I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1881 The dark will of the source of magic

It has been half a month since the murder of goddess Asal.

Earth Observation Tower, in a fully enclosed test area.

Harley only glanced inside through the glass wall and said, "It's not an alien virus or a mysterious alien terror attack. You are being targeted by Hecate.

What's coming over now is just a ray of my consciousness, and my body is still in Gotham.

Cyborg, please bring Buddy to Lishan Manor as soon as possible. "

At this time, most of Cyborg's cyborg body had transformed into a nine-tooth steel pincer, tightly clamping down on Animal Man, who was twisted into a "dark red polyp".

But Animal Man still had a bowl-shaped, four- to five-meter-long tail that broke free from its restraints and twitched wildly in the test area, causing the alloy wall to become uneven and make bang-bang explosions.

The tail looked like a dragon's tail, with sporadic dark black dragon scales visible on it, but not the entire tail was covered with dragon scales, and more parts looked like the skin was completely ulcerated.

The surface is pitted, and you can see gray and white bones and flesh oozing with pus, which looks very oozing.

However, Animal Man has now transformed into a monster, and he also has a monster-like tail.

"Hecate?" Cyborg was shocked when he heard this. "Buddy became like this because Hecate took action against him? But the way Hecate collects magic debt is not to drain out all the magic and miracle power. The mage will Into charred remains?”

"The aura emanating from him is a little different from that of Hecate." Harley said with a somewhat uncertain tone, "But it's definitely not an alien virus. You take him to Lishan first, and I'll see if I can rescue Buddy."

"Buddy shouldn't be dead, right? You can definitely cure him."

He shouted nervously, but his hand movements did not pause at all. With the sonic boom of "BOOM", he and Animal Man were shrouded in the gray-white space door, and disappeared in the watchtower in the next moment.

Harley's projection did not disappear, and there was a group of frightened and confused superheroes outside the experimental area.

She also stayed at the scene to answer several of their questions and soothe their panicked hearts.

Almost the next moment, in the spacious open-air martial arts field in the backyard of Lishan Manor, "BOOOM!"

The sound of a sonic boom suddenly sounded and then disappeared quickly, and Cyborg and Animal Man in monster form landed on the rocky ground.

"Bang bang bang, clatter~~" Animal Man's deformed and rotten dragon tail whipped the ground crazily, cracking the hard stone bricks forged from space meteorites until cracks spread and the gravel flew away.

"Hey, is this Animal Man? Why did he become like this? It's so disgusting."

Damian held his nose and backed away, "He looks like a rotting beast zombie, it smells so bad."

It was still morning in Gotham, and before nine o'clock, a group of young superheroes were conducting special training at the "Barbatos Training Ground" as usual.

In addition to Damian, Cassandra, Barbara, and Dick were also watching.

If Cyborg and Animal Man hadn't occupied their training ground, they would still be sweating like rain practicing martial arts, or entering the Barbatos training camp to hone their will.

"Cyborg, let him go."

As soon as Harley thought, an invisible and qualitative golden film force field was exerted on the rotten meat ball Animal Man.

Steel Bone, which transformed into a nine-toothed giant pliers, has grown together with Rotten Meat.

His steel limbs were stuck in rotten flesh, and were wrapped in pieces of flesh that kept growing abnormally.

If he stays in this state, he will be swallowed up by "animal man" in just half a minute.

Even though Harley used the golden film force field to suppress the squirming and growth of the rotten flesh, Cyborg struggled for a while to get rid of Animal Man, who looked like removing nails driven into the bones from a rotting corpse.

The nails made a mess of rotten flesh when they were pulled out, and the nails themselves were covered in sticky rotten flesh.

Even experienced young superheroes such as Dick and Damian were so disgusted that they got goosebumps all over their bodies and stepped back when they saw Cyborg covered in slime and dripping with slime.

"Cyborg, just stand still and I'll help you clean up."

Harley also felt that Cyborg was more disgusting than crawling out of a cesspit at the moment, and couldn't help but solidify the space around him, and then the space was like a glass block run over by the iron wheels of a train, shattering into a powder finer than flour. .

