I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1870 The Dragon of Barbatos Returns

Harley used four steps to convince the gods in heaven.

The first step is to clarify the pros and cons.

Without the removal of the Omega Titan, the material universe will be destroyed first, but the eight divine realms on the "second floor" will not survive.

The second step is to threaten.

Maybe they imagined that if she was in front, they would do nothing, and she would work hard to help Zhenglian save the world, save the material universe, and the eight divine realms on the second floor would be safe and happy.

But she is more terrifying than the Omega Titan. The Omega Titan will not target them, but she will hunt down any gods who refuse to listen to her call.

She has ability and determination.

The third step is the temptation of interests.

She promised that after killing the Omega Titan, if there was anything gained, she would share it equally with them.

Compared with the spoils of war, the gods are more worried about the almighty universal transcendent being's reckoning.

That's why the fourth step was taken. Hallie took the initiative to take responsibility and became their leading sister.

As far as Harley herself is concerned, she has never thought about actually becoming the "King of Gods" or "King of God Kings".

It's not that she has no desires or desires.

If they were sincere and sincere, without much effort on her part, and would sincerely praise her, fear her, pay tribute to her, and offer her artifacts and secret techniques, she would of course be happy to be the King of Gods.

But the King of Gods is just a name for taking the blame.

Those gods all had their own ulterior motives and had their own agenda. Not only did they not give her any practical benefits, they were also ready to betray her at any time. She only felt disgusted and disgusted by the title "King of Gods".

"If the transcendent behind the Omega Titan really regards you as the 'King of Gods' and the culprit, will it be detrimental to you?" After understanding the truth about the "King of Gods", Da Chao began to worry about Harley again. safety.

"How else can they go against me? Even if I don't become the King of Gods, as the 'tallest person' in the multiverse, I must be a thorn in the side of all outside invaders." Harley said calmly.

"You may have been famous before, but this time the powerful 'King of Gods' has almost pushed your reputation and status to the top," Dinah said.

Harley shook her head and said: "I have never been afraid that people from the Great Almighty Universe will regard me as the 'peak' of the multiverse.

Every multiverse has a strongest being.

The transcendent organization must have encountered countless ‘kings of gods and kings at the top of the multiverse’, but those kings of gods and kings must be ants in their eyes, vulnerable, worthless and no need to pay attention to.

The more of the multiverse they harvest, the more contemptuous they become of the so-called 'God-King' of the multiverse. "

Diana frowned and said, "Why are you so sure that the God-Kings of other multiverses are vulnerable?"

Harley glanced at her and said, "You can go to Mount Olympus and ask your father.

Ask him if he has ever looked up to the ‘Galaxy Emperor’ in the single universe.

Think of the omnipotent universe as a multiverse, and our multiverse as a single universe in the Ten Thousand Heavens. Transcendents are like the gods of the fifth world, and their organization is similar to the heavenly realm.

Even the strongest person in the universe, if he cannot overclock, is just a vulnerable ant in front of the gods of higher dimensions.

Think of the Omnipotent Universe as the main universe, and our multiverse as a planetary civilization within the universe that has not left the star system. The Transcendents are like advanced civilizations that have achieved inter-galactic colonization, or overlord organizations like the Green Lantern Corps.

Even the strongest warriors on the planet are as dust before the cannons of advanced civilizations. "

"We come from a planetary civilization that has not left the star system, but we can defeat the gods." Diana said.

Harley said disapprovingly: "You are just a special case. There are countless planetary civilizations. How many 'Justice Leagues' are there?

And, as I said, it is the strongest in the universe that cannot be overclocked.

You can defeat the gods in the fifth world, and even have a 50-50 tie with the king of gods, just because after you enter the fifth dimension, you immediately upgrade to the same power level as the gods.

If upscaling is not possible, please refer to the mass disappearance incident. Millions of Kryptonian warriors fell to Apokolips and were killed by the Dark Elite.

Not every Kryptonian can be as hot as Superman.

