I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1837 The backdoor program in the Creator

"Ah, the world has returned to its original appearance!" The heroes returned from the state of "wandering around the world", and first found that the dark clouds in the sky and the coldness in the air had disappeared.

The summer sun shone hotly on them, making everyone who had experienced the "dark night" feel the comfortable heat.

Although the bright sunshine was dazzling, they couldn't help but raise their faces greedily and opened their eyes to welcome the long-lost brightness.

"It feels great to bathe in the sunshine, as if I'm finally alive." Some emotional superheroes even had red eyes.

"The ice and snow on the ground have also disappeared, and the city is back to its original state!"

Not even Challenger Mountain or the ice and snow that covered the city was visible.

The city blocks that were crushed by Challenger Mountain were completely restored.

Not far away there were noisy voices of people who had been rescued from the human tower.

Before, their skinny, old, mummy-like bodies were repaired by the power of creation, but their minds fell into the nightmare dimension and could not return.

Now they are all awake.

"Harry, what happened just now?"

Some heroes cheered excitedly, while others came to Harley with solemn expressions.

"There is a hole in the Origin Wall." Harley frowned slightly and said hesitantly: "I haven't seen the hole with my own eyes yet, so I'm not sure what impact it will have on the multiverse.

It is also unclear whether one can go directly through the hole to the Great Omniverse.

But I feel very bad now. Is there also a sense of chaos and foreboding coming from your spiritual senses? "

Dachao nodded lightly first, then shook his head vigorously, and said: "I just felt like a big golden hand scraped across the surface of the origin wall. At that time, I was terrified and terrified.

There was an unprecedented fear in my heart that a catastrophe was imminent and the world was about to end.

But now I don’t feel it at all, and I’m not sure if a hole has been poked in the origin wall. "

Then he worriedly said: "Harley, can a hole really be poked in the Origin Wall? The Origin Wall is not an ordinary substance, nor an ordinary wall.

It should be able to spread the attacks it takes to the entire wall, taking the damage together.

Either the origin wall is stable, or once it collapses, how can a hole be broken in a section of the wall alone? "

Hal Jordan said seriously: "Theoretically, the Origin Wall can withstand all damage from the multiverse and distribute the damage evenly to every wall.

But the current reality is that the Origin Wall is almost on the verge of collapse.

It's broken and can no longer spread the damage evenly.

The main job of the Color Light Corps at present is to repair the origin wall.

We saw with our own eyes that some walls had huge cracks, while others were still intact. "

Dinah looked at Harley and asked: "Why did the 'golden hand' break through the origin wall?

Do the big golden hands represent our emotions?

I can feel that my thoughts are integrated into an extremely large collection of consciousness.

It is full of positive emotions. The vast hope almost forms an ocean. The fearless courage condenses into a sky. The idea of ​​perseverance and unity weaves all life together to form a big world. That giant golden hand is equivalent to all living beings. The embodiment of emotion, right?

Since it is our emotions, why are they suddenly out of our control? "

"That golden giant palm is not the embodiment of the emotions of all sentient beings. It does not exist at all. In other words, it is just your soul's intuitive feeling of the 'Song of the World'."

Seeing the doubts on the faces of the heroes becoming more and more serious, Harley explained: "Superman, Diana, and Bruce use their inner pure emotions of hope, fearlessness, surprise, tenacity and other emotions as bricks to build a 'positive emotional thinking world'" Foundation and skeleton.

The heroes holding hands with the three of them complete the "skeleton of the world".

After a complete emotional thinking world is formed, all the thoughts lost in the nightmare dimension are connected through the tenth metal.

Then infect them with your positive emotions and lead them back.

Finally, the hope, surprise, fearlessness and other emotions born after their awakening are also drawn into the 'emotional world'.

At this time, just to complete the task of awakening the people of the Tower of Man, the light multiverse is still half trapped in the dark multiverse.

Therefore, you use the "positive emotional thinking world" as the energy source to drive the tenth metal to modify the laws of the universe. "

"When a mage casts magic, he will trigger the laws, and the fluctuations in the laws will cause magical wonders.

