I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1846 Visitors from the Almighty Universe

"Harley, how do you plan to strip Barbatos of his power?"

After confirming the ownership of the "Supreme God" and confirming that his girlfriend would not go to the sixth dimension to become "Chang'e", Zha Kang began to be curious about the specific method of obtaining the "Supreme God".

"You just said that although your stomach bag can also digest defective cosmic embryos, the nutrients obtained after digestion are different from those of Barbatos? What is the difference?" He looked at Harley curiously and asked.

Harley thought for a while and said: "The reason why defective cosmic embryos were born was because the raw materials were defective, not because of the caster's technology.

The Forger's own condition is very stable. He stands at the edge of the world's melting pot, always energetic and focused, and his arm wielding the sledgehammer is not weak or weak.

He is always at the top of his game.

Theoretically, it is more stable than my Tianshanshan mobile phone production line.

The chips, storage and screens of Tiantianshan mobile phones are basically 100% produced locally. The performance is not as good as that of manufacturers that introduce alien technology. However, the process of mobile phone assembly and finished product testing is supervised by the Watchdog system, and the defective rate is very low.

Even so, it's not as good as the World Forger.

He is the Creator after all. "

"The raw material for forging the embryo of the universe is the tenth metal, right? Isn't it the most powerful and perfect metal in the multiverse? What flaws can it have?" Zha Kang asked.

"What are the raw materials for refining the tenth metal?" Harley asked.

"According to Bateman's personal experience, it should be the emotions of sentient beings in the fourth and fifth dimensions, especially the emotions of hope and surprise, which are full of endless potential." Zha Kang frowned, vaguely understanding something in his heart, "Your Meaning, the emotions offered by sentient beings include not only wonder and hope, but also numbness and despair.

Negative energy emotions such as numbness and despair will contaminate the tenth metal after entering the world furnace through the dream dimension.

If you forge the cosmic embryo with the tenth metal containing impurities, it is possible to create a defective product.

This has nothing to do with the technology of the world's casters, it is entirely due to the impure raw materials.

The reason why the World Forger cannot do without Barbatos is not only that Barbatos can digest defective cosmic embryos, but the key is that it can also extract impurities from defective cosmic embryos.

Restore the defective cosmic embryo into the pure Tenth Metal.

Barbatos is not only a garbage collector, he is also a resource recycler. "

Harley said: “Barbatos is not only a cleaner and recycler, it is also a burial site for hazardous waste.

Human beings produce a lot of harmful waste in production and life.

You must not have forgotten the ‘Undersea Man Crisis’ ten years ago.

Later, we used the naturally formed plane cracks to throw toxic and harmful garbage to the "hell planet"-actually an alien planet tens of millions of light years away, and the ocean crisis was truly alleviated.

The impurities in the tenth metal are the most harmful waste in the sixth dimension.

When Barbatos digests the defective cosmic embryos, harmful waste accumulates in its body.

That’s why it’s obsessed with ‘The Dark Knight’. "

Zha Kang said: "Isn't it because Barbatos picked Bateman because Bateman has the darkest dream?"

"Batman's functional role is a dark nightmare, but now I'm talking about obsession! Barbatos is not only using Batman, but also obsessed with him."

Harley glanced at the brown trench coat he wore that had never changed, "Toilet paper and clothes are very useful to you, but you are only obsessed with Burberry's classic trench coat.

Batman is to Barbatos what a Burberry trench coat is to you, both practical and addictive. "

Zha Kang, Xiao Zha and Sage Aoqi all had distorted expressions.

Harley continued: "The Joker is also obsessed with Batman, because Batman is very similar to him in terms of life experience and ideological realm.

Barbatos is like a clown with increased strength and weakened ideological realm.

Both it and Bateman grew up in a dark and depraved environment, and have seen the greatest darkness and malice in the world.

Barbatos finally chose to fall under the temptation of the mysterious man. He integrated the "dark impurities" in his body into the Tenth Metal, and used the corrupted Tenth Metal to kill his master in a sneak attack, completely sinking into darkness.

No matter what temptations and persecutions Batman experiences, his heart is always bright and bright.

It actually kind of worships him, he does what it cannot do, he transcends it in soul will.

This is different from the Joker who only wants to bring Batman into the same situation as himself.

