I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1841 The Final Fate of Destiny

Bruce hesitated for a moment and said: "Actually, I am going to bring you a drop of pure Tenth Metal.

Back in the World Forge, I condensed a total of two balls of the Tenth Metal.

One blob was used to build the Bat Armor, and with the remaining blob I thought you might be able to put it to a greater use. "

Harley glanced at him calmly and said, "But the pure Tenth Metal cannot be brought out of the world's furnace."

Bruce sighed, "The pure liquid Tenth Metal seems to only exist in the World Forge. When I tried to pack it up, the message that I couldn't take it away automatically came to my mind.

Well, in the Crucible of the World, we receive a lot of information.

At the beginning, most of the messages contained negative emotions such as despair, numbness, and resentment.

They cling to our souls like tarsal maggots, seeking to disrupt our state of mind of absolute hope and wonder. "

Harley mused: "The world furnace absorbs the emotional fluctuations of all living beings in the universe, uses the emotions of all living beings as raw materials to extract the tenth metal, and then uses the tenth metal as the material to create the world embryo, which is the egg of the universe.

There is naturally more than hope and surprise in the emotions of all sentient beings.

Negative energy emotions will cause flaws in the embryo of the world.

The Forger threw the broken world embryo into the trash and handed it over to the dragon Barbatos for disposal.

Barbatos is not only the caster's pet, it also plays the role of digesting the 'abnormal embryos' and extracting pure energy from them.

So I have been holding its soul hostage, preventing it from reincarnation.

Once it is reborn, no matter what form it takes, no matter how hard this life is, there will eventually be a moment when it awakens to the power of destiny.

I must deprive it of its power and make it unable to stand up forever! "

A sharp look flashed in Harley's eyes, and she continued: "The large amount of negative energy emotions you felt at that time was probably poured into it by Barbatos.

So not long after it was killed by me, you immediately successfully refined the tenth metal. "

"That's it!" Bruce nodded thoughtfully and said, "That drop of the tenth metal couldn't be taken away, so I used it to build a box of batarangs."

He took out the last "Crystal Dart" that emitted a faint colorful light and handed it to Harley.

"You should be able to erase the imprint of my soul on it, right? Just try it. It doesn't matter if my soul is damaged."

"Put it away, now it belongs only to you."

"We can't beat the 'Mysterious Man' with the Tenth Metal. If it were you, you would definitely be able to activate the full power of the Tenth Metal."

Bruce was not a hypocritical person and insisted on giving her a piece of the Tenth Metal.

The original plan to leave a drop of the Tenth Metal for her in the World Forge was just in case. If they were inexperienced and unable to perfectly repair the light multiverse that had fallen into the dark dimension, let Harley try.

Now he planned to give the batarang to her. He just heard her say that the tenth metal weapon would have no effect in front of the "mysterious man", and he had an idea on the spur of the moment.

They couldn't change the situation of the battle with the Tenth Metal Weapon, but if it were Harley, the situation would definitely be different.

With this thought in mind, he was willing to bear the price of heavy soul damage and give the batarang to Harley.

"You are wrong. Only the three of you can activate the potential of the Tenth Metal, because they come from your hope and surprise and are originally part of your soul.

It is equivalent to the world melting pot tempering part of the 'essence' in your soul into the tenth metal. "

Bruce frowned and said, "You mean, we joined forces a few days ago to modify the reality of the multiverse, which is already the ultimate power of the Tenth Metal?"

"Otherwise? Just a piece of metal can rewrite the reality of the fourth material universe and the fifth Limbo, and restart the sixth dimension. This is already awesome, what else are you dissatisfied with?" Harley said.

"I'm not dissatisfied, just a little disappointed." Bruce showed worry on his face, "You just said that the Tenth Metal is of no use in front of the mysterious man. If the Tenth Metal is used to its limit and is of no use to him, what else can we do? How to deal with the crisis it brings?”

"Don't think too much. There are some things you can prepare a defense plan in advance, and some things can only be left to the 'tallest person' to solve." Harley pointed to herself, "The mysterious man belongs to me, you can shout from the side 'Come on Harley, Harley, your Thai pants are hot' will do."

