I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1857 Tossing, tossing hard

Ryan followed Congressman Doss's line of sight and looked back, and sure enough he saw a tall woman with blond hair, blue eyes, a slim face, and a gourd figure behind the crowd, Abao Tesla's daughter Edie.

When I first saw her, she looked like a plate of pork belly with pickled vegetables placed among many green leafy vegetables.

So conspicuous and attractive in the eyes of carnivorous men.

And Abao Tesla was right next to Edie, and their bodyguards kept a step of distance between them and the whole family.

Ryan had already been in Abao's sight, and when he turned around, he met Abao's eyes.

"Sam." Abao's expression was a little awkward, and he forced a smile, as if he wanted to say hello, but his words turned into subconscious quibbles, "Sam, don't get me wrong, everyone, don't get me wrong. I'm just here to see you off. Edie and the others, I will go back as soon as my family gets on the spacecraft."

——Do you think I’m a fool? Do you need to enter the boarding bridge to send your daughter to the ship? Even if you want to come in, will other employees of Keru Space Travel Company let you in?

Not only was Sam Lane complaining in his heart, but the people around him were also secretly despising Po for his clumsy lies.

But they all understand the principle of not tearing apart people.

No matter how he behaves behind the scenes, as a powerful person in the upper class, he must work hard to maintain his face.

They just smiled and nodded, as if they believed Abao's words completely.

Abao was hesitant at first. He didn't moisturize last time, so this time he was forcefully pulled over by his daughter.

At this moment, his competitor Ryan was watching, and he made bold remarks in public. While he was embarrassed, he also began to have regrets in his heart.

"Edie, I'll take you here. I'm busy with work, so I'll go back first."

Seeing his father backing off, he became anxious.

She hurriedly pulled the sleeves of Abao's suit and said in a low voice but eagerly: "Father, there is no turning back when you shoot.

You have disbanded the campaign team an hour ago, and it is difficult to recover now if you go back. "

After a pause, she caught a glimpse of the people around her looking at them, and lowered her voice, "There are no outsiders here. Even if we don't know each other, at least we have reached a 100% consensus and tacit understanding on the 'Four Giant Gods Crisis'" .

No one will laugh at you. To laugh at you is to deny themselves.

In fact, if you speak your mind openly, they will praise you for being smart and decisive. "

"But..." Abao also found that everyone was either looking at him directly, or glancing at him from the corner of his eyes, and he felt very uncomfortable in his heart and body. As a Hollywood comedian, he has always been calm and calm in front of the audience, and he has never been nervous. At most, he was excited. Excitement made him play extremely long, frequently use famous lines, and frequently appear in famous scenes.

He pulled his daughter back a few steps, slightly away from everyone, his voice full of unwillingness, "If I leave, it will be like what the bastard Dosna said, Sam Lane will turn defeat into victory and win without a fight.

Edie, you know what's happening now, my campaign slogan and platform are ahead of Lane's generation.

The public's support for me also exceeds his by 8 percentage points. This is the result of Harley Quinn's frequent support for him.

I still have a killer move that I haven’t used yet, but once I use it, I will definitely be elected.

If I leave now, I will take the initiative to give up the position of commander to Ryan. Just thinking about it makes me feel like a knife. "

"We have already discussed this issue before." Idi's tone was full of impatience and he repeated again: "You have already read the analysis of the 'Four Giant God Crisis' by many think tanks.

You also know the reaction of the American elite.

Of course, staying on Earth is not a sure thing. The key is that we don’t need to take risks.

After all, there is not much benefit in risking success.

Even if we enter Arkland in time, as Sam Lane worries, billions of people will be crowded on a continent, living in tents, eating prepared meals, defecating in the open, and having no place to shower. How many days can you last?

Yes, stay on Earth and continue to participate in the campaign.

But you can’t deny the think tank’s analysis.

The situation is now clear, and Sam Lane has made it clear that he will do whatever it takes to help the Galaxy Admiral complete the "Four Titans Plan".

