I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1849 The Omega Titan from the Almighty Universe

"Mrs. Xanadu, what's wrong with you?"

Hal yelled anxiously, shouted twice and then turned to call Harley, "Harry, hurry up - uh!"

Harley had already quietly come to his side and was observing Xanadu's condition with a serious expression.

"Harley, do something quickly. Use your thick-skinned power to protect her. At least give her a protective golden film." Hal said anxiously.

Harley glanced at him and said calmly: "Aren't you always defending the inside of the golden film?"

Hal was stunned for a moment, then turned around and looked around, as if the huge golden shield of the sky was still covering the hole in the Origin Wall, and they were always within the shield.

He swallowed, "Is it possible that within a radius of a hundred kilometers, one can enjoy the same protection as a thick-skinned god's favored one?"

"What's the difference between Atom entering an ordinary-sized defensive shield and you entering this large defensive shield? Is it possible that when he shrinks into an atomic state, the defensive shield can no longer protect him?" Harley asked.

"My divine power is gone, my divine personality is gone, and I can no longer sense the laws of the gods. People are almost dead, and you are still arguing about such meaningless things?" The old people nearby howled in grief and anger.

Even though she was very excited and wanted to howl loudly, her voice was still very weak, like the cry of a newborn cat.

"Your condition is stable now. You are just a little tired at most. You are still very far away from death." Harley said.

Hal was surprised and asked: "Xanadu has obviously lost a lot of vitality, and her body is about to decay into withered bones. It would not be surprising if she died completely in the next second. Why do you still say that she is just tired?"

"Have you ever thought about the possibility that after removing the beauty and filter, she should be like this?" Harley said.

"Harry, please don't slander me. I am already a god. Maintaining the appearance and vitality of an 18-year-old forever is the basic talent of a god. No beauty or filters are needed!" The elders sat up straight and shouted excitedly at Harley. .

Her scream wasn't too loud, but it was filled with so much emotion and saliva that Hal couldn't help but cover his face and step back two meters.

"You're really okay!"

The voice was not said to be full of energy, but at least it was full of momentum. It didn't look like it was about to belch when its vitality was withered.

"How could I be okay?" Xanadu rubbed his cheeks that looked like dried eggplants and wailed: "I have been knocked off the throne! All my godhead and power have been drained, and my vitality is about to be exhausted.

Harley, why didn't you save me immediately?

With your reaction speed, you will be able to detect the backlash as soon as it starts, and then protect me. "

"What backlash? Why did you become like this?" Hal quickly asked: "Xanadu, what did you see in the divination just now? What do the four giants and the innate gods mean?"

Ignoring him, he still stared at Harry with a pair of sad and angry eyes, insisting that she give an explanation.

Harley sighed: "Didn't you hear the conversation I had with Hal just now? You are always in the golden film ball. Even if I react, how can I find a way to fight against the 'new external force' in an instant?

More importantly, the reason why you were drained of the 'miracle element' in your body by the other party is mainly because you took the initiative to connect to the other party's fate line."

Harley frowned and said hesitantly: "I'm not even sure if they really have a fate line.

Or did you take the initiative to connect the river of destiny in our multiverse to the other party's will?

I don't know exactly how, but you and the other person are touching each other on another level.

Do you understand what I mean?

You decorate yourself as a plate of meat and vegetables, send out a golden film protective circle, and deliver it to the visitor from the other world in the cave of the origin wall, and then he will not reject anyone who comes, opening his big mouth to eat it.

Standing outside the cave, I can't even use my mental power to perceive the alien visitor in the cave. How can I save your 'miracle meal' from its mouth? "

"No matter where my consciousness meets the other party, my divine power and divine personality flow out of my body. If you control my body, won't you be able to prevent them from being swallowed up?" Xanadu was still a little unwilling.

"Your divine power and godhead are in your soul, or in your consciousness, and are not rooted in your body like physical organs.

When they are plundered, they do not need to touch your body, nor can they control your body to prevent them from disappearing.

Secondly, one second you were proudly describing the situation of the four innate giants, which attracted my attention, and the next second you howled miserably and was immediately drained of your miraculous power."