The muscles on Bruce's face twitched twice and he said: "The biggest inspiration this dark night crisis gave me is not to rely on you for everything.

Even if we can still rely on you, we have to do our part and prepare ourselves, at least feel at ease. "

He planned to give the tenth metal batarang to Harley. Although he relied on her idea, he was also doing everything he could do in advance.

Harley glanced at him and said coolly: "I hope you think so, it will make me feel much more relaxed.

But I think the biggest lesson this dark night crisis can teach you is not to make your own decisions and not be too self-centered.

If you are willing to listen honestly once, don't throw yourself into a trap with baby Darkseid in your arms, but live in the 'safe house' at the bottom of the Hall of Justice, even the Priest Priest Egret can't do it even if he wants to pour bat gold into your mouth. . "

The Owl Priest possesses the power of creation granted by Barbatos, but the thick-skinned divine power is not 100% immune.

With a few of the God's Favored in front, and other heroes dealing damage from the side, the attack can be delayed for at least ten days and a half.

"If you didn't have such a deep obsession with absolute justice and protecting the world, Barbatos wouldn't have the chance to use your nightmares to create a dark universe."

Having said this, Harley paused for a moment, then continued in a slower tone: "Bruce, you should focus more on your family.

Selena has been worrying about you these days.

Seeing that people doubted that it was the darkness and depravity in your heart that created the Dark Knights, she called Louise to the manor and asked me to do an exclusive interview to explain this to the people.

After the interview is over, she begins to worry about your own condition.

She is afraid that you will fall into a negative state of self-doubt and self-denial.

Because Barbatos has had tens of thousands of years to exert his influence over you. You know what I mean? "

Bruce pursed his lips and said, "She was overthinking it. When it became the Portal of Darkness, my mind continued to reincarnate in the nightmare weaved by Barbatos.

Its purpose is to make me accept the false fact that I was created by it.

Once I truly recognized his identity as the 'Father of Batman', I would sink completely and never wake up again.

Its rewriting of my story will also become the reality of what actually happened. "

Harley saw a shadow in his eyes, "But you were still affected."

Bruce was silent for a moment, avoiding her clear and bright eyes, turning his head to face the direction of the window, his voice a little muffled, "In Barbatos' nightmare, I did nothing but keep telling myself, 'None of this is true.' No.

It is like the true Creator, completely playing with me.

Every reincarnation, I can't hold on until the end, I..."

"I remember very clearly. I cried. I knelt down and howled in front of it more than once. There were many times when I cried and begged it, begging it to spare me. Huh~~~"

Finally speaking out the dark memories accumulated in his heart, Bruce felt inexplicably relieved.

He thought that he would bury the experience that was worse than a nightmare and would not tell anyone about it. Even if he kept trying to forget it, there was a high chance that he would not be able to forget it.

Unexpectedly, after just chatting with Harley for a few words, he couldn't help but reveal all his "inner demons".

But he had to admit that he felt really comfortable after saying it, and he didn't feel any shame at all.

So, he continued: "Every time I cry for mercy, Barbatos plunges me into a warm and peaceful world.

There I had become famous and retired, and I was nearly ninety years old. Oh, that's not right.

At the beginning, I was just over 50 years old. Every time I repeat the reincarnation, I get older.

I retired to Wayne Manor, surrounded by my children and grandchildren, and the Wayne family grew into a large family.

For example, my favorite granddaughter, Janet, has more than a dozen cousins.

Janet loves to listen to stories, so she asked me to read to her with a copy of "Batman Stories."

The storybook is actually the ‘Batman Crime Diary’, which records every case I have ever experienced, but most of them have been rewritten.

Every time I cried out to Barbatos for mercy, a story of mine was twisted.

Every time I wake up from my stupor and tell my little granddaughter, ‘That’s not the story,’ I fall into the nightmare cycle again.

The reincarnation will not end until I cry and beg for mercy.

I returned to the warm and comfortable Gotham Manor again and sat by the fireplace reading "Batman Stories" to my little granddaughter.

Time and time again, more and more of my stories were twisted.

If Superman and Diana hadn't awakened me, I would have completely sunk and surrendered to Barbatos. "

He covered his face with his hands and said in a muffled voice, "I am not as strong as you think, I can also be defeated, Barbatos almost defeated me.

