I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1848 The high-spirited Xanadu, the miserable Xanadu

"Harry, curse me!" Luther only hesitated for half a minute before gritting his teeth and making a decision.

"Are you sure?" Harley confirmed.

"Pretty sure."

Once the decision was made, Luther showed no hesitation on his face, his tone was firm, and his eyes met Harley's for an instant.

"I've already explained the price clearly. You shouldn't have misunderstood anything, right?" Harley asked again.

Luther said solemnly: "You explained it very clearly, but I don't believe that I will give everything sincerely to others.

Even if that day comes, I will despise the person I was at that time.

Now I even hate the me who gave everything sincerely.

It’s not that I only love myself as you said.

There will definitely be times when I give all my sincerity and enthusiasm, but it must be for the sake of humanity as a whole, not for any one person.

Even if it's just for this ideal, I must accept your curse.

I hope that in the future, when I really want to give my all to someone, I will be abandoned by the other person, and then I will wake up and return to the grand ideal of progressing human civilization and becoming the true hope of mankind. "

"Luthor, your words make me sick." Damian looked like he wanted to vomit.

Harley also looked disgusted, "Since you have this awareness, let's get started."

Without waiting for Luther to talk anymore, she pointed the sword finger of her right hand at the ceiling, and then swiped downwards. The breath of the Sea of ​​Laws fell into the world like the Milky Way in the Nine Heavens, filling the entire living room at once.

Then she used her thick-skinned divine power to easily trigger the Curse Law. Under the influence of the Cursed Law, the thick-skinned divine power was transformed into a "curse power" of another nature.

"Lex Luthor, I curse you with my god-king power. When you give your utmost sincerity and enthusiasm to someone, you will inevitably be betrayed and spurned by the other person!"

"Hoo ho ho!"

A dark wind rises from the ground, and the sound of the wind is like a ghost's howl.

Even though he was wrapped in a golden ball, Damian had goosebumps.

"Boom!" Purple-red lightning as thick as a little finger intensified the ominous atmosphere in the room. Countless lightnings descended from the Sea of ​​Laws around Harley, forming a dense thunder and lightning pond three meters around her.

Fortunately, the surrounding furniture and houses were covered with an invisible gold film, so there was not much damage.

"Ah uh~~" No vision fell on Luther, but he howled miserably and fell straight to the ground.

"Oh, Luther is dead!?" Damian only thought that Luther was cursed, so he screamed in pain, but Harley yelled out of control, took two steps forward, waved her right hand upward, closed the sea of ​​laws, and dispersed everything around her. Vision.

At the same time, she stretched out her left hand and scratched the ground beneath Luther's feet.

Damian rubbed his eyes and exclaimed, "Oh my God, is Luther's soul going to hell?"

As Harley grasped with her left hand, an illusory undead floated up from the ground, and finally landed in Harley's palm, and the soul turned out to be Luther, who looked painful and confused.

"Harry, what's wrong with me?" It took Luther Ghost a while to regain consciousness.

Harry had a guess in his mind and still asked: "I haven't asked you yet, why did you die suddenly?"

"What, I'm dead?" Ghost Luther was startled and looked around, his mind clearer, "Harley, how could I die? What did you do to me just now?"

I felt that every cell in my body was in pain, unprecedented pain.

Even bone-deep pain is not enough to describe my pain.

It was like all the organs and cells in the body that could be broken were shattered. "

Harley mentally scanned his body.

After a moment, she said with a strange expression: "You feel right, although not every cell will be broken, most of the organs and body tissues will be crushed under the action of gravity.

Your heart almost melts into a puddle of paste, your bones are crispier than scallion pancakes, and your nerves are as fragile as snot. Alas, your body is almost hopeless, defense value. Your body's strength is too low, low It is unable to maintain its basic form and basic functions under the influence of gravity. "

"I didn't expect that the effect of the god-king thick-skinned curse was so strong. It was so strong that I didn't even have a chance to feel the curse and died directly." Luther's mood was very complicated. He didn't know whether to be happy or sad.

He asked Harley to do a secondary curse because he felt that the pain-sucking person's original talent was not strong enough, but now his talent was so strong that it made him belch. He should be overjoyed.