The Joker doesn't admire Batman.

He only thinks that Batman is hypocritical and that Batman is essentially no different from himself. "

"Ahem, I'm not from Gotham, and I have no intention of joining the 'Batman Fan Club'. I'm not interested in the grudges and psychological journey between Batman and his fans. You can just come to your conclusion." Zha Kang spat. Smoke Ring said.

Harley said: "My digestive ability is stronger than Barbatos. It eats bread stained with dirt, and the dirt remains in its body. The bread is digested into flour and spits it out.

The "cook" caster processes the flour a second time.

I eat a piece of bread with dirt on it. The so-called dirt is like the butter on the bread. It is also a digestible and absorbable nutrient for me.

Bread is digested into its purest nutrients, not the raw material of the Tenth Metal. "

"What is the purest nutrient? Even if it is thrown into the world's furnace, the tenth metal cannot be extracted?" Zha Kang said.

Harley pondered: "After the cosmic embryo is decomposed and digested, I get the 'World Nutrition', which allows my body to absorb and grow, and also allows the small world to absorb and grow. Other than that, it has no other use."

Zha Kang struggled: "You have eaten the entire universe. How can it have the same effect as eating a cake?"

Harley said: "There is still a big difference. Eating an ordinary cake is not even enough for me to swing the fist of the God King. Eat a dark baby universe, and the nutrients obtained can keep me in the state for hundreds of thousands of years." True Martial God King state'."

"Just a huge cake?" Zha Kang said.

Harley said calmly: "I spit out a mouthful of saliva, which is the 'World Nutrition', and let it turn into torrential rain and fall on the world. Human beings who are affected by the rain will not need to eat in their lives and can grow, live and reproduce as usual."

Zha Kang was stunned and sighed: "It's amazing. You are more mythical than the characters in mythical stories, but you ate a baby universe!"

Harley glanced at him and said calmly: "The nutrients obtained from eating the cake can only be absorbed by the body, and the nutrients obtained from digesting the baby universe can make the small world grow.

You may think that since you eat the world, it is normal for the digested nutrients to grow the world, and there is nothing strange about it.

Under normal circumstances, even the world created by the God King would not be very large.

Because the creation of the world by the gods consumes divine power, even the divine power of the God King has its limits.

Any parallel universe within Wan Tian Yi has a three-dimensional volume and almost no limit. It is larger and has a higher energy level than any world created by the God King.

I don't need to consume divine power to create a world. As long as I eat the old world, I can create one or more worlds of equal size.

do you understand?

Just me is the equivalent of the World Forger plus the Dragon of Barbatos plus the World Forge plus the Dream Dimension. "

Harley pointed at herself, "As long as I am willing, as long as there are enough old worlds for me to eat, I can create a 'stomach multiverse' in my stomach that is not inferior to the current multiverse.

There is no need for a World Forger, nor a World Forge, nor a Tenth Metal.

What you think is a common ‘world nutritional supplement’ can solve all problems. "

Zha Kang was deeply shocked, the shock on his face could not be concealed, and the cigarette butt in his lips fell to the ground.

Zatanna and Sage Oz were also stunned.

After a while, Sage Ochi murmured: "So, Harley, your stomach is obviously more advanced than Barbatos's. You can even drive away the caster and close the world furnace. You can just sit in the sixth dimension alone." Already?"

Harry smiled proudly and said: "How can Barbatos be worthy of comparing with me? I don't like the position of the Creator, otherwise I wouldn't give you the 'Creator's God'."

Then, the smile on her face faded, and she became more helpless and embarrassed, and continued: "I can create countless worlds, but the intensity of the world I create is determined by my own divine king power.

The extent to which I control the laws of the universe determines the upper limit of the intensity of the world I create.

‘World nutrients’ can only allow the ‘seeds of the world’ I created to germinate and grow, but cannot rewrite the nature of the world.

I consider myself to be as talented as any God King, but the time I became a God King was too short, and my control over basic laws barely reached the passing level, far inferior to the veteran God Kings who have lived for billions of years.

But even the veteran God-Kings, the world they created is far inferior to the most ordinary parallel universe.

The Endless Family is the embodiment of the fundamental laws of the universe.

Do you think there is such a powerful incarnation of law in the world created by the God King? "

Harley shook her head and sighed: "I may have endless potential, but currently I am not enough to become a true Creator God.

