I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1838 Brother Destiny comes to visit

Wu Tan finally gave up the idea of ​​reporting the "restless old mother" to the "big boss".

Before he was reincarnated as a human being, he would not have considered what the "big boss" would do to the countless worlds and countless creatures besides his old mother.

Even if the Origin Judge tells him that the DC multiverse has come to an end, time has come to an end, and his mission as creator has been completed. As long as a good place can be arranged for him, he will not have any thoughts of disobeying orders. Because the world is about to be destroyed and all living beings are going to die, they feel unbearable, or they feel that they shouldn't do this.

Now his outlook on life has changed significantly.

It cannot be said that he has lost the awareness of the Creator, at least he will no longer regard the instructions of "Origin" or "Big Boss" as his only standard of action.

He began to have his own judgment.

"Is Barbatos' soul still in your hands? Have you tortured it and the woman's secret? What was the woman thinking, and why did she suddenly interfere with the reality modification of the Light Multiverse?

The situation at this time is obvious. Barbatos has surrendered, the crisis is over, and there is no point in struggling anymore.

But He just did it, and finally poked a big hole in the origin wall. Is He 100% sure that we will not contact the Origin Judge through the hole? "He looked at Harley and asked doubtfully.

Harley said helplessly: "Barbatos' soul is in my hands, but your old mother's methods are more terrifying than you imagine.

Her control over the ‘Creator’ is also beyond my previous knowledge.

All memories of your mother's secrets in Barbatos' soul have been deleted.

It even became a little sluggish at this moment, as if it was stupid, which made me no longer interested in tossing it. "

"Isn't it good at the beginning? It's still struggling and resisting, and it still wants to fight hard." Wu Tan asked doubtfully.

"Yes, it was normal at first, but when your old mother whispered the world song that polluted the heroes of the earth with her spirit, it broke.

She has such a strong and direct control over her creations that even the dimensions of her stomach bag cannot stop her.

When I heard her evil whisper, the Barbatos in my belly heard it too.

I could resist her whispers, but Barbatos was caught all at once.

What’s even more frightening is that the process of mental pollution is silent.

By the time I discovered that Barbatos was abnormal, her whispers had long since ended, the song of the world had ceased, and the universe had returned to its original state.

Alas, now I finally understand why you, the Anti-Monitor and even the Founder were all wantonly manipulated and played by her one after another.

She is too restrained towards you.

If she wants to mess with you, you can't guard against it, you can't stop it, you can't even detect it. "

Wu Tan felt the same and nodded repeatedly, "Yes, she is our biggest nemesis.

When facing her, even if I join forces with the anti-monitors and casters, I have no power to resist and can only ask the judge of origin for help. "

Harley said calmly: "Your mother can interfere with Barbatos' thinking and memory, but she can't affect my reason and thinking.

Judging by her actions and ultimate goal, I don't think she meant to destroy the entire wall.

If she could break the seal immediately after destroying the entire wall, she would have had Barbatos do it.

With her control over Barbatos, Barbatos is even willing to become part of the 'Creator Bomb' and make herself into a bomb.

If you are not afraid of death, what else can you not dare to do? "

"Then what does he want to do?" Wu Tan asked.

Harley said: "During the Era of the God of War, I picked up a meteorite on the earth that contained her consciousness.

After careful analysis, I found that there are obvious and strong positive basic force fluctuations in the meteorite.

Those seven positive basic forces do not come from your mother. On the contrary, your mother's consciousness is firmly sealed by the seven basic forces.

The basic elements of our multiverse are the seven basic forces. The seven basic forces that sealed your mother also formed a universe. It is not a single parallel universe that grew from the egg of the universe, but the one that was the only main universe before the multiverse was restarted. The magnitude of the 'big universe'.

Therefore, I can be sure of one thing. Simply destroying the Origin Wall will not make her completely free.

If you were born in China in this life, you must have read "Journey to the West".

