I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1847 Luther’s weak force field

The day after Harley returned, Luther arrived after hearing the news.

He was alone this time, and his sister Lina was probably too embarrassed to follow him.

As soon as Luther's butt drum landed on the sofa, he said straight to the point: "Harry, you may think that I am coming to you for help just like in the past, but this time it is actually not what you think."

Harley said nothing, only looked him up and down with curious eyes.

Today, Luther is not dressed in a suit and leather shoes like he used to be. He is wearing a jumpsuit made of what looks like a transparent plastic film. There is a transparent liquid inside the plastic film, and Luther's body is suspended in the liquid.

Only his bald head was exposed.

Under normal circumstances, if a person is placed in a water bag that is not much larger than himself, the body will definitely sink and the soles of the feet will touch the bottom of the bag, or some part of the body will touch the bag during activities.

Luther, however, always kept his body 100% suspended in the water bag. Except for his neck, no other part touched the membrane.

"Your 'liquid clothes' are a bit interesting."

Luther looked down at the "liquid clothes" on his body, the expression on his face was a little proud and a little bitter, "You must understand why I wear such clothes.

The solution mixed with active divine factors not only supports my body and prevents my body from directly bearing the pressure caused by its own gravity, but also blunts my nervous system to a certain extent and reduces my pain. "

As the self-proclaimed smartest person in the multiverse, he would definitely not put an ordinary plastic bag around his body and fill it with tap water.

The transparent film on the body's surface protects against puncture damage better than most alloys of the same thickness in the universe.

A drop of liquid in a transparent film costs more than tens of millions of dollars.

"At what stage has your pain-killing talent been developed?" Luther was sitting across from him, and it was difficult for Harley to scan his soul directly with her mental power.

"You seem to have been born with divinity? Is it related to the talent of Painer?"

The divinity in Luther's body is very weak. Harley is not sure whether the divinity belongs to him, or whether he got it from elsewhere. After all, his liquid coat is filled with a large amount of divine factors, which is a specially processed new God's power.

Various emotions such as embarrassment, shame, sadness and anger flashed across Luther's face quickly, and his face was as red as a monkey's butt.

"It's divinity, but not thick-skinned divinity."

Harley stared at him, intending to listen to what he continued.

Luther closed his mouth and looked at her, meaning "Just know it's divinity, don't ask anymore."

Harry understood what he meant and said, "If you don't explain things clearly, it will be difficult for me to help you."

“I’m not coming to you this time. Well, I need your help, but like in the past, I don’t need you to help me get out of jail, or to clear up the misunderstanding of me by the government and the people.

I'm not guilty at all.

The collective ascension and the formation of the 'Legion of Freedom and Hope' are both the choices of the new god of mankind.

Except for a few media people who condemned me on moral grounds, most mainstream media also sympathized with me. Of course, I don’t need anyone’s sympathy at all. "

At first, he looked arrogant, but when he said the last sentence, he seemed to think of some unsightly R-rated scene, and became a little bit gnashing his teeth and getting angry.

Seeing Harley's sympathetic eyes, he raised his voice and said stubbornly: "My experience in the Apokolips slave camp was not as miserable as the media described."

"The media not only described your miserable experience in words, but also included pictures and videos. The dark elite did not stop Louise from shooting news materials."

Harley didn't mean to kill him in person, he was already miserable enough.

She just wanted to remind him, who had just returned to Earth not long ago: Everyone knows what happened to you, so it is better to act miserable, cover your face with your hands, and cry silently to gain everyone's sympathy. If you keep silent, you will only be slapped in the face by reality.

"There are also new human gods who have taken refuge in the dark elite. They often upload various photos and videos on earth's social media to show off their wonderful life as a new god.

Of course, their purpose is to deceive people on earth to go to Apokolips, but those photos and videos include you being... You know, 'Lex Luthor in the slave camp' has almost become a holy place for internet celebrities, the new dark god of mankind. . "

Just because of the propaganda of Cosmic Name Louise, a large number of human dark new gods were in the slave camp and even punched in Luther's body. After Luther returned to Earth, no civilization or country filed legal charges against him.

He is so miserable.

The general public opinion is also sympathetic.

No matter how much people hate Luther, they will feel a little pity when they see him crying and crying under the new god of darkness.