Assume that the power limit of the material universe is 100, and that of the fifth world is 120. The Kryptonian warrior's power can reach 90 points, and he is already an elite among the elite. He can fight with Superman in the material universe.

After entering Apokolips, Superman immediately upgrades his strength from 90 points to more than 110 points, ordinary Kryptonian warriors are still at 90 points, and dark elites generally have a physique of 110+.

Except for Superman who still looks down upon the gods, who among the normal Kryptonians is the unified enemy of the Dark Elite? How can the dark elite look down on those 'real mortals' who have not been upgraded? "

"But there are still little blue men in the material universe, and they can rival the gods." Hal said.

"Theoretically, all the Martus people have immortality, and their civilization has transcended. Aren't many powerful gods in the heavenly realm originally born from civilized planets in the material universe?

The great power of the divine civilization is concentrated in the god king. Maltus is a 'scientific god-level civilization'. Everyone is like a dragon. There is no god king and there is no need to enter the heaven. "

Da Chao said: "Since we can become special cases in the eyes of the gods, the transcendent people in the omnipotent universe must have encountered many special cases."

"This is true. It is probably not the first time that the Omega Titans have been destroyed by people in the universe. When we destroy the four giants, our multiverse is destined to be treated as a special case by the transcendent organization and will be treated specially.

But there is a difference between special cases. Superman, you are a special case in the eyes of the gods, and so am I. But can the gods be equally afraid of us? "

Harley glanced at Hal, "The 'Time Demon' is also a special case, a more exaggerated special case than Superman. The exposure of the 'Sword Demon' this time should be able to scare the transcendent, and I can hide in the shadows for a while."

"Sword Demon." Neptune's eyes flashed slightly, he looked at Hal and asked, "Is it the Tooth Fairy Sword?"

Harley said: "You can guess in your mind, but don't say it casually.

You also saw the gazes of the gods just now. They wished that their eyes would turn into knives and cut Hal's head and soul into ten thousand pieces. Each piece was put in their mouths to savor and study slowly.

Now that you are with me, no matter who you are, don't try to peek into our words and deeds in any way.

But in the following days, they will definitely be watching your every move from a high-dimensional perspective. Even if you go to the toilet, take a shower, or sleep, their eyes will be glued to you. "

Not to mention Hal, even the other heroes had numb scalps, chills on their spines, and felt very uncomfortable in their hearts and bodies, as if their skins were densely covered with the wet eyes of the gods.

"That's not true. The gods have long known and understood the time demon's control of entropy." Diana's eyes flickered and her voice hesitated.

Harley raised her chin towards Hal, "Let him tell himself how big the gap is between the wave of entropy in this battle and the rift of entropy back then."

All the heroes looked at Howl.

Hal sighed: "Regardless of mass and size, the Entropy Crack that swallowed up the Mother River of Time cannot compare with today's Demonic Sword of Entropy.

The river of time continued to flow, but at the end of time, it suddenly disappeared into darkness. I did not enter the darkness, I only stood on the edge to "get water from the other side", using the power of the time trapper to draw out a trace of the power that represents the end.

That tiny bit of power that ends time is the crack of entropy.

You have experienced the zero-time crisis and seen the horror of the rift of entropy, but it only swallowed the mother river of time, and did not spread from the mother river of time to the material world, swallowing up all laws, energy and matter.

Harley, however, plunged headlong into the darkness at the end of time, absorbing the purest entropy from the boundless ocean of entropy. "

Harley's eyes flickered and she said, "Actually, the entropy I obtained may not be the purest and most powerful."

Hal wondered: "Have you not entered the ocean of entropy? Isn't the entropy of the ocean of entropy pure enough?"

Dachao also said: "The Omega Titan is so powerful, but it is easily annihilated by the wave of entropy. Isn't such a powerful entropy the strongest?"

Harley said with certainty: "Definitely not the strongest, maybe I was just wandering on the edge of the ocean of entropy and did not go deep into the depths of the ocean of entropy.