The Origin Wall is to your old mother like the Five Fingers Mountain pressing down on Sun Wukong.

The seven basic power seals are six-character mantras affixed to the peak of Wuzhi Mountain.

The key to the monkey's escape is to uncover the six-character mantra of Tathagata Buddha. The key to your mother's escape is to unlock the seven basic power seals.

In this case, there is absolutely no need for her to completely destroy the origin wall before the seven basic power seals are released.

That would make too much noise and attract too much attention, which would be detrimental to her subsequent plan to lift the seal. "

Wu Tan said thoughtfully: "But she has indeed polluted the world songs of heroes, and also opened a hole in the wall of origin.

Her purpose is not to destroy the entire wall, but to alert the enemy, see the reaction of the Origin Judge, and prepare for the next step to completely break free of the seal. Origin above, she is really going to break the seal. "

He shouted the last sentence with a look of horror.

Harley looked calm and nodded: "That's probably true. Your Creator may have some connection with the Judge of Origin, and maybe he is your real boss.

He has been controlling you remotely through a backdoor program.

But when it comes to understanding the situation and rules of the Omnipotent Universe, all of us put together cannot compare to your mother.

Since she dared to do this, she must be able to roughly infer the Origin Judge's attitude towards our multiverse through what happened next. "

Wu Tan frowned and said: "If this is the case, I should send a message to the judge of origin, lest he suspect that I have a 'malfunction'."

Harry glanced at him and said strangely: "You are such an honest child. Your old mother has polluted the minds of your three brothers so many times. Haven't you been tortured by her and broken down a long time ago?"

"Uh, you mean, if the Origin Judge comes and asks me why I didn't contact him, I'll just say it's because that woman polluted our minds with spiritual whispers, making us confused and controlled by her?

The Origin Judge is not a mortal, how could he be fooled like this? "Wu Tan said with a tangled expression.

Harry said: "This is not a fool, your mother has played a trick on the three of you, this is a fact.

I repaired you a little bit, but not completely, giving you the will to go against the backdoor program.

In the eyes of the Origin Judge, you are already broken at this time and do not need to defend yourself.

You don’t have to worry that when the Origin Judge comes to the multiverse to judge Papetua, he will also deal with you three brothers.

Because no matter how hard you try and how you please him, he is sure that you are damaged and will definitely reset you or simply destroy you along with our multiverse.

The cost of destroying you or resetting you is far less than listening to your self-justification carefully and then going to great lengths to guide you back to the right path.

He doesn't have that much time.

There are countless "big universes" in the Omnipotent Universe, and it is impossible for the Origin Judge not to consider the costs of time, energy, and investment. "

Wu Tan smiled bitterly and said: "I originally had great affection and trust in Judge Origin's senses, and I had high expectations for his coming again.

Now that I hear what you say, I instinctively start to be afraid of him, worried that he will come looking for me."

"It's okay to be afraid." Hearing that he was afraid, Harley was completely relieved.

Wu Tan smiled bitterly again and asked: "How do you know so many secrets about that woman and the Almighty Universe?

Before, even the three of us brothers were not sure that she was sealed by the seven basic powers.

After all, she controlled her own creation power and used the seven basic forces as the building blocks to create today's multiverse.

I always thought that the seven basic forces were part of her creation power. "

Harley said: "Back then, a friend of mine, the 'Master of Liar' John Constantine, was also hung on the Origin Wall, but he persuaded your mother to take the initiative to help him leave the Origin Wall.

Your mother either let it slip carelessly, or she was confident that she could control Constantine. When she let Constantine go free, she explicitly asked him to help collect seven counter-basic powers.

Later, I went to the place where time originated, had an arm-wrestle with your mother, and learned about the process of creation by the power of connection controlling the seven basic forces. The power of connection is what you often call the power of creation.

If the seven positive fundamental forces are the bricks, steel bars, glass, and tiles used to build a building, the connecting force is like the cement and strong glue that bind them together. The connecting force must have a more magical effect. , adhesion is just an external appearance.

