I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1879 Painful Talent

During the Sun-Eater Crisis, Hal had a relationship with Dusk because he and Dusk spent time together and had similar interests.

At that time, only Twilight could locate the location where the Sun-Eater appeared. Harley selected a group of superheroes from the Zhenglian who could participate in outer space rescue and formed a team specifically to deal with the crisis of the Sun-Eater in the universe, relying on Twilight's guidance to fill the universe. Running to the rescue.

Without Dusk's help, they would not be able to determine which civilization was about to encounter the crisis of the Sun-Eating Beast. They would not be able to save it even if they wanted to, let alone contain the Sun-Eating Beast.

Lonely and alone, Mu Mu went to the civilized planet targeted by the Sun-Eating Beast to inform the planet of the impending civilization crisis. As a result, he was misunderstood, expelled, and even persecuted, and was regarded as an unknown monster that attracted the Sun-Eating Beast.

Hal has just experienced the Zero Time Crisis and has just returned to the Justice League from the Time Demon. But everyone remembers how many time mother universes he destroyed and how many people he killed during the Zero Time Crisis. Even the heroes of the Zhenglian Alliance will face him when facing him. He also had a strange look and mentality.

Two pairs of desolate eyes that have experienced the world collide, two lonely hearts gradually get closer, and two lonely people cling to each other. Hal and Dusk come together.

At that time, Harley was very happy to see Twilight and Hal become a couple. She was very happy that Hal could come out of the zero-hour crisis; Twilight could have a soul bond and meet a modern man who was different from the scumbag ancient god. Good man, well, before Zero Hour, Hal Jordan, who cuckolded Carol every once in a while and almost raped the entire galaxy, was definitely a cosmic playboy and not a good man. After Zero Hour, Hal began to mature and be prudent.

But, good men are judged by comparison. Compared with the ancient gods who betrayed Hecate, Hal's past philandering was nothing.

Harley hopes that her love with Hal will dispel all the negative emotions in Twilight's heart and make her lively and hopeful again.

The final result was not bad. Dusk awakened and sublimated.

"At that time, the Stranger said that Dusk had ascended to the ninth level of kindness." Harley frowned slightly. Even in today's realm, she still could not fully understand Dusk's state at that time.

"If you think of Dusk as a kind-hearted fantasy person abandoned by Hecate, with our help, Dusk completed her transformation and returned to Hecate's true form.

The whole process was like a fusion of various emotions as I experienced a perfect nightmare.

Of course, according to Stranger's words and Bo Mu's performance, she is not simply a fantasy person.

It's more like cutting Hecate into several slices, and Dusk is one of them, representing all the kindness and beauty of Hecate. "

Hal looked worried and said: "I remember the Stranger's words. He said that Dusk has become one of Hecate's main consciousnesses.

But now that Dusk has integrated into Hecate's body, why is the Mother of Magic still cruel and vicious today, without showing any trace of Dusk's kindness and gentleness?

I dare say that if Dusk's consciousness is still there, even if he wants to seek revenge from the old gods, he will not be so cruel and will not hurt hundreds of innocent people in Acharas.

But if Dusk is not in Hecate's body, then where is Dusk?

Is it possible that Hecate abandoned her again? "

"It shouldn't be that simple." Harley guessed: "I think Hecate is too resentful. Dusk is just like your rationality and kindness in Zero Hour Crisis, which is deeply buried in her heart by hatred and resentment."

Hal was startled and asked expectantly: "If Dusk is still in Hecate's body, can we awaken her again? Just like you awakened the reason and kindness buried deep in my heart?"

"At that time, King Arthur also wanted to wake you up, but you almost killed him."

Hal was a little embarrassed, "You are different from Arthur. You are used to creating miracles."

"At least now, I don't know how to awaken Twilight in Hecate. To awaken Twilight, the basic condition is to find Hecate."

Harley stared at him for a while and asked, "Have you felt any unusual gazes recently? Do you have a feeling of being watched or stared at? When you look around, you can't find the person following you?"

