I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1839 The Ownership of the Book of Destiny

After Harley took away the "Book of Destiny" and kicked her in the face, she was kicked dozens of meters away and rolled into a small lotus pond. Destiny immediately wanted to struggle to get up and catch up to snatch her treasure back.

But Harry's kick was a bit harsh, and he activated all his defensive specialties, shattering Destiny's protection from the power of destiny, making his head buzz, as if it was about to burst, and he tried to push himself up several times before falling weakly into the puddle. .

He lay on the edge of the pool, holding the wet fallen flowers and leaves on his head and howling for a while.

When he regained some mobility, he immediately left Destiny Garden to look for Harley without any delay, without changing his clothes or tidying up his image.

Destiny didn't think about how to take back the "Book of Destiny" even if he saw Harley next time. He had countless emotions such as sadness, hatred, and anxiety in his heart, but there was only one thought in his mind: to find the witch Harley and take him back. "The Book of Destiny".

Destiny cannot lose the "Book of Destiny", just like Mengjun cannot lose the three treasures of his dream!

In the past, he held the "Book of Destiny" in his hand, and he was the incarnation of destiny. He could read the target's fate line in a single thought, and thus find the target's location.

If the other person does not have the power of a divine king to automatically protect his own destiny, maybe the destiny can still see the details of his past, present and future.

But now it's Harley's turn to embrace the Book of Destiny.

Well, it was the thick book she had been holding in her arms.

She changed the shape of the "Book of Destiny" from the size of half a door panel to an ordinary A4 cover, which is just a bit thick, even thicker than the "Xinhua Dictionary".

The purpose of the "Book of Destiny" is not only to help diviners peek into the future, it is a collection of the destinies of all beings and the river of destiny itself. Holding it can control destiny to a certain extent.

For example, a few days ago, Harley entered Mount Olympus in the heavenly realm to kill the three sisters of destiny. Zeus, the master of the divine kingdom, did not notice how she came in. Hera, the queen who presided over the hidden divine formation in the heavenly realm, did not notice at all that the divine formation was being destroyed. Traces of activation and intrusion.

That time, Harley not only used her own defense expertise to eliminate the influence of the divine array and the power of the divine realm - even if she could eliminate all negative effects, it would definitely alarm the master of the divine realm.

She also used the "Book of Destiny" to fine-tune her destiny line, increasing the probability of "discovering a loophole in the divine formation and divine realm and sneaking in silently and instantly" to 100%.

When Harley used the "Book of Destiny" to hide her whereabouts, neither Zeus, the first god king in the heavens, nor his wife Hera noticed it. Now that Destiny has left the Garden of Destiny, it is just an ordinary Supreme Being, and it is even more impossible to track the person who holds the Book of Destiny. Harley.

In fact, Harley's Destiny Defense Specialty is already at level nine. Even without the "Book of Destiny", he can't even think of finding her whereabouts through Destiny Snooping.

Destiny has been like a headless fly in the past two days. He has made a big circle in Heaven, Limbo, the gate of hell, and the earth. After all the fuss and futility, he simply stayed in Gotham, near Arkham Island, and waited. Li is back.

After dealing with Barbatos, Harley spent some time in Gotham. She witnessed the heroes rewriting reality through Metal 10 and bringing the Light Multiverse back from the Dark Multiverse.

If fate rushes to Gotham at that time, he will definitely be able to see her.

However, the flow rate of time in the Garden of Destiny was specially adjusted by Barbatos to ensure that the battle in the Garden of Destiny was not over yet and that the main universe had changed from sea to wasteland.

That is to say, the time flow rate in the main universe is much faster than that in the Garden of Destiny.

One hour in the Garden of Destiny, more than a day has passed in the main universe.

When Destiny got kicked in the face and was lying by the lotus pond with her head buzzing, Harley had already taken care of Barbatos and left the earth.

His two days on earth were very difficult, and even the days felt like years were not enough to describe the anxiety and fear in his heart.

