybe they would laugh at him for a few words and then ask Cyborg to take them back to Earth so that they wouldn't be embarrassed outside anymore.

If he leaves the New Kelu planet, won't he completely give up his identity as the "Earth Planet of the 108 Giants" to Po?

This is counterproductive!

Louise glanced at her father and immediately guessed what he was thinking.

She looked around at the entourage and asked: "Even if it's just to save face, the people of Kolu will give an explanation. What did they say specifically?"

Foreign Minister Sam Lane mused: “The main topic of the ‘Cosmic Civilization Representative Conference’ in recent days is the four major elements and four directions of civilization.

Namely, entropy, knowledge, wonder and mystery.

The theme of today’s meeting happens to be ‘Entropy of Civilization’.

Representatives of each giant civilization will take the stage to talk about the spiritual civilization construction of their own civilization.

What the Koru people mean is that Abao Tesla, as the leader of the opposition party of earth civilization, can better represent the "entropy of earth civilization". "

"Does he deserve to be the leader of the opposition party of Earth's civilization? At most, he is just the leader of the opposition for me, Sam Lane!"

Sam Lane began to grit his teeth again, "If he wants to 'entropy the earth's civilization', then he must oppose the earth's civilization, the US government, the Galaxy Admiral and the Justice League from the beginning!

But he desires to enter the White House more than anyone else, and he hopes to become the representative of civilization on earth more than anyone else.

He is now raising opposition slogans just because he failed and is unwilling to accept it.

In fact, it’s not me he’s opposing, he’s opposing ‘election failure’.

This kind of person who opposes failure instead of reflecting on the omissions in the construction of the spiritual civilization of the earth is the least qualified to represent the "entropy of the earth's civilization".

Even I understand the simple truth, but I don’t believe that the people of Kolu, who have always been rigorous in science and have an IQ of “earth scientist level”, will not understand.

They understand everything, they just pretend to be confused. "

Animal Man said: "The first person to call Po the 'Entropy of Earth's Civilization' was not the Koru people.

These days, Earth's representatives are in the limelight in front of the media. Abao, Doss and others who led more than 100,000 Earth Run people to march against you have also become the focus of the media and are known to countless cosmic audiences. "

Ryan cursed in a low voice: "The faces of the people on Earth have all been humiliated by them."

Animal Man ignored his words and continued: "Po's identity as the 'Opposition Leader of Earth's Civilization' has long been recognized by the cosmic media.

I remember Louise also published a special issue with similar content. "

Louise immediately said: "I am just trying to resolve the embarrassing situation of earth civilization in a self-deprecating way."

"No matter what your purpose is, at least the Koru people's choice of Abao as the 'representative of civilization's entropy' is not unfounded." Animal Man said.

Ryan glared at him and said: "You mean, it is normal and reasonable for Abao to stand on the Earth representative seat and speak nonsense, slandering our U.S. government and Earth civilization?

Then let me ask you, during the crisis of the Omega Titan and the destruction of the planet Kelu, not only tens of millions of people on earth died tragically, but also citizens of Lann, Dominion, Kunde and other civilizations died.

The Koru people, in particular, lost more than 10 billion people.

Did they organize people to demonstrate on the streets and publicly insult their own government for its inaction?

We at least withstood the pressure of interstellar diplomacy and sent a team of superheroes to evacuate overseas Chinese. We even ignored the past and cooperated with cosmic villains like Brainiac. In the end, we were tricked by Brainiac, Falk.

Did the people of Koru select a few citizens who openly criticized their government to represent the "entropy of Koru civilization" at the 'Cosmic Civilization Congress'?

No, not even the Koru people dare to openly demonstrate against their own government!

Obviously, the Kelu planet exploded, killing tens of billions of Kelu people, but at this time, the new Kelu planet was in harmony.

It seems that the enemy is just an Omega Titan without a will of its own. Destroying the Titan will solve the problem. "

Animal Man can't argue for the Koru.

Ryan's tone became more intense, saying: "Even if the Koru go to Earth to bring over Lex Luthor and the Gotham Joker to represent the 'entropy of Earth's civilization,' I can bear it.

But they forced A Bao to come up and slap me in the face, making the earth's civilization lose face.

The meaning is too obvious.

If I were like you, forcing myself to comfort myself that it was normal and reasonable for them to choose Abao, and even trying to make amends with them, I would feel too cheap. "

Animal Man's face turned red, "I'm just comforting you. I don't want you to lose your temper and scream and embarrass the earth's civilization in public. I'm not really speaking for the Koru people. Why are you scolding me?"

Ryan turned his head away from him.