If I were too far away from the end of the mother river of time, I would be worried that I would lose my way and not be able to come back. "

"Since you can't identify the direction in the ocean of entropy, how can you be sure that you are just spinning on the beach?" Hal said.

Because her Entropy Defense feat is only level 10!

Level 10 is just the beginning of the Almighty Universe level, not the pinnacle of the Almighty Universe.

Harley's God's Power Defense Specialty has long been upgraded to level 10, but over the years, as she has absorbed more power from non-First Fallen Demon Lords, the level 10 God's Defense Specialty has still been slightly improved.

This obviously shows that there are higher energy levels above level 10.

Now the entropy defense specialty cannot be upgraded to level 10 or above. It is not that the quantity of entropic energy is not enough, but that the quality has reached its peak.

The ocean of entropy is like the Pacific Ocean, and the end of the mother river of time is the mouth of the sea. She is currently only wandering around the mouth of the sea and has not been able to truly set foot in the "Pacific Ocean".

Of course, it is also possible that she guessed wrong. The end of the mother river of time is not the ocean. The ocean of entropy she thought was actually just a small puddle.

But Harley is 100% sure that the entropy she holds in her hands is not the most original and powerful.

If she can control entropy at level 11 or higher, will killing the transcendent be like chopping vegetables and melons at level 10 entropy killing the Omega Titan?

Harry was so eager that he could not wait to drop everything right now, plunge into the ocean of entropy, and move away from the "Haikou"

Travel in the same direction until you enter the deeper ocean. Or can you see the "outlet" of another time mother river on the other side of the ocean? Entering another multiverse directly through the mother river of time?

"Although I may get lost in the ocean of entropy, I can sense the energy fluctuations in the depths of the ocean of entropy." Harley told a lie casually. They did not have enough experience to distinguish the truth from the lie.

Hal frowned and thought for a while, unable to think of a reason, so he pointed to the slowly collapsing "Golden Sphere World" in the distance, continued the previous topic, and said: "In the restricted world created by the gods, time, space, matter, energy, Law. Everything that exists above Taixu will be swallowed up."

"Tai Xu" in the DC multiverse refers to the absolute nothingness before the establishment of the universe.

If the multiverse were a house, the house would be built on a foundation.

The homestead is called "the illusion of Taixu" by the powerful people of the DC universe.

There is nothing in Taixu, even human thoughts and brain waves are considered to exist. If a person enters Taixu, uncontrollable thoughts will naturally evolve into illusory scenes in Taixu, hence the name "Taixu Illusion".

There is no doubt that Taixu Illusion is the best insulating material for entropy.

The illusion of Taixu is absolute nothingness, without anything existing. Entropy cannot continue to "burn" and cannot spread to Limbo. If the Golden Globe world fell into the void, Harley wouldn't need to go around putting out fires at all.

"I was able to control the rift of entropy in the first place because I took away the power of the Time Trap and I had the willpower to resist the devouring of entropy.

Now I have created a wave of entropy that is stronger than the Crack of Entropy, but now I am just an ordinary person. I do not have the power of a time trapper, and I have also lost the destiny of being the "incarnation of the will of the universe". The gods must be extremely curious in their hearts.

Because they will think: Hal Jordan is so ordinary and can control the wave of entropy. We are stronger than him. If we get his skills or weapons, wouldn't we be able to set off a stronger wave of entropy?

I dare say that not only the gods are curious, but also the people in the White House and the Pentagon will have wild imaginations when they return to Earth.

Commander Ryan will definitely ask Harley about the possibility of regularizing the Sword Demon's weapons. "

After hearing what Hal said, the heroes also became excited and looked at Harley expectantly.

They could see clearly now: Hal was carrying the unconscious Luther on his back!

Hal himself may have special talents and destiny, but Luther is just an ordinary person, but he has to survive the wave of entropy. Harley's "Sword Demon Arms" are also effective for ordinary people!

"If we had ten 'Sword Demon Hal' here, wouldn't it scare even the Transcendent Organization?" Neptune said with excited eyes.

