I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1872 Bruce’s Blue Nightmare (please vote for me at the end of the month, thank you all)

Xanadu nodded solemnly, his eyes becoming determined and full of longing, "I have decided, I will start from scratch and walk the path of destiny again!

This time I will definitely walk a different glorious road. "

If she followed the same path as before, she would not be able to upgrade the natal curse to the master law at all.

You can only walk a road once, and if you try to walk it again, it will never work.

"Very good. You don't lack resources and wisdom. As long as you are determined enough, you will definitely succeed." Harley encouraged.

A smile appeared on Xanadu's face, but his smile quickly faded, his brows gradually furrowed, and he said: "Harry, there is one more question.

A few months ago, after I divined the Omega Titans near the cave of the Origin Wall, I returned to Lake Avalon to meet my eldest sister and the fairies living in the lake.

They were very concerned when they found out that I had lost my divine power and divinity.

I told them with a confident smile - you sincerely ask me to sacrifice myself a little for the sake of all sentient beings in the world and the future of the multiverse, and to divine the huge crisis of the Omega Titan.

I succeeded in divination, which shocked you, changed the pattern of the river of destiny, and rewrote the tragic ending of the multiverse. But I suffered a small backlash and needed to rest for a while before I could recover as before.

It's not bragging if I brag to them that my divine power and divinity will definitely come back. The reason why I am so confident is that I completely trust you.

But now that I can't regain my powers, they must think I'm bragging, and may even doubt my relationship with you, and whether I'm really that important.

This is very important to me! "

Harley looked at her with a dull face and asked, "Why do you have to use me as the background to set off yourself when you show off?

It was obviously the Justice League who sent you to the wall of origin, when you were drained of your miraculous power, and you were shocked and frightened, but I calmly divined the truth for you. "

Xanadu smiled coquettishly and said, "You also said that I was showing off my wealth in front of my sisters from the past.

Since you have to pretend, of course you have to pretend well.

In the eyes of those ancient fairies who have lived from ancient times to the present, the Justice League is just a mortal after all.

It's not like they haven't seen mortal heroes before.

The so-called Justice League is nothing more than King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table in the new era.

King Arthur can no longer make them excited.

And in today's multiverse and today's magical world, no one is more shocking, shocking, and shocking than you.

Even in the remote Avalon Lakes, your name and your legendary stories are widely spread.

Only with you, the greatest legend in the multiverse, as the background can I show my wealth and splendor, and make me admired by all the people in my hometown. Even my arrogant and cold-hearted eldest sister greeted me with a smile and warm greetings. "

Harley had to admit that although Xanadu didn't praise her openly, she felt a little relieved when she heard her say that.

"Now that you have lost your godhood and miraculous power, you still want to keep pretending?"

Xanadu's face was slightly red, and he said coyly: "The greatest psychological pressure that adults feel often comes from relatives and friends who are familiar with her.

We don’t care about strangers’ attitudes and sights, so we don’t need to pretend in front of strangers.

But if I show my desolation a little bit in front of my relatives, soon, from the lake of Avalon, to the wilderness, to the ancient forest, to the top of the mountain...all the fairies, wizards, and wild gods who have lived from ancient times to the present , they will expressively talk about the misery and depravity of the youngest of the family of "three fairy sisters", that is, me. "

After saying that, she immediately added: “Actually, I didn’t care before when they talked about me behind my back.

It’s not that I am open-minded and cheerful, it’s actually that the story of how I was defeated in the British Isles and lived in Eurasia is known to all the ‘hometown people’.

The second-rate boys in the village are actually not afraid of what the villagers say, and the villagers don't talk much about them and have no interest in them.

The ones who really care about the gossip in their hometown are those who were once awesome and glorious, but are now in decline. "

Selina beside her said in confusion: "Just tell them the truth, you are indeed the Omega Titan who divined the future of the multiverse at the request of the heroes of the Zhenglian.

Even if the power of miracles is drained, it is not a shame. After all, the Omega Titan comes from the omnipotent universe, and your actions protect all sentient beings in the world to a certain extent. "

"Alas, wasn't the reason why I transformed from a forest fairy into a mortal back then to save the Kingdom of Camelot and the thousands of people in the kingdom?