Louise smiled and said, "Buddy, don't get me wrong. The commander is just angry that the Koru people have humiliated the earth's civilization, and he has no intention of targeting you."

Then she turned to her father and said, "At times like this, we must not be impatient and do not want to get into trouble and fall into civil strife.

In fact, there is no need to be angry.

People all over the universe now realize an ironclad fact - the Galaxy Admiral is the anchor of the material universe.

But the Poseidon Needle is on the earth.

As long as Harley is still here, we will have the confidence to face any diplomatic humiliation and difficulties, and we will have the confidence to state our position and express our dissatisfaction. "

The expressions of Ryan and several government officials around him softened a lot, and they nodded gently, with a bit more confidence and stability in their eyes.

Cyborg frowned and said: "Why don't we go back to Earth! Although the Pan-Universal 108 giant meeting was lively and eye-catching, the discussion for nearly a month did not seem to have achieved any results that were obviously beneficial to the development of earth civilization.

If you really want to understand the four elements of civilization, why not go to Lishan Manor and listen to Harley.

When the Omega God had just crawled into the hole in the wall, she spoke out the specific contents of the four elements.

It's obvious that she is the real expert. "

"Who doesn't know that Harley is an expert?" Ryan sighed: "The aliens are making things difficult for us, isn't it because they were expecting us to persuade Harley to come and give guidance, but we failed and they became angry and disappointed!"

Animal Man glanced at him, "Since you know everything, why do you still look angry and humiliated?

You were drunk at the previous banquet and patted your chest to convince the alien leaders, so they moved your seat to be alongside top civilizations such as Kelu and Lann, and gave you the most opportunities to speak. Let you become the most popular one among the 108 giants.

As a result, you didn't get the job done, so others couldn't find an opportunity to shame you? "

Ryan's face turned red and he shouted: "Don't talk nonsense! I just promised them that I would try to persuade Harley, but I never promised to call Harley here.

You ask Cyborg to tell you, did I try my best to sell the "Transcendent League" plan that day?

Just because I worked too hard, Harley suspected that I had received kickbacks from the aliens. "

"And you have no right to accuse me." Then Ryan added: "These days, don't you also frequently participate in various galaxy-level TV programs under the guise of 'Harley's best friend'?"

Animal Man was angry, and regardless of Ryan's identity as Commander-in-Chief, he roared excitedly: "I am Harley's friend, I have known her for 20 years.

Everything I say on the TV show is the truth.

I have never spoken freely, and I have never deliberately put money on my face.

And in the TV show I participated in, the topic of Harley was only a very small part. Most of the time I was borrowing the power of the Red of All Beings to perform animal transformations.

Harley is now a well-known legend in the material universe, but she rarely appears in public and is very mysterious in the eyes of aliens.

When meeting an Earthling, alien friends will always ask questions related to the ‘Galaxy Admiral’.

It seems that everyone on earth is Harley's neighbor and friend, and can tell many "Harley's secrets" that aliens don't know.

Just like when Chinese people came to the United States, they would always be asked by American show hosts if they knew Chinese Kung Fu.

This is a stereotype and I am not deliberately showing off my friendship with Harley. "

Ryan was spat on by Animal Man and wanted to excitedly expose the fact that Animal Man had talked about "the old things of the Galaxy Admiral" for two and a half hours on a certain show.

Louise reached out and gently pulled his sleeves a few times, and whispered softly: "Arguing with each other will not help solve the problem."

Then she took the initiative to turn on the "Kelu TV" with holographic projection, "There should be a live news broadcast at the Civilization Entropy Discussion Conference. Let's see what Abao says.

Maybe he is not as ignorant of the overall situation as everyone feared, no--"

She couldn't speak anymore.

As soon as the TV was turned on and tuned to "Cluj Central 1", Abao's big face appeared in front of everyone.

Kelu TV is very advanced, and the characters projected are so lifelike that they can almost look real, making people mistakenly think that Abao is in the living room, right in front of everyone.

".Others dare not say it, but I dare!" Po's expression was serious and his eyes were sharp. Although his tone was exciting, his words were not messy at all. "On the eve of last year's election, the reason why Sam Lane dared to stay on Earth was not what he claimed. , possessing the courage and consciousness to "live and die together with the people and suffer together".

Instead, he obtained all the information about the Omega Titan from the Galaxy Admiral in advance.

He knew that the purpose of the Omega Titan was to civilize the four major energies, and he understood that the earth would not be the first target of the Titan's invasion.

Of course, it was extremely responsible and reasonable for Admiral Galaxy to tell this secret to the then commander-in-chief of the United States. After all, many of her arrangements required the cooperation of the United States government.