The dirty things on the surface of the steel frame were also shattered along with the space, and fell into the turbulent flow of space like space debris. His whole body became completely new.

"Sister Harley is so amazing. She can crush space so cleanly without damaging an inch of Cyborg's skin. I dare say that even the Space God King would have a hard time doing it." Young heroes who knew magic were amazed.

Their admiration only gave Harry a little pleasure.

She could feel that after she covered Animal Man with the gold film, a ray of extremely evil will looked over.

Then the power of blood in her body was still boiling.

Someone wants to forcefully activate the "first mark" on the magic in her blood.

Harley was a little confused: the evil will did not come from Hecate, the mother of magic.

But she didn't think much about it, quickly stopped her thoughts and only used the level 10 God's Power defense specialty.

God's power is higher than magic, but God's power defense expertise can only provide immunity to medium and low-level magic, and cannot completely prevent high-level magic damage.

The next moment, the slight joy in her heart was replaced by solemnity.

That evil will is angry!

Suddenly, dark red spots appeared on the surface of the gold film that suppressed the "rotten animal man". At first, the spots were very small, no bigger than the eye of a pin, and the young heroes next to him didn't even notice.

That is to say, Harley is the owner of the golden film and is extremely sensitive to the changes that occur on the golden film, so she can immediately detect that her force field has been contaminated by the strange power emanating from the "rotten meat lumps".

"Cyborg, stand there and don't move, don't get close to other people. Dick, Cassandra, step back and don't stand near the martial arts arena again. It's best to leave Lishan immediately."

"Sister Harley, what happened?"

Dick and the others were shocked and confused, but they also stepped back and asked.

"Could it be that Animal Man has become a strange entity similar to a virus infection source and can infect others?" Cyborg asked in surprise.

Harley didn't speak, but they soon discovered something unusual.

The dark red spots as big as pinholes are rapidly expanding, spreading rapidly on the surface of the gold film, and are finally visible to the naked eye.

They watched helplessly as they saw the golden film on the body of Animal Man, a lump of rotten meat, like a white-faced steamed bun that had been accelerated by time a hundred million times. Within a few breaths, colorful mold spots appeared on the surface of the steamed bun.

But the mildew was still hiding out of thin air, crawling out a palm-wide line of mildew in the air and spreading rapidly towards Harley.

After a few more breaths, the dense, colorful mold formed a large cocoon two meters high, and Hallie was contained inside it.

"Fake, what kind of monster is this? It's even contaminated Sister Harley's golden film?"

No one needs to remind them now. The young heroes are frightened, their souls are captured by fear, and they subconsciously stay away from the two "cocoons of mildew", one large and one small.

"Harry, Harley, what's wrong with you?"

Ivy and Selena also noticed the changes in the martial arts arena and hurried over.

If Dick and others hadn't tried their best to stop him, Ivy would have almost rushed to Harley's Cocoon.

"Don't panic, everyone, I don't think Sister Harley's problem is big." Dick said loudly: "Look, even though Animal Man is also covered in weird mold, he still can't move.

This shows that the golden film that suppresses his activities still exists.

The fact that the gold film is there and can still function means that Sister Hallie is fine.

It is very likely that she is 'testing the law' at the moment and experiencing the 'weird' power firsthand. "

Although he was obviously just guessing, after hearing these words, everyone regained their composure, at least no longer panicking.

"Barbara, you are Sister Harley's priest. If the gods encounter an accident, the priest will definitely be affected. Try it and see if the Thick Skin Magic is affected." Damian turned his eyes to Barbara.

Barbara was stunned for a moment, and immediately prepared to test Harley's status through the thick-skin magic.

"Don't use magic!" Cyborg said with a serious expression and a stern voice, "Everyone who sees Animal Man on the scene, please don't use magic until Harley wakes up!"

"Cyborg, do you know what's going on with Harley?" Ivy asked hurriedly.

Although Cyborg moved away from Animal Man, he did not approach Dick and the others. Instead, he took a few steps back away from them.

