I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1871 Even the worst will reach Nirvana

When Harley found Sage Oz, he was watching TV with Madam Xanadu, Dead Man Boston and others in "Madame Xanadu's Mansion".

At this moment, the Omega Titan has just been wiped out, and the heroes of the Zhenglian League have just returned from the lowest level of Limbo, and are being interviewed by reporters from media inside and outside the Earth in front of the Hall of Justice.

The live news they were watching right now was the reporters' interviews with the heroes of Zhenglian.

Mainly an interview with Hal Jordan.

Because reporters already know that Hal Jordan killed the Four Titans.

On the TV screen, Hal was carefully considering his words, describing the entire process from being pulled by Hale to participate in special training to finally killing the Omega Titan in careful but detailed words.

Not only the Zhenglian heroes, journalists, and alien ambassadors in front of the Hall of Justice were attentive and listening carefully, but the magic heroes such as Sage Ochi and Xanadu in front of the TV were also all focused and staring at the TV screen.

Harley coughed specially to let them know that there was an extra person in the room out of thin air.

"Didn't you go to Limbo Prison before? You were so fascinated by it."

Whether it is the arrival of the gods on the earth, or the "golden world" created by the gods and the four giants of Omega falling into Limbo, it is a major event that shakes the extraordinary world and attracts the attention of countless extraordinary beings.

There were even many wild gods and mages hanging behind the gods, following the "Golden Sphere World" into the bottom layer of Limbo and watching the entire process of the four Omega Gods being annihilated.

With the strength of Mrs. Du and Sage Aoqi, it is impossible that they had not noticed the previous incident, and most likely also followed to watch the excitement.

"We don't dare to get too close. We can only vaguely see the 'simulated universe' created by the gods from a distance. We don't know the battle situation inside, let alone your detailed plan."

Madam Xanadu explained casually, and immediately looked at Harley with expectant eyes, and asked: "Omega Titan is dead, where is my power? You should help me get my divinity, godhead, and power back, right?" ?”

"We'll talk about this later. I'm here to see Sage Aoqi now." Harry avoided Xanadu's eager gaze and looked at Sage Aoqi and said, "The Forger is here and will take you away immediately. , What else do you have to prepare?"

"Are you leaving now?" Sage Aoqi's face showed a hint of surprise but a hint of anticipation. After hearing this, he immediately stood up and said in high spirits: "If you give me two more days, I will say goodbye to my past friends one by one.

But if time is too tight, I can leave immediately and just send a group message before leaving, or..."

He turned his head and looked at Madam Xanadu, "Xanadu, please help me explain this to everyone."

Xanadu said in a complicated tone: "You can rest assured, there is no need for me to explain, and there is no need to even send a group message.

Tomorrow's headline news in the physical universe will inevitably be the destruction of the Omega Titans, and the promotion of the Galactic Admiral to the 'God of Gods' and the 'King of Gods'.

But tomorrow. Tomorrow is not certain. The day after tomorrow, the headline news in the supernatural world will be 'Shocking, the ten-billion-year rule of the universe has been broken, and the earthling Sage Aoqi has suddenly become the creator', or 'It's so terrifying, the witch haha Li, can actually help people become creators'.

The headlines the day after tomorrow are still 'Shocking, how can mortals usurp the power of the Creator? An analysis report on The Adventures of the Sage of Ochi’.

Day 4 and Day 5 Even if a hundred years later, your deeds are known to everyone, there are still many people discussing it eagerly. "

Sage Aoqi smiled with a mixture of embarrassment and uncontrollable joy.

Harley glanced at Xanadu, "You envy him too?"

"If he were not my friend, I would be jealous of him. Now I only wish you well, Richard. I will miss you." Xanadu stood up and gave Sage Ochi a final hug.

"Goodbye, friend, and wish you good luck!" Boston and others also said goodbye to him one by one.

"Take care!" Sage Aoqi also had a trace of reluctance in his eyes.

Although the future is bright, there are no friends to accompany you on the road ahead!

"Let's go!" Harley used the golden film cover to hold Sage Aoqi and disappeared in Xanadu's big house in an instant.

It was as quiet as when it came, without any spatial fluctuations.

After taking Sage Oz away from the earth, Harley did not take him to see the Forger immediately.

"Have you seen Kent lately? Dr. Fate has been replaced."

Harley stopped at the dimensional mezzanine and asked a question without thinking.