Not to mention anything else, but the infinite frequency superposition technology of parallel universes is beyond my reach.

The world I created is like fish eggs, and the fish eggs are squeezed together to form a big "Quai's Multiverse".

However, our multiverse shares a set of matter and energy. The coordinates of countless fish roes in the three-dimensional space are completely overlapped, with only different vibration frequencies. "

Zha Kang came back to his senses and said slowly: "The fish egg multiverse and the frequency difference multiverse each have their own advantages and disadvantages. If one fish egg is broken, it will not affect the fish eggs next to it.

The frequency difference multiverse affects the whole body, and disasters in one or several universes often develop into crises of the entire multiverse.

For example, the Dark Night crisis just passed.

There are only seven people in the Dark Knights, and they have never even been to other universes, but they have pulled the entire light multiverse into the dark multiverse only through the main universe.

In a fish-egg multiverse, the Dark Knight would have to drag them one by one until they were exhausted. "

Harley said in a complicated tone: "For the creatures in the multiverse, a crisis that harms their lives and property is of course only bad. But for the multiverse itself, a crisis can also create a huge crisis force.

Incorporating countless parallel universes into a 'vibration system' makes management easier.

In the fish-egg multiverse, each single universe requires a share of energy. Infinite single universes require unlimited amounts of energy. Who can afford it?

Basically, the frequency difference parallel universe is the multiverse model with the lowest cost and the most output. It is the business model that every capitalist will choose. "

Zatanna looked unnatural and said, "You seem to be implying that we are livestock raised by capitalists?"

Harley shrugged, "Perhaps not even as good as livestock. Our multiverse is the fat cow in the pasture. We are just the cells in the fat cow, or lymphocytes with no food value."

"It's too exaggerated and too permeating." Xiao Zha smiled a little reluctantly.

She thought Harley was serious.

Harley did not continue the topic and turned to Sage Aoqi: "Even if the laws in the world I create are as powerful as those of endless family members, I cannot replace the world melting pot.

The World Melting Furnace and I belong to two different manufacturers, and the worlds we create have different specifications.

You can't put the wheels on a Hummer on a Bentley.

There are no two identical leaves in the world, and there are no identical people in the world.

Different people's understanding of the law must be different.

The world I created based on my own insights has very strong personal characteristics and is incompatible with the world embryo that the forger hammered out.

Therefore, if you want to become the ‘Barbatos Dragon’ in the sixth dimension, you must capture Barbatos’ talent. "

"The stomach bag cut off from my body is only an auxiliary system. It is used to suppress the organ that represents Barbatos' talent, so that it cannot penetrate your body and take over the host."

Sage Aoqi said worriedly: "You seem to have no experience with this kind of human body modification."

Harley patted him on the shoulder and comforted him: "Let's study together and slowly accumulate experience."

Sage Ochi was not comforted at all.

What the hell, a novice accumulated experience on him and became a veteran, and finally completed the transformation of the Creator difficulty level. It sounds scarier than a ghost story.

Zatanna was secretly glad that she gave up.

Seeing that Sage Aoqi looked unhappy, she comforted him: "You have to believe in Harley, she won't let you die no matter what."

——Sometimes dying may not be a relief, but not dying is 80% more terrifying.

Sage Aoqi sighed inwardly, but he didn't regret it much.

All miracles have a price.

No matter how painful the body transformation process is, it is nothing compared to the benefits you get in the end.

"Harry, the sixth dimension urgently needs the return of 'Barbatos Dragon', right? How much time do we have?"

"Half a year, if you are ready, we will start now." Harley said.

"I'm ready."

Zha Kang immediately said: "You can help Sage Aoqi transform his body. Xiao Zha and I can't help, so we should go back first."

"We are now in the ocean of entropy. Are you going out to die?" Harley said.

"Then you send us back."

Harley said calmly: "First of all, I won't delay my work of sensing the 'next door universe' for you two; secondly, even if I return to Earth, I can't let you go out until the Ochi Sage becomes the 'Ochi Dragon' .”

Zha Kang remembered what she had said at the manor before, that the matter of the creation god's throne should be hidden from "God".

"Does the Forger know about this? Can he accept Barbatos being replaced by someone else?"