Hal wondered: "Are you saying that because of my special relationship with Dusk, Hecate will observe me with complicated emotions?

But I didn't feel anything, no unusual feeling of being spied on.

And after I was resurrected by Kyle, I never had any magic power, and only used pure color light energy.

Can Hecate, who has only a glimmer of consciousness now, keep an eye on me silently? "

Harley pondered: "Is the Arkland in my belly big enough? But as long as I want, I can see any corner of the continent at any time, even if they build a secret room in the house.

If one day I cut off the connection between the Ark continent and the outside world and myself, let the Ark society evolve naturally for millions of years.

At that time, were the people of Arkland like you today, unable to understand that a god named ‘Harley Quinn’, the origin of power, could keep track of anyone silently? "

"It's not as exaggerated as you said, right?" Hal was both surprised and skeptical. "Hecate is only the mother of magic, not the mother of creation of the multiverse."

Harry said calmly: "If it is the mother of creation, most likely it will not be as good as the mother of magic.

This world is already filled with elemental power!

Whether it is Earth or Limbo, elemental storms can be set off.

Countless small worlds and different dimensions evolved from the four elements of earth, water, wind and fire.

Elemental power is magic with elemental attributes.

The Mother of Magic is the embodiment of magic, and all magic flows out of her body.

Wherever there is magic, there is the Mother of Magic. Wherever the magic is, the consciousness of the Mother of Magic can go.

It just means that as long as you are in a magical place, you can be observed by her and can directly affect you if she wants to. "

Hal looked around with a frightened expression, "If the 'Mother of Magic' is everywhere, who can deal with her, and how can we deal with her?"

Harry sighed: "This is the reason why the gods are desperate. There are 'Mothers of Magic' everywhere, there are 'Mothers of Magic' in the air, and there are 'Mothers of Magic' in their bodies.

As long as magic exists in the world, the existence of the Mother of Magic cannot be completely destroyed.

People with magical powers are like a part of the body of the mother of magic. How can the 'body cells' fight against the body itself?

Ordinary people and superpowers without magic power, who do not even have the ability to control magic power, cannot touch the mother of magic.

If you can't touch her, how can you deal with her? "

"Have you seen the Mother of Magic?" Howl asked.

"At this time, she has not broken free from the seal. Where can I go to meet her? If we really meet, we will not have to fight to the end of the universe, fight until the avenue is wiped out, the multiverse shakes like chaff, and everyone in the world knows it? " Harley shook her head.

"Since you haven't seen her, how can you be sure that she is so strong that it makes people despair?" Hal said.

Harley said: "Although I have never met her, I can also become the trumpet's 'Mother of Magic' and create a small-scale 'Thick-skinned Divine Power Debt Crisis'.

Compared with the real mother of magic and the magic debt crisis, it's just a different scale, so it's not really that surprising in nature.

This is why the gods were frightened to death even before they saw the Mother of Magic.

They have never dealt with the Mother of Magic, but they all understand the basic principles and processes of magic debt. "

Hal thought for a while and asked: "How do you plan to deal with the omnipresent and omnipotent Mother of Magic?

She seems to be somewhat similar to the Omega Titan.

The Omega Titan in the legal state also exists in all corners of the universe.

In order to deal with the Omega Titans, you first break them out of their omnipresence and turn them into law-driven fighting machines.

If we want to deal with the Mother of Magic, we have to get her out of her ubiquitous state."

There was a look of thought on his face, "But the mother of magic is magic itself. Wherever there is magic, she can be found.

To free the Mother of Magic from her ubiquitous state, all the magic in the multiverse can only be concentrated together.

It's almost impossible. "

Harley chuckled and said: "It was absolutely impossible in the past. As long as there is a mage alive, the magic power will not be unified.

But in the magic debt crisis, no mage can guarantee that he will survive. "

Hal's pupils shrank and he said in horror: "Are you going to let the Mother of Magic harvest the multiverse?

