I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1840 The Heavenly Court of the Anti-Supervisory King (please vote for me at the end of the m

After renovating Quinn Manor and bringing back her friends from Paradise Mountain, Harley took the coordinates given by Wu Tan and came to the world where the Anti-Monitor King was reborn in this life.

Because she knew that the anti-supervisor king had been reincarnated in the Qing Dynasty, Harley landed directly in the capital of a large country in the east.

She originally planned to enter the parallel universe and read the timeline of the local country to find out the news and location of the anti-surveillance king.

But as soon as she landed, without doing anything, the presence of the Anti-Monitor King came into view directly and extremely powerfully: a two-hundred-meter-tall metal giant stood directly in the square in front of the palace.

The reason why Harley immediately determined that it belonged to the Anti-Supervisor King was because it looked exactly like the "Shell Man Anti-Supervisor" back then. It had an eggshell head, and its face was as smooth as the surface of an eggshell. It had no nose or lips. The dense and sharp teeth are directly exposed on the outside. He wears dark blue and silver-white armor, and several energy conduits are connected to the pipa bones on both sides of his back.

The Anti-Monitor King has two forms. One is a normal human form. Except for the slightly translucent gray skin, he is basically no different from an ordinary white American man.

Due to the influence of the anti-life equation, he was unable to maintain a normal mentality for a long time.

The anti-life equation corrupted his body into an energy body condensed from the origin of antimatter.

After his body is transformed into pure energy, his form will expand even more.

After putting a layer of "anti-monitoring shell" on the energy body, it became the anti-monitoring appearance known to the heroes of the main universe. It was also the appearance of the mecha that Harley saw on the "Black Iron Square" in front of the palace gate.

At this time, the palace and even the divine capital were completely different from what Harry had imagined.

It is not that it maintains the characteristics of the ancient divine capital, which is different from the urban architecture she has seen in modern times.

In fact, it is not at all ancient at this time, nor is it modern at all. It is not conventionally modern.

The huge square is a thick piece of black iron, covering an area of ​​more than 10 square kilometers.

That's right, the square is not paved with tiles, nor is it yellow earth or cement. It is a huge metal floor welded together. There are trenches and many intricate tracks on the metal floor.

Most of the surrounding buildings are pure steel structures with gurgling white steam. Some of the houses are very tall, as high as a dozen stories, covering an area of ​​thousands of square meters, and have black iron exterior walls that are one-piece structures.

There are also ordinary houses, and obvious welding marks and rivet structures can be seen on the black iron exterior walls.

Of course, there are also buildings of masonry and wood in the city.

They are located on the edge of the city, and the "bustling areas" in the city center are all black iron buildings.

Even the road was paved with black iron tracks, and there was a steam train. Oh, no, Harry saw it and stopped directly at the intersection. There were citizens wearing Hanfu, short hair, and carrying briefcases who got on the train. Passengers get off.

Obviously, it's not a train, but a bus train.

Using a train as a city bus is already weird.

What's even more strange is that only white water vapor comes out of the train's chimney, and no black smoke produced by burning coal is seen.

Harry stared at the buses, trains and steam cars on the black iron road for a while, and a look of surprise gradually appeared on his face.

Their basic principle is indeed steam power, but it is not a coal-burning steam engine. The specific operating principle is very complicated, yet very simple and exquisite. She, the majestic king, can't understand it.

"The beginning of all ways is the anti-prison ancestor, the source of all things is anti-matter, the anti-matter road is the root of heaven and earth, it is as long as it exists, and it is not used diligently." At this time, a girl who looked like a middle school student came over shaking her head. .

She was dressed like a female student during the Republic of China period. She wore a light blue coat with the hem reaching up to her hips. The sleeves were in the shape of a bell. She wore a black skirt that covered half of her calves. She wore a pair of black leather shoes with a slanted waist. He was carrying a satchel, holding something that looked like a tape player in his hand, and had earplugs in his ears.

It seems like you are listening to English while walking?

But she was mumbling strange sentences.

Harley also noticed that the "tape player" in the girl's hand also had a mesh specifically designed to emit white water vapor.

She only glanced at the girl, and the entire sentence recited by the girl appeared in her mind.

