I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1859 Communication

Earth’s “little embassy” on the planet Kolu.

The person living there is an "ambassador", but the place he lives in is relatively small. The total area of ​​the office and the residences of the ambassador and military attache does not exceed 200 square meters.

At this time, the small embassy was packed with American citizens and foreigners from Earth.

"Kluco is one of the most powerful and influential advanced civilizations in the universe. It has always been on good terms with our earth. Why is the embassy so small?" The former commander-in-chief Abao opened his collar and his face was covered with oil and sweat. .

He spent all his efforts and squeezed all the way into the front door of the embassy from the street outside. Then he continued to squeeze in the crowd, and finally reached the innermost office and saw the Earth's ambassador to the planet Kelu.

The ambassador's office was not big, less than ten square meters. There were already military attachés and several distinguished earthlings inside. When Abao Tesla came in, he didn't even get a seat.

The bearded black military attache said helplessly: "Who doesn't want to live in a magnificent big house, but we have no money! The government only has such a small budget, so it can get a small piece of land on 'Ambassador Street' and build a small second-class house." Thanks to the people of Kolu who felt sorry for us, we were exempted from all taxes and the land was also discounted by 50%.

Even so, 70% of the money for purchasing building materials and constructing small buildings came from the people on Earth on Kelu. Well, they were the earlier ‘cosmic Didi drivers’. "

Abao was filled with indignation and scolded: "The government is incompetent and Sam Lane is derelict in his duties! This is the home planet of the Koru civilization. Our embassy is so shameless. How will the people of nearby Koru view us? How can the interstellar allies secretly Laughing at us?"

The ambassador was a white old woman in her early fifties with a kind face. After hearing this, she said softly: "The entire embassy, ​​including the driver and chef, only has five people, and a two-story building is enough.

Alien friends and nearby residents understand our situation and will not laugh at us. "

Abao said in a loud voice: "It's just because the house is too small, so there are only five of you. Normal embassy has the responsibility of receiving foreign guests. Look at how many people can be entertained in this small shabby house now?"

If an alien ambassador comes to visit, or there is a holiday such as Christmas, and alien guests want to come over for a banquet, where will you set the table and who will serve them? "

"Our Earth rarely participates in extraterrestrial affairs, and we don't have that much communication and entertainment." The ambassador said.

"Ambassador Jenny, you don't need to defend Sam Lane. He didn't provide you with communication resources, so you can't even do the most basic diplomatic methods-treating guests to dinner and building relationships."

The ambassador frowned and said, "Even if our embassy is strapped for funds, it has nothing to do with Commander Lane.

First of all, I am not only representing the United States.

I also represent the civilizations of the earth, and one-third of the embassy's funding comes from the United Nations.

Secondly, when I was appointed ambassador to Colu, General Lane was not yet the Commander-in-Chief. "

"Oh, it turns out that it is Zetas' responsibility. Like Ryan, he does not have a deep enough interstellar vision." Abao nodded gently, with a contemptuous smile on his face.

Ambassador Jenny said with a dull face: "You are right, Kelu is the strongest and most influential civilization in the universe. The key is that Kelu established diplomatic relations with the earth very early. I came here long before the end of the Lann-Senagon War. Serve as a diplomatic envoy on the planet Keru."

"The Lann-Senagon War" Abao's tone paused and his expression became a little distorted.

It was still a year or two before he left office!

So, Jenny, the old woman, was sent here by him? Why didn't he have any impression?

"Just now, Military Attaché Rex said that the construction of the embassy was sponsored by the Unisex Didi drivers. The Unisex Didi drivers were just last year, and the embassy did not exist for more than two years, right? I left office in the fourth year. Years ago." Abao looked at Ambassador Jenny with suspicion.

"It is true that the embassy was built less than two years ago, but it has been five or six years since we came to Kelu. Six years ago, our planet was even poorer. Let alone buying land to build the embassy, ​​we couldn't even pay for transportation."

The bearded military attache sighed: "At that time, there were no cheap direct flights for us to use.

To come to Colu by airship, you have to go to the port of ‘Rann G·B2023’ which is dozens of light-years away. The ticket costs up to 9 million Rann coins. The fiscal revenue of the United States for a year is not enough to pay for the tickets for the few of us.