"Harry, since you know that I relied on the power of pain to escape, you should understand that it is impossible for me to awaken my talent and escape on the same day. I need time to practice my power of pain!" Luther said. vocal channel.

"Oh, it turns out that you are really practicing diligently with the help of their aggression." Harley had a strange expression.

"Those traitors will not end well." Luthor clenched his fists, his eyes were red, and he was gnashing his teeth angrily, "'The Great Co-Prosperity of the Dark New Gods of Apokolips' is a scam at all. It is the dark elite's response to the 'human collective ascension crisis' The final mopping up plan.

For us people on earth, collective ascension is a huge opportunity, but for the dark elite, it is a huge crisis. "

Harley raised her eyebrows, "Collective ascension is also a crisis for mankind. I explained it from the beginning."

Luther glanced at her, with a bit of unwillingness and complaint in his tone, "As long as you help me a little bit, the new human gods will completely replace the old new gods.

You look down on the New Gods and feel that they are constrained.

But there is only one "Witch Harley" in the entire multiverse.

The vast majority of human beings have been busy and toiling all their lives, and have been oppressed by society and capitalists all their lives. They have no time to enjoy themselves. Their youth has gone. Aging and illness accompany them to a desperate death. After death, they still have to worry about going to hell.

Mortal life is too hard and life is too tiring.

No matter what price you have to pay to become a new god, it is better than a mortal who lives for decades and is so weak that he cannot even deal with ordinary disasters. "

"You want benefits, so why should I bear the cost for you? Okay, I'm tired of this topic. If you still want to complain, just go home and complain." Harley waved her hand.

Luther shook his head and said: "I just said it casually. The matter has come to this, and there is no point in complaining."

Then he returned to the previous topic and said: "The collective ascension is to the dark elite what the Crisis of Infinite Earths is to the multiverse. They are both major crises of national subjugation and species annihilation.

You may not understand what I mean.

The collective ascension stimulates the dark elite far beyond human imagination.

In other words, the dark elite's malice towards the new human race of gods is beyond human understanding.

I dare say, Harley, you haven’t seen through the nature of the ‘Apocalypse Telecommunications Fraud’.

The Dark Elite is not trying to disrupt the Earth, nor are they seeking revenge on the Justice League.

Perhaps actually disrupting the earth and taking revenge on superheroes would also make the dark elite happy, but their real purpose is to completely solve the 'collective ascension crisis'.

For the dark elite, the crisis of "collective ascension" can only be truly over by killing all the new gods of humanity and cleaning up all the ordinary humans who try to become the new gods of darkness. "

Luther looked at Harley, who looked surprised, and sneered: "So you understand, those traitors and traitors who awaken to divinity and show off their tricks have no future at all, and none of them will survive.

The ‘Apocalypse Telecommunication Scam’ uses cruel torture to torture and kill ordinary humans who want to become the new god of darkness.

For the real human dark new gods who have awakened their divinity and gained divine power, the dark elite arranged for them to invade the earth in the parallel universe and let the Justice League from another world eliminate them one by one.

Ten deaths today and ten more deaths tomorrow do not need to be deliberately arranged. Over time, all the new dark human gods will die. In the end, there will be no new human gods on Apokolips.

This is the most ruthless thing about the dark elite. They have never really thought about assimilating the new dark gods of mankind.

Even if they surrender to the new gods of Krypton, they can accept them, except humans. Anyone who wants to become a new god will not be spared; those who have achieved divinity are even more unforgivable.

The reason is very simple, you! "

Luther pointed at Harley and said with a complicated expression: "As long as you exist for one day, the new gods of mankind will be the biggest threat to the 'old and new gods'.

People's hearts are unpredictable and changeable.

Today you don’t support the collective ascension of mankind, but what about tomorrow and the day after tomorrow?

The New Protoss of Apokolips has existed for billions of years.

How long is modern civilization on Earth?

Thousands or tens of thousands of years later, the development of human civilization will encounter a bottleneck; or hundreds of thousands of years later, mankind will finally become an advanced civilization, and then it can only break through to a god-level civilization.

In the material universe, planetary civilizations have lifespan limits, and even the early Martus people are no exception. Human civilization also reaches its end.

At that time, what are your thoughts?

For ordinary people, decades are already a long time, and there is no need to think about what will happen ten years from now.