"The caster's knowledge is unknown, and his attitude is not important. At least you don't have to care. If I couldn't even handle him, I wouldn't give you the 'Creator's God's Table.'" Harley said.

Zha Kang frowned and said: "Although it is crazy to usurp the destiny of the Creator, you have done many crazy things, and this time you did not completely destroy the destiny of the Barbatos dragon.

For 'Origin', as long as the work of the World Forge is not delayed, it doesn't matter who will complete the work. "

"What I want to hide is not the 'origin', but the mysterious person behind Barbatos." Harley said, staring into Zha Kang's eyes.

The three Creator brothers and Barbatos were certainly not born from Papetua's womb.

But she did create them.

In other words, Barbatos' talent comes from Papetua.

Harley robs Barbatos of his talents, which is tantamount to dealing face damage to Papetua.

If Papetua tried to destroy Barbatos in the process of stripping him of his talent, Harry would be hard-pressed to prevent it.

It would be better to activate the power of connection and the Destiny Defense expertise, try to hide this matter, and when the rice is cooked, Pappetua will be helpless and furious.

Others don't know the specific identity of the "mysterious man" behind Barbatos, but Zha Kang has been in contact with Pappetua.

After hearing Harley's explanation, he could only look at Xiao Zha and smile bitterly: "You should have listened to me earlier and didn't come over then. You don't have to be imprisoned here now."

"Harry said, at most half a year, we can afford to wait half a year." Xiao Zha was open-minded.

In the days that followed, Xiao Zha and Constantine continued to play on the Ark Continent.

Many countries have set up "settlement towns" in Ark Continent.

They learned from the Chinese people in building communities and cities on their own territory.

When there is a major crisis next time, the nationals of this country will no longer need to live in tents when they come to Ark Continent.

Zak and Zha Kang have plenty of places to roam.

Harley was divided between two things, sensing the development of the story in the "next door universe" and studying the Creator's biochemical experiment of "genius usurpation".

The effect is very good and the harvest is great.

It's not a biochemical experiment, it's a story perception this time.

"Sister Harley, I also sensed it. I finally sensed it."

Two days later, Hades, the king of Hades, was very excited and suddenly shouted.

"You also sense the universe next door?" Harley was surprised.

Although Hades would meditate and sense with her every time she came to the Ocean of Entropy, only she could find the universe next door through story perception, and only she could speculate on the scope of the spread of the story.

Hades couldn't sense anything.

"It's not just the universe next door." Hades was so excited that his lips were trembling, and his eyes almost filled with tears. "I felt the will of thinking being sent out by me."

"Are you sure it's not a hallucination?" Harley was very doubtful.

She has story perception brought by defense expertise, and she cannot sense any signs of life. She can only estimate the development status of the "Beloved of Gods from Another World" through the power of faith.

Well, the one favored by gods from another world was the first person in the next universe to receive her story and take the initiative to spread her story and beliefs to the outside world.

That is, the patriarch of the "Martial God King Sect" in the next universe.

At first, Harley used the thinking will of Hades as the carrier of the story, and the favored person from the other world was also the host of the thinking will.

"I'm very sure it's not an illusion." Hades was excited, his voice was loud and his tone was very sure, "I am not transcendent, my consciousness cannot extend beyond the multiverse, but my consciousness can receive external consciousness!

The 'thinking will' that you projected to the universe next door took the initiative to send me a mental message.

I don't know why I received that message, or how the other party did it, but I have deciphered the message content, so it can't be an illusion. "

"What did it say to you?" Harley was doubtful.

No matter how powerful the thinking life is, what is passed on is only the will of Hades.

It is already very rare for a mere wisp of will to survive and retain its original thoughts and memories; if it can exert its miraculous power to assist the "gods from another world" to spread the "doctrine of the God of War", Harley can wake up laughing even in her sleep. .

Now it actually takes the initiative to send a message to the Almighty Universe. She can't do it, so why should it?

"It allows me to have more thoughts and consciousness in the past." Hades said.

"Just this sentence?" Harley asked.

"The content of the message is only this sentence, but the words have their own emotions, and there are several subtexts hidden in the emotions: The host has a strong personality, and only with more thinking and will can the power of 'Pluto' be exerted, and a stronger 'Power of Pluto' can be used You have to be a host." Hades said with a strange expression.