"I don't know what situation Harley encountered, but Harley made it clear before that Animal Man and many aliens on the New Colu planet suddenly suffered deformities and mutations, which were related to the magic debt crisis.

The magic debt crisis only targets mages, and is very restrained against mages.

Many of you have the power of miracles, but you have not suffered the same misfortunes as the mages on New Colu. This may be because the Mother of Magic only sets her sights on New Colu.

But if you use magic around Animal Man, it's like activating your own magic debt crisis in front of the Mother of Magic.

For a mage whose magic debt is collected by the Mother of Magic, everything about him will belong to the Mother of Magic, including body, soul, magic power, and laws. Therefore, Animal Man at this time is equivalent to a clone of the Mother of Magic.

The reason why Harley suffered aberrations was probably related to her use of thick-skinned divine power. "

Cyborg had just mistakenly thought that Animal Man had encountered a strange alien virus, so he couldn't figure out the situation.

After confirming from Harley that it was a magic debt crisis, he analyzed the reasons for the strange changes in Animal Man and Harley based on the common sense related to the magic debt crisis.

He was not sure how accurate his analysis was, but he knew very well that in the events related to the Mother of Magic, magic was the one that could not be used the most, and the mages who used magic were also in the most dangerous situation.

"It turned out to be a magic debt crisis." Dick stared at the two giant moldy cocoons, one large and one small, with a look of fear on his face. "No wonder even Sister Harley has been tricked. No wonder even Sister Harley is also worried about the magic debt crisis." Very scared."

"Cyborg, how are we going to rescue Harley?" Ivy asked worriedly.

"Don't do anything. We have to believe in Harley. She will be fine." Cyborg said in a deep voice.

——It’s a crisis that Harley can’t overcome, and they can’t help. Forcibly intervening will only help more and more, making Harley's situation even worse.

He didn't say this. If he did, it would only make them more worried and would not help solve the current predicament.

But Cyborg really believed that Harley was fine.

"You didn't see the tragic incident in the New Colu Capitol. If Harley lost control of the overall situation, the 'weirdness' would have spread long ago instead of being limited to the two monster cocoons." He said.

"Colu Capitol Building? There are many strange cocoons there too?" Dick asked in surprise.

"No, the cocoon was formed precisely because Harley's power was fighting against the Mother of Magic. Other mages were unable to resist the Mother of Magic, and the Colu Capitol became a monster house and a slaughterhouse more terrifying than hell."

Cyborg slowly explained in detail the strange changes that happened on the New Keru Planet.

Even after he finished talking about the events at the Kelu Capitol Building, the martial arts arena was still silent, and Harley was still sealed in the strange cocoon.

Everyone had nothing to say, they could only stare wide-eyed at the two strange cocoons with worry and expectation.

About half an hour later, even Da Chao, Diana, Oliver and other main heroes came after hearing the news.


The moldy cocoon covering Harry's body suddenly cracked open, and a hand emerged from the crack.

Seeing that hand, even Ivy was completely relieved.

That was Harley's hand. The skin was still fair and delicate, without any distortion or decay.

"Crack!" Harley opened the moldy cocoon shell with her right hand, like breaking a piece of browned rice crust.

Now everyone could even see her face.

I saw her reaching out her left hand again and breaking open a "burnt" moldy cocoon shell.

Each hand held a "pot" as big as a bowl lid and quickly stuffed it into her mouth.

Harley's mouth is not big, and even if it is not a cherry mouth, it is at least delicate and delicate.

But she swallowed the two pieces of "coffee" in one bite and chewed them with her cheeks puffed out.

"Shit, Harley, what are you doing? Are you still you?"

As if seeing someone eating steaming hot cakes, Selena felt sick in her stomach and wanted to vomit.

"Has Harley's soul been polluted, her thoughts confused, her consciousness blurred, and she is crazy?! If she goes crazy, we will all be finished, and the world will be finished too." Diana said with a solemn expression.

"Harley must be fine!" Ivy and Cyborg said in unison. Cyborg sounded confident, but Ivy was a little anxious.