Sage Aoqi was stunned and said: "I heard them talk about this, but after I left your 'Stomach Biological Laboratory', I immediately followed the heroes to the planet Kelu.

Just came back last night.

The original plan was to go to the Tower of Destiny to visit Kent after the Omega Titan Crisis was completely over, but he didn't have time to make the trip. "

"Are you going to take me to say goodbye to him now?" he asked.

Harry shook his head and said: "Kent's distant nephew 'Little Kent' became the second generation Doctor Fate.

After "Old Kent" put down the Naboo Helmet, he immediately lost the power of Doctor Fate and is now just an ordinary mage.

However, Naboo has chosen Old Kent to be the second generation golden right foot of the 'Armor of Order'.

Although Nabu is suspected of using old Kent as a backup, if old Kent himself is not good enough, Nabu will not choose him to kill Nabu.

Being able to become the backup tire of Naboo, the God King of Order, has proven that Old Kent has surpassed almost all human archmages and many human masters.

Before getting the Naboo Helmet, Old Kent was already over fifty years old. His body was old, his thinking activity had declined, and his bloodline power was almost exhausted.

In just over ten years, he was able to transform from an old mortal to the 'greatest mage in the human race today', not because of the Naboo helmet or the 'power of Doctor Fate'.

The Naboo Helmet and Doctor Fate's power are just 'ladders' for him to gain wisdom and increase his knowledge. "

After a pause, Harley added: "Probably because they are still young, the children of the Magic Family are completely different from Kent.

They prefer to use the power of Shazam to show off in front of their peers, rather than devote themselves to exploring the wisdom of Shazam.

Without the Naboo helmet, Kent can become someone else's helmet in the future. Well, he is the golden boots.

Without the power of Shazam, the Magic Family can only return to ordinary life and cannot even quit their addiction to magic. "

Sage Oz understood that Harley was not talking about separation with him. She was using old Kent's inspirational story to tell him a truth: "The Dragon of Barbatos" is similar to "Doctor Destiny", even if he is the creator, It's just a position. If he positions himself as the 'New Dragon of Barbatos', then he can only be another Thunder Shazam.

"Thank you, Harley. I understand that for mages, only wisdom is eternal. I will seriously perform the duties of the 'Dragon of Barbatos' so that the caster cannot find faults. At the same time, I will also use the 'Dragon of Barbatos' 'The power to study the mysteries of creation." He said seriously and with grateful eyes.

Harley smiled and said: "The Four Omega Gods are our first direct contact with the omnipotent universe.

But this is just the beginning, the future world will definitely be more exciting.

Now the 'acting creator' may be able to make the supernatural world talk about it for a hundred years. A hundred years from now, it is very likely that the real creator will not be able to surprise them. The headline of the news in the supernatural world may be 'Shocking, Madam Xanadu actually created the universe in the void.' . "

Sage Aoqi also smiled, "If she hears this, she will definitely be very happy."

"If this sentence can become a reality, I will only be happier than her." Harley said.

Even Shangdu can create a large universe in Taixu. What kind of realm must she be?

Then Harley added: "The Forger Alpheus was once very arrogant.

You can refer to Counter Surveillance and Watchers before Crisis on Infinite Earths.

However, after he came back from resurrection last time, I pulled him into the gap between dimensions and had a good chat. The two parties exchanged martial arts experiences. He admired me very much, and he is now much more humble and polite. "

Looking at Sage Aoqi's thoughtful face, Harley said directly: "As his subordinate, you should work seriously and try your best to fulfill his reasonable requirements.

But the relationship between you and him is just a superior and a subordinate.

It’s not that he has become your master, everything about you belongs to him.

If people in the workplace encounter unreasonable or illegal treatment, they can go to labor arbitration, and you can also go to labor arbitration. "

She pointed at herself.

“It’s not difficult for me to break through from the fifth dimension to the sixth dimension.

That is to say, the current multiverse is very fragile and cannot withstand my tossing back and forth. After a few tossings, there may be a few more cracks in the origin wall.

You can connect with Rachel through the nightmare dimension.

Rachel may not be online all the time, but she will definitely be able to read your messages. "

Sage Aoqi's heart surged, but he did not say thank you again, only nodded his head lightly a few times.

Just when Harley was about to take him away, she suddenly remembered the conversation she had just had with the caster Xiao Zhou, and she spoke again with a thought: "By the way, the Dark Multiverse has not disappeared after all."