In front of it, I have almost no room to fight back.

Just say that I stole baby Darkseid and entered the Tomb of Set by mistake.

I don't want to accept superman's advice, not because I only believe in myself.

I just deeply feel how powerful Barbatos is, so powerful that it makes people desperate, and I don’t want the superhero to sacrifice for me.

I'd rather die myself.

But all this was still Barbatos' arrangement, and it completely predicted my reaction. "

"Haha." Instead of comforting him softly, Harley laughed out loud, brisk and hearty.

The way she looked at him was full of strange interest.

"It's rare for you to show such a side, hahaha!"

The relief and joy of Bruce revealing the darkness in his heart are gone forever.

He was still a little angry: He was like this and she was still making fun of him. It was too much.

Just when he was about to turn around and leave without saying a word, he heard Harley say with a smile: "Don't be so serious, actually this is a very light topic.

Regardless of Barbatos' identity as the creator, he is essentially just the ultimate 'Batman fan'. "

Bruce was stunned when he heard this, "Batman fan?"

Harley smiled with a weird expression: "You know how huge the 'Batman fan base' is in Gotham City, which has a deep understanding of your character and can predict your reaction.

Such as the clown.

Even if he doesn't have the supreme power of Barbatos, he can still predict your behavior and reactions through his familiarity with you, kill your people, and destroy your heart.

The time Jason died, you were only so far away from falling into darkness."

Harley pinched her fingers and made a small gap, "If the clown has the same power as Barbatos, your experience will definitely be ten or a hundred times more miserable than when you fell into the nightmare before.

In the final analysis, Barbatos is just an enhanced version of Bateman's fanatic.

Look at its appearance, it's obviously a mighty and domineering world dragon, but it turned itself into a vulgar and ugly bat-man. This is a classic case of extreme worship of idols, and plastic surgery failed to look like the idol.

His shaping of the Batman story is like a fanatic fan interfering in the life and work of a star.

Fans have limited personal power. They can only encourage idols on the Internet what kind of clothes to wear, what kind of dressing up to do, what kind of dramas to take on, and what kind of boyfriends to have. If fans have power that far exceeds the capital behind the idol, basically When you become an idol, you become a doll for your fans.

If fans are the creators, your idol will end up like this.

Fans of the Creator feel that they have shaped their idols, but they do not know that idols must first own and express themselves before they can attract the attention of fans and turn fans from passers-by into fans.

Only later did fans have directional expectations and transformation of their idols.

Especially for high-quality fans like Joker and Barbatos who do not focus on appearance and character marketing, when they follow you, it means that you already have an independent, unique and strong personality and characteristics.

So you get it?

Barbatos is not the 'father of Batman', it's not that he shaped you, it's that the mature 'Batman' is so charming that he can't extricate himself from his dream of chasing stars.

To put it bluntly, you are distorting its self and life.

You are the 'Father of Bat-Man Barbatos', you shaped it! "

Bruce's expression was twisted, his heart was greatly shocked, and he had a lot of things to say to her in his head, but in the end he just stood there speechless for a long time.

"So, do you think your troubles and experiences are ridiculous now?" Harley looked at him with a smile and asked.

Bruce could only smile bitterly.

But the shadow in his heart was swept away, and he became more relaxed than ever.

"What did you say to Bruce?" Selina came back from Wayne Manor the next afternoon and immediately came to Harley and asked with a strange expression.

"What did he say?" Harley asked.

Selena stared at her and said, "I asked him, but he shook his head and refused to say anything.

But I can clearly see that he has changed.

Last night, he actually took the whole Wayne Manor family to a barbecue at the beach. He, Dick, Jason, and Damian were all there. They worked hard all night, got drunk, and went straight to bed when they got home. In other words, last night, Brother Tan doesn't have Batman.

Although he doesn't smile much, I feel that he is very happy. He was not like this before coming to Lishan yesterday. "

Harley said: "I just repeated the words I mocked Barbatos to him that day."

Selina immediately asked curiously: "What did you say to Barbatos that day?"

"I said he's a big Batman fan," Harley said.

"That's it?" Selina was stunned for a moment, her eyes suspicious.