The dark elite have all lived for billions of years.

For them, thinking about things hundreds of thousands or millions of years in the future is normal, not even foresight.

They believe that you don’t want humans to ascend to new gods today, but they definitely don’t dare to bet that you won’t change your mind for hundreds of thousands of years in the future.

Even if they win the bet and put their hope in others, they still live in fear; if they lose the bet, the whole family will be wiped out.

If it were you, how would you choose?

Now kill all the humans who try to become the new god of darkness, and the destiny of "collective ascension" will soon disappear.

Humanity has lost the blessing of destiny. Even if you regret it in the future, even if you have enough strength to kill all the dark elites, don't let mankind ascend collectively.

The new gods are different from the old gods. Without the permission of 'origin', no one can ascend collectively.

The so-called ‘mandate of destiny’ is the permission of ‘origin’.

You must understand this with your knowledge.

Therefore, after cutting off the destiny of 'collective ascension', even if you regret it in the future, you will no longer waste your energy on Apokolips, and the Dark Elite will be safer. "

Harley nodded slightly and sighed: "I really didn't think about this before. With my current strength and realm, it is difficult to bring into the perspective and psychology of a little person.

The days of squatting in the slave camp were indeed not in vain. You achieved enlightenment in the Dragon Field! "

Although she was obviously praising herself, Luther felt a lot of discomfort after hearing these words.

He was obviously on the same level and in the same ideological realm as her, so why did the dark elite who defeated him, plotted against him, and completely defeated him become a "little person"?

And why did she say "it was in vain"? Does it imply what he endured in the slave camp?

Luther sighed: "You are right, the thinking perspective of the dark elite is too humble. Even if I have the smartest brain in the world and a similar ideological realm to you, it will be difficult to bring into their feelings."

Now it was Harley's turn to raise her head and look at him in surprise.

Her expression made him feel a little happy.

"The previous analysis was not something I thought of myself. Remember Amozo? He obtained the godhead of the God of Knowledge, and when he sat on the Mobius Chair, he almost had the ability to know everything."

"Did Yamo Zhuo say those words to you? You escaped from the slave camp long before the dark night fell, but you just returned to Earth two days ago, and you have been with him during this time?" Ha Li asked.

"I was with him for a while, not all the time," Luther said.

After leaving the slave camp, I didn't leave Apokolips immediately because I didn't have a Mother Box.

My original Mother Box has been completely destroyed by the Dark Elite.

Fortunately, my past efforts to free the slaves of Apokolips were not wasted.

In the ‘collective disappearance incident’, not only were the new gods of mankind forcibly pulled into Apokolips, but the slaves I had liberated in the past were also forcibly returned to Apokolips.

The many days of efforts of the 'Legions of Hope and Freedom' were in vain. "

Luther sighed regretfully and continued: "The blind prophet who told me the 'Prophecy of the Lord of Apokolips' came from a tribe of 'forgotten ones'.

Those Forsaken are my most loyal subordinates.

When I was imprisoned in a slave camp, they were the only ones who sacrificed their lives and sent people to rescue me many times.

I found their lair and, with their help, worked hard to hone my talent for pain.

They held sticks and helped me practice the "Martial God King Vajra Indestructible Magic Skill" purchased from the "World's No. 1 Martial Arts Dojo" in Metropolis for US$5. "

Harley's mouth twitched and said, "You don't need to emphasize its selling price."

Luther said sternly: "It's very necessary. I want to tell you that what I practice is not the indestructible magical power. All I need is the method of practicing hard qigong.

The Forgotten Ones beat my body with an iron rod as thick as a bowl, and they continued to beat me for 23.5 hours every day. In addition to eating and defecating, I also lay on the iron bed while sleeping and was beaten and practiced. It was even harder than yours. "

Harley was curious about how far his talent for pain had reached after practicing so hard, but she still remembered that they were talking about the God of Knowledge before.

"What does this have to do with the God of Knowledge?"

Luther said calmly and matter-of-factly: "Isn't this explaining how I met the God of Knowledge! I have been practicing in the Forsaken camp and plan to create a new godhead of my own with the talent of the Painful Man. That is, the 'God King of Pain and Weakness'."

"You haven't given up on the path of the New God? I remember that you swore to the Dark Elite - to completely give up the destiny of the Apokolips God King and no longer seek the divinity of the New God.