She looked into his eyes, "You know the basic rules of the Dark Multiverse, which is a world where the darkest dreams are the main plot.

Most dark universes come from heroes' dreams.

Of course, there are justice heroes on Earth, and alien planets also have their own ‘Justice League’.

But most of the dark universes you encounter must come from your acquaintances, either directly from the dreams of acquaintances in the main universe, or from Bateman or Superman in the parallel universe.

All dark universes have tragic plots and dark endings.

To the people in the dark universe, you are the Creator and God.

But you must not interfere in their lives or try to save anyone.

Your job is simply to eat the corpse of the universe after the Dark Multiverse's short lifespan is exhausted, returning the digested creation energy to the World Forge.

No matter whose story it is, no matter how sympathetic it is to you, you should not interfere with the operation of the dark world.

no point.

All dark worlds come from the incomplete egg of the universe.

They are inherently flawed and destined to die within a short period of time, just like dreams.

No matter how hard you try, you can't really change the way the world will suddenly end at a certain moment. "

Sage Ochi frowned and said: "The original 'story plot' of using the hero's nightmare as the egg of the broken universe was Barbatos' choice.

It wants to create the darkest universe possible.

Now that Barbatos is dead, why choose the heroic nightmare? "

"Maybe in two or three years, it will be more appropriate for you to answer this question. Now I can only guess that the Forge of the World requires the strongest emotions. The Dark Multiverse is dark enough and the emotions are strong enough."

"If you can't bear to see the tragedy of the nightmare world, don't watch the world's plot, and just be a 'cosmic corpse collector'." Harley suggested again.

In fact, she wanted to entrust Sage Oz to help keep an eye on the plots of each Dark Multiverse.

The "main story" that takes place in the dark multiverse all comes from the nightmares of the "good guys who stand up for justice" in the light multiverse.

Some people's biggest nightmare is losing power, while others gain great power but lose control.

Such as Bateman.

The seven dark bats of the Dark Knights, except for the Laughing Bat, all have superpowers.

Their superpowers also correspond to the other six giants in the Zhenglian Seven Giants.

The Wraith of the Drowned corresponds to Aquaman, the Lantern of Dawn corresponds to Green Lantern, the Ruthless Iron Fist corresponds to Wonder Woman, and the Destroyer corresponds to Superman. So has Bruce Wayne ever had a nightmare in which he dreamed that he gained the power of Dr. Manhattan and then lost control?

Harley thinks he must have had nightmares involving Dr. Manhattan.

Because Bateman is used to designing at least one "defense plan" for every strong man.

The Seven Giants of Zhenglian, including himself, all have corresponding defense plans.

Since we have to design a defense plan, we are naturally worried about the strong man's power going out of control and going berserk.

It's natural to worry during the day and have nightmares at night.

If the Sage of Oz finds Bruce's nightmare world of "It's so scary, I actually have the power of Dr. Manhattan", Harley will immediately break the world barrier between the fifth and sixth dimensions, find that nightmare world, and put the "blue-skinned" Blues” drained back to white skin.

Before the arrival of the Omega Titan, she had never had such an idea.

The Titan and the Transcendent organization behind the Titan put a lot of pressure on her, making her subconsciously think: Is there any other way to quickly improve her strength in the multiverse?

There is no doubt that her foundation is still upgrading to add defense and unlocking specialties.

But to quickly increase your attack power without too many side effects, dyeing your skin blue seems to be the best option.

However, the plot of the Dark Multiverse is too dark and too perverted. If Harley has a strong psychological quality, she will feel psychologically uncomfortable after watching the lives of seven dark Batmans in the Dark Knights. Sage Oz will only be more unbearable. .

To search for "Blue Blues", you have to look carefully at each universe, which is completely impossible for a normal person like Sage Ochi, who has a relatively simple outlook on life.

It is impossible to say that he went crazy within a few days, or degenerated into a "dark mystery".

As a result, Blue Blues couldn't be found, and his old friend was also injured. Didn't Harley suffer a huge loss?

Considering this, Harley rationally gave up her thoughts and just asked Sage Ochi to close his eyes and look at nothing.

Harley and Sage Oz talked a lot, but they were all spiritual exchanges and didn't waste much time.

When they came to the caster Xiao Zhou, Xiao Zhou didn't show much impatience.

He also spent some time checking Sage Ochi's body and abilities on the spot to confirm that he could really replace Barbatos.