Well, he also has a great fear in his heart, fear of losing the "Book of Destiny".

After wandering the streets of Gotham for two days, he became the slovenly appearance that Harley saw at this time.

"Give me back the Book of Destiny, Witch Harley, give it back to me!" After squeezing out of the crowd, he burst into strength and flew directly towards Harley, not noticing that the time and space around him was changing rapidly. .

The people of Gotham, who were once within reach, were now separated from him by a hazy layer of "frosted glass."

You can see it vaguely, but you can't see it clearly and you can't touch it.

When she sensed Destiny's sight, Harley used the power of the God King to control the surrounding space, pulling the time and space around her and Destiny into another dimension - slightly higher than the fourth material dimension and lower than the fifth Limbo dimension. , somewhat similar to the artificial dimension of the Shadow Realm.

"Brother Destiny, we haven't seen each other for just a few days, why have you turned yourself into a Gotham homeless man? Does Gotham really have a special magic that can turn any being into a homeless man?"

When she saw her destiny again, Harley refused to even call her "brother".

He and she had no friendship to begin with, and their grievances were not small.

And after her Destiny Defense expertise reached level nine, Destiny didn't have the strength to make her polite and fearful.

"Witch Harley, the crisis of the Dark Night has ended, and the three sisters of destiny have been completely sent to the realm of death by you. You have no reason to hold my "Book of Destiny" anymore. Give it to me!"

The enemy was extremely jealous when they met. Not only his eyes were red, but his expression was also very ferocious. He reacted very fiercely, his mouth was roaring, and his body was as fast as a ray of light, and he came to Harley in an instant.

He hit Harley's head with his bony right fist, and opened his left hand into a claw to grab the thick "Harry's Notebook".

"Bang!" Harley raised her right foot, coming first, seemingly slowly but actually urgently, and kicked his chest with the sole of her shoe. He was like a ball that was blown away with great force, rolling thousands of meters in the empty "artificial dimension" Then he reluctantly stopped.

Even if he leaves the realm of destiny, destiny is still a powerful and supreme existence. His body and speed can approach the limits of the universe, but this alone is of no use to Harley.

She only needs to activate the level 9 destiny defense expertise and the level 10 god defense expertise to disrupt the power in his body, and then use the level 9 space defense expertise to assist the god king's power to solidify the space around him. He is just a wooden pile and can be kicked as much as she wants. Kick, kick wherever you want.

Then again, he was just kicked in the Garden of Destiny. Now that he leaves his own domain and enters the "temporary shadow world" created by Harley, the ending will only be worse.

Looking at Destiny struggling to get up, Harley sighed: "Brother Destiny, I admit that the Book of Destiny is your lifeblood, and it still belongs to you now.

But I finally saved the world and made great contributions to the multiverse, so why can’t I get some benefits for myself?

Anyway, you have been playing with it for tens of billions of years, and I am not greedy. If you come to Gotham to find me in two years, I will definitely give it back with both hands. "

"Do you think it's just a book or a treasure?"

Fate sprayed out bits of bloody saliva from Xingzi, and shouted excitedly: "It is the embodiment of the river of destiny for all living beings, and the destiny of the entire multiverse relies on it to ensure stable operation.

In case of inconsistency, it is also needed to make changes and adjustments.

You snatch it away, or rather, from the moment it leaves my control, the river of destiny gradually falls into chaos.

The longer time goes by, the greater the chaos will be, and the resulting crisis will no longer be smaller than the dark night that just passed. "

"What he says is true. Give him the book."

A voice suddenly came from "above" Harley, directly entering her sea of ​​consciousness.

"Brother Morpheus?" Harley's body was still holding the book, standing in the "artificial shadow world" and confronting fate. An illusory image broke away from her body and quickly ascended into Limbo.

He saw the thin, horse-faced Sandman standing there quietly, surrounded by an undulating sea of ​​black dream clouds.

He himself did not come, but only sent her a "dream story".