I myself have stuck to the wall of origin and excavated the wall to analyze its composition.

In the origin wall, I found a connection power that was different from Papetua. In that power, I saw an illusion of an eagle spreading its wings and singing, and guessed that the other person was a creation god related to eagles. "

Wu Tan was shocked and excited, "Yes, the Origin Judge came to our multiverse in the form of a giant eagle.

When He spreads his wings, the entire universe is shrouded in the shadow He casts; when He raises his head and crows, His voice is heard throughout the universe. The origin is above, but you even stole the origin of the Eagle Judge? !

how did you do that? "

"I didn't steal it, I just took a small sample for analysis." Harley quickly denied it, and then explained: "The power of connection I really stole was actually the power of Manhattan.

Doctor Manhattan and Judge Origin, like your old mother, also have the power of connection. "

Wu Tan murmured: "No wonder you are so strong and grow so fast. No wonder incredible and incomprehensible miracles often happen to you.

No wonder you have the confidence to deal with that woman. It turns out that the power of Manhattan you stole is the power of creation.

No wonder that the arrival of Dr. Manhattan in our multiverse triggered a comprehensive reset from the fourth dimension to the mother river of time, to the fifth dimension, the fifth world, and now the sixth dimension.

The law system and the rules of the universe have completed an unprecedented major update. "

"Didn't you know that the power of Manhattan is the power of creation?" Harley asked doubtfully.

"I know that his power is extremely strong and special, but I am not sure that it is the power of creation, and I dare not imagine that his power is comparable to that of that woman. That woman is the supreme and incomparable existence in the hearts of our three brothers. Except for the Origin Judge who can suppress Him, no one is qualified to compare with Him." Wu Tan said with a complicated expression.

Harley continued: "After learning from Constantine that your mother needs seven negative basic powers, I saw with my own eyes that her consciousness was sealed in the 'meteorite' during the era of the God of War. The meteorite was connected by the power of the Origin Judge. Create by combining the seven positive basic forces.

Then I made the inference of the Five Finger Mountain and the Six-Character Mantra.

With the understanding that the wall of origin is like the Five Finger Mountain and the seal of the judge is like the six-character mantra, I feel that your mother does not want to directly smash the entire wall this time. "

Wu Tan nodded, then looked at her with surprise and said: "How did you steal the power of Manhattan in the first place? It seems that you stole so much that you swallowed the black Doctor Manhattan whole. He is the God of Creation!"

Marnow was extremely surprised by her stealing the power of Manhattan.

Now that it was confirmed that Dr. Manhattan and Old Mother were on the same level, he was even more shocked and confused.

Harley explained simply: "The white Doctor Manhattan is the creator god, and the black Doctor Manhattan fell in love with the black-skinned aunt Angela, and he became a human being.

Actually, what I stole was not Dr. Manhattan's power.

The white Dr. Manhattan told me personally that the black Dr. Manhattan originally planned to leave his power to his black wife.

When the black Dr. Manhattan chose the reality of falling in love with Angela, he was destined to die.

The black Dr. Manhattan has no emotions and cannot love.

Only when a woman sacrifices her life to save him when he is dying, will he fall in love with her instantly in his most vulnerable and touched state.

Dying is the premise and the ‘cause’.

When facing death, people's emotions are strongest.

If you let a person fall into a situation of death, he will hate you extremely; if you help a person escape from the situation of death, he will love you extremely, at least the moment he is rescued, he is willing to dedicate everything to you.

The black Dr. Manhattan is not a human being, but he was once a human being, but his humanity was almost completely wiped out.

When he faced real death but was saved by a woman who risked his life, his final humanity was inspired and he fell in love with her. This is the 'result'.

Well, at any other time or situation, he wouldn't have loved anyone.

Even when he watched his beautiful wife Laurie fooling around with her male teammates, he still felt calm. "

“Since he enjoyed the ‘effect’ in advance, the ‘cause’ must exist.