When she completes the harvest, concentrates all the magic power in her body, and turns it into a magic entity, will you attack her again?

Just like that day when dealing with the Omega Titans that had been transformed into war machines and killing them, the Omega Titans were completely dead.

If the mother of magic kills the 'magic entity', she will also die. "

Harley said: “When a person is strongest, it is also when she is weakest.

This sentence is just bullshit most of the time, but it is quite appropriate to use it on the Omega Titan and the Mother of Magic.

When the magic power is integrated into one body, the Mother of Magic has the strongest power, but in that state she also has a 'body', and all her consciousness controls the extremely huge magic power in the 'magic entity'.

Once she is defeated in her strongest state, she is completely defeated.

However, we are only analyzing the possible weaknesses of the Mother of Magic, and it means that I will deliberately wait until all the mage gods in the world are harvested and the Mother of Magic enters the most powerful "weakness state".

If I could catch the mother of magic's flaw earlier, I wouldn't waste a second. "

Hal frowned and said, "It seems that she didn't show any flaws."

Harley glanced at him, "The fact that the flaw is not revealed now does not mean that the flaw will never be found after the seal is released.

In fact, you yourself are her big flaw.

If Dusk's love with you is true love, maybe you can use the 'kiss of true love' to awaken the resentful Hecate, who has a hideous face and full of hatred, and is killing all sentient beings. "

A picture immediately appeared in Hal's mind: the seal left by the gods was completely broken, and Hecate came to the world with a weird smile. He suddenly rushed over, held her head and bit her mouth hard, and put his tongue Reach out to her.

He shivered, and suddenly had some doubts about his relationship with Bao Mu.

"I probably can't do it," he said with difficulty.

"You have to believe in yourself. If you couldn't do that, you wouldn't have just heard the news about Hecate and immediately came to me to ask about Dusk."

Harley smiled and patted his shoulder, "If you can use the beauty trick to awaken the twilight consciousness in Hecate's body, not only will everyone in the world be grateful for your kindness, but you will also reap great blessings and become a true king of gods. king.

Dusk leads the gods with magic marks and is the mother of the gods. You are the father-in-law, hahaha."

"Well, time has changed, and now I am still worried about Huo Du's safety, but if we really meet, I'm not sure what my emotions and mentality will be." Hal said with a bitter smile.

"The uneasiness you feel now just shows that you still have her in your heart. As long as you have her in your heart, you two will have fun." Harley smiled.

Hal was stunned for a moment and sighed: "I only care about Bo Mu's safety now, and I don't want to think too much about other things."

Harley thought for a while and suggested: "If you are really worried about Dusk, you can go to the Stranger.

He was deeply involved in the Sun-Eating Beast crisis, and he was extremely concerned and concerned about Mu Mu. "

She had a hunch that the old God would not miss this magic debt crisis.

The crisis of the Sun-Eating Beast that day was foreshadowing in advance.

"Where should I find the Stranger?" Hal asked.

Harry shook his head and said, "I don't know, I haven't seen him for a long time."

In the early years, Stranger still had a home on Long Island.

Even if he is not at home at the time, as long as he keeps an eye on that house, he can always wait for him within a few days.

But during the crisis of the Lord the year before last, the sin-eater burned down his house, and the silver coin chain around the stranger's neck, which represented sin, was also taken back by God. He was debt-free and light-weight, and it was difficult for others to find him.

When Sage Aoqi left, no stranger came to see him off.

After taking Hal back to the living room, Luther did not follow Hal's example of avoiding others, and said directly: "Harry, you have also seen that now I still need to soak my body in a special nutrient solution, covering the entire body. A thick carapace of divine nanomaterials.

Now I have encountered a bottleneck in my talent development of Pain Pao Ren. I haven’t improved for a long time and I can’t find a direction for promotion.

I can restrain the Pain Human Field within a narrow range, but I can never completely make myself immune to the Pain Human Field.

This doesn’t seem to be in line with the identity and abilities of the ‘Pain Pain Ancestor’, right?