Sam Lane is so desperate that he almost puts his political career on the line, and the Galactic Admiral is never stingy with his friends. How can she let Lane lose to you in the election?

Therefore, it is useless for you to stay.

No matter how many percentage points your approval rating currently exceeds that of Sam Lane, when the galactic admiral starts to exert his power, you will be defeated.

If you not only failed in the election, but also suffered misfortune during the crisis of the Four Titans, it would be really stupid and worthless.

If you win, you gain nothing, if you lose, you lose everything. Only fools gamble. "

Of course Edie wants Dad to be re-elected.

Being the daughter of the Commander-in-Chief can be her ticket to enter the circle of galaxies, which is of great benefit to her.

But she is very shrewd and very sober.

The elite staff and think tank team around Abao are also very smart and rational.

They all suggested that Abao give up the election and run to an alien planet to avoid disaster. They were not only worried that the crisis of the Four Giants would develop as analyzed by the American think tank, putting them at risk of losing their lives.

The more important reason is that they believe that Ryan himself is quite competitive. He is an honest official, has a long history of meritorious service, and is very famous among alien ambassadors. With the help of the Galaxy Admiral, Po will definitely lose.

Ryan is now obedient to her, and she will not allow him to fail. His failure means her failure.

Abao raised his head and glanced at Ryan, who was peeking at him, and the unwillingness emerged in his heart again, "I think there is something wrong with the think tank analysis.

Yes, according to Harley Quinn's past habits, she will definitely try her best to steal the 'magic' of the Four Titans.

It is even possible to set up an ambush on the earth and wait for it.

But no one can deny that the galactic admiral has never used earthlings as bait.

It is not her style to gain the origin of others at the expense of a large number of people on earth.

She is God's favorite mortal, she is the living 'Voice of God', and we can completely trust her integrity. "

"First of all, these think tank elites you mentioned have already considered it, but it can only be said that your consideration is not thorough enough.

In the crises we encountered in the past, the enemies all came from within the multiverse.

Their power has limits and will not exceed the realm of the Creator.

This time the enemy comes from the omnipotent universe with infinite possibilities and endless upper limits.

In the past, the galactic admirals had the spare capacity to worry about the safety of the people and the Earth.

Now she still has the will, but she has more than enough intention but not enough power.

No matter who it is, it is insufficient to face the transcendent being of the omnipotent universe.

It's hard to say that she wasn't even 100% confident in defeating them.

That's why Ryan hesitated and looked ugly when talking about this matter.

Taking advantage of geographical advantages, setting up traps, and fighting to the death are all uncertain, and naturally there is no concern for the casualties of the people.

Of course, even if we go to Colu to take refuge, I sincerely understand and agree with the Galactic Admiral's approach. If she loses, the earth will be destroyed, the multiverse will not survive, and it will be useless to hide on any alien planet. "

Speaking of this, Edie had a bitter smile on her face.

“Secondly, the point is not whether the think tank’s analysis is accurate, but whether we need to gamble.

You ask yourself two questions first. First, Ryan is gritting his teeth now and is determined not to disclose Admiral Galaxy's arrangements, resolutely cooperates with her actions, and even personally leads people to intercept high-ranking government officials who intend to leave.

Does the Galactic Admiral appreciate his loyalty, reward him, and do his best to fulfill his wishes?

Second, if the Galactic Admiral decides to help Ryan run for office, can you win? "

Abao Chen's face looked a little gloomy.

Idi said in a deep voice: "Now that the outcome has been decided, is it still necessary to bear the risk of the arrival of the Four Giant Gods?

No matter how accurate the think tank analysis is, no matter how high the risk is, it is not worth taking the risk when the expected return is zero.

Now it is better to leave the earth with the powerful people and show the attitude of being in a group with them.

Ryan's refusal to disclose the Galaxy Admiral's arrangements and intentions has offended the powerful.

Now he is leading agents to openly intercept the powerful people from leaving the earth, which will arouse public outrage.