But people are so weak, what's the use of being physically gifted?

"Harry, my soul has just left my body, so I can still be rescued to the maximum extent, right?"

Harley sighed: "Even if you put your soul back into your body, you will die in pain due to organ fragmentation!"

"You have to believe in my wisdom and give me a few days. I will be able to invent a more powerful liquid suit that can not only protect the outer muscles and skin, but also protect the internal organs and body fluid circulation system." Luther said confidently.

Harley thought for a moment and said, "It just so happens that I am currently studying chemical experiments. If you don't mind, please join me."

"Harry, don't worry, even if your talent in scientific research is far inferior to mine, I will not dislike you. I will repay you and help you complete your biochemical experiment project." Luther's sincere smile contained a hint of Proud and happy.

Harley said with a dull face: "You misunderstood me. I asked you to join, not as a researcher doing biochemical experiments, but as a 'project' studied by me as a researcher.

If you don't mind that I am busy at work and can only use my free time and second-hand resources on you, I will add a bed for you next to the experimental table. "

Ghost Luther's expression was distorted, and Damian in the golden film laughed.

"Harley, you'd better take me back to Luther Mansion."

Even if he became a ghost, Luther could not tolerate the humiliation of being only studied.

Harley walked to the door of the hall, called Barbara and Rachel over, and after a few words of instruction, asked them to drive the Archimedes airship and send Luther's body into mincemeat and his soul out of the body away.

Sending Luther's soul back to Rikers Tower is not the end.

The two of them also had to use magic and magic to protect the vitality of Luther's body and ensure that Luther's soul would not be sucked away by the gravity of hell until Luther completed the transformation of his body.

The whole process will be relatively long, and a delay of three to five days will be considered efficient.

Harley only has one projection at the moment, and her body is next to the origin wall, so she doesn't have much time to accompany him.

"Sister Harley, what is the principle of Luther's power to hurt people? How should I guard against it if I encounter it in the future?"

Damian landed on the ground and moved his hands and feet a few times. He only felt the wound was a little itchy, but it was nothing serious, so he looked at Harley and asked curiously.

"The principle is very simple. My thick-skinned power has a few defense values, and his 'weakening force field' can reduce the defense value by that amount.

Assume that the maximum power of the multiverse is 120 points, and the maximum physical defense is only 120 points. My gold film on your body is equivalent to adding a shield with a defense value of 120 points for you.

Luther's weakening force field reduces the defense of the enemy and himself.

The extreme value of the multiverse is 120 points, and the physique of a healthy adult male is 1 point. Once the defense weakens below 1 point, the bones and muscles may not be able to support their own weight.

Once the defense is negative, even the slightest movement can break bones and tear muscles. You just experienced it yourself. "

Harley paused and then said hesitantly: "I haven't measured it carefully before, but Luther's weakening force field is probably higher than minus 60.

In other words, as long as your own defense exceeds 60 points, your defense will not be reduced to 0 after falling into his weakening force field.

Even during the multi-restart crisis, the thick-skinned defense is not less than 100 points, but just like the thick-skinned god's favored person, I cannot give full play to my thick-skinned divinity.

When you don't get my help, the higher the compatibility between yourself and the thick-skinned divine power, the stronger the god's favored one will be.

Luther was cursed by the thick-skinned divine power, which is equivalent to a different kind of person favored by the gods. One who is rejected by the gods is like Cain who was cursed and rejected by God.

After the second curse, Luther's potential is almost as strong as Cain's. "

Even though God's power far exceeds the extreme value of 120 points by countless times, both He and Cain are in the multiverse, and the curse effect is only 120 points.

In fact, this is already very scary.

120 points represents the God-King and the Supreme. After being cursed once, he becomes equal to the God-King by virtue of the power of the curse. No one except God can do this.

The highest power limit of the God King is only 120 points, and it is impossible for their God's Favorite or God's Forsaken to be at the same level as themselves.

However, now the DC multiverse has a weirdo like Harley.

She didn't hold back when she cast the second curse on Luther just now. She used her 143-level thick-skinned defense at full strength. Does Luther's painful talent have the potential to reduce his defense by 120 points?

