I want to have a date with Superman

Summary of Omega Titan Crisis and correction of errors in Chapter 1871

First of all, I want to apologize to everyone. I made a huge mistake in Chapter 1871 and got the Entropy Defense feat wrong level.

Entropy is the setting of the original comic. At the end of the mother river of time, entropy can annihilate all matter, energy and laws.

Since entropy is already outside the mother river of time and out of the scope of the multiverse, its starting point is very high and must exceed the scope of the multiverse.

According to the setting of this book, the defense expertise is level 8, which represents the single universe level; level 9 is the multiverse level.

Since entropy transcends the multiverse, it naturally starts at level 10.

This is my initial idea and setting.

Harley unlocks the 13th defensive feat at level 130, which is level 10 from the beginning.

However, I got confused later and forgot my settings. It wasn't that I forgot, I just didn't react at the moment and changed the Entropy Defense feat to level 9.

When I was writing, I felt something was wrong. I should have looked through the settings collection immediately - I listed the settings separately and made a settings collection - but in the end, I was in a hurry and didn't check it out.

Thanks to an attentive reader who reminded me, I have now changed that paragraph back.

The following is the modified content. If you don’t want to go back and look for it, you can read it directly.


Harley said with certainty: "It's definitely not the strongest entropy. Maybe I'm just wandering on the edge of the ocean of entropy and haven't gone deep into the depths of the ocean of entropy. If I'm too far away from the end of the mother river of time, I'm worried about losing my way and not being able to come back. ."

"Since you can't identify the direction in the ocean of entropy, how can you be sure that you are just spinning on the beach?" Hal said.

Because her Entropy Defense feat is only level 10!

Level 10 is just the beginning of the Almighty Universe level, not the pinnacle of the Almighty Universe.

Harley's God's Power Defense Specialty has long been upgraded to level 10, but over the years, as she has absorbed more power from non-First Fallen Demon Lords, the level 10 God's Defense Specialty has still been slightly improved.

This obviously shows that there are higher energy levels above level 10.

Now the entropy defense specialty cannot be upgraded to level 10 or above. It is not that the quantity of entropic energy is not enough, but that the quality has reached its peak.


The entropy defense expertise level is wrong, which has a huge impact on the plot content.

If Harley's Entropy Defense Specialty is only level 9, she should not be 100% sure to use entropy to completely destroy the Omega Titan from the Great Almighty Universe.

If the entropy defense expertise is level 10, it means that the energy level of entropy in her belly is also level 10, which is the omnipotent universe level.

And when Behal Jordan was doing the Time Demon, the Entropy Crack should be level 9 entropy.

Then there is the summary of the plot of Omega Titans.

Let’s talk about the original plot first: Omega Titans appears in the story of “Justice League: Justice No More”.

"Justice No More" sounds a bit mysterious. At first glance, you might think it is a story like "Identity Crisis" that discusses heavy topics such as the humanity of heroes.

In fact, justice no longer means "the Justice League is not on Earth".

The story follows the dark night. The heroes of Zhenglian opened a hole in the wall of origin, and four Omega giants came in from outside the wall. Brainiac went to the earth and fought with all the superheroes and magic heroes. He challenged them all by himself.

Then he coaxedly told the heroes of Zhenglian: The Omega Titan has arrived on the planet Keru, and you must help me save my home planet.

Zhenglian agreed, and most of the powerful heroes, as well as some villains including Luther, went to Kelu.

As a result, Brainiac also secretly planted the seed of civilization on the earth, leaving the earth unguarded. Amanda Waller prepared to use a nuclear bomb to blow up the seed of civilization that had been planted.

Well, here's an extra compliment for Fat Waller. She did a very cool thing in the story of "Justice No More": she kidnapped all the psychic villains in the world and concentrated their psychic energy together, separated by half a mile. The universe exploded Brainiac's head and knocked him offline completely.

Because the heroes of the Justice League went to the planet Kelu at that time and were not on the earth, the story was called "Justice No More". Well, I feel that the comic author may want to delve into the Justice League's penetration of the wall of origin, which caused the universe to encounter the crisis of the Omega Titans. Heroes You made a mistake and lost your justice. Maybe the author of "Justice No More" didn't read the comics of "Dark Night" carefully. There is nothing wrong with Zhenglian piercing the wall of origin. They are saving the multiverse, but their abilities are limited and they cannot perfectly control the third world. Ten metals.

Of course, it is also possible that the author of "No More Justice" knows the setting of the "Dark Night" story, but he feels that he is not the author of "Dark Night", so why must he follow the setting of "Dark Night"?

What I want to explain today is the difference in content and setting between the original comic "Justice No More" and this book.

Many readers have doubts after reading the original comics. The Omega Titan in the book is different from what they remember.


The first difference is the reason why the Omega Titan appears.

In this book, the Omega Titans come from the Almighty Universe. They are not beings with self-will (the original comic also has this setting, the Titans are laws). Since they are man-made, there must be a transcendent-level master behind them, possibly an organization. .

This is why Harley is cautious and timid.

The reason why the Omega Titans entered the DC multiverse was because Papetua wanted to test the attitude of the "Transcendence Organization" towards his upcoming release from the seal.

The plot of Papatua has been laid out for a long time, and many crises in the multiverse are related to her (in the plot of the original comic Pappetua, this setting does exist, but this setting was actually added later). The Monitor, The three creators, Anti-Monitor and Forger, either lost control or were killed. It was all her conspiracy. Her purpose was to create a crisis and gain crisis power to break away from the seal of the Origin Wall.