But General Galaxy is selfless and dedicated to the public good, but Sam Lane is selfish and uses the information obtained as the Commander-in-Chief to benefit himself in the next year's election."

"This bastard." Sam Lane's eyes widened in anger, and his old teeth almost broke his gums. "What significance does this kind of boring slander have in discussing the entropy of civilization?

In order to make me look bad, the people of Kolu have no shame. They completely ignore the style and connotation of the Pan-universe Civilization Leaders Summit. They are too petty. "

The Foreign Minister nodded and said: "Obviously, Abao has greatly reduced the value of this conference. Not many viewers will watch the program."

Lucy approached Cyborg and asked in a low voice: "Can you check the ratings of today's live conference program?"

Cyborg's electronic eyes flashed red for a few times and said: "The ratings have broken the record, at least breaking the ratings record of New Kulu Star. On average, 48 out of 100 Kulu people are watching or listening to this program.

And as the news spreads on the Internet, the number of people watching the show is increasing rapidly.

If Abao can continue to speak for an hour, he may reach a terrifying average audience of more than 60 people out of 100 people. "

The foreign minister's expression changed, "A Bao likes to speak in front of people very much. The more the audience and the more noble the audience, the more excited he is.

Once, just to canvass votes in the United States, he could speak for hours in heavy wind and rain.

Now that he has the honor of being on the highest stage in the world, he could only talk about it until dark if the people of Koru would give him a chance. "

Ryan's face darkened, "What's wrong with the Koru people? Why do they like this kind of show about shrews? Where are their IQs that surpass those of Earth scientists on average?"

Cyborg hesitantly said: "From the information I collected on the Kelu Internet, A Bao's 'bold and uninhibited' speech is very novel to the Kelu people who have always been strict and rigid in life and work."

Ryan's face became darker and smellier, "They have collected millions of planets in bottles. What kind of civilization and what kind of rotten people have they never seen? Why are they still interested in Abao's stench?"

"Not all the Koru people are studying the planet in the bottle." Cyborg said.

"Hey, Louise, please turn off the TV." Ryan pressed the Qingming point tiredly, "You will only watch this kind of boring news-"


Louise was about to follow her father's wishes and turn off the three-dimensional projection TV when a painful and ferocious roar suddenly came from outside the camera.

It was like a beast being stabbed in the waist and roaring in pain.

"Who's shouting?" Ryan put down his right hand, straightened his back, and looked at the TV screen in surprise.

There was still only A Bao in the center of the screen, but now A Bao also looked surprised and stared at the front right position, no longer eloquent and eloquent.

"My dear, what kind of monster is this!"

The next second, Abao's face turned pale, his whole body shivered and he shrank back, letting out a cry from his mouth.

"Fake, what do the photographers of Kelu TV do for a living? They don't move the camera at this time and keep looking at Abao's old face." Ryan got angry and stood up and cursed.

"Is the scene so shocking that the photographer was frightened? Didn't he react? It's so unprofessional." The foreign minister was also itchy and complained repeatedly.

Louise frowned and said: "Maybe it's not that it's unprofessional, but it's that it's too professional and deliberately doesn't let people know——"

Before he finished speaking, the TV screen instantly turned into a landscape painting, accompanied by soothing and beautiful alien music.

"Sure enough, the camera was cut off. There must have been a shocking accident at the Cluj Capitol Building."

Louise's eyes were shining, her fists were clenched, and she looked like she was ready for a big fight, "Father, just stay in the hotel and try not to go out before receiving confirmed news. I will go to the scene immediately to interview."

"It's too late to rush over now." Lucy grabbed her eldest sister and turned her gaze to Cyborg, "Victor, you can hack into the Kelu Telecom network, right?"

Cyborg looked hesitant.

"Don't deny it. When you rescued Kelu Planet, you invaded the Kelu Academy of Science database.

You've even hacked into the central database of the Koru people, and now you're just hacking into the surveillance system inside the Capitol. "Lucy said again.

Cyborg frowned and said: "At the beginning, I followed Brainiac's command to lift the firewall of the central database and help the Tree of Knowledge grow. I did not steal the scientific research data of the Koru people."

Lucy glanced at him, with a hint of dissatisfaction and sarcasm in her tone, "I hope you steal all the science and technology of the Koru people. That will save our earth civilization from countless detours in scientific research."

"That will also make the Justice League lose credibility, and make the Koru people regard us as their mortal enemies. This will in vain add countless crises and troubles to the development of Earth's civilization."