"Sister Harley, wake up!" Barbara's face was full of anxiety, and her voice was trembling and crying.

Selena shouted excitedly: "Harley, wake up, Harley, you are the omnipotent and invincible 'Witch Harley'. You have to be strong and -"

They were shouting, but Harley didn't stop. She stretched out her hand to break off the "pot" from the moldy cocoon and stuffed it into her mouth. After a while, half of her body reappeared in everyone's sight.

They could see her face, which was rosy and shiny, and they could also see her eyebrows and eyes, which were slightly narrowed, as if she was enjoying delicious food.

They stopped shouting, their voices stopped suddenly, their mouths opened wide, their expressions were surprised and suspicious.

"Could it be that 'weird' just looks ugly and disgusting, but is actually delicious? Like the sesame sauce hot dry noodles in Chinatown?" Damian wondered.

Jason hesitated and said, "No, the sesame sauce hot dry noodles just look sticky and not very beautiful, but the sesame sauce combined with chili noodles, chopped green onions and beef cubes makes it taste more delicious."

The 'weird' cocoon shell on Sister Harley's body makes people panic just by seeing it, and creates inexplicable fear and hatred in their hearts. Staring at the mold spots for a long time will cause all kinds of disgusting hallucinations to flash in their minds.

Judging from Sister Harley’s previous warning, if we come into close contact with mold for a long time, our souls and bodies may also be contaminated. "

"But look at how delicious Sister Harley eats. I dare say that many mukbang celebrities can't make such natural expressions of enjoyment." Cassandra frowned.

"Harley is here, don't think and talk nonsense!" Ivy scolded, then looked at Harley worriedly, and called softly: "Harley, can you hear my voice, you are now—— "

Before she finished speaking, something strange happened again.

The martial arts arena is almost as big as a football field.

Harley and Animal Man were about five meters apart. Animal Man, who had turned into a rotten lump of flesh, was wrapped in a huge moldy cocoon three meters in diameter and five meters high, while Harley was wrapped in a two-meter-high cocoon.

There is also a palm-wide line of mold hanging between the two moldy cocoons, one large and one small.

Just now, the golden film on the surface of Animal Man, which was just a piece of rotten meat, was first covered with mold. Then the mold quickly grew along the void, growing a palm-wide line of mold. It fell on Harley in the blink of an eye, and Harley hurriedly held on. A gold film in the shape of an eggshell formed, and the gold film was covered into a moldy cocoon, swallowing up Harley's body.

At this moment, Harley's own moldy cocoon shell was eaten away by her.

But before she could take action on the moldy line, the palm-wide moldy line quickly shrank back like an unhooked eel, just like the video of it crawling towards Harley before played backwards.

Soon the moldy lines completely disappeared, and even the moldy eggshells on the rotten flesh of Animal Man's body were quickly fading away.

After the mold spots disappeared, the force field defense film that originally emitted a faint golden light was revealed.

It is conceivable that if left unchecked, the "mildew spots" on the rotten-meaty Animal Man's body will completely disappear.

"You want to run away from the rations that are delivered to my mouth? I'm dreaming!"

Harley roared angrily, opened her mouth and took a deep breath. The golden film on the body of Animal Man, a piece of rotten meat, rolled up into a ball, with a thick lump of "mildew-stained rice cake" wrapped inside, and then "swish" In one fell swoop, it sank into Harry's throat.

It's like an ordinary person eating a thin-skinned wonton.

"Gudong!" I don't know if it was the sound of Harley swallowing the "wontons", or the sound of everyone struggling to swallow their saliva, or both?

In the quiet martial arts arena, the noise was obvious.

"Harry, are you okay?" Ivy was the first to speak.

"What can happen to me?"

After swallowing the "mildew-stained cocoon shell crispy rice", Harley's eyes fell on the still squirming and struggling "rotten fleshy lump of animal man".

"The one who's in trouble is Animal Man. He's in a very bad condition. I'm afraid he can't be saved!"

"What's wrong with Animal Man? Why is his magic debt crisis like this?" Dachao took two steps forward, remembered Cyborg's previous warning, and stopped immediately.