If you think of the laws of the multiverse as strings, each special fluctuation of the laws represents a note. When you drive the tenth metal to modify reality, you will also touch the strings, forming notes one after another.

The combination of those notes is the harmonious and exciting ‘Song of the World’.

You are modifying the reality of the world, and the 'music' produced in the process of modifying the world is of course the 'music of the world'.

That World Song is the golden giant hand you see, and it is your way of modifying the reality of the world. "

Diana thoughtfully said, "The reason why the golden hand is out of control is that the laws of the universe are touched by another person, who wants to prevent us from pushing the light multiverse out of the dark light multiverse.

So he also fluctuated the strings of law, and his music interfered with our originally harmonious and exciting world song. The external manifestation was that the giant golden hand was out of control. "

"The other party's purpose is not to prevent you from repairing reality. If it prevents you from repairing reality, the golden hand can directly collapse and become powerless.

It even pulls the light multiverse in reverse and insists on preventing it from leaving the dark multiverse.

The purpose of the other party is very simple, which is to interfere with your World Song through the "Whispering Demonic Sound", and achieve the effect of lifting a thousand pounds. Your World Song has a huge power, enough to destroy the Origin Wall.

If the opponent does not have the strength of a thousand pieces, or cannot use the strength temporarily, he can use the "power of four ounces" to induce the strength of a thousand pieces to achieve the same purpose. "

After a pause, Harley added hesitantly: "However, I'm not sure its ultimate goal is to completely destroy the origin wall, or just poke a hole in the origin wall."

"Is there any difference?" Hal asked.

"The difference is huge. If it just pokes a hole, it means it has a big conspiracy, and we need to be careful; if it destroys the origin wall, we don't have to worry, because I always know that it wants to get out of the origin wall."

Harley looked down at the book in her arms and said quietly: "When the hole in the origin wall appeared, I had an ominous premonition in my heart, so..."

"Who is it? Does it have anything to do with Barbatos?" Bateman asked.

Harley sighed: "Obviously, they are closely related. The reason why the Forger was attacked and killed by the giant dragon Barbatos was not because Barbatos was very capable, but because it received great help from a third party.

Relying on the help of the mysterious man, the Forger declined, and so did the Watcher Wu Tan.

Even anti-monitors who have not awakened their power can be easily found by it.

You must know that before Mobius regained his antimatter power, even the monitor satellite did not detect his existence.

As the client who sent the rebellious soul to reincarnation, I don’t know which world he went to.

Without the help of the mysterious man, Barbatos would definitely not be able to find him.

But I can't tell you the name of the mysterious man. Knowing it is the beginning of faith.

Your curiosity, wariness, and fear about it are all another type of belief, and they can also provide it with strength. "

"Okay, let's call it 'the mysterious man behind Barbatos'. What does the mysterious man ultimately want to do?" Bateman said.

"Maybe you want to destroy the entire multiverse, or some great ambition that mortals can't understand? We don't need to think too much, just keep our eyes on the Origin Wall.

It is still sealed at the moment, and no matter what it wants to do in the end, it must break the wall of origin and regain freedom. " Harley said.

"Witch Harley, why did you kick me?" Dr. Fate walked over with his chest covered, Nabu's helmet shining brightly, his voice angry and loud, "If you hadn't suddenly taken action, you would have kicked me from the 'Song of the World' podium. Fly, the origin wall will definitely not be broken."

"Is your brain corroded by the dark power not completely healed?" Harley looked him up and down with a disdainful expression and a sarcastic tone, "You are like them, you didn't even notice the mysterious man's whisper.

If I hadn't dragged you away from the corpse in time, the origin wall would have collapsed. "

"The Song of the World is out of control, how could I not notice it? I was about to adjust, and you took action." Nabu shouted.

His voice was still loud and confident, not like he knew he couldn't do it but was deliberately messing around.

"You didn't realize it. You only realized something was wrong after you saw the results changed. They all noticed it at that time," Harley said, pointing to the superheroes around her.

