There is a gallery in Morpheus' palace, and the portraits of his six brothers and sisters are hung on the walls on both sides of the corridor.

On the surface, they are portraits of the members of the Endless Family, but because the respective realms of the Endless Family are established "above" the dream dimension, the portraits themselves are also direct projections of the Endless Family in the dream.

Morpheus can stand directly in front of the frame to communicate with the characters inside, or he can step forward into the frame and enter the other person's domain.

Of course, the characters in the frame can also actively call Morpheus and enter Morpheus's palace.

At this time, the Sandman came to a photo frame with a pure white screen, carrying Harley with a fruit basket and flower basket, and said to the blank screen: "Daniel, Harley Quinn noticed your return in the river of destiny.

You also saw her looking at you, right? Do you understand what she wants to do, do you want to see her? "

Just like the high-speed playback of the painting video of the ink painting from the blank paper state to the completed painting, a young man with a handsome appearance and a cold temperament appeared from scratch, and appeared in the picture bit by bit, and also appeared in front of Harley's eyes.

Then the picture changed from black and white ink painting to watercolor painting.

The watercolor painting comes alive and becomes a realistic character bust.

Harley has only met three members of the Endless family before, the eldest brother Destiny, the second sister Death, and the third child Sandman.

Even if the Sandman is her friend, she can't unconscionably say that he looks majestic and handsome. In fact, Morpheus is not ordinary ugly, that donkey face is long, thin, and shriveled, like a dried loofah strip. .

He also tends to be gloomy and rigid in temperament. If Harley doesn't take the initiative to speak, he can remain silent for a long time.

His character was even worse. Just because the black girl Nada could not accept his love, he sent her to the ninth level of hell and imprisoned her for ten thousand years.

It's not that Nada doesn't love him, it's that she can't love him. Mortals can't afford the price of falling in love with an endless family member.

She had just had sex with him the night before, and early the next morning, fireballs fell from the sky, burning Nada's kingdom into a piece of glass crystal.

Morpheus is not without merit, otherwise Harley would not be able to become friends with him, and the relationship is still very good.

He is ugly, has a bad temperament, and has a bad personality, but he is pure and sincere in his treatment of others.

The second sister wears smoky makeup and is dressed like a goth girl. She also looks like a girl and is very beautiful.

The boss, Destiny, is the same as Morpheus in that he is rather ugly. Morpheus's donkey face is at least very distinctively ugly. Once Destiny's square face is thrown into the street, it will be immediately lost in the crowd and difficult to find.

Destiny's dress and temperament are also relatively poor. He wears an ordinary hooded linen robe, his expression is stiff, and he has an indifference that could repel people thousands of miles away.

Maybe he also had good qualities, but Harley didn't notice them.

She has never met other members of the Endless Family, but she knows that Morpheus and Destiny are already considered the most normal men in the family.

If Morpheus and Portmus are representatives of the men of the Endless family, Daniel the Destiny at this time is very unconventional.

He had long silver curly hair that fell to his shoulders, very beautiful hair, sparkling and dreamlike.

His face is also too handsome to be ordinary, his features are handsome but not effeminate, his figure is heroic but not stout, and his temperament is cold but not cold.

Daniel's clothes are also particularly gorgeous. The silver robe is decorated with complicated and beautiful patterns. The style is closer to the men's ancient costumes in Xianxia dramas. The shoulder line is hard, the ribbon is tied around the waist, and the hem should reach to the bare feet - now from the picture frame Only half of his body could be seen, and Harry was sure that his silver robe extended beyond his hips, and the hem of men's clothing could not only reach his thighs or calves like women's skirts.

Harley stared at Daniel with admiring eyes for a while, then turned to look at Morpheus.

Putting aside his strength and aura, Lao Mo is a bit arrogant, while his new eldest brother Daniel looks like an aristocratic young man.

"Daniel, congratulations on becoming the guardian of the River of Destiny." Harley raised the flower basket, "I am a guest from afar, you don't invite me in?"

Daniel shook his head calmly and said, "Sorry, I am not targeting you. Due to the lessons of fate from the previous generation, I have decided not to let anyone who is not from the Endless Family enter the Garden of Destiny, so as not to be too deeply involved in human affairs."

"The idea is very good and makes sense!" Harley agreed with her face, nodded repeatedly, and threw the flower basket and fruit basket in her hand casually under the photo frame.