"The magic debt mark on Animal Man's soul has been completely activated. His soul has become the property of the 'Magic Master', and his body has also undergone irreversible distortion, turning into the limbs of the Magic Master, and becoming an 'alien' in the multiverse. .

Even I can't help him at the moment, but I can't leave him alone. "

Harley hesitated for a moment, then raised her head and grabbed her right hand upwards, "Boom - click!"

A 10,000-meter-long jet-black hole opened directly in the blue sky above everyone's heads.

A silver waterfall fell from the center of the crack, landed in front of Harley, and rolled up the rotten flesh of Animal Man, which was sealed again by the golden film ball.

With a "swish", white light flashed, Animal Man and "Nine Heavens Galaxy" disappeared, and the sky returned to normal.

When everyone saw the "Nine Heavens Galaxy" falling from the sky, their consciousness sank, as if a giant thing was pressing on their souls. The minds of many mortal heroes almost stopped, and they relaxed again when the Milky Way turned into white light and suddenly disappeared.

"Harley, did you throw Animal Man into the mother river of time?" Superman asked in surprise.

"That Milky Way just now is the mother river of time? No wonder just looking at it made me dizzy." Selina said with a frown while rubbing her temples.

Harley said: "I put Animal Man into the 'Time Refrigerator'. I can't reverse the distortion caused by the 'Magic Master' now, but that doesn't mean I can't do it in the future either.

Now Animal Man is traveling through time and space, to the future when I can defeat the 'Magic Master' and transform 'abnormal mutants' into normal people. "

Speaking of this, she couldn't help but reveal a proud smile on her face, "Traveling through time and space is a matter of a moment. For Animal Man, it is only a moment in the past that I can solve his distortion problem by traveling from now to the future.

In an instant, his body and soul will not deteriorate seriously, but we can take our time and spend months or even years slowly researching solutions to the 'debt anomaly'. "

"You actually use the Mother River of Time as your own personal 'refrigerator.'" Dachao said worriedly, "Can you accurately grasp the time that Animal Man travels through?"

Harry smiled and said: "Don't worry, I guarantee that every second will be correct."

"Do you know now when the magic debt crisis will be completely resolved in the future?" Diana asked doubtfully.

Harley laughed and said: "I definitely don't know now, but I will definitely know if I can solve the problem of 'alienation' in the future.

I don’t need to know now, because it’s not me who solves the problem.

In the future, like today, I will open the mother river of time, take out the Animal Man package from Harley's time refrigerator, and then cure him easily. "

Damian struggled: "It sounds simple and makes sense, but is it too simple?"

Rachel said: "You don't have to doubt that this is not the first time that Harley has used the 'time refrigerator'.

This is how she dealt with the 'ravager' during the last dark night crisis.

She put the Devastator into a golden bubble at the bottom of Limbo, and then threw the golden bubble into the mother river of time.

When Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman retrieved the Tenth Metal, and when the heroes began to rewrite reality and remove elements of the dark multiverse from reality, they opened the time mother river and took out the Destroyer. "

When Harley took out the Devastator from the Mother River of Time, she didn't hide it from everyone, but the "Song of the World" was about to begin, and all the heroes focused their attention on Metal Ten.

Later, Rachel remembered the Destroyer thrown into the Mother River of Time and worried that it might become a hidden danger. Only then did Harley explain to her the sexy operation of the "Time Refrigerator".

Rachel then said to Damian: "Just look at what Harry did. If it were someone else, open the mother river of time, steadily send an object into the mother river of time, and ensure that the object resists the swallowing of the river of time. Let the object move steadily along the mother river of time without derailing, and finally find the item accurately from the vast and boundless mother river. These are insurmountable difficulties.

Think about yourself, are you able to cut a boat and seek a sword?

If someone could carve a boat and take out a sword, would you be amazed and praise it as a miracle?

The principle of the 'time refrigerator' sounds simple, but in practice it is countless times more difficult than carving a boat to find a sword.