You went to Corudo to socialize with them, and gained the recognition of the upper-class elites in the United States, saying that you could turn defeat into victory if something bad happened to Ryan.

After all, everyone knows that every time a cosmic-level crisis occurs, the earth is the first to be affected; every time a crisis comes to the earth, the United States is the first to be affected; every time a crisis occurs in the United States, the commander-in-chief and the White House are the first to bear the brunt. "

Edie lowered his voice to almost a whisper, "Now we should pray to God - the analysis of the think tank elites is accurate, and the Galaxy Admiral is unable to solve the crisis, but only reluctantly.

After the arrival of the Four Titans, she could only focus on fighting the enemy and had no time to take care of Ryan and other White House officials.

Let Ryan be proud now.

After the crisis is over, you will, on behalf of the American government and American people, go to his grave to lay flowers and deliver a speech. "

Abao sighed, "I hope so!"

"Abao Tesla doesn't seem to be planning to leave. Doss, you have to stay and help me. I need you. The Democratic Party and the voters need you. The United States cannot do without you!" Ryan's expression was sincere and his tone was sincere. whispered persuasion.

Abao and his daughter were chatting away at the back of the crowd. The leader in the center of the crowd was anxiously waiting for Abao's final statement while whispering to his running mate.

"If you hadn't stopped me, he would have entered the cabin long ago."

Doss still looks ugly because he is also in a dilemma: whether to give up his position as a member of Congress.

"Doss, you are the acting speaker. It was you who helped me draft the bill and persuaded the members to unanimously pass the 'Special Period Bill'.

Now you have to run away in violation of the law, and you are accompanied by a group of officials. There is no way I can pretend to be deaf and dumb. "

Ryan pointed at his face, "Look at me, am I exhausted, and my eyes are on fire and bloodshot?

I didn't sleep last night. I should have gone to bed early today.

After getting the news that you were preparing to leave the earth, I rushed over in a hurry.

I'm tired, I'm anxious, I'm worried, and I don't want to argue with you here and be watched by aliens, but I can't help it, I have no other choice! "

"You have a choice. You can leave with me and Abao. If everyone leaves, the law will not punish everyone." Doss said.

The eagerness and enthusiasm in Ryan's eyes gradually faded, "Doss, we are not competing with anyone. If you win a breath, the crisis will disappear.

General Galaxy is fighting for his life, and the heroes of Zhenglian have the consciousness to fight for their lives.

It is only our original obligation to fulfill our duties. When we sit in this position, we should have corresponding responsibilities. "

Doss glanced at him sideways, with some disdain in his eyes, "I don't want to compete with anyone. I just want my family to be safe and happy."

Ryan wanted to say something more, but his second daughter Lucy said impatiently: "Commander, what nonsense are you talking to him? You two are not the same people at all. If you force him to stay, he will only be dissatisfied, eat nothing, and make trouble secretly. He feels happy when he sees chaos, but he makes sarcastic remarks when he sees defeat."

Doss looked unhappy.

Ryan also looked embarrassed and angry.

"Lucy, Doss is my partner and friend, as well as your elder and leader. No matter when, where or under what circumstances, you must maintain basic respect for him." He shouted.

Doss looked better.

Lucy pouted toward the back of the crowd, "Po Tesla has made a decision. He's leaving with that little bitch Edie. You no longer need a running mate or political ally."

"Really?" Surprise flashed across Ryan's face, and he quickly looked back, and sure enough, he saw Abao and Edie walking back. Facing the questions from the passengers around him, Abao nodded repeatedly with an embarrassed face.

"Is he really going to leave the earth? Has he ever admitted it personally?" Ryan asked anxiously.

Lucy shouted directly to Abao: "Mr. Tesla, are you here to see Edie off, or are you planning to leave?"

Abao said with a dull face: "As an American Christian who focuses on logging, I have the obligation and responsibility to ensure that the children's life in Colu is safe and worry-free, and then I will consider other things."

The people around Run applauded and praised, "A Bao is a family man."

"Abao's words and deeds are consistent and he is family-centered. He is indeed a traditional Christian!"