Louise helped Cyborg and advised: "Lucy didn't mean to accuse you. She just wanted to say that you have the ability to lift the firewall of the central database. Hacking into the Capitol surveillance system will only be easier, or even impossible." Let the Koru people find out the clues."

Seeing that Cyborg was still hesitant, Sam Lane said impatiently: "Don't hesitate, I will fight if something happens!"

Cyborg sighed helplessly, and a beam of light shot out from his electronic eyes, projecting the scene banned by Kelu TV in the air in front of him.

Because the angle of view is relatively high, less than half of the huge venue that can accommodate 100,000 people is within the lens, making the people look very small and their faces cannot be seen clearly.

Cyborg automatically adjusted the camera, and everyone once again saw Abao's eloquent criticism of Ryan.

This is the surveillance screen playback.

Soon everyone heard a roar of pain like a beast again, and the camera immediately shifted.

They saw a horrifying scene that they will never forget: an alien with a huge mouth full of sharp teeth put his hands into his mouth and chewed hard until the flesh and blood flew everywhere. He screamed in pain, but he still insisted on eating. A pair of hands chewed it whole, then continued chewing up to the elbows.

"This is a Kunde man. Is he crazy? Why did he chew his arm in public?" Ryan said in horror.

"The soldiers in gorgeous uniforms around him are the kings of the Kunde warlords," Louise said with a frown.

The Kundes in the DC universe are very similar to the Chitauri in the Marvel universe. They both worship violence extremely. The entire clan is an interstellar mercenary. They rely on being hired by interstellar civilizations and helping others fight interstellar wars to maintain the existence and development of their own civilization. .

Kunde has not established a unified big government. There are many warlords in the country. Each warlord is an interstellar mercenary group, and the leader of the warlord is also the leader of the mercenary group.

The leader of the Kunde warlord is accustomed to wearing eye-catching military uniforms and can be recognized at a glance.

The Kunde who chewed his own hands only wore ordinary black robes, and his appearance was relatively thin and short.

"He seems to be the magic advisor to the King of the Kunde Warlords and a powerful interstellar magic master." Cyborg frowned.

In just a few words, the old Kunde master had chewed through most of his arms, and his belly was visibly swollen.

"Tsk tsk tsk!"

His chest suddenly split open in the middle, as if there was a huge mouth in his chest, and now the mouth was open.

No blood or guts splattered.

The ribs were like bent elastic steel bars, popping out of the chest one after another.

The ends of the ribs are still on the spine, only opening out from the chest, like the legs of a centipede.

Then he really looked like a centipede, lying on the ground, using his ribs as feet, and crawled quickly on the seat.

He first crawled to the side of the Kunde Warlord King, and bit him on the calf of the Warlord King regardless of everyone's shouts and obstructions.

"Master Jilock, are you crazy?"

The warlord king was shocked and angry, but he didn't kill him, and he didn't blow his head off with an iron fist.

Well, the Warlord King of Kunde has this ability.

But he only endured the pain and kicked "Master Centipede Man" away.

I also used clever techniques, not too much force.

The centipede man received a kick, but it didn't matter. He flipped around in the air a few times, and managed to control the air with his strength. His ribs moved rapidly, and he crawled rapidly in the air, crawling towards the nearest living person again.

This time the Kelu defense robot finally took action, firing an energy cannon at the centipede man, breaking it into two pieces, and then used the cosmic shield to hold the two corpses tightly.

Well, even if it is broken in two, the centipede man is still struggling.

Just when Ryan and others thought that Master Kunde suddenly became ill and the matter was over, another scream came from outside the camera.

This time there was only pain in the cry, not a ferocious roar.

Cyborg didn't need to be reminded, and immediately moved the camera from Master Kunde, who was struggling but never spoke, to the source of the scream.

I saw a graceful middle-aged woman with a wriggling intestine wrapped around her neck.

The owner of the intestines is a huge and deformed monster.

It pulled out its own intestines and used it as a chain, threw it out and hooked the noble lady, gently pulled it to its side, opened its bloody mouth and bit off half of the noble lady's head.

"Ugh~~~" The holographic projection was so real that Louise and several officials felt their stomachs churn and vomited half of them out: the acidic water in their stomachs was squeezed out of their throats, and when it came to their mouths, they were forcefully swallowed back.

"Fake, where did this giant monster come from? Is there a huge loophole in the security system of the Koru people?" Lucy also looked uncomfortable, but she could bear it.

"He is not a monster." Cyborg said, and projected a small window on the side to replay the scene of the giant monster appearing for everyone.

Like the Centipede Man Mage before him, the Troll mutated from a normal human.

It turned out to be an alien girl less than 1.5 meters tall.