Harley shook her head and said: "There is only one Time Demon Hal in the world, and only Hal can use the 'Sword Demon Arms'. No one else, including me, can."

"Isn't it possible? You made the Sword Demon's weapons, and you can't use them yourself?" All the heroes looked suspicious.

Harley sighed: "It sounds weird, but it's the truth.

Entropy naturally exists at the end of the river of time. Others cannot touch them, but I can.

Being able to touch and collect entropy is not the same concept as manipulating entropy with your fingers.

People who pick mushrooms may not be able to make mushrooms into a delicacy.

I was the mushroom forager and Hal was the ultimate ‘mushroom chef’.

I provide him with ingredients and he turns them into a feast. "

The heroes looked thoughtful.

Harley looked at Hal and asked: "How much of the entropy I gave you is left?"

Hal subconsciously touched his upper lip. Entropy was stored in his front teeth.

"There is about 75% left, and only a quarter of the amount was consumed to defeat the four giants of Omega." He couldn't help but sigh: "Entropy is more powerful than we previously expected."

Harley pinched the belly of her little finger with her thumbnail and said, "I only gave Hal this little bit of entropy, and he managed to defeat the Four Omegas, and even left most of them.

If it were me controlling the power of entropy to destroy the Omega Titans, I would just open my mouth and spit out a real river of entropy, drowning the four Omega Titans.

A drop of water, a river, this is the difference between me and Hal.

He is truly manipulating entropy, which is like his arm.

Entropy is a tool that is difficult to control in my hands. "

This statement is not wrong, but it is not accurate.

Everyone has different talents. Harley, like many normal people, does not have the ability to control entropy, but Hal Jordan is gifted.

But ability is not only born, but also acquired through training.

With Harley's current level 10 entropy defense expertise, it is very convenient to study the power of entropy.

Just like her talent in destiny divination is far inferior to Xanadu, but with her expertise in studying the river of destiny, her divination ability is now stronger than that of many gods of destiny.

It's just that Xanadu, like Dachao, has the fate of the protagonist, and the protagonist will explode. The super explosive type defeated the God King in battle; the Xanadu explosive type defeated the second sister Death and the current Harley in divination.

Harley had not studied the use of entropy before, simply because she had never thought of using entropy in the DC universe.

It doesn't work.

If the gods and the three major creators had not worked hard to maintain the "Golden Sphere World" this time, if the Golden Sphere World had not fallen into the lowest level of Limbo and was close to the void, entropy would have spread like wildfire, and the entire multiverse would have been doomed.

In a world without dragons, there is no need to practice dragon-slaying skills; in a universe where entropy cannot be used, there is no need to regard entropy skills as the most urgent skill.

"Harley is just a sword maker, and Hal is a natural sword god. A sword maker may not be able to use a sword, but a sword god can exert the true power of a sword." Diana thought of her Vulcan brother Hephaestus.

Her Vulcan sword, divine shield, and protective silver bracelet were all forged by Hephaestus, but only she could exert 120% of the effectiveness of the artifact.

Thinking of this, she asked again: "Harry, are you sure that only Hal is a 'natural swordsman'? Maybe there are others who also have sword talents.

It's just that the Sword of Entropy is unique in the world and no one else can access it.

If you don't have access to it, you naturally don't know if you can become a sword god. "

"You want to try the sword?" Harley asked.

Diana said calmly: "The Sword in the Stone is placed in the center of the square. Everyone can pull it out, but they are all proven to be unqualified to use it, so everyone is willing to accept King Arthur's rule.

It’s not that we are unconvinced that Hal can use the ‘Sword Demon Arms’, we are just unwilling to be unable to join the main battlefield after the external crisis comes. "

Harry praised: "It's great to have such a spirit! In two days, I will forge a 'Sword in the Stone of Entropy' for you, and let you try it one by one.

If we can find a second 'Time Demon', Hal will have more teammates, and the foundation of our multiverse will be richer. "

"So, the 'Sword Demon Armed Forces' can really be mass-produced? The number of heroes is limited, but there are many people on earth. Looking at the multiverse, the demographic dividend is inexhaustible. Isn't it possible to create an 'Entropic Demon Sword Army'?" "Oliver said in shock.