Her mind entered the dream and talked to him, which was equivalent to reading the content of the story.

"You must still remember the old story when I was sealed by the British warlock. I was imprisoned in the Divine Forbidden Circle, and three of my treasures were taken away by them.

Without the 'Three Treasures of Dreams' to maintain the stable operation of the laws and power of the dream dimension, the entire dream kingdom fell into chaos.

Chaos not only affects the creatures in the dream kingdom, but also the physical universe gradually collapses.

Many mortals can no longer fall asleep, or many people can never wake up once they fall asleep. Eventually, a 'whirlpool' appears in the dream kingdom.

You have seen with your own eyes the horror of the whirlpool of dreams.

Your first conflict with the three sisters of destiny was because they cast a curse of doom on you, almost causing you to be swept away by the whirlpool of dreams.

If you had not escaped that day, you would have completely turned into 'Ashes of Dreams' - similar to the nothingness after the dream book is burned.

If the dream vortex is not eliminated, the entire main universe will be destroyed.

This is not alarmist, I have."

Morpheus paused for a moment, and his expression became a little complicated, "Have you ever heard of Death? I am not the first Sandman. There were Sandmans who entered the realm of death before me."

Without waiting for Harley to answer, he immediately said: "However, no matter which generation of Sandman, it is a journey of a greater 'me'. In fact, you don't need to care too much about the next stage of the journey."

Harley interrupted him and said: "The Sandman's journey is not my journey. There is no need to discuss this issue. You can continue to talk about 'Fate Crisis'."

She understood what he meant. Morpheus himself didn't mind that his life was coming to an end. He even chose the next generation of Sandman's successors early.

For "Sandman", each generation of Sandman is a part of him, a scenery in the total journey.

The journey must come to an end.

There is no need to be sad when the journey ends, because the end of the old journey represents the beginning of a new journey.

But for Harley, her journey with the Sandman only depends on Morpheus. If Morpheus dies, her journey with him will be completely over. Even if the next generation of Sandman is born, she will not be able to regard him as Morpheus.

She couldn't even face the next generation of Sandman.

Because when she sees the other person, she can't help but think of her old friend who has died.

Moreover, she has already obtained the "Book of Destiny" and has tried to modify his destiny. Now there is no point in saying "the journey continues and the scenery changes".

Sandman breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Only the 'Heart of Dreams' can calm the whirlpool of dreams.

The dream heart is the ‘human heart’ of a destined person.

The previous generation Sandman couldn't bear to kill the girl with the dream heart, and eventually the dream vortex swallowed everything.

The girl and the universe where the girl lived were completely destroyed, and the previous generation of Sandman also came to an end due to negligence.

Therefore, in order to eliminate the vortex of dreams, I am even willing to kill someone, kill an innocent girl, her name is Rose, remember?

In the end, her grandmother took on the fate of ‘Sacrificing the Heart of Dreams’ for her.

What I want to tell you is that the dream vortex is just a 'pathological reaction' after the rules of the dream kingdom are broken and distorted. Just like if humans don't take good care of their bodies, their bodies will develop cancer cells.

The law is the same as human cells, they all have the possibility of disease.

The kingdom of dreams is out of order, and the laws of dreams give rise to illnesses, which appear as dream whirlpools; the river of destiny is out of order, and the illnesses created by the laws of destiny are as deadly as the 'whirlpool of dreams'. "

"Now you take away the Book of Destiny and make Destiny lose control of the River of Destiny, almost repeating the old story of when I was sealed by a mortal." Morpheus sighed.

"You have been sealed for nearly a hundred years, and the dream kingdom has only grown a tumor called the 'Dream Vortex'. Destiny has just lost the "Book of Destiny", so don't worry! I just promised him that I will return the book to him in two years." Harley said.

Morpheus said: "Some people stay up late for a few months, lose their hair and get cancer; some people spend their whole lives playing games or working all night long, and still live to be eighty years old.