It turned out to be "Mo Zi Jing: The Law of Creation". Mo Zi was the target she was looking for today, the anti-supervisory king Mobius.

In this life, his surname is "Mo", and his original name was a bit rustic, "Junsheng". Now others call him "Mo Zi", the living saint Mo Zi.

"It's interesting." After carefully pondering Mo Zi's laws of creation in his mind, when Harry went to look at the steam engine in the black iron train, he vaguely understood its operating principle.

The next moment, she appeared in a small village near the Han River. A few decades ago, it was just an ordinary village. After the birth of the new saint Mozi, it gradually became extraordinary, and now it has become a prosperous steam space city.

It’s even more exaggerated than the capital city of God. There are not only steam trains and steam cars here, but also space ports and spaceships.

Harley stood in a small pavilion on the top of a mountain outside the city. She first looked up at the steam engine spaceship roaring towards outer space, and then looked down at the "Mozi Academy" in the distance.

"Sage Mozi" sat cross-legged on the black iron "futon" and slowly read "The Creation Chapter of Mozi Sutra", while more than 3,000 students below actually listened.

They are not close in age, some are in their teens and some are already gray-haired.

Everyone looked at Teacher Mo Zi with the same admiration and piety.

"Witch Harley? Why are you here?"

When Harley looked at "Teacher Mozi", the skinny old Mozi immediately felt something and raised his head to glance at her. The main body continued to teach the students, and a consciousness drifted dozens of kilometers and came to Harley.

Harley looked around at the strange buildings and strange scenes and asked, "What are you doing?"

The old anti-supervisor said calmly: "I am teaching students. If you want to know why I am teaching these students, you can go to the river of time to find the answer yourself."

"Before you awaken, I can look through your timeline at will. When you awaken to the power of creation, no matter who touches or observes your timeline, it will be a provocation and humiliation to you." Harley said.

If she could quietly provoke and humiliate the old rebel, Harley wouldn't hesitate at all.

But since it is a provocation, the other party will definitely notice it.

Even though she didn't have high expectations for Anti-Supervisor to become a teammate in the resistance against Papetua, she didn't want him to become a troublemaker and take away her energy and time.

There was no reaction on the old anti-supervisor's face, but his tone was much gentler, and he said slowly: "I was born in the 18th year of Kangxi's reign, and I am from Huguang.

Well, this is my hometown all my life.

Even though reincarnation has blinded my spirituality, sealed my memory, and removed my power as the Creator, I am still born extraordinary. "

The old anti-prisoner raised his chin slightly, with a hint of arrogance on his face, "I was literate at one year old, enlightened at three years old, entered the examination room at nine years old, and became the youngest criminal suspect who shocked people from all over the country.

Some people who are jealous of me secretly ridicule me for being just another Zhongyong.

But the next year, when I was ten years old, I became their "Master of Juren", and I was also the first Jieyuan in the province. "

At this point, he paused.

Harry thought he wanted to impress her, so she followed his intention and asked: "Next, you continued to shock the whole country, and became the Huiyuan in the joint examination, and became the number one scholar in the palace examination.

Countless princes and ministers praised you, and countless ladies from famous families talked to you. Well, sorry, I forgot that you were only ten years old at that time. "

The old anti-eunuch shook his head slightly, "I have only been able to succeed in promoting people in this life. When a minister talked about me in front of the emperor, who is the 'Nan County's most outstanding figure in history', the emperor mentioned 'revealing one's sharpness'.

I don’t know if it was the emperor’s original intention or if they thought too much and thought the emperor didn’t like me and didn’t want to see me in the limelight.

In the next ten years, I took the exam three times and failed every time. I didn't even get a Gongsheng student.

But I don't mind it at all.

After becoming a Juren, I have no worries about food and clothing. I forgot to tell you before that my family has been very poor in this life. "

"You're not poor, you're just ordinary. My only arrangement for your reincarnation is to live in an ordinary family. How can a truly poor person afford to study?" Harley said with certainty.

The old anti-supervisor did not argue and continued: "I am naturally eager to learn, and studying the eight-part essay all the time is eroding my spirituality. After obtaining the status of Juren, my family lacked neither money nor status.