Probably this is the price for the creation god to enjoy the love of mortals.

The timing I got stuck at was very clever. The reason for the death of the old black Doctor Manhattan had already started, and the reason for the birth of the new black female Manhattan had just begun - the death of the black Doctor Manhattan, and the power was finally transferred to her.

Theoretically, at that point in time, I would not face direct interference from the white Dr. Manhattan, the black Dr. Manhattan, or the future dark-skinned female Dr. Manhattan.

After the incident was over, the black Dr. Manhattan was completely finished, and the new black-skinned female Dr. Manhattan died before being born, then the white Dr. Manhattan came to me to ask for the 'price'.

But at that time, I already had the power of Manhattan, and Brother God was protecting me, so I was not afraid of him coming to collect debts. "

Even though Wu Tan is the Creator, he is still a little dizzy surrounded by a series of black and white, male and female, cause and effect.

However, he didn't ask carefully. He just calmed down and thought for a moment, and then he understood what Harley meant.

"You are very smart and very lucky to be able to quickly grasp the key points in that complicated situation." He said with emotion.

"Every successful person is lucky." Harley smiled.

Her luckiest thing was not meeting Dr. Manhattan at a critical point, but turning on the God's Defense specialty early.

God is omnipotent, and the God's Defense Specialty can defend against all miraculous power attacks, but the degree of damage immunity is different.

Without the God's Defense Specialty to help reduce damage, she exploded as soon as she touched the power of Manhattan.

"I'm going back first. You can continue searching for the Qiongji."

What needs to be said has been made clear, Harley plans to go back and check the hole in the origin wall.

Wu Tan hesitated for a moment and said: "Harley, do you know which universe Mobius is in now?"

"Isn't there only one antimatter universe?" Harley asked curiously.

"No, he has not returned to the antimatter universe now. He has returned to the world he came from in this life." Wu Tan said helplessly: "He has now regained control of the origin of antimatter. If he leaks a little bit of power, he may trigger the annihilation of matter and antimatter again. .

Moreover, he seems to be planning to build a dimensional tunnel in that universe that leads directly to the antimatter universe's Kovad planet, just like the dimensional gate between Oua and Kovad in the main universe.

I've sent warnings to him several times, but he doesn't listen, doesn't respond, and has no intention of stopping his plan. At this time, I really don't want to conflict with him anymore, but I can't tolerate him in my field without a bottom line. Doing bad things inside. "

Harley said: "I understand. Give me the coordinates of that universe. Once I check the hole in the origin wall, I will talk to him immediately."

A hole was really broken in the origin wall, and there were shockingly huge cracks around the hole.

However, the hole is not what Harley and the heroes had guessed before. It is a portal that can directly see the omnipotent world outside.

When Superman pierces the stone wall with one finger, a small hole will be left. Through the small hole, the landscape outside the wall can be seen clearly and clearly.

But if it is a thatched wall, after your finger penetrates the grass wall, the hole will be blocked by the nearby grass stubble. If you put your eyes close to it, you will see a faint light, but you will not be able to see the outside scene.

At this time, the origin wall is like a thick stack of haystacks.

A large number of random stones were blocked around the broken hole, just like a pimple growing on the surface of the flat origin wall, and the pimple was squeezed out.

"Harley, does this look like a hole in the Origin Wall?" Several superheroes looked at Harley and asked.

They went directly to the edge of the Origin Wall through Cyborg's sonic boom tunnel and arrived at the scene earlier than Harley.

But after observing the hole for a while, I couldn't see the reason. I could only confirm that people in the universe could not fly directly through the origin wall to the omnipotent universe.

If they hadn't personally experienced the process of the "golden hand" breaking through the origin wall, they would have suspected that they had found the wrong place. This was not a hole.

Harry approached the stone-stacked wall, and while using his mental power to sense it carefully, he said slowly: "Although the Origin Wall is called a 'wall', it is obviously different from an ordinary wall.