If the defense is really reduced by 120 points, Luther may not be able to anally anally Darkseid and become the "God King of Weakness and Pain."

Of course, if you want to wear the crown, you must bear its weight. In order to develop a weak force field with -120 points of defense, Luther must first endure the pain of losing 120 points of physical defense.

He was really in pain, almost to death.

"The only weakness of Luther, the founder of the Painful Man, is long-range attacks. If you encounter him again in the future, don't get too close to him. His weak force field before was a ten-meter radius.

If he survives the second curse, the field of weakness will be even larger. "

Harley thought for a while and said, "Use a sniper rifle to deal with him, and don't get within a thousand meters of him."

Damian swallowed, "If he lowers the defense of everyone within a thousand meters to a negative number, and everyone can't stand still, how can we fight? Isn't it too buggy?"

"What kind of bug is this?" Harley said disapprovingly: "Now Luther has only developed the superficial skills of the ancestor of Pain Man.

As long as his cultivation talent is half of his scientific research talent, it will not only be physical matter that has his defense reduced by the weak force field. "

"Is it possible to lower the defense of non-physical substances? How?" Damian asked in surprise.

"You should be well aware that thick-skinned divine power goes far beyond enhancing physical defense."

Damian murmured: "The most powerful effect of thick-skinned divine power is complete immunity to magic and energy attacks. Damn, can a weak force field reduce other people's magic resistance?"

Harley said with great interest: "If Luther himself masters the power of the New God, but uses a weak force field to reduce the physical defense and magic resistance of the dark elite, he might be able to regain his destiny as the 'Lord of Apokolips'."

Damian only imagined in his mind the scene of Luther turning on the weak force field to kill, and then he shuddered and shouted excitedly: "Sister Harley, please take back the curse on Luther, it hurts." People are so talented.”

"Didn't he swear an oath? No matter how strong he is, as long as you are a good person, you don't need to be afraid." Harley said.

"Who believes Luthor's oath? It's hard to define 'a bad guy who fits the three views of the Justice League'. Can the law of oaths accurately judge it?" Damian shouted.

Harley chuckled and said: "The Painful Ancestor is the same as the Vampire Ancestor. Their power is only aimed at 'people outside the sect', and they will be restrained by the 'priests' of the sect.

Once the heroes of the main alliance discover that Luther has killed a good person or innocent person in their eyes, they can bring a thick-skinned God's Favorite to clean out Luther.

Luther will be extremely vulnerable to the favored ones or priests who use thick-skinned divine power.

It's like a vampire meeting a cleric like Van Helsing. "

Damian suddenly realized, "It turns out that being restrained by your beloved is like a vampire being restrained by a priest. It seems very reasonable!"

"However, for others, Pain Pain is as difficult as a vampire and very buggy."

Damian said with a tangled expression: "Why did God have to curse Cain instead of just slapping him to death? Doesn't He know how much damage vampires will cause to humans in the future?"

"If you think about it differently, why don't I slap Luther to death? I know Luther is a bastard, but I don't have the moral integrity of a superhero.

If there is something shining in the bastard that pricks me, I will reluctantly accept him as a normal friend.

God’s mind is higher than mine.

As the setter of human standards of good and evil, He has a more thorough view of human nature and is less concerned about whether the 'partner' is good or evil.

There is no doubt that since Cain could commit the evil act of parricide, he must not have been a good person before he killed his brother.

But before the parricide case, God always loved him and his brother Abel, and never refused Cain's sacrifice.

You could even say that Cain and Abel were the two most favored humans by God.

I will not shoot Luther, who is barely a friend.

Naturally, God would not slap Cain to death with a slap in the face, having been friends with him for many years. "

A little bit shady, there are no vampires that are difficult to kill by other supernatural beings. How could the spread of Christianity in the world be so fast and powerful?

If Luther develops the "Pain Pain People" into a group in the future, the "Martial God King Priest" will inevitably become a necessity for human survival and development, and her faith will surely flourish.

But Harley had no idea of ​​developing a faith.