"Daniel, I found that the River of Destiny suddenly became very calm, almost as calm as before I bit into the Book of Destiny.

Even if you return to your position, the holes I bitten out of the "Book of Destiny" will still make the river of destiny surge undercurrent and cause disorder. How did you calm down the turmoil? "

Daniel's blue eyes showed clear emotion for the first time: shocked, shocked by her frankness and shamelessness.

There wasn't even a hint of embarrassment in her face or eyes.

After a while, he recovered, turned his right hand, and the huge "Book of Destiny" appeared in his arms, with the cover facing Harley and Morpheus.

"I patched every hole in the pages with dream fragments."

You can see with the naked eye that there are traces of sewing on the cover of the book, like using fabrics of different colors to repair holes in clothes.

Morpheus can clearly distinguish that each hole patch is a "prophetic dream" (real dream).

"The technique is really exquisite and the brain is very flexible." After looking at it for a moment, Harley gave a thumbs up and praised: "No wonder God chose you to be the eldest brother of the Endless Family. You are awesome, I admire you!"

Daniel stared at her and said: "I would rather you return the fragments of the pages you swallowed to me. After all, the dream fragments are not the real pages of destiny."

Harry still showed no signs of embarrassment. He spread his hands openly and pushed his chest forward, "Look for yourself and see if there is a fragment of a book page on me."

She canceled the defensive force field, and the aura of strength on her body was fully revealed.

Daniel frowned and was about to say, "I know you sacrificed the fragments of the book pages to God, so I just asked you to get the fragments back to me." Harley sighed with regret, "That's right, I It was true that the Book of Destiny was riddled with holes, but that was to save the multiverse.

In order to save the world, I must break free from the seal of the 'place of origin of destiny'.

You know, if I hadn't returned to Earth in time, if I hadn't been holding the "Book of Destiny" at that time, the Creator Bomb would have been detonated by Barbatos, and the entire multiverse would have been wiped out, and the River of Destiny would have completely dried up.

It was God's arrangement that I chewed up the pages of the book. It was destiny that I took away Portmos' "Book of Destiny". Everything I did was an arrangement of fate.

As for those fragments of pages

I'm really sorry, but as soon as I chewed up the pages they disappeared and I'm not sure where they went. "

Daniel clenched his fists subconsciously.

But after all, he did not impulsively jump out of the frame and punch her. When he had this idea, the "Book of Destiny" immediately sent him a dangerous warning.

"Daniel, can I ask you a personal question?" Harley asked.

"If it's a personal question, you'd better not ask it. If you ask it, I won't answer it." Daniel said calmly.

"Actually, it's not too personal. Well, it may be more personal to you, but as the saying goes, the emperor has no private affairs. As a powerful person in charge of the core power of the universe, you have no private affairs either."

Harley stared at Daniel's face and asked, "How are you handling your relationship with your mother, Rita, now?

Do you still think of her as your mother?

But now you have become the eldest brother of the Endless family, and your siblings are Morpheus, the second sister, and the others.

The Endless family also has its own parents, right? I heard your mother is ‘Night’. "

Morpheus felt embarrassed and wanted to pull her sleeves away immediately.

Daniel's handsome face twitched a few times, complex emotions flashed in his eyes, and he said calmly: "Rita will always be Daniel's mother.

Only, now I'm not just Daniel.

The former Daniel completed a new life and became the person I am now.

Whether it's human Rita or the Endless family's Night, they are all my mothers and have created a part of me. "

Harley's inner evaluation of Daniel has improved a lot. Although he explained his current state - completing a new life and sublimating into another existence, he still frankly acknowledged the identity of Rita's mother.

Rita is not dead yet!

Now admitting that she is still a mother is not just as simple as saying a word, but also means that Daniel accepts the countless causes and effects that may occur in the future.

"I thought you were looking for Daniel to talk about something serious," Morpheus said.

After a few casual remarks, Daniel disappeared from the frame, and Harley and Morpheus also left the "gallery" and walked back.

"What do you mean by serious things?"

Although she failed to enter the Garden of Destiny again, Harley was in a good mood and still had a natural smile on her face.

Morpheus said: "Apologise to 'Destiny' and resolve the grievances between the two parties. In order to express your sincerity, you should probably return some of the fragments of the Book of Destiny to Daniel and let him repair the 'Book of Destiny'."