How could there be such a cowardly ancestor bloodline?

You also said that my talents and status are no worse than Cain. "

Harley released her mental power and carefully felt the power of pain in his body. After a moment, she said frankly: "You are the first and only pain person in the world.

Not only can I not give you any advice, but I also very much hope that you can use your talents in scientific research to thoroughly research and develop Pain Pain to the limit.

When the power of hurting people is finally achieved, I will also be able to learn how to hurt people from you. "

"You also want to master the power of pain?" Luther asked in surprise.

"Anyone who doesn't think so is a fool."

Her defense is now as high as 140+. If she can use the pain human field to reduce other people's defense by 140 points, she even dares to say to the transcendent: I will fight ten of them one by one.

Luther wondered: "But my power to hurt people comes from you."

"Your power to hurt people does not come entirely from me, I just cursed you with my own original power.

What directly gives you the painful power is actually the cursed law of the multiverse, or the 'origin'. "

"The law of curse is just a medium, and the source is your original power. Just like God cursed Cain, but God is omnipotent and must also have all the mysteries of vampires." Luther said.

Harley sighed: "God is omnipotent, but I am not omnipotent!

There is no limit to the sea of ​​learning and unlimited realm.

Even if I am already the thick-skinned God King, it does not mean that I completely master the method of defense.

In fact, the God King is only the limit of the multiverse. In the omnipotent universe, it cannot even be considered as 'entering the Tao'.

The Painful Talent is related to defense and is part of the defensive avenue.

If I can master the power of hurting people, my thick-skinned way will definitely achieve a big breakthrough, and maybe I can transcend the multiverse in terms of laws. "

"Can you curse yourself?" Luther asked curiously.

"What do you think?"

"I don't know, so I'm asking you." Luther said honestly.

"If you think about it from another angle, will Thor be killed by his own lightning?" Harley said.

Luther said with a strange expression: "I watched Hollywood superhero movies, and Thor was even stunned by a stun gun."

"Then you go ask the movie director if the gods can use their own power to curse themselves." Harley said.

Luther stopped talking.

Harley added: "All miracles have a price. Even if the 'origin' can be deceived and the gods use the cursed law to master a power that is opposite to one's own origin, the price paid must be far higher than the benefits obtained.

And, what I want is the way to hurt people.

I am in complete control of this power, rather than acquiring a power from beginning to end. "

"Aren't they all masters of the pain-killing talent? What's the difference?" Luther asked doubtfully.

Harley said: "To put it simply, today you can use the Pain Human Field to deal with the Omega Titan, just because the Omega Titan is in the multiverse.

If one day you leave the multiverse, your pain-killing talent may disappear, or become distorted into something else. "

"My pain-killing talent is useless in the omnipotent universe? Why?" Luther shouted in disbelief.

“Alas, the combination of my thick-skinned origin, the cursed law of the multiverse, and the will of the ‘origin’ gave birth to your painful talent.

I'm not sure whether there is a curse law in the omnipotent universe.

But I am 100% sure that there are no two identical leaves in the world. Even if the omnipotent universe has a curse law, it will not be exactly the same as our multiverse.

Under different rules, your talent of hurting people will behave differently.

It may be effective but distorted, or it may be completely ineffective.

If I had all the knowledge of the power of pain and integrated it into the law of thick skin, my power of pain would be effective no matter where I went and no matter the situation, as long as the law was in me. "

Luther's expression changed several times, and finally he said firmly: "Harley, I understand. What I'm looking forward to further developing my talent is actually to awaken the divinity of Painer and master the law of Painer."

Harley slapped the armrest of the chair hard, her eyes full of praise and encouragement, "Okay, if you are ambitious, I support you!"

"Thank you, Harley, you are so open-minded!" Luther seemed to be relieved, and the smile on his face became a little brighter.

"Open-minded? Have you misunderstood something?" Harley asked strangely.

Luther said: "You encourage me to understand the law of hurting people, don't you mean to give up fighting with me on the 'way of hurting people'?

