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About Harley's Curse

ps: Regarding Luther’s painful talent, it’s been too long, so everyone’s impression may be a bit blurry, so I’ll explain it again here.

In the multi-dimensional reboot crisis (Infinite Crisis), Luthor, the little pressured man, took advantage of Luthor's identity and also messed with Luthor's memory when reading his memory.

Even after the crisis ended, Luther was like a brain-dead patient, unconscious.

At that time, Harley was not yet level 110 and could not help him restore his messed up consciousness to normal.

Then she thought about hell. No matter what state she was in during life, her soul would regain consciousness after death.

Even if you have Alzheimer's disease, you can still remember everything you experienced in life after you die and go to hell.

It's like there is a soul formatting and restarting mechanism in hell.

Harley used this mechanism to turn Luther's soul, whose thought data became a bunch of gibberish, into hell.

But she was saving people. If Luther's soul fell into hell according to the normal path, it would be equivalent to his complete death.

Harley was already the guard of the Gate of Hell at the time, so she used her authority to release Luther's soul into hell through a side door, and asked the judge who controlled the punishment of hell to do a private job with the gods of death - to help Luther open an eighteenth level of hell alone.

In other words, Luther would take turns going through all kinds of torture in hell.

Then use the water of the Lazarus Pool (the water of Lei Xiaogu in the League of Assassins) to resurrect him.

But there are two problems with this kind of resurrection. First, Luther's soul is contaminated with hell's magic power and theoretically belongs to the undead from hell; second, the source of the water in the Lazarus Pool is the Three Palace Demons.

Therefore, if Luther wants to be resurrected perfectly, he must remove the breath of hell and the mark of the Three Palace Demons from his soul.

Simply providing thick-skinned divine power cannot change the nature of the soul. As a very simple example, if a hell demon obtains thick-skinned divine power, will its own hell attributes change?

Not really.

Harley's idea is to make Luther a believer, and his soul will change in the process of belief. If he can have faith in her, she can also use Thickhide's divine power to fundamentally purify his soul.

Luther couldn't believe in Harley, so Harley cursed her, using her thick-skinned power to act on his soul.

At that time, in order to curse Luther, Harley spent the thick-skinned power equivalent to 10 demon dukes.

In other words, the essence of Luther's painful talent is the thick-skinned divine power distorted by the cursed law.

But this kind of curse that affects the power of the curse law cannot be cast casually. It requires a "curse factor", that is, the gods must have a reason to impose the curse.

Harley had every reason to curse Luther because he asked for it.

If a mortal does not make a request, let alone provoke the gods, even if the gods curse the mortal, they will not be able to activate the power of the curse law.

In fact, the plot setting of Harley cursing Luther comes from God cursing Cain.

Cain was originally a mortal, but after being cursed by God, he became the ancestor of vampires.

The power of vampires is basically the opposite of that of believers in God. It can be said to be the opposite of God's power.

In DC comics, there is also Cain, the ancestor of vampires, there are vampire plots, and there are vampire heroes, such as Van Helsing who took refuge in Harley. This is really not a character I created.

In the original comic "I, Vampire", Van Helsing used thousands of bombers to drop holy light bombs and silver bombs to destroy the vampire kingdom.

Considering that the article was already too long, I completely deleted the plot about vampires. There were originally at least two major crises related to vampires.

Neither Cain nor Bennett, the protagonist of the "I, Vampire" story, had a chance to appear.

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