They didn't cheer as excitedly as other heroes because they noticed something unusual.

Naboo might be stronger than them, but not by much.

"If you had been alert immediately when the discordant sound first appeared, I wouldn't have kicked you away. As a result, the golden giant hand deviated from the multiverse of light and was about to hit the wall of origin. You still stood there in a daze.

I made it very clear just now that the giant golden hand is just the external appearance of the World Warp.

When the movements of the giant golden hand were also distorted, the song of the world had been disturbed for a long time. "

Neb argued, "You at least let me try, or you let me take the helm for a while and you join in."

Harley pointed at the sky and said: "Go to the Origin Wall now and shout at the wall, 'Mysterious man, damn your grandma, you dare to plot against me', 'You have the guts to pollute my mind with your whispers again'." If you can scold someone with similar provocative words for two hours, and then come back with all your beards and tails, it proves that you are indeed capable of giving it a try."

"I won't get into a pointless fight with you."

Naboo's helmet dimmed, Naboo's consciousness sank into the helmet, and Doctor Fate Kent regained control of his body.

"Ouch, it hurts." He immediately covered his chest and spit out a mouthful of old blood. "Harry, even if you want to push me away, there is no need to use such force. Four ribs are broken, and the bone stubble seems to have penetrated the internal organs."

"I'm sorry, Kent, I didn't know the right balance. Alas, I obviously wanted to kick Naboo, but he couldn't feel the pain at all after his soul left. You are the one who really suffered. Being his favored one is really too painful. .”

Harley sighed apologetically and assured him: "Next time I encounter a similar situation, I will definitely kick the helmet off and not hurt your body at all."

Kent touched the helmet and said helplessly: "You'd better kick me. You can heal your body if it's injured, but it's hard to 'recover' if the helmet is deflated."

The helmet is really deflated, the King of Naboo must be in pain.

But as the carrier of Naboo's helmet, he would also have a hard time. Even if Harley's hands and feet were nimble and he was not injured at the time, he would still have to work hard to repair the helmet in the future.

"Since you are more suitable to be the 'conductor' of the World Song than Naboo, wouldn't it be possible to avoid the hole in the origin wall if you were to conduct it from the beginning?" Dachao sighed.

Harley said: "The result of letting me take command from the beginning will not be much different from now.

Nabu was incapable of sensing the mysterious man's whispers until obvious changes occurred in his body.

But I noticed and reacted immediately.

There is still a hole in the origin wall, but it's not that my intervention was not timely.

It’s true that the ‘golden giant hand’ is not perfectly compatible with me, and I can’t move my fingers like an arm.

Of course, Naboo also cannot 100% resonate with the emotions of the three of you.

You should be aware of this. "

Diana nodded slightly. She, Bateman and Superman were more than just in harmony with each other.

Their thoughts were connected together, creating some kind of magical chemical reaction, sublimating into a more majestic, brighter, and more complete "thinking world."

Naboo is at best a navigator, and does not fit perfectly with the world of thought itself.

Harley, on the other hand, had no intention of integrating into it. She was like a wild horse, pulling the "thinking world" forward, and the horse and the car were obviously separated.

"The top priority now is to find remedies. Harley, do you have any good ideas? Can the Tenth Metal in our bodies repair the Origin Wall?" Bateman asked.

"You can give it a try, but I don't think you have too high expectations. The Tenth Metal Sky is only at the multiverse level, and the Origin Wall is definitely beyond the multiverse level." Harley said.

Hal Jordan said bitterly: “The Tenth Metal can modify the laws of the universe.

But even if the universe is restarted, the Origin Wall will not immediately return to its original strength.

From Crisis on Infinite Earths to the present, the situation of the Origin Wall has continued to deteriorate, and has never become completely new due to the restart of the main universe, the mother river of time, or even the fifth world.

Restarting would at most remove some of the disadvantages that continue to hurt it.

For example, in the final crisis, there were problems with the laws of the fifth world, causing frequent travelers to appear in Wantianyi.