"I sent him flowers and fruits to show my goodwill to him, but I really don't have any fragments of the Book of Destiny."

Morpheus sighed, "It's better not to meet each other if we part ways on bad terms."

"Who said they broke up on bad terms? I am very happy now. Even if Daniel is not smiling, he is at least very relieved and no longer needs to think about 'how to deal with Witch Harley and how to settle the grudges between her and the fate of the previous generation'.

I don't expect to be friends with everyone. If you have compatible personalities, you will naturally get along happily. If you don't get along, there is no need to force it. "Harry said very freely.

She is 100% sure that Daniel's biggest task after returning to his position is to solve the "Witch Harley problem".

After today, Daniel can basically be sure of her attitude: the grudge between her and the fate of her predecessor has ended, and the two of them can live in peace without any conflict.

Of course, Harley took the initiative to send flower baskets to the new destiny, not just to express her attitude and observe the other party's attitude - if she didn't worry about the people around her falling into the same bad luck as Louise, she also didn't want her second sister and Murphy to Si felt embarrassed. With her ninth-level destiny defense expertise, she didn't need to care about Daniel's attitude at all.

She had two other purposes for finding Daniel. First, she was really curious.

It was the first time that she saw the "new generations" of people in the Endless Family, and it was the first time that she learned that mortals could also become members of the Endless Family.

The goddess of revenge only sought out the previous generation's destiny after receiving Rita's accusation. As a result, Rita's son became the new destiny. This is very strange no matter how you think about it.

Secondly, she was curious about Daniel's abilities and how he would repair the Book of Destiny.

Her purpose of meeting Daniel was basically achieved, so the trip was worthwhile.

"Witch Harley!"


On the way back, Yebi was still full of momentum, activating several magic elements in the surrounding universe, forming a "seven rainbow of magic elements" across the eight divine realms, alarming millions of magic plane practitioners.

The momentum was so great that it attracted the attention of countless gods and demons.

Then halfway, Harley heard someone calling her name.

There's more than one person.

Yebi was very discerning and took the initiative to slow down without Harley asking him to stop.

Then invisible space fluctuations flashed, and a young man and a middle-aged man appeared in front of one person and one dog.

The middle-aged man is an old acquaintance, the watcher Wu Tan.

The young man in his mid-twenties had an oriental face, but his appearance and temperament were obviously different from Wu Tan's.

More towards the west.

Under normal circumstances, it is difficult for Asians to dress up to look indistinguishable from Western white people, but the young man in front of them did it.

Without even speaking a word, Harley knew that this guy was a banana just by looking at his face, expression and clothes.

The young banana man raised his head and said arrogantly: "Witch Harley, do you know who I am?"

"Aren't you a caster?" Hali asked.

The banana man was startled for a moment, then nodded and said: "You have some knowledge, yes, I am Alpheus, the Forger of the World!"

"The effect of the time accelerating needle is so good. Only ten days have passed in the main universe, and he has grown up and awakened the memories of his past life!" Harley looked at Wu Tan and said with emotion.

Wu Tan didn't find it strange, "Now the sixth dimension urgently needs him. With the fate of destiny, of course he can wake up quickly. In fact, not only him, Anti-Supervisor and I also grow quickly and return to our positions quickly."

Harley nodded, looked the young forger up and down again, and asked, "What will your name be in this life?"

The monitor's original name was "Marnou", but now whether he calls himself or others call him "Wu Tan".

The anti-surveillance king gave up the name "Mobius" very early. Even if his memory is restored in this life and he returns to the earth of "Gotham under Gaslight", he will still accept the title of "Mobius".

The creator of the banana man still insisted on the "original name" given to him by Pepatua.

"My name is James Zhou in this life, why are you asking?" James Zhou frowned and looked around, saying, "I'm very pressed for time and don't have time to talk nonsense with you, so hurry up and give Barbatos to me. I want to take it back to the sixth dimension.”

Jebitela, who was in full swing, attracted too much attention.

At this moment, James Zhou came over and immediately sensed countless probing glances around him.

This made him feel very uncomfortable.

Harley only likes to show off her majesty in the public eye, and is not happy to be watched.

"Let's talk somewhere else." She patted Yebi's big head, "Stop running and go home directly!"

Jebi jumped up and disappeared into Limbo.