Fortunately, the aliens have technology and we earthlings have magic.

Cyborg, the superhero from the Justice League, uses a sonic boom tunnel to send us directly to Kelu.

But we were poor and could only live in a small hotel in a remote location outside the city.

The driver Bam arranged for us by the Sky Eye is a superpower who can perform short-distance space teleportation; Xiaomei, the chef and secretary to the ambassador, is a magic apprentice from the Celestial Empire. She can transform natural plants such as flowers and weeds into Sweet and delicious fruit.

This way, we eliminate transportation and meal expenses.

If she was short of money, she would also ask Xiaomei to set up a night stall on the street to sell fruit. "

All the Earthlings in the office, except Po, looked at the military attache and ambassador with sympathy and admiration.

"The road is blue and blue, to open up the mountains and forests; brave the wind and rain, and forge ahead. You have not joined the Justice League, but you are all superheroes of the earth's civilization!" Hemingway, the former Acting Secretary of Commerce, nodded in admiration.

Ambassador Jenny smiled and waved her hands: "It's not as exaggerated as everyone thinks. Planet Kelu is not some remote place in the universe. It has the most advanced technology, the richest supplies, and the most popular culture here.

Our lives are far happier and more peaceful than those of the people on Earth.

Moreover, not long after we stayed in the hotel, the Zetas Commander greatly increased the funding for ambassadors abroad. We no longer had to set up a stall, and we also rented a planet-class airship.

When we were planning to rent a house and establish an embassy, ​​Father Galileo came to the planet Coru and built the ‘Cathedral of Coru’ with the funding of the Coru people.

We all moved into the church until enough funds were accumulated to build an embassy. "

Thinking of the various crises that have occurred on Earth in recent years and the suffering they experienced during the crises, the few Earthlings who had previously shown pity on their faces could no longer face the ambassador with sympathy.

She was telling the truth, their little life was much happier.

Abao originally wanted to remain silent like everyone else, but Ambassador Jenny just mentioned the Zetas.

Before the mass disappearance, the Zetas were his biggest rival and the person he hated the most, because the Zetas cost him the chance to be re-elected four years ago.

“When I was still in office, the earth had just come into contact with interstellar civilizations, and there was not even a single company selling products to extraterrestrial planets. We were not involved in any extraterrestrial affairs, whether commercially or politically.

As Ambassador Jenny said, we do not need to build an interstellar diplomacy system that is too large.

In an era when mankind on Earth has not escaped from famine and crisis, the Zetas have invested a large amount of money in face-saving projects such as alien embassies. This is irresponsible to their own people and a betrayal of mankind on Earth.

What's more, Kelu is a famous 'crisis desert' in the universe. Being an ambassador here is more comfortable than being a general in the United States, and it's not like you have no food or a place to live."

Lena Luthor, who occupied a sofa alone in the corner of the office, finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"This bullshit 'crisis desert', the Omega Titan is so big outside, it really covers the sky and the sun, it's bigger than the continental plates, you can't see it?

Now that you have found the embassy, ​​aren't you here to inquire about information or seek asylum, but to visit? "

She didn't care how Abao boasted about himself and belittled his competitors, but when she heard the words "crisis desert", she felt like her IQ was being trampled hard by someone's feet covered in cake.

Abao's expression froze, then quickly returned to normal, and said: "At least before the arrival of the Omega Titan, the name of the 'crisis desert' of Keru was worthy of its name. Otherwise, why did you bring your brother here to take refuge?"

"You don't need to remind me that I am willing to take responsibility for my own choices at any time.

I don't expect the same from you, but on this occasion and at this time, you are wasting everyone's time by making meaningless remarks.

Time is life now.

At least we're not here to talk to the ambassador just to talk nonsense. "Lina said bluntly.

"Yes, at this time, solving the current dilemma is the top priority. There is no point in talking nonsense." Several other people in the ambassador's office echoed.

When they said this, Abao also remembered the purpose of rushing to the embassy in a hurry, and quickly asked with expectation: "Jenny, I received news that you went to meet the Colu people this morning. Come back, right?