After I was reviled and became a mortal, not a single fairy sympathized with me or understood me, let alone praised me for making great contributions to the country and the people, and for being a great hero.

Of course, if I just lost all my miraculous powers to save the multiverse, they might give me some sympathy, but when I returned home in glory, I was too proud, showed off too much, and spoke too loudly and too full of words."

Xanadu sighed: "All the benefits we enjoy come with a price. We showed off yesterday and paid off the debt today. But I don't want to be ridiculed and slandered by rumors and rumors. A hero can bleed and sweat, but he cannot be wronged!"

Selina asked doubtfully: "The reason why you lost your power back then was because you plotted against Merlin, only to be attacked by Merlin. How come you are now serving the country and the people?"

In the legend, the fairy who sealed Merlin in the oak tree was the forest fairy Nimiao who had not lost her power, that is, Xanadu.

The reality is slightly different from the legend, but the person who sealed Merlin in the thorn bushes of the forest was indeed Xanadu.

“I went to find Merlin because I cared about the people of the Kingdom of Camelot.

When King Arthur was killed, many human mages knelt in front of my house and respectfully invited me to come out and save the world.

They believe that the Kingdom of Camelot is about to be destroyed in the magical battle between Merlin and Morgana.

That’s why I left the forest and went to Merlin to discuss saving the Kingdom of Camelot, but the result... alas! "

"And I'm not trying to plot against Merlin, it's Merlin who wants to plot against me. He wants to steal my formula for the potion of immortality!"

After a pause, Xanadu added: "Merlin is indeed an old scumbag, but the real mastermind behind this is the Stranger!

The stranger told me that Merlin planned to attack me and steal my formula for immortality.

Merlin was my lover at the time, and our relationship was perfect. Of course I didn't want to believe it.

The stranger then taught me how to test Merlin.

Merlin really couldn't stand the temptation.

I thought Stranger was helping me so much because he admired me, and I also had a crush on him. But it turned out that me sealing Merlin was just a task given to Stranger by the Voice of Heaven!

God wanted King Arthur's kingdom of Camelot to be destroyed. Merlin spied on this fate, so he used sweet words to deceive me and become my lover. His infatuation with me should not be false. I was famous far and wide and had countless admirers.

But Merlin also had other purposes.

He wants my elixir of immortality. As long as he lives forever, the Camelot he protects will exist forever.

In order to fight against Morgana who intended to usurp the throne of Camelot, he deceived his own brother, the demon prince Etrigan, and sealed him in the body of King Arthur's knight Jason Blood.

Without me, Merlin really could have saved the Kingdom of Camelot. "

"I know that Merlin, like Rachel, is the son of the devil of hell and a mortal woman, but he should not lack strength and longevity!" Selina said strangely.

Xanadu glanced at her, "Compared to mortals, Merlin is of course extremely powerful. In fact, he is the 'Witch Harley' of that era, otherwise how could I accept him as my lover?

Morgana was destined by destiny at that time, and she was the person of destiny.

Fighting against her is tantamount to fighting fate. After all, Merlin is not the real witch Harley.

And he didn't dare to let go and use his 'own' power at all.

Just like before the Three House Demon was killed by Harley, Rachel had been trying her best to suppress herself and tried her best to seal her power.

Also, when you look at Merlin on TV, which one is not senile, with chicken skin on his face, and white hair and beard?

Let me tell you, the real Merlin will only be older and sloppier than the Merlin in the movie. "

She pointed at her beautiful face, "Facing a fairy with my appearance, he can't even stand up. He has a lot of energy but a lot of energy. He needs me to provide him with energy potions.

If he gets my elixir of life, he will immediately return to the age of 20. His appearance, energy, vitality, thinking, memory, and emotions will all be at the peak of his life.

Even if he completely seals his Demon King bloodline or even removes it, he can still live forever. "

Selena struggled: "Since Merlin is old, has goosebumps on his face, and is very slovenly, why are you getting along with him?"

Xanadu shook his head slightly and said: "A man should look at his inner talent, appearance is not very important.

Merlin is very old and slovenly, but his wisdom and talent don't need me to explain, right?

In my opinion, intelligence is the most attractive characteristic of a man. "

Selena heard this and immediately stood in awe of her, "You can have this kind of knowledge in ancient times, you are worthy of being a forest fairy!"