I am no longer a Muggle who doesn't understand anything. I understand how cruel the road battle between wizards and gods of the same family is. "

Harley stared at him with a strange expression for a long time, which made Luther a little restless and opened his mouth to ask, and then said: "Luthor, you are overthinking, there is no way you can have a road dispute with me.

The Battle of the Roads occurs between two gods of the same level and similar roads.

You and I both want to take the road of pain and suffering. The problem is that you are equivalent to my divine favored person. The foundation of your power is still my thick-skinned origin. Therefore, everything about you will belong to me. As long as I am willing, I will She can rob you of all the miraculous elements just like Hecate robbed the wisdom and power of the mages.

If you understand how to hurt others, I will only be happy.

Because I can gain relevant knowledge from you for free and strengthen my thick skin.

That's why I said before, I hope you can master the power of hurting people, so that you can help me control the way of hurting people. "

"Hehehehe" Hal Jordan looked gloating and smiled happily on the side.

Luther had a long mouth and a pale face, and murmured: "It's so dark, even the capitalists are not that dark."

"How can a capitalist compare with a magic creditor?" Harley curled her lips with disdain.

Then she comforted her with words: "You don't need to be depressed. Even if I gain some painful wisdom from you, it doesn't mean that the painful rules you learn will disappear in the future.

All miraculous power has a price. You already know this, so you made an agreement with me early - as long as you don't use my power to do evil, you won't fall into the thick-skin power debt crisis.

You are luckier than all mages and gods.

Their fate is in the hands of Hecate, who wants nothing more than their lives.

Your destiny is completely in your own hands. As long as you insist on not using my power to do evil, I can't take it back by force. "

After hearing this, Luther's expression looked better again.

"If I understand the law of pain and pain and become the god of pain, will I be able to act like a normal person?" he asked.

"Maybe it can, but maybe it's not enough. After the gods there is the main god, and behind the main god there is the god king. The god king can break through again.

You must be ambitious and want to conquer the omnipotent universe.

Then keep working hard. As long as you run towards your ideal, you will reach the finish line one day. " Harley said.

Luther nodded heavily, becoming energetic and high-spirited again.

"How do you support me in understanding the law of hurting people?" He looked at her expectantly and asked.

——I just verbally support you.

But Harley still hoped that he would continue to work hard and could not dampen his enthusiasm, so he said: "The power of hurting people is also a new field for me. I can't give you direct advice, but I will help you share the burden of trying." Wrong cost.

Well, when ordinary people practice new exercises, they are most worried about going crazy and endangering their bodies and even their lives.

When you practice the art of hurting others, you will definitely get injured, and even face life-threatening dangers, but you don't have to worry. You bought insurance from me and you can go through all the trouble. If something happens to you, I will try my best to treat you. "

Luther looked troubled. This promise would indeed help him a lot. From now on, he could let go and try various methods to practice the method of hurting others. But he also knew very well that Harley's behavior was like an old farmer cherishing wheat seedlings.

The old farmer protects the seedlings, not because he loves the wheat seedlings, but because he wants to have a good harvest in autumn.

Just when he was struggling, Hal looked at Harley and asked curiously: "Since the way of hurting people does not come from you, does it mean that the Origin has mastered the wisdom of hurting people.

But the foundation of the power of pain is also the origin of thick skin. The way of thick skin is your original creation, and it is unique in the world.

Is this contradictory? "

Harley pondered: "My Thick Skin is very strong and special, but it does not mean that I am the only god with defensive attributes in this world.

There are gods and laws that increase defense, there are also laws that weaken defense, and gods that master the laws of defense reduction.

After the gods imprinted the laws into the sea of ​​laws, the 'origin' mastered the relevant wisdom of the laws.

Therefore, even if my defense is unparalleled in the world, my accumulation of defense methods is far inferior to that of 'Origin'.

‘Origin’ has all the knowledge related to defense. Even if its own intelligence is only equivalent to a supercomputer, it can still deduce painful power combined with my thick-skinned law.

