I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1845 Usurping the Creator’s Position

Sage Aoqi is one of the oldest mage in mankind.

He may not be as old as Madame Xanadu and Phoenix Faust, but he has lived far longer than the history of the United States. Well, it seems that being longer than the history of the United States is not too impressive. Many mages are older than George Washington. My grandfather is even older.

In short, among human mages, Sage Aoqi is very senior and very powerful.

Before Zatanna's father Zatara was born, Sage Ochi was almost the most recognized master in the earth's supernatural world who was closest to a divine wizard.

Sage Aoqi’s reputation and qualifications are not just blown away.

Before Harley used the equation to prove "I am me", he and his lover Rose used their souls to learn from each other's strengths and discard their weaknesses, complementing each other, and it was almost the most groundbreaking and perfect nightmare demonization.

At that time, many gods and masters believed that he was the most promising person to be promoted to a spiritual wizard in thousands of years.

As a result, to this day, he is still only a half-step spiritual wizard, one step away from breaking through the barrier.

The Book of Magic incident originally gave him hope of promotion, and he seized the opportunity and the hope: During his stay at Ipoca, he frantically absorbed pure magic power from nature. For more than a month, he absorbed I feel so full that I only need to stay in seclusion for ten or eight years before I can try to make a breakthrough.

After accompanying Tim Hunter to visit Harley, Sage Oz also had a private gathering with his old friend Madam Xanadu and his younger brother Constantine.

"Fortunately, Harry called me to Ipeko in time, otherwise I would definitely miss the great opportunity of the Book of Magic."

In Mrs. Shangdu’s big house in Lishan Forest, Sage Aoqi had a satisfied smile on his face and said with emotion: “Tim before entering Ipok was childish and innocent.

After leading the magic race to defeat the "White Magic Technology" humans, he completed a rebirth and sublimation.

That day, he closed his eyes tightly and his body naturally floated to the outer space of Ipece - a space close to the plane membrane.

It took two full days for him to come down, and when he came back he was a changed person.

The character hasn't changed much, but a lot of knowledge and memory have been added.

After that day, he became a real "magic messenger". Do you remember Faust, Darkthorn, Baron Winster and others? "

"I remember that they, like us, were captured by Ipok's 'Magic Mechas' and had their heads opened and their brains removed." Madam Xanadu touched her cheek, the expression on her face was not very good.

She was also the one who had her brain removed.

She still can't forget the helplessness and fear of being dissected like a guinea pig.

"They were rescued by the Ipok magic race. After regaining their freedom, they absorbed pure natural magic like me and Xiao Zha. Then they and I saw the terrifying power of the magic messenger."

Sage Aoqi's expression was complicated, and his tone was also complicated, "At that time, Tim's eyes glowed with silver-white magic energy, and he only glanced at them lightly. Those people were like puppets that were poured with gasoline and set on fire. Magical flames began to spray out from every pore on his body.

They screamed pitifully, they struggled desperately, and they begged heartbreakingly.

Eventually, the magic in their bodies was burned away, leaving only the original hellish magic. "

"Ah, Faust and the others were burned to death by Tim?" Xanadu exclaimed.

She thought of the prophecy of that day, that there were many bones at the feet of the magic user.

"Not dead, just drying out the magic power in the body, the pure natural magic power absorbed from Ipok." Sage Aoqi swallowed, and said with an inexplicable expression: "Harry is right, the pure natural magic power in Ipok is not One hundred percent pure.

In addition to the original magic mark, there is also the dimmed and degenerated magic mark of Yibo's 'Creation God King'.

Tim should be the reincarnation of the soul of the God of Creation or the ancestor of white magic. At least Tim has obtained the full power of the ancestor of white magic and can control all natural magic, including the magic absorbed by us.

However, we don’t have to worry about Tim coming to us to collect the debt.

He made it clear that in the world of Ipoca, all magic races can absorb pure magic power, but Faust and the others hurt his parents and took his mother's soul out of her body to torture and humiliate them wantonly. It was impossible for him to retaliate with kindness.

But he made a rule when he left Ipok. From now on, Ipok will no longer allow outside mages to enter.