The caster hesitated for a moment, then caught a glimpse of Wu Tan leaving silently, and followed closely behind.

A moment later, Gotham, Xinlishan Manor.

"Why is he called James Zhou? Is there something wrong with the world he was reincarnated in?" Hallie pointed at James Zhou and asked Wu Tan with a frown.

"Why can't I be called James Zhou?" the young caster said loudly.

Wu Tan wondered: "What's wrong with calling James Zhou?"

"The problem is huge. When I sent him to reincarnate, I specially chose an ordinary Chinese family for him. How can ordinary Chinese people have the opportunity to go abroad to be James Zhou?"

As soon as Harley finished speaking, James Zhou became excited, pointed at her face, and shouted: "It turns out this is not a coincidence, you deliberately tried to trick me."

Then he turned his head and roared at Wu Tan: "You lied to me before, lying to me that Witch Harley's reincarnation mark only determined my family environment in the next life, and did not select the specific place of reincarnation.

Except that I must be an ordinary person in my next life, everything else is random. "

"Hali did not limit our birthplace before." Wu Tan looked at Hali doubtfully.

"I did not limit the birthplaces of you and Anti-Japanese. As a result, you both became Chinese people, and the effect of reincarnation was very good. Since we have learned from the past, of course we must use your advanced experience." Harley looked at James Zhou and said : "I hope he can become a qualified creator like you.

And you three brothers will join forces to fight against the evil mother in the future.

We all have the same origin, similar culture and education, and our views and thoughts are also closer, so we can work together more closely.

Unexpectedly, the same seeds can grow different crops when sown in the same field. Even if the rate of good seeds cannot reach 100%, the rate of one-third of the remaining crops is too high. "

"Witch Harley, you say I'm a defective product?!" James Zhou's eyes widened in anger, "You haven't explained why you want to trap me, and now you're insulting me with bad words. What a bastard."

Harry said calmly: "Why do you think I'm trying to hurt you by sending you to heaven?

Even in your last life, you did not have white or black skin.

You are a silver-gray-skinned alien, how come you have such a high degree of identification with "American Dad"?

It's almost crystallized. "

"You still dare to mock me for admiring foreign things?"

James Zhou is the Creator and has lived in China, so he naturally understands what Harley is talking about.

"I'm not mocking you, I just don't understand why you, the Creator, show the characteristics of loving the United States more than the country of your birth in every aspect of your dress, demeanor, language, and thoughts.

Obviously your two creator brothers are perfectly normal. " Harley said.

James Zhou glanced at Wu Tan, "She is a mortal and doesn't understand what I really care about. Don't you understand too?"

"Harley is not a mortal, her knowledge and wisdom are no less than our Creator."

Wu Tan corrected his mistake first, and then hesitated: "To be honest, I really don't understand. As the Creator, no matter which civilization or race, we are all equal in our eyes.

If we are born in a certain country on a certain planet, it is very natural and normal for us to have additional identification and emotions with that country.

You were obviously born in China, but when you encountered demolition in high school, you had the opportunity to move your family to the United States.

But after you went to the United States, your family's living conditions were not very good, and you returned to China a few years ago. Why did you develop extra affection for the United States? "

"I have no feelings for the United States. All civilizations and races under the Creator are like dust in my eyes. What I care about is the story!" James Zhou emphasized with excitement: "The center of the story is in the United States, and the characters in the story are They are also all in the United States.

A mortal kingdom without stories is lower than dust. A world without stories is not even worth being forged, and deserves to be destroyed by Barbatos!

On the contrary, if given the blessing of stories, the mortal realm as humble as dust can also shine with dazzling brilliance.

Of course, to us, the Creator, the dazzling light in the eyes of mortals is not worth mentioning.

Even the United States, the center of the story world, deserves only a passing glance from me.

If the true body were to come, or even be reincarnated into such a world, it would be a great blasphemy and humiliation to our Creator. "

At this point, James Zhou suddenly turned his eyes to Harley and angrily said: "Witch Harley, you are so brave. You didn't even get my permission and actually forced me into the reincarnation passage.

He also dared to interfere in my life, wanted to control my will, shape my outlook on life, and deliberately sent me to a kingdom far away from the center of the story, so that I—"

"Stop!" Hallie yelled, interrupting his tirade.