"Hmph~~~" Harley snorted lightly.

Selena turned to look at her and saw that her eyes were slightly closed. Although she was sitting on the sofa, her waist was straight. There was a hint of sarcasm on her face.

"Harry, what are you doing, why are you closing your eyes?"

"She seems to be meditating?" Xiandu looked at her for a moment, and clearly felt the calm and deep aura on her body.

"We are talking to you, but you ignore us and sit quietly on the edge meditating?" she complained.

Selena mused: "Harry probably didn't ignore us, she just snorted mockingly.

Apparently she was listening to our conversation.

However, she was not interested in our topic. She only listened but did not talk. Ninety-nine percent of her mind was used to practice. "

Speaking of this, she couldn't help complaining: "The crisis of the Omega Titan has just ended, and now it is a good time of relaxation and joy. People all over the country are celebrating. Are you so desperate?

Moreover, you are already the number one in the multiverse. When you give orders to the heroes, no gods dare to disobey. How can you let other people live if you are so embarrassed? "

Harley finally opened her eyes, glanced at her, and said calmly: "Since we met when we were 14 years old, I haven't always been like this. You have never curled up, but you have always lived well, and the more you live, the more nourished you are."

Selena's face was a little red. She had indeed reaped a lot of dividends from Harley's diligent practice, but she had hardly practiced it herself. It was not that she had not practiced at all. In her early years, she also wanted to follow Ivy to become a magician, but she had no talent. Not enough. Later, I got married and had a baby, and I lost my pursuit of personal strength.

"You seemed to be mocking Xanadu just now? Why?" She changed the subject.

"I'm mocking you, taking the act of exchanging pickles and rice porridge when you're tired of eating big fish and meat as a sign of knowledge and taste." Harley closed her eyes again.

The Omega Titan Crisis has just begun, and it is far from time to relax and celebrate. Moreover, her mental power is too strong now. If she is not distracted by doing other things and only focuses on meaningless nonsense, it will make her very uncomfortable.

Just like people who are accustomed to the fast pace and high information density of life in big cities, it is difficult for them to sit in a small rural courtyard with electricity and no signal and think quietly with a cup of tea and a book. If city people can calm down, they can still do it. Relaxing body and soul, Harley will feel tired if she focuses on chatting.

"Old Merlin is just pickled vegetables and porridge." Selina looked at Xanadu with inquiring eyes, "You are used to eating big fish and meat, and seeing handsome men. Are you tired of it?"

"Don't listen to Harley's nonsense, I'm just not as superficial as ordinary women." Xanadu's expression was serious, but his eyes were a little flickering.

The most accurate way to say it is that she has read all the books and has passed the age where she can only look at handsome faces and strong bodies.

When she first became a forest fairy, she often gave gifts to handsome hunters.

Sometimes he even took the initiative to wander around villages and small towns outside the forest, leaving behind many "good stories" about handsome men and fairies. Some stories have even been passed down to this day and have become part of the local culture.

When she gained more experience, she began to pursue more inner things.

In other words, a simple show can no longer impress her. She has become desensitized to external shows and needs stronger stimulation, such as conquering "the first mage in the modern era".

"Since you are not superficial, you are very knowledgeable and tasteful, why are you still bothering with 'gossip from people back home'?" said Harry.

Everyone was stunned for a moment before they realized that she and Selina had been talking for too long and were too far away from the original topic.

“Just because I have taste and knowledge doesn’t mean I have no desires and desires. What I want now is just to save my face and stop letting those ‘hometown people’ talk about me behind my back.

I enjoyed their envious gazes before, but now I am still intoxicated and don't want to give up. "

Xanadu looked at Harley expectantly, "Is this not difficult for you?"

Harley held back her vomiting and said, "Didn't Sage Aoqi go to the sixth dimension to be the 'acting creator'?

This will spread quickly—"

Xanadu interjected: "It has spread. I followed Sage Ochi's instructions and sent a message to every acquaintance of his to help him say goodbye to them.

That's why so many people came to Lishan Manor earlier to see off Sage Aoqi.

Now, the news will definitely spread in the supernatural world.