The direct factor that harms the origin wall is the act of crossing.

The restart of the fifth world was completed, large-scale time travel disappeared, and the origin wall stabilized.

Rather than the Fifth World reboot fixing the origin wall. "

"No matter what, we should find the hole first, and then try the tenth metal. I believe that no matter what the difficulty is, it is impossible to completely extinguish hope." Da Chao said with firm eyes.

Bateman nodded and said: "Now that the multiverse of light has returned to its original position, and the barrier between the sixth and fifth dimensions has also returned to its original state, the rescue work on Earth is left to the other heroes of the Justice League, the three of us."

He glanced at Hal Jordan and Harley, "With Harley and Hal, we can go to the Origin Wall first."

"Don't worry, the Earth still has us." Barry looked around, "Oh, I don't know what I can do now. It seems that everything on the Earth has returned to normal."

“There is still a long way to go before we can return to the situation before the crisis.” Bateman sighed: “For example, the most basic water and electricity supply and food production.

Factories were completely shut down, with no running water or electricity. Nuclear power plants, biological and chemical plants that were left unattended because of the sudden dark night have now become very dangerous and difficult for ordinary people to deal with. "

"You are right. I will repair the Justice League's communication network immediately. If the people and government departments are in need, the Hall of Justice will immediately arrange for heroes to rush to the disaster relief site." Cyborg solemnly nodded.

Just when they were about to fly into the sky, Harley's expression changed slightly and said: "I already know the location of the hole in the Origin Wall. You go there first, and I will find you later."

"What's the matter?" Da Chao also saw the change in her expression.

"I found the sealed soul of the Forger in Barbatos' belly." Harley said with a strange expression: "It's very likely that I will soon send another Creator to reincarnation.

Now that Barbatos has surrendered, the sixth dimension is equivalent to completing a reboot.

A new ‘Master of the Sixth Dimension’ and ‘Master of the World’s Furnace’ will surely be born.

This is destiny!

The sixth dimension and the world's furnace need to be guarded by the Creator, and the soul of the Forger is almost broken out of the seal.

Time is too tight and there is no room for delay.

But I can't let him reincarnate automatically according to conventional methods.

If he can be assassinated by a mysterious man once, he will definitely be assassinated a second time.

I believe you don’t want to face the ‘Sixth Dimension Crisis’ again. "

"Then send him to reincarnation as soon as possible." Da Chao said quickly.

Bateman continued: "It's best to record his reincarnation location this time and observe his growth regularly."

"How about letting him be reborn in our world, and we help him grow and teach him to become a superhero." Diana said excitedly.

Harley rolled her eyes.

Neptune said: "We can't stay in the main universe! Isn't the anti-monitoring reason due to the lack of access to anti-matter energy and the inability to fully awaken the power of creation?

The caster needs the original power of the sixth dimension, but there are several dimensional barriers between the main universe and the sixth dimension, and the fifth and sixth dimensional barriers are almost impossible to break through.

If he is reincarnated on our earth, how will he wake up in the future?

Moreover, Harley also said that ‘Destiny’ urgently needs the Creator to return to the sixth dimension to control the world’s melting pot.

The flow of time in the main universe is too slow. By the time he reaches adulthood, there will be countless multiverse-level crises. "

Oliver also complained: "Our world is troubled by disasters, and there are major crises every year. If he reincarnates on our earth, he may not be able to survive safely."

"With us watching, we won't even be able to survive." Dinah said.

Oliver glanced at Bateman, "Baby Darkseid is also being watched, and he just lives peacefully like ordinary people. What's the result?

Serious people who want to live a normal life should stay away from the main universe, the United States, and the Justice League. "

If this sentence were not suspected of having badman connotations, it would definitely be called a golden saying.

The heroes had strange expressions, and many glanced at Bateman.

Bateman was expressionless and silent.

The atmosphere was a little awkward.

"By the way, where's baby Darkseid? We forgot about him before." Cyborg asked.