"Judging from the process and results of the Omega Titan Annihilation War, if we can really form a 'Hal Legion', even if it only consists of 100 people, we will have a high probability of becoming a 'little giant' that dominates the omnipotent universe.

Unfortunately, although this dream is beautiful, it is just an illusion after all. "Harry shook his head and sighed.

"Not even Hal from the parallel universe?" Dachao asked.

"There is Harley Quinn in the parallel universe. Wouldn't it be more domineering for you to form a 'Witch Harley Army'?"

Dachao's facial muscles twitched slightly.

"Harry, I suddenly thought of a question." Hal said with a serious expression: "From now on, I will be watched by the gods, right?

If they can't suppress their lust and are no longer satisfied with peeping in secret, and attack me brazenly, and I struggle to resist, but are beaten to death, will the entropy in my body explode?

If entropy explodes out of control, wouldn't it destroy the entire multiverse? "

"The gods don't dare to attack you, and they can't kill you silently." Harley said.

Hal solemnly said: "If you're not afraid of ten thousand, you'd better take the entropy out of my body."

There was entropy in the Tooth Fairy sword before, but first of all, that tooth belonged to Harley, and even the God King could not destroy Harley's active tooth.

Now entropy is sealed in his teeth. Although his teeth have been modified by Harley's divine genes, they are not as powerful as Harley's own teeth.

Secondly, the entropy in the Tooth Fairy Sword was like a gem embedded in the weapon. It only added indestructible sharp power to the Tooth Fairy Sword and did not consume entropy. Therefore, there was not much entropy in the tooth, just a trace. After it exploded, it was still Not as good as the Crack of Entropy back then.

The current ‘Teeth Bone Arms’ has changed the attack mode.

Entropy is emitted in the form of sword light, extremely powerful, but it is being depleted every moment.

In order not to run out of energy in the middle of the battle, a lot of entropy is stored in the teeth. Once it explodes, it will destroy the world.

Harley glanced at the green light ring on his right hand and said: "When I go back, I will build an entropy lamp furnace for you. The entropy is stored in the lamp furnace on weekdays. When it is necessary to activate the weapon, it can temporarily charge your sword. .”

"Won't the Entropy Lamp Furnace break down?"

"The entropic lamp furnace made of my bones is difficult to destroy." After a pause, Harley added: "I will leave a will in the bone cells, and before the lamp furnace is about to be destroyed, it will struggle to jump into time. Mother River, quickly sliding towards the end of the river of time."

Hal was relieved.

Neptune asked in confusion: "Howl's 'Magic Sword' is like the Lantern Ring. It keeps losing energy when used. The energy may also be exhausted during the battle?"

Howl's magic sword is more like a water gun. The water gun spreads water outwards, while Howl's Tooth Fairy sword spreads entropy outwards.

"if not?"

Neptune glanced at Hal and said: "I thought entropy was like a miraculous power. Hal is a magician who uses entropy to cast magic. After the magic is over, he can also absorb the nearby wave of entropy to replenish energy."

"I am far from reaching that state." Hal shook his head and said: "I can only control a small amount of entropy as a weapon. If entropy has spread to the universe, I cannot prevent them from annihilating everything that exists."

As he spoke, he glanced at Harley again, "Without Harley's cooperation, entropy can only be used as the last suicide weapon, bringing the whole world to death with the enemy."

Oliver touched the goatee on his chin and said: "It seems that the Alliance of Gods cannot be disbanded yet.

If another enemy emerges from the hole in the origin wall in the future, we will wait and wait until it arrives, and immediately create a cage world and pull it into the bottom layer of Limbo.

Wait until you reach the edge of Taixu, and then communicate with it verbally.

If it is a good person, let it out; if it is malicious, ask Hal to take action. "

"Can't we defend the enemy outside the country? The cage world is too passive and too easy to be disturbed. If in the omnipotent universe, Harley can open her mouth and directly spurt out a river of entropy. It is simple and neat, and the power is even more amazing. ." Dinah said.