No one is sure when the ‘whirlpool of destiny’ will appear. By the time you find out, it’s already the center of the river to fix the leak, and it’s too late. "

Stomach Dimension, Island of the Gods.

"Everyone, please stop meditating. The 'group practice' ends here."

Dozens of newly promoted Gods of Destiny and Grandmasters who had not been successfully promoted all came back to their senses from their understanding of the Law of Destiny, raised their heads, and looked at Harry with somewhat confused expressions.

"What does it mean that collective practice is over? We have to leave here and we can no longer practice with the help of the Book of Destiny? But Barbatos is dead and the world is at peace. Why does it have to end?" Zha Kang asked.

He didn't want to become a god, but the "Book of Destiny" was so fragrant and attractive that even he couldn't help but immerse himself in the mystery of destiny.

Even if the Dark Night crisis ends, he has no plans to leave the stomach dimension and return to a free life.

Projection Harry waved to the "Book of Destiny", spread out the huge book covering the heads of the mages, and disappeared.

This "Book of Destiny" is of course not the original one.

Originally, the "Book of Destiny" had been held in Harry's arms.

Its energy level is too high and its volume is too large. It is like a burning black hole. Even if an ordinary mage looks at it directly with the naked eye or mental power, let alone getting close to the "Book of Destiny", it may be instantly assimilated by the River of Destiny.

Just like the mage who faced Little Black Bean back then, when he came to Him, his body and soul immediately burned into energy and became part of Little Black Bean's dark magic power.

Only gods can get close to Little Black Bean, and only the veteran God of Destiny is qualified to get close to the "Book of Destiny".

The mages on the Island of the Gods were originally just mortals. Even if they were promoted to the God of Destiny, they were still novices.

If Harley stuffed the "Book of Destiny" into the stomach dimension and opened it in front of them, she might kill them in an instant.

Therefore, she used her own will to comprehend the "primary loop of cause and effect" and projected her insights into the dimension of her stomach bag, creating a book called "Kui's Book of Destiny".

If the real "Book of Destiny" contains 10 points of the mystery of destiny, Harley can barely see six or seven points now - just seeing, not controlling - and the "Book of Destiny" she projected, the mages have different talents according to their talents. At least one or two points can be understood, and at most four or five points can be understood.

Even though Harley doesn't even understand the laws of destiny, her level on the path of destiny is really not low.

Not to mention that she can hold the "Book of Destiny" and read it as she pleases. The "Mist of Destiny Breaking" effect brought by the ninth-level Destiny Defense Specialty will allow her to see more and more profound secrets of destiny.

Therefore, even if it is a second-hand "Kui's Book of Destiny", Zha Kang and Xanadu are intoxicated by it and cannot extricate themselves.

In other words, the second-hand "Kui's Book of Destiny" is better than the original version.

The secrets of the original version need to be deciphered by oneself. If you don't reach the realm, it's like reading a book from heaven. You always feel something but get nothing. The book of destiny projected by Harley directly reveals her own feelings, which is equivalent to a "counseling textbook".

"I also wanted to continue to study the original cause and effect, but when the crisis ended, fate came to my door. I could escape the monk, but I couldn't escape the temple. If he kept blocking the door of my house, I couldn't handle it.

As for killing him... Alas, my destiny to hold the "Book of Destiny" has disappeared. "

Beating fate will not only fail to solve the problem, but will make it more complicated and more difficult to deal with.

"You should understand the significance of the Endless Family to the multiverse. They are the embodiment of the basic laws and the defenders of the operation of the basic laws. Their authority cannot be interfered with by outsiders.

No matter what, the "Book of Destiny" will eventually be returned to fate. " Harley sighed.

"Returning the book to him now has completely different meanings to us than returning it to him two months later or six months later," said Zha Kang.

"Weren't you always unwilling to make progress before, and you still insist on not becoming a god even if you just knock it out?" Harley stared at Zha Kang and said in surprise: "The new God of Destiny, God of True Knowledge, and God of Deception. John, you are really It’s amazing, this release will definitely shock the mage circle and make Xiao Zha and the others envious and jealous.”