His meaning was obvious, he would not let other mages absorb pure natural magic power. "

Speaking of this, Sage Aoqi once again showed a happy expression on his face. When he looked at Zha Kang and Xanadu, his eyes were a little apologetic, and he said: "Sorry, John, Xanadu, you were supposed to assist Tim Junlinyi." Perce, help him grow into a magic user, and then get the rewards of pure natural magic."

On the eve of the opening of the world of Ipok, he was seriously injured and was recuperating at Xanadu's house. He did not participate in the "Battle of Nanda Peak" and therefore did not enter Ipok for the first time.

At that time, I had not entered Ipoca with the "Book of Magic", and it became difficult to enter later. Amanda Waller and the mage agents of the Sky Eye Society could not find the space passage to enter.

Later, Harley was about to go to the Garden of Destiny, so she took him to Ipeko, taking the place of Xanadu and Zha Kang.

Forget about Zha Kang, Sage Aoqi knew that he had been working hard to lower his upper limit of magic power.

But Madam Xanadu had the same idea as him, and also had great expectations for the "Book of Magic", hoping to obtain pure magic power and use huge magic power to promote her realm.

Sage Aoqi felt that he had robbed Xanadu of his chance to become a god, even if he did not mean to do so.

"It's okay, no, I should be the one to apologize to you."

Madam Xanadu waved her hands indifferently at first, then suddenly realized in the next moment: Sage Ochi was at least right about one thing. If Harley hadn't interfered, she should have stayed in Ipok to assist Tim.

Sage Aoqi also understood the master rules of prophecy.

According to Harley's later approach of recruiting dozens of prophecy masters, even if she was eventually called away by Harley, as long as Sage Aoqi did not replace her, he would still have a place on the Island of the Gods.

With hundreds of years of accumulation, Sage Aoqi will definitely become the first group of people to be promoted to a spiritual wizard, and most likely, like Constantine, he will become a multi-line spiritual wizard.

Therefore, it was not Sage Aochi who took away her opportunity, but she delayed Sage Aochi.

Xanadu carefully looked at the old man again and made sure that he really had not become a spiritual wizard. She had not delayed him, but seriously delayed him.

She couldn't help but feel even more guilty, and she didn't dare to look at him.

Sage Ochi was confused by her words and her expression.

"Xanadu, in more than a month, I have absorbed enough natural magic power to impact the realm of gods and wizards." He thought that Xanadu didn't understand, so he directly turned the hint into an explicit statement, "Give me ten years, I am sure to use the huge The magic power pushes the Grandmaster's Law into the Law Sea, and the success rate should be no less than 50%."

Ten years is a long time for a mere mortal.

For these old monsters who have lived for hundreds or thousands of years, it is just a matter of seconds.

The 50% chance seems very low, but countless masters have been born in the past thousand years, but none of them have broken through to the realm of gods on their own.

"We went to the Garden of Destiny with Harley and got a great opportunity. Well, an even bigger opportunity." Mrs. Xanadu lowered her head and said.

Zatanna on the side asked: "Didn't Harley take you to fight against the God of Destiny Alliance? Is there any chance?"

Mrs. Xanadu raised her head and glanced at Zha Kang, who shrugged and said nothing.

"Hallee indeed wants to lead us to fight hundreds of gods of destiny, but what she needs is not a grandmaster, but a spiritual wizard, the god of destiny.

Only by raising us to the realm of gods and wizards can we help her. Alas, speaking of it, we were just Plan B. In order to prevent the worst case scenario from happening, it did not play a decisive role in the end. " Xanadu sighed.

Zha Kang said: "Don't belittle yourself. We have confused all the gods of destiny, including fate, and made them think that we are the biggest supporter of 'Witch Harley'. This has attracted a lot of firepower and attention, creating the foundation for Harley's fatal chicken stealing." Opportunity.”

"What do you mean? Only the God of Destiny can help Harley, don't you already?"

Sage Aoqi was surprised and uncertain.

He carefully sensed that the auras of the two companions were the same as before. Their auras were restrained and could not be directly spied on by others, but at this time he could vaguely feel a pressure.

When he had the idea of ​​forcibly mentally scanning their status, there was still a faint sense of crisis in his spiritual sense.

——No, not true, definitely not what he thought!

Sage Aoqi, who has always been honest, modest and magnanimous, showed his unkind thoughts for the first time.