"There are a lot of words, but this is the basic meaning."

Selena was about to ask again when Harley, who was lying on the sofa playing with her tablet, suddenly changed her expression slightly, sat up straight and put down her tablet, and said, "We have guests here. If you have any questions, please go to Dick and Rachel.

When I fought Barbatos, they hid in the stomach dimension and watched the whole process. "

"Who is it that deserves your solemnity?" Selina asked curiously.

"It's not solemn, it's just a bit unexpected. Of course, the identity of the other party is indeed extraordinary. At least he is a God King with 0.85 steps."

Harry stood up and walked slowly to the yard, facing the gate down the mountain.

"The 0.85-step God King, what kind of God King is that?" Selina asked strangely.

"Naboo is a half-step god-king, a half-step god-king. He is much stronger than Naboo. He also mastered the power of creation in advance. His technical content is higher than mine, but he has not been able to truly put his own laws above the sea of ​​laws."

After a pause, Harley added thoughtfully: "Perhaps he deliberately lowered his own realm. Even if he reincarnated and regained control of magic and world power, he could not restore the realm of the God King."

After hearing what she said so mysteriously, Selena also became interested and stood with her, looking towards the mountain road.

Without letting them wait any longer, about two minutes later, a group of people appeared in their sight.

"They are all acquaintances," Selena said doubtfully.

The first thing that caught the eye was the tall female mage Zatanna in fishnet stockings.

Then there's Sage Oz and several of the Justice League Dark's magical heroes.

But what attracted the most attention was the short-cut boy with glasses walking in the front. He looked about fourteen or fifteen years old, like a high school student. His gray-black magic robe had many strange runes embroidered with gold thread.

He is not very old, but he has an aura that is more awe-inspiring than other mages, and even has a sense of holiness that people can't help but worship.

"Who is he?" Selena vaguely realized that this was the 0.85-step God King that Harley was talking about.

"Hunter, Xiao Zha, when did you come back?"

Harley greeted them with a smile, and then introduced Selena to everyone, and also introduced Selina to Hunter, the "ancestor of white magic" and several unfamiliar heroes of the Dark Alliance.

Just as they were chatting, Madam Xanadu in the forest behind the mountain came directly to the courtyard through a portal.

"We just came back, and we came to see you as soon as we left the world of Ipoca." Xiao Zha looked a little complicated, "I don't know whether to say it's lucky or unfortunate. Ipoco's mission has ended long ago, but after Barbatos arrives, , the channel between Ipece and the material universe was cut off.

We can't leave for the time being, and we still don't know what happened in the main universe.

Until a few days ago, Tim told us that the chaotic space turbulence disappeared and the dimensional barrier became stable again.

He reopened a space channel, and then we learned that the main universe had slipped significantly into the dark nightmare. No wonder the channel with Ipok was disconnected.

The earth is in the fourth dimension, but Ipece is in the fifth dimension. "

"It's a good thing to avoid the 'Dark Night' crisis. If you really come back, you'll just join the 'Hell's Gate Guerrillas' and you won't be able to fundamentally reverse the situation." Harley said.

Then she turned to Hunter and asked, "What's going on in Ipeco now?"

"The energy tower in the center of the human city was destroyed by me, and the pure natural magic crystal was shattered. Magical creatures finally no longer have to fear the pursuit and hunting of the magic mecha police.

In the forest, sea and sky, they once again appeared freely moving and singing loudly. "

A satisfied smile appeared on Hunter's face, "Humanity learned a lesson, but there were not many casualties. I just completely deprived them of the power to use magic."

Harley's expression was a little strange, but she returned to normal in an instant, and asked: "The foundation of human civilization is the central energy tower. If we cannot continue to use pure magic power to maintain production and life, how will tens of millions of humans survive in the future?"

Hunter scratched the back of his head and said with a shy smile: "I really didn't think about this at first. Fortunately, Sage Aoqi reminded me and suggested that I provide them with systematic modern technology to replace the natural magic energy tower.

One of the purposes of coming to see you today is to hope that you can allow me to establish a stable Ipok and Earth transmission channel in Nanda Mountain.