Zha Kang refused to become a god before, but now all three master laws have ascended to the sea of ​​laws, becoming a "three-line spiritual wizard", and now has three godheads and three divinities.

There was not much pride on Zha Kang's face.

Even the mages and gods around him, including Xanadu, all looked at him with envy, jealousy and deep-hidden jealousy.

"Well, if I say that I don't want to become a three-line spiritual wizard, I would rather go back to the ordinary master state before joining the Island of the Gods, would you believe it?" Zha Kang sighed.


Now everyone finally had undisguised jealousy and disdain in their eyes, and they all raised their middle fingers to him.

"There have always been wizards who wanted to become gods but couldn't get it. There is no wizard who doesn't want to become a god, but eventually became a god. He also became a god in succession, becoming an extremely rare wizard with three lines of gods."

The gypsy wizard, who has not yet become a god, especially dislikes Zha Kang's behavior of pretending to be good despite getting a huge advantage.

"Either you don't become a god. Once you step into the path of the gods, there is no difference between becoming a god in the first line and becoming a god in the third line."

Zha Kang shook his head and sighed: "In terms of the strength of the laws, there is not much difference between a master and a god. It's just that after becoming a god, the effect of studying the "Book of Destiny" is better.

Even if you don’t become a god, you can’t touch the ‘place of origin of destiny’ in the book.

Since I can no longer protect myself, and now have treasures such as the "Book of Destiny" in front of me, of course I must work hard to improve my realm. "

He originally planned to remain a mortal grandmaster with little magical power.

After the magic debt crisis comes, Hecate will first keep an eye on the gods, and then she will look for them little shrimps after the gods have cleared everything. He can hide behind them as much as possible.

But once you become a god, no matter what type of god you are, you are considered a "tall man", and you are destined to become the main force holding up the sky after the sky falls. Since you can't stay behind others, you can only try to improve yourself.

However, he always insisted on not absorbing too much magic power.

At this time, the divine power in his body was maintained at the minimum standard line for becoming a god.

Try to improve the realm of law and absorb as little magic power as possible.

Gypsy wizards and other masters are completely opposite to him. They still adhere to the old tradition of "the realm is easy to rise, but the magic power is hard to find". They absorb as much magic power as possible, filling every cell in their body until they can no longer swallow it. Until one magic particle falls.

The realm can be improved at any time, this year, next year, or a hundred years, it doesn't matter, the mage is not short of time.

But magic power is limited, and pure natural magic power is used less and less. It is available today, rare tomorrow, and will completely dry up after a hundred years.

"Since the birth of the universe, no one has ever directly watched the "Book of Destiny" to practice the way of destiny. Even the three sisters of Destiny only used the "Book of Destiny" to practice destiny. Destiny will not lend the book to them to practice.

We can hold the "Book of Destiny" for these days, so we should be satisfied. "

Harley looked at Zha Kang and said, "Today you said you would return the book in two months, and two months later you said half a year. After half a year, do you want to wait another two years? You can't be too greedy. You must know that all benefits and benefits have a price."

Zha Kang curled his lips and said, "It seems that you are in a mess. You didn't return the book willingly, otherwise you wouldn't be talking nonsense like this."

Xanadu followed suit and complained: "Witch Harley advises others to 'don't be too greedy'. She is really confused and starts talking nonsense."

Harry said calmly: "Greed is the misunderstanding of me by the incompetent. I am just too capable, and I only act within my capabilities and only do so in moderation, but I am regarded as a huge greed by you mortals.

Just like the emperor only had ten bowls of porridge and ten steamed buns for a meal, he was obviously saving to the point of searching.

However, the old farmers in the village were full of envy and said, "Porridge made from white rice and steamed buns made from fine flour. Eating so much by one person is simply extravagant." "

Zha Kang waved his hand and said: "You are noble and powerful. Please return the Book of Destiny to Destiny. Stop nagging here."

