I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1842 The worst in history

"It's not Witch Harley. If she wanted to kill you, she wouldn't wait until now." The second sister looked at her elder brother and said, "Whether you return to the Garden of Destiny or go to the material universe to find her, you must first leave the Sea of ​​Laws.

Now you are 'above' the Law Sea. If you want to go down and leave the Law Sea, you will inevitably fall into the fifth world.

Next you'll appear in Limbo.

When you crossed the Sea of ​​Laws to search for the "Book of Destiny", the Laws of Revenge of the Three Furies were sensed and quietly left a 'mark of revenge' on you.

Do you understand?

They have locked you firmly in place.

As long as you take one step, you will appear directly in front of them. "

"The three goddesses of revenge?" Big Brother Destiny was first surprised, and then shouted in confusion: "Why do they want to deal with me? The revenge mark can only mark targets that conform to their revenge concepts and rules.

In other words, the designated ‘defendant’ must have an irresolvable blood feud with another ‘plaintiff’.

I have never had any grudges against anyone, and rarely leave the Garden of Destiny. I have almost no direct contact with people outside. Who wants to seek revenge from me? "

The three goddesses of vengeance, like the three sisters of destiny, all belong to the Olympian pantheon, and they all have a transcendent status in the heavens.

The three sisters of destiny have a transcendent status. God-kings including Zeus admire them and rely on them very much.

The three revenge sisters are "hated by humans and ghosts" to the point where they can't be avoided.

Even the God King doesn't want to be too deeply involved with them.

The goddess of revenge has the bloodline of Zeus's grandfather, and her strength is no worse than that of ordinary god kings.

Common gods both fear and loathe them.

In most cases, the gods are unwilling to talk about them, let alone have any interaction with them, which is quite similar to Harley's "grace" in the supernatural world.

The reason why they are disliked and feared by the gods is because the divinity of the three sisters of revenge is too "evil". They are not targeting one person, they are targeting everyone.

No matter whether the target is from the Olympus god system, or how high the opponent's status is, or whether he is a god king, as long as there is reasonable "blood feud cause and effect" on the opponent - it is not that the opponent has a blood feud with the three goddesses of vengeance, but that the three goddesses of vengeance know about it. He has every reason to be avenged by the other party - the three sisters will find each other and kill him.

In the ancient civilization of the old gods, the three revengeful sisters were like three crazy women, always hunting down the avenged ones.

The stronger the cause and effect of revenge, the stronger they will be when facing the avenged.

Like the Three Sisters of Destiny, the Three Sisters of Vengeance are also three people in one. Their power and laws are superimposed, making them more powerful than the real God King.

Even if the three sisters of destiny reach the realm of god-kings after merging, they are only divination-type god-kings, and their own hard power is not strong; the three sisters of revenge are crazier than gods of war. After their fusion, the main improvement to the realm of god-kings is combat effectiveness.

"The Three Furies came to you because of your relationship with Morpheus." The second sister of Death's expression became very strange again, "You are Morpheus's brother. The three Furies want Morpheus to taste the pain of losing his loved ones. It’s painful, so I want to kill you.”

"Why is Morpheus involved again?" Big Brother Destiny was stunned and asked in surprise: "If it is Morpheus, he often runs around outside, gets involved in many things, gets to know many people, and makes enemies with others. Very normal.

But what does his hatred have to do with me?

What kind of bullshit logic is it to kill me and make him suffer?

Shouldn't the three vengeful goddesses directly find the person involved? They have always done this. "

The second sister stared at him and said faintly: "Logic is not as good as fate. Destiny is like this. The three goddesses of revenge can only think and act like this."

"The destiny of the three goddesses of vengeance is to find the person involved and carry out direct revenge, not to kill the target's relatives and make him suffer." Big Brother Destiny said angrily.

The second sister gently reminded: "You are only the protector and expounder of destiny, and you cannot turn your own will into destiny.

To put it bluntly, your will cannot be equated with destiny, but you must obey destiny.

Now the three vengeful goddesses kill you to avenge Morpheus, which is your destiny. You cannot escape this ending. "


Big Brother Destiny finally suppressed the curse that came out of his throat.

"Who wants revenge on Morpheus? What grudges do they have?"

While asking, he held the "Book of Destiny" tightly in his arms, sank his consciousness into the river of destiny, carefully observed Morpheus's fate line, and tried his best to find the pages of his own destiny.