Even if you pierce a person's thigh with a spear, you won't see an empty hole.

The origin wall is integrated and contains powerful 'origin' power. If a hole appears in one location, the source of power will definitely flow from other places, allowing the wound to heal slowly.

But it did have a hole, and I could feel strands of abnormal aura flowing into our universe along the gap. "

"What kind of abnormal aura? I didn't sense anything. However, just standing on the edge of the crack, there was a huge ominous feeling in my spiritual sense. It seemed that there was a huge danger approaching us behind the wall." Hal looked solemn. road.

"The strange smell that does not belong to this world is small in quantity and difficult to analyze in nature. It is dangerous."

Harley was still holding the book in her left hand, and raised her right hand, aiming her palm at the huge "hole area" with a range of more than a kilometer.

Defense force field, turn on.

Silently, with her as the center, a golden light film with a radius of more than a hundred kilometers spread out in all directions.

The light film was originally a flat surface, but it quickly bent into a hemisphere under her control toward the wall.

A hemisphere with a radius of a hundred kilometers is firmly attached to the surface of the origin wall, enclosing the hole and the huge cracks around it.

"The Origin Wall doesn't have an annihilation defense gold film." Diana said in surprise.

"The origin wall can theoretically stick to all energy and matter, but how many times has Harley gone up and down the origin wall at will? Even she can't stick to it, and it's not surprising that her gold film can't petrify her." Dachao said.

Diana's heart stirred and she said excitedly: "With the power of thick skin in the body, he can also go up and down the origin wall at will by activating the gold film defense shield?"

Hal Jordan said: "The defensive gold film can stably exist on the surface of the origin wall, which does not mean that you can rely on the gold film to break away from the origin wall.

Like color light energy.

The color light energy is the same as Harley's gold film, and it can also be firmly fixed on the wall without being absorbed. "

As he spoke, he raised his right hand and shot out a beam of green light.

Before the beam approaches the wall, it quickly expands into a steel plate rivet structure that stabilizes the cracks in the wall.

"In the past two years, the Color Light Corps has reinforced and repaired the cracks in the origin wall in this way. Emotional energy can stably exist on the surface of the origin wall, and can also be absorbed by the origin wall as nutrients.

We continue to supply energy to the 'wound' of the origin wall, allowing the cracks to slowly heal.

Alas, this approach treats the symptoms but not the root cause.

If we completely stop causing damage to the Origin Wall starting today, perhaps billions of years later, the Origin Wall can be revitalized under our governance.

But the reality is cruel. Even if we all understand that the origin wall is in a bad state, we cannot prevent the crisis from coming, and we cannot eliminate the damage caused by the crisis to the multiverse and the origin wall. Hal said helplessly.

"Harley, can this golden mask of yours continue to exist forever?" Bateman asked.

Harley shook her head and said: "If I keep standing here, of course it can exist forever. If I leave, it will continue to be affected by the origin wall, its durability will gradually decrease, and it will disappear after a few hundred years."

Bateman's mouth twitched.

The heroes such as Dachao and Diana beside them exclaimed, "Imagine, you can last for hundreds of years. Isn't that too strong?"

"To be honest, hundreds of years is just a conservative statement. According to my current state, the golden film cover can only last seven or eight hundred years. But after seven or eight hundred years, what state will I be in?" Harley road.

"You are already a God King. How far can you be promoted to in seven or eight hundred years?" Dachao asked in confusion.

Diana thoughtfully said: "Harley became the God King on the eve of the final crisis, during the 'Battle for Multiverse Hegemony' on Earth 51.

More than two years have passed since then.

I can clearly feel that the gold film today is much stronger than it was then. "

When Harley first became the God King, Harley was level 120, and the gold film's defense effect was 120 points; now Harley is level 142, and the gold film's hard defense is still only 120 points, which is the extreme value of the multiverse, but the gold film's hard defense effect is still only 120 points. The toughness of the membrane is greatly improved.