Projection Harley glanced at him and disappeared.

"Stop howling, I will return the Book of Destiny to you."

"Artificial Shadow Realm", Harley canceled the defensive force field and space solidification that shrouded Destiny.

Her hands touched the book again and again, as if there were a pair of invisible handcuffs locking her hands to the book.

"What did you say? Are you willing to return the "Book of Destiny" to me?" Destiny's eyes shone, and his face and body trembled with excitement, "Give it to me quickly, give it to me."

He yelled as he lunged at her again.

Harley glanced at him, and the invisible force field blocked him ten steps away, "Calm down and listen to what I have to say."

"Okay, tell me, I'm listening." Destiny took a few deep breaths and forced himself to calm down.

Harley continued to hold the book tightly with both hands, her consciousness still immersed in the original loop of cause and effect, and said boldly: "You heard me right, for the safety of the multiverse, and for the sake of my friendship with Brother Morpheus and Second Sister Death. , I will return the "Book of Destiny" to you now.

You know my relationship with Brother Mo and Second Sister Death, right?

Brother Morpheus and I have known each other since we were young. I was young, he was in trouble, and we"

Halley Barabara recalled the meeting and interaction between herself and Morpheus very carefully, and then said: "Second Sister Death and I."

Ten minutes later, she still didn't stop. Destiny, who had calmed down a little, finally couldn't help it anymore and shouted excitedly again, "What nonsense are you talking about? I don't want to hear it, please return the "Book of Destiny" to me quickly.

You said it yourself, return the book to me now. "

"I haven't even finished speaking, what are you in a hurry for?" Harley shouted first to silence him, and then she said slowly: "I must return the "Book of Destiny" to you, but I can't The book is handed back to you in vain.

You know your relationship with me.

I'm telling you about my past with Brother Mo and Sister Death, just to let you know that I returned the book so as not to hurt my friendship with them. After all, they really treat you as their elder brother. You are indeed a bit miserable now. .

They definitely don’t want to see you looking sloppy, decadent, crazy and down.

Do you understand what I mean? "

Destiny wants to roar: I understand, hammer, you talked a lot, sometimes about your friendship with them, sometimes about the price of returning the book, what exactly do you want to say?

"I understand, you can hand over the Book of Destiny to me." He nodded calmly and said calmly.

Harley looked down at the book and hugged it tighter, "You said you understand, then tell me what you understand."

Destiny's face twisted a few times, and he pointed at her and yelled, "Asshole, I understand. You are unwilling to give up the Book of Destiny. You don't want to give it back to me."

Harley set a straight face and said seriously: "The book is in my hand, you have no ability to snatch it away, and if I don't want to give it back to you, no one can force it.

Of course, I also admit that I can’t bear it.

Anyone with any brain would be reluctant to part with such a treasure, but I will still return it to you.

As the old saying goes, for the sake of the multiverse, and for my friendship with Brother Mo and Sister Death.

But I grabbed the "Book of Destiny" in the hope of solving the problem.

When I return it to you, I will make sure the problem is resolved.

Judging from your current performance, you just want to get back the Book of Destiny. Before you get it, you are willing to make any promise. When you get it, you probably don't remember what you promised me at all, and even if you remember it, you don't care.

How can I trust you? How can I safely hand over the "Book of Destiny" to you? "

Gastric pouch dimensions.

"Harry is so shameless. It was obvious that her hand was stuck to the Book of Destiny and couldn't be moved away, but she slapped it upside down and put the responsibility of not returning the book immediately to Destiny." Zha Kang tutted.

"But what she said makes sense. Destiny wants to get the book right now, so I'm afraid he won't care too much about Sister Harley's request." The lizardman Destiny said.

"At any time, she can make her speech righteous and well-founded. This is the cunning and eloquent characteristic of Witch Harley, and it is also the scary thing about her. You see, fate is really stunned." Zha Kang said.