The second sister sighed: "Come to think of it, it was Ephisnier who started this matter in the first place."

Ephisnir is the name of the endless desire of the fifth child in the family.

More than a hundred years ago, a major crisis related to dreams occurred in the multiverse. Morpheus exhausted his energy and finally resolved the crisis, but accidentally fell into the scene of a large-scale summoning ceremony of the British Warlock Brotherhood.

The Brotherhood of Warlocks originally planned to use the "Magdalene Book of Secrets" to forcibly summon Death, and then imprison Death in the Prisoner of Gods Circle, so that she can be used for their own use, and ultimately the Brotherhood will control Death.

I don’t know what went wrong. The second sister of the Endless Family was not summoned (if the second sister was summoned, they would all be in trouble. Summoning the second sister is equivalent to running to the Palace of Hell to report to the King of Hell). Instead, she was just threatened by the crisis. Morpheus, who was exhausted from all the events, inexplicably fell into the God-Prisoning Circle, which lasted for a hundred years.

Morpheus is the Lord of Dreams. When he was imprisoned, the laws of dreams in the multiverse became chaotic. In other words, without the Lord of Dreams to coordinate and maintain the unbalanced dream laws, the laws of dreams became increasingly chaotic.

The Endless Family is the incarnation of the Basic Laws and is also equivalent to the "Fundamental Laws Maintenance Workers".

The only constant in the multiverse is the law itself that "everything is changing."

The basic laws are not static. They may change for the better, or they may malfunction, and it is up to the Endless Family to repair them.

After losing Morpheus, the repairman of the Dream Law, something went wrong in the dream dimension not long after. Many humans were suddenly unable to dream, and once many humans fell into a dream, their minds were stuck in the dream dimension and could not return.

Among them is a Canadian girl, Ellie, who fell into eternal sleep at the age of 8. Her family was wealthy and she had always received the best care. Even in her sleep, her body was growing normally.

Then one day when she was an adult, the medical staff suddenly revealed that she was pregnant - a belly made pregnant by the desire of the fifth child.

The daughter Ellie gave birth to in her dream was sent away.

Decades later, the daughter gave birth to another son and a daughter. She also became pregnant out of wedlock and had no choice but to give the children away.

Among them, the granddaughter is the destined person who later has the "Heart of Dreams". After Morpheus wakes up, he wants to kill her to get the heart - this is the purpose of Lao Wu's desire. Ellie's granddaughter is also the granddaughter of Lao Mo. She should be called Lao Mo With the words "Second Master", Lao Mo would be parricide if he killed her.

Those who kill relatives must die. This is a law that neither the Endless Family nor the New Gods can violate.

"The person related to today's matter is not the girl with the Dream Heart, but her younger brother, who is also the grandson of the fifth brother." The second sister looked at the eldest brother and said slowly: "His sister has the Dream Heart, and he himself is extraordinary. kind.

Desire is focused on her sister, hoping that Morpheus will kill her relatives; two of Morpheus's four major lords are eyeing his younger brother.

They established a small dream dimension in the younger brother's consciousness that was completely isolated from the dream kingdom.

Almost another dream kingdom.

But they still didn't dare to dominate the small dream kingdom, and instead chose the dead soul of a mortal who had the ability to control dreams.

The man fell into eternal sleep, physically dead.

The two dream lords supported him to become the puppet king of the small dream kingdom, and also dragged his wife into the small dream kingdom and became the queen.

Many years later, Morpheus returned and in the process of capturing the four defected dream lords, he destroyed the small dream kingdom. The puppet dream king was originally only an undead, and then disappeared directly in Limbo.

His wife returned to the world alive, became pregnant, and gave birth to a son named ‘Daniel’. "

Big Brother Destiny understood it, and he also saw it clearly in "The Book of Destiny".

He was angry.

"Puppet Mengjun's wife thinks that Morpheus killed her husband, so she should find the three vengeances to kill Morpheus (ps). Why do you want to kill me? Why?

According to the original destiny, it was Morpheus who was approached by the three vengeful goddesses and lost his life. This was his destiny! "

"Perhaps, it used to be Morpheus's fate, but now it is your fate to be visited by the Three Furies." Second Sister Death said.