What did they say to you? Have you ever asked the Colu government when they will send us away? "

Before Ambassador Jenny could speak, Lina said impatiently and rudely: "It's been almost three days since the arrival of the Omega Titan, and you still don't understand the basic situation now? We can't get out at all!

No matter the sublight speed engine, the super light speed engine on the technological side, or the long-distance space teleportation of superpowers, they can't break out of the range of the Kelu planet. "

Military Attaché Rex said bitterly: "Not to mention matter, even signals cannot leave Kelu. It is as if we are isolated in an independent universe."

“I know the current basic situation of the Kelu planet, but I have also watched the Kelu people’s ‘News Network’ program. Their chief scientist has appeared on TV calmly and calmly many times, calmly reassuring the people.

He promised that everything was under control and that the Omega Titans would not truly threaten the safety of the Koru people."

Abao pointed at himself with his thumb and said with certainty: "I have been the top leader myself, and no one understands the mentality and habits of leaders better than me.

The chief scientist of Keru is no bluff, the confidence in his eyes is the true reaction from his heart.

If he is lying, if the Korlu people are really unable to cope with the crisis of the Omega Titan, the top dignitaries of the Korlu planet will definitely not be able to stay in their posts safely.

On the third day after the arrival of the Omega Titan, they must have tried countless times to break the planet blockade.

After three days and countless attempts, they were still trapped on the planet Kelu. No matter how high their mental quality was, they had already collapsed and would never be as calm as they are now.

That they were able to take their time showed that their breakthrough attempt at least did not completely fail. "

"They have the ability to send us away!" Abao said decisively.

Lina looked at him differently, and her impression of him changed a little.

——At least he is not a big idiot.

Ambassador Jenny first looked at A Bao with admiration, then nodded and said: "Yes, the Koru people did try to break through the blockade of the Omega Titan, and they succeeded."

"What? Can the Kolu people really leave the Kolu planet?" Lina and everyone in the office were surprised.

Abao also opened his mouth wide with a look of stupid joy.

Ambassador Jenny pressed her hands down and said: "This morning, Mr. Acrylic, the chief scientist of the Colu Science Council, personally received me. He"

There was a little hesitation on her face. After looking around, she whispered: "This matter involves the S-class military secrets of the Koru people. If you leak it, both the leaker and I will be in big trouble."

Abao patted his chest and said loudly: "Ambassador, don't worry, since I came to Kelu, I have watched two hundred Kelu movies, and I fully understand the terror of the Kelu secret police.

I have long had the awareness that everything I say and do is being monitored by the "Kulu FBI". "

Former Acting Secretary of Commerce Hemingway wondered: "Can you learn the secrets of the Colu secret police by watching a movie?"

Abao sighed with emotion: "I have been in Hollywood and served as the commander-in-chief of the United States. No one knows the truth and falsehoods of the plots about the U.S. government in Hollywood movies better than me.

Ordinary people naively think that movies are just movies. In movies, the US government is bad, but in reality the US government is not that bad. In movies, the government and the US military are boasted, but in reality the government and the army are definitely not that good. This is something they are very aware of. correct.

But the real darkness and filthiness of the American government were not captured in the movie even one percent of it.

By analogy, I saw in the Koru movies the methods of the Koru government and secret police, multiplied by a hundred, that is their true background. "

Hemingway gave a thumbs up and dryly praised: "Brilliant, I admire you!"

Lina subconsciously felt that Abao was talking nonsense, but she frowned and thought about it again and again, and she couldn't think of a reason to refute Abao.

Abao happily accepted his compliment, turned to look at Ambassador Jenny, and said, "Ambassador, you saw that they already understand the importance."

Ambassador Jenny was still a little hesitant.

Abao also hesitated for a moment and said frankly in a low voice: "I understand your worries.

In the United States, everyone is a privileged class. Even if they know the severity, they dare to do whatever they want.

In the 'Higher Kelu Planet', which was worshiped and respected by them, everyone felt that they were inferior to others.

Many immigrants on Earth must hang a portrait of the Galactic Admiral in the hall of their home to comfort themselves - the Galactic Admiral's compatriots are not inferior to anyone or any race.

So here, after knowing the priorities, everyone will only regard the light and slow things as very serious and urgent, and the heavy and urgent things as extremely important and urgent. "

There were eight people in the ambassador's office, and less than half of them blushed. A portrait of Admiral Galaxy was hung in their home.