"Abao has humanity and will not give up his family for work or politics."

"Unlike some people, Abao doesn't care about his daughter's life or death at all."

Not only did they praise Po, but they also mocked Ryan openly and secretly.

It seems that as Edie guessed, people are very disgusted with Ryan's behavior of preventing others from going to alien planets.

They may not really appreciate Ah Bao. Ah Bao is obviously talking in a showy way and has nothing to appreciate.

They mainly wanted to express their dissatisfaction with Ryan.

Ryan understood, but he was still very happy.

If others don’t know, doesn’t he himself know Hallie’s attitude in the general election?

Harley had no intention of protecting his election.

The only thing she could do was show her support for him.

If he still fails to get elected, she will think he is useless.

At this moment, Abao took the initiative to quit. He would definitely win, so it would be strange not to be excited.

However, he was not an ignorant person, and he did not directly show his smile and joy on his face.

Lucy didn't care about the insinuations of the people around her, she just pointed at Doss and said: "Commander, did you hear that? You don't need to please him anymore.

He chose to resign and run away, and he is no longer the acting speaker. He is not my leader. Let's go. "

"Lucy, Doss is a dear friend of mine. Whether he is my deputy or not, I hope-"

Ryan rubbed his nose and was about to say a few words, but was rudely interrupted by his daughter, "Come on, in the past two months, you have often complained to your mother, saying that Doss is an arrogant idiot, and getting along with him is simply a torture - —”

Ryan grabbed Lucy's arm and pulled her staggering. He glared at her first, then looked back at the black-faced Doss, and sneered: "Doss, don't get me wrong, Lucy is still a child."

"A thirty-five-year-old boy?" Dos's wife said coldly.

"Oh, I wish you have a good time in Colu." Ryan sighed helplessly, took his daughter and a group of agents, and left the boarding bridge at a fast pace.

Two days later, Sam Lane couldn't hold it in anymore and quietly brought his second daughter Lucy to Lishan Manor.

"Harley, Abbot Tesla ran away and took his family to the planet Kelu."

Harley received the Lane father and daughter in the "White Magic Meditation Room".

There were only three of them in the meditation room. Harley was wearing loose and comfortable practice clothes, sitting cross-legged with her eyes slightly closed.

The Ryans did as the Romans do, taking off their shoes before entering the meditation room, and now they sat cross-legged in front of her.

"A Bao has also moisturized Kelu. He will not participate in the election?" Harley still closed her eyes and asked strangely.

She can find the timelines of ordinary people, and can also combine the timelines to spy on their fates.

But in daily life, she hardly bothers with things that are meaningless to her.

"The four giant gods entered the main universe and he was afraid." Ryan said.

"He should have been afraid for a long time. From the moment the Omega God got into the hole in the wall, the day of its arrival will inevitably come. Now that he is gone, will the efforts of the past few months be wasted? Such a simple truth, he won't understand ." Harley said.

Ryan hesitated for a moment and said, "Maybe they have a huge misunderstanding of your plan."

Then he went through the analysis of the elite think tank experts and the thoughts of the elite among the powerful.

"They are smart. I really long for the origin of the Omega Titans. Unfortunately, it is such a pity that they have no origin at all."

Harley's tone was full of regret and reluctance, "The 'transcendence organization' that created the Omega Titan is too powerful, its methods are too clever, and the energy cost invested is almost zero.

The Omega Titan carries no energy or origin.

They are just four 'strong cosmic rules' similar to gravity.

Use the body of law to leverage the energy of our universe and exert its transcendent and supreme strength.

The cost is close to zero and ultra-high returns are simply the ultimate dream of capitalists.

"Detached from the organization" has made the dream a reality. I can only capitalize on the word "convinced". "

She was really disappointed.

If the Omega Titan is rich in the energy of the transcendent, the four Titans will probably be able to upgrade the "Omega Titan" defense expertise to level 10.

And because the transcendent members of the "Transcendence Organization" are from the same sect as them, they are most likely from the same power system.