"Witch Harley, it's Witch Harley!" Destiny glared angrily, "She transferred the tragedy of Morpheus's death to me. This is a distortion of the true fate. I want to restore it as before."

The second sister sighed and said: "I found you one step ahead of time, and even told you so much, I just hope that you can walk decently and gracefully.

You are the embodiment of destiny, and you understand better than me that destiny is unbreakable and destiny has been established.

When I find you, it means the ending has been determined and cannot be changed.

From the birth of the multiverse to today, no one has ever been able to exit after entering the realm of death. "

"I haven't set foot in the realm of death yet, I'm not dead! Now that I have found the "Book of Destiny", I can return the 'Merphis' tragic fate' that was transferred to me to him."

Big Brother Destiny hugged the giant book half the size of a door board tightly in his arms. Every thought in his mind entered the most active state, every ounce of energy in his body was stimulated, and his power as the incarnation of destiny was also exerted to its limit.

Even when facing Harley, who had Level 8 Destiny Epidemic Prevention Specialty, he didn't go all out like this.

Destiny is using its greatest strength to control the "Book of Destiny".

"Buzzing buzzing", the "Book of Destiny" that had been blocked in the "worm hole" once again shines with thousands of rays of light. In every ray of light, there is a busy figure of destiny - destiny is looking for it in every page of the book of destiny. Chapter of his own destiny, he is also looking for ways to modify Morpheus's "twisted good destiny".

Well, Morpheus's tragic fate of being killed by the Three Furies has been changed by Harley into a good fate of turning disaster into good fortune, turning disaster into good fortune, and recovering well.

Big Brother Destiny believes that this kind of good fortune has been distorted, and he wants to change it back.

Originally, he had sworn to Harley that he would never change her changed destiny, because his duty of fate did not allow him to change the fate that had been decided.

Now he was so angry that he didn't think about his oaths and responsibilities at all. He just wanted to get rid of the tragic fate that was twisted into his head by the Witch Harley.

"Brother, your ending has been written in the "Book of Destiny". Everyone will die one day. Accept it calmly and leave gracefully. At least you can leave some dignity for yourself." The second sister advised.

"Don't talk nonsense about a predetermined outcome. I control the fate of all creatures in the multiverse. Can't I make my own fate return to normal?" Destiny screamed.

Under his all-out urging, the light and energy flowing out of the book cave became stronger and stronger.

Just like the stronger the flood, the stronger the water column ejected from the gap in the dam.

He was so focused on finding his own destiny that he was unable to close the "gap in the dam."

"Buzz buzz!" The "Book of Destiny" vibrated more and more intensely.

Finally, the pages of the book escaped the control of fate, and turned quickly with a "clatter", as if the book had grown two wings and wanted to break away from the hands of fate.

"The Book of Destiny is mine, don't leave - ah!"

Brother Destiny wanted to grab the book, but was staggered by the book and couldn't help but take a step forward.

This out-of-control step took him directly out of the Sea of ​​Laws and into the gray Limbo Prison.

"Portmus, it's Portmus!"

Destiny heard a woman with a rough voice calling her name.

Before he could turn around, "Crack!"

The long viper whip tore through the space, ripped his hooded robe, and fell on the back of his neck. The tip of the whip was like a poisonous snake, quickly wrapping around his neck several times, making him unable to breathe.

"Ah!" Destiny screamed and shouted: "Goddess of Vengeance, you have found the wrong person, I am not your target!"

"Portmos, it's you we're looking for. You have the 'Mark of Revenge' on your body."

"You are guilty of a grave crime, and fate has appointed us to judge you."

"The trial starts from this moment. You can argue, but you will eventually plead guilty."

The Three Furies are three fierce women with bodies as strong as Schwarzenegger.

It has long snake hair on its head, its eyes are constantly dripping blood and tears, and its shoulders have wings with thick roots and wide wingspan. At first glance, it looks a bit like an angel.

Although they are also a combination of three people's laws and wills, they are not divided into old women, women and girls like the three sisters of fate.

The three sisters of destiny are almost like triplets. Well, they are triplets.

You can't tell who is older, and you can't tell who they are without looking carefully.

They also spoke in unison, rather than in order like the three fateful sisters, who elaborated similar arguments from different angles.

"I am destiny, don't you know?" Big Brother Destiny was furious.

After living for so many billions of years, this was the first time he heard someone judging him in the name of fate.