Without any warning, the girl's body suddenly expanded rapidly like a balloon, and her face seemed to be immersed in nuclear radiation and time accelerated 100 million times. It was instantly distorted into a terrifying and inhuman shape.

Then her balloon-like belly burst, and her intestines spurted out dozens of meters away, turning into a living venomous snake. It hooked the lady's neck and pulled her into the monster's mouth before the Colu Guards could react. side

"Oh God, this Mrs. Lisa is the mother of the Dominican civilization. She was actually bitten to death?!" Ryan was dumbfounded, his body and voice trembling.

He was not trembling because of the tragic scene of the monster chewing the living thing alive, but because the status of the person who was bitten to death was too noble.

Like him, Mrs. Lisa is also one of the 108 giants of the pan-universe.

But such a powerful man was actually killed by a monster in public.

"This is not an accident!" Animal Man said vigilantly: "The Capitol Building in Colu was attacked by terrorists, and the terrorists used vicious methods that we don't know about.

Master Kunde and Mrs. Lisa will not be exceptions, and more people may have mutations in the future. "

Before he could even finish his words, several shrill screams were heard from outside the camera again.

However, the Centipede Man Mage and the giant monster had caused screams on the scene. It was difficult for them to distinguish the screams outside the camera. Even if they heard it, they could not determine whether the participation was related to the giant monster and the Centipede Mage.

But Cyborg hacked into the Capitol surveillance system and knew everything that happened inside the Capitol.

He hesitated for a moment, then opened 15 small windows around him in sequence. Each video window showed a scene of a normal person suddenly transforming into a monster, and then taking action against the living people around him.

As time goes by, the number of small windows continues to increase.

There is also a window with a higher viewing angle, which allows you to see the entire venue. You can see that the Colu Congress Hall has turned into a giant slaughterhouse, or in other words, a corner of hell. Many of them have been to hell, and they dare to say that in hell It is rare to see such a tragic scene.

Ryan and the others were stunned, their hands and feet were cold, and they couldn't say a word for a long time, until a familiar scream came from the screen.

"Ah, Justice League, help me, Cyborg, Animal Man, Fuck Squid, hurry up and save me!"

It's Abao.

Cyborg gave him a separate shot, and you could see Abao huddled in the armchair, his body limp and motionless, only his mouth kept wailing.

Although there are many mutated monsters, the Koru people are not vegetarians. They quickly regained control of the situation and no more alien leaders were killed. Abao was purely trying to scare himself or the scene was too scary and his mentality collapsed.

"Hehehe, he deserves it." Sam Lane laughed, "Victor, Buddy, ignore him, the Koru people will be responsible for his safety."

Cyborg said solemnly: "Commander, I deliberately played the scene of Abao, not to please you, you continue to listen."

Abao continued to wail: "Ryan, I know it's you. You are behind all this. You hate me for taking your seat and deliberately retaliate against me."

The smile on Sam Lane's face froze instantly, "What does he mean?"

"He said you were the mastermind behind this terrorist attack." Animal Man said weirdly.

Sam Lane's expression was distorted, "Cyborg, kill him, control a Kelu robot at will, and shoot out Po's head! I'm not doing it for myself, our earth civilization must not bear this blame."

Cyborg sighed: "I can find Abao's video footage, which means that he has already been noticed by the surveillance system.

Simply put, the Koru people had heard him and recorded him shouting.

Killing A Bao at this moment is tantamount to throwing yourself into a trap. "

Sam Lane shouted excitedly: "I'll recruit you all the time. This has nothing to do with us at all!"

Animal Man said: "Cyborg means that killing Po now will be regarded as murder by the Kolu people."

Louise stared at the projection screen and wondered: "What kind of terrorist attack would have such an effect?"

Animal Man asked: "Cyborg, can the biological virus be detected from the scene?"

Cyborg shook his head and said: "I have only hacked into the Kelu monitoring system so far."

Lucy's face changed slightly, "We have also been to the Capitol Building. If there is a virus, it will be on us."

As soon as he finished speaking, Animal Man tilted his body and fell to the ground with a "plop". A layer of red light appeared on his body, and his muscles expanded into giants for a while, and shrunk into tiny animal limbs for a while, and the shape gradually became twisted and ferocious. .

"Oh my god, Animal Man is also infected with the virus!" the foreign minister screamed.

"Buddy, Buddy, what's wrong with you?"

Cyborg shouted urgently as he leaned down to examine Animal Man's body.

"Roar~~" The only response to him was Animal Man's inhuman beast roar.

Ryan pushed Cyborg away with all his strength and said urgently: "This is not a crisis that we can solve. Go and ask Harley to come over for help immediately!"

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