If Luther really breaks his oath and commits evil in the future, no matter how large the "Pain Man" group is or whether they are innocent or not, Harley will arrange for God's Favored Ones to eliminate them all.

She is amoral, but that doesn't mean she can allow others to use their power to do evil.

Damian said with a tangled expression: "There is nothing shining in Luther. What do you like about him? He can't be the 'smartest brain in the world', right?"

Harley shook her head and said, "He is very persistent. He is obsessed with being the smartest brain, being superman, and becoming the ultimate hope of mankind. I really want to know what kind of setbacks and blows can completely defeat him."

Damian was speechless, "How can anyone take pleasure in their friend's frustration and fully expect their friend to be completely defeated?"

"Don't you also take pleasure in the frustrations of your good brother Dick? The day before yesterday, when Barbara broke up with Dick angrily, you hid on the side and laughed so hard that you couldn't even see your eyes." Harley said.

When Damian heard this, he couldn't help but smile again, "I couldn't stand Dick's philandering for a long time, but now that I see Barbara recognize his true face, I have ten thousand reasons to be happy.

But this setback has nothing to do with ideals and beliefs.

If Dick encounters a setback in his career, for example, if he is kidnapped, humiliated, or tortured by a clown, I will definitely help him. "

"What are you doing? Why didn't Damian stop training? Why did you say bad things about me behind my back?" Dick walked into the living room in confusion as he wiped his wet hair with a towel.

When Harley called Damian over before, he was curious about what they were doing and why they called Damian.

After struggling for a long time, when Luther was sent away by Rachel and Barbara, Damian still didn't come out.

Today's training mission was over, so he could only come over and call someone, but as soon as he arrived at the door, he heard Damian talking about him.

Laughing at him for being dumped by Barbara was already too much for him to bear.

Damian also cursed him for being kidnapped, humiliated, and tortured by the Joker. Have you ever considered Jason's feelings? unacceptable!

"I didn't say anything bad about you, I just used you as an example." Damian smiled.

Dick thought his smile was sarcastic.

But Harley was right next to him, and he could only give him a fierce look.

"Today's training is over. Go take a shower and change clothes. We are going to patrol Jersey City soon."

After Damian left, Dick had a thought in his heart and called out to Harley who was walking into the yard. He walked a few steps to her and asked in a weak voice with a twisted expression: "Sister Harley, do you know about my recent situation?" ?”

"What kind of situation are you talking about?" Harley looked him up and down, "You have also started to practice "Steam Flying Immortal Skill", and you have already started to learn it in just a few days, which is very good.

However, the skill is more important than the skill. "Steam Flying Immortal Kung Fu" has quick results in a short period of time, but the upper limit is very limited, which is far inferior to your original "Dick Martial Arts". "

The core purpose of the Anti-Monitor King in creating the "Steam Flying Immortal Technique" is to enable his disciples and grandchildren to successfully travel to the anti-matter universe to reunite with him.

As for the path of cultivation after successfully reaching the antimatter universe, it does not exist at all.

The reason for "Steam Cultivation" is because the rules of the "Gotham by Gaslight" universe are special.

When we reach the antimatter universe, we need to adapt to the new rules of the antimatter universe.

Even if there is a follow-up technique, it must be related to the anti-matter universe.

In any case, it is not suitable for the long-term cultivation of martial arts masters in the main universe.

No future.

However, "Steam Flying Immortal Technique" transforms the flesh shell into a steam turbine, and the blood is like boiling steam. The power generation technique is exquisite and unique, which has a great effect on improving the warrior's immediate combat effectiveness.

"It's not a matter of cultivation. I haven't considered taking "Steam Magic" as my main training method." Dick's voice was even lower and his expression was more awkward. "Sister Harley, you were holding the "Book of Destiny" that day and arranged it for me. A protagonist’s destiny.”

After hearing his reminder, Harley immediately became interested. Brother Morpheus's fate has been successfully rewritten. As an experimental subject, Dick's life should also have changed.

"Have you been having a lot of love lately and making everyone fall in love with you?"