"Well, we have become spiritual wizards." Madam Xanadu looked at his blank eyes and slightly twitching face, feeling a little worried, "Sage Aoqi, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, I'm fine. Congratulations." Sage Aoqi smiled reluctantly and confirmed again: "Have you and Constantine become the gods of destiny?"

Xiao Zha did not hide his shock and confusion, "Xanadu, are you kidding me? We have only been separated for a month, and you have become a spiritual wizard? How can such a great level of improvement be so fast and so sudden?"

Xanadu glanced at Zha Kang. He was sitting there smoking without any explanation.

She can only reveal the laws of her destiny.

The coercion of the divine wizard left Xiao Zha and Sage Aoqi no longer in doubt and even more shocked.

"I am just the God of Destiny. Before I could break through the laws of my magic medicine, Constantine integrated at least three laws into the sea of ​​laws."

Xiao Zha was stunned and Sage Aoqi was in disbelief.

"Three series of spiritual wizards, how is this possible? Could it be that the real time you have experienced is much longer than one month?"

"Well, our time flow rate is different from that of the main universe. It is only about one-thirtieth of that of the main universe." Xanadu said.

"So, it only took you more than a day?" Sage Aoqi felt like he was listening to a fairy tale. Even the most absurd fairy tales are not so exaggerated.

In mythical stories, at best, people can take magic medicine and have power that rivals gods, but they won’t encounter adventures or quickly improve their realm.

The essence of realm is the crystallization of wisdom and power.

Magic power can be obtained through adventure in a short period of time, but wisdom and understanding must be polished over a long period of time.

Even the witch Harley, who is considered by the current mage community to be "the most gifted in ancient times and today", has tens of thousands of years of experience in the era of the King of Martial Gods.

"Harley provides us with unlimited amounts of pure natural magic power. You should remember that when Hunter destroyed the central energy tower of Ipok, Harley 'picked up' an energy chip.

Its largest cross-section is larger than a basketball court, and it has more energy than we can absorb.

Forgetting just power, Harley also projected the "Book of Destiny" in front of our eyes, forcing her own understanding of the original circle of cause and effect into our heads.

When she destroys the God of Destiny Alliance, she also plunders the God of Destiny’s laws and gives them to us to copy.”

Xanadu said with emotion: "Harley just treats us like pigs. Endless pure magic power, endless understanding of the law of destiny. Fortunately, I became the God of Destiny early.

In order not to waste this great opportunity, those masters were so stretched by the magic that their bodies ached, their heads ached, and they screamed repeatedly. Their sea of ​​consciousness was almost bursting from the law perception, and they needed Harley's help to treat them. "

"Is it such an exaggeration to raise pigs?"

Sage Aoqi never thought that "Law Enlightenment" and natural magic power could be so abundant that he could be described as "pig food".

If it was Harley who said these words, he would definitely think that she was showing off, but Mrs. Xanadu opposite him never really knew how to show off.

The expression on her face didn't look like she was pretending. Her eyes were so weird that he actually saw fear and fear deep in her eyes.

That's right, it's fear and fear, rather than endless aftertaste and nostalgia.

"I know it sounds exaggerated, but it's not us who are exaggerating, but Harley!" Mrs. The 398 gods of fate on the side? Among them are the three sisters of fate, and fate himself is on the side.

Can you imagine that she just defeated 398 Gods of Destiny, and not long after that, she defeated them again?

The last time they destroyed their bodies, the second time they destroyed their souls.

The Destiny Alliance was wiped out by Harley.

That wasn't the end, then she snatched the "Book of Destiny" in front of fate. Harley was greedy, but she was never stingy.

She has grabbed so many resources and generously shared them with us, allowing us to take as much as we can. Can we not be overstretched? "

Xanadu also raised his chin towards Zha Kang, "You all know John's character and style. He insists on not raising the upper limit of magic power. He only wants to understand the law and refuses to throw the law into the sea of ​​law.

Why do you think he tried so hard to improve his realm this time and have at least three laws imprinted into the sea of ​​laws?

Not only were the insights of the 'original ring of cause and effect' and 'the place of origin of destiny' so tempting, he couldn't help but be greedy and couldn't bear to let go of any insights.

But if the realm is low, the belly will be small.

