I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1858 The ambitions of the Koru people

"Harley, your guess is really accurate!" Commander Ryan gave a thumbs up, his face full of admiration, "The Four Omega Gods did not come to the earth immediately.

He probably won't come to Earth for a long time.

It is impossible to say that we will not actually face a crisis until it is over. "

Speaking of this, he couldn't help but sigh, "Oh, we really worried in vain before.

If we had listened to your arrangements honestly and not messed around in Ark Continent, we would not have had so many deaths, nor would we have caused huge economic losses due to the shutdown of work and production.

However, it’s no wonder that people are nervous. For the first time in so many years, a large-scale multiverse-level crisis didn’t come to Earth first. Who could have predicted it but you? "

There have been many crises that have occurred in the universe before, such as the Sun-Eating Beast, the Black Death Emperor, the Color-Light War, the Green Lantern Rebellion, the Disaster of the Little Blue Man, and the Disaster of the First Generation Lantern. These crises do not target the entire universe or the multiverse. , it is normal for the crisis within the universe to first occur on an alien planet. After all, the Black Death Emperor also belongs to the Black Lantern, and the source of the Color Light Legion is the Little Blue Man and Oa.

If it really targets the universe or the multiverse, the flashpoint and main battlefield of the crisis will always be the earth.

"Commander, Harley, now is not the time to gloat over misfortunes. The Omega Titan has arrived on Kelu, and we don't know what to do yet. Tens of billions of people on Kelu are facing a life-and-death crisis. We should act quickly!"

Although Dachao's voice was loud and his expression was resolute, his eyes were full of worry and anxiety.

Ryan glanced at his son-in-law and said angrily: "I just feel that the troubled earth is finally at ease. How can you say that I am gloating?

When the meeting in the Hall of Justice is over, I will immediately summon Ambassador Kelu from Star Street and express my condolences and care to him sincerely. "

Diana looked at the joy and relaxation that was restrained but could not be concealed on his face, and said coolly: "Commander, you'd better hide the joy on your face before you go to Xingchen Street to find Ambassador Kelu."

Ryan subconsciously reached out and touched his face. When he touched his face, he put down his hand in embarrassment and said: "I may be happy, but I am just happy that the earth has not been damaged.

I believe any normal person on Earth would be very happy right now.

And I am happy that my home planet is safe and sound, which does not affect me at all to pay more attention to the disaster-stricken planet Kelu with a deeper concern. "

Bateman said solemnly: "Now is not the time to argue about such trivial matters. How to deal with the crisis of the Four Giants and how to ensure that the tens of billions of lives on the planet Kelu are not harmed is the key."

As he spoke, he looked at Harley.

The surrounding heroes, including Ryan, also turned their attention to Harley.

Harley said calmly: "Actually, you can continue to talk nonsense. At this moment, my body has arrived in Kelu, and I am observing the development of the situation from a higher dimension, and the development of the matter is not as urgent as you think.

Before the Omega Titan really takes action, it’s useless for you to get angry and rush to the planet Keru. "

"Are you just a shadow in the Hall of Justice? What's the situation on Kelu now? What is the Omega Titan doing?" Dachao asked quickly.

"Currently, they are only surrounding Kelu Planet, and they seem to have dropped some things on the planet. The time is too short, I haven't understood it yet." Harley said.

She had been searching for the Omega Titan in the Sea of ​​Law, and was also looking for prophecies related to the Omega Titan in the River of Destiny. So as soon as the Omega Titan returned to the material universe, she knew about it and notified the Justice League immediately.

The Zhenglian heroes also responded quickly.

At this time, only two minutes have passed since the Omega Titan officially appeared on the outskirts of the planet Keru.

It took two minutes to see any obvious changes in Kelu Star.

Harley could not figure out the methods and plans of the Omega Titan.

"According to our original plan, it's time for the 'Galaxy Troops' to be dispatched now, right? But we don't know how to deal with the Omega Titans unless you tell us their weaknesses." Wonder Woman said.