My family had a good life, so I gave up the idea of ​​taking the imperial examination as a way to get ahead, and began to read a lot of books based on my hobbies and interests, and study what they said was useless. By the time I was thirty, my reputation was even more famous than when I was a teenager. I am at the level of Grand Master in all areas of History, Astronomy and Geography, and countless students have become my disciples.

After becoming a world-famous scholar, I even gave up the idea of ​​taking the imperial examination.

But the emperor heard about my reputation and insisted on recruiting me to serve as an official in the court. He also said that I would be rewarded with the status of "Jinshi".

I don’t want to go, but I can’t disobey the emperor’s order.

Fortunately, the night before I left for the capital, I awakened the memory of my previous life amidst irritability and resentment.

I, the majestic Creator, will definitely not worship the emperor. What's more, I am a Han Chinese. When I see those princes and nobles, they all have to kneel down and call themselves "slaves". How can I bear it?

I refused directly, not caring about the emperor's reaction.

Of course, I'm not stupid. I knew that directly offending the emperor would probably end badly, so I started to build high-tech weapons to protect myself and the academy. "

Harley immediately said: "You are going to be finished, no, Daqingguo Pill!"

Even if the Anti-Monitor King loses the power of creation, he is still the strongest scientist in the DC multiverse.

The Möbius Chair, which claims to be omniscient, is just a "computer" he invented.

The "computer in the shape of a gaming chair" that he invented at random later became the godhead of the new god of knowledge.

If this kind of person gives him a piece of scrap metal, he can make an "alien weapon".

"I guessed wrong. If I had simply rejected the emperor, I would have been scolded by the emperor as a 'bastard who doesn't know how to show appreciation', and would have been praised by others as a noble and upright 'real gentleman'.

However, when he learned that I had built a powerful 'steam cannon', the emperor immediately regarded me as the second Dai Zi and wanted to kill me. My students and family were sent to Ning Guta to work as slaves for the armored men.

By the way, do you know Dai Zi?

He and I were pretty close friends. He was exiled to a bitter cold place for decades because of his invention of the continuous cannon. "

Ha Li nodded. In a normal world where there was no anti-supervisory king, Dai Zi was considered a moderate celebrity.

However, the reason why Dai Zi was exiled was more complicated than simply inventing the earliest machine gun in China.

Dai Zi was still a court official and a close minister of the emperor. No matter how powerful firearms he invented, he was at least nominally serving the emperor.

The old rebel eunuch first refused the emperor's edict, and then made more powerful firearms at home. No one would be able to tolerate it if he were the emperor.

"Relying on advanced weapons, I served as the 'King of Chu' for ten years. Ten years was enough for me to build a steam-powered imitation animal main armor.

"Is it the two-hundred-meter-tall iron guy placed in Shendu Square?" Harley asked.

"Have you ever been to the Capital of Gods?" The old anti-supervisor nodded and sighed: "If I restore the power of the Creator, I can create bigger and more powerful mechas in a single thought.

But at that time I was just a mortal with no wisdom.

I can only pass on my wisdom to my students and let them help me smelt metals, build factories, and finally put countless parts together.

But I don’t want to be an official, let alone an emperor.

But after decades of hard work, various machines have been developed, and steam-powered spaceships can fly faster than light, I still can't break the barrier of the universe.

Just when I was considering giving up technological creation and preparing to study 'Technological Cultivation' to enhance the body and soul power of mortals, first extend their lifespan, and then rely on my self-created "Steam Scripture" to break through the void, the demon from outside the territory came, and in front of many I was kidnapped in front of my disciples. "

The corner of Harley's mouth twitched, "The extraterrestrial devil refers to the Dark Knight?"

"Well, you can take a look at the history books of this world. The Dark Knight does qualify as an extraterrestrial demon." The old anti-supervisor said.

——You are an old ghost from the anti-matter universe, but you are also considered an "extraterrestrial demon" in the positive matter universe.

Harley complained in her heart and asked curiously: "Why are both technological machines and technological immortals based on 'steam'?"

"Didn't you notice?" A little helplessness appeared on the face of the anti-monitoring old man, "The laws of this universe are too special and do not allow the birth of electronic technological civilization at all.

If this universe was the same as the main universe, I would have created a 'cosmic rifle' that can break the dimensional barrier.

But I have tried countless methods and conducted countless tests, and finally proved that the only way to achieve steam civilization in this world is.