The single-line spiritual wizards were exhausted, and the two-line spiritual wizards were exhausted. Even the two-line spiritual wizards couldn't finish the food, so the three-line people worked hard to improve their realm. It wasn't Harley who was pushing them from behind.

In fact, she had already won by then.

It was simply that the food she put on the table was too much and too rich. We couldn't bear to let it go, so we could only try our best to improve the realm and expand the capacity of our stomachs. As a result, many masters have been promoted to gods and wizards, but they are still exhausted. "

"You and Constantine are not the only ones in the dimension of Harley's stomach bag?" Sage Ochi said blankly.

"There are dozens of them. They are all destiny masters that Harley befriended when she was pretending to be me. John and I naturally joined the 'Harley's Destiny Team', but they were deceived and kidnapped."

"Abducted by force." Sage Aoqi wanted to shout: I want to be abducted by force too!

Now he finally understood why Madam Xanadu apologized to him with twinkling eyes.

Harley even kidnapped those rubbish. If he took the initiative to help, she would definitely ask for it and accept it happily.

In other words, if Mrs. Xanadu is still assisting Tim in Ipok, he should be Harley's confidant and become the leader of the fate masters.

"Among those masters, are there any who have broken through to the divine wizard?" His voice sounded as if it came from someone else's mouth.

Mrs. Shandu said: "Not everyone becomes a god, there are less than thirty people who have become gods. After all, although Halle is generous and generous, she only provides insights into the laws of destiny and can only help everyone become the god of destiny.

Those selected masters almost all regard divination as a side job. Even if they are raised like pigs, they will not be able to eat big fat pigs for a while.

For example, Dr. Mist from the Sky Eye Society and the ‘Gypsy Wizard’ who is a talk show host.

They were a little short of heat.

But Dr. Misty was lucky. Later, Harley killed two of the three sisters of Destiny and borrowed a god-king-level law of fate from him. I think that Misty guy didn’t comprehend it at all, but just copied it. He copied the law of the three sisters of Destiny. , became the God of Destiny by luck at the last moment.

The Gypsy Wizard has great talent, but he has just become a Grandmaster. Even with the God-King-level rules as a reference, he cannot break through quickly. "

"Thirty people, even the mist can get the god-king level destiny law as a reference." Sage Aoqi's already shaky mentality was about to be completely destroyed by the jealousy and regret that crazily poured out of his chest.

Zha Kang, who had been smoking beside him with his head turned, sighed and said: "Now the Book of Destiny is no longer in Harley's hands, and the magic crystal was thrown back to Ipeko by her.

But she still had a lot of the origin of the God of Destiny in her hand, and one of the two God-King Level Destiny Laws was given to Xanadu.

You can use another reference to observe, or let Harley explain the 'primary cause and effect' to you alone.

She is really perverted.

He obviously didn't even understand the law of fate, but he understood the law of cause and effect more deeply than all of us.

In fact, all the insights of cause and effect we receive are given to us by her.

Our realm is not enough, and we cannot even directly touch the ‘place where destiny originates’. "

Sage Aoqi felt a little comfort in his heart.

But he was indeed deeply stimulated.

——Next time Harley takes action, he must actively join in!

He also wants to be treated like a pig by Harley.

Now, Lishan Manor.

“Harry, don’t ask, I’m pretty sure I want the benefit of what you’re talking about, even if you haven’t specified what it is yet.

I am also very aware of the price you mentioned. All miracles have a price. Without this awareness, I cannot be considered a qualified mage. "Although Sage Aoqi's voice was not loud, the expression on his face was very serious and his tone was very certain.

"John, don't hold me back. I'm very sure of what I want and what price I'm willing to pay." Xiao Zha was not as stimulated as Sage Aoqi, but he also had the same early realization: follow Harley to have meat to eat. Don't miss the opportunity to eat meat.

She doesn't have a deep obsession with becoming a god, but she can't bear to see that her realm is far lower than Zha Kang.

"Okay, you two come with me."

Harry looked around and saw that these two people were firm, so he stopped talking nonsense, waved to them, and took the lead to walk into the house.

"Hey, Harley, why did you leave before you could say anything clearly?" Zha Kang shouted.

The other heroes of the Zhenglian Alliance and the disciples of Harley also showed puzzled and dissatisfied expressions.