At least the extraordinary people in the Oblivion Bar knew. "

Harley said: "That's better, you can announce to the outside world that I have sent a second 'huge benefit'. The benefit will fall on you. You will waste your energy and rebuild it, give up all the power of miracles, and regroup as a god-king-level grandmaster." law.

With the example of Sage Aoqi out there, no one would doubt it.

After receiving the news, people in your hometown will whisper to you at the beginning and end of the village, but they all have expressions of envy and jealousy. "

Everyone was a little excited, "Whether I can become a god king in the future is another question, at least I have passed the test now.

When time passes and they start to doubt, I will probably have re-condensed the law.

With the help of your infinite pure magic power, it will not be difficult to "prove the Tao with force" for the second time and become a spiritual wizard.

When I become a spiritual wizard, no one will be able to laugh at me anymore. "

The end of the Omega Titan Crisis is good news worthy of celebration for the Earth, the Justice League, and the entire material universe.

And they did have a grand celebration.

Halle has not made any public appearances.

However, the heroes of the "Super Galaxy Legion" were forced by the commander to receive batch after batch of alien messengers and guests.

Although the "Super Galaxy Legion" was established less than two hours ago, the four giants of Omega were killed and they also announced their disbandment, but after all, they are the main force in solving the crisis on the surface - the gods and Harley are only assistants, with their own hands The one who killed the Omega Four was Hal Jordan in "Legion of Super-Heroes."

Even the extraterrestrial guests who come to Earth with various missions and thoughts have every reason to express their gratitude to the heroes of the "Super Galaxy Legion" in person.

Regarding the image and interests of the earth's civilization in galactic diplomacy, the Zhenglian heroes cannot refuse the arrangements of the Grand Commander. In fact, some heroes are not averse to the high-class banquets.

On the contrary, they are very happy to show themselves in front of extraterrestrial VIPs and extraterrestrial media and gain high exposure.

Such as Animal Man.

Animal Man is a guardian hero of Los Angeles and a big celebrity and star in Hollywood.

He is a real star and even received two Hollywood Best Supporting Actor nominations for his acting skills.

However, more heroes don't like banquets with fake smiles and fragrant clothes, nor are they used to being surrounded by countless alien celebrities and alien reporters asking questions.

On the morning after the Omega Crisis ended, the Bruce family of three, together with several heroic couples such as Mr. and Mrs. Oliver and Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Rayner, left the earth in the Archimedes airship and went on vacation to other planets.

The Kyle Rayners are Kyle and Carol.

Carol, Hal's childhood sweetheart and lifelong love, married his good brother Kyle as early as last year.

From Dark Night to Omega Titan, the time span spanned several months. The heroes were exhausted physically and mentally. They hadn't really relaxed for a long time, especially Bruce.

He was the protagonist of the Dark Night, and before his psychological trauma could be completely healed, the Omega Titan Crisis ushered in. Although he did not contribute much in the Omega Titan Crisis, he never stopped worrying.

No, he just left with his wife and children in the morning, and came back alone in the Archimedes airship at midnight.

"Harry, I heard Selina say today that Sage Ochi has officially replaced Barbatos and become the 'New Dragon of Barbatos' recognized by the caster." His expression was very serious, and there was something deeply hidden in his eyes. worries.

Harley stared at him for a while, "Aren't you on vacation on an ocean planet 20 light years away? Why did you suddenly come back?"

"I heard about Sage Ochi, and I felt a little worried. Well, don't worry, Selena and Helena have already gone to bed, and my departure did not disturb them. The Archimedes airship is very fast, I can get back before they wake up."

"Hey, are you tired after such a vacation?" Harley sighed and asked: "Sage Aoqi went to the sixth dimension to be the 'acting creator', what does it have to do with you?

Judging from the solemn and anxious look on your face, you seem to have discovered a big crisis in this matter that I didn't see? "

Bruce pursed his lips and lowered his voice: "What I care about is not Sage Ochi himself, but the dark nightmare universe, the nightmare world related to me!

Selina said you have confirmed that the Dark Multiverse really has not disappeared.

Sage Ochi will continue to create the Dark Nightmare Universe in the future to ensure the continued and stable existence of the Dark Multiverse. "

"Barbatos is dead, what are you worried about?" Harley said: "Every nightmare world comes from nightmares, but you are not the only one who has dark dreams in this world.