Harley thought for a while and guessed: "Maybe the other person has a big mouth. You know, for the same bowl of porridge, the person with the big mouth will slurp it in one second, while the person with the small mouth can only sip slowly.

You have just become a god, and the divine power in your body is already scarce, like a small bowl of porridge.

Before we could react, the big mouth of the outside visitor had already finished your small bowl of porridge, leaving me with no time to do anything. In fact, I didn’t do anything.

If there is no thick-skinned divine shield to protect your body, you will probably be completely drained, your body will be directly turned into ashes, and your soul will disappear. "

Harley really didn't scare Xanadu.

She didn't know the methods of the giant god in the origin wall, but she could feel that her golden membrane was touched.

The point of contact is Xanadu.

The defensive force field of the golden film prevents the giant from further harming Xanadu's body.

"Xanadu, you really can't blame Harley for not doing a good job in rescue. It's just that the change in your body was too sudden and too fast, and I didn't react either." Hal said something fair first, and then asked: "Are you doing divination?" What did you see? Be specific."

Xanadu showed a mixture of memories and fear on his face, and murmured: "I saw four huge black figures, they had basic human shapes, so I just started calling them 'giants'.

After getting a little closer, I sensed law fluctuations on the giant that were so strong that it made me suffocate.

Stronger than the God King's Law.

At least it's countless times more powerful than the God-King Laws of the three goddesses of destiny I've seen. Oh, damn, the God-King Laws that Harley gave me was also lost. Now my sea of ​​consciousness is empty, and all the miraculous elements have disappeared. I'm so miserable! "

Hal frowned and said: "Is countless times an adjective, or does it represent some huge value that is beyond your understanding?"

"It not only describes the powerful fluctuations of the laws of the giant god, but also can be a quantifier that cannot be specifically estimated." Mrs. Shangdu said.

"How is that possible?" The doubt on Hal's face was far more than shock. "The God King is already the limit of the multiverse. Even if outside visitors break through the limit, they cannot really be countless times stronger than the God King!"

As he spoke, he turned to Harley, "Harley's spiritual sense didn't even have a sense of crisis, so she couldn't even predict the existence of the four giants."

Xanadu shouted: "Don't be too superstitious about Harley. Apart from being thick-skinned and black-hearted, she is not the top of the multiverse in other aspects.

She couldn't predict the four giants and couldn't feel a sense of crisis. Just because her divination skills weren't good enough didn't mean that the four giants couldn't threaten her.

In fact, if you think about it with your brain, you can understand that the existence that came from the omnipotent universe must have transcended the realm of the god king.

Harley is just a god-king, and her semi-detached soul is only semi-detached, not truly detached.

Moreover, her so-called semi-detached soul was just inferred by herself without any reference to real detachment, so there must be great uncertainty. "

Hal was somewhat convinced by her and turned his head to look at Harley.

Harley didn't want to argue with Xanadu, so she just looked at her calmly and asked, "Do you know the names of the giants, what they represent, and what they are about to do?"

"As soon as I got close to them, I was shocked by the extremely strong aura of law on them. I didn't have time to make any more observations before I was noticed by the other party.

Then as you can see, I lost my divine power and divinity, and fell into the realm of gods. How can I predict more information? Xanadu said sadly.

Harley said calmly: "They are called Omega Titans. Gods are as their name suggests. Ω is the last letter. Omega Titans also represent the end of the universe.

There are four of them, representing entropy, wonder, mystery and knowledge respectively.

The one who sucks the miraculous power out of your body should be the Omega Titan who represents the ‘wonder’. "

Xanadu and Hal looked at her in confusion, "How do you know?"

Harley glanced at Xanadu, "Before you use tarot cards to divine the four Omega Titans, they have no obvious connection with the river of destiny in the multiverse."

She paused for a moment, then changed her words: "Since you can get some information about them, it means that they will inevitably enter our multiverse, and the River of Destiny will also react.

It’s just that I haven’t found the chapter about the Four Giant Gods in the River of Destiny before—”

Hal's heart moved and he blurted out: "Because of Mrs. Xanadu, you finally found the destiny chapter of the four giants?"