Therefore, the level 10 "Omega Titan" defense feat may also be effective against transcendental organizations. Even if the transcendent organization really comes to her door, she doesn't need to be afraid.

"However, even if I covet the power of the Omega Titan, I will not lead the war to the earth. If I set up an ambush on the earth, I will not let billions of earthlings serve as bait. I am not that low." Harley Said again.

Ryan nodded and said: "They have also taken this into consideration. In countless crises in the past, you have always tried your best to protect the people.

They all recognize your sentiment and integrity.

But this crisis is unlike any in the past.

The Omega Titan comes from the Omnipotent Universe!

You guessed that they might come from an organization of superpowers, and so did think tank elites and smart powerful people.

They feel that you are full of ambition but not strong enough, and that you can no longer handle things as well as you did in the past.

In a state of embarrassment, you can only make the best choice rationally - accept the fact that there will be losses and try to minimize the losses. "

Harley had to admit that if there had to be a loss, she could indeed accept it.

Just like the dark night that just passed, could she not guess that after she entered the Garden of Destiny, the earth would also lose many people after it survived the crisis?

She knows, but she has to make a choice: either drag it until Brother Morpheus burps and Barbatos' patience is exhausted, or simply give up the Dark Night plan; or enter the Garden of Destiny and accept that she will be sealed if she fails. For hundreds of millions of years, the earth will surely pay the price of many deaths, giving Morpheus a chance to survive.

To enter the Garden of Destiny, or not to enter, she must make a choice, and either choice has a price.

Harley chooses to live for herself.

Taking the protection of the earth's safety as the highest concept is to live for the earth's civilization; going to the Garden of Destiny to find a glimmer of opportunity for Morpheus is ostensibly for Morpheus, but actually it is for Harley's own beliefs.

That being the case, she would not struggle when people must sacrifice.

The think tank elite's judgment on her is relatively accurate.

It's just that their realm and knowledge are somewhat different, and they don't have complete information.

"Have those upper-class elites ever considered a problem? If I can't defeat the four giants, they will not sit back and wait for death, but will take everyone on earth to escape from the omnipotent universe.

Didn't they miss their last chance by hiding on an alien planet? " Harley said.

Ryan smiled bitterly and said: "Of course they don't think that you will always be invincible.

They just find it difficult for you to escape.

Others come from the Great Almighty Universe and are very familiar with the environment of the Great Almighty Universe; but you are a novice and your level is not as good as others. "

"It's hard to escape. At least think I have a chance to escape." Harley said.

"Well, if it comes to the most desperate moment, they will definitely place all their hopes on you.

But they feel that the Four Giants cannot defeat you, and the confidence you show gives them a lot of confidence. "Lian said.

"From the time the four giants came to the present, I have been observing the River of Destiny and the Sea of ​​Law in the meditation room.

I haven't even appeared in public, how could they see that I was confident? "Hali Qi said.

Ryan analyzed: "They know that you have met the Four Omega Gods.

I didn't hide this from them either. They believe you have some knowledge about the Omega Titan.

As a result, you are still hiding in Lishan Nafu as before; even I have the leisure time to toss about the election; Zhenglian Heroes also created a "Galaxy Team". The relaxed atmosphere allows them to see your confidence.

But your secretiveness and my vagueness greatly reduced my confidence.

The identities of the Four Giant Gods as ‘visitors from the omnipotent universe’ increased the uneasiness and fear in their hearts, and eventually evolved into the current scene. "

Lucy added: "There are also the sequelae of the dark night! Without contrast, there is no harm. The stronger the contrast, the greater the harm.

Before the dark night, many people on Earth had already traveled to alien planets to study, work, and live.

As the dark night falls, people on earth experience extreme darkness and fear. Endless nightmares cause many people on earth to suffer from 'narcophobia' - the fear of sleeping and dreaming.

This kind of pain is real, regardless of poverty or wealth.

The Earthlings on the alien planet also survived the dark night crisis, but they hardly experienced any darkness and nightmares. They rode horses, danced and danced on the alien planet, and their days were endless.