"Have you completely transplanted Barbatos' digestive system into this mortal? How could he, a mortal, withstand it? Under normal circumstances, only one drop of Barbatos' blood or one cell can contaminate his whole body and sew him together. Turned into a piece of 'Barbatos' flesh'." Xiao Zhou was very shocked.

"First of all, Sage Ochi is not a 'mortal', he is my friend and your colleague. You can call him Richard Ochi, or you can call her Rose Sage.

Secondly, if you take a closer look, Ochi’s digestive system really belongs to Barbatos? "

In fact, Sage Aoqi also has a nice nickname of "Spirit of the Rose".

The Spirit of Rose was Rose's "nickname" on the road, before she became one with the Sage Ochi.

Xiao Zhou checked Sage Aoqi's digestive system again, this time more carefully.

"I seem to sense your breath. Is your digestive system fused with Barbatos's?" he asked in surprise.

Harley said: "It's not fusion, it's me who robbed Barbatos of his 'digestive power'.

I can also digest the egg of the broken universe.

If I could stuff the broken universe into my stomach, I could digest it as well.

It's just that the 'cosmic essence substance' I got after digesting the broken universe is different from Barbatos's. The standards and specifications of the two products are different.

In order to adapt to the standards of the World Forge, I can only be backward compatible with Barbatos's creative power.

Also because the stomach pouch is my own, there will be no adverse reactions of rejection or erosion after I give it to Ochi Sage.

The self-will of the gastric pouch cells was shut down by me, and they are now integrated into the digestive system of Sage Aurchi, similar to a symbiote. "

It wasn't Sage Ochi who swallowed Barbatos's creative power. It was Harley who swallowed Barbatos first and then cut off the transformed stomach bag for a second transformation, transforming it into something like the Marvel Venom suit.

"So that's it. No wonder this mortal. No wonder Ochi has not been infected by any energy or cells. Your energy level is no lower than Barbatos, and you can also swallow its power." The surprise on Xiao Zhou's face quickly turned into worry and concern. Be wary, "So, you can not only steal other people's magic sources, but also their natural powers?"

——As expected of the Witch Harley, she is so ruthless and terrifying, she is simply the number one monster in the multiverse!

He didn't say what was in his heart, but the micro-expression on his face showed everything.

Harley said angrily: "If I could steal other people's talents at will, I would be invincible, break through the wall of origin, and rush into the omnipotent universe to become the overlord."

The caster Xiao Zhou was stunned for a moment, and then realized that Barbatos's creation power was very strong, but it was completely incomparable to the three major creators, and his attack power was even worse than that of many gods and demons. As for Witch Harley, her defense is strong, but her attack is slightly weak. If she can act arbitrarily, she will only give priority to stealing the natural power of the attack attribute.

"You happen to have similar talents to Barbatos. How come your stomach has such a strong digestive ability?" Xiao Zhou wanted to understand, but was shocked again. "Barbatos has the strongest digestive ability in the multiverse. This is the Creator. A level of talent that theoretically no one can surpass."

"Your 'common sense' doesn't apply to me." Harley said calmly.

Xiao Zhou had no words to retort.

It's exaggerated that her digestive ability surpasses that of Barbatos, but it's far less exaggerated than her ability to carry entropy into her stomach, and entropy is just one of the countless times she breaks common sense.

"What else do you have to say? If not, I will take him away." Caster Xiao Zhou looked at her and said.

Harley hesitated for a moment, but still did not give him the task of searching for "Blue Batman".

The caster is cold-hearted enough to remain unmoved by all the tragedies in the world.

But his task is also very heavy, and he keeps swinging the big hammer "eighty, eighty, eighty."

The Dark Multiverse comes from a flawed cosmic embryo, but whether it is flawed or not, the cosmic embryo was hammered out by him hammer after hammer.

He has beaten more cosmic embryos than the Dark Universe itself.

If he were to keep following the Dark Universe story, he would be too busy.

Moreover, Harley doesn't believe he can resist the temptation of Manhattan's power.

Both the Anti-Supervisor King and the Monitor have the dream of becoming the Supervisor, and the Forger may not be as aloof and ascetic as them.

"Go ahead, this farewell is not forever. I will often contact Sage Aoqi through the nightmare dimension."

This is a final reminder to the casters: don't do petty tricks, I have a connection with Ochi.

"Why did you all come to my house?"