Ambassador Jenny was actually very embarrassed.

She felt that A Bao was indeed speaking freely, but she felt relieved and agreed with A Bao's words.

This is the planet Kolu, and they would never dare to reveal the military secrets of the Kolu people casually.

"After many tests, the Koru people only found a gap leading to the outer universe. The gap was not a space crack, but just a very narrow and strange passage. It could not fly at super-light speed, but could only move at sub-light speed.

To put it simply, if the most critical moment comes, the Koru people can send a small number of people out.

The chief scientist of Kelu promised me that our embassy has 10 places, far more than any other embassy. Even the Lann Embassy at the end of the street only has five places. "

Abao looked around and said, "There are eight of us here."

"I'm not alone." Lina said.

She would never give up on her brother Luther, even if she knew he was a bastard.

Abao quickly said: "I am not alone either."

He can lose his current wife, but he can't give up his daughter, even if she is married.

Ambassador Jenny waved her hands and said: "That's not what I meant. I will accompany the citizens of Earth until the last moment. I tell you this secret, just hoping that you will not panic or fall into desperate madness.

The Omega Titan is scary, but that doesn’t mean we have no chance.

What we have to do and can do now is wait for it to change.

Waiting for news from the Koru people, and also waiting for news from the earth. "

As expected, most of the worries on everyone's faces disappeared.

Abao sighed with emotion: "Ambassador Jenny, you are the greatest diplomat I have ever seen in my life. I dare say that even in the galaxy, there are few diplomatic ambassadors who would rather give up their own lives and live and die with the most ordinary citizens. ."

Ambassador Jenny was stunned for a while and hesitated: "Abao, have you misunderstood something? I am not as great as you say, and the diplomatic ambassador has a heavy responsibility. He also represents the face of the mother civilization and cannot talk about life and death lightly."

Abao frowned and said, "Didn't you say so yourself? Accompany the citizens of Earth until the last moment and leave your share of the 'ten quota' to us."

Jenny glanced at him with a tangled expression, then glanced around the crowd and said coyly: "But I also said that the Koru people are studying the Omega Titan at the moment, and it will not be until the 'last moment' before complete despair and complete destruction. , will not abandon Keru and escape through the gap."

She emphasized the pronunciation of "last moments."

Abao glared and said, "So, accompanying ordinary citizens until the last moment means that you will only pick nine of us to leave with you when the Kolu people decide to run away?"

"Abao, and everyone, I am the ambassador of the Earth to Kelu. I represent the civilization of the Earth. Nothing can happen to me. If anything happens to me, it will mean that the United States has lost its national dignity and mankind has lost its personality.

And you all know that I am an American, and you are all Americans yourself, and many of you are officials.

How often have you seen American diplomats insist on staying in the embassy and facing destruction with ordinary citizens, even though they can leave calmly? Ambassador Jenny said.

Everyone, including Abao, was speechless.

At this time, Ambassador Jenny continued: "There are no nine places. There are 10 people in the embassy, ​​so Kelu talent gave us 10 places. It is impossible for me to leave on my own and leave my military attache and secretary behind.

The quota is ours. I will take them away together. Even the driver of the embassy cannot stay. "

Military Attaché Rex smiled and nodded, while Apaulina and others looked livid.

Jenny slowed down her tone and said: "I'm just talking about extreme situations. You have to believe me, believe in the Kolu people, and believe that they will not abandon their home planet.

If the last moment comes, I will personally explain the advantages and disadvantages to the Koru people, tell them your identity and status, and fight for a place for you. "

Everyone's faces looked better now.

"Didn't you say before that there are only five people in the entire embassy? How can five people use the 10 quotas?" Abao asked with a straight face.

"We have been in Colu for several years. It is impossible that we have not communicated and interacted with the outside world, right?" Jenny pointed at the military attache, "Rex has a Colu girlfriend, and he even gave birth to an illegitimate child. I"

Her old face was flushed with happiness, "I also have a Korlu boyfriend."

Former Secretary of Commerce Ernest Hemingway wanted to turn back time for half an hour so that he could swallow back the words: "The blue rays of blue on the road open up the mountains and forests; we must brave the wind and rain to move forward."