Ryan said hurriedly: "Don't worry, the Omega Titan just appears in Kelu. It does not mean that Kelu is in crisis, nor does it mean that the tens of billions of people on Kelu are facing a life-and-death crisis.

First of all, the news that the Omega Titan appeared in the main universe became public news as early as a month ago, and had been known to the Koru people even earlier.

Kelu is the top civilization in the universe today.

They had such a long time to prepare, so they probably didn’t need our help at all.

In addition, Coru is a sovereign civilization, not a federal state in the United States.

When you are performing tasks on Earth, and when encountering international disputes, you need to pass through the target country in advance, and you can only cross the border of another country after obtaining approval from the other country.

Now, without the permission of the Kolu civilization, a large number of "military teams" composed of extraordinary people have rashly entered the main planet of Kolu. What will other people in Kolu think?

Even if we want to take action, we must first receive an invitation letter from the Kolu people, or wait until the negotiations between the Kolu ambassador and I are completed.

Last but not least, it's useless for you to rush Harley.

Omega Titan comes from the Great Almighty Universe, she needs time to observe, we already know this. "

After a pause, he lowered his voice and said with strange eyes: "To be honest, the Omega Titans are surrounding the planet Keru, and we shouldn't rush to rescue them at all.

If we sacrifice a Kelu star, we can understand the basic information of the "Almighty Visitor from the Universe", and let Harley peek into the secrets of the organization behind the Omega Titan, which will definitely make a lot of money. "

"How can you say such a thing? There are tens of billions of lives on the Kelu planet, and it is not the only living planet in the Kelu galaxy. The number of humans in the entire star system exceeds 30 billion!" Da Chao said excitedly.

Ryan said seriously: "If you don't have the consciousness to accept sacrifice, it will only cause greater sacrifice.

What we are facing is not a conventional enemy that can be easily defeated with hard work.

Just hearing the name "Transcendental Organization" makes it clear that they can easily destroy our multiverse.

To an individual, one planet equals one world, which is great; but compared to the entire multiverse, the sacrifice of one planet is really insignificant.

Moreover, I just said to sacrifice the planet Kelu, but I don't mean to give up the people on the planet.

Just like every household in our country has a car, spaceships are very common in advanced civilizations.

The main star of Kolu is the core of Kolu civilization, and there must be enough spaceships to transfer everyone away.

There are two things we need to do now. "

He raised two fingers and said quickly: "First, the most urgent task is to understand the specific reason why the Omega Titan is eyeing the planet Keru.

By understanding this, we can speculate on the Omega Titan's next goals, and we can also truly determine whether the earth is safe.

Second, if Harley finds a way to kill the Omega Titans, what are we going to do with them?

A very simple truth, it is not too difficult to make the American Black Hawk fall, but what happens after the Black Hawk falls?

The Pentagon generals have tough tempers and tough tactics.

I guess the temper and methods of the detached ones will only get tougher. "

The heroes fell into thinking.

Dachao turned to Harley and asked, "What are your ideas or plans?"

Harley said in a casual tone: "The commander's analysis makes sense. We must first figure out what can and should be done before we can do anything."

Dinah pondered: "I'm not sure why the Omega Titan chose the planet Kelu, but I know a fact. The planet Kelu is called the 'crisis desert'. More than 90% of the people who have recently left the earth due to the crisis of the Omega Titan Choosing to go to Kelu, they must be very much looking forward to our rescue right now."

Oliver gloated and said with a smile: "I'm more curious about their expressions and moods now, hahaha."

Neptune asked strangely: "Why is Kelu called the 'Crisis Desert'? As far as I know, during the Senagan-Lan War, Kelu directly participated in Star Wars as an ally of Rann."