"Today our target is you, Destiny Portmos. As the incarnation of destiny, you have neglected your duties and actively interfered with the normal operation of destiny. You are guilty of a major crime!

For your own personal gain, you opened the Garden of Destiny to the three goddesses of destiny, and lent them the "Book of Destiny" to modify the fate of the Witch Harley. You committed a heinous crime!

You failed to protect the "Book of Destiny", which caused it to be riddled with holes. Your sins are heinous and unforgivable.

You violated the sacred oath you swore to the witch Harley, violated your own responsibilities, and tried to change the determined fate of Morpheus. You must die!

Now, fate declares that you will be deprived of your true name of ‘destiny’.

At this point, you're just Portmoss.

Portmos, we will judge you today in the name of fate. What do you have to say? "

Everyone in the Endless family has names. The Sandman is called Morpheus, and the second sister actually has a name too, called "Telte".

But neither Morpheus nor Telt are their real names.

Their real names are "Sandman" and "Death".

Big Brother Destiny's name is "Portmos". He has the real name of "Destiny", so he is the incarnation of destiny.

If his real name were stripped away, he would be just an ordinary human being with the memory of the incarnation of destiny, but without the power of destiny.

Hearing the verdict read out by the goddess of revenge, Brother Destiny's body became weak and his heart felt weak. The "Book of Destiny" in his hand seemed to be getting stronger and stronger, and his perception of the Garden of Destiny was quickly disappearing.

"Didn't you accept Rita's request and come to me for revenge?"

He had just seen the fate line of Puppet Mengjun in the "Book of Destiny" and knew that Puppet Mengjun's wife was named "Rita".

"The reason why we came to you is because we received Rita's accusation against you."

"Originally we didn't want to get involved in this matter, but Rita's mother happens to be our believer and a favored person of God from our previous generation."

"As long as Rita can find us, as long as she makes the accusation in front of us, we have to accept it."

There was obvious helplessness in the tone of the three vengeful goddesses.

The magic debt crisis is coming, and they don't want to be the focus of the multiverse at this time.

They are not people from the mountains who just got internet access at home.

They knew about the "Battle of the Garden of Destiny" that had just passed and that the two daughters of Zeus were beaten to death by the Witch Harley. The tragic fate at this time must also be related to the Witch Harley.

But gods cannot violate their own divinity.

The God of Judgment (Revenge) cannot violate the rules he has set.

It can only be said that it was too unlucky and too coincidental that the stubborn Rita was actually the daughter of their God's favored one, and they could not refuse Rita's request.

In fact, they had been avoiding Rita for years.

If Rita couldn't see them, they wouldn't have to entertain her accusations.

But Rita, a mortal, even went to the heavenly realm of Mount Olympus to find them.

In order to seduce Rita to stop looking for them, they even gave her golden apples and a god's throne, hoping that Rita would become a fairy guarding the golden apple tree.

How many Greek demigod heroes have worked hard all their lives and been tortured by the gods all their lives, just to enter Olympus and ascend to the throne of God.

As long as Rita stops walking, she can become a god in one step.

But fate cannot be escaped, Rita is destined to meet the three vengeful goddesses.

Explaining the reason why her sister came to the door, Nemesis continued seriously: "Rita accused Morpheus of murdering her husband, and she made a request that Morpheus experience the same 'bereavement' as she did."

Destiny shouted excitedly: "Fuck you, you three guys are called the 'Gods of Judgment', why are you so unfair? Why should I sacrifice my life for Morpheus?"

The Goddess of Vengeance said solemnly: "Yes, we are the Goddess of Vengeance, and we are also the gods who first proposed the concept of fair trial.

We are gods of judgment.

Every revenge we take is based on an absolutely fair and just trial.

After the prosecution files a complaint, we first determine whether the prosecution's request is reasonable.

If the prosecution makes false accusations or deliberately slanders, we will even punish him for the crime he is accused of.

If the accuser's accusations have some merit, we will carefully examine the life of the 'Avenged'.

As long as the defendant is guilty, regardless of whether the crime is related to the prosecution's accusation, we will execute the verdict of revenge on the plaintiff's behalf. "

After a pause, the goddess of revenge slowed down her tone and said: "Strictly speaking, the death of Rita's husband has no direct connection with Morpheus.

During Morpheus's mortal captivity, Rita's husband had died.