"Wu Tan, you drink tea first, and I will have a few words with your brother."

She first said hello to Wu Tan, then hooked her finger at James Zhou and said, "Don't you want Barbatos' soul? I'll put it in the magic laboratory, and you can get it with me."

"You know the truth."

James Zhou showed a satisfied smile on his face and followed her out of the living room in a swagger.

At the door of the living room, Yebi raised his head and cast a half-sympathetic, half-confused look at him, wondering how the dignified Creator could be so stupid.

Wu Tan had no expression on his face and didn't look sideways, just sitting there drinking tea slowly.

Two hours later, Harley walked back to the living room briskly with a gluttonous smile on her face.

On the surface, James Zhou was no different from before, but his expression and temperament seemed to have changed into another person.

They are all the same people and dressed in the same clothes. They looked like bananas before, but now they have become ordinary Orientals. Even their temperaments reveal a kind of restraint and reserve common among Orientals.

The arrogance and arrogance on his face can no longer be seen.

He lowered his head and lowered his eyelids. There was no expression on his face, and his face was slightly pale.

His movements were not timid, but he was no longer arrogant, and his whole person seemed to suddenly become calm and steady.

"James, are you okay?" Wu Tan asked with concern.

He knew that Harley would definitely teach his brother a lesson, but it was still a bit beyond his expectation that his brother had changed so much. Even if James Zhou was beaten into a pig's head, he would not be surprised.

"I'm fine, Wu Tan. Don't call me James anymore. My real name is Zhou Zhan. You can call me Xiao Zhou or A Zhan." Xiao Zhou said with a low eyebrow, while he glanced quickly from the corner of his eye. Harry looked at her and saw her smiling and nodding, and his body relaxed visibly.

Wu Tan became more and more worried about his condition, but he didn't know where to ask. He could only ask: "Have you got Barbatos' soul?"

Xiao Zhou stood up suddenly and said vaguely: "Barbatos' matter has been discussed, we should leave."

"Are you leaving now? We just arrived." Wu Tan exclaimed in surprise and immediately recovered. Although he didn't say a few words to Harley, they had been in Lishan Manor for a long time.

It's just that while he was drinking tea, Xiao Zhou had a "secret conversation" with Hallie for two hours.

Two hours was enough for them to discuss everything.

Thinking of this, Wu Tan said nothing more, put down the tea cup and said goodbye to Ha Li.

Although Harley said polite words such as "It's hard to come here, it's almost night, why not stay for dinner", she actually didn't do much to persuade them to stay.

After leaving the courtyard of Lishan Manor, Wu Tan originally planned to start teleportation directly and leave the main universe.

But before he could make a move, James Zhou on the other side... Oh, no, it was Xiao Zhou, but Xiao Zhou lowered his head and walked honestly along the mountain path to the gate at the bottom of the mountain.

He wanted to ask, but he immediately guessed that Xiao Zhou's abnormality was related to the "two hours of disappearance".

The curiosity in his heart overcame his worries about his brother, and he followed him towards the gate down the mountain without saying anything.

It wasn't until he left Lishan, the main universe Earth, and even Limbo that Wu Tan couldn't help but ask: "Xiao Zhou, what did Halli just say to you?"

Xiao Zhou's body trembled, his face trembled a few times, and his eyes instantly became red and moist.

"She scolded me, humiliated me and taunted me with the most vicious words. She also beat me hard, treating me like a beast."

"Well, you are the Creator. Even if you are scolded or beaten, you will not cry." Wu Tan was a little ashamed of him.

"I didn't cry, but I was beaten too hard, and I'm a human being, so I couldn't control my tear glands." Xiao Zhou defended in a muffled voice.

——You have awakened the power of the Creator and returned to a human body. The former human body immediately transformed into an indestructible and infinitely powerful body of creation after bathing in the power of creation.

Wu Tan complained in his heart, but he didn't take it seriously. He just wondered: "How did she hit you? You are the Creator. If you struggle forcefully, even if you can't beat her, there won't be no movement at all, right?"

After beating an unruly Creator to tears, how harsh would it be for Harry to strike!

Not only must the attack be heavy-handed, but the method must also be vicious, so vicious that it breaks through the creator's psychological defense line.

But the Creator is not dough, left to be kneaded by others.

Even if he is not strong enough, he can at least have a back-and-forth fight with her.