Harley nodded first, then shook her head and said: "What I found was not their destiny chapter, but the grand destiny of the multiverse.

To put it simply, I got a prophecy - when the life of the universe is about to reach the end, the four Omega Titans will wake up and harvest the entropy, wonders, secrets and knowledge in the universe before the universe is completely destroyed. "

Although the Destiny Chapter and the Prophecy both come from the River of Destiny, they are not the same.

A destiny chapter is bound to a specific character and is a detailed record of his past, present, and future destiny.

To some extent, the destiny chapter is very close to the timeline of the person involved.

The goals of the prophecy are broader and more ambitious.

It can be a prediction by someone, or it can be a description of future events in the multiverse. Not only are there no details in the content, they are often vague and open to multiple interpretations, all of which are contradictory.

Unless you are holding the "Book of Destiny", it is difficult to use divination to spy on someone's destiny, and even if you find it, you will not be able to see the specific content.

"I can divine this prophecy, and it has nothing to do with Xanadu. The behavior of the 'Giant God of Wonders' swallowing Xanadu's miraculous power caused the river of destiny to ripple. I observed the changes in the river of destiny and realized this. A prophecy."

Harley looked at Hal Jordan, who looked a little confused, "Please tell the Green Lantern Corps to pay attention. From now on, until the four Omega Titans completely enter the universe, many prophets of planetary civilizations will suddenly have a whim. A prophecy related to the Omega Titan."

"Can other fortune tellers, even mortal fortune tellers, sense the changes in the river of destiny?" Hal asked in surprise.

Harley looked at the huge hole in the origin wall and said slowly: "The fact that Xanadu was drained of all his miraculous power by the Omega Titan during divination is like a brick thrown into the river of destiny.

It was still a brick thrown by ‘Origin’ on its own initiative.

You can also see from what I predicted just now that the four giants of Omega are coming with bad intentions, and our multiverse, at least the main universe, is about to experience another big crisis.

‘Origin’ is the collective consciousness of the multiverse.

The river of destiny, the river of time, even your and my consciousness, are all part of the 'origin'.

When encountering a crisis of annihilation, Origin's response is the fastest and most intense.

It activates the ‘multiverse self-protection mechanism’.

Throwing bricks into the river of destiny is to awaken the sensitive 'master of prophecy' and allow the planet's civilization to prepare early.

I belong to the most sensitive group of people, but I am not the only 'prophet' affected by the splash of bricks. "

Harley glanced at Old Xanadu, who looked thoughtful, "Maybe you can connect to the Omega Titan through divination, which is also the arrangement of Origin.

Your sacrifice allowed 'Origin' to glimpse the true face of the four giants of Omega, and also indirectly awakened all the 'prophet'. "

Even the elder said angrily: "You just refuse to admit that my divination skills are better than yours, and you must blame the fate of my spying on the Four Omega Gods.

As if you can't predict anything, I suddenly spied on the four giants of Omega. It has nothing to do with technology or ability. It is purely the destiny given to me by the 'Origin' to be a 'vanguard'. "

"Okay, I'm not as good as you. You are very powerful, you are very capable, your old face is not worthy of your ability, go home and drink the magic potion of youth." Harley said.

Shandu touched his old bark-like face, thought about his situation again, felt sad again, and howled: "Harry, you can't just let me go home and drink the potion, you have to be responsible for me.

I was enjoying the 'Feast of Ascension to the Gods' at Fairy Lake, but you just dragged me over and asked me to divine the 'visitors from the outside' who sounded very dangerous.

Since he is an ‘outside visitor’ from the Almighty Universe, how can he be provoked by an ordinary little god like me?

But for the sake of the safety of the multiverse and to live up to your earnest expectations, I am not afraid of sacrifice and rise to the challenge.

Now that there has been a tragic backlash, you can't let the hero bleed and shed tears! "

"I didn't call you here. Whoever sent you here is responsible for you. Moreover, your divine power and divine power have been sucked away by the Omega Titan. I can't even sense them directly in the hole in the wall. I want to help you. I can't help." Harley said.