But the reason why Rita's husband died in the dream dimension was because the law of dreams malfunctioned. His mind was trapped in the dream dimension, and his body gradually withered and eventually died.

Morpheus should bear some responsibility because he is Mengjun.

No matter what reasons he has, failing to maintain the normal operation of the Dream Law is a dereliction of duty.

As the eldest brother of the Endless Family, you should be able to understand our ruling.

Now that Morpheus is responsible, Rita's charges against him are irrevocable.

Typically, the avenged and the accused are the same person.

We should examine Morpheus's life, look for his evil deeds, and if he is extremely evil, we will kill him.

But Rita's designated revenge target is not him, Rita wants to take revenge on you."

Even the three goddesses of vengeance looked at Big Brother Destiny in a strange way.

"It's the Witch Harley who is harming me. The reason why she forced her way into the Garden of Destiny is to snatch the "Book of Destiny" and change Morpheus's destiny. She twisted Rita's will and rewritten Rita's original revenge goal. .

According to the original fate line, Rita should be the same as everyone else, and the target of revenge should be the defendant.

If you investigate Morpheus, you will definitely find countless reasons for him to accept revenge, and the final outcome is that he will be chopped off his head by you.

I was innocently involved, please let me go! "

Big Brother Destiny struggled hard, but the viper whip wrapped around his body seemed to be alive, getting tighter and tighter, making it difficult for him to move.

The goddess of revenge said: "Portmos, even now, you are still a supreme being. In the past, you were the incarnation of destiny. Why are you so lacking in courage and responsibility?

Things have reached this point, destiny has been decided, and there is no possibility of changing it. Why don't you accept the reality frankly?

Even if you complain that it was Witch Harley who harmed you, you lose, and you should accept the punishment if you lose.

Don’t you understand the principle of admitting defeat? "

"I will never give in, I still have the "Book of Destiny"!" Destiny grabbed the "Book of Destiny" and shouted.

"Pah, pah~~"

One of the Furies tied him with a long whip, and the other Fury whipped him with a viper's whip.

And the last goddess of revenge held up a blazing bronze torch and struck him in the heart.

The viper's long whip struck him, and Big Brother Destiny was heartbroken and howled in agony.

The bronze torch was like a shadow, passing directly through his body and touching his heart, roasting his heart until it squeaked with oil.

"Portmos, you still haven't repented?" The goddess of revenge shouted majestically and angrily while beating and grilling.

The viper's whip will peel off the sinner's "psychological defense" against sin, and the bronze torch, also called the "torch of conscience," forcibly restores the conscience of the sinner's black heart, causing the conscience to suffer - literally tormented in fire.

In ancient times, countless powerful gods were driven crazy by these two tricks.

"Oooh, ooh, I regret so much, I really regret it~~~" Big Brother Destiny burst into tears.

The goddess of revenge stopped lashing his "criminal defense line" and searing his unyielding conscience, and asked: "Have you confessed your guilt?"

If he is willing to confess, they will cut off his head and end this revenge completely.

"I regret not taking action against Witch Harley right away in Destiny Garden!" Big Brother Destiny howled: "I shouldn't have been talking nonsense with her, let alone being petty with her.

When she first entered the Garden of Destiny, I should have slapped her to death, not letting her speak or let her play tricks.

I finally figured it out now.

If I had taken action immediately, even if I couldn't kill her completely, I could have sealed her away for hundreds of millions of years.

I regret—ah oooh~~~"

The viper whip of the goddess of revenge fell again, peeling off his "spiritual defense"; the bronze torch once again penetrated into his heart, scorching his reason and conscience, and roasting his heart and liver until it was sizzling with oil.

Big Brother Destiny's expression was twisted in pain again and he screamed in agony.

"Portmos, let go of your hatred and obsession with Witch Harley! Your biggest crime is to abuse your power over destiny and participate in the conflict between her and the old gods.

If you really ignored your own responsibilities and killed Witch Harley when you saw her, your crime today would be even more serious. This is easy to understand. Shouldn’t you not understand? "

"If I had shot her to death, even if I was really unforgivable, as long as no one changes my fate, who can judge me?" Destiny cried.