"Are you so humble?" Harley asked.

He is so humble that he feels that he is not worthy of being "the one favored by gods from another world".

Hades's mental will is himself.

"I also feel a little strange. It is impossible for me to be humble to mortals, but if the host is like you, the witch Harley from another multiverse, my thinking and will must be as humble as I am to you."

"Witch Harry from another world," Harley sneered.

"Is there any problem?" Hades asked.

Harley was lost in thought.

If Hades's thinking consciousness is lying, then it must have an independent will and intend to rebel.

Now, the purpose of tricking Hades into investing more consciousness is just to develop and strengthen himself.

If Hades's mental will did not lie, then even if the "Beloved of the Alien God" is not the "Alien Witch Harley", he is still a destined person with great luck, or has been targeted by a powerful person.

At this time, he is no longer him, he is just a pawn in the game between Dang Neng and Harley.

Even if the thought consciousness can transmit information to Hades's body this time, it is also related to him or the power behind him.

After all, Hades's thinking will is no longer worthy of him. How capable can he be?

If the thinking will can accurately transmit messages in the omnipotent universe by its own power, unless the "gods from another world" are transcendent, there is no way that the thinking will cannot be worthy of him.

Harley explained her analysis in detail and asked: "What are you going to do?"

Hades was silent for only a few seconds, and then said seriously: "Sister Harley, I am willing to follow its request and cut off the thinking soul that I have gained from practicing in the past year, and pass it on to the 'Beloved of Gods from Another World' by you. , let it merge with the previous will."

Harley frowned and said, "Honestly, I'm happy to see you raise your bet, after all, I have nothing to lose.

But whether your mental will is lying or not, it doesn't look good for you.

When it lies, it means it intends to bite you back.

It didn't lie. It means that the 'host' is mainly a guest. It will bite you first, and then it will bite me when there is a chance in the future. "

"Isn't the host your believer? If he doesn't believe in you, he won't help you spread your faith." Hades said.

Harry sighed: "Under normal circumstances, it is indeed like what you said, but if the other person is ambitious and knowledgeable. He should have only had the knowledge of a mortal before, but after getting my 'story', he may learn from your thinking Understand the concepts of the omnipotent universe and transcendence in the transformation of will.

For that kind of person, religious belief is just a tool to control others, and most likely he will never believe it again. "

Hades said: "I decided to satisfy it. If it wants to bite me back, I will neither be surprised nor angry.

Its behavior is consistent with my personality and is my ‘true self’.

If it were just an ordinary life form, I would definitely fight with it.

Since it represents a higher evolutionary form, I naturally want it to swallow me whole and let me evolve with it, since it is me anyway.

As for it being possible for it to be back-bitten and manipulated by the host."

Hades hesitated for a while and then said: "Sister Harley, please don't be angry when I tell the truth."

"I will be angry if you don't tell the truth." Harley said.

Hades immediately said honestly: "Am I not being manipulated by you now?

I am an ordinary god-king who is hated by Hecate and manipulated by you in this multiverse. Why not go to the next universe to be a thinking being and cut off the grudges with Hecate without fear of magic debt.

Still being manipulated by another 'Witch Harley', it's just a change of 'big sister'. "

Harley wanted to crush this guy immediately.

But she also had to admit that Hades had a very clear understanding of himself.

"It's also possible that the 'Beloved One of the Gods from Another World' has fallen into the French net and been taken down by the power of the universe next door, so he can help your mental will to transmit the message." Harley said.

"I believe that no matter how powerful the other party is, they will not reject a loyal servant of the thinking life level." Hades said.

Harley had nothing to say.

"Since you have this awareness, let's get started."

Anyway, it is he who cuts off the thinking soul. Even if the investment fails, he will be the loser.

Harley spent three days using the tiny amount of mental consciousness provided by Hades to write a new story and send it to the universe next door.

The content of the story is simple but absolutely true. It is the story of her defeating fate and defeating Barbatos.

"I'll tell you some good news." Harley smiled and said to Hades: "The story delivery went very smoothly this time, and the 'Beloved of Gods from Another World' has always been well equipped to receive the story.

After being connected to the story, I even started to absorb the story eagerly. "

Hades lost another part of his soul, the most essential part.