"The title of 'Crisis Desert' on Coru comes from the Earth, and the Coru people themselves have never promoted it like this." Dinah explained: "Long before the Dark Night, there was an Internet celebrity named 'Jack of Coru'. Take various videos on Keru and send them to the Earth Internet.

For example, going to the supermarket to buy a large basket of alien delicacies for 100 Coru coins proves that Coru has rich products and low prices; for example, running in an uninhabited alley in the middle of the night proves Coru's safety; for example, he is walking on the street He played earth music on the platform, and many Korlu people stopped to listen and threw coins into his piano case, proving his prowess in earth art. For example, he participated in various Korlu banquets and national festivals to promote Korlu culture and customs.

In short, that Internet celebrity is relatively famous on Earth and in Colu, and his videos are widely circulated.

When the dark night fell, he uploaded many videos of his happy life on the planet Keru during the crisis, which greatly stimulated the people who were suffering on Earth.

During a live broadcast, when some people on Earth asked, "Is Kelu Planet particularly safe?" the Internet celebrity excitedly praised Kelu Planet as a "crisis desert" - the earth has experienced countless crises in the past ten years. , more than 80% of the planets in the universe have been affected by the "color-light crisis". Only Keru has no multiverse crisis, and has never been invaded by black light zombies, color-light legions, or crazy little blue men. "

Ryan sighed: "Interstellar war is a man-made disaster and does not fall into the category of unexpected and uncontrollable crises.

Simply discussing the extent of disasters caused by various crises, ‘crisis desert’ definitely deserves its name.

Back then, the Black Lantern zombies plowed through almost the entire universe, except Kelu.

The Koru people can avoid crises not only by luck, but also by strength.

Brainiac's City in a Bottle and Cosmic Shield technologies have long been popularized by the Koru people within civilization.

The 'Third Legion' created by the little blue men has arrived at the door of Kelu's house. However, it failed to break through the time and space blockade of the Kelu people and could not even enter the Kelu galaxy. "

Brainiac is a Koru planet.

Brainiac is to the Kolu civilization, just like the top villain on earth is to the earth's civilization, and Brainiac is feared by countless civilizations in the universe and is called "the greatest disaster in the universe". One can imagine the technological strength of Kelu.

Dinah said: "There must be planets like Kelu that have never been affected by the cosmic crisis, but there are no cheap direct flights between them and the earth. Earthlings don't know about them and can't go there."

Bateman said solemnly: "There is no need to discuss whether Kelu is qualified to be called a 'crisis desert'.

What we need to know is why Omega chose Kelu. "

Ryan looked at Harry who was "closing his eyes and concentrating" and asked, "Have you ever told them the secret of the 'Four Civilized Energys'?"

"The four major civilization energies? What are those?" Dachao asked confused.

Harley was still flying in the sky, and her main consciousness was observing the Omega Titan in Kelu. When she heard Ryan asking, she just said casually: "Explain it to them."

After hearing this, Ryan suddenly became energetic, his face seemed to be smeared with a layer of oil, it was red and shiny, so bright that it reflected light.

——God, Harley really trusts me and treats me as one of her own. Even the giants of Zhenglian don’t know the secrets of the four major civilization energies. She only told me one!

He could hardly suppress the excitement in his heart, his lips were trembling, his voice was trembling slightly, and he spoke very quickly, quickly telling the story of the Omega Titans representing entropy, knowledge, wonders, and mysteries respectively.

"I'm not sure what entropy is yet. Knowledge is scientific knowledge and technology, wonders represent the power of miracles, and secrets are genetic abilities. They are the main development direction of civilization and the core elements that constitute civilization.

So Harley asked me to shut down the earth's scientific research institutions and destroy the cutting-edge experimental data being studied.

Waller also arranged for Waller to transfer a large number of extraordinary and supernatural beings to the World of Martial Gods in the name of "strike hard".

Even the God King of Naboo shut down the Law of Order system.

Relying on Harley's foresight, this multiverse-level crisis finally did not come to our earth first.