A familiar sigh came from the distance, "Oh, why can't you understand that the real person who judges you is fate! Your current situation is entirely the arrangement of fate, or in other words, it is the backlash of your abuse of the power of fate to interfere in human affairs. "

"Witch Harley?" Destiny opened her eyes and looked in the direction where the spiritual power was coming from. Sure enough, she saw Harley sitting on a recliner. The long table in front of her was filled with fruits, drinks, peanuts and melon seeds. She was also talking in her mouth. Eating melon seeds.

Tables and chairs are placed in a gold film ball with a radius of 100 meters.

Dozens of people were sitting or standing next to her, including superheroes and ordinary people from Quinn Villa.

They all grabbed a handful of melon seeds and looked at themselves in surprise with their eyes wide open.

"Witch Harley, you actually had the leisure to bring a group of people to watch my joke. It was indeed you who created this twisted and unfair fate with your twisted brushstrokes."

Destiny can no longer even feel the pain and suffering caused by the viper's whip and the bronze torch.

At this time, there was only one emotion in his chest - bone-cutting hatred.

Harry spat out two pieces of melon seed skin, waved his hands gently and said: "Don't get me wrong, I am not a conspirator, and I did not plan for today's situation.

The reason why I came here is purely because your status is too noble and your wailing is too miserable.

At this time, you are like the "attention black hole" in the fifth world, and no one can stop paying attention to you. "

She was still sitting on the chair, looking around, and shouted: "Give me some face, be conscious, come out and show your face, and prove to our destiny, Your Excellency, that I am not lying. It is really his howl that is so miserable that it can be heard in all directions." , shocking the eight divine realms.”

Immediately, a group of mages and gods appeared out of nowhere in the distance. A familiar face shouted enthusiastically: "Sister Harley, I testify for you. I was drinking at the Forgotten Bar when I suddenly heard someone shouting excitedly - big news. , shocking news, the fate of the eldest brother of the Endless Family was judged by the goddess of revenge. He is crying miserably right now, hahaha, so miserable!"

"How dare you, a little god of destiny, laugh at me?!" Big Brother Destiny was both angry and sad.

"Your Excellency Destiny, I didn't laugh at you, I swear!" "Brother Harley" who was promoted to the God of Destiny on the Island of the Gods not long ago quickly shouted: "The 'hahaha' just now was not that I was laughing, I was Just repeating the words of the bar messenger, he was the one laughing.”

Big Brother Destiny no longer cares about his words.

He saw groups of gods, demons and mages emerging in all directions, up, down, left and right.

There are large swathes of old gods from the Heaven Realm, as well as thousands of new gods from the Creation Star and Apokolips Star.

There are demons from hell, and there are angels with divine halos above their heads.

There are alien demons and human wizards

True to what Harley said, the eight divine realms and many planes of the fifth world were alarmed. Everyone knew that he had been captured by the goddess of revenge and was wailing miserably.

"You guys." Big Brother Destiny's eyes were about to burst, and overwhelming murderous intent and endless hatred surged out of his heart.

He wished that Barbatos or someone would suddenly come and pull everyone and the whole world into endless darkness.

The gods and demons who were targeted by him felt terrified.

Even if you don't lower your head to avoid his sad, angry and hateful gaze, you still try to keep your face expressionless and your eyes dull.

In fact, many of them don't want to show up.

However, Harley's eyes seemed to have power. Wherever her eyes glanced, everyone felt that she was staring at them.

People who were originally hesitant and entangled had to bite the bullet and stand up to give her face.

Although showing up is tantamount to bringing down Big Brother Destiny's face, but at this moment, Witch Harley is sitting at the table eating melon seeds, and Big Brother Destiny is being whipped by the viper's whip until he is wailing, and is about to be "executed". How to choose is self-evident.

"Pottermus, confess your crime honestly." The goddess of revenge couldn't stand it anymore.

Being stared at by Witch Harley, their scalps were also numb.

If possible, they would like to turn around and leave immediately and run away from Witch Harley - they also secretly used the revenge mark on Witch Harley under the persuasion of the old god and king, but it had no effect and could not be printed. .

But having no effect doesn't mean that Witch Harley doesn't know, and it doesn't mean that she doesn't hold grudges.

But the trial had already begun, and they couldn't bear the divine backlash that stopped midway.

"I, I have the "Book of Destiny", I can still correct the distorted destiny!"

Brother Destiny only hesitated for a moment before grabbing the Book of Destiny harder.