His condition was a bit bad at the moment, his face was pale, his eyes were dull, and he was speechless.

After hearing the good news from Harley, he only cheered up a little and said weakly: "So the soul I just cut off has been integrated into the previous consciousness?

Across the Omnipotent Universe, this efficiency is so high! "

"This is also bad news, do you understand what I mean?" Harley said.

Hades' reaction was a little slow. He was stunned for a while before slowly nodding his head and saying: "The previous message was not a personal action of my thinking will. The people favored by gods from other worlds also participated in it, and the degree of participation was very high."

"This time we let them get what they wanted. I hope they can deliver some useful news next month."

Harley jumped out of the ocean of entropy, crossed the mother river of time, and returned to the current time point in the main universe.

"What are the great benefits? How are Sage Aoqi and Xiao Zha doing?"

As soon as she returned to Lishan Manor, Harry was surrounded by a group of people.

There are people living in the manor such as Selina, Ivy, and Rachel, as well as guests such as Barbara, Madam Xanadu, and Dick.

"Don't you guys stay here every day?" Harley asked curiously.

"We are really curious about the 'huge benefits' that even God has to hide." Xanadu looked at her eagerly and said.

Harley spread her hands, "Since you understand that even 'God' has to be hidden, why do you ask?"

Selina said: "Have Sage Aoqi and Xiao Zha not received the 'huge benefits' yet? What have you been doing these past few days? Many people have come to see you."

"I went to the end of the mother river of time to sense the story. Xiao Zha has given up the 'huge benefit' and Sage Aoqi is working hard."

Harry gave a rough explanation and then asked: "A lot of people have come to see me these days? The people you can convey the news to must not be government officials or celebrities, right?"

"You can ignore ordinary officials and celebrities, and I don't care, but Louise's father has become the commander-in-chief, and we cannot treat him and the representatives he sent as ordinary officials."

"Ryan." Harley counted with her fingers and nodded: "I understand, the election is coming soon. He wants me to come out and express my position. I will call him later."

"You guessed it right!" Selina looked surprised, and then said: "The Justice League and the Luthor brothers and sisters also came to see you.

The problem of the Justice League is more serious. There are abnormal signal fluctuations in the hole in the origin wall. You need to investigate. It seems that there is outside life or matter trying to penetrate into our universe.

As for the Luther brothers and sisters, I don’t need to tell you that their affairs are not important.

When they learn of your return, they may come looking for you at any time. "

"You all should leave. There's no more excitement to see. I'm going to go to the Origin Wall." Harley stood up and said.

"Some people are watching the excitement, and some are simply practicing martial arts here." Damian was wearing training clothes, with obvious traces of sweat on his forehead. "For some reason, the 'vital energy of heaven and earth' around Xinli Mountain is far stronger than anywhere else. It’s strong all the time.”

Selina said: "It must be an illusion, there is no pure natural magic in this world, especially in Gotham.

There really is pure 'vitality of heaven and earth', which has long been absorbed by Harley, Ivy, Xanadu, Rachel, and Barbara. "

Dick frowned and said: "I'm not sure whether Lishan has the vitality of heaven and earth, but I have been practicing in Lishan recently, and the effect is indeed better than elsewhere."

Harry stamped his feet and said with a smile: "Do you know what is under the soil? The dragon bone of Barbatos! It would be abnormal to practice on the head of the Creator without special effects.

What you sense is not the 'vital energy of heaven and earth' at all, but the power of creation that has been specially weakened by me.

Although it is just 'bone soup', it is more conducive to spiritual practice than pure natural magic power. "

"That's it." Several martial arts masters suddenly realized.

Xanadu asked in confusion: "I also live in the forest behind the mountains. Below the mountains is the spine of Barbatos. Why don't I feel any abnormal aura?"

"There are Barbatos bones underground in most of Gotham," Rachel said.

Harley said: "In addition to the dragon bones underground, there is also the magic circle I left on the dragon bones. There will not be any abnormal energy fluctuations elsewhere, and mortals cannot bear it."

She looked around at the martial arts masters and said, "I am currently researching the 'magic organ transplantation' experiment. If you are interested, I can help you transplant a dragon bone so that you can gain the talent of transforming into a dragon."