Barbatos liked you before, so he feverishly collected your dark dreams and transformed them all into a nightmare world.

Nowadays, it has become a mechanism of the sixth dimension to select dark dreams and inject them into the broken cosmic embryo, allowing it to quickly grow into a nightmare world. Without personal will to control this process, it will naturally not specifically target you.

As long as you worry less about what is and isn't, don't stay up late at night, and have a good rest and have fewer nightmares, your nightmare world will not be born. "

After a pause, Harley added: "Then again, even if all your nightmares are transformed into a nightmare world, and every nightmare world has a dark Batman, so what?

As long as no one takes them out of the dark universe, they will soon die with the universe.

Flawed cosmic embryos are defective because they cannot develop normally into a stable universe.

The nightmare world grown from defective embryos cannot exist for long.

Often when a dark story has just ended, or is about to end, the nightmare world will come to an end.

Like nightmares, each one ends abruptly when you wake up. "

"The Dark Multiverse does not have your story, and you did not fall into darkness. Of course you can be objective and calm like this. We are people with emotions and thoughts, and we don't like our nightmares to be used by others to turn into a distorted reality with a tragic ending." Bruce frowned.

Harley shrugged, "The Dark Multiverse has become a reality, you can only accept the reality.

If you can't accept it, just pretend it doesn't exist.

It can't really affect you anyway.

Barbatos is no ordinary supervillain.

Super villains can escape from prison and continuously write their own stories with heroes. The story of Barbatos ends here.

Without Barbatos causing trouble, even if all members of the Dark Knights returned, there would be no way to form a group again, let alone invade the material universe. "

"But the Dark Knights can plunder their own universe, and there are countless real creatures in their universe." Bruce tugged at his hair, looking a little irritated, "Why does 'Origin' want to normalize the dark multiverse? Doesn't it Do you know how deformed and sick the Dark Multiverse is?”

"The origin may know it, or it may not know it, but it will definitely not care. The origin will promote things that are beneficial to the stability and development of the multiverse, and will also interfere with things that are detrimental to the multiverse through destiny.

If it is good for the universe but not good for a certain person or a certain group, Origin will not say sorry to anyone. "

Harley glanced at Bruce and saw his unwilling expression, and smiled again: "Today I can send Sage Ochi to be the 'Acting Creator', but why do I know that I can't send another person to be the 'Origin' tomorrow?

If you are interested, I will now reserve this ‘huge benefit’ for you in advance.

Once you become the ‘Origin’, you will have the final say on the rules of the world. "

Bruce was stunned, and said with a strange expression: "'Origin' can also be done by humans? Now that you say this, aren't you afraid of being targeted by 'Origin'?"

Harley said: "As long as the strength is strong enough and the realm is high enough, it is not a delusion to extract the 'Origin' and manifest it into a controllable 'Godhead'.

‘Origins’ certainly struggles, but it’s not inherently opposed to this kind of behavior.

Because if I can pull it out, it means that my power has exceeded the multiverse itself.

If you follow me, it will be more beneficial to the multiverse.

The Origin will not oppose anything that is good for the multiverse, even if that thing is to replace it with you.

However, the fact that you replace the origin is not necessarily beneficial to the multiverse.

Just like now, as the 'richest man in Gotham', you place your relatives as executives in a small company in the metropolis. If the company can please you, it will definitely make huge profits.

But if your relative has no talent and takes a senior executive position, it will definitely harm the company's interests. "

Bruce was silent for a while and asked: "Since Sage Ochi has become the 'Dragon of Barbatos' and the creator of the Dark Multiverse, will he deliberately avoid our nightmares?"

"No, I asked him not to interfere with the birth and development of the dark multiverse, and to just clean up the destroyed dark universe." Harley said.

"You don't even interfere in your own nightmare world?" Bruce frowned.

"I don't have nightmares, and even if I do, they're not dark nightmares."

Bruce lowered his eyes and said, "I thought you would help us use the back door."

"If you only have one nightmare in your life, it's okay to help you through the back door, but you have been producing a large number of dark dreams, how can you do this?

All miracles have a price, and Sage Ochi cannot afford such a high price, so I specifically told him not to watch the plot of Dark Universe at all.