Dachao recalled: "At the Tomb of Set, Bateman and we were all subdued by the priests, and baby Darkseid also fell into the hands of the priests.

But then Bateman transformed into the Dark Portal, Barbatos and the Dark Knights all arrived, and the Robin Dog killed the Priest Owl and the backbone of the Court of Owls, baby Darkseid."

"Could it be that he was also eaten? Greer will definitely come after us if he finds out." He worried.

Diana said with certainty: "Baby Darkseid is definitely not dead. If he dies, the Dark Godhead in his body will inevitably split, and the fifth world will collapse to the fourth dimension again, just like the 'Darkseid War' that day. "

Bateman said slowly: "You don't have to worry about baby Darkseid. If my guess is correct, he is probably by Greer's side right now.

Greer is very alert. Even if I steal baby Darkseid from her, she can react quickly and trace my traces in the shortest time.

Perhaps Greer was also present at the Tomb of Set that day.

But she used Amazon assassin skills to hide in the cracks of dimensions. Even though she failed to take away baby Darkseid, I didn't forget her and Darkseid when she just used the Tenth Metal to rewrite reality. "

"In that case, let's look at the hole in the origin wall first."

Hal understands the poor state of the Origin Wall better than other superheroes, and is now more anxious and worried.

The space inside Barbatos' belly is extremely complex.

It was once the giant dragon that guarded the world's furnace, responsible for cleaning up the defective cosmic embryos forged by the forgers, so its "belly" was naturally huge.

But Harley didn't expect that its belly was not only big, but the internal space was also very complicated, as if it was hiding a belly of "fish eggs": each fish egg was a dark space full of nightmares, and the large fish eggs were like a dark multiverse.

The Dark Multiverse is composed of dark universes. The "fish eggs" in Barbatos' body are only illusory planes and spaces, not the real material universe that grew up from the eggs of the universe.

However, the "fish egg space" in Barbatos' body is also connected to the nightmare dimension, and different nightmares evolve with the power of dark creation inside, a nightmare completely controlled by Barbatos himself.

Harley knew that her human warrior god followers suffered heavy casualties during the attack on the human tower, and most of the spirits of the dead were captured by Barbatos.

In order to torture them, it sealed them in a nightmare world where they continued to experience endless horrific nightmares.

So after catching Barbatos, she didn't immediately throw half of her stump into the sea of ​​gastric acid mist.

She first controlled its soul and cut off its connection with the nightmare dimension, causing it to completely lose control of its body and even the dark space within it.

Then she tortured its soul and asked her about the whereabouts of her younger brother's soul.

Knowing that it threw the warrior spirits into different dark nightmare spaces, Harley began to check the "fish eggs" one by one in its body.

In the process of searching for the heroic spirit of the God of War, she discovered that a "fish egg" hidden in the deepest part of its consciousness sea sealed the soul that exuded the breath of creation.

As soon as she came into contact with that aura, she immediately understood the identity of the other party.

"You are the master of the sixth dimension, the world-caster one of the three creators, right? I come from the material universe, and my name is——"

"Let me out. I don't want to know who you are. Let me go immediately. I want to go back to the sixth dimension!"

Like the original Monitor and Anti-Monitor, the Forger has a bad and hard temper, and a very arrogant personality. After receiving Harley's spiritual message, he immediately struggled fiercely and roared loudly without waiting for her to finish her words.

Barbatos has been subdued by Harley, and the seal begins to naturally weaken.

The caster also needs the blessing of destiny.

As he struggled, the dark space was crumbling and was about to break open in the next moment.

"You are already dead and your soul has entered the realm of death. Didn't you notice?"

Harley solidified the space in the "fish egg", forced the caster's soul, and reminded him: "You must be reborn before you can return to the sixth dimension and regain control of the world's furnace."

"I understand my situation and don't need you to talk nonsense! Since you know that I am the creator of the sixth dimension, don't stop me anymore." There was obvious impatience and undisguised anger in the caster's tone.

"The first thing you need to understand is that Barbatos fucked you and I killed him. Now you are completely under my control." Harley said lightly.