Damian bared his teeth and said: "Tear out a bone from our bodies and replace it with Barbatos's? Won't our bodies be swallowed up by its cells? It's like the first generation of cell transplantation in the neon comic "Naruto". "

"I am highly skilled, and I will definitely not let you be swallowed up by Barbatos' bone cells." Harry paused, then continued: "In fact, its cells are completely different from the cells you know.

The Creator is not a mortal, mortals need genes, they only need power. "

"Sister Harley, I'm very interested." Damian exclaimed excitedly, then stretched out his hand to tug on Dick's sleeve and said, "You do the experiment on Dick first, and if it succeeds, then switch to Jason.

As the last Robin, I deserve to be last. "

Dick broke away from his pull and said with a dull face: "You are interested. I can only become interested if I see you complete the experiment and be safe and sound."

Jason shrugged, "I don't have any problem with who of you is first or last, I can be in the middle."

"Why do you need to take risks yourself?" Selina looked at her three cheap sons and said, "Let Harley become 'Mrs. "

Xiandu waved his hands repeatedly, "This is inconsistent with my profession, so don't be me again."

Harley did not participate in their nonsense, her body surface flashed with green light, and she left Lishan Manor through space.

Originating from the hole in the wall.

With Harley's arrival, the hemispherical gold film covering the wall hole suddenly lit up brightly.

The golden light did not last long, almost fleeting, and the lost durability of the golden film was instantly replenished.

"Harry, you're here!"

In addition to Superman and Hal Jordan, there were more than three thousand Lanterns on site.

In addition to the Greedy Orange Lantern, the other six colored light legions have arranged a large number of troops here.

Even the giant remnant came over in his own spaceship.

At this moment, he was operating a strange instrument inside the gold film, seemingly detecting something.

Upon noticing Harley's arrival, many familiar faces took the initiative to say hello to her.

Without exchanging pleasantries, Xianyi went straight to the point and said, "Harry, it seems that something from the outside is passing through the Origin Wall. Can you sense anything unusual in the hole?

My instrument can only detect the color spectrum, and it has no good effect on the origin wall itself. "

Harley stared at the hole for a while, then hesitantly said: "How do you judge that the outside world is passing through the origin wall? I didn't find anything."

Under the protection of defense expertise, her mental power can spread along the cracks in the origin wall.

But the origin wall is not an ordinary substance, it has no concept of thickness.

As long as the wall does not collapse completely, and as long as the Origin Wall is still protecting the multiverse, Harley's mental power will never be able to follow the gap to the other side of the wall.

Until her mental power reached its limit, she could not find anything unusual in the gap.

"Not only did I not find abnormal life in the cave, but I confirmed that the abnormal breath flowing into the universe from the outside world was gone, and the cave was basically blocked." Harley continued.

The holes in the origin wall are like wounds on the human body. Even if the injury is not healed, the holes will be blocked by swollen muscles.

And the Color Light Corps has been repairing the cracks these days.

Superman, Diana, Bruce even contributed their own Tenth Metal weapons.

"Come and see this."

The Relic takes Harley into his spaceship.

"This is the spectrum of colored light energy that I detected." Ziyi called up several sets of data and placed them on the monitor, explaining: "Now we know that colored light energy is stored behind the origin wall, and the frequency of each colored light energy is fixed. .

Regardless of whether there is a hole in the origin wall, theoretically the energy spectrum of the colored light will not change. "

Harley looked at the two sets of obviously different emotional energy spectrums and was surprised: "Now the color light energy frequency in the origin wall has changed?"

"Only the color light near the hole is distorted, so I suspect that something from the outside is drilling through the hole."

Xi Yi called up another model diagram and said: "If a foreign object carries a huge and extremely high level of energy, it will form a powerful energy field around itself.

The force field on it interferes with the emotional energy in the nearby origin wall, causing obvious frequency changes in the emotional energy light waves."

Harley's expression became serious, "Your analysis makes sense. There may be outside beings drilling holes in the wall."

After thinking for a moment, she said: "Liangyi, you are big and slow in movement. Get out of here first. The Colored Light Legion doesn't need to arrange too much. If enemies really break in, ordinary lanterns can only be a drag."

In order to reassure the relics and the Lanterns, Harley finally chose to stay in the hole in the origin wall, and a clone was placed in Lishan Manor.

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