We are all earthlings, and after the crisis is over, we all share our experiences on the Internet and in social activities.

As a result, the powerful people on earth are miserable, and the cosmic Didi driver who lost his mother box on an alien planet is as happy as a god. Who can bear this psychological gap? "

Harley sighed: "The only thing to blame is our earth becoming the center of the universe. If you get something, you have to give something."

"What did we get? There seems to be nothing but crisis." Ryan said.

Harley said: "You all know the 31st Century Super-Heroes Legion.

They are not another ‘Justice League of America’, they are the Justice League of the Galaxy.

Like today's Green Lantern Corps, they managed crime throughout the universe.

The 31st century is only 1,000 years away from now, and the earth in the 31st century has become the overlord of the galaxy.

Now we have just contacted alien civilizations for a few years, and only a thousand years later we have become the overlord of the galaxy.

Without the blessing of destiny from the protagonist of the ‘Universe Energy and Material Center’, how could the earth’s civilization have developed so fast? "

"So that's it, I never thought of it before" Lucy murmured.

Ryan was also surprised: "Can we become an advanced civilization in a thousand years? Isn't it too fast? It's unimaginable."

"It's a bit fast, but it's not easy. How many crises do we have to go through to live a thousand years later! Maybe one crisis on Earth is more terrifying than all the crises in the million-year history of alien planets combined. High." Harley sighed.

"Well, that's true." Thinking of the dark night that just passed, Ryan's excited heart quickly calmed down.

Harley opened her eyes, frowned and said, "I still want to observe the sea of ​​laws. If you have nothing to do, please leave first."

Ryan sneered and said, "Harry, we haven't gotten to the point yet."

Lucy beside her turned her head away in embarrassment.

"The group of Run people is not the key, and the reason why Run went to the alien planet is actually not important. What I want to say is that Po is also Run."

"So?" Harley's brows still didn't relax.

"Isn't it strange that A Baorun is gone, but you haven't gotten the news?"

"I don't have time to pay attention to such trivial matters."

Ryan had no choice but to say bluntly: "A Bao is in trouble, but there is no news broadcast. Most people don't know about this, and they are still supporting A Bao.

When I gave a public speech in Philadelphia in the morning, thousands of red-necked people held up photos of Abao and booed me outside the venue. "

Harley somewhat understood what he meant, "You want to lift the news control and let the media broadcast the news about the Omega Titan, and then you will report it to the world and tell all the voters that Po has become a human?"

"Yes, that's it. Many people know about the Runren incident, but it has never been made public. If it is simply broadcast that Abaorun went to Kelu, the people will definitely ask why. This involves the crisis of the Omega Titan."

After finishing speaking, Ryan hesitated and said: "Of course, I understand that the overall situation is more important. At this critical moment, we cannot lose the big for the small.

Compared with the Omega Titan Crisis, let alone Abao and the election, the position of commander itself is insignificant.

But I remember that you didn’t strictly limit news about Omega Titans.”

Harley said: "From the beginning to the end, I never thought of preventing the public from knowing the information about the Omega Titans. I just didn't want the Omega Titans to know that we already knew about their situation.

To put it bluntly, I don’t want the earth to be too special and become a standout.

If the alien media has reported the news about the Omega Titans, we don’t have to hold it back. "

Ryan said with a strange expression: "But the Omega Titan has arrived for several days, the alien media is silent, and there is not a single piece of extraterrestrial news about the Omega Titan.

Could it be that everyone has the same idea as us, holding back and waiting for others to take the lead? "

Lucy Lane immediately said: "Then we can't take the lead. I recorded everything that happened on the aerodrome that night with a miniature camera.

Next, I will arrange for the CIA to go to Kelu and secretly take videos of Abao's life in Kelu.

Even if the news that he made a fortune cannot be exposed now, with video as evidence, he will not be able to quibble in the future. "

"Uh, you also took a video?" Ryan was stunned, "Forget about the CIA, don't cause an interstellar scandal, and delete the video. If Abao is sophistical, it will only make him look low, let's be more generous and don't fight with him Just as low."