Even those who are trapped in time find it difficult to grasp.

Because the core of the time refrigerator is the golden film bubble that is enough to seal the God King within a certain period of time. "

Da Chao also sighed: "Whether it is the Destroyer or the deformed Animal Man, they are both extremely violent and dangerous existences.

It is difficult for ordinary people to trap them, and it is even more difficult to control them across the river of time. "

Diana frowned and said, "If the Mother of Magic pursues Animal Man, even the Mother River of Time will not be safe."

"It's not Hecate who is eyeing Animal Man, but another darker master of magic." Harley said seriously.

"Why is there another magic master? Isn't the initiator of the magic debt crisis the mother of magic?" the heroes asked with puzzled expressions.

"It was Hecate, the mother of magic, who caused the magic debt crisis, but Hecate is not the only owner of magic." Harley pondered: "According to Teacher Asal, Hecate belongs to the bright side of magic. Deep in the source of magic, there is also a dark will.

The Will of Darkness and Hecate are in opposition to each other, just like the Father of Light and Darkseid, the God of Darkness in The New Gods.

Hecate appears as a female, and her Seal of March is generally only targeted at female mages.

In other words, when a female mage awakens her bloodline and gives birth to magic power for the first time, her soul will be branded with the March Seal representing Hecate by the 'Grudge'.

The Seal of March is the most basic and original magic mark, and it is also the reason why the magic debt crisis broke out.

When a male mage awakens his bloodline, his soul will be imprinted with "traces of dark magic" by his dark will.

Animal Man is a male, and what is looking for him now is the dark will of the origin of magic. I call it the 'Master of Magic', which corresponds to the 'Mother of Magic'. "

Harley also recalled the secrets of Hecate that Assar told her in the early years, and then she determined where the previous malice against her came from.

Cyborg said: "There are more than just men who turned into monsters in the Kelu Capitol Building. I saw with my own eyes a young-looking alien that expanded into a deformed giant that used its intestines as chains."

"You don't need to use a female alien as an example." Harley pointed at herself, "Didn't that bastard attack me too?

The distinction between the authority of the Mother of Magic and the Lord of Magic is not so strict that it is absolutely insurmountable.

There is no difference in the original magic power, they are all the masters of the original magic power.

It makes no difference to debtors like us who use magic, as long as we encounter them, they are all evil spirits seeking life. "

"Then what is the difference between them, and what is the significance of the difference?" Dachao asked.

"Normally, the Mother of Magic will look for female mages. Of course, those old gods in the heaven who have offended her are not counted. They are Hecate's targets regardless of gender." Harley looked at Cyborg and asked: "The first mage who mutated into a 'heterogeneous' in the Colu Capitol must be a male, right? And the majority of the victims must be male."

Cyborg thought for a while and said hesitantly: "I'm not sure yet, because the mutation didn't end completely when I left. But judging from the situation when I left, it is true that as you said, the first person to undergo distortion was an old man. male mage."

After a pause, he smiled bitterly and said: "Before, Buddy and I thought that the Capitol Building in Colu was attacked by terrorists, and that biological viruses were dropped by terrorists.

We did not notice that the victims were all mages.

In fact, I still can't completely determine the occupation of all aberrations. "

Harry sighed: "As for the difference and essence of the Mother of Magic and the Master of Magic, I haven't had much contact with it, I haven't been able to get to the core, and I don't quite understand it.

For now, you can simply think of them as debt collectors for male and female mages. "

"Do you think we should go to New Colu immediately?" Dachao looked at Harley, with worry and expectation in his eyes.

He had already eagerly inquired about his wife's situation from Cyborg.

Louise did not go out at the "Magic Ball Galaxy Hotel", which comforted him a little.

But they don't know to what extent the New Kolu Planet's magic debt crisis has developed. What if it happens like in the movie "Resident Evil"? Chao didn't dare to think about it, and looked at Harley even more eagerly.

Harley also felt his mood, but she could only sigh helplessly: "You saw it just now, I can't save Animal Man.