Harry turned back and said: "I made it very clear that we must select people who are dissatisfied with their own strength and willing to bear the price of losing their freedom, and the benefit is the supreme god position.

If you are hesitant, it means you are not aware of the huge cost.

See what I mean?

Determination and consciousness are the first level of selection. Only Sage Aoqi and Xiao Zha passed the test. "

"Okay, what you said makes sense. If you hesitate now, you will definitely regret it if you lose your freedom in the future.

I don't expect any benefits now, I just want to know what the benefits are.

I care about Ochi Sage and Xiao Zha. "Zha Kang said.

"I also care about Xiao Zha and Sage Aoqi." Several heroes, including Xanadu, raised their hands and shouted.

Eyes full of curiosity were still staring at Harry.

Harley thought for a while and said: "John is Xiao Zha's boyfriend, so he needs to care about Xiao Zha. Let the others forget about it. Let Xiao Zha or Sage Aoqi explain it to you when the overall situation is decided."

"Is it necessary to be so secretive? There are no outsiders and no reporters here. Even if there are any shocking secrets, they will not be spread." Dick asked doubtfully.

Harley pointed to the sky and said, "What I want to hide is not from people, but from the sky!"

"Hide it from heaven?" Everyone became more and more curious.

But Harley stopped talking nonsense with them and took Xiao Zha, Zha Kang and Sage Aoqi into the meditation room.

"Don't talk yet. I'll explain to you when Hades comes over."

I waited for about forty minutes.

Harley opened her eyes, opened her mouth and swallowed the three of them into the dimension of the stomach bag, then jumped and disappeared into the main universe.

"Sorry, Sister Harley, I'm late."

In Limbo outside the main universe, she met the shit-headed Hades.

"Let's go." Harley opened her mouth again, swallowed Hades, crossed the mother river of time, came to the end of the mother river of time, ignored the time trappers guarding the end of time, and jumped into the ocean of entropy.

Hades, the king of Pluto, senses himself in the universe next door, and Harley's main consciousness also senses her own story in the universe next door.

This is their old habit.

The Dark Night was delayed for more than a month. Hades came to Lishan to look for Harley just after the crisis. At that time, Harley had other things to be busy with, so she postponed the plan to sense the story for a few days.

The main consciousness perceives the development of the story in the universe next door, and Harley's projection on the Ark Continent explains the "Supreme God" to the three sages.

"The Supreme Godhead is literally the opportunity to become the Supreme Creator."

"We are just mortals, can we become creators?" Sage Aoqi asked doubtfully.

Harley first explained Barbatos' authority in the sixth dimension and the fact that the Forger came to ask for Barbatos' soul.

"Whether it is for personal revenge or for the peace of the main universe, Barbatos' undead cannot be let go, but the multiverse needs it, and the world furnace needs it to digest the defective world embryos.

The reason why it dares to hide the Creator Bomb in its belly is because it is convinced that the multiverse cannot be separated from it, and it will inevitably be resurrected in the land of creation.

Even if I throw its soul into the ocean of entropy, another Barbatos will be born.

Like killing Portmoss, another destiny is born.

But if I could completely deprive it of its talent and power, and then transfer it to another person, 'Barbatos' would completely lose its destiny. "

Sage Ochi finally understood what the "great benefit" was.

Harry really didn't lie, the supreme god meant it literally.

If Barbatos' power is successfully usurped, he can also become the Creator.

"Harry, you are so crazy. Can the power of the Creator really be taken away? What is your plan?"

Harley said: "Two days ago, we saw Destiny being killed by the Nemesis. Do you know who the newly born Destiny is?"

"A new destiny has been born? Didn't Portos Moss reincarnate?" Zha Kang said in surprise.

"Haha, of course he wants to, but he has no chance."

Harley smiled and told Daniel about becoming his new destiny.

"Pottermoss is so miserable!" Xiao Zha's lips twitched and he sympathized: "It was clearly Harley who invaded the Garden of Destiny, but in the end, he suffered everything.

It was obviously Daniel's mother who sought revenge from the Furies to avenge Morpheus, but it was Portmos who died and was succeeded by the enemy's son. Is he really the incarnation of fate, not bad luck? "

"Any bastard who dares to go against me will eventually become the embodiment of bad luck." Harley said proudly.