Returning to Lishan Manor, Harley was surprised to find that the heroes of the Dark Alliance had all moved to her home, and as before, they gathered together to watch TV.

Not only Xanadu, Deadman Boston and others, but also Zha Kang, Zatanna, who had just left Arkland for two days, and the two Kents from the Tower of Destiny, all came.

"Where is Sage Ochi? Let's see him off." Old Kent said.

"He's gone. I'm back. He must have left with the Forger. You don't have to worry about him. He got a great opportunity and went to the sixth dimension to live a good life." Harley said.

Zha Kang smiled and said: "No one is worried about him, we are just curious about how he will act as a creator."

Harley said: "Have you ever eaten animal crackers or sesame seed cakes? He picked up the incomplete cosmic embryos, took one bite at a time, grabbed a handful, and stuffed his mouth full, just like eating animal crackers.

Those dark multiverses of death are like half-burnt big biscuits that have to be bitten off and chewed one by one. "

Everyone immediately had a picture in their mind, and then their expressions became very strange.

"Is the Dark Multiverse really preserved?" Zha Kang frowned.

"Well, you should be careful and try not to have nightmares."

"Why keep the Dark Multiverse? Who kept it? It shouldn't be the Forger, right?" Zatanna asked.

Harley repeated what Sage Ochi had said.

Everyone chatted about Sage Oz for a while. Kent and Kent were the first to leave, followed by Zatanna and Zha Kang. When they were almost gone, Madam Xanadu approached Harley and asked with a worried expression: "Are you not there?" Save my divinity, godhead and power?"

"Why do you think so?"

"If you succeed, you will be proud and show off to me instead of avoiding talking about it all the time." Xanadu said.

"I didn't shy away from talking about it." Harry paused and then said with a hint of helplessness: "You may have gotten your miraculous power back, but it's different from what you expected."


Harley asked: "You have been watching the live news just now, and you already know that the Omega Titan was swallowed by entropy.

So, have you ever thought that the divine power absorbed by the Titan of Wonders will also be annihilated by the wave of entropy? "

God nodded anxiously, "Have I considered that my godhead has been annihilated and disappeared?"

"I don't know." Harley sighed: "Although I provided the entropy, and I also have enough entropy hidden in my belly to fill the entire Atlantic Ocean, but I -"

"What? The entropy in your belly is enough to fill the Atlantic Ocean?!" Selina next to her was shocked.

The rest of the people also looked shocked, with obvious fear in their shock.

"Is this strange? The ocean around Arkland is larger than the Atlantic Ocean. There is enough space in my belly, and there is enough entropy in the ocean of entropy at the end of the river of time for me to contain.

Entropy is so useful, what's the problem if I store more? "

Selina said: "But entropy is too dangerous. In the live news broadcast just now, Hal said that just one drop of entropy is enough to destroy the entire universe.

You carry so much entropy with you. If something happens to you, wouldn't you drag the whole world with you? "

Harley said: "You also said that just one drop of entropy is enough to destroy the world, and a piece of entropy as big as the Atlantic Ocean can only destroy one world.

What difference do they make to the world?

If I meet a transcendent person from the omnipotent universe, whether I have a drop of entropy or a vast ocean of entropy in my hand, the outcome will be completely different. "

Selena stared at her flat belly with tangled eyes, "Having said that, I feel a little frightened when I think of the vast ocean of entropy around me. I'm afraid that one day you will accidentally urinate entropy as urine. .”

Harley raised her right hand and punched her so hard that Selena's forehead turned red.

Then she opened her mouth again and sucked Shang who was watching the joke into the dimension of her stomach, making her appear directly above a dark, calm ocean.

"My dear, what is down there? Why does just one glance give me the terror of being wiped out?" Xanadu glanced down and felt dizzy, and his mental energy seemed to be drained away by the ocean below.

"Ah, this is entropy, Holy shit, you have brought me to the Atlantic Ocean of Entropy, what are you going to do? The one who just made fun of you was Selena. If you want to scare people to the point of peeing, you should bring her in!" "

Before Harley could explain, Xanadu reacted and started yelling randomly.

"Shut up!" Harley stopped her, and then said: "Aren't you looking for godhead and power? They are right here."

Xanadu looked around and asked, "Where is it? I can't see it."

"The matter and energy swallowed by entropy have two endings. If entropy is manipulated, the energy and matter swallowed can retain their original characteristics.