The caster said in disbelief: "You dare to threaten me? Do you know who I am -"

After asking angrily, he immediately remembered that the other party immediately reported his identity.

"Who are you?" He calmed down a little, and the expression on the undead's face became very serious.

"I am your mother's enemy, so you are of some use to me. I am willing to save you, and I am also willing to help you get rid of the 'mind control of a loving mother'.

If you are reborn according to the traditional method of the Creator, even if you come back again, you will still be susceptible to the influence of Papetua's whisper.

Alas, now that the origin wall is broken, your old mother's seal is even looser, and your pet Barbatos Dragon has just created the 'Dark Night' crisis across the fourth, fifth, and sixth dimensions, providing her with massive crisis power. Your rebirth through traditional means is almost equivalent to suicide

Worse than suicide.

You will be controlled by her mind and become the second anti-supervisor and the second Dragon of Barbatos, continuing to torment us peace-loving people. "

From the moment he heard her talking about his mother, the Forger was in shock. When she finished, he asked in surprise: "How do you know His existence?"

"There is no need to ask such boring questions. You need to be reincarnated immediately. This is your destiny. I will send you to reincarnation immediately." Harley said.

"Wait!" The caster quickly stopped her, "You want to send me to reincarnation? I am the Creator, how can you send me to reincarnation?"

"When were you probably killed by Barbatos?" Harley asked curiously.

"Can the time in the sixth dimension be the same as yours?"

"Okay, let me change the question. Have you ever heard of 'Witch Harley'?" Harley asked.

"Witch Harley, Witch sounds so stupid. The only Harley I have any impression of is Harley Quinn. Witch and Harley together are stupid and crazy. They are so stupid. Who is she?" ?”

As soon as he asked, his crisis sense reacted, "Can't it be you? Sorry, you may be famous in your universe, but your reputation is far from qualified to reach the ears of the creator of the sixth dimension.

I usually only learn about the characters in the ‘story’.

Do you understand what I mean?

Each world has a core story, and if you're not from Earth, it's difficult to get involved in the story.

Even if you are very powerful and are the God King or Demon King of an alien planet, you cannot become a character in the story and will not receive special attention from the Creator. "

He was apologizing, but his tone was full of arrogance.

Harley resisted the urge to press him to death with one finger and asked, "Where's Dr. Manhattan? Do you know him?"

"Doctor. To be honest, this title is even stupider. Regardless of whether you are bragging or not, at least Barbatos's body really fell into your hands. You may be considered a figure, but Doctor Manhattan." The face and tone of the caster's dead soul , could no longer hide his disdain and contempt, "I have created countless worlds, but there has never been a story character named 'Manhattan' in the world."

"It turns out he's just a rustic who just came to town."

Harley fully understood his situation and completely lost interest in talking nonsense with him, "Okay, don't say anything, don't ask anything, I will send you to reincarnation and let you live in a pure human identity and form for the rest of your life.

Appreciating human emotions and life can help you complete the final ‘Creator’s Completion Plan’. "

After saying that, she crushed Barbatos's seal, clamped the caster's undead soul between her two fingers, and completely destroyed his "fish eggs" that had existed for countless years.

"Let me go, let me go." The caster struggled hard between her fingers, shouting in horror: "This is impossible, how could you destroy Barbatos' seal casually? It used the power to steal itself. The power of creation!

And, why can you suppress me so easily?

Even if only my soul is left, I am still the Creator! "

"You have been sealed for too long, and the world has changed. The protagonist of the story is not me now, but I can squeeze Barbatos to death with one hand, and I can also squeeze you.

Alas, today's Creator has fallen into the mud, his character has been shattered to pieces, and he has almost become a synonym for lowlife. "Harry said calmly.

Her body rose rapidly, from the material universe of the fourth dimension to the Limbo of the fifth dimension, and then to the sixth dimension.

The barrier between the fifth and sixth dimensions was restored as before, but she held the caster's soul and followed the attraction of the caster's soul in the sixth dimension. It was not difficult to find the world melting pot.