"You are so capable, it is not an exaggeration to say that you are 'omnipotent'. You can always do something for me, right?" The old man looked at her eagerly, his eyes that were no longer moist were full of hope.

Harry originally wanted to retaliate against her: Didn't you just say that except for my thick skin and dark heart, my other abilities are only average?

But seeing her pitiful look at this moment, Harry swallowed back the words that had reached her throat.

"Now you go back and adjust your condition first. When the four Omega gods enter the universe, I will see if I can get your divine power and godhead back from them."

Xanadu's eyes lit up, and he immediately took her hand and said excitedly: "You will definitely defeat them! Even if they come from the omnipotent universe, they are probably already transcendent, but Harley, you never rely on your own strength to fight others.

Your cunning, evil heart and cruelty are the guarantee of victory.

I believe you will be able to trick the Four Omega Gods to death, just like you have done countless times in the past. "

Harley shook off her pull and said angrily: "As the saying goes, it depends on the owner to beat a dog. Have you ever thought about the origins of the Four Omega Gods and what organizations or bosses are behind them?

Is it possible that I kill four of the younger ones today and eight older ones emerge from the hole in the wall the next day? "

"The Omega Titans are very huge. I feel like they are bigger than our moon." Xanadu reminded.

"Your brain has been drained by the Omega Titan, and you can't even understand such a simple metaphor?"

Xanadu said seriously: "I am very clear-headed and understand what you mean by 'beat the young ones to death before the old ones come'.

I just want to warn you that the Omega Titans are not as easy to deal with as you think. They are very powerful, so don't be careless.

Don't think about old or big things either.

The four of them are our "Master Tian". We must first pass this level and then consider other things. "

After hesitating for a moment, she said desperately: "The four giant gods come from the omnipotent universe and must be transcendent existences. Four transcendent beings at once. If you are beaten to death by the four gods for the sake of mere godhead, it will be too bad.

Perhaps we should return to Earth now and all Earthlings enter the dimension of your stomach.

Then you take us fleeing to the ocean of entropy at the end of time.

Not sure the ocean of entropy can stop them, but at least we can hide. "

Hal listened to the two of them talking for so long, and finally couldn't help but said: "Harry, what do you mean by the prophecy just now? What exactly are entropy, knowledge, wonders and mysteries?"

"Each prophet has a different interpretation of the same event, or even the same prophecy, but the prophecy I gave is in plain language without riddles. The content is straightforward and there is no ambiguity. What else do you not understand?

As for entropy, knowledge, wonder and mystery"

Harley raised her head, her eyes flashing with silver and golden light.

Countless landscapes in the Mother River of Time and the River of Destiny flashed across the surface of her pupils like a slideshow.

After three full minutes, she closed her eyes, lowered her head, and pondered: "According to my personal understanding, entropy represents the difference in emotion, thought, and philosophical realm."

"What do you mean? I can understand every word, connected together. It seems that I understand it, but when I think about it carefully, I don't seem to understand anything." Hal said blankly.

"Human civilization consists of two parts: material civilization and spiritual civilization. The 'entropy' of the Omega Titan of Entropy is the standard for measuring the differences between the thoughts, three views, daily emotions of social individuals in spiritual civilization and the philosophical concepts of the entire civilization."

Seeing Xanadu and Hal still struggling to understand something but getting nothing, Harley sighed and said helplessly: "All I know is the information in the prophecy, the specific situation will have to wait for the Omega Titan of Entropy Really coming.”

“The situation now is not whether your understanding of entropy is correct, but your explanation of entropy that we cannot understand.

I understand the construction of spiritual civilization.

I also understand personal ideological realm, three views and daily emotions.

I understand what it means about the development state of philosophical concepts in the entire society.

But the basic meaning of entropy should be the degree of chaos. What is the connection between philosophical concepts, personal thoughts and chaos? " Hal said.

Harley said: "Regard the United States as a planetary civilization, the highest philosophical and ideological realm of this civilization is equality, freedom and democracy.

But how many people in civilization really believe in and practice equality, freedom and democracy?

In extreme cases, a state in which everyone is fully equal, free, and democratic is a perfect zero-entropy state.

The greater the gap between the real situation of a social individual and its perfect state, the higher the entropy value representing spiritual civilization.