Just like Zero Hour Crisis, the time demon controls the cracks of entropy to swallow the mother river of time.

The Time Demon needs the power of time to restart time, so the mother river of time is swallowed up, leaving behind pure time essence.

If entropy spreads on its own and is uncontrolled, after matter and energy are swallowed up by entropy, part of it will become new entropy. That is to say, entropy will only increase with use and will not decrease. Currently, I have not found a way to return entropy to zero.

The other part of the energy is mixed in entropy and slowly annihilated.

That part of matter or energy that has become entropy, I have no way to reverse it into energy and matter.

But the energy mixed in the entropy has been separated by me and placed just above the ocean of entropy.

If your magic mark is still there, you might be able to get some of it back. "

Having said that, Harley doesn't have much hope that Xanadu will regain his strength.

Everyone who uses magic leaves their own mark on it.

Even the magic power borrowed from other gods and demons can leave its mark and be lent to others, becoming their creditor.

If the debtor becomes his creditor, he can avoid the creditor's magical debt crisis, and the creditor's mark in the magic will disappear.

For countless years, the magic power has changed hands through countless debtors and creditors, leaving countless marks on it, and countless marks have disappeared, but the mark of Hecate, the mother of magic, will always exist at the core of the magic power.

Harley was not sure whether entropy could quickly annihilate the magic mark of Hecate, the mother of magic, but Xanadu had just been promoted to a divine wizard, and her mark would definitely not be able to withstand the test of entropy.

It was just as she expected.

He closed his eyes and concentrated on sensing for a long time, but he couldn't seduce him at all with any miraculous power.

"There is indeed a lot of pure magic around, but they don't respond to my spiritual call. I can't sense anything." Xanadu said in frustration.

"The magic here is filtered by entropy. It is very pure and easy to use.

It's all magic power anyway, and you just want to restore the magic power, so it's better to take the magic power where you are.

You open your mouth and suck as hard as you can, as much as you can. If you feel tired and annoyed from smoking today, and if you want to continue to improve your magic power another day, you can come back and continue smoking. "Harry said boldly.

She felt a little excited and touched, but she still shook her head and said sadly: "I lost not only my magic power, but all the miraculous elements in me were absorbed by the Miracle Titan, including divinity, divine power and divine personality.

Even if I have enough magic power now, I can't use the divinity of destiny to transform them into the power of destiny.

After losing my godhead, I couldn't even control the laws of my own destiny, nor could I regain my divinity. "

Xanadu's situation at this time is relatively common in Celestial Immortal Martial Arts novels: his martial arts was abolished.

But in the DC multiverse, few gods lose their own divine laws while alive.

Once the law is imprinted into the sea of ​​law, it will be permanently included in the "origin".

When collecting the rules, "Origin" will also give the wizard many benefits, such as being free from illness and health from now on, and living as long as heaven. For example, after Harley's Thick Skin Law is imprinted into the Law Sea, with the golden film force field, he can also lend his divine power to others and let the God's Favorite help him collect experience.

This is the reason why many masters are eager for their laws to be accepted by the sea of ​​laws. The benefits are too great.

But once the gods are completely dead, the laws of the gods they originally understood will be "nationalized" and become part of the "state-owned assets".

If Harley completely burps now, the DC multiverse can create a new "Witch Harley" by giving destiny to a destined person to understand the law of thick skin.

"New Witch Harley" can also draw energy from other people's malicious attacks to improve her physical body's defense.

After becoming a god, you can also awaken the golden film force field.

Almost another Harley.

However, "New Harley" has no evolutionary treasure and cannot draw on the source of energy to activate defensive specialties.

"New Harley" can only increase physical defense by practicing the thick-skin law "belonging to the origin", and the defense value cannot exceed the limit of the universe, which is 120 points.

All miraculous power has a price, and this is the price of becoming a god.

At first, Harry didn't want to raise his thick-skinned law into the sea of ​​laws.

She didn't want to become a god, but her thick-skinned law was too rare and precious, and it also involved "new power." The "Origin" impatiently pulled her law into the sea of ​​laws, and actively gave her godhead, forcing her to become a god. gods.

This is why the DC multiverse is worth harvesting.

When the universe was created, there were only fundamental laws.

Today, tens of billions of years later, the universe has countless more laws, all brand new laws. These new laws are the lifetime wisdom of countless DC extraordinary people.