Moreover, the ‘Steam Law’ of this universe is extremely powerful.

Even if you want to cultivate immortality, magic and martial arts, taking the 'Steam Road' is the smoothest and most promising future. "

Harley's consciousness rose rapidly, entering the sea of ​​laws of this parallel universe, and then sank into the river of time. Anti-monitoring is right, there is only steam civilization in this world, and even Batman lives in "Gotham under gaslight" (ps).

"Now that you have restored your power of creation, your family and disciples all thought that you were captured by an extraterrestrial demon, and most likely they have built a monument and a tomb for you.

Time flows very fast in this world. You have been in the main universe for a month and seven or eight years have passed here. Why do you want to come back? Harley asked looking at him.

The old rebel prisoner sighed: "When I was captured by Barbatos, the "Steam Scripture" had just begun, and I had to come back to complete it.

Otherwise, my one hundred thousand disciples will either go crazy, or they will suffer all their lives and achieve nothing, or they will go astray and take the wrong path.

Being obsessed and accomplishing nothing can only harm yourself.

If they go astray, the steam cultivators may destroy the steam machine civilization that has gradually taken shape. "

"The ultimate achievement of the "Steam Scripture" is still to break the void and open the dimensional passage to the anti-matter universe?" Harley asked.

The old anti-supervisor said matter-of-factly: "They are my disciples. Where else can they go besides the anti-matter universe? Moreover, although I am the creator, my power, experience and attributes all determine that 'anti-matter becoming an immortal' is the safest, The most skilled path.

I can only let them transform into anti-matter life through the "Steam Scripture", but cannot let them go to the sixth dimension or the Monitor satellite. "

"They can go to Limbo, the eight divine realms of the fifth world, and countless magic and knight planes. No matter where they go, they have a bright future," Harley said.

The old anti-supervisor said disdainfully: "Even if the "Steam Sutra" created by me, the majestic creator, is not as good as your "Phantom Demon Heart Sutra", it will not be reduced to being on par with ordinary gods and wizards."

Harley sighed helplessly, and explained the reason why she came here, and said: "Your instigation makes Wu Tan very worried. If the antimatter energy is leaked, or when time and space are shattered and dimensional channels are opened, the laws of the antimatter universe will be inconsistent with this universe. The conflict of laws may once again trigger a wave of 'Crisis on Infinite Earths'."

"Hmph, he is unfounded, or he thinks that I am as stupid as him." The old anti-supervisor sneered.

"Even if you can perfectly control your own power, what will you do if your disciple's practice of the "Steam Scripture" goes wrong after you leave?" Harley asked.

The old anti-supervisor said seriously: "Even if something goes wrong in cultivation, it will not have any impact on the world. If it breaks the sky, it will just be like anti-matter life falling into the parallel universe of matter without any defense. It will only annihilate itself and will not affect the laws." and time and space.

You yourself are also a great expert in the world of cultivation, and you must understand that cultivation only changes yourself, not the world.

If something goes wrong in the process of changing yourself, how will it affect the world? "

"Simple practice will not affect the world, but practitioners often take the initiative to transform the world."

The old anti-supervisor thought for a while and said: "Let's do this. I will build a heaven in the anti-matter universe, and let the 'immortals' who ascend to heaven be responsible for supervising and managing the world of cultivation on earth.

You don't have to doubt my ability.

At the beginning of Crisis on Infinite Earths, I was able to monitor the entire multiverse through the anti-surveillance base. Now I only use the "Heaven" to monitor a mere physical universe. It is not too simple. "

"Heaven." Harry didn't know how to complain.

"You go to the hyper-time flow to discuss it with Wu Tan. As far as you two creators are concerned, just a little communication, the security risks of the parallel universe are not a big deal at all."

Two days later, the main universe Earth, Xinli Mountain.

"I heard that you were infected with the Doomsday virus during the Dark Night Crisis?"

Harley looked up and down at Louise on the sofa opposite, and asked, "It's only been two days since the crisis ended, and most people on Earth are taking 'crisis leave'. Why did you start working?"

During the Dark Night crisis, not only the normal life of the people could not be maintained, but the global manufacturing industry also came to a standstill.

It is difficult to restart a production chain that has been shut down.