The reason why the Omega Titans came to Kolu in the first place must be that the Kolu civilization has more "four major civilization energies" to attract them.

The topic we want to discuss now is why the Kolu people became the "number one in the universe in terms of total scores in four subjects". "

It was indeed the first time for the heroes to hear the secrets of the four major civilizational powers of entropy, knowledge, spectacle, and mystery. They were both shocked by the behavior of the four Omega gods in searching for the essence of civilization, and dissatisfied with Harley for hiding such an important thing. She hid it from everyone, and they thought she was too cautious at best, but she told Ryan, an ordinary person, but kept it hidden from them. Are they not as worthy of her trust as Sam Ryan?

Even with her eyes slightly closed, Harley could feel the emotions in everyone's hearts and "see" their eyes and expressions.

"I just don't feel the need to tell you. Tell you, what can you do?"

"We can warn Kelu and let them also reduce the 'performance' of the four major civilizations." Wonder Woman blurted out.

Harley opened her eyes and gave her a disdainful sidelong glance, "Then the Four Giants go to Lann Planet? You then notify Lan and let the Four Giants go to Senagon? Or, you disclose the news in an upright and awe-inspiring way, and everyone ends up going crazy and getting involved. , toss hard.

But in the end, there is always one planet that is targeted by the Four Giant Gods.

Everyone can perform so badly that they fail, but no matter how bad you perform, there will always be the ‘number one’ in the class. "

Ryan sighed: "Zhenglian adheres to the concept of justice. If you knew the key points of the Four Giant Gods' concerns in advance, you would be in agony and at a loss.

I am different. For the sake of the civilization of the earth, even if I am asked to be a bad guy, I will be happy and proud of it. "

Harley frowned and said, "You are willing to be a bad person, but I don't think I have done anything bad!

The “four major civilizational forces” were just my earlier predictions.

At that time, the Omega Titan had not yet entered the physical universe.

I'm not sure how accurate it is.

Moreover, many prophets or prophets of medium and high civilizations in the universe have made prophecies related to the four giant gods.

The goals of everyone's prophecies are the same, but the divination information given is different.

No one prophesied publicly, let alone tried to persuade others to believe their prophecies.

My predictions were all correct, attracting the attention of the Four Giant Gods, and the earth's civilization had the greatest chance of becoming a harvest target; I guessed wrong, and everyone blamed me, and even hated me for harming them. "

Dachao asked: "What are the measurement standards for the four energies of entropy, knowledge, mystery and wonder? I think the energy of our earth's mysteries and wonders is very high.

You alone can equal the combined power of other people’s entire civilizations and miracles. "

"Maybe I am a special case, not universal, and not included in the earth's civilization; maybe the Omega Titan cannot detect my existence; maybe the earth's overall score is too low, and knowledge and mysteries are holding back; maybe you can Wait a few days until I fully understand the operating mechanism of the Omega Titan, and then I will tell you the exact answer." Harley said.

Da Chao sighed helplessly, "Then how should we deal with the four giants of Omega? Should we kill them or capture them? Or throw them out of the hole in the origin wall?"

Harley pondered: "As long as you can do it without my help, it's okay to do whatever you want."

"With your reputation in the main universe, you still want to hide yourself? Can you hide it?" Dachao asked doubtfully.

“Hiding yourself from others and hiding your secrets from others are two different concepts.

I am at a very high level now, and people with higher levels have a more comprehensive understanding of me.

I defeated an ordinary person, and ordinary people would only say, "Witch Harley is really powerful." I defeated the King of God and the Creator easily, and the King of God lamented that my strength was close to transcendence. If I killed the Omega Titan with my own hands, they might How would the detached organization behind them define my 'danger index'?

If the 'Transcendence Organization' only indirectly knew that I was very powerful, they would at most think that I was the first person in the multiverse.

Every multiverse has a strongest being.