Da Chao muttered: "Ordinary people touch the Origin Wall and are immediately stuck to it, turning into stone sculptures. That's what Harley said."

He looked at Harley and asked, "Can you go through the hole in the wall?"

"Maybe, maybe not, no matter whether I can or not, I won't try. You all can think of waiting inside the wall, but can't others wait outside the wall?

There is no need to keep watch all the time, just get a 'big omnipotent universe monitor' and put it next to it. Who knows what I will encounter after getting out of the hole, I will not leave my life to luck. "

Harley looked up and said, "We have been missing for too long, and the people on Earth are a little panicked.

Let's go back first and think about the future later. Anyway, we have a way out now. "

"What retreat?" Dachao asked doubtfully.

Neptune chuckled and said: "All the people on Earth hid in the Ark Continent and followed Harley to fight guerrillas in the Ocean of Entropy."

Dachao nodded with a relaxed expression at first, then frowned and said, "We can run, but where are the others?"

Neptune said helplessly: "If you are poor, you can take care of yourself. If you are rich, you can help the world. We have all been reduced to running around and fighting guerrillas. How can we consider the safety of the world?"

"Oh, I hope it won't happen one day." Dachao sighed with a frown.

As soon as Harry had an idea, a huge bubble filled everyone in it, and then quickly rose up.

After leaving the bottom floor of Limbo Prison and entering Limbo Prison, the bubbles faded and disappeared. The next moment, they emerged from the material universe and appeared directly outside the gate of the Hall of Justice.

"Harry, you are finally back!"

The anxiety and worry on Sam Lane's old face turned into joy and excitement in an instant.

"Has the Omega Titan been completely destroyed?" Louise also came over excitedly, holding the microphone.

Harley's voice was very soft, but it reached the minds of everyone present, "This time the crisis of the Omega Titans is officially over, and all four Titans have been destroyed.

But I am not the main force in solving the crisis.

The superheroes on earth and the gods of the fifth world are the real heroes.

Humans and supernatural powers worked together to save our common home. "

She pointed her hand in the direction of the heroes of the Justice League, "If you have any questions, you can ask the Justice League. They participated in the entire 'Operation Titan Destruction'."

"You decide what you can and cannot say. I'll leave first." Harley quietly sent a message to the heroes before planning to run away.

"No, it's impossible. The Omega Titan cannot be destroyed."

A sudden howl from the ground in the distance made Harley stop again.

It's Brainiac!

Even when Harley went to Limbo, the golden film wrapped around his body did not disappear. Now he began to struggle again, screaming angrily while struggling.

"Hehe, you should be able to feel it, right? They have completely disappeared, and all connections between you and them have been severed." She walked to Brainiac with a sarcastic smile.

Brainiac's face was full of reluctance and disbelief, "That is the harvesting machine of the Transcendents! Without Transcendence, why should you resist the Transcendents?"

"As long as I see your reluctance and disbelief, it's enough. I don't need to explain it to you to shock and shock you." Harley looked at his twisted face happily, tapped her foot lightly, and Brainiac turned around. A faint light flashed quickly on the lower stone slab, and a huge five-pointed star sacrificial circle had been formed.

"Brainiac, goodbye. If you have any questions, go howl in hell!"


Dachao and Sam Lane said in unison, and both walked quickly to Harley and stopped her.

Ryan was excited but said in a low voice: "Harry, look where we are? Thousands of foreign guests and hundreds of Galaxy celebrities are looking at you, and their cameras are also pointed at you.

The alien's camera is so advanced that it can clearly capture the fuzz on your face.

Now with a ferocious smile on your face, you use black magic to sacrifice Brainiac in public. What a bad influence!

Why don't you take Brainiac into custody first, and wait until night? Well, there is no need for you to do it yourself. When the banquet is held in the evening, you show up and get an alibi, and then Amanda Waller quietly puts the cloth on Leniac did it.