"Girls who had an ambiguous relationship with me, such as Barbara, Starfire, Rose, etc., all broke up with me one after another. They also called me a philandering scumbag, which made them sick to their stomachs. Even Angela, the eldest sister, was worried because she had to consider Harry. Feelings, I decided to completely sever ties with me." Dick looked at Harley, confused and unwilling, "Is there something wrong with your destiny design? How does this look like the protagonist's destiny? I have been too weak recently."

"Who is Rose?" Harley asked casually before entering Dick's timeline.

The next moment, her expression changed.

"You are so brave, you dare to provoke even Deathstroke's daughter!"

Rose Wilson, codenamed "Marauder", has been having an affair with Dick for more than 10 months less than a year after joining the Teen Titans - for these Americans, the so-called "ambiguity" means that they are not sure about their official gender. The bedrock of friendship.

"Ugh." When Harley looked at Dick after reading the timeline, her eyes were as disgusting as looking at a slug, "You still have the nerve to complain, how many women have you had a one-night stand with recently? Many of them don't even have names. Can't remember?

Barbara and Starfire are just relatively simple, not mindless idiots.

Seeing you in such a bad state, of course I will kill Qingsi with my sword. "

Dick blushed and said doubtfully: "How do you know that I and many people don't want me either, but they just covet my face and body. Really, they don't love me.

If you don’t understand me, how can you talk about love?

They simply see me as good-looking and with a great figure, so..."

"You practice Qigong every day, but you still can't push away the female white-collar workers in the city, the female CEOs of private companies, the female school teachers, the female nurses in the hospital, the pretty young ladies from the Upper East Side, and the popular little fairies in Hollywood?

If you are not strong-willed, you blame women for being greedy for you.

If you didn't have the heart-throb protagonist Tianming, it would be strange that they would look at you twice. "Harry said contemptuously.

"Uh, is it the effect of the 'protagonist's destiny' that I have been entangled with those women recently?" Dick was stunned, and then shouted: "But this is not the protagonist's destiny that I expected!

Sister Hallie, you said it yourself at that time, there will be many girls who like me and don’t mind me having an affair with other girls.

Those girls who love me and don’t mind if I am disconnected from other women, shouldn’t they be Barbara, Starfire, and the others? "

"You're thinking shit." Harley glanced at him and sneered: "The ability to manipulate destiny to affect urban female white-collar workers, female CEOs of private companies, female school teachers, and female hospital nurses is already the limit. You still want to be a superheroine?" If you are being manipulated like a puppet, why not ask Rachel to arrange a 'perfect dream' for you, where everything is included in the dream!"

"Ah, the protagonist's destiny is only valid for ordinary people. Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Dick yelled in disappointment at first, and then asked expectantly: "Sister Harley, can you cancel my destiny of being a 'heartthrob'?"

He is flirtatious, but he knows that it is wrong to be flirtatious, and he does not like to be flirtatious with all women.

Harley shook her head and said: "It can't be canceled, and there is no need to cancel it. As a superhero, as long as you control yourself, you will definitely not be used by others."

Another week passed in the blink of an eye.

Harley, who had been guarding the hole in the origin wall, was a little anxious now.

Every half a day, she would stretch her mental power to the limit to detect any unusual movements in the holes in the wall.

Every mental exploration yielded nothing.

But the instruments left behind detected increasing changes in the frequency of the emotional energy light waves.

Harry also felt a vague sense of boredom in his spiritual sense.

Not a fatal sense of crisis, just restlessness.

"Aren't you proficient in prophecy? Although the 'outsider visitors' come from the Grand Almighty Universe, once they enter the multiverse, they will inevitably have a huge impact on the multiverse. Is this impact recorded on the River of Destiny?"

Although Harley remained expressionless, Hal Jordan, who was familiar with her, still noticed that she was in a restless mood.

And he himself is also very worried about the state of the origin wall.

"Prophecy requires an opportunity. Just like in TV movies, the fortune teller has to look at the fortune teller's face or palm, or ask him to write a word or take out an object.

In short, if you want to observe the direction of destiny in the river of destiny, you must at least find that destiny line first.

The outside visitors have no interaction with me, and no cause and effect has been established yet.

It doesn't threaten me - at least I don't have the slightest sense of crisis at the moment, no crisis touches my spiritual sense.