Even if the crisis ends within a few days, and even if extraterrestrial friends send large amounts of material assistance, most of the more complex production activities on the earth have still not returned to their original state.

The vast majority of laborers have no work to do.

Governments around the world simply created a "crisis leave" to give them a temporary break.

Louise explained with a smile: “The manufacturing industry has been slower to recover, but the service industry and the journalism industry have gradually returned to normal as early as the day after the crisis ended.

As for me, you don’t have to worry at all. The Doomsday Virus comes from the Dark Multiverse and is a disharmonious ‘monstrous cancer’. It has been directly eradicated by the Tenth Metal.

I returned to my normal self that same day, and I didn’t show any symptoms of fatigue or discomfort. "

"Okay, you can ask whatever you want." Harley said.

Louise came to the door, naturally not to talk about old times.

But it wasn't because of her that Halle was willing to be a guest on her "Dark Night Series" show.

"Barbatos is not the strongest enemy we have ever encountered, but this dark night is the most terrifying and costly crisis that we ordinary people have ever experienced.

More than three million people were confirmed dead, and the total number of people injured and missing exceeded ten million. "

Selina beside her whispered: "Actually, the casualties caused by collective ascension are even more severe."

Louise said: "There are advantages and disadvantages to collective ascension. Death and injury should be regarded as the price of becoming a god. It is not as cruel as the dark night."

Harley said: "Barbatos is not the strongest in terms of physical strength, but its power is not low.

The main universe we live in at this time was created from the furnace of the world.

If it wants to do something small, no one can stop it. "

"You can't prevent it, but you can block it." Louise looked into her eyes and said seriously: "This crisis is too tragic, and the people are quite resentful.

Those ordinary people whose whole families survived are okay. I can only be grateful to you and the superheroes.

Some people who have lost loved ones are out of control and their words are extreme. They not only believe that you should not leave the earth at a critical moment, but also resent Batman for triggering the coming of darkness.

They feel that Batman should bear the main responsibility for this crisis. "

This is the main reason why Harley accepted the interview.

She also went online, and there were many people who complained that she was not on Earth at the critical moment, but there were even more rebuttals.

Harley is not a superhero and has no obligation to stick to the earth at all times. Moreover, she has stated in public many times that she is more than just an "Admiral of the Galaxy". She has many responsibilities and cannot always stick to the earth.

The people have long psychologically accepted the fact that the "Galaxy Admiral" cannot devote all his time and energy to the earth.

But the Dark Knights are all "fallen Batman", and even Barbatos himself is dressed like Batman. Barbatos and the Dark Knights have also entered the multiverse of light through the "Batman Gate". Speaking of ordinary people who do not understand the nature of the Dark Multiverse, even American officials have deep prejudices and complaints about Batman.

In recent days, Batman's reputation has hit rock bottom.

There is even a public opinion that "Batman is the biggest culprit of this crisis" has begun to form.

However, Superman, Bruce, and Diana still stayed at the edge of the origin wall to repair the holes.

The United Heroes held a press conference, and Dinah and Oliver publicly talked about the reasons and process of Barbatos targeting Batman.

However, Zhenglian Heroes also lacks an intuitive and in-depth understanding of the Dark Multiverse, and their explanations contain a lot of subjective assumptions.

"First let's talk about why the crisis happened to break out when I left." Harley said calmly: "Barbatos is the creator of the sixth dimension. It can judge whether I am on the earth and whether I will leave the earth for a long time.

So it was no coincidence that the dark night came. It deliberately chose to launch its crisis when I was gone.

Just like a thief who would enter the house and steal something while the owner is away.

If the property in the house is stolen and the furniture is damaged, is it to blame the owner for not being able to stay in the house all the time? "

Louise nodded slightly, "The time and process of the theft are all in the hands of the thief, and they are impossible to guard against."

"As for Bateman, any words of resentment and accusation against him are a denial of the noblest moral character and spirit of mankind." Harley said.

Selena's eyes lit up, her expression was excited, and she clenched her fists.

Louise was also shocked and asked quickly: "What do you mean? Don't the Dark Knights represent the darkness and evil in Bateman's heart?

If his heart were bright and pure, those terrible monsters would not be born. "

Harley said: "Perhaps Bateman has imagined in his mind the scenario of himself degenerating into various dark knights.