"Alas, Fate deserves it. He is obviously a carefree god who is not involved in cause and effect, but he wants to get involved in the grudge between the three sisters of Destiny and you. I don't know what he wants." Zha Kang sighed.

"Hehe, he wants dad's love and praise. He wants to be a filial son." Harley said with a smile: "During Crisis on Infinite Earths, I swallowed the mother river for a while, and Father Time was very angry.

After Crisis on Infinite Earths ended, I could no longer touch the mother river of time.

Because with the wish I made when I restarted the universe, the destiny of the Martial God King Era was already born at that time.

The Martial God King is crossing the river of time. If she and I are in the same river of time, one of us will be annihilated and disappear.

Just like when Supreme Superboy touched Superboy, Timetrap Superboy, Timetrap Superboy was annihilated from the source.

But at that time, everyone thought that Father Time was angry with me and was punishing me.

Including myself, I think so. Morpheus even personally found his father and persuaded him to let me go.

Among the endless family, Father Time likes the eldest son Destiny the most, and Destiny respects his father the most.

I swallowed the mother river of time and slapped Big Father Time in the face. Morpheus didn't show any sign at all. He even spoke for me. The second sister also laughed and laughed and didn't mind at all.

Only Destiny wants to stand up for his father. He feels that his father hates me. This is probably true.

Otherwise, Big Father Time would not let his eldest son hook up with the three sisters of destiny and curse me.

Others don't know that the Martial God King Era is destined to happen, but Big Daddy Time knows it all.

When Morpheus came to him, he said some bullshit that seemed like a hint but didn't hint at anything. "

"It turns out that the original cause and effect is here." The sympathy on Xiao Zha's face became even stronger, "It's not a bad fate, he just became your enemy."

Zha Kang blew out a smoke ring and said disapprovingly: "Destiny may not be a villain, but don't think too well of him.

No matter how many people's origins Harley robbed, she never hesitated or backed down at the critical moment when the multiverse encountered a crisis.

What about fate?

He knew clearly that the old gods planned to destroy the earth in the final crisis, but he did not interfere at all, and he did not feel that he was wrong in cooperating with the three goddesses of fate to assassinate Harley and the earth.

Crisis comes in the dark night, and fate is unclear. How many people did Barbatos kill?

I wonder what Barbatos ultimately wants to do?

He knew everything, but he had no idea of ​​letting Harley go to solve the crisis.

Harley is still a human being, and her selfishness is not as important as his 'incarnation of rules'. If he doesn't die, who will die? "

Harley sighed: "Destiny's biggest mistake was not being selfish or being against me.

Even in the end, I didn't kill him directly, nor did I have the power to deprive him of his 'destiny' identity.

If his destiny is not over, even if I edit Morpheus' tragic fate and overlay it on his fate line, the 'fate' will be slightly adjusted so that he will suffer a big loss but not lose his life.

His biggest problem is that he doesn't understand the meaning of the existence of the 'Endless Family'. "

"Isn't the meaning of the Endless Family to maintain the normal operation of their corresponding basic laws? Judging from Destiny's behavior, apart from acquiescing to the three Destiny sisters to modify the "Book of Destiny", there seems to be no malfeasance." Xiao Zha asked doubtfully.

Harley said: "If we simply maintain the normal operation of the law, there is no need for the Wuhu family to have independent personalities and emotions.

‘Origin’ can even hand over the authority to maintain the operation of laws to gods, such as the New Gods.

People with independent ideas are bound to do things beyond the rules.


The meaning of the existence of the Endless Family is to do things that are not allowed by the rules based on actual needs but are beneficial to the rules and the multiverse in terms of results.

Such as this dark night crisis.

According to the rule that 'the Endless Family should not participate in human affairs', Morpheus should sit back and watch what happens and never take the initiative to help Bateman.

He broke the rules and guess what?

He regained his destiny. "

"Isn't his destiny the result of your revision of the Book of Destiny? You just said that you grafted his tragic fate onto the line of fate." Xiao Zha asked strangely.

Harley smiled meaningfully, "The fact that I modified the "Book of Destiny" proves that the content of the "Book of Destiny" can be changed.

If Morpheus really deserves death, 'Origin' or 'Destiny' can directly or indirectly control others and change the contents of the Book of Destiny back.