That's why they spared your life.

Even if you don't care about the oath, how can you fight the dark elite now that you are alone? "

Harley didn't even know what to say.

"What do you mean, spare my life? I would rather they kill me cleanly." Luther's face twisted and he shouted excitedly.

"Okay, stop shouting, pretend I didn't say anything." Harley waved her hand, "You continue to talk about the God of Knowledge. During your cultivation, he came to you?"

"Well, the dark night had fallen by then, and I was even more unwilling to return to Earth, and I was even more obsessed with developing Painren's talent, and then Yamo Zhuo appeared in front of me without any warning.

He knew that I wanted to awaken my divinity and continue the great hegemony of the "human dark new god race", so he told the dark elite's plan.

His Mobius Chair may not be truly omniscient, but at least it is very clear about the secrets of the New Protoss.

The "New God Purge Plan for Humanity" that the dark elite discussed in private could not be hidden from him. "

Harley asked curiously: "Why did he tell you this? Could it be that he still identifies with his identity as an Earthling, which makes you wrong? If he really wants to thwart the dark elite's conspiracy, it would be better to just find a superhero." .”

Luther said: "I'm not sure how much he still recognizes the identity of the people on Earth. He is definitely no longer the Professor Avio.

Professor Avio has been devoured by the submojo virus.

Today's consciousness is reshaped based on the soul of Iowei, plus countless stolen wisdom and memories, and it completely belongs to the will of 'Ya Mo Zhuo'.

The reason why he came to me and told me the Dark Elite's plan was not to persuade me to give up the path of the New Gods.

He just wanted to strengthen my resolve to become the God of Knowledge. "

Harry was surprised and asked: "Amazo is no longer the God of Knowledge?"

Luther nodded and said in a complicated tone: "You created an unparalleled magic called "The Heart Sutra of Phantom Demons"?"

"Even you know about it?" Harley asked strangely: "Did Yamo Zhuo tell you that he is also practicing this magical skill?"

"Well, he accidentally got the fragment of "The Heart Sutra of Phantom Demons" from someone else's memory. After studying it carefully, he had a general idea of ​​transcendence for the first time, and also developed a strong desire."

Harley immediately thought of the old wizard Shazam.

Spirits and wizards can basically achieve the goal of "unifying all thoughts".

Their brain waves and thought waves are condensed and cannot be stolen by brain wave detectors.

But at that time, Shazam's physical body was exploded by Yamo Zhuo, his soul collapsed and disintegrated, and his thoughts were like steel balls in detonated landmines. As long as Ya Mo Zhuo was willing, he could definitely plunder all the memories in his mind.

"For a long time, Yamo Zhuo was hiding alone at the edge of the universe, practicing in seclusion in the first volume of the Heart Sutra of Phantom Demons. Something happened to him during his practice. He didn't say what the accident was, but he was very interested in the follow-up skills. Dharma became more and more eager.

But he searched the universe and secretly peered into the brainwaves of many people close to you, but found nothing.

In desperation, he decided to write his own follow-up exercises. To this end, he frantically plundered the memories of well-known scientists and magic masters in the universe, and transformed their memories into his own wisdom."

Luther sighed unwillingly, "This is why he became the God of Knowledge! His extreme desire for wisdom attracted the Mobius Chair. It's not that he is smarter than me."

"After that, he used the Möbius Chair to complete the "Heart Sutra of Phantom Demons" and planned to give the chair to you?" Harley said.

Luther shook his head and said: "He does use the godhead of the God of Knowledge to collect knowledge crazily and increase his wisdom, but the Mobius Chair cannot truly achieve omniscience.

As long as the secrets of the God King and Demon King have not been disclosed and not known to ordinary people, it is difficult for the Mobius Chair to 'know everything'.

Moreover, the Mobius Chair can only collect existing knowledge and cannot innovate.

For example, the newly created "Phantom Heart Sutra" does not have many records in the multiverse, so it does not know it.

Even if the Mobius Chair has no effect on completing the "Heart Sutra of Phantom Demons", Yamo Zhuo will not want to give it up.

The reason why he gave it up was directly related to the coming of Barbatos.