But that's not because he longs to be them in his heart, or suppresses the urge to be them.

He is afraid of becoming them.

He had seen too much darkness and depravity, and he was afraid that he would also sink into the darkness, and that his depraved self would harm the world. This fear gave him nightmares.

Even the angels in heaven have times when they are afraid and worried.

People who don’t have nightmares are not bright and pure in their hearts.

You must know that hatred and fear come from love and hope!

There is no fear without love and hope.

Just like if you don't have it, you won't worry about losing it.

Louise, let me use you as an example. What is your biggest nightmare? "

Louise thought about it carefully and said, "Maybe something happened to my family."

Harley sighed: "So, do you understand why I said that the emergence of the Dark Knights proves Batman's nobility and greatness, right?

Your greatest fear is that something bad will happen to your family.

On the other hand, what you love most is your family, so losing them is the last thing you want to accept.

Bateman's biggest fear is that he will sink into darkness and become the "Dark Knight" who brings pain to the world.

In other words, what he loves most is this world and all living beings in the world.

Barbatos can turn anyone's nightmares into a nightmare universe, but why is Batman so often the protagonist of the Dark Multiverse? "

Selina beside her could not suppress her excitement and murmured: "Because Bateman is the greatest and most noble human being in the entire bright multiverse?

The more he loved the world, the more harm it suffered in his nightmares.

Ordinary people only love themselves, their nightmares are just personal misfortunes, and Barbatos looks down upon them. "

Harley glanced at her and said calmly: "Barbatos chose Bateman not necessarily because Bateman is the greatest."

"Isn't this what you wanted to express just now?" Louise asked strangely.

"Nobility and greatness are the foundation. Without enough dark experience, you cannot dream of degenerating into a 'Dark Knight'. If you had never seen pain and death, would you have nightmares about the tragic death of your son and husband?"

Louise said thoughtfully: "Barbatos has two criteria for choosing a nightmare. First, the protagonist of the dream has a great enough sentiment; second, the protagonist has experienced enough darkness in real life."

Harley nodded with satisfaction, "Not only do you have to experience enough darkness, but the key is to have the resilience to endure the darkness without falling.

For example, Superman also has a noble and great soul, but his toughness is low and he is more likely to fall when things happen. "

"Superman is not as bad as you said, isn't he?" Louise frowned.

"It's normal to be less resilient than Bateman. Why is it so unbearable?" Selina said.

Louise muttered: "But Superman is obviously tougher than Bateman. We have compared him several times and he is much 'tougher' than Bateman."

Selena blushed, "This is not a comparison of body, 'tenacity' refers to will."

Louise's face was not red, her heart was not beating, and she said seriously: "Without a strong will, how can we bear the joy that comes from the soul——"

"The soul can withstand more happiness, but it may not be able to withstand darkness. Darkness and happiness are obviously different. Harley, right?"

"Don't drive carelessly. This is my exclusive interview. The camera is still on." Hallie pointed to the spherical camera suspended in mid-air, ending the discussion between the two on "whose husband is tougher".

"Louis, think about it again, why did Barbatos begin to distort Batman's story 50,000 years ago, and even established two organizations, the Priest of the Owl and the Court of Owls, in Gotham to actively guide Batman's growth?"

"Because it requires Batman to experience enough darkness, it is deliberately creating darkness. Oh my God, the reason why Gotham has become the most depraved city is because Barbatos is creating an environment for Batman to grow up!" Louise His expression was shocked, "It created Batman, who has experienced countless darkness and depravity, but has always maintained noble moral character and has a great heroic concept. Is it the 'Father of Batman'?!"

"Batman is Batman, he was not created by anyone else! At least the Bruce Wayne of this universe is not controlled by anyone."

Selena turned to Harley and said excitedly: "Halley, we grew up with him, we grew up with him.

If he is controlled, doesn't it mean that your life is also affected by Barbatos?

You are an existence outside of time and above destiny. No one can interfere with your life. "

Harley pondered: "Battman is called the 'son of Gotham', and Gotham is the 'masterpiece' of the Priest of the Owl and the Court of Owls. It can be said that Gotham is the child of the Priest of the Owl.

So what is the relationship between Bateman, a child of Gotham, and Barbatos? "

Selina looked pale.