This chaos is entropy. "

"Well, when you say that, I kind of understand it, but what's the point of this kind of entropy?" Hal nodded and asked again.

Harley sighed: "If you understand what knowledge, mysteries and wonders represent, it is not difficult to understand the meaning of the 'Omega God of Entropy'."

Without waiting for Hal to ask again, she took the initiative to explain: "Learning represents all scientific and technological knowledge and techniques, and secrets represent all powers and knowledge of supernatural powers.

Wonders represent the power of miracles, that is, the wisdom and power of the practitioner’s civilization.

The civilization of practitioners can be a magic civilization or a knight civilization.

The mainstream practices we are currently exposed to are magic and martial arts. "

Haruo realized something and said: "The power that the four Omega Titans want to harvest is all related to the civilization as a whole, not the individuals in the civilization. This time the Omega Titan crisis will test the planet civilization itself."

Harley smiled strangely and said: "Looking on the bright side, this crisis is no longer a crisis for the Earth family. It is very likely that the four Omega Gods will not come to us Earthlings."

"Why?" Hal just asked, and immediately showed a look of surprise, "The current civilization on earth is a purely technological civilization.

A small number of psychics and mages cannot be considered civilized.

Therefore, there are no wonders and mysteries in earth civilization.

Earth's civilization has just come into contact with alien planets, and even if it has knowledge, it is far inferior to those advanced civilizations.

As for entropy, I think our country has basically achieved democracy, equality and freedom. The entropy value is very low and there is nothing to absorb.

The first choice target of the Omega Four is most likely not the earth. "

Harley looked at the hole in the origin wall and said hesitantly: "In that case, why don't we withdraw?"

"Evacuate? Where to retreat?" Hal was stunned for a moment and said excitedly: "Harley, according to your own prophecy, the goal of the Four Omega Gods is to destroy the entire multiverse.

Even if the earth is not the primary target, when the entire universe is destroyed, what will happen to the skin without the hair left? "

Harley waved her hand and said, "I didn't say that the Four Omega Gods were going to destroy the multiverse. My actual words were, 'On the eve of the end of the universe, the Four Omega Gods will harvest the entropy, wonders, secrets, and knowledge in the universe in advance.'

Do you understand?

It is the four giants of Omega who wake up when they are sure that the universe is coming to an end, and then come in to harvest the 'material'.

It is not farmers with sickles who are killing the wheat and rice.

When wheat and rice are fully mature and reaching the end of their lives, farmers go to the fields to harvest.

If wheat and rice were still green stems, farmers would only take good care of them. "

Hal was stunned and wondered: "But our universe has not reached the end yet! Could it be that a hole was poked in the wall of origin, and the four Omega gods outside thought that the universe was going to end?"

Harley nodded slightly, "Yes, a hole in the origin wall means that our multiverse is coming to an end."

Hal frowned and said: "No, the collapse of the Origin Wall only shook the foundation of the multiverse, and the laws and energy are still operating normally.

If there is no multiverse-level crisis in the future, and we Lanterns work harder, we may be able to seal up all the cracks and holes in the Origin Wall within tens of millions of years. "

Harley glanced at the Origin Wall and said faintly: "The collapse of the Origin Wall means that the mysterious person sealed by the Origin Wall is about to escape.

Under normal circumstances, if the mysterious man escapes from trouble, the multiverse will inevitably come to an end.

In the minds of the big bosses behind the Four Omega Gods, the root cause of the destruction of the multiverse is not the irreparable failure in the operation of the laws of the universe, but the resurrection of the mysterious man.

In fact, even if the origin wall really collapses, our universe will still be able to function normally, at least it will not collapse with the origin wall. "

“The boss of the Omniverse believes that we can’t handle the mysterious man. Once the mysterious man breaks free of the seal, our multiverse will be doomed.

Since we are destined to die, it is better to arrange in advance for the Four Omega Gods to come in and harvest the ‘food’.

Even if the grain fields are affected by disasters and are immature, they will not lose their harvest. "

A lightning flash of thought flashed through Hal's mind, and he said in shock: "This is the reason why the mysterious man interfered with the 'Song of the World', causing the giant golden hand to break through the wall of origin.