"Whatever request you have, I will listen carefully. Once I make a promise, I will definitely honor it." Destiny stayed for a while and said in a slower tone.

"Brother Mo, Second Sister Death and I." Hallie repeated the process of getting acquainted with Brother Mo and Second Sister Death.

This time she was more restrained and spoke for only seven minutes.

Finally, she removed her right hand from the book and sighed: "I just want you to understand that I don't want them to suffer a tragic fate."

This time, fate finally came to his senses, and he nodded and said, "I understand. After getting the "Book of Destiny", I will not change any fate that has been changed by you."

He knew the reason why she snatched the "Book of Destiny", and he was also sure that since she was willing to return the book, Morpheus's tragic fate must have been changed.

She was worried that after returning the "Book of Destiny" to him, he would change back the contents she had modified, making all her efforts go to waste.

She really thought too much, he would not change Morpheus's fate.

Even if he still hates her, he will not vent his resentment on his family and make her suffer by hurting his brother. If he interferes with the modification of the fate of Witch Harley when adjusting the disharmony factor of the River of Destiny, he will not deliberately Protect Morpheus's "new destiny".

Harley seemed to see through his heart and said: "Not only can you not rewrite his 'established destiny', but you must also protect this destiny from being interfered by unexpected factors."

Destiny's expression changed several times, but he finally shook his head and said: "I cannot rewrite anyone's destiny. It is my responsibility to protect the river of destiny from interference."

"If you rewrite his destiny, it will definitely cause the backlash of the river of destiny. There is no point in saying nice words like 'predetermined destiny'." Then he couldn't help but add with hidden sarcasm.

Harley smiled contemptuously at him, "Although you are fate, you don't understand fate better than me.

I changed my destiny, but I also saved the multiverse.

If destiny demands a price from me, then the multiverse and the river of destiny must pay me as well.

‘Origin’ and destiny have never given me a reward, and naturally they will not ask for a price from me.

In other words, I got the "Book of Destiny", studied the "Primary Ring of Cause and Effect", and rewrote Brother Mo's fate. This series of things is the destiny of destiny. It is the destiny that I exchanged for my merits from the "Origin" . "

Destiny was stunned and sneered: "This is just your own idea. 'Origin' never needs to pay anyone, and everyone living in this world has the obligation to protect the multiverse."

Harley stared at him for a moment.

Seeing this made him feel scared, and he secretly regretted: Why should he be quarreling with her before he got the "Book of Destiny"? If she regrets it——

He was really afraid of what would come. Just as he thought this, he heard Harley say: "I have changed my mind and will no longer hand over the "Book of Destiny" directly to you.

You are just a white-eyed wolf who will never be grateful for other people's kindness and forgiveness.

I want to hand the book to the Origin, and it will definitely recognize my "reward for salvation."

If you want the "Book of Destiny", go find the 'Origin' yourself! "

She grabbed the book and threw it upwards.

The book rose rapidly like a meteor, the pages clattered, and disappeared before their eyes in the blink of an eye, far away from their perception range.

Destiny was stunned for a moment and roared: "You actually threw the "Book of Destiny" into the sea of ​​laws. If it disappears-"

"Get out!" Harley said coldly.

Destiny was like a shot in the chest, flying backwards at the speed of light out of control and disappearing in an instant.

When she dragged Destiny into the "Artificial Shadow Realm", Harley left a clone in place to talk nonsense with Commander Ryan.

In the eyes of ordinary people such as Ryan and Lucy, she just glanced in the direction of the crowd without any additional behavior.

After her true body dismissed her fate, the conversation with Commander Ryan was almost over.

Ryan's plan to invite Harley to the "Galaxy Charity Banquet" was frustrated, and he left Gotham with a depressed look.

Harley came to Xinli Mountain, opened her mouth and vomited out Zha Kang, Xanadu and others.

"Sister Harley, I don't want to leave. I want to follow you forever. Let me stay in Arkworld!" Many people don't want to leave.