The Detached Organization doesn't care about the 'first person', but if the first person's score exceeds the full score of 100, they will be very curious, investigate in every possible way, test a thousand ways, and be extremely vigilant. "

Diana's eyes were suspicious: "You mean, you now have the strength of a transcendent person, enough to threaten the 'transcendence organization'?"

"If the 'Transcendence Organization' only regards me as the 'number one person in the multiverse,' after the failure of the Omega Titan, it may only arrange for the weakest Transcendence person in the organization to handle the funeral affairs.

If the 'Transcendence Organization' knows my specific score and knows that I may threaten the safety of the 'Transcendence Organization's weakest person', it will definitely arrange for someone stronger to come over. "

Harley looked at Diana and asked: "Do you want us to face the 'weakest' or the 'stronger' in the future?

Or, do you think it’s easier for me to kill the ‘weakest’ quietly, or is it more reliable for me to kill the ‘stronger’? "

Diana thought for a while and said: "If there really is a transcendent organization, there are the weakest, the stronger, the strong, and the strongest in the organization. You use dirty tricks to trap the weakest and wait for the stronger and stronger to come. What should you do?”

Ryan glanced at her with a hint of contempt in his eyes, "After killing the weakest person, Harley will definitely steal all his origins and drain all useful information and wisdom from his soul.

By then, Harley will not only understand the basic situation and basic strength of the 'Transcendence Organization', but also enhance her own power through the origin of the weakest person, becoming 'the omnipotent universe-level witch Harley'.

When someone stronger or strong comes to find them, they are just sending goods from the source. "

Diana was surprised and asked: "Harry, do you really plan like this? You are so crazy to plan a huge organization of transcendents."

Harley's expression was tangled, hesitant and didn't know how to answer.

Ryan immediately said with certainty: "Harry must have planned this."

"How are you so sure? Is it possible that Harry has discussed this matter with you?" Diana asked with some discomfort.

Ryan shook his head and said, "Isn't this common sense that everyone knows? Why do we need to discuss it?"

"I don't know." Diana said.

"When you have time, you can read more about the 'Galaxy Admiral's Comprehensive Analysis Report' by the elites of American think tanks, and you will naturally know." Ryan said matter-of-factly.

Harley held her forehead.

She really did what Ryan said, as long as she dealt with the "weakest" and snatched his origin to activate his expertise, she could calmly deal with the "stronger" and "powerful" in the future.

If the soul memory of the "weakest" confirms her guess: the Transcendence Organization is a sect, similar to Heaven, which all uses the power of God, Heaven, which all uses the power of the old gods, and the Green Lantern Corps, which all use the energy of the Green Lantern, take down She was delighted to see that the weakest person raised the defense expertise of 'transcending the organization', and the other "stronger people", "powerful people", and "strongest people" were just more fat rations.

If the soul memory of the "weakest" proves that she has misunderstood. Although the Transcendence Organization is a group, it is not "of the same sect." Similar to the Justice League, the heroes all use powers with different attributes. Harley simply gives up the earth and takes the world with her. People fight guerrillas with the "stronger ones".

This plan is not brilliant, but it is solid and highly feasible.

So she was calm and composed from beginning to end, as if she had everything under control.

But I don't expect that now only mortals can reveal the secrets of heaven, and similar mortals are not just one or two, or even more than one or two groups.

Her robbing and stealing of other people's origins has unknowingly become common knowledge.

Even mortals have figured out her routines and habits.

This is so embarrassing.

Dachao frowned and said, "Harry, why have you never thought about living peacefully and communicating sincerely with the 'Transcendence Organization'?

If you show strength enough to hurt them, will they listen to your appeal and let us in the multiverse go?

After all, you said before that sending four Omega Titans instead of transcendents to harvest the 'power of the four major civilizations' itself shows that they do not pay attention to our universe.

Since we don’t value our multiverse, we certainly don’t care about the little ‘harvest’ our universe has.

If they fight you to the death, they may kill the 'weakest'.