Its purpose was achieved.

It tested out the attitude of the Almighty Universe towards breaking free from the seal - let it go! "

"Well, the big boss arranged for the four giants to come in to harvest the 'food', which means that they will not continue to invest more in the fields." Harley said.

"Oh my God!" Hal held his head and wailed, "Our universe is over, and the people in the Almighty Universe have no hope at all. Who can deal with the mysterious man?"

"Didn't I tell you a long time ago that you don't have to worry about the mysterious man? When it breaks free from the seal, you can watch the show on the side and see how I can easily defeat it." Harley said with an unhappy expression.

"You said it, and I remember it. When we heard your heroic promise, we, who had no specific idea about the 'mysterious man', completely let go of our worries.

But now I have recognized the reality. The four Omega Titans have transcended. The big guys behind them must be stronger, but the 'big guys' don't dare to provoke the mysterious man at all.

Or maybe you feel that the price of provoking a mysterious person is too high.

How strong should the mysterious man be? "

Having said this, Hal looked at Harley with suspicion, "Do you really know the identity and strength of the mysterious man? Where does your confidence come from?"

"Keep worrying and whining." Harley waved her hands without looking at him. "I'm not confident. I can't beat the mysterious man and the four Omega giants. Don't count on me."

Madam Xanadu pulled her sleeves and said in a flattering tone: "Harley, I believe in you. You will definitely be able to help me regain my godhood and power from the Omega Titan."

If Harley looked hesitant and worried, she would rather lose her godhood than take risks.

But she knew Harley, and Harley's confident look at this moment was not a pretense.

Now that Harley was confident, her thoughts about the Godhead returned.

Hal also understood Harley. He stopped howling now and touched his nose, his expression still a little embarrassed, "Harry, what should we do now?

Should we immediately notify all the advanced civilizations in the universe and ask them to go all out and be on guard?

Their civilization level is high, and 80% of them will become the primary target of the four Omega Titans. "

"Let's retreat," Harley said.

"You still want to withdraw?" Hal frowned and said: "Even if the Omega Titans will not destroy the multiverse, advanced civilization will be harvested by them, and sooner or later it will be our turn on Earth.

You must understand the truth behind dying lips and cold teeth.

Moreover, even if we do not consider the crisis of the earth itself, if advanced civilization is harvested, there will inevitably be countless casualties. Should we sit back and watch indifferently? "

Harley said slowly: "I only said that the prophecy did not clearly state that the Four Omega Gods will destroy the multiverse. It does not mean that their actions will not destroy the multiverse.

If their goal is the entropy, wonders, knowledge, and mysteries of the multiverse, they will inevitably drain the entire multiverse dry.

Just like when farmers harvest crops, they don’t just harvest the ones with the fullest grains.

I'm not sure how they absorb conceptual entropy, but if the power of wonder represented by the spectacle is drained, the universe will be completely destroyed - "

Harley pointed at Mrs. Xanadu and said: "Our multiverse will also become like Xanadu, withered, old and decaying."

Shangdu turned his head, covered his ugly old face with his hands, and said unhappy: "I'm like this, and you still make fun of me?"

"I'm not making fun of you. Aren't you just drained of the power of miracles by the Titan of Wonders? If your body is enlarged countless times, it will look like the power of miracles in the entire multiverse has been drained." Harley said.

Hal glanced at Xanadu, which was like a withered bone in a grave, and then imagined in his mind that the entire universe would look like her.

He shivered.

"Harley, since you know the dangers of the Omega Titan, why do you still want to withdraw?" he said anxiously.

"Retreating does not mean surrendering, nor does it mean sitting idly by. Retreating is also a type of tactic." Harley said lightly.

Hal calmed down a little and asked, "What are you going to do after retreating?"

"Sit back and watch the actions of the Omega Titans. Don't do anything or interfere before they actually start harvesting the four wonders.

We not only need to understand them, but also use them to get a glimpse of the capabilities and ideas of the big guys behind them. "

Harley looked into Hal's eyes calmly, "We have to take a long-term view, our goal is not just to solve the crisis of the four Omega giants.