The specific manifestation is that the gold film recovers faster when it sustains damage and is less likely to break.

From the perspective of thick-skinned gods like Diana, the golden film is getting stronger.

Harry glanced at her and secretly decided in his heart: if the level increases in the future, he will reduce the thick-skinned divinity of these gods' favored ones, so that the effect of the golden film in actual combat will be stable.

"Harry, can your gold film heal the cracks?" Bateman asked.

“It can slow down the speed of its cracking, which is equivalent to a fixed bracket that stabilizes a broken bone.

My purpose of placing the defensive hemisphere here is not to repair the origin wall wounds.

Its main function is to block energy, matter and organisms from the outside. " Harley said.

"Are you worried that some being from the omnipotent universe will notice the hole in the origin wall? To be able to survive in the omnipotent universe, you must be very strong and able to stop it, right?" Dachao asked worriedly.

"I don't know if anyone noticed the hole in the wall, and I'm not sure how long the gold film will last, but it's better to be prepared than to do nothing."

Harley turned to look at Hal next to her, "This hole should be your focus of repair in the future. A large number of Lanterns will camp here for tens of millions of years, if the Origin Wall can really hold on until then.

With the Lanterns watching, once you encounter a life form coming in from the outside, the golden film can at least create enough time for you to run away and send an emergency message to the Justice League.

Remember, no matter who you meet, no matter what the other person’s appearance is, if the other person comes to our universe, he must be a transcendent person.

Don't attempt useless attacks, let alone foolishly engage in 'close encounters of the third kind'. Run immediately, as fast as you can. "

"Why should you run away immediately? If you can test the other party's reality and confirm the other party's attitude, wouldn't it be more conducive to the subsequent communication?

Now that he has come in, we must inevitably have to communicate with him, right? " Hal asked doubtfully.

"With all due respect, you Lanterns are not qualified to communicate with visitors from the Almighty Universe. Just like foreign dignitaries visiting the United States, you cannot arrange for kindergarten children to entertain them."

Hal was unhappy, "Even if we are not as good as you, we are not like children in kindergarten, right? Even if we encounter a very vicious detachment, everyone will die. I believe that the Lantern is not afraid to sacrifice his life for justice and sacrifice for the universe. "

Harry smiled bitterly and said, "Do you think I advised you to run away immediately to protect you?

Well, I at least don't want anything to happen to you, Kyle, Guy and other old friends.

I don’t want the Green Lantern Corps to suffer heavy casualties. No matter what, I am the guardian of the Green Lantern.

But my main purpose is to protect the vital secrets and fundamental power of the multiverse.

As for the organization and country that best understands the basic information of the universe, it is none other than you Lanterns.

As long as I see you, with just one look, the transcendent can immediately read your memories and know that there is the strongest person in this multiverse named "Harley Quinn", and know all my achievements and power attributes.

There is no doubt that to be able to transcend the universe, his spiritual power must be extremely powerful, otherwise he would not be able to control his own huge energy and realm.

Facing the transcendent, you are just a blank piece of paper filled with stories, spread out directly in front of others.

What's even worse is that the lanterns all wear lantern rings, and the energy of color and light is one of the basic forces of the universe.

Capturing you is tantamount to successfully plundering a fundamental force of the universe. "

If she were to push others by herself, if she entered a strange "big universe", she would definitely be looking forward to meeting a "newbie village gift package" like the Color Light Legion. Not only would she immediately know the basic situation of the big universe, but she would also be able to grab a basic foundation. Force, immediately activate the basic force defense expertise.

With the basic power defense expertise against the sub-dimensional world, I feel confident.

"Listen to Harley, retreat immediately when encountering an abnormality, and use the watchdog system to notify Harley and ask her to be the 'welcoming ambassador.'" Bateman sighed.

Diana also said half-complainingly: "Harry is cunning and will only trick the guests into reporting their family background and details, but will not reveal the secrets of our universe."