"I don't believe that the Creator is the most powerful and noble being in the multiverse. How could he fall into the mud?" The Forger was still struggling and roaring loudly.

He is the Creator, and even if there is only a wandering soul left, he can still control a certain amount of the power of creation.

But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't move.

Well, it is impossible for Harley to put her real fingers into the stomach bag dimension and twist him, twisting his two fingers to open the defensive golden film.

The caster's soul is equivalent to being sealed in a golden film.

How can you struggle?

Harley's Sixth Annotation (Sixth Dimension Creation Power) defense expertise has been upgraded to level 8.

As soon as the power of creation squeezed out of the soul by the caster emerged, it was immediately drained by the golden film, and it was really impossible to even move.

"No, this is impossible. My power of creation is disappearing. It disappears out of thin air. It disappears completely. I can no longer feel it. Why is this happening? Has the world really changed? Even ordinary characters outside the story can control it at will. Creator?”

All pride will eventually be crushed by reality.

After trying hard many times without achieving any results, the caster's eyes were confused, his expression was dull, and he felt a little bad.

"Ouch, that's not right!" When he was about to hit the fifth and sixth barriers, Harley suddenly remembered something important: Although there are parallel worlds in the sixth dimension, those worlds are all dark nightmare universes.

She reincarnated the Creator into a human being. In addition to reducing Papetua's influence through a human body, she also wanted the Creator to experience human life so that they would have the ability to pity and empathize with mortals.

The Creator will not have any sympathy for the suffering of human beings, just as humans cannot have sympathy with the ants on the ground.

If the Creator lived like humans, as long as they still had their own will and independent emotions, they would have some sense of identification with humans.

Harley didn't expect them to be "good Gods" who loved their people like their own children.

As long as they no longer destroy countless parallel universes and kill countless lives, she will be satisfied.

But what if the Forger was reincarnated in the Dark Multiverse?

The Dark Knights already made her feel sick, and she couldn't imagine what the world would be like if another "Laughing Forger" appeared.

"Hey, Caster, when you speak, don't look dull, as if you are mourning for your heir. I still admire your unruly look before. At least you were full of energy and momentum at that time."

Just when Harley turned around and was about to discuss with the Forger about finding a parallel universe reincarnation in the Ten Thousand Celestial Instruments, she found that he was in a state of despair, his eyes were dull, and he was muttering "impossible, shouldn't be" repeatedly, shouting He called several times but didn't respond.

"Forget it, not objecting means you agree." Harley muttered, then jumped out of the fifth world and entered the mother river of time.

Another "dolphin jump", jumping out of the mother river of time and entering the dark void composed of countless lights.

Every ray of light is a river of time. Countless worlds and countless rivers of time form a "super-time flow".

The Monitor satellite is just above the hypertemporal stream.

"Wu Tan, Old Wu, can you hear me? Come here, I have something to ask you."

At Harley's current state, she can now freely enter and exit the "hyper-time flow".

It's just that the super-time flow is infinite, and its upper part is wider than the outer space of the material universe. She can't find a satellite that deliberately hides itself in the endless starry sky.

But the satellite was hiding its whereabouts, but she was not hiding herself.

God King Harry's aura was fully activated, and his huge size caused the river of time below to curve slightly.


She didn't keep her waiting for long, and after shouting twice, Wu Tan's projection came to her.

"I found the soul of your brother the Forger in Barbatos, and like you, he also begged me to send his soul to reincarnate on earth.

I originally planned to send him to the sixth dimension to avoid the recurrence of the Oolong incident that happened to Anti-Monitor.

When I arrived at the gate of the sixth dimension, I was shocked to realize that although there are countless parallel universes in the sixth dimension, they are all dark dimensions.

There must be good people in the dark dimension. In fact, except for the owner of the nightmare, everyone else is considered normal.

But every nightmare world has no happy ending.

No matter which country the caster goes to reincarnate in, he will end up miserable and have a dark future.

I don't want darkness to pollute his heart, so I can only send him to a parallel universe in Wan Tian Yi.