Ever since he came into contact with your "Heart Sutra of Phantom Demons", Yamo Zhuo has been filled with an unquenchable thirst for all unknowns and wisdom. When the door to the sixth dimension opens, he naturally wants to go in and check it out, especially the world melting pot.

He got the basic information about the World Forge from the Mobius Chair, and wanted to get some pieces of the Tenth Metal from the forge.

But he is the god of knowledge, and the god of knowledge is the new god.

As you've said countless times in the past, the New Gods are very bound by their 'origins'.

‘Origin’ does not allow new gods to enter the sixth dimension.

The sixth dimension is the realm of the Creator. Only the Creator can enter. Mortals cannot enter due to lack of ability. New gods cannot enter due to rule restrictions.

He can only learn from Bateman to give up the Mobius Chair.

He told me personally that even in order to achieve ultimate transcendence, one must first give up the Möbius Chair.

But he didn't have Bateman's will.

Anyone who sits on the Möbius Chair cannot give up his desire for knowledge or the satisfaction of controlling all knowledge in a state of omniscience.

In fact, people who can be selected by the Mobius Chair are born with a great desire for the unknown and knowledge.

It is difficult for humans to violate human nature, and it is even more difficult for gods to violate their own divinity.

Even Bateman borrowed the beliefs of others to help him strengthen his determination.

Unable to escape from the Mobius Chair by his own will, Amodra found me.

To convince me of his sincerity, he opened up about his condition.

The above words were all told to me by him.

Telling me about the Dark Elite's 'New God of Humanity Extinction Plan' helps me strengthen my determination to seize the Mobius Chair - with the Mobius Chair, at least I can come and go without a trace, as long as I am not killed by the God King After the siege, he became almost invincible. Then he slowly developed his divinity, and finally achieved the great cause of 'Lord of Apokolips'.

The stronger my desire for the Mobius Chair, the easier it is to gain its approval, and the easier it is for Amozo to get rid of it. "

Harley said: "He failed."

Luther lowered his head and said awkwardly: "He succeeded, but I failed."

"Uh, he left the chair, but the chair didn't choose you?" Harley's eyes showed disdain, "Nite Owl is the second generation, Batman is the third generation, and Amazo is the fourth generation. You can't even be the fifth generation. superior--"

——You still have the nerve to keep saying "I am the smartest person in the multiverse" every day?

Luther blushed at first and was speechless for a while.

Then he seemed to have thought of some excuse, returned to a calm expression, and said: "I have the destiny of being the 'Lord of the Apocalypse Star', and the God of Knowledge is obviously a 'submissive attribute'.

I regard myself as a king, but naturally I have no compatibility with the divine nature of my subjects. "

Harley said calmly: "In the final crisis, Darkseid used the Mobius Chair as a scope to shoot Metrotron as he traveled from the present to the future to check the situation, and then snatched Metrotron's chair to complete' He gets the Möbius Chair's causal chain in the future. He's playing with the Möbius Chair, not relying on it.

It’s not that the real God-King of Destiny cannot be recognized by the Mobius Chair, it’s that he doesn’t need it at all. "

"Even the God-King needs to grow up. I am just the 'God-King of the next stop'. You can't use the old God-King who has lived for billions of years as a standard to ask for me at this time." Luther's face was not red, and his heart was not. Jump, said very calmly.

"Okay, okay, go ahead." Harley didn't even bother to taunt him.

"With my help, Ya Mo Zhuo used the speed force stolen from the alien Flash to accelerate his brain to a 'speed state' and absorb countless knowledge in an instant. The huge amount of knowledge temporarily overwhelmed the divine desire for knowledge. , he took the opportunity to escape from the Möbius Chair." A look of memory appeared on Luther's face, and he said hesitantly: "When Amozo left the Möbius Chair, I had a strong feeling that it was going to choose I!

I can't describe that feeling. I can only use metaphors to describe it. It's like when playing basketball, I have a strong feeling the moment I throw the basketball - the ball is there, and then it hits the net with a bang.

As a result, I don't know what happened, the chair suddenly disappeared, and my connection with it was completely severed.

That feeling of loss was stronger than when Lana fell into Clark's arms. You know Lana Long, my hometown is also in Smallville, and she was also my girlfriend. "

——Your loss came from Lana falling into Clark's arms, or from Clark holding Lana in his arms?