I will send a group of Ipok anthropologists to Earth to learn real science and technology. I also hope that Sister Harley can persuade the US government to donate a batch of backward equipment to Ipok so that they can resume production as soon as possible. "

Harley said: "It's okay to send scholars to learn technology, just treat them as alien students, there are existing systems and laws, and it can be done easily.

Production equipment and daily supplies are no problem either.

After the Dark Night crisis ended, the earth received a large number of extraterrestrial donations, more than the earth could use. Some of them could be given to Ipeko, or the old equipment could be given to the Ipeki people.

However, Nanda Mountain is not under my jurisdiction. You must discuss this with the local government. "

Xiao Zha said: "Nowadays, the Sky Eye Society is still responsible for the "Book of Magic" incident. They cooperated with the local government to blockade Nanda Peak."

"If it's just the Sky Eyes, you can rest assured that they won't be an obstacle to you." Harley looked at Hunter and said.

"My father is still locked up by the Sky Eye, and my mother." Hunter looked around and asked, "Where is Constantine? My mother's soul is in his hands."

Harley took out her cell phone and sent text messages to Kang and Waller respectively.

Zha Kang didn't respond, and Waller replied instantly.

"Does the Sky Eye want to imprison your father? After the dark night falls, they must evacuate the earth immediately, and then take your father with them."

Harley's words were bright, but Waller's thoughts were not bright.

She really had the intention to blackmail little Hunter through old Hunter.

But not for herself.

After receiving the promise from Harley to "reincarnate as the daughter of the Fairy King after death", Waller gave up the idea of ​​pursuing magic and improving his realm.

The U.S. government wants to get some benefits from Ipoca, and Waller is just serving the country.

"Constantin didn't reply to my message, but when news spread that Zuckerberg and the Justice League Dark were back, he would definitely come looking for him."

"Then" Hunter thought for a while and seemed to have nothing to say, so he planned to stand up and leave.

"Sister Harley, I'm going to the Metropolis to pick up my father first."

"Go ahead, you have been separated for more than a month, and Mr. Hunter is also very worried about you. If anything happens in the future, you can come to me at any time. You don't need to go through the gate, just teleport directly."

Although the pure magic crystal block that helped the masters advance on the Island of the Gods was picked up, it actually has an owner, and the owner is the boy with glasses in front of her. Harley intends to return the favor, well, it is just a small and free favor. Favor.

Hunter thanked him again and walked out happily.

When he reached the gate, he suddenly groaned, covered his head and stopped.

"Hunter, what's wrong with you?" Sage Aoqi reacted the fastest and walked over in a few steps and asked nervously.

"I seem to have remembered something." Hunter looked a little confused. "I had a memory deleted before, and now it suddenly returned to normal. It should feel like this."

"Who can delete your memory?" Sage Aoqi asked in surprise.

Harley and others also looked at him curiously.

"Let me think about it." Hunter calmed down, closed his eyes, and stood in a meditative state.

It took him a while to open his eyes, with confusion on his face and in his eyes.

"No one seems to have deleted my memory. I just forgot."

Seeing his confused look, Harley became even more surprised, "What did you forget? Or, what did you remember now?"

"I remembered the identity of the person I saw in the Tarot world that day. The lady with gothic smoky makeup was 'Death', Lady Death of the Endless Family!" Hunter said.

"Tarot World?"

Many people had blank expressions on their faces, except for Harley and Shangdu who were deep in thought.

Tim Hunter looks a lot like Harry Potter, and his reputation in the wizarding world is a bit like Harry Potter.

Before Harry Potter entered Hogwarts, he was immediately recognized on the streets of Diagon Alley. Everyone greeted him and regarded him as a legend.

When Tim Hunter first came into contact with magic, a group of magic masters immediately came to his door and offered to be his mentors. Each mentor taught him their best skills without any secret.

In the end, Stranger personally took him to Madam Xanadu's house, and asked Xanadu to spend all his energy building a world of Tarot cards to help Tim see the future path clearly and help him make the final choice.

"Tarot World" is a divination technique. Madam Xanadu took Hunter's soul on a tour of the "future", allowing him to see the future after Hunter made different choices on the line of fate.

In the River of Destiny, Hunter saw himself becoming a "magic messenger", with corpses and bones at his feet, and countless mages killed by him.