Harley said calmly: "There is indeed a large piece of pure magic crystal left, but I will return it to the 'ancestor of white magic' Tim Hunter.

The moment I let you out, that crystal stone had been thrown into the world of white magic.

If you stay in the stomach bag dimension, there is no pure magic power left to absorb. "

"Sister Harley, we didn't turn to you for magic power." Their expressions were stern, with obvious disappointment in their eyes.

"Let's go. Don't slack off when you get home. We may not have the chance to cooperate again in the future." Harley waved her hand.

"Sister Harley, if you need anything, please don't forget to notify me. I will be on call. No matter who the enemy is, I will stand firmly on your side."

"Sister Harley, I am willing to go through fire and water for you, even if I fight against the Creator."

"Sister Harley"

They clapped their chests one by one, shouted loudly, looked resolute, and made various promises without even frowning.

After forcing their way into the Garden of Destiny, they were tricked into boarding a pirate ship.

But after experiencing the Battle of Destiny Garden, they no longer believed that there was anyone else in the world that Sister Harley could not handle.

The key is, following Sister Hallie, you really have a lot to eat!

So their hearts are as sincere as their expressions.

After everyone opened the portal and left, Harley took it upon herself to move a layer of black earth from the outside to cover the surface of the bone peak, and opened her mouth to spit out a brand new manor.

Greenery aside, Quin Manor is basically back.

At this time, the Archimedes airship happened to pick up everyone on Paradise Mountain.

"Harry, the Archimedes airship is a bit small. Have you found the Black Bat of the Dark Knights?" Rachel jumped from the cabin and walked up to Harley and asked.

"The Black Bat was wiped out, completely disappeared, and no longer exists."

"Ah, why should we erase it?" Barbara said with a disappointed look on her face: "Ever since we saw the Dome, we have been looking forward to getting a regular blood domain mothership, and finally we met the Black Bat—— "

"The Black Bat can't be used." Harley interrupted her: "As long as there is a screw on it that can be used, I will pull it out and make parts for Archimedes.

But the Black Bat is entirely made of material from the dark multiverse, and its core driving energy is also the power of dark creation. Its existence in the light multiverse is the destruction of the laws of the universe. "

"That's it." Barbara nodded, feeling relieved.

Rachel asked: "You also allowed the dark cosmic embryos on the Black Bat to be erased by the Tenth Metal?

You have been looking for the cosmic egg these years. Could it be that the dark cosmic embryo cannot replace the cosmic egg? "

Harley needs the cosmic egg to upgrade her food defense expertise to eight levels, and she also needs the law fragments in the cosmic egg to strengthen her stomach space.

Over the years, she has never stopped purchasing cosmic eggs from outside, and everyone around her knows that.

Harley touched her flat belly and couldn't help but have a smile on her face. "The Dark Universe embryos are very useful to me, but the quantity is enough. Too many cannot be preserved for a long time."

After digesting the "Cosmic Embryonic Torpedo", her food defense expertise finally reached level 9.

If you want to improve your expertise level, you can only look for food outside the omnipotent universe.

Eating things from the DC multiverse no longer provides level experience for feats.

Harley couldn't help but think of the hole in the Origin wall.

Maybe she could put her mouth against the hole and suck hard, sucking all the substances and creatures outside the wall near the hole into her stomach for digestion and absorption?

What was supposed to be a security risk in the DC multiverse turned out to be a crisis in the Omniverse. Is there any way to make the DC multiverse a famous forbidden place in the Omniverse?

In addition to the level 9 stomach acid mist enough to digest the entire universe, her stomach also sealed a large amount of entropy.

I don’t know if the Creator God of the omnipotent universe can withstand it.

Even if they are not afraid of gastric acid fog and entropy, how should they deal with it if Harley uses a level 10 connection power (Creation Power) defensive force field?

Harley suddenly felt that the hole in the origin wall was not entirely a bad thing.

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