After all, Harley didn't express her inner complaints, "What did Amozo do after he got rid of the Mobius Chair?"

"Because the chair didn't choose me, and I really helped him a lot. He helped me find a mother box, and then he didn't tell me where he was going, but at that time Barbatos had just been killed by you. The sixth dimension The door is not closed, and with his interest in the Forge of the World, he may have entered the Dark Multiverse," Luthor guessed.

"Oh, Luther, you really need to work harder." Harley sighed: "I have always thought that you are the most stylish and ambitious among the super villains, and now you have obviously been crushed by Amozo. .

Crushing in all aspects.

You are still struggling in the human world, struggling to become a mere new god of darkness, but he has set his sights on the omnipotent universe and begun to pursue transcendence. The gap is too big. "

Luther said: "I don't think the pursuit of detachment means high quality. Detachment is just the pursuit of one's own strength. It is very egoistic and selfish.

My greatest ideal is to lead the entire human civilization to greatness and glory.

I want to be the King of Gods, not just for myself, but to lead mankind to ‘collective ascension’.

If I were to be a lonely god-king, I would rather continue to be a mortal.

Of course, I also pursue detachment, but what I pursue is the detachment of the entire race. "

The more he spoke, the louder his voice became, and the more he spoke, the higher his chin was raised, and finally he was looking around and looking down upon Harry.

"I understand your situation. If you have nothing else to do, you can go back." Harley waved her hand to chase them away.

Luther stared and said, "Harry, I'm not here to chat with you!"

Before he even got to the point, she started chasing people away.

"I'm looking for you today mainly to improve my talent of hurting people."

Harley looked him up and down again and said, "Didn't you spend 5 dollars to buy a copy of "The Indestructible Power of Diamond"? Your idea is right. As long as you keep stimulating the body with pain and arouse the pain to the extreme, This will enhance your pain-killing talent.

And divinity has been born in you. Now you can be regarded as the "God of Pain", right? How else do you want to improve? "

Luther lowered his head and said sarcastically: "Your perception is correct. I do have divinity in me. I have finally become a real new protoss, but divinity has nothing to do with Painer's talent. It is"

His voice was extremely low, his words were extremely fast, and his words were extremely vague. Even with Harley's hearing ability, she couldn't hear clearly what he was mumbling.

"What is the attribute of your awakened divinity?" Harley asked.

"Yes" Luther hesitated and slurred, unable to speak a complete sentence for a long time.

Harley became impatient and directly used her mental power to forcefully sense his soul.

"Oh my God!" She screamed in shock, looking at Luther with a very strange look, and a little bit of embarrassment on her face, "You have actually awakened the masochistic divinity."

Luther quickly shouted: "Don't get me wrong, this is not my nature. They have been torturing me. Later, the Forsaken also beat me 23.5 hours a day. My pain talent continues to sublimate, and I feel endless pain. Of hope and joy, I...I don’t want to either!”

The last sentence sounded helpless and sad.

"What is the function of your divinity?" Harley asked curiously.

"Harry, can we stop talking about this? I came to you to hurt the talent, and I hope you curse me again."

Harley was shocked again, "You want me to curse you?"

"It's not a curse of bad luck, it's a curse of blood. During the crisis of multi-dimensional restart, in order to recover my soul that was contaminated by the little pressure mountain Luther, you sent my soul to hell to experience torture, and you used curses to drive away the breath of hell from my body."

Luther said with emotion: "In the multi-restart crisis, you are not even the main god, and the power of the curse is limited. Now that you have become the god king, you also created the "Phantom Demon Heart Sutra", and your soul is semi-transcendent. The curse will definitely be more powerful."

Harley's mouth twitched and said, "This is the first time in my life that I have heard such a request."

"I am already a Pain-Human. Now I want to increase the strength of Pain-Huan's talent. What's so difficult to understand?" Luther said.

Harley pointed to his plastic coat, "I was not the God King back then, and you were already in pain so much that you had to shrink into the liquid clothes. Now that I have surpassed the God King, you still have to die from the pain?"

Luther gritted his teeth and said: "All miracles have a price. If I want to create a miracle, I must pay the price first.

I must kill those dark elites.

It's not that I'm too obsessed with the position of New God, I just want to get back what belongs to me and fulfill the destiny given to me by God - to lead mankind to ascend! "

Harley looked at him expectantly and said, "First show me your power to hurt people."