But the value of the 'weakest' exceeds the harvest of countless multiverses, right?

After weighing the pros and cons, they may recognize your strength and allow our multiverse to continue to exist. "

Harley was about to lie and say that's what she thought, but Ryan was just talking nonsense.

Then Ryan said first: "Who do you think Harley is? Harley, the majestic witch, the embodiment of cunning and insidiousness, still needs you to teach her how to do things?"

No matter what evil thoughts she is planning in her heart, she will put a sincere smile on her sweet and lovely face, and use a more honest and sincere attitude than you to deceive the "Transcendence Organization", making them think that she is a simple and good person.

Or they already know that she is the witch Harley, and Harley disguises herself as a "country girl" who is ambitious but has no transcendent experience to lower their vigilance.

If they really respect her and let our universe go as you said, Harley will definitely continue to have friendships and be friends with them, and try to use their resources and information to develop and strengthen herself.

When the Transcendence Organization encounters trouble, Harley is kind and loyal, and will do her best to sincerely help.

But if she shows absolute kindness and they are still arrogant and cold-hearted, Harley's laughing knife will be unsheathed before they can use their evil tricks on us, killing them with one move and robbing them of their origins to strengthen themselves. "

Dachao thought carefully with his super brain, looked at his father-in-law with different eyes, and said with emotion: "You really understand Harley!"

Ryan was not complacent, but shook his head disapprovingly, "With Harley's current status, who wouldn't understand her and study her carefully?"

Harley wants to change her vest.

"Those think tank experts and social elites thought they knew me, but what happened? I obviously treated me with sincerity, but they had treacherous intentions and now they have put themselves in the most dangerous situation."

She tried to put on a disapproving, nonchalant, and indifferent expression on her face to express her contempt for Ryan's previous remarks.

Bateman looked at Ryan and said, "Commander, do the Koru people know about the Justice League's plan to form a 'Galaxy Team' to deal with the crisis of the Omega Titans?"

"Team Galaxy has been established for a month, and the news has already spread. They should know about it, right?" Ryan said.

Bateman said solemnly: "Nearly an hour has passed since Harley informed us that the Omega Titan has arrived in Colu, but the watchtower has not received any request for help from Colu."

Ryan smiled and said: "This is a good thing. They are confident in handling the crisis. They don't need us at all. Let's not be too arrogant."

Bateman turned to Harley and asked, "What's the situation on Kelu now? Do they have the ability to send out a message for help?"

"It's not like you don't know the coordinates of the Kelu star. You can go and see it yourself. Don't enter the Kelu star system. The Kelu star has been blocked by the Omega giant. You can't enter or leave."

When Cyborg led several Zhenglian heroes out of the sonic boom channel, thousands of spaceships were already parked outside the Kolu system.

Most of them are printed with the space logo of the Kolu planet, and they belong to the Kolu military.

The rest mostly belong to the Kolu civilization.

When the Omega Titan appeared in the main galaxy of Kolu, the first people to be alarmed were of course the Kolu people themselves.

If they could enter and leave the planet Keru normally, these spacecraft alone would be able to transfer everyone on the main star.

In addition to the Koru, there are also many well-informed alien reconnaissance ships.

The appearance of the Zhenglian heroes caused a small sensation in the starry sky, and then they were surrounded by Kolu warships and space robots.

"Heroes of the Justice League, we are not hostile, we are just making sure that you are not hostile either." Commander Kelu's voice came from the command ship.

He still gave the earth guy face and didn't arrange a herald to dispatch the heroes of Zhenglian.

"Your Majesty Commander, since you know we are the Justice League, why do you think we are hostile?" Cyborg used his mechanical brain to receive signals, and also transmitted Dachao's angry words to the command ship through the antenna in his mechanical brain.

The commander said: "Trespassing into the Koru system without permission is a hostile act."