I couldn't find any prophecy, I saw nothing in the river of destiny. " Harley sighed.

Even if the "Book of Destiny" is handed over to her now, if she wants to predict someone or something, she must first find the "destiny chapter" of someone or something.

The river of destiny is surging, and every drop of water contains the destiny chapters of countless people and events.

Unless that person or thing is involved with Harley herself, or leaves obvious traces in the river of destiny, she cannot find the fate of a person or thing out of thin air.

I can't even find the destiny chapter, so naturally I can't observe the trend of this destiny through the destiny defense expertise.

Hal thought for a while and asked: "You are too strong, so you don't have a sense of crisis. If another divination master, who is far inferior to you in strength but has far superior divination ability than you, comes over, can you predict anything?"

Harry glanced at him and said, "There are people everywhere who are far less powerful than me, but there are almost no people who are worse than me in divination."

The three sisters of destiny were defeated by her, and the remaining god of destiny was either her younger brother or a prisoner.

Those captives are still being held by her in the stomach dimension, slowly studying the laws of their destiny. Oh, there is also an angel of destiny, Amra.

After Selena came back from Paradise Mountain, she also told her that when she was still in the Garden of Destiny, Amra had "predicted" her victory and informed the Eagle Archangel Zauliel that Amra was probably a traitor. The favor was given to her, but there was no way He could know the outcome of the Battle of Destiny Garden based on prophecy.

Harley herself knew that she sacrificed part of the origin of the God of Destiny and a small number of fragments of the pages of Destiny to the Voice of Heaven.

The Voice of Heaven knows about her situation, which means that all the top archangels in Silver City will know about it.

Zaulie is one of the four archangels, but he is not considered the top boss in Silver City.

"Isn't Mrs. Xanadu's divination ability as good as yours? Now she has become the God of Destiny, right? I heard that she once sent invitation letters to Uncle Sam and Frankenstein, inviting them to attend her ceremony of becoming a god in Lishan Forest. ." Hal said.

"She has a higher level than me, but her skills are not as good as mine." Harley said.

Hal was doubtful, "You admit that her level of divination is higher than yours, so why do you still say that her prophecy skills are inferior to yours? Isn't this a contradiction?"

"Superman also practices martial arts. What state is he in? There are thousands of Martial God Kings in the Martial God World. Who can beat him?"

Hal was stunned for a moment and said hesitantly: "Superman's combat power can transcend realms because he has 'superpowers' outside of his independent practice system.

Do you also have powers related to divination? Like Dream Girl from the Legion of Super-Heroes. "

There are also many heroes in the Justice League who are proficient in divination, but they do not understand the rules of divination or even basic meditation methods. The reason why you can peek into the future is all because of your superpowers.

The dream girl of the 31st century superhero legion is the most powerful "power diviner".

Dream Girl has the talent of 100% real dreams, and can predict major events in the next year out of thin air without the help of any prediction factors.

This ability is stronger than most gods of destiny.

"Well, just think that I have a prophecy power that's even better than Dream Girl's 'Real Dream'." Harley didn't explain much.

Her Fate Defense expertise cannot be explained clearly either.

Hal frowned and said: "Superpower prophecies often have great uncertainty and instability.

For example, the dreams of the dream girl are all real dreams, but she does not know how to interpret them.

The future she dreams about is 100% correct, but her interpretation of the dream scenes is often wrong.

Many times they are even polar opposites.

She couldn't even control her prophecy.

Sometimes a crisis happened and she didn't feel it at all; sometimes it was just an ordinary disaster on an alien planet billions of light years away, but she suddenly twitched and fell down, reacting extremely strongly, as if the world was about to be destroyed. "

"So you think my superpowers are just like Dream Girl, very unreliable?" Harley said lightly.

Hal did think so.

He touched his nose and said with twinkling eyes: "All miracles have a price, and 'instability' is the price of the dream girl's convulsive prophecy.

We are idle now, so we might as well find real experts.

Even if it doesn't work, there will be no loss. "

If it weren't for the hint in his words that her prophecy ability was not as good as Xanadu's, Harley would still agree with these words.