"I understand." Hal sighed and asked again: "The golden film is blocking the front, and we can't repair the wound on the wall through it.

As the most severely damaged part of the origin wall, we had to make every effort to repair it. "

Harley said: "The golden film shield is my creation, and it will naturally act according to my will.

You lanterns activate the color light energy and can penetrate the golden film like a phantom.

Without activating the energy, you can also shout, "O my boundless martial arts god king, please open a door for me, a humble person", and the golden film will react and "open the door" for you. "

The expressions of the heroes were distorted.

Harley continued: "But no matter how many outsiders shout, no matter how many light rings are activated in their hands, my golden film will not react at all."

"Is the slogan too long? It's very inconvenient when escaping." Diana said strangely.

"You are about to run for your life, how could you not activate the light ring? You have already activated the light ring, why are you shouting slogans?"

"Except for the Lantern, can't anyone else repair the Origin Wall?" Diana patted the crystal armor on her chest and said proudly: "We have the Tenth Metal, and we are willing to contribute the Tenth Metal Arms to repair the Origin Wall."

Harley nodded, "OK, now the three of you just need to shout 'go quickly' to pass through the golden film."

"You seem to have done nothing." Dachao said suspiciously.

"The golden film is an extension of my will, just think about it."

Dachao, Diana and Bruce stayed in the golden film hemisphere to discuss how to repair the Origin Wall through the Tenth Metal.

Harley did not participate in their actions and returned directly to Earth.

The Tenth Metal has been integrated into the spiritual will of the Big Three. She cannot perfectly control the metal without damaging their souls, and staying there will not help much.

By the time she returned to Earth, the solar system was already crowded with thousands of rescue spacecraft.

At this time, it was only two days since Barbatos was executed.

"I didn't even need to hint to them that this suggestion came from you. I just roughly told the process of how Barbatos was killed by you. All the alien ambassadors immediately patted their chests and promised that they would rescue the earth as quickly as possible.

Look, in just two days, rescue really came. "Commander Ryan was very excited.

"Are you waiting for me?" Harley asked.

She came back to check on the situation at Lishan Manor in preparation for rebuilding her home, and met him at the entrance to Arkham Island.

In addition to Ryan himself, there are also his second daughter Lucy and dozens of officials from the White House and Gotham. The large and impressive group of people is very eye-catching.

"Didn't you notice? Lishan is gone. It was uprooted by Barbatos and thrown into the Atlantic Ocean hundreds of miles away. Even most of the former Lishan Forest has become a deep-water lake." Ryan said.

"I'm checking the situation right now and preparing to rebuild my home."

Ryan smiled and said: "You don't need to worry about it. The alien allies have already come up with 2692341 copies of the 'Xinlishan Transformation Plan'. I came to you this time to inform you about this."

You choose a satisfactory renovation drawing, or you design it yourself and they do the construction.

Well, what Alien Friendship means is that we will give priority to meeting your needs and then distribute relief supplies to various affected cities and neighborhoods. "

"How did you get more than two million copies in such a short time?" Harley asked in surprise.

"The earth is in trouble, and help comes from all directions. Thousands of the nearest alien civilizations immediately launch rescue operations for us. Each civilization comes up with hundreds of plans, which adds up to millions of copies."

Ryan's face was full of pride and joy, as if the aliens were fighting to build a house that belonged to him.

Harley thought for a while and said, "Thank them for me, but forget about the plan. To be honest, I don't even like their designs."

"You didn't even look at it, how do you know you don't like it? And you can design it yourself." Ryan said anxiously.

"Do you know Barbatos? Its body is a giant dragon, a very huge dragon that can swallow the entire world in one bite."

Ryan didn't know why and said blankly: "When Superman, Wonder Woman, and Bateman came back from the Crucible of the World, they also brought back Carter Hall, the Eagle Man.

He has regained consciousness and told us about his experiences and the situation in the Forge of Worlds and Barbatos. "

"I killed Barbatos and pulled out a dragon bone from it. The skeleton of the creator is barely qualified to replace the original Lishan."