This power deduced from the 'curse program' is new to me and needs to be studied from scratch. "

Hal thought thoughtfully: "Then can other gods learn from you and study 'new power' by cursing others?"

Harley nodded and said: "Yes, but it's not necessary, the price is too high.

After becoming the main god, the main god's laws will be connected with the laws of the same type of gods, and you can study other people's laws to improve your own realm.

After becoming a god king, the laws of the god king will override the laws of the same family.

In other words, after I became the God King, the laws of other gods of defense were almost completely open to me like the basic laws of the universe.

I can study the laws of the God of Defense just like an ordinary mage studies the basic laws of the universe.

If I study their laws thoroughly, I will have the same "wisdom of defense laws" as the "Origin", and I can deduce the defense reduction laws on my own that are opposite to the thick-skinned divine power, and will be more in line with my own way.

Of course, I don't deny that Luther's talent for hurting people was an unexpected surprise to me. It not only helped me find a new direction for my thick-skinned skills, but also saved me a lot of time and energy.

The problem is, 'unexpected surprises' are not the norm. The cost of cursing Luther is more than the combined power of Dinah and Diana's thick skin. If it were replaced by other gods, there is a high chance that the gain outweighs the loss. "

"Isn't this too unfair to the other gods of defense? The God King has learned his own way." Hal frowned.

Harley shook her head and said: "There is nothing unfair. The laws imprinted into the sea of ​​laws no longer belong to the gods alone. They will belong to the multiverse. Even if the gods are completely destroyed, the laws will not disappear from the multiverse.

This is common sense known to the masters who are trying to reach the realm of gods. They don't mind, because by imprinting the laws into the sea of ​​laws, the masters can transform into gods and gain huge benefits.

Moreover, if the leader sheep is strong, the development prospects of the flock will be good.

The god king first opened up a broader road, and then the gods of the same family behind him had smoother and wider roads. "

New Keru, the "Magic Ball Hotel" where the Earth delegation temporarily resides.

"It's too much! It's just too much!" Commander Ryan jumped off the speeder and walked into the lobby. He couldn't help but became angry and shouted directly, "Cyborg, Animal Man, and Lucy, please prepare. , we leave New Kulu immediately."

Animal Man Buddy Baker looked around and saw that there were blue-skinned Kelu waiters and alien guests of various appearances in the spacious hall. His face could not help but heat up, and he said urgently in a low voice: "Commander, please don't get excited yet. , this is a public area, let’s go to the second floor to talk.”

"What else is there to say? The Koru people don't take us earthlings or the galactic admiral seriously at all. What else can you say? Cyborg, open the sonic boom channel immediately, we are here now."

Sam Lane screamed very loudly, but his little eyes glanced left and right, and his body was very honest and gently pulled by Animal Man to the "force field elevator".

But Cyborg is an honest man, and after hearing his order, he hesitated, "Open the sonic boom channel here? I can control the power and prevent the space channel from damaging anything in the hall, but this behavior seems too rude. .”

"Captain of the Grand Commander's Security" Lucy Lane knew her father very well and understood that he was just angry. She wanted to let the Koru people know that he was angry, and hoped that the Koru people could come to comfort him and give him an explanation. It was not Really want to leave.

She pulled Cyborg's arm, shook her head slightly, and said, "Let's go back to the second floor first."

Cyborg looked at the commander-in-chief and saw that the commander-in-chief was still angry but said nothing, so he fell silent.

A beam of green light fell and slowly pulled the group into the second floor.

As soon as they landed, they saw Louise, the famous lady of the Galaxy, standing at the door with a puzzled look on her face.

"Father, what happened? Shouldn't you be attending the 'Pan-Universal Security Conference' at the Colu Congress at this time? Why are you back so early?"

Louise was wearing a decent lady's suit and holding a smart camera in her hand, as if she was planning to go out.

"The Koru people bullied others too much. They deprived me of my seat in the '108 Pan-Universe Giants'!" Sam Lane said angrily.

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