By the end of the plot of Barbatos, she was able to break away from the Origin Wall, but she was worried that the Origin Judge who sealed her back then would stop her, so before she broke away from the Origin Wall, she first used the help of a hero to break through a hole in the Origin Wall to arouse the enemy. Look at the reaction of the Origin Judge.

The Omega Titan is the reaction of the Origin Judge and his attitude: there is no need for additional investment in the DC multiverse and it can be harvested.

This is the reason for the appearance of the Omega Titan in this book, and it is also the confidence for Papetua to let go of his hands and feet to break free from the Origin Wall and do great things.

In the "Justice No More" comic, although the Omega Titans come from behind the Origin Wall, they are existences known to many ancient civilizations. Although they have no self-awareness and only have four laws, they are very determined to win and compete. Which of the four paths of civilization is stronger: entropy, knowledge, wonder, or mystery?

For example, when they come to Kelu, they compare the entropy, knowledge, wonders and mysteries of the Kelu star, which one is stronger, whoever is stronger wins, the winner takes all, and eats all the energy.

Then, Brainiac, "the smartest person in DC" and "possessor of level 12 wisdom", had an idea: If they were tied, wouldn't they not have to eat Kelu?

His plan is to go to Earth to gather heroes and villains, take the initiative to cultivate the four trees of civilization to maturity, and let all four trees bear fruit, thus making the four giants even.

As a result, each of the four giant gods ate a fruit and exploded the planet Keru.

Well, this is the reason why the Four Omega Gods appear in the comics. There is no reason. They just see a hole in the origin wall, and they come out to compete to see which civilization is stronger.

The question is, since many ancient civilizations have seen and understood the Omega Titans, why do they have to appear when holes appear in the Origin Wall this time? How did the Omega Titans seen by ancient civilizations pass through the intact Origin Wall?

One more thing, what is the meaning of the existence of the Omega Titan? What’s the point of showing up? What is the meaning of the hole in the origin wall?

. . . . . . . . . . . .

The second big difference between this book and the comics is the settings related to the abilities of the Omega Titan.

In the comics, the Omega Titan did not seal off the Kolu Galaxy, and everyone can enter and exit at will.

But it has been several days since the Omega Titans came to Korlu and they have planted trees of civilization, but the Korlu people still refuse to leave, not even the ordinary people.

In this book, the law force field of the Omega Titan has blocked the star field, and the time and space around the Kolu Galaxy are cut off from the main universe, and even the Mother Box cannot be used.

There are two reasons for this setting. First, without time and space blockade, the plot cannot unfold according to normal logic.

For example, when the Koru people saw the Omega Titan, the wisest and most normal reaction was to retreat first. After all, they tried their best and failed to scratch the oily skin on the Titan's shell.

And they are the strongest civilization in the universe and are fully capable of global evacuation.

If the Koru people, along with their prisons, data centers, and 'Planet in a Bottle Laboratory' are all evacuated, where will the Tree of Civilization of Omni Titan absorb energy?

In the end, they had to stay in Cluj until they died.

Secondly, this setting can be consistent with the setting in "Justice League: Odyssey" later.

In the original comics, Zheng Lian did not save all the planets in the bottle. The bottles storing them exploded in the universe, and the planets returned to the universe one by one, forming a closed galaxy. The galaxy only had a spiral entrance and could not get out. , even Cyborg’s mother box couldn’t transmit information or open the sonic boom channel.

. . . . . . . . .

The third difference is that he is the servant of the Omega Titan.

I guess when everyone saw this plot, they immediately thought of Galactus next door.

Silver Slide helps Galactus find the planet, and when he finds it, he sends a signal to notify Galactus to come over.

The original comic did not have a divine attendant, but the original comic clearly did not have a divine attendant. However, Brainiac got the seeds of civilization and buried them on the earth, eventually attracting the Omega Titan.

Where did Brainiac get the seed of civilization?

Why can he bury the seeds of civilization? Since he knew so much about the seeds of civilization, why did he blow up his home planet?

In this book, the Divine Attendant is a means for the Omega Titans to deal with the "self-immune mechanism of the multiverse".

The world has its own will. When it encounters a crisis of annihilation, it will focus its power on a certain person, making him the person destined to save the world.

The Omega Titan wants to harvest the DC multiverse. The DC multiverse also has an immune mechanism to protect itself. If people from this universe are allowed to bury the seeds, the process will be simpler.

This can also explain the plot of Brainiac planting seeds on Earth in the original comics.

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Finally, let’s talk about the ending of Omega Titans in the comic story.

The ending is rather clumsy. Hal Jordan dug up the seed of civilization buried on the earth and shot it into one of the giants. The other three giants cut it into pieces and ate it, and then the remaining three giants returned to the wall of origin.

Hal used an arrow manifested by the green light energy to shoot through the outer armor of the Omega Titan. The previous super-faced output did not leave a trace on the armor.

As for why the three giants wanted to devour their companions, the reason given by Hal was that they had no will of their own and were very hungry.


This chapter mainly explains to readers who have read the original comics and have doubts why this book does not follow the plot and some settings of the original comics.

In terms of content, the original comic is a unit story. It has no obvious connection between the previous and following main plots, and is even completely unrelated, which is a bit baffling.

The purpose of adjusting the plot and settings is to make the main story of Papetua, the Mother of Creation, smoother, and to avoid some plot bugs and conflicts in settings.

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