He was afraid and decided to give up his magic power and become a mortal, completely cutting off his future as a "magic user".

While visiting the "future", Hunter met Big Brother Destiny.

At that time, Xanadu and Harley speculated that Hunter's behavior of observing his future destiny interfered with destiny and alerted Big Brother Destiny in the Garden of Destiny.

At that time, Hunter told a small detail that he saw another person coming to find his destiny.

"The other day you said that you suddenly forgot who was looking for fate, and now you suddenly remember that it was Ms. Death who was looking for fate?" Harley asked with a frown.

Hunter nodded vigorously, looking confused, "Why do I suddenly forget and then suddenly remember?"

Harley had a vague idea in her mind, "Xanadu, what do you think?"

Xanadu mused: "Hunter previewed his destiny in the River of Destiny that day and saw many future scenes - it was the future for that time.

If he had spoken out about a key element of what he saw, something might not have happened, or the outcome might have been affected.

This is a huge twist of fate.

So when he opened his mouth to say something, fate struck back and made him forget some key information.

From that day to now, less than half a year has passed, and the future of that day has become the past of today.

Something is happening, or has happened, and the backlash is over. "

"Just telling the identity of the person who came to find Destiny, how could it affect the normal operation of Destiny?" Dead Man Boston asked in confusion.

Harley smiled strangely, "'Death comes to your doorstep' is a major event that affects the future of the multiverse, hehehe."

The sea of ​​laws is not a description of a non-specific existence.

It really exists.

That is the root of the multiverse, the place closest to the "origin".

There are countless laws in the sea of ​​laws. Some of them are the basic laws of the universe, and some come from gods and wizards.

The laws of the Sea of ​​Laws are not randomly stacked together. Laws with the same attributes are woven into a network, and together with the basic laws of the universe with corresponding attributes, they maintain the stability and normal operation of the multiverse structure.

As the realm improves, the laws of the gods and wizards become stronger, and their "position" in the sea of ​​laws becomes higher.

The Law of the God King can override the laws of the same attribute, and above the Law of the God King. Some people say that the higher part is the "origin", and some people say that the sea of ​​laws is the root of the multiverse. The roots of the tree are already at the edge, and beyond that there are It’s really the frontier of the universe.

No one has truly seen the "land beyond the roots" above the God King's law, and all speculations are just conjectures after all.

Harley declared that she would hand over the "Book of Destiny" to "Origin" for disposal, and then threw the book into the sea of ​​law with force.

She is the God-King, and when she throws the book "upwards", she throws it into the "place beyond the roots".

This approach and statement prove that she also feels that the "origin" lies above the law of the God King.

Almost a second before Tim's "memory awakens".

"Ah, my "Book of Destiny", I finally found you, you really can only belong to me!"

At the end of "The Land Beyond the Roots", Big Brother Destiny held a thick book half the size of a door panel with tears streaming down his face, and shouted excitedly: "Witch Harley, have you seen this? You let 'Origin' decide the "Book of Destiny" "Origin" now made the choice, "The Book of Destiny" is in my arms, I got it again!

Hahahaha, destiny belongs to me after all. No, no, I am destiny. I am destiny, the holder of the "Book of Destiny" and the controller of the River of Destiny.

Witch Harley, you can win once by chance, but you can't win them all.

If you lose once, you will be doomed.

And I am the banker. I have the capital to lose. It doesn’t matter if I lose once, twice, or even ten times or dozens of times. "

Big Brother Destiny yelled for a while and then gradually calmed down.

The lost and found "Book of Destiny" made him so excited that he lost his composure, but he would not lose his composure forever.

After calming down a little, he abandoned his distracting thoughts and stopped thinking about his grudge with Witch Harley, and began to carefully check the status of the "Book of Destiny".

He held the "Book of Destiny" in his arms, his eyes seemed to be closed, and walked back slowly.

He found the "Book of Destiny" at the end of "The Land Beyond the Roots" and planned to return to the Garden of Destiny.

"The Book of Destiny is indeed riddled with holes. It's almost impossible to repair Witch Harley. You deserve to die!"