Seeing that she remained silent, Hal added, "I'll go back to find Madam Xanadu, you don't need to do anything."

"No need, my clone has gone to Lishan Forest now." Harley said calmly.

Xinli Mountain Forest has more ridges that are 100 meters high than before, and the forest area has increased.

Of the two families living in the forest, the Gordon family has not changed much. It is still on the edge of the No. 1 Avenue in the World, with a building area of ​​100 square meters and a garden of dozens of square meters. Mrs. Xanadu has demolished the "Mrs. Xanadu's Cottage" and A "Mrs. Xanadu House" with a total area of ​​more than 2,000 square meters was built on the ridge.

Two thousand years ago, when she was still a "forest fairy" in the British forest, Shangdu lived in a tree hole; now that she has finally become a god, her mansion has to be upgraded to a higher level according to her status: she found a small stone peak and placed it there. It is hollowed out inside, with a bottom area of ​​more than 800 square meters, and a total of five floors. Even the lowest floor is transparent from east to west, north and south. Looking out the window, you can see the bustling city of Manhattan to the west, the Hudson River to the east, and the Atlantic Ocean to the north. There is Lishan Mountain with a higher altitude in the south.

At this moment, Hallie called all the people on the phone, but she didn't answer.

Harley went to the "Xanadu House" and only saw Xiao Lai, Barbara and their daughter tinkering with potions there.

"What are you doing?"

Xiao Lai said with a smile: "I recently became a teacher to Madam Xanadu and studied potions with her. Barbara is now teaching me the skills of handling potions."

She is a well-known doctor in Gotham, and even today, she still has not given up her career.

Nowadays, the purpose of studying magic potions is to better treat diseases and save people.

"Where did Xanadu go?" Harley asked.

Xiao Lai thought for a while and said, "I'm not sure exactly where. I only know that she left Gotham the afternoon before yesterday, saying she was going to visit relatives."

"I don't have any relatives in Shangdu, so where can I visit them?"

Xiao Lai wondered: "Isn't Mrs. Xanadu one of the 'Three Sisters of Avalon'? She was once a forest fairy, and she also had two fairy sisters."

"The three of them are even more plastic than plastic sisters. They haven't been in contact with each other for thousands of years," said Harley.

After Xanadu lost his power, he ran to the Fairy Lake and cried, "Sister, save me." Vivian didn't even pay attention to her. How can we still have friendship now?

"Perhaps Mrs. Xanadu's visit to relatives this time is not to reminisce with relatives. She said, 'Being a god and not returning home is like walking at night in brocade clothes.'" Xiao Lai said with a strange expression.

"If it's just to show off, it's possible."

Harley thought for a moment and did not call her back immediately.

Shangdu has been holding back for thousands of years and finally became a "Hexi girl". It is too cruel to interrupt her pretentious journey for a trivial matter.

Well, in Harley's mind, Xanadu's divination ability is far inferior to hers. Even if she goes to divination at the hole in the Origin Wall, there will be no results.

After waiting for another four days, Xanadu still didn't come back.

Harry didn't expect much from the meeting, but the old god was there.

Hal got angry because the "outsider visitors" in the hole in the origin wall interfered with the emotional energy spectrum more and more seriously.

He quietly sent a message to the Justice League.

Half a day later, Mrs. Xanadu was sent over by Cyborg using a sonic boom tunnel.

"Where have you been these days?"

Harley didn't have much expectations for him, but he was more interested in her visiting relatives.

"I'm back to my hometown in England!" Xanadu's face was already flushed, and his joy in the spring breeze was stronger than the joy of spring after drinking "Qiyinhehuansan".

"Hahaha, Harley, you can never imagine how wonderful Vivian's expression was when she learned that I had become a god." She pulled Harley's sleeves and gushed: "At first, Vivian was so excited about it. My visit was extremely cold, and they refused to even see me.

But I directly divined her location by 'calculating with my fingers', and also used the divine law to break the seal in the lake.

Hahaha, at that time Vivian’s mouth was as big as the mouth of a bowl, and her eyes nearly jumped out of their sockets. She pointed at me——"

Harley listened with great interest, but Hal became impatient and interrupted her: "Mrs.