"We are here to help you, and we understand the rules and have not entered the star system directly. We plan to contact your government, inquire about the situation of the Omega Titan, and then cooperate with you in carrying out rescue operations.

And before coming to the Kolu Galaxy, we also met your Ambassador Kosno on Earth.

He didn’t know the exact status, but he agreed and praised our timely actions. " Dachao explained.

The commander was silent for a moment, his tone slowed down, and he said: "I understand, the situation in the Keru Galaxy is very complicated, you can wait outside.

If necessary, we will take the initiative to find you.

But before you get my permission, you are absolutely not allowed to get close to Kelu Prime! "

The last sentence became harsh again.

"What are the Koru people doing? They didn't even try to ask Harley about the Omega Titans." Diana wondered.

Before coming to the Kolu Galaxy, Bateman had given them countless warnings, asking them to be cautious and to refuse the Kolu people's request to join forces to deal with the Omega Titan before they understood the situation.

Well, they thought they were super popular. As soon as they arrived, the desperate eyes of all the Korlu people immediately became bright and full of hope, and then they shouted loudly, calling them to find the Galaxy Admiral immediately.

Well, they are the sweethearts, but Harley is the savior.

Anyone in their right mind would long for the Galactic Admiral to take action himself.

Now, instead of crying with gratitude and being extremely moved, the Koru people treated them as thieves. They even didn’t even mention Admiral Galaxy. They never shouted, “Go and ask for Admiral Galaxy. Besides her, who else can solve the problem of the Great Almighty?” Visitors from the universe."

Dachao turned on his super vision, and while looking at the Keru star dozens of light-hours away, he comforted his companions: "Be calm, we don't know much about the Omega Titans now, and we have nowhere to go if we want to save people, so why not First—I bought it, it’s so big!”

He finally saw the Omega Titan.

Sure enough, as Harley said, they are too big, with a height of more than a thousand kilometers.

They stood on the outskirts of the planet Kelu, just like adult men standing on the edge of a merry-go-round. The contrast was particularly strong and terrifying. For the people on Kelu, the Omega Titan has truly blocked out the sky and the sun.

However, their presence did not affect the surrounding gravity.

They are like illusory projections that can be seen with the naked eye, but do not have a significant impact on the surrounding environment.

"How come such a large volume and such a thick metal armor has no effect on gravity? It doesn't even change the surrounding physical constants, as if they are just a shadow." Cyborg asked doubtfully.

"Harley said they are essentially the Four Laws. The laws should be weightless and will not interfere with the surrounding physical rules and laws of the universe." Dachao said in an uncertain tone.

They did not find that the Omega Titan rewrote physical constants and distorted the rules of the universe, but the current fact is that the space and time around the Keru Star is locked.

Even a Muggle like him could clearly feel that Koru Prime was like an isolated island, cut off from the entire universe in terms of the continuity of time and space.

"Harley, Harley, can you hear me?" Dachao had doubts in his heart, and knowing that Harley was also "nearby" observing the Omega Titan, he opened his mouth and shouted directly.

Harley couldn't hear it with her ears, but she sensed it spiritually.

But she only looked down at him and ignored him.

Da Chao called several times but received no response, so he had to give up the idea of ​​asking for help from Harley.

He and several companions flew around the Kolu star system, observing the status of the Omega Titan and Kolu star from all angles.

When encountering reconnaissance ships from alien civilizations on the way, they did not refuse to exchange information with them.

After two days and two nights of this tossing, the appearance of the Kelu star system did not appear to have changed at all.

During this period, Commander Keru never contacted them.

Dachao couldn't stand it any longer and came to the command ship again. "Your Excellency, Commander, you should be able to contact the people in the Kolu system, right? Can you tell me your plan? We can cooperate with you."

The commander said bluntly: "Thank you for your concern for the Kolu civilization. We will always remember this friendship, but we really don't need your help. You can go."

If he is vague or evasive, Dachao will threaten him with "If you don't tell the truth, we will go back to the earth."