If Abao makes excuses, there is no need for them to provide evidence, Kelu Space Travel Company can testify.

“Even if you don’t need those videos, you can give them to Louise for her ‘Omega Titans: Earth Storm’ series.

She also specifically told me earlier that she also gave me the invisible camera. "Lucy said.

The corners of Ryan's mouth twitched a few times, but he said nothing more.

He looked at Harley, who closed her eyes again, as if she was in a daze, and asked softly: "Harry, what should we do now? Or should we continue to remain silent and do nothing?"

"I asked Hal Jordan and learned about the thoughts of advanced civilizations in the universe." Harley pondered: "I never wanted to hide it.

In that case, lift the press controls.

Except for the forbidden content in your mind, all information about the Omega Titan can be disclosed to the public. "

"Did you ask Hal Jordan? When?" Ryan asked in surprise.

Harley glanced at him, "I am here, but my consciousness can be astral projected to any location.

I went to Oa, and Hal Jordan told me that the Green Lantern Corps informed at least three million cosmic civilizations of the arrival of the Omega Titans in the physical universe.

Those civilizations have also made various preparations, preparing to welcome the King's Master, preparing cannons to resist the enemy, and preparing to run away if they fail. But the aliens also have think tanks and think tanks, and they also understand the meaning of 'the omnipotent visitor from the universe'.

They unanimously set their sights on the earth, paying attention to the reaction of the earthlings and my attitude.

Maybe they weren't sure whether the Omega Titans would 'shoot the first bird'.

But they know that the people on earth know the Four Giant Gods best. If the people on earth don’t do anything, it’s best for them not to do anything either. "

"This is really..." Ryan didn't know what to say.

"The 'Run Human Tide' has appeared on the earth. Do they know about it? What's their reaction?" Lucy asked.

Harley said: "They take it for granted. They think the same as Runren. They believe that if a multiverse-level crisis comes, the earth will definitely bear the brunt.

Some aliens even found out that Earthlings had not moistened their own planet, so they felt that their own planet was not the safest place. In the end, they landed on the planet that most Earthlings had moistened, which is what the Earthlings call a "crisis desert" Colu.

Today, Kelu has more than one billion people from various civilizations. "

"Even if they are all staring at us, we can continue to act stupid. There is no need to be the first to do it." Ryan said.

Harry sighed: "Everyone knows that we are pretending to be stupid. If we pretend to be stupid any more, we will be really stupid."

"You mean, can the Omega Titans obtain information from aliens? Can they steal memories from our minds? Or, as long as we speak, they will immediately sense it?" Ryan asked worriedly.

"The Omega Titans have no self-will and no soul." Harley hesitated: "They are not pure robots. They may be able to simulate mental fluctuations, I'm not sure.

But they certainly cannot know important information related to themselves on a whim or when their spiritual senses are touched like a truly transcendent person. A true transcendent person may not be able to achieve this level either. "

Her soul is close to detachment, unable to move a single thought, and she is almost omniscient.

"Since they don't know that you have important information related to them in your mind, the four giants will naturally not steal your memory." Harley finally said.

In the next two days, the news of "Visitors from the Almighty Universe, the Four Omega Gods are suspected to be regular bodies, and their purpose is unknown" appeared in the news in every city on the earth, and was discussed by almost every person on earth.

Then, the aliens also began to broadcast relevant news.

Most of the universe knows that the Four Omega Gods have arrived, and everyone is guessing about their purpose.

After the news was made public, countless people on Earth immediately publicly stated: Open the Ark Continent immediately. We cannot repeat the mistakes of the final crisis.

Well, during the final crisis, Harley, the U.S. government, and the Justice League called on the people to enter Arkland in advance, but the people felt that Apokolips had been blown up, and there was no longer the army of dark new gods around Darkseid. The Justice League could at least win over two people. Hours, two hours is enough for The Flash to transfer everyone to the stomach dimension, so no one is willing to go to the cramped, dirty Arkland to suffer in advance.