Even if Cyborg sent him to me as soon as possible, there was still no time to save him. He could only stuff his soul into a golden film bubble, freeze his body in time, and put all his hopes in the future. "

"Can you send other mages into the 'time refrigerator'?" Dachao asked.

Harry said calmly: "One or two 'Mage Packages' are floating in the undercurrent of the Mother River of Time. They are neither conspicuous nor difficult to find. Even if they are found, the cost of forcibly snatching them from me is too high to be worth it."

But if hundreds or even thousands of mages are packed into the time refrigerator, which is both conspicuous and cost-effective to search for, the 'time refrigerator' will lose its meaning. "

Diana said: "But you just defeated the magic master. The 'Animal Man Corpse Spot' you ate should be rich in the origin of the magic master, right?

Other gourmets care about the taste and texture of food, but you, a gourmet, only focus on the magical ingredients and content of food. "

"That's not 'Animal Man's body spots.'" Harley's face turned a little dark. "Animal Man is not completely dead yet. Where did the body spots come from? And the 'magic bacteria' clearly grow on the surface of my gold film, which is similar to Animal Man." what relationship?"

"But it looks like a mold spot. If it's not the corpse spot growing on Animal Man's body, what is it?" Diana asked.

Harley said: "I call Animal Man's current form 'alien', not simply because his image is weird.

‘Aliens’ refer to existences that are not accepted by our multiverse and are disgusted and rejected by ‘Origin’.

I had a confrontation with the Lord of Magic in the air. Although I don’t know much about its specific situation, I am sure of one thing – our world is extremely repulsive to it.”

Harley pondered for a while before continuing: "Have you ever thought about why we people look like this? Why do apples look like apples and flying swallows look like flying swallows?

Why do human sages say that "everything in heaven and earth is natural"?

Human beings, apples, and birds are all creations of nature.

Heaven and earth not only allow us to exist, they also create our existence.

What we are now is the choice of heaven and earth. Therefore, whether it is human beings, apples or birds, they are extremely harmonious and not out of place in the natural world.

But you've seen Animal Man.

He was almost twisted into a rotten lump of flesh, more deformed than the most terrifying monster.

The demons in hell are also very deformed and terrifying, but corresponding to the hell environment, the demons look harmonious and natural.

The Magic Master only harvested the magic debt and did not deliberately waste his power to poison Twisted Animal Man.

Why has Animal Man become so jarring?

It's not that Animal Man is 'evolving' toward a state of aberration, but that 'Origin' is forcefully rejecting the dominance of magic.

At this time, Animal Man has become part of the magical master and is extremely rejected by our world.

The world does not allow him to exist.

The existence of Animal Man is not allowed, so he appears to be abnormally deformed and terrifying in our eyes. "

Harley looked around at the people who were deep in thought and said, "Maybe you think Animal Man, who looks like a lump of rotten flesh, is extremely dirty, and the energy in his body is as chaotic as his appearance.

Not really.

Animal Man. It should be said that the ‘Bulky Animal Man’ who was previously dominated by a wisp of magic power has extremely pure energy in its body, purer and purer than any magic power you have ever seen.

It looks dirty and smelly on the outside, but its existence is rejected by the world.

Another example is when you saw me eating something that looked like mold clumps, you thought I was crazy, and even felt sick to my stomach and wanted to vomit.

But how do you know that that thing is a rare treasure that even a mage would never dare to dream of! "

"What's the use of that thing?" Dachao asked curiously.

"It is the origin of the magic master. What do you think it is used for?" Harley chuckled and said: "That fool is probably used to having a smooth journey and thinks that I am no different from other spiritual mages.

With just one glance from it, my magic mark exploded, and all the miraculous elements became a part of it.

Hey, I withstood its 'mark burst', I have God descending to earth, there is no magic power in my body, all miraculous power is transformed into the power of blood through the 'Escape Technique'.

At that time, I felt very regretful. This time I had alerted the snake and exposed myself in advance. Will it retreat cautiously and try to avoid me in the future?

Unexpectedly, it was not nervous or cautious at all, but was very angry and wanted to forcibly harvest my magic debt.