Nemesis was really angry now.

They no longer persuaded, nor did they look at the people eating melons around them. They just kept waving the viper whips and placing the bronze torch under Destiny's heart and heart to burn.

"Ouch!" In front of the public, Destiny wanted to hold back his scream, but the whip of the viper on his body was too painful. As long as he insisted on building a spiritual defense line to protect his crimes, the pain would only increase but not decrease, and it would not become numb. .

As long as he refused to face his conscience, the bronze torch would keep burning his heart and liver.

"What a miserable fate. If I were him, I would just wipe my neck."

In the golden film ball, Selina bared her teeth and said.

"He deserves it!" Kassandra sneered while taking pictures of "Judgment of Destiny" with her mobile phone: "If he hadn't helped the Three Splatterers of Destiny deal with Master, our situation in the final crisis would not have been so difficult.

Morpheus doesn't have to 'reveal the secret' to his master and suffer fate's backlash.

Master doesn't need to go to the Garden of Destiny.

With Master sitting on the earth, the crisis of Dark Night cannot last that long and so many people will not die. "

Barbara wondered: "Sister Harley, why is the fate so unbearable? He is the boss of the Endless Family. Even if he leaves the Garden of Destiny, he is still the top one. What's more, he holds the "Book of Destiny" - ah, "The Book of Destiny" "Book" flew away!"

As they were talking, the pain that Big Brother Destiny was enduring finally reached the limit of what he could endure.

The muscles all over his body began to twitch unconsciously, and he could no longer grasp the "Book of Destiny" that was already struggling.

Amid the unexplained glances and exclamations of the gods and demons, the "Book of Destiny" half the size of a door fell from Big Brother Destiny's hand, slowly fell, and quickly disappeared.

In the blink of an eye, it has turned into nothingness.

"Sister Harley, hurry up!"

Everyone around Harley was anxious, and Cassandra and Damian even went to pull her sleeves.

Harley broke away from the two men's pull and shouted: "That's the Book of Destiny. Why are you so excited?"

"Sister Harley, I saw many gods and demons quietly disappearing, and they all went to fight for the Book of Destiny!" Damian shouted.

"Hmph, if the Book of Destiny can be snatched up, it won't be the Book of Destiny." Harley sneered.

The heroes around looked at her strangely, but they knew that the "Harry's Diary" she had been holding in her arms was the famous Book of Destiny.

She herself had grabbed the "Book of Destiny", but now she

"What Harley can do does not mean that others can do it." Rachel sighed: "Think about it, which supreme god and demon can defeat fate in the Garden of Destiny? In theory, this is simply impossible."

Everyone turned to Harley. She was still sitting there, still eating melon seeds.

They calmed down a little.

"They can't grab it, so why don't you grab it? Don't you want the Book of Destiny anymore?" Damian asked curiously.

"My fate with it has ended." Harry lamented: "The death of the old destiny means that the new destiny is about to return. The Book of Destiny has found its true owner, and no one can stop it."

The heroes were thoughtful.

After a moment of silence, Barbara asked in a low voice: "Sister Harley, why is the Nemesis so powerful? Fate can't even be controlled by the Book of Destiny."

"The goddesses of vengeance originally have the fighting power of a god king. They are also famous fierce gods. With the blessing of divinity, they have stronger fighting power when judging evil.

Destiny was the opposite. At this moment, he even lost the authority over his destiny and was almost knocked down from the highest position. "

"Master!" Cassandra patted her arm and pointed at the screen of her phone: "Louise sent me a message. She saw the 'Howl of Destiny' photo I posted on the puppy video forum. I also want to come to the live broadcast.”

Harley glanced at the screen, stretched her right palm forward, and her palm and half of her arm disappeared in front of everyone.

She grabbed it gently and retracted her right hand, holding Mingji Lewis with a dazed expression in her hand.

"Let's get closer and put the camera on his face to clearly record every drop of his tears."

(ps: In the original comic, the wife of the puppet Mengjun found the Three Furies and killed Morpheus, and her son Daniel was crowned as the new Mengjun. Just looking at this result can make people's blood pressure soar.

However, the specific process is more complicated. Morpheus himself has too many causes and effects, and the three goddesses of fate are also involved. To a certain extent, they misled the wife of the puppet Mengjun, making her think that Morpheus burned his son Daniel to death. )

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