——What the hell, even if American diplomats come to other planets, they are just as bad as the officials of the American government. They are all bastards.

He cursed secretly in his mind.

Lina asked: "Ambassador Jenny, since you can leave Kelu through the gap, it shouldn't be difficult to transmit and receive information from the outside world, right?"

Ambassador Jenny nodded and said: “I just learned that the people of Kolu have actually been able to contact the outside world for a long time.

Of course, we had our doubts. When the Omega Titans first arrived, many spaceships flew into the planet Kelu from the outside world one after another.

But less than half a day passed before the foreign spacecraft suddenly disappeared.

When I asked the chief scientist this morning, he admitted that half a day after the arrival of the Omega Titan, the Koru people discovered that by increasing the power of the original communication satellite by 300 billion times, they could break through the time and space blockade and transmit the signal through the 'gap'.

The Kolu space fleet outside received orders from the Science Council and semi-blocked the Kolu star system.

The reason why Kelu's chief scientist ignored me two days ago but received me personally today and revealed their top military secrets to me is because the Justice League is here and the Galaxy Admiral also pays close attention to the Omega Titans. . "

When saying the last sentence, Ambassador Jenny's voice suddenly became passionate, and the expression on her face turned into excitement and pride.

"Ah, the Galactic Admiral has finally come to our rescue!"

"Let me just say, I told you a long time ago that the Milky Way will not abandon us."

In the office, everyone in Runren was very excited, and some even couldn't help themselves and had tears in their eyes.

Lina was also very excited, but she still remained rational, "What do you mean by paying attention? Has Admiral Galaxy come to the Kolu Galaxy?"

Ambassador Jenny thought for a while and said: "Tathagata."

"I asked if the Lord of the Galaxy has come, what about you Tathagata? Have you come or not?" Lina frowned.

Ambassador Jenny sighed: "Who is Admiral Galaxy, and what is his state? Even if she comes, who can see her?"

"That means I don't know, I'm not sure."

There was unspeakable disappointment on Lina's face, and the high emotions of others also fell instantly.

"It's not uncertain, General Galaxy Tathagata is coming. At least judging from the attitude of the Kolu people towards us, even if General Galaxy has not come, the effect is as if he has come." Ambassador Jenny said.

Abao said: "We want more than just a change in the attitude of the Kolu people, we want to leave this hellish place immediately.

As we all know, there are three laws of cosmic crisis. The first law of cosmic crisis - large crises often come to the earth first; the second law of cosmic crisis - no matter how terrifying the crisis is, the earth will eventually survive it, and the people on earth can always survive in the galaxy. Under his leadership, he created miracles that shocked the multiverse; the third universe crisis law - once the crisis comes to an alien planet, almost no alien civilization can withstand it. "

His tone became excited, "No matter how confident the people of Kolu are, they will never violate the third law of cosmic crisis. Planet Kolu is doomed, so we must find a way to leave as soon as possible.

The Koru people have no hope, we can only rely on the great and holy, benevolent and loving Admiral of the Galaxy.

Ambassador Jenny, go and tell the people of Kolu that we are not asking them for help, we are just helping us deliver a message, and the content of the message can be seen by them. "

"What message do you want to convey to the outside world?" Just after asking, Ambassador Jenny shook her head and said: "No matter what message it is, it is useless. Of course I also want to contact the US government and the Justice League, but the Koru people sternly refused.

It was as if what I was delivering was not a message for help, but their military secrets. "

"Why don't they allow us to send information out?" Lina asked in surprise.

"I don't know. They only expressed a firm attitude and did not mean to explain at all. The chief scientist of Kelu respects my status as a diplomat and has promised to give 10 places to the embassy. I can't insist on it." After a pause, the ambassador added : "Others obviously have other considerations. Even if I persist, I will only be asking for trouble."

"What considerations did they have?" Hemingway asked.

"How would I know."

"Dong dong dong" The door was suddenly knocked, and a woman shouted outside: "Ambassador, Ambassador Jenny, can you come out now?"

"This is my secretary Xiaomei, who is also the chef of the embassy." Ambassador Jenny explained to everyone before walking over and opening the door.