They didn't do that, but Portomos, who planned to change Morpheus's fate, ended up miserable.

This at least shows that 'Destiny' has recognized and maintained my modifications to the "Book of Destiny". "

"It makes sense." Xiao Zha and Sage Aoqi seemed to have some realization.

Zha Kang asked: "What if fate really changes the content you modified back?"

"He can't change it. He swore to me in front of the Book of Destiny that he would never change the destiny I had rewritten.

Otherwise, why would I let go of the "Book of Destiny"?

Besides him, who else in this world can change the "Book of Destiny"?

I killed two of the three Destiny Splatterers, and the remaining Destiny Gods were either my captives or my younger brothers. Who dares to change, and who can change? "Harry's voice was loud, and he spoke with pride and contentment.

The corner of Zha Kang's mouth twitched, "Then why do you say that Morpheus has regained his destiny? No one can change the Book of Destiny."

"Feeling! I was holding the "Book of Destiny" in my hand at the time, and I also had a deep understanding of the original ring of cause and effect. I believed in my feeling." Harley said in a matter-of-fact tone.

Then she added: "Of course, I can make various inferences based on my feelings. Anyway, it's just a private discussion. It doesn't matter if I'm wrong.

But I won't trust my friend's life to feelings.

When I returned the "Book of Destiny" to Destiny, I determined that keeping the "Book of Destiny" would be harmful and useless, and Destiny would not be able to restore the destiny I modified by getting the "Book of Destiny". "

While Zha Kang was speechless, he felt that what she said was right and what she did was good.

"Harry, our topic is a bit far off topic." Sage Aoqi reminded.

"Oh, I mean, Daniel can transform from a mortal into a 'sub-creator' overnight, why can't we?" Harley said.

Zha Kang frowned and said: "Daniel has been recognized by Origin and has talent himself. What do we have?"

Harley pointed to herself, "You have me, and I am capable and confident."

"If you can really usurp Barbatos' destiny, doesn't it mean that you can also turn us into monitors, counter-monitors, and forgers?" Zha Kang said with doubtful eyes.

Harley shook her head, "Barbatos is in a special situation and happened to be restrained by me.

If you think about it carefully, why does Barbatos have the destiny?

In other words, why is the multiverse inseparable from it? The creators must hate it as much as we do. Why do they ask me for the soul of Barbatos to help it resurrect? "

"Only Barbatos can digest defective cosmic embryos."

The three of them said in unison.

After finishing speaking, Zha Kang immediately showed a thoughtful look, "You can do it too? Last time at the bottom of Limbo, you swallowed several 'baby cosmic torpedoes' made by the embryos of the dark universe.

Theoretically, the baby universe that has been integrated into the Dark Dream is more difficult to digest than the defective cosmic embryo that has just been released.

If you can ensure that the energy in the embryonic universe can be perfectly recycled, you too can become the 'Dragon of Barbatos'! "

After hearing this, Xiao Zha and Sage Aoqi also suddenly realized.

Harley said: "The baby cosmic torpedo I ate before was digested into special nutrients, which nourished the stomach bag dimension.

Do you feel that Arkland is more resilient at this time than before? "

Her original food defense expertise is only 20% of level eight, and it takes a lot of experience to upgrade it to level nine. But the infant universe is a rare commodity in the multiverse of light, but in the sixth dimension it is "garbage" that can be seen everywhere.

It’s really recyclable garbage, and Barbatos is the garbage-eating janitor.

Therefore, the Black Bat is so "extremely extravagant" that it uses the baby universe to mass-produce "blood torpedoes".

Harley only digested two torpedoes and then upgraded her expertise to level nine. After digesting the remaining baby universes, they were all thrown into the stomach bag dimension. In fact, there was only one torpedo, and the stomach bag dimension had completed its transformation.

No amount of "cosmic nourishment" absorbed could improve the strength of the stomach wall, so she later had no interest in the Black Bat.

"The spatial laws of the stomach bag dimension are indeed much more stable." After Zha Kang sensed it for a moment, he was surprised and said, "I didn't expect you could really digest the Nightmare Baby Universe. What kind of ability is this?"

Xiao Zha said seriously: "Everyone knows that Harry has a strong stomach and an exaggerated digestive ability."