If you don’t see it, you don’t know it. If you don’t know it, it doesn’t exist. "

Bruce finally asked: "Are you sure that those 'Dark Knights' will definitely go to the end with the world, will never be able to leave the Dark Multiverse, and will no longer harm the normal world of the Light Multiverse?"

"What's there to wonder about? Without Barbatos, they can't even break free from the universe in which they exist, so how can they break through the Dark Multiverse? Even if an accident occurs, one or two escapees, the Forger and the Sage Ochi appear And mistakes will be corrected.”

Bruce sighed helplessly, stood up and prepared to leave.

Just before he walked out of the door, a thought suddenly flashed in Harley's mind and asked: "Bruce, have you ever dreamed that you were a 'Blue Manhattan'?"

Bruce turned around and asked doubtfully: "Are you saying that I dreamed about Dr. Manhattan, or did I dream about becoming Dr. Manhattan?"

Harley said: "The Ruthless Iron Fist, the Breaking Light of Dawn, and the Red Death have the power of the God of War, the green light energy, and the Speed ​​Force respectively. How did they come about?

Have you ever dreamed about a crazy ‘Blue Batman’ like you dreamed about the ‘Red Death’? "

Bruce's expression changed as he understood what Harley meant and the seriousness of the matter.

He recalled with a serious expression for a while, and said with a worried look: "I dreamed about Dr. Manhattan, and I also imagined what would happen if I got the power of Manhattan.

Then he seemed to be thinking about it day by day, and at night he had a dream that he became Dr. Manhattan. "

"Seems like? Why are you not sure? Even if it's been too long and you can't remember the content of the dream clearly, you can at least be sure whether there is such a thing." Harley said.

"Not all dreams are nightmares, and not all nightmares are dark dreams. Sometimes I also dream about being bankrupt, but this is a nightmare, but it is definitely not a dark dream.

I'm not sure if dreaming about myself becoming Dr. Manhattan qualifies as a dark dream. "Bruce said.

Harry said strangely: "You should have no interest in money and no idea about it. How could you dream that you are bankrupt?"

Bruce thought for a while and said, "Do you still remember your trolley? It was the supermarket trolley you found in the garbage when you were living on the street. It was specially used to put clothes and buckets."

"I didn't pick that cart out of the trash."

Thinking of the days when she pushed a trolley and wandered the streets of Gotham, Harley felt a little emotional and a little embarrassed.

"Later, you gave the cart to me, and I used it to wander around for a while. Well, I experienced the life of ordinary people in Gotham."

Recalling the old scene when he was wandering on the street and was discovered by Harley, Bruce was also very emotional and a bit embarrassed.

He touched his nose and then said: "The cart is still in the garage. Helena was 'treasure hunting' in Wayne's ancient house a few days ago and dug it out.

Then I told her the origin and story of the trolley.

Her face was full of longing, imagining that if I went bankrupt, I would take her mother and live on the streets with her. Her mother and I pushed the car, and she huddled in the car.

Hearing her fantasy stories gave me nightmares at night. "

"But that nightmare wasn't scary. I quite liked it," he added.

Harry smiled and said: "Helena is so smooth. She will definitely not become a playboy in the future, but if you only see the light in life, you will definitely not truly understand the darkness and truth of the world.

In a few years, when she is a little older, around 16 years old, I will give her a gift.

Well, let her take the cart that has been passed down for three generations to the other world Gotham to experience it for a year and a half. "

Bruce actually showed a serious expression on his face, then nodded and said, "We can really let her try.

Well, let Damian try it first. He is an adult, but he is still not quite ready.

You seal all his powers first and make him a completely ordinary person.

Only by wandering around Gotham as an ordinary person can you truly experience life and understand life. "

Damian, who was fighting Dick at the Teen Titans headquarters, suddenly felt a chill in his heart, as if there was hostility coming from behind. He took the time to look back, but saw no one.

Bruce returned to the topic and said: "My dream of being bankrupt and living on the streets is not even a nightmare; my dream of Dr. Manhattan is not necessarily a nightmare, at least I can't be sure."

"Do you still remember the content of the dream? Let me analyze it for you." Harley said.

Bruce frowned and said, "I have dreamed about Doctor Manhattan many times, some of which I can no longer remember clearly.

Or the content is confused and cannot be distinguished.