After "The Book of Destiny" fell into the hands of Big Brother Destiny, it once again became half the size of a door panel, with holes on the surface that looked like they had been eaten by bookworms.

Densely packed small wormholes.

When Destiny held the "Book of Destiny" to observe the running status of the River of Destiny, beams of light immediately shot out from the holes in the pages, and there were countless pictures in the light.

Thousands of book holes, hundreds of beams of light, destiny is surrounded by thousands of constantly changing pictures.

Once upon a time, the Book of Destiny was intact and its secrets could not be revealed.

At this time, Tianji was like a hot water bottle with thousands of holes punched out by a machine gun, leaking air everywhere.

"Who are you?" Destiny saw a young man looking at him.

"My, my name is 'Tim Hunter', how can you see me?"

The boy with glasses was a little surprised. He had seen many people in the world of tarot cards. They were like characters in 3D movies. They could only be observed by him, unable to see him, let alone communicate with him.

The hooded man holding a huge book opposite was very mysterious. Not only could he talk to him, but he also put a lot of pressure on him, making him breathe quickly.

"Hmph, you are trespassing on my territory, but you don't even know who I am."

Destiny was a little unhappy, but it was not directed at the boy with glasses.

Similar scenes have happened too many times.

Every divination performed by a fortune teller is a glimpse into the river of destiny.

However, few people can be like the boy with glasses, whose consciousness is swimming in the river of destiny, and they can still see him. Seeing him is a coincidence.

This young man's divination ability is very strong, or the person who helps him divination is very powerful.

——Hey, this boy is no ordinary person, his fate

"Tim Hunter, the descendant of the ancestor of white magic, is a bit interesting."

Destiny stared at the young man, and he realized in his heart that the other man was actually the reincarnation of the God King. No wonder he could swim the river of fate so smoothly. No wonder he could see him and face him head-on.

"Your domain?" The boy with glasses shrank his neck and said, "Mrs. Xanadu is divining the future for me. I should be in the river of destiny now. Are you the Lord of Destiny?"

"Mrs. Xanadu."

Destiny frowned slightly, and was about to say something, when his eyes suddenly blurred, and his second sister dressed as a goth girl appeared opposite him.

"Brother, stop chatting here, your time is up."

The second sister's expression was a little strange, and the way she looked at him made him feel scared.

"What time? How did you find it here?"

Destiny asked, pressing her hand against the hole in the cover of the Book of Destiny.

Thousands of rays of light disappeared.

The bespectacled boy’s “wonderful trip to the land beyond his roots” has also come to an end.

"I'm here to pick you up." The second sister looked around and sighed: "I have actually been waiting for you here for a long time. Although there is no time or space here, what is destined to happen will definitely happen."

"What do you mean?" Brother Destiny was a little flustered.

The second sister stared at him and said: "The fate of all creatures in the multiverse lies in the river of destiny, and you are no exception.

But you never see your destiny.

In the past, your behavior of holding the "Book of Destiny" to control the river of destiny was itself a destiny.

Now this destiny is coming to an end. "

"No, go away, leave me quickly, I don't want to see you!"

Big Brother Destiny was anxious and waved his hand to drive away his second sister.

The second sister smiled bitterly and said: "The fate of every living being is in the river of destiny. Every living being will inevitably have to see me at least twice, once for birth and once for death."

Then she looked at her eldest brother with encouraging eyes, "Our third brother has been here so many times, and every time he is calm, natural, personable, and magnanimous. You can't be inferior to him, right?"

At this point, she burst into laughter, her big eyes filled with anticipation, "Speaking of which, I have sent away many brothers and sisters, but eldest brother, you are the only one who is serious, calm, well-behaved, sanctimonious, and has almost never made any mistakes.

It’s been almost 20 billion years, and this is the first time I’m sending you away! "

Brother Destiny took a few deep breaths, forced himself to calm down, and asked with great dignity: "Even if my destiny comes to an end, who will kill me, who can kill me?

Even if you want to pick me up, at least let me die first, right? "

The second sister stared at his feet and encouraged: "Try to move one step forward, take one step and burp immediately."

Brother Destiny's legs were a little weak, so he immediately stabilized his body and remained motionless, "Who wants to kill me? Witch Harley?"

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