After all, the limit of power in the material universe is right there, and even Harley cannot break through the limit.

"After entering the meditation room, Witch Harley told me that she would not allow Barbatos to be resurrected again. I was very angry and told her that Barbatos is also the creator, and the creator has his own mission.

Barbatos' mission is to digest the defective cosmic embryos forged from the Forge of the World.

She said she knew, but she would find a way to take away Barbatos' destiny, and I don't believe she could do that.

She then made a bet with me that I would have a Hollywood-style fighting match with her. "

"What does Hollywood-style fighting competition mean?" Wu Tan asked curiously.

"It's two people face to face, fist to fist. You punch me, and I punch you back, until one of us falls down." Xiao Zhou said.

"So she didn't plot against you. Hollywood-style fighting is stupid but fair." Wu Tan nodded first, and then asked in confusion: "Aren't you discussing Barbatos' destiny?

I thought Harley would bet that she could take away Barbatos' destiny, but you bet that she couldn't. "

“I thought so at first, but she had to use the outcome of a Hollywood-style fighting match to decide whether she would immediately return Barbatos’ soul to me.

She won, and I gave her half a year to use various methods to strip Barbatos of his destiny.

I win and immediately take away Barbatos' soul. "

Wu Tan nodded again, "This is more fair."

"It's not fair at all!" Xiao Zhou exclaimed excitedly: "She is a thick-skinned God King. She has a gold film defense shield on her body. I can't break the gold film at all. My hands hurt when I hit it. If I are allowed to attack continuously, I can definitely wear it down, but Hollywood-style fighting involves one punch per person and no continuous attacks.

If I can't break through the golden film with one punch, I will never be able to touch her body. "

Wu Tan said: "You also said that she is a thick-skinned god king, and the essence of the golden film defense shield is a force field automatically formed by her physical body's strong defense.

This is part of her strength, why is it unfair? Doesn't she allow you to use the power of creation? "

"I can mobilize the power of creation at will, but she secretly used 'God Descends' and refused to admit it. God descended to form an interference force field, which caused the power of creation in my body to be disordered and unable to form an effective defense. Every punch of hers almost You want to beat me to death." Xiao Zhou was still frightened, his face turned pale, and there was obvious fear in his eyes.

"It is also her power that God descends to earth. If you can't beat him, you can surrender. There is no need to persist." Wu Tan felt a little disdainful of this brother.

He thought that Harley was using some conspiracy, but he didn't expect that it was just normal fair competition.

Xiao Zhou said bitterly: "Seeing that I couldn't win over her, I wanted to simply surrender and admit defeat. Anyway, she also said that it would only take half a year to strip Barbatos of his destiny.

Although it is not short, I can afford to wait.

But she argued sophistry - saying 'admit defeat' does not really mean defeat, only complete submission can truly admit defeat."

Xiao Zhou's eyes turned red again, and his muffled voice seemed to be choked, "The word 'obediently' in her mouth is not admitting defeat at all, it is complete surrender!

Surrender in all directions, from mind to soul.

She scolded me, but I not only couldn't talk back, but also had to admit it honestly and change according to her requirements; she humiliated me, and I couldn't argue with it, so I could only accept her thought transformation; she even robbed me of my origins and said something. To truly admit defeat, you should lose everything, including but not limited to your origin and dignity."

"No wonder her face is glowing, but your steps are empty. It turns out that even your origins were stolen by her. How many origins did she take away from you?" Wu Tan began to sympathize with him.

"Ninety percent."

"Hiss, so cruel!" Wu Tan took a breath and said happily: "Fortunately, you came to find her as soon as you woke up. You are not a complete body, otherwise you would have returned to the sixth dimension and returned to her. When I stand at the forge of the world, I am unable to lift the hammer, unable to strike the tenth metal and forge the embryo of the world.”

"You didn't see that she had a look of unfinished expression on her face, and the greed in her eyes seemed to want to eat me whole. I am the Creator, not roasted lamb chops." Xiao Zhou screamed in anger and desolation.

Wu Tan patted him on the shoulder and sighed: "Your biggest mistake is that you only see the old 'Justice League Story', but you don't know that the biggest story protagonist in today's multiverse is the Witch Harley.

Her story is greater than that of the main heroes combined. Well, even the enemies of the main heroes have to admit that the stories of the heroes are great. But when you open "The Story of Harley Quinn", every page is written neatly. 'Hero of the Savior, General of the Galaxy' were eight golden characters.