It drives its own power crazily to saturate my golden film, and wants to turn my golden film into a magical debt and take it away.

Then you saw that there was a layer of something like mold on the surface of the gold film. "

"Ah~~I understand." Damian suddenly exclaimed, "You deliberately let it be impregnated with the golden film with pure magic power, and made part of the golden film become a part of it, in order to defraud its origin!

And because part of the golden film was indeed assimilated by its power and became an 'alien' that was not allowed to exist in the world, it became so ugly and deformed, like a cocoon made of piles of corpse spots and mold spots. "

Dick said with emotion: "We discussed before that the mold cocoon shells may be like hot dry noodles. They don't look good but taste good, so you eat them with gusto and your expression is happier than that of a mukbang celebrity.

I didn't expect it to be very fragrant, even more fragrant than hot dry noodles.

It comes from the origin of the magic master! "

"As expected of Harley, at this time and on this occasion, she still doesn't forget to deceive her original power." The expressions of the heroes looking at Harley became very strange, as if they were in admiration but also as if they were shocked by the extraordinary wonder.

"Why don't you eat the fat meat that's served to your mouth?" Harley said confidently first, and then said: "Don't say any harsh words about 'Watching you as a Witch Harley'.

My biggest fault is not greed and cunning, but being too capable.

Any piece of fat that comes to my mouth won't escape, that's all.

Your abilities are limited, even a big fat guy can knock your teeth out.

Just like the 'mold shell origin' of the master of magic, who of you can stop it?

If it is really delivered to you, even as powerful as a god king, he will immediately wail, his body will twist into a deformed 'alien', and his essence will be swallowed by the magic master.

I am a top-level being than a top-level magic predator. I have a very tough mouth, and any "hard food" is like soft and waxy fat when it comes to my mouth.

You can't afford it, but you blame me for cheating. What's the point? "

"Oh, she is indeed the 'Apex Predator' Witch Harley. She gets the advantage and becomes more arrogant. The key is that others cannot refute her." Oliver sighed.

The heroes nodded repeatedly. They also felt that Harley's words were too pretentious, but her logic seemed to be very smooth and there was no obvious flaw.

"Harley, you are already so powerful. The magic master hunts the God King, but you hunt the magic master. Why don't you go to New Kelu with us." Dachao was still thinking about his wife.

Harry said helplessly: "I just have a hard mouth, but my legs and feet are not strong or fast. I can't find the master of magic and can't stop its debt mark from exploding.

Unless it takes the initiative to compete with me again and uses its pure magic power as a weapon to pierce my soul, even if it controls an 'alien' in front of me, I won't be able to hurt it at all. "

Cyborg said: "With just one Animal Man, you can eat a lot of the source of the magic master. There are countless Buddys in the Kelu Capitol Building. Maybe you can anger the magic master again and eat a lot of the source."

"I didn't eat a lot of origin, and the will of the magic master is not very strong.

I suspect it is about the same size as the Mother of Magic who has broken free of her seal.

In other words, every time the Mother of Magic squeezes out some consciousness from the cracks in the seal, the same amount of magic dominates the will and enters our multiverse.

At this moment, the seal of the Mother of Magic has not been completely released, and the will of the Magic Master is not strong, so there is not much source for me to snatch. "

As Harry spoke, he smacked his mouth and quietly put the digested and purified magic master source into the divine defense specialty jar.

Less than one ten thousandth of the experience is added.

This little experience was far from enough to upgrade her expertise to level 10, but it also verified her previous conjecture: the power of the Mother of Magic exceeded level 9!

Dachao frowned and said: "We went to New Kelu to save people and eliminate disasters.

As for the origin of magic power, I can only say that you are lucky to get it, and it is okay to lose it. "

Harley pondered for a few seconds and said: "My true body is still on the earth, and the earth is our foundation."

"Can your clone cope with the will of the magic master?" Dachao asked.

"Maybe it can, maybe it can't. According to you, if it is a blessing for the Koru people, it doesn't matter if it can't." Harley said.

Da Chao's expression was a little distorted.

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