Luther looked around, stretched out his right hand, and aimed his palm at the window a few steps away.

Harley sensed an invisible force field, which was somewhat similar to her golden film force field, but had completely opposite properties.

"Crash!" The special glass suddenly exploded and the fragments fell to the ground.

Harley said slowly: "Your weakening force field changed its strength. It couldn't bear its own gravity and crushed itself?"

Luther nodded proudly, "Within ten meters, I am invincible!"

Harley glanced out the window and saw a group of people practicing in the training ground, so she sent a message: "Damian, come to the living room."

When the sweaty Damian came in with a samurai sword, Harley pointed at Luther and said, "Go up and chop him with the back of the knife."

Luther glanced at Damian contemptuously and sneered: "A mere mortal can't even stand firmly under my weakening force field, and he still wants to swing a knife at me?"

Damian returned the blade to its sheath, turned his head and said to Harley: "A mere mortal, even if I only use the back of the knife, I can cut him in two. I'd better poke him in the shoulder with the sheath. Even if I pierce him, I won't die."

"Whatever." Harley said nonchalantly.

"Boy, you're crazy." Seeing that Damian was less than ten meters away from him, Luther, who was a little angry, directly activated the weakening force field and enveloped Damian.

"Crack, click, click -" Damian immediately tilted his body, and there were cracks like firecrackers in many parts of his body.

"Ouch!" Damian was caught off guard and screamed in pain. He staggered and slid two steps, and the katana in his hand stabbed Luther's shoulder accurately.


For the first time, Luther's liquid clothes were not torn. Instead, the hardwood scabbard was broken into two pieces, and then the N-metal katana in the scabbard poked into the transparent film clothes.

Luther's expression changed slightly, and he raised his left hand and slapped the blade hard.

"Stab it -" A cut was made in the transparent film clothes, the samurai sword buzzed and vibrated, and the blade showed obvious signs of bending.

"Impossible!" Damian shouted in surprise, and Luther also screamed in disbelief.

"How can you, a mortal, wield a knife in my weakened area? And even cut my clothes?"

"You, a mortal, didn't use much strength just now. How could you bend my N-metal alloy knife?"

Harley looked at Luther with admiration and patted her hands gently, "It's amazing, it's awesome. It's worthy of the curse of my thick-skinned power. It's so powerful."

"Sister Harley, what trick did Luther use?" Damian stood crooked and didn't dare to move, with a large amount of cold sweat on his forehead.

He had two broken leg bones, a cracked meniscus in his knee, and cracked bones in his arms and neck.

It hurts so much.

Harley wrapped his body in a golden film, which was filled with vaporized "cosmic nutrients" - nutrients obtained from digesting the dark infant universe.

Holy light healing is a waste of divine power and has poor effects.

Absorbing the "cosmic nutrients", the wound will be repaired naturally, and the broken bone will become stronger.

"Now you understand why I asked you to cast the secondary curse, right?" Luther's face was still a little dark, "I am a mere mortal warrior, and I can't fight for an instant. How can I compete with the dark elite?

Their bodies are much stronger than his, and when they enter the weakened realm, their body's defense strength will not even drop to a negative number.

Moreover, their attack range is very far, far more than ten meters. It is difficult for me to even get close to them. "

Harley muttered: "Luthor, your skills are best suited to being a support player. There is no future for you as a solo leader.

If you cooperate with Superman, you two can defeat Apokolips.

The dark elites who fall into your weakened field are no different from tofu in front of Superman. "

"If it's to save the world and the future of mankind, I don't object to cooperating with Superman, but I will never assist him," Luthor said firmly.

Harley looked into his eyes and said frankly: "If you were a superhero, I would not hesitate at all and help you complete the second curse immediately.

But you are a super villain who specializes in doing evil things that are harmful to nature.

I don't care if you are a good person or a bad person, but I cannot allow my power to be used in evil ways. "

Luther was very embarrassed.

But he still did not look away, "I swear to you, I will only use my painful talent to deal with the new dark god of Apokolips and the scum who try to hinder the progress of human civilization.

Is this okay?