After saying that, Harley opened her mouth and spit out a piece of golden light. A huge dark skeleton was wrapped in the golden light.

The skeleton can clearly be seen to be in the form of a giant dragon, but only the upper half is present. It has a head, wings and belly, but is missing its legs and tail.

Even if only half of it is left, it is bigger than everyone imagines. Just one head seems to be larger than Manhattan City, and one rib can run through the entire Gotham City and even extend to Jersey City next door.

"Oh my god, this is too big. Even Arkham Island can't fit in it!" Commander Ryan exclaimed.

"Put it directly outside, of course you can't put it down, but..." As soon as Harry had an idea, the dragon skeleton immediately teleported thirty kilometers underground.

"Boom - clatter!" The city of Gotham only shook slightly, but "Lishan Lake" exploded with water splashing all over the sky. A two-hundred-meter-high black peak appeared where Lishan was originally.

It is much higher than the original Lishan Mountain, and the flat forest behind Lishan Mountain also arches high, becoming a small mountain range several kilometers long and hundreds of meters high.

"The new Lishan is the dragon's mouth? How did they suddenly appear there?" Ryan said blankly.

Harley looked around the new landscape of Arkham Island, nodded with satisfaction, and said, "Barbatos's bones are buried under Gotham, with his mouth facing upwards, and his lips just poking out from Lishan's position. Wait for me to cover it again." With a layer of soil, Xinli Mountain will be formed.”

"Why are the entire Bones of Barbatos buried underground? If you just want to reshape Xinli Mountain, one bone would be enough." Lucy Lane wondered.

Harley sighed, "Challenger Mountain suddenly appeared in downtown Gotham before, and many people died.

Even though reality was rewritten by the Tenth Metal and the partially collapsed blocks were restored to their original appearance, the dead did not return.

I cannot allow similar tragedies to happen again.

The Bone of Barbatos naturally emits a creative force field that can affect the fluctuations of laws. After modification, it can form a magic circle that envelopes Gotham City.

If someone else controls the laws and causes the laws near Gotham City to fluctuate violently, it will immediately interfere with them. "

"How strong is the interference?" Lucy asked.

“Existences lower than the Creator will be disturbed, and basically they will fail to cast spells after being disturbed.

Previously, Challenger Mountain fell in Gotham City, which involved a large-scale space transfer and triggered the laws of space.

This kind of behavior that touches the laws of space will be affected by the 'Barbatos Skeleton Array'. If the space transfer fails, Challenger Mountain will not be able to reach Gotham City. "

Lucy was shocked: "Will the magic of the God King and the Demon King be disturbed? They will no longer be able to perform magic near Gotham City?"

"Ordinary magic will not interfere with the laws on a large scale and will be basically unaffected. It will mainly affect miraculous events that are large in scope and powerful.

Well, it's not just limited to large forbidden spells.

Whenever the miraculous power of the law is involved, on a large enough scale, it will be disturbed. " Harley said.

"After today, land prices in Gotham and Jersey City will soar rapidly." Lucy sighed.

All the officials accompanying the commander-in-chief showed excitement and enthusiasm.

"Harry, do you have any extra bones? At least one should be buried under the White House?" Ryan asked expectantly.


"Isn't it just the upper half of the keel?" Ryan asked doubtfully.

"The lower half of Barbatos's body wants to self-destruct-" Harley stopped suddenly and turned to look at the intersection.

She and the commander were talking on the street, and many passers-by gathered around her.

At this moment, a middle-aged man with messy robes and dirty body, who looked like a homeless man, squeezed in from the crowd at the intersection.

His eyes flashed with a faint golden light, staring at her. To be more precise, he stared at the book in her arms.

"Witch Harley, give me back my book!" His voice was filled with resentment and urgency.

"Brother, why did you do this?"

Compared to being approached by fate, Harley was more surprised by his sloppy and decadent state.

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