What I remember most clearly and deeply is that I carefully studied the experience of Dr. Jonathan Osterman (Dr. Manhattan's real name) becoming Dr. Manhattan after you stole the power of the "black Dr. Manhattan".

Then a few days later, I dreamed that I became an atomic physicist, and just like Dr. Ostermann, due to an experimental accident, my body was broken down into atoms, and my soul entered another dimension, gained the ability to control quantum energy, and reconstructed my body. The skin turns blue.

I almost re-lived Dr. Manhattan's life. After becoming a 'god', I gradually lost my humanity, allowed Gotham to be destroyed by sin, and witnessed the earth's civilization disappear in a nuclear war.

Is this a dark dream? "

"It's like a nightmare, but this dream is theoretically very normal. It doesn't seem to be a dark dream without human distortion and moral decay." Harley frowned, feeling a little unsure.

Bruce continued: "I still remember that I once dreamed that after you stole the power of the black Doctor Manhattan, the blue Doctor Manhattan came to seek revenge on you. You were beaten to death, and I went to help, but was also blown into a bloody mass. The specific battle process , I can’t remember clearly, maybe the dream was vague at the time.

In short, in the end, Gotham was reduced to ashes under the roar of Doctor Manhattan.

Does this seem a little dark?

Could there be a 'fake Doctor Manhattan' appearing in the dark dream world?

Like those ‘fake Darkseids’ from the Dark Multiverse. "

There is Darkseid in the Dark Multiverse, but they are not from Darkseid's dreams.

Darkseid, like Harley, is completely immune to the Dark Nightmare Multiverse.

What is a dark dream for Darkseid himself is a peaceful world for others.

But heroes can dream of Darkseid.

When their dark dreams come true, a Darkseid will appear in the dark universe.

"These dreams appeared very early?" Harley's brows still did not open.

If we take the life of the Dark Knights as a standard, neither of Bruce's dreams are considered dark dreams.

But they are certainly not sweet dreams either.

If it were any other hero, these two dreams might not have been chosen by Barbatos, but they came from Bateman.

It is very possible that Barbatos did not discern the content of Bateman's dream at all.

It simply crams all of "Batman's nightmares" into the Dark Multiverse.

"An old dream many years ago." Bruce guessed: "Their dark world should have come to an end, right? Since there is no blue-skinned dark knight jumping out of the dark night, it will definitely not appear again in the future."

Harley shook her head solemnly and said, "Not necessarily! If those two nightmares really become nightmare worlds, both the blue-skinned Batman and the blue-skinned Doctor Manhattan can easily transcend the Dark Multiverse."

"What does detachment mean? Leaving the dark multiverse and entering our universe? But they didn't appear!" Bruce said.

"Detachment means that he can choose to leave or stay. No matter whether he leaves or stays in the dark universe, no one will notice their existence, not even Barbatos, unless they voluntarily reveal their identity." Harley said .

Bruce's heart tightened, "You mean, they might be watching us from a higher dimension?"

"Maybe they have already seen us, but we can't recognize them, or maybe we are overthinking and they don't show up at all, or after they show up, they are severely mutilated and mentally retarded like the fake Darkseid."

"Then how should we confirm this? Can we ask Sage Ochi or the Forger to help investigate?" Bruce asked.

"No, we can't harm Sage Oz. Neither he nor the Forger are capable of quietly investigating the 'fake Doctor Manhattan'."

Harley thought for a moment and said helplessly: "Don't worry about this matter. I will keep my mind on the river of destiny. If there is a crisis or danger, I will feel it."

"I can't completely forget this," Bruce said bitterly, "I discussed Dr. Manhattan with you today, and I might have another nightmare at night."

Harry's eyes lit up and he said excitedly: "There's nothing wrong with having more nightmares. You should pay attention to getting more rest and sleeping more recently. The first thing after waking up is to write a diary, carefully recall every bit of the dream, and record them. Come down.

If there is a Dr. Manhattan plot, please notify me immediately. "

"What are you going to do?" Just after asking, Bruce suddenly woke up, "You don't want to plan 'Blue Blues', do you? If I dream of 'Manhattan Power', you immediately go to the Dark Multiverse to find that nightmare world?"

"Anyway, blue-skinned Bruce is not you, and I won't kill him. I just want power." Harley smiled.

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