Xiaomei is an Asian woman in her early thirties with medium-long hair and a medium build. She wears a Korlu-style plaid tight leather jacket.

After entering the door, she only nodded slightly to everyone, then went directly to Ambassador Jenny, and said mentally: "Ambassador, Father Galileo is looking for you. He contacted the earth through the watchdog system. The Justice League of Earth wants to find you about something. ask."

Even Ambassador Jenny's expression changed suddenly when she heard this. She was both shocked and confused, but also very happy.

"Everyone, I have something to go out for a while. You can stay here and continue chatting, or you can go back first. I will inform you as soon as there is news."

"Don't you have new news now?" Abao stared at her and said, "The news that makes you anxious to go out at this time must be related to the Omega Titan. Where are you going?"

Jenny was hesitating how to deal with A Bao, when the female secretary next to her said in a cold tone: "Sir, the Ambassador does not need to explain his whereabouts and words to anyone.

Any attempt to obstruct or interfere with her can be considered a crime.

Have you thought clearly about the consequences of the ambassador's crime? "

Abao pointed at his face and said angrily: "I think you can find out who I am first?"

"You are an ordinary American traveling to Colu." The female secretary said calmly.

"You-" Abao was choked and couldn't speak, so he could only stare angrily.

The female secretary ignored his glaring eyes and pulled Ambassador Jenny out of the office.

The people outside the office were full of Earth citizens who came to seek asylum, and it took them a while to squeeze out.

Abao and others looked at each other and left the embassy.

Ten minutes later, Ambassador Jenny’s car arrived at the foot of Monte Cristo, a full 500 kilometers away from the embassy.

After getting off the speed car and crawling for twenty minutes, we finally arrived at the "Cathedral of Kelu" halfway up the mountain.

The church is not very big, with a courtyard of 200 square meters and three large houses.

When they came over, they saw a group of green-skinned Koru people walking out of the cathedral in the middle, talking and laughing.

An old Kolu man in priest's robes escorted them out.

Seeing Ambassador Jenny and Ms. Mei, Old Pastor Kelu immediately came over and said, "God bless you, you are finally here. Master Galileo has been waiting for you for a long time."

"What do you want Father Galileo to do with me?" Ambassador Jenny asked knowingly.

The old pastor looked at her in surprise, "Didn't Ms. Mei tell you? There is a message from the earth."

Ambassador Jenny was surprised at Father Galileo's trust in Pastor Kelu, with a look of natural surprise on his face, "I was in a meeting with a group of Earth citizens at the time, and Xiaomei just loudly urged me to come over quickly."

Ms. Mei didn't even look strange, and said very naturally: "Anyway, I'm going to the church to see Pastor Galileo. It's the same as before."

The Koru priest didn't think much, nodded and led them to the "Martial God King Hall" next to the cathedral.

This style of building a statue and a worship hall for the God of War next to the Christian Church is unique to the "Paradise Mountain Sect".

Entering the Hall of the God of War, you will see forty or fifty monks wearing priest and nun robes, and about a dozen ordinary Koru believers, sitting cross-legged on the ground, facing the statue of the God of War in front of them and reciting "New World" written by Harry. Bible".

The statue of the God of War is two meters tall and is made of pure white alien marble. It holds a cross sword in front of its chest with both hands. The blade is very wide and completely blocks most of its face. It has huge angel wings spread out behind it.

Almost all the statues of the Martial God King look like this, not only blurring their appearance, but also covering their faces with a wide sword, implying that this is Harley, while downplaying the concept of "the Martial God King is Harley".

It is almost clearly "implied" that this is Harley, and it is for the power of faith not to go to other places; it is also for the sake of faith that the concept of Wushen King being Harley is vague.

People who lived in the same era as Harley and often saw news about her would find it difficult to truly believe in the "Witch Harley" who deceived others and robbed others of their magic power. However, the "Martial God King" in the "New Bible" is sacred and noble, almost Perfect and a sage recognized by Jesus (Jesus himself did not say anything, it was Hallie who compiled the history of "Jesus recognized the King of Martial Gods" and wrote this history into the "New Bible").

"Ambassador Jenny, come here quickly. The Justice League has been waiting for you for a long time. Maybe the Galaxy Admiral is also paying attention to you."