Whoever can harvest the DC multiverse can gain the lifetime wisdom of all the elites over the tens of billions of years the universe has grown.

Therefore, whether it is to protect her little family or her thick-skinned secret, Harley will not allow the DC multiverse to be harvested unless she is the one who harvests it.

Let’s talk about Mrs. Xanadu at this time.

Generally, after the death of gods, their laws will be nationalized by "Origin".

The new gods have tens of millions of new gods of light and new gods of darkness, and their new gods' laws all come from God.

Where did "Origin" come from to give them so many laws?

It wasn't because too many old gods died and the treasury gradually became abundant that there was an opportunity for new gods to rise.

But now she is not dead. Her miraculous power and the Titan of Wonders were annihilated in the wave of entropy. It is no different from death. At least "Origin" has regarded her as a dead person and confiscated her divine law.

She even lost the basic benefits of being free from illness, disaster, and immortality.

"You are so unlucky. The Omega Titan and entropy are both disasters that are rare to encounter in tens of billions of years. Not only did you hit them all, but you also happened to touch the Wonder Titan during divination. Alas, sometimes people really have to accept their fate. You were born with bad luck. Maybe you were not born with bad luck, just because your divination ability is too strong and you have peeked into too many secrets." Harley sighed.

Xanadu's luck in the first half of her life could only be considered average. When she met the stranger, her fate took a turn for the worse, and she had been unlucky for two thousand years.

"Anyone can say this, but you can't!" Xanadu said excitedly: "'Witch Harley' never accepts her fate, and when she encounters her destiny, she will twist it provocatively.

You even killed the incarnation of destiny.

But you have never suffered retribution. You have always had smooth sailing and good fortune in times of adversity.

Moreover, it was not my original wish to divine the Omega God. It was you who called me over and asked me to contribute my strength to the sentient beings of the multiverse.

It's also the wave of entropy you created.

You still patted your chest and promised to help me regain my godhead, and now you are asking me to accept my fate and consider myself unlucky? ! "

"I just want to comfort you and ask you not to care about the irreversible tragedy, put down your burden, open your mind and look forward," Harley said.

"How can I look forward even if I have lost the Law? Should I start from scratch, re-condensate the Grandmaster's Law, and then raise the Grandmaster's Law into the Sea of ​​Laws?" Xanadu's voice was filled with sadness and resentment.

Harley thought for a while and said, "If you change your mind, you may be a blessing in disguise and become the true 'first fortune teller of the multiverse'."

Xanadu regained his energy a little and asked, "How can I change my mind?"

Harley asked back: "Has your divination level declined?"

Xanadu shook his head and said: "The law of destiny that I imprinted into the sea of ​​laws has not disappeared, it has become part of the system of laws of the universe.

Even if I lose my godhood and cannot directly drive it, my memory and wisdom are still there, and I am still familiar with it. In other words, no one is more familiar with it than me, so I can still 'borrow' its power to assist in divination.

Just like an ordinary mage leveraging the power of the laws of the universe to perform magic. "

She said the word "borrowed" with great reluctance, because it was originally her rule.

"You were studying the divinity of the three goddesses of destiny before, and the results were not good." Harley said.

Xanadu lamented again: "The three goddesses of destiny you gave me are gone. They were all taken away by the giant god of knowledge."

Harley said: "It doesn't matter, I killed two of the 'Three Sisters'. They are a trinity and have almost the same godhead information. I will give you the godhead of the 'eldest sister' later."

Previously, your foundation was set, and you could only refer to the divinity of the 'Three Sisters' and tinker with your own laws, with limited effect.

Now that you have even lost the law of destiny, you can completely start from scratch and use your high-level knowledge to imitate the three sisters' godheads to form a new "destiny curse".

You can even be my apprentice in turn.

I will teach you all my ‘techniques of great destiny and karma’.

At that time, if you evolve the natal curse into the master law, it will definitely be the strongest and most potential law of destiny in the multiverse.

Because the ‘Second Generation of Xanadu’ combines the wisdom of the ‘Previous Generation of Xanadu’, the Three Sisters of Destiny and me, the three top diviners. "

She said it all the time, and her heart beat with excitement, and her blood boiled. She wanted to look up to the sky and scream: "Thai pants are hot, this is what I want!"

"Can I really do this?" Her voice was trembling.

"You can doubt all your abilities, but don't doubt yourself when it comes to divination." Harley said sternly.

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