Zha Kang said speechlessly: "A dark universe with strong digestion ability and digestion energy level equivalent to the main universe is not a concept."

"There is no upper limit to my realm, and my ability can naturally be improved infinitely." Harley said casually, and then said: "However, the nutrients I get after digesting the baby universe are different from Barbatos's.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t need to strip away Barbatos’ talent and destiny.

Just cut off my stomach bag and give it to you, and you can go to the sixth dimension to become the 'copycat creator'. "

"Ah, you want to cut off your own stomach?!" Xiao Zha and Sage Aoqi were shocked.

"What's weird about this? Haven't you seen my big bone club? It's also pulled out from the calf of the right leg." Harley looked calm as usual.

"Uh, you want to make the stomach bag into a weapon? Can we use it?" Xiao Zha asked.

Zha Kang pulled her arm and advised: "You now know what the 'huge benefits' are. You are going to the sixth dimension to guard the world's furnace and be a garbage collector. There is only a big and thick hammer man around you. You are a man and a woman. , and he is your boss, so he might harass you.

Even if he ignores you, he will never come back forever and cannot show his holiness in front of others. What's the point of gaining more power? "

Xiao Zha turned his head and looked at Sage Aoqi. There was hesitation and expectation on his face, and he looked over after noticing her gaze.

"Xiao Zha, you don't have to-"

As soon as Sage Aoqi opened his mouth, Xiao Zha waved his hand to interrupt him and said, "I'm not doing it for you. Guarding the world's furnace is really not suitable for me."

Harley glanced at the two of them and said calmly: "There is only one Barbatos, but it does not mean that there can only be one replacement for Barbatos.

If you both go and you can still keep each other company, you can work two shifts, one day on and one day off.

Don't worry about the Forger harassing you, he has surrendered and become my little brother now. "

Xiao Zha glanced at Sage Aoqi and hesitated again.

It's not that he hesitates about the position of the Creator God, but he just feels a little pitiful that Sage Aoqi is alone.

Zha Kang put his arm around her shoulders and said, "If you go to the sixth dimension to be a 'Zatana Dragon' for Sage Ochi, I will be very angry, and Sage Ochi will be very embarrassed and uncomfortable."

Being guessed, Xiao Zha's face turned red, and he quietly looked at Sage Aoqi.

Sage Aoqi smiled bitterly and said: "John is right. If you worry about my loneliness and go to the sixth dimension, it will be a huge psychological burden for me. I need to always consider your mood and state. You will definitely regret it in the future. "

Zha Kang added: "In fact, the job of guarding the world's furnace is very suitable for Sage Aoqi. He is not alone, and Rose is with him.

Two people take turns working. In fact, there is not much work. How can multiverse-level crises happen every day?

There is no crisis, no destruction of a single universe, no need to forge the egg of the universe. "

Harley said: "You are wrong, the work of forging the Cosmic Egg will not stop because there is no crisis.

The emotions of all living beings are injected into the furnace of the world along the dream dimension. When the furnace is full, work must start.

But ‘Barbatosaurus’ probably doesn’t need to work 24 hours a day.

It is only responsible for destroying defective cosmic embryos, and each cosmic embryo has to be hammered out by the caster hammer after hammer.

Not sure what the defective rate is, but the Barbatos dragon is apparently more leisurely than the forger.

Moreover, from the perspective of onlookers, we now feel that forging cosmic eggs and recycling defective cosmic embryos is a arduous and boring job.

But for the Forger and the Dragon of Barbatos, the act of participating in creation is itself a display of strength and authority.

It might be very comfortable.

At least it is a superb practice for Sage Aoqi.

Becoming a ‘Barbatos Dragon’ is not the ultimate goal.

It is fundamental to improve one's own wisdom and realm with the help of the power of the Creator God King. "

Harley turned to Sage Oz, "Have you decided? Although I don't think Barbatos Dragon is very hard, but think of the worst in everything so that you won't be disappointed in the future."

"I won't regret it, nor will I be disappointed. In fact, I feel more at ease now that I know exactly what the price is." Sage Aoqi said seriously and calmly.

Harley looked at Xiao Zha again, saw her shaking her head slightly, and then said: "Sage Aoqi, Barbatos' destiny belongs to you."

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