You don't have to doubt Waller's methods, they will definitely send Brainiac to hell. "

Dachao glanced at his old father-in-law with tangled eyes, and whispered: "The alien reporter's camera is very advanced. Even if your voice is very soft, it can record your lip movements, and then let the lip language expert translate your words.

Therefore, the best option is to return Brainiac to the Koru people as soon as possible.

The Kolu civilization has the most advanced prisons, which will definitely ensure that Brainiac can no longer bring trouble to the starry sky. "

Ryan glared at his son-in-law, his expression a little contemptuous, "I know you Zhenglian don't like killing people, and you want to beat around the bush to save Brainiac, but you underestimate me too much.

Look at my position!

Unless the aliens' cameras are so advanced that they can penetrate the human body, it's weird that they can capture my face. "

After hearing what his old father-in-law said, Dachao was surprised to find that Ryan had his back to the square, and his body was right in front of Harley and Brainiac, covering most of the black magic circle on the ground.

Seeing the surprise and embarrassment in his son-in-law's eyes, "Old Ginger" Ryan smiled proudly and said: "You can go and accept the interview with the famous reporter of the universe in peace, leave Brainiac to me.

As long as you pretend not to see some things, it means they never happened. "

Seeing that his son-in-law's expression became excited, he sighed again and said in a slower tone: "Brainiac is obviously the white glove of the Koru people. If you return him to the Koru people today, he will be able to escape from prison tomorrow.

His attitude toward our planet is visible to all.

Because he hates the earth, Harley and your Justice League, he even volunteered to become a servant of the Omega Titan, just for the Titan to come to the earth and destroy it.

You know, the giant god just destroyed his mother civilization!

It would be fine if he were an ordinary person, but he is not. He has the ability to carry out his revenge plan.

Yes, you are tearing apart Man, you are not afraid, but now more and more people on Earth are leaving the solar system and spreading to every corner of the universe. As long as Brainiac is willing, he can easily make millions of people on Earth miserable and miserable. Die, die without peace of mind. "

Dachao frowned and said, "I don't ask you to acquit Brainiac, but you have to give him a fair and open trial on Earth. If the judge sentences him to death, Zhenglian will never say anything else."

When Harley was about to sneer at him, Ryan nodded solemnly and said, "Yes, I will ensure that he is given a fair and open trial and that he is sentenced to death."

The last sentence he said was to Harley.

"Sister Harley" saw the sacrificial circle under Brainiac disappear, and Lina came over with a worried expression: "My brother has been unconscious, what happened to him?"

"Hal Jordan didn't tell you?"

"He only said that there was nothing wrong with Luther, but that he was mentally exhausted." Lina said.

Harley nodded and said, "Yes, Luther has been devoured by entropy. Part of his mental power has been swallowed up. Go back and recuperate for a few months. Eat well, drink well, and practice diligently, and you will be able to recover as before."

Luther's head was exposed to the wave of entropy, and he actively released his mental power to explore the "black mosaic" covering his head. Although his body did not directly come into contact with entropy, his mental power was annihilated.

"What does entropy mean?" Lina asked confused.

Harley pointed at the Zhenglian hero who was being interviewed by the famous alien reporter and said, "Go and listen, they will definitely explain entropy."

"Harry——" Ryan pulled the sleeves of her coat and handed the phone to her with a proud smile.

There is a line of text on the screen of the mobile phone: Don’t worry, Brainiac will not survive until the court session, and Waller will take care of everything.

"How to explain it to the outside world? Like Meng Ge, he was not acclimatized and died of illness?" Harley glanced at him and said coolly: "When the news comes out, the aliens will definitely complain - how bad the earth's environment is. The 'double catastrophes in the universe' that have caused numbness to the scalps of countless advanced civilizations are actually diseases that have killed the earth."

Ryan smiled awkwardly, then immediately turned his head warily to look at Superman's son-in-law.

Sure enough, I saw my son-in-law with his head tilted slightly and looking this way out of the corner of his eye.