As a result, Darkseid's anti-life equation instantly captured the earth, and Ark Continent had no chance to open.

On the first day, people on the Internet and experts in the media called for the opening of Arkland.

Harley ignored it. In fact, she had been staying in the meditation room and didn't know what was happening outside.

The next day, millions of people marched around the White House and forcibly petitioned the president.

Harley, who received a call from the White House, finally knew what the people were thinking, but she was a little hesitant.

"It's easy to open Arkland, but it's very difficult to wait for the arrival of the Omega Titan." She left a message on social media, which received 3 billion replies within half a day.

The meanings of the 3 billion replies are roughly similar: we are only afraid of crisis, not hardship. Compared with the fear and fear of staying on earth, the days in Ark Continent are so peaceful and exciting.

On the third day, a parade of 3 million people also appeared in Gotham, and the suburban streets were packed.

But no marchers made it to Arkham Peninsula.

On the fourth day, Harley held a video chat with leaders of various countries on Earth.

She explained the reason why she was unwilling to open Arkland early.

There are three reasons. First, the crisis will most likely not occur on Earth. The cost of stopping global production is too high and not worth it. Second, there are too many people on Earth and the living facilities on Ark Continent are not complete. They cannot survive for a few days; third. , the earth appears too conspicuous, and may attract the attention of the Omega Titan.

She lets them choose.

On the fifth day, Harley opened the Ark Continent, and 98% of the world's people went to the stomach dimension.

The remaining 2% hold on to important production positions with huge "crisis subsidies".

On the second night after entering the Ark Continent, turmoil broke out in the American District. A group of gangsters did not prepare dry food and habitually bought food for zero dollars, causing a huge riot and 30 people died.

On the third day, multiple riots broke out in the United States and Europe for various reasons. 500 people died in the riots.

On the fourth day, some American people asked to return to Earth, but were blocked by the US government.

Because the security and administration of the United States on Earth have completely stopped.

If they go back to smash and loot, there won't even be any police to stop or arrest them.

On the same day, the Justice League's "Galaxy Team" entered Arkland to help the U.S. government suppress unrest in various places.

The number of people who died in the unrest dropped sharply, but the number of people who died of disease increased sharply.

On the fifth day, the American district was almost covered in feces, and the commander-in-chief did not dare to open the windows in his office area.

On the sixth day, a "legendary" plague broke out in more than 1,000 densely populated areas in the Americas and Europe, affecting more than 300 million people.

On the seventh day, more than 70% of the people felt that they were sick and there was a serious shortage of medical resources.

On that day, the number of "normal deaths" was 2 million more than the average daily death population on the earth, and they all died of infectious diseases or "senile diseases."

Under normal circumstances, around 150,000 people die every day on the earth. On this day, 2.2 million people died.

On the eighth day, the death toll exceeded the 3 million mark. The people on Ark Continent were numb and desperate, the Justice League was anxious, and the U.S. government. They lived in villa areas and did not pay much attention to such "trivial matters".

On the ninth day, Arkland finally opened its doors. 88% of the people pinched their noses and left the stomach dimension at the speed of escaping death. The other 10% of the people were mostly ordinary people in the Celestial Dynasty.

They were given a house and food for free. Although the house was small, the basic facilities were very complete. They felt that this comfortable life of paid vacation and lying down to play games was not bad, and they planned to continue to stay in the Ark Continent for "vacation".

The last 2% of the poor are responsible for cleaning up garbage and feces, and disinfecting Arkland.

On the tenth day, more than 200,000 Earthlings went to Colu, and more than 10 million people were queuing up to buy tickets.

On the eleventh day, governments of various countries expressed to Commander Lane: The Ark evacuation operation is too expensive. Should we beg from our alien allies? No, we are asking for relief supplies.

It wasn't until a month later that the Four Omega Gods finally appeared in the material universe again.

They surrounded the planet Kelu.

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