But what Dachao, Diana and others never expected was that the Koru people took the initiative to drive them away.

"Have you found a way to deal with the Omega Titan?" Dachao asked in surprise.

The Kolu people will definitely not give up on the main star of Kolu and the tens of billions of lives in the main system. Only when the Koru people can solve the crisis without the help of the Zhenglian will they rudely drive the Zhenglian heroes away.

"No comment." There was obvious indifference in Commander Kelu's tone.

The heroes of Zhenglian felt aggrieved and depressed, but they had no choice but to open the sonic boom channel and return to Earth dejectedly.

"Harley, what's the situation on Kelu now?" Dachao came to Lishan immediately. In fact, most of the heroes of the main alliance are in Lishan, and they are torturing themselves in Lishan's "Barbatos Training Camp".

"Are you asking about the status of the planet Kelu, or the situation of the Kelu people on the planet?" Today's Harley is obviously more relaxed and comfortable than a few days ago.

A few days ago, even if it was just a projection, she had her eyes closed and most of her energy was spent elsewhere, looking absent-minded.

At this moment, she was lying lazily on the sofa in the yard, basking in the sun, very leisurely.

Diana stared at her for a while, then suddenly asked: "Are you your true form now?"

"Good eyesight."

"The main body is back. It seems that you have mastered the basic situation of the Omega Titan." Da Chao's expression became more relaxed, and he quickly said: "The state of the Kelu Galaxy itself is very strange. I feel that it is different from the main body in space and time. The universe has been cut open, but the physical rules and cosmic laws around the Kolu Galaxy have not been distorted."

"Your body is very strong, so strong that a 'biological force field' appears around your body; my body's defense is very strong, strong enough to form a defensive force field, which is a 'gold film defensive shield'.

Any attribute that is strong enough to a certain extent will create a force field.

The Omega Titans are bodies of law. They are the ‘Endless Family’ without self-awareness. Well, they are members of the Endless Family holding 100% power. "

Diana's heart moved, "The powerful law body of the Omega Titan also forms a powerful law force field around itself?

They are only laws in themselves and have no self-will and will not affect the operation of the laws of the universe.

But their force fields cut off time and space, separating Keru from the main universe?

Therefore, there are no abnormal changes in the laws around Planet Keru, but its time and space are blocked. "

Harley nodded slightly, "This is probably not a coincidence, but the result of careful design by the organization behind Omega Titans.

A space-time force field ball that can only go in and out can ensure that all the entropy, knowledge, mysteries and wonders on the civilized planet are like juice in a bottle, with nowhere to escape and can only be drained dry by four straws. "

"Have the four Omega Titans begun to extract the entropy, knowledge, secrets and wonders of the Kelu planet? I saw that the Kelu people were calm and calm, and they had a city in mind. I thought they had taken care of the Omega Titans. At least they had found someone to restrain the Titans from plundering. method.

Since the power of the four major civilizations is losing rapidly, why do the Koru people react like this?

They are even afraid that we will enter the planet Keru to fight against the Omega Titan. " Dachao said in surprise.

Harley asked: "Under what circumstances would a person guard against another person who is not a thief like a thief?"

Diana and Da Chao frowned and thought for a moment, then exclaimed: "The Omega Titans are regarded by the Kolu people as a big treasure that they don't want to share with others? Are the Kolu people crazy?"

Harley shook her head slightly, "Only if they fail in the end, they will be considered crazy. If they succeed,"

"I don't know what they are planning, but the Omega Titan is the reaper, and the cosmic civilization is the harvested crops. How can the crops in the fields harvest the 'reapers' in turn?" Cyborg said.

Harley shrugged, "Since we've been targeted by the Reapers, it's better to fight than to sit back and wait for death.

Anyway, I admire the courage and courage of the Koru people, and I would like to bless them in the name of the God King!

Don't be anxious here, pray with me, God bless the people of Kolu. "

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