In fact, they are just desserts before a meal. The more difficult battle is still to come. Now we are all anxious, what should we do in the future? "

Harley raised her right hand. The surface of the hemispherical barrier covering the hole in the wall did not change, but its strength was reduced by a large amount. The defense value was directly reduced from 143 to 118 points, and the defensive force field on the surface of the defensive gold film was also reduced by one point. Two levels.

For example, the Power of Connection, Power of God, and Speed ​​Force defense feats that have reached the omnipotent universe level have all been reduced from level 10 to level 8 (single universe level).

Level nine feats are also reduced to level eight.

In addition, Harley also revoked several basic force defense feats.

She didn't want the four giant gods who were "suspected to be detached" to find out that they were also detached - defensive detachment, and she didn't want to expose her idea and ability to build a "DC defense network".

There is no way to hide the God's Power Defense Specialty, everyone knows it; everyone knows that she stole Dr. Manhattan's power. There is no need to hide the Connection Power Defense Specialty. Hiding it will only arouse the other party's suspicion.

"I will still stay here, but contrary to before, there are only projections here, and the body is stationed on the earth." Harley then said to Hal: "For safety reasons, you dismiss the lanterns around you.

If you are not afraid of death, are willing to contribute, and have the courage to sacrifice, I will also be happy to see success.

The lanterns have "mysterious power", and the remaining lanterns can test the strength and attitude of the four giants.

By the way, don't reveal my prophecy. You can reveal Xanadu's divination results, but don't reveal my prophecy.

In fact, even if they are not warned, their own prophets will be 'on a whim'. "

"I will dismiss the other Lanterns, but I will stay here. I am willing to be the first sacrifice in the multiverse."

Hal first expressed his attitude resolutely, and then asked doubtfully: "What's wrong with your prediction? Why can't you tell others? I also plan to issue a warning to the interstellar civilizations in the entire universe."

"What I want to hide is not the people of the universe, but the four giants and the 'unknown boss' of the omnipotent universe." Harley said.

Hal became more and more confused, "What's there to hide? When the four giants enter the universe, won't the people in the universe know exactly what they are called and what they are going to do?"

"Is the content of my prophecy clear?" Harley asked.

Hal nodded, "It's more straightforward, simple and clear than any prophecy I've ever heard."

Harley asked again: "Since I know everything, why don't I stay here and fight against the four giants? Why am I sitting on the earth without any movement when the four giants are plundering the universe?"

"Oh, you are afraid that 'Admiral Galaxy' will do nothing and his reputation will be ruined in one day." Xanadu suddenly realized.

Harley gave her a look of contempt.

Hal muttered: "What Harley is worried about is the Four Giants and the 'Unknown Boss'. She is worried that they will find out that she is observing them and planning them."

"It's not that I'm afraid, I just want to pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger. The more stupid and insensitive I am, the less the other party will pay attention to our multiverse.

If the 'unknown boss' knew my true strength, he would definitely not take the 'mysterious man' seriously anymore.

Maybe it will lead an army and come to surround me personally. Well, my boss is Brother God, and they can’t afford to offend me. Maybe it will come and ask me to be the God of Creation? "Harry shook his head repeatedly, and said with a look of disgust and worry: "That would be too bad. "

Hal and Xanadu both looked at her with blank faces.

"At this time, does it make sense for you to brag and show off?" Xanadu asked.

"Bragging is called pretentiousness, and obvious falsehoods will only be regarded as lies." Hal complained.

"Why am I bragging? Isn't God my elder brother? Don't you believe that even in the omnipotent universe, God is the best?"

"No, you said you disdain to be the God of Creation, which is obviously bragging." Hal said.

Harley lamented: "You have limited knowledge, so you think that the God of Creation is awesome, great, and glorious. In fact, the God of Creation is just... Oh, forget it, your realm is low, and you don't understand even after I say it."

Isn’t Papetua the creator god?

But what is the difference between her and a hard-working peasant uncle who is exploited by a scissors?

Harley is really afraid of being captured by the "Judge of Origin" to be used as a "cosmic fertility machine".

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