Catching a glimpse of his father-in-law's sideways glance, Dachao stiffly turned his head to avoid his sight.

Ryan sighed helplessly and said: "No matter how confused the aliens are, how much they insinuate us to hide our lies and deceive others, it is still better than you directly sacrificing human beings in public.

You are the galactic admiral and the face of Earth’s civilization. "

Harley asked: "Do you know why the world knows that I like to sacrifice living people? If I want to do it quietly, no one will know. Just like many mages secretly sacrifice demons, but no one spreads the news. "

Ryan was stunned when he heard this and said: "You want to shock the world? Today is the same as in the past, using a public human sacrifice to shock Xiaoxiao?"

"Brainiac publicly claimed that he conspired to plot against Earth's civilization. If we don't respond sharply, there will be more 'Brainiacs' appearing in the future.

Today, he was sacrificed in public, and the number of 'Brainiacs' was reduced by at least 90%.

Killing one person can save ten thousand people.

Of course, my main purpose is to reduce trouble. If I do it once today, I will save countless troubles tomorrow.

As for reputation"

Harley smiled contemptuously, "I'm not the Justice League."

Ryan caught a glimpse of his son-in-law looking this way again, his expression quite dissatisfied, as if he wanted to defend something.

"What should we do now? How about we continue to sacrifice in public?" Ryan asked.

He now understands that although "Galactic Admiral" is the signature of Earth's civilization, "Witch Harley" is also famous. What does it matter if Witch Harley sacrifices a few living people?

By sacrificing Brainiac alive, the earth will be saved from countless troubles, which is so worth it.

Harry shook his head and said: "Only by being straightforward and ruthless can you shock people. Anyone who shows a trace of hesitation and hesitation will only be regarded by others as being fierce and ruthless, and cannot intimidate others."

"Or let Brainiac die of illness?" Ryan regretted.

His magnanimity and foresight are still not as good as Harley's!

"You can do whatever you want." Harley waved her hand, and her figure faded away.

"Witch Harley, come here."

Before Harley even landed, an impatient voice came directly into her mind.

"James Zhou?"

Harley's figure flashed away, leaving Lishan and arriving at Limbo Prison.

The young Asian-looking caster subconsciously took two steps back when he saw her floating over.

"Just call me 'Zhou Zhan', or 'A Zhan' or 'Xiao Zhou'," he said with an unnatural expression.

Harley smiled and said, "Xiao Zhou, you haven't returned to the sixth dimension yet."

"The Forge of the World needs the 'Dragon of Barbatos'!"

"The half-year period hasn't come yet, right?"

Although she planned to send Sage Oz to the sixth dimension when the Omega Titan crisis was over, the celebration party hadn't even started yet, and Sage Oz hadn't even had time to say goodbye to his relatives and friends.

The caster Xiao Zhou said solemnly: "Today is different from the past. At that time, the Omega Titan had not yet appeared, and now the situation is worse.

Not to mention the impact of the Omega Titans on the laws of the universe, the fear they bring to the multiverse has greatly increased the defective rate of cosmic embryos.

Without the Dragon of Barbatos, I couldn't recycle the defective embryos.

They can only be transformed into the Dark Nightmare Universe, and the Nightmare Dark Universe cannot exist stably, and the world will soon die.

The universe of death is piling up and resentments are soaring, and the Dragon of Barbatos is needed to deal with it. "

Harley muttered: "OK, I'm going to help you call 'Ochi Barbatos True Dragon' here now."

"Ochi Barbatos True Dragon? Isn't it Barbatos?" the caster asked in surprise.

Harley smiled proudly, "I said that if I want to deprive Barbatos of his destiny, I will definitely not let Barbatos go back."

Seeing that he wanted to ask more questions, Harley raised her hand to stop him: "Sage Aoqi will return to the sixth dimension with you. From now on, he will be your subordinate. If you have any questions, you can go to him directly or study him directly.

Just one thing, he's mine. You know what I mean? "

"As long as he can really complete the work of the Dragon of Barbatos, I will not treat him badly."

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