You don't have to worry about me breaking my oath. You are tougher than me and have lived longer than me. If I break my oath, you can deprive me of my painful talent or beat me to death. "

"Oh, it's now like this, and you're still playing tricks." Harley shook her head gently.

According to his standards, her blocking the collective ascension of mankind is equivalent to blocking the progress of human civilization. She is a scum who deserves to be beaten to death with painful force.

Luther's face changed, and he said: "I swear, I will only use the talent of hurting people to deal with bad guys who conform to the three views of the Justice League, and the other side must have provoked me and has a life-or-death grudge against me.

If you break your oath, you will take away my talent of hurting people, and you can even kill me. I won't complain at all. "

Harley looked deeply into his eyes, "You should remember how I cursed you back then.

Under the guidance of old Shazam, I first communicate with the Sea of ​​Laws and use the thick-skinned divine power to trigger the Cursed Law. The power of the laws and my thick-skinned divine power act on you at the same time, allowing you to awaken the Painful Man with attributes opposite to the thick-skinned divine power. talent.

Now I am communicating with the Law Sea again, and your oath has been recognized by the Law of Oath.

If you break the oath, the oath will really come true and you will lose the talent of hurting people.

As for whether to beat you to death, it depends on my mood and what you did at the time. "

"I understand." Luther nodded.

"Then tell me what you want to lose this time." Harley said.

Luther was stunned, "What do you mean?"

"If I want to curse you, there must be a curse, right?"

"Didn't you curse last time? That I would never get a response from true love." Luther's expression was a little distorted.

He recalled the time when Harley said his true love was Superman.

"It will prevent you from getting true love's response. It has been used up and you have to get a new one this time. The more severe the curse, the better the effect. You can't just get the benefits from the curse without paying the slightest price." Harley said .

"I'm in severe pain all over my body. Isn't that the price?" Luther said.

"Pain all over the body is an external manifestation of the pain person's talent, and it is not a price."

Luther thought for a while, then gritted his teeth and said, "Curse me to not be liked by women for the rest of my life."

Damian, who was soaked in gold film, bared his teeth and said, "How cruel!"

Harry shook his head and said: "The curse is too light. You will only feel regret if you lose something you care about; you also don't care if you lose something you don't care about.

If you care about being liked by women, you're not Lex Luthor. "

Luther frowned and said, "What kind of curse do you think I should bear?"

"Curse you to lose everything you care about eventually, okay?" Harley said.

"Isn't that too cruel? Just mean it, you don't really want me to be miserable." Luther shouted.

——I really want to see you miserable.

Harley thought to herself.

"Curse that you will always be abandoned when you give your utmost sincerity and sincerity, okay?"

"What's the difference between this and the last 'losing everything'? You're so cruel, can't you be more friendly to me?" Luther complained.

Harley said seriously: "No, there is a big difference. You are greedy and want everything. You have a lot of things you care about. The first curse will make you lose a lot of things.

But you are an extremely selfish person. You don't have much true love for anyone, and you are even less likely to give your "greatest sincerity." The second curse is a waste of effort. "

"Harry, I may be a little selfish, but I really have a sincere heart for you!" Luther looked at her affectionately, "I have always regarded you as my best friend and my only confidant in the world. Can’t you feel this kind of feeling?”

"If you disgust me again, I won't curse you." Harley said with a disgusted look on her face.

Luther put it another way, "If you think I won't give my utmost sincerity to others, is the curse still valuable?"

"Yes!" Harley seemed to see his future through his eyes, "As long as you have feelings, as long as you live long enough and come into contact with enough people, you will always meet someone who is willing to give your most sincere heart.

In fact, this curse is both a curse and a blessing.

The greatest luck in life is not to gain all the time, but to meet someone who is willing to give everything.

As long as you carry this curse, one day you will experience the pain of being abandoned when you give your absolute sincerity.

After your first experience, your three views will change a lot. By comparing your heart with your heart, it will be easier to be sincere and treat others more sincerely in the future. Then you will be abandoned again and again, and you will never get an equal response. "

Luther shivered, feeling a great fear inexplicably, and felt a little hesitant and regretful in his heart.

"Sister Harley, you are so cruel!" Damian murmured.

"All miracles have a price, Luther. What you are asking for now is a curse that does more harm than good. Curse is not a neutral word. What is lost in a curse is destined to be less than what is gained. You have to think about it." Harley road.

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