Seeing so many people in the King of Martial Arts Hall, Ambassador Jenny was still surprised and hesitant, but the white-bearded old priest beside the statue of King of Martial Gods shouted loudly.

Jenny walked a few steps quickly, came to Father Whitebeard, and whispered: "Father Galileo, can we make our secret contact with the Earth public as we please?"

"Of course not. I specifically told Ms. Mei to keep it secret." The old priest said seriously.

"Then them?" Jenny nuzzled at the green-skinned Koru beside her.

"They are all believers in our Lord, and we can trust them just as they trust the Lord." The old priest said calmly.

Ambassador Jenny was dissatisfied. There were countless undercover Koru hidden among this group of Koru believers!

The old priest didn't waste any more nonsense. He dragged Ambassador Jenny to the statue of King Martial God, pointed at the laptop on the altar table and said, "The heroes in the Hall of Justice are waiting for you. Go talk to them."

The notebook is a brand of Tianshan Mountain, the Watch Dog system is turned on, and the cursor in the dialog box flashes.

"I'm Jenny Ve-"

Just as Jenny was about to type out her full name "Jenny Wiggins" and greet the other party, Father Galileo shouted: "Don't talk nonsense, every bit of traffic is extremely precious."

"The price of Watchdog suddenly increased? Even if the traffic increases to one million US dollars for 1KB, we can still afford it!" Jenny asked curiously.

The traffic fee for guardian dogs is very expensive.

The further away from the earth, the less Christian the location is, and the more expensive the traffic fee is.

"Kulu is blocked, don't you know? Even the watchdog system can't be used. Now we can connect to Heaven Mountain because I burned the power of faith in the statue of the King of Martial God and forcibly transmitted the message to heaven.

What you are consuming now is not dollars, but faith. When the power of faith is burned out, the signal will be mid-range. "The old priest said solemnly.

"I see, I was confused before." After a pause, Jenny asked curiously again: "Why did you suddenly think of this trick?"

If burning faith was a routine method, the old priest should have taken action as early as the arrival of the Omega Titan.

"My prayer was answered by the Lord." The old priest looked pious and mysterious.

"The Lord asked you to do this?" Jenny asked in surprise.

The old priest hesitated for a moment, shook his head and said, "I'm not sure if it's the Lord. After the evening prayers last night, a voice seemed to appear in my mind.

I don't know exactly what the voice said.

Didn't hear clearly.

But I suddenly understood the way to break through the information blockade of the Omega Titan. "

"The Omega Titans are huge, but no matter how strong or big they are, they can't block the glory of God." The old priest said with a radiant face.

Jenny became more and more confused.

Seeing her standing there in a daze, the old priest frowned slightly and urged: "Hurry up, the Justice League is waiting for you."

Jenny came back to her senses and asked, “What should I say?”

"Tell me directly about the current situation on Kelu Planet and focus on the important things."

Jenny thought for a while and used 100 words to describe the basic situation of Kelu Planet, 50 words to describe the anxiety and fear of the people on Earth, and 200 words to focus on the "gap" found by Kelu's chief scientist.

Less than half a minute after pressing the Enter key, the other party responded with a message, which was also very brief: "Brainiac came to Earth in the morning and asked the Justice League to work with him to save Kelu.

He said that the giant god buried four "seeds of civilization" on the planet Kelu, which grew out of the Tree of Entropy, the Tree of Knowledge, the Tree of Mystery, and the Tree of Wonders.

The four trees absorb four civilizational powers respectively.

When the four trees produce fruits, the giant god will take the fruits and leave Colu.

But now Kelu scientists are trying their best to restrict the growth of the four trees of civilization.

They wanted to stall for time to study the Titans and the Civilization Tree.

Brainiac believed that their behavior would eventually anger the Titans and completely destroy the planet of Korlu, so he asked us to help stop the Korlu scientists, take the initiative to mature the civilization tree, satisfy the Titans' wishes, and let them let Korlu go. "

"The tree of civilization." Jenny was stunned for a while, then turned back to the old priest and said, "I don't know what the tree of civilization is!"

"What are you telling me for? Just tell them." The old priest pointed at the keyboard and said, "They might assign you a task."

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