But if you listen carefully to the words, all the "Harley opponents" in the book are moaning about "cheating" and "cannibalism".

So, you should be Harley's friend, not her opponent.

As a friend, she is really too good to say anything about. "

The next evening, Lishan Manor, a martial arts training ground halfway up the mountain.

"Barbara, why did Sister Harley summon us?" Dick asked in a low voice while scanning the whole place.

Many people came to the martial arts arena, not only Harley's apprentices and the "son of Batman", but also Harley's friends such as Madam Xanadu, Constantine, and Sage Oz.

Counting the heroes who used to practice martial arts with Harley, there were more than thirty people in total.

Barbara Gordon shook her head and said: “I don’t know, after receiving Sister Halle’s text message last night, I also called to inquire.

She only said that she would give a huge benefit to one of us, but she was mysterious and refused to reveal what the benefit was.

Don't tell me, even Selena and Ivy don't know. "

"Even Sister Harley said it was a 'huge benefit', so what a huge benefit it would be!" "Red Hood" Jason said in surprise.

"The person who received the invitation was either a magician or a martial artist who studied under Harry. Could it be that the benefit is the magic secret book? For example, the legendary Phantom Heart Sutra!"

Damian looked around and said excitedly: "Even if it is not the Phantom Heart Sutra, it is enough to be comparable to the "Mozi Steam Sutra" that Sister Harley gave us last time.

Although the text of "Steam Sutra" is obscure and difficult to understand, it is really effective when practiced.

The strength and speed of my sword swing have increased by at least 20%. How many days has it passed?

If "Mozi Steam Sutra" is completed, I simply can't imagine how powerful it will be. "

Well, if he practices the "Steam Sutra" to perfection, it is not certain whether it will be powerful or not, but people will definitely become dematerialized and eventually "ascend" to the antimatter heaven and become a "scientific antimatter immortal".

"Have you really practiced the "Steam Sutra"?" Barbara Qiong's nose wrinkled slightly, "The core concept of the "Steam Sutra" is to train the body into a super steam engine, which sounds weird.

Sister Hallie only asked us to make a little reference, enhance our knowledge, and broaden our thinking, but we must practice cautiously. "

"The so-called transformation into a steam engine is just a common metaphor in martial arts. It does not mean that one actually turns into a steam engine." Damian said.

"Stop talking, Sister Harley is here." Dick reminded.

Damian's eyes lit up and he shouted quickly: "Sister Harley, is the benefit you gave us the "Phantom Demon Heart Sutra"?"

Harley glanced at him and said calmly: "When you become the God of War one day, come to me and ask about the "Phantom Demon Heart Sutra"!"

Then she faced everyone and said: "I have received a huge benefit recently. I don't need it myself, so I plan to give it to you.

If anyone is not satisfied with his own strength and is willing to pay the price of eternal freedom for the supreme god, he can take a step forward. "

To everyone's surprise, Sage Ochi, who had always been taciturn, was the first to take a step forward, raised his hand and shouted: "Harry, count me in!"

Zatanna followed closely and shouted: "Harley, count me in -"

"Hey, Xiao Zha, don't be impulsive!" She just raised her leg, but before she could take a step forward, she was caught by Zha Kang with quick eyes and hands.

"Harry didn't even say what the benefits are, so why are you anxious? And didn't you hear that you have to pay the price of being a slave forever? It's terrible."

Harley said: "Sage Aoqi, Xiao Zha, you have to think clearly. Although the price is not eternal slavery, freedom will definitely be restricted."

"Harley, please stop talking. I heard you very clearly and my mind is very clear." Sage Aoqi's tone was firm and his expression was firm.

Haliqi said: "You have always been cautious and prudent, and you are used to thinking twice before acting. What stimulated you today and why are you so impulsive? Even Damian looked thoughtful and was weighing carefully."

Damian was unhappy, "Sister Harley, I am very aggressive, but I have never been impulsive or reckless!"

"If you are mature and prudent and have a good heart, don't interrupt the conversation between me and Sage Aoqi rashly." Harley waved her hands without looking at him.

Sage Aoqi glanced at Madam Xanadu and Zha Kang beside him, and said with a wry smile: "Yes, I was stimulated."

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