Harley also said casually: "Just try it and make him give up completely."

"Just try it casually?"

In his early years, Dachao received the "Sword Inner Armor" as a gift from Xiandu's eldest sister Vivian, and he knew where the "relatives' house" in Xanadu was.

When he came to the door with a group of superheroes, he said to Xanadu in front of Vivian: The safety of the entire multiverse is related to the safety of the entire multiverse. Now we can only rely on Mrs. Xanadu, so I took the liberty to come and disturb him.

If you change the place and time, your interest will be disturbed, and you will definitely feel unhappy.

This time in Dachao, they helped her pretend to be a huge pussy for free at the best time and in front of the most correct person (her eldest sister Vivian).

Therefore, Xanadu is full of energy and enthusiasm.

"I've tried it myself, and I haven't even sensed the fate of external things. What can you predict?" Harley glanced at Hal, "The people who expect you to turn the tide are just people who come to you. To be honest, I I don’t expect anything from you.”

Xanadu was in high spirits at the moment, but he was unhappy after hearing this, "Harley, what do you mean, I definitely can't do what you can't do, because my divination skills are not as good as yours?"

Have you forgotten who taught you divination? "

Harley glanced at her sideways, "Have you forgotten who helped you become the God of Destiny, and who provided you with a massive amount of the 'Secret of Original Cause and Effect' so that you could show off in front of the fairies of Avalon?"

During the first sentence, Xanadu still had an angry look on his face. When he heard the last two sentences, Xanadu's face turned red and he groaned: "How do you know me? What do you know?"

Harry said: "I know that you are sitting on a high platform, talking about the mystery of the original cause and effect in the eyes of the female fairies with admiration and envy, and your eldest sister Vivian is fascinated and admires you very much.

You also lied in public, bragging that this was a secret you yourself understood in the place of your original destiny. "

Hal looked at Xanadu, whose face was so red that he was bleeding, and asked in surprise: "You've been away visiting relatives for more than a week, and you only focus on bragging to them? Aren't you tired?"

——Looking holy in front of others, walking around in royal robes, and being happy, how can you not be tired for a long time?

Shangdu yawned a little tiredly and said: "It's not bragging, it's a 'reflection explanation' after being promoted to a god. This is a tradition passed down from ancient times."

After explaining, she looked at Harry awkwardly and asked, "How do you know?"

"What do you think?"

Xanadu was shocked and said: "Two days ago, I did feel that my fate line was touched. Someone should be spying on my fate, but -"

Her heart moved, the shock on her face disappeared, and she suddenly said: "Oh, I almost forgot, you are not only good at divination, you must have forcibly observed my timeline."

"Stop talking nonsense and hurry up and do your divination!"

Her "Kui's Divination Technique" is not just about observing the river of destiny.

"Harley, I have to explain it clearly no matter what. I didn't lie or brag on purpose." Xanadu glanced at Harley and Hal and said seriously: "The original mystery of cause and effect I told was my own perception. It's just that I first observed your perception."

"What's the difference?" Harley waved her hand, "Go back quickly!"

"Harry, I must surprise you today!"

Mrs. Xanadu made up her mind, took out the tarot cards next to the hole in the origin wall, and started divination with her strongest skills.

"Ah, I saw it, so tall, so big. Are they giants? Ah, they are innate gods, four of them in total!"

When the seventh tarot card was turned over, Mrs. Xanadu's red face suddenly turned pale, her whole body trembled and twitched, and her voice was rapid and sharp.

Harley was surprised.

Hal was extremely surprised and shouted quickly: "Madam, what are the innate gods? What are they going to do?"

"They're going to poof - ah!" As soon as Xanadu struggled to say a word, blood spurted out wildly, and all her orifices were spurting blood. Her body quickly aged and shriveled, and her strength and aura instantly declined to the bottom.

It was as if there was a tube inserted into her soul, sucking all her life and strength away in an instant.

In just a few blinks of an eye, Xanadu changed from a young woman of about 20 years old to a dying old woman.

"My divine power, my divine personality, have all disappeared. I am no longer a god, no~~~" She roared with a fearful expression, her voice as weak as a cat's meow.

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