Harley continued: "As far as I know, the Forge knew about Batman in the main universe long before Barbatos took control of the sixth dimension.

At that time, the main universe was still Earth-2 or Earth-1?

Our universe has not yet been born.

So there is only the Gotham of our universe, built and secretly controlled by the Priests of the Owls and the Court of Owls.

And they are just imitations of Earth-1 or Earth-2 Gotham, not original.

It can only be said that Bateman in our universe is greatly influenced by Barbatos, but Bateman is indeed not the 'son of Barbatos'. "

After Louise left, Selina was still a little depressed.

"When Louise's series of special programs are broadcast, Bateman's reputation will definitely reverse." Harley thought she was still worried about her husband's reputation, so she took the initiative to comfort her.

"You made it very clear in the interview, and I believe everyone can listen and understand it, but now I'm starting to worry about Bruce himself." Selena said worriedly.

"What does he have to worry about? If he didn't have perseverance and a clear understanding of his self-concept, he would have been reduced to ashes in the melting pot of the world." Harley said.

“No matter how tenacious and sober he is, it cannot change the fact that the root of Gotham’s darkness and depravity lies with him!

Even the appearance of 'Baitman' was controlled by others. Does he really not care that he is a 'creation of Barbatos'? "

Harley said: "You said before that we grew up with Bruce. If 'Batman' is the result of Barbatos' careful shaping, I will also be greatly affected.

This is actually true, my growth was really influenced by Barbatos.

My father only gambled for a while in his hometown, but after he came to Gotham, he quickly degenerated, and eventually used me to cheat on match-fixing to make money. Although the Holy Advent Crusaders are my enemies, I also admit that they themselves are not depraved. Most of the official members of the GCPD are traditional and devout Puritans. The corruption of the church orphanage in Jersey City is due to the corruption of Gotham's upper class; needless to say, the GCPD is almost proof of the darkness of Gotham.

You see, Barbatos pretty much created the original 'Witch Harley'.

Look at my face and my eyes again."

She pointed at her face and opened her eyes wide so that Selena could see clearly, "Is there anything about me that you should worry about? I can see clearly. Bruce is strong-willed and will not be troubled by this."

Selina really stared at her carefully for a while, and the sadness on her face only slightly dissipated, "Bruce may be tough, but he may not be as open-minded as you.

You knew clearly that after you left, Barbatos would come, the world would fall into darkness, and the people of the world would suffer great suffering, but when facing Louise, you still looked calm, you could tell lies easily, and you didn't feel any guilt in your heart. "

Harry rolled his eyes at her and said angrily: "I didn't lie in the first place, and I don't need to feel guilty.

I knew there would be a crisis after I left, because I was smart, not because I left intentionally to let darkness fall.

I had a reason to leave, and I tried my best to arrange backup arrangements.

No matter what the end result is, I can feel calm and my thoughts can flow freely. "

"If you were a superhero, you might be struggling between saving your good friends and protecting the people." Selina said.

"That's not a superhero, it's the Virgin! Only the Virgin would feel, 'I have to save the world and protect everyone. Once someone dies, no matter who he is, it's my responsibility.'" Harley said disdainfully.

Two days later, Bruce, Da Chao, and Diana finally came back.

When they returned, the "crystal armor" that emitted colorful light was no longer on their bodies.

Bruce said: "I also left a batarang, Diana left a small Amazon buckler, and Dachao left a glove.

Although he wanted to repair the Origin Wall, the Tenth Metal could only stabilize the cracked structure and slow down its collapse, but could not make the wall look new.

Since it is impossible to completely repair the Origin Wall, it is better to leave some of the Tenth Metal weapons to deal with possible crises in the future.

As long as we reduce the number of crises and reduce the damage of crises to the multiverse, we are also protecting the Origin Wall. "

"Well, it's a good idea, but if there is a crisis next time, I'm afraid the Tenth Metal Weapon won't be of much use."

Bruce looked calm and said: "You mean the mysterious man behind Barbatos?"

"Well, it's not afraid of Metal Ten."

Bruce sighed, "A tenth metal weapon is better than nothing."

The universe in which the anti-surveillance king is reborn is the Earth in the story of "Gotham by Gaslight".

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