I want to find a world where time flows quickly and there are relatively few crises. "

Wu Tan nodded, "I understand, I will help you find a suitable parallel world."

Harley said: "If possible, inject 'time injection' into the parallel universe to make the flow of time in the world faster.

The sixth dimension urgently needs the return of the Forger King.

If time flows too fast, he may not be able to wait until I go over to check. He has grown up and awakened his memory. You can help keep an eye on him, wait for him to awaken, and immediately send him back to the sixth dimension to master the world furnace. "

With Wu Tan's help, the caster's reincarnation work was quickly completed.

"Have you found the Dome?" Harley asked before leaving.

"I have just started repairing the Monitor satellite, how can it be so fast?"

Harley told the story about the hole in the origin wall again, "Can you repair the hole in the origin wall?"

Wu Tan said helplessly: "The Origin Wall was not built by our Creator at all. Only its builder can completely repair it."

After a pause, he hesitated and said: "But maybe I can try to send a message to the Almighty Universe and let the 'Origin Judge' who built the Origin Wall judge the woman again.

There was an origin wall blocking it before, and any signal would be absorbed by the origin wall.

Now that a hole has been opened in the origin wall, can signals be transmitted through the hole?

We can give it a try. "

Harley's expression changed, and she waved her hands quickly: "No, please don't send any messages to the outside world again!"

Wu Tan frowned and said: "You know very well that that woman is about to break the seal. By then, the universe will usher in a complete annihilation, all living things will die, and you will no longer be able to save the world by restarting."

Harley smiled bitterly and said, "Are you sure that after the news gets out, will the other party come to rescue us, or come to recycle the raw materials that your mother created the world?

To be honest, I am not afraid of your mother. Even if she lifts the seal, I am confident that I can cripple her.

But in the omnipotent universe outside, there is no limit to power, and there are countless unimaginable strong people. I have no confidence at all. "

"Don't underestimate me. My signal will be directly transmitted to the Origin Judge. This is innate to the Creator." Wu Tan thought for a while and then said: "It is equivalent to a backdoor program. Our three brothers have never seen the Origin. The judge was unaware of his existence, but when he determined that the woman threatened the normal development of the multiverse, a signal code immediately awakened in his mind.

If I send a signal to the outside world, only the Origin Judge can receive it.

Even if there are countless powerful people in the Almighty Universe, they won’t come to us if they don’t know the situation and location of our universe. "

Harley showed fear, patted her chest gently and said with emotion: "Fortunately, really lucky!"

"What luck?"

"Fortunately, I threw the three of you into the reincarnation passage and allowed you to become human again. If it were before reincarnation, you would never tell me about the 'backdoor program'."

Harley looked at his puzzled face and said with certainty: "Actively exposing the 'backdoor program' is a sign of a huge system failure. This is a very simple truth, and you must understand it.

But now you just casually said the 'backdoor program' without any hesitation or entanglement. Is this normal? "

Wu Tan stood there stunned and said nothing for a long time.

"Old Wu, you should be happy." Harley patted his shoulder and said with emotion: "The robot will regard the tasks set by the master as the highest order.

You now know how to think, have emotions and a self, and are truly human beings. "

Wu Tan frowned and said: "I still think you are too wary. The last time the Origin Judge came to our multiverse, he did nothing extra and only built the Origin Wall to seal the woman.

Leave immediately after the matter is over, without any delay. "

Harley sighed: "Today is different from the past. When the universe was first created and there were still prospects for development, how many years have passed now?

Our multiverse is like crops in a field.

When crops first emerge, they must be carefully cared for if they encounter insect pests or natural disasters.

When the crops mature, whether they are full of fruits or encounter a severe disaster, they must be harvested immediately.

It is definitely better to have something harvested after harvesting than to rot in the ground. "

"The premise of your statement is that our multiverse is really the crops in the field." Wu Tan said.

"You dare to bet? If you lose the bet, you will lose everything. If you win the bet, you will only get one more 'overlord'."

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