I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 187 Godfather, Gotham’s new godfather

2007, mid-January morning.

It has been almost a month since the United Hospital incident.

Wayne Manor.

Ah Fu came to the living room and looked around. He didn't see anyone, so he walked straight to the fireplace, pressed down on the bronze animal head sculpture on the wall, and twisted it a few times.

"Crack!" The sound of gears turning and chains twisting came from the wall, and the fireplace slowly sank, revealing a hole half as tall as a man.

The cave should have been dark, but at this time, the lights were transparent, and the sound of hammering could be heard.

Ah Fu frowned and lowered his head to enter the passage.

At the end of the more than 20-meter-long staircase, you can see a vault door made of pure steel.

It is located approximately ten meters below the ground of the manor.

The winter is not over yet, but Bruce is wearing only a single coat, sweating profusely, swinging a hammer and hitting the stone wall next to the iron gate.

"Master Xiaobu, when did you come here? Didn't you have a rest last night?" Ah Fu said worriedly.

"Of course I have a rest, I've only been down for two or three hours."

Bruce didn't stop what he was doing, and slammed the hammer down, shattering a piece of stone as big as the palm of his hand.

The gray-black rock walls have dug holes into which a person can hide.

"Perhaps, we can ask someone to do it." Ah Fu said hesitantly.

"There must be a secret about my parents hidden in this. We can't let others know." Bruce said firmly.

"Then there's no need for you to do it yourself, I can-"

"You are very busy and I am very free."

"You don't have to be idle. The new semester has started and you should go to school. The heir of the Wayne family must not be illiterate." Ah Fu said solemnly.

“I can study by myself at home and be more efficient.”

Ah Fu sighed helplessly and asked, "Then are you going to Waldorf Astoria?"

"Waldorf?" Bruce looked confused, "What are you doing there?"

"You forgot, Selina sent Miss Quinn's invitation three days ago." Afu touched his nose and said in a strange tone: "Today is a good day for her to officially be crowned the Queen of Gotham."

Bruce suddenly realized.

"Do you want me to go?" he hesitated.

"This." Ah Fu said with a grimace: "Logically speaking, the Wayne family should not be involved in this kind of thing, but"

"Alas, we didn't go there last time the fighting arena opened, but then Miss Quinn rescued you and took us in for nearly a month."

Bruce threw away the hammer and said with a wry smile: "Then go for it!"

Contrary to Bruce's expectation, the scene of dancing demons did not appear.

The scene in front of him was no different from the "Wayne Charity Dinner" in the past.

Outside the hotel, luxury cars came one after another and stopped in front of the dark blue carpet. The doorman opened the door and stepped out in shiny leather boots or sexy and elegant high heels.

A gentleman in a suit or a graceful and elegant lady walks down.

Bruce himself was one of those white-shirted, black-dressed gentlemen.

In the hotel, the band played melodious and soothing music, and the guests were all dressed in formal attire, with clean faces and dignified manners.

Hundreds of elegantly spoken guests chatted quietly, with the sound of wine glasses clinking from time to time, and occasionally someone covered their mouths and chuckled.

There were also several young men and women who entered the central dance floor and danced gracefully.

Many people didn't show any surprise when they saw Bruce, they all smiled and nodded.

The atmosphere is more natural and comfortable than that of a charity gala.

"Hi, Bruce!"

Selena was also dressed up today, wearing a blue puff-sleeved dress, with long straight hair, fixed with two braids on the back of her head, revealing her smooth and full forehead, looking elegant, youthful and cute.

"Hi, Selina, you look so beautiful today." Bruce's eyes flashed with surprise.

Although the growing American girl is still a bit bulky, changing her hairstyle really highlights the advantages of her facial features and skin.

Well, it's a bit oval-shaped.

Ah Fu said hello and took the initiative to go elsewhere.

Selina pulled Bruce to the corner, pointed at an old white man in his early 60s and said, "Look who he is."

"I know the person next to him is the governor of New York State." Bruce said.

"He's from Washington." Selina said in a complicated tone: "Can you imagine, a representative from the Pentagon? Even the president knows that Hallie has ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor today."

Bruce frowned, "Why?"

"Harley is so powerful!"

"No, it's more than that." Bruce had a vague guess in his heart.

I'm afraid that Gotham's evil emperor also has interests in Washington.

"Look at the people in this room. Even Mayor Luo can only stand on the edge. Mayor James, city councilors, justices, speaker of the state assembly, union presidents, celebrities and plutocrats look over there."

Selena pointed to a group of handsome men and women on the outdoor balcony who were laughing and talking, "They are all big Hollywood stars, even Hanks and little 'Hermione' are here."

"Why?" Bruce asked in surprise.

Selena said in an envious tone: "Hallee is almost considered the queen of Hollywood now! With just one sentence, she can ask Leonardo DiCaprio and Orlando (the Elf Prince) to have dinner with her.

Well, the old Kamai left her 1.5% of Disney shares, and major giants such as Universal, Columbia, and Warner also have more than 2% of the shares. "

"Why does Gotham Black State have shares in Hollywood film companies? Gotham and California are separated by an American continent." Bruce asked strangely.

Selena said: "I heard from Harley that there was a period when Black Country ruled the entire Hollywood.

Heibang can make money quickly, but it lacks high-quality and normal investment projects.

It just so happened that the "low-grade" film industry was looked down upon by the big capital at the time.

Well, in the early days, Hollywood movies were not as popular around the world as they are now.

Initially, Black Country simply laundered money through movies.

But as I kept washing, I discovered that making movies can also make money, and then I increased my investment and truly regarded it as an industry.

However, since the late 1980s, the Falcone family's shares in the film company have continued to decrease.

Acquired by a large consortium.

Seeing that it was profitable, they went to pick fruits. "

"You know so much." Bruce asked strangely: "Did you also join the 'Quinga Family'?"

"Harry invited me to join her many times, but I..." She looked at him with complicated eyes, "I refused."

Because Mrs. Wayne's labels are "charity" and "high-class banquets", and she has nothing to do with the big guys.

Bruce tilted his head and changed the topic, "Where is Falcone? What happened some time ago?"

"Are you still from Gotham and don't even know about such a big thing?" Selina asked in surprise.

"I have been staying at the manor recently and haven't gone out. I read TV and newspapers every day, but there is no news about this at all."

"If you want to know about the important events in Heibang through the news, you are really good at it!"

With a sarcastic smile, Selina recounted what happened in detail.

"Chief Luo survived, but he went to the hospital just to submit his name to the new godfather.

Now that Harley has become the final winner, it is up to her to choose the person to vote for. "

"Who did you choose?" Bruce frowned.

Selina sneered, "Half of the GCPD survived the scene."

"Oh, Jim Gordon doesn't count. Harley was so merciful that she let him leave in the first place without experiencing any subsequent tragedy."

Bruce's face turned pale and he murmured: "Let the chief kill his own police officer? Too——"

Selena said excitedly: "This is Harley's punishment for him!

After killing eight people in a row, the GCPD who survived was ashen-faced and did not dare to look at Harley seriously.

Loeb burst into tears and cried bitterly. It was said that he suffered from some kind of stress disorder. From then on, his hands and body shook whenever he held a gun.

I think it's cool.

Taoist masters also praised Harley for her ruthless methods and the appearance of a Taoist emperor. "


Bruce didn't know what to say other than sigh.

"Gordon was the first to leave the hospital, Lobb left with the remaining GCPD in the second batch, and then Sister Yu"

The expression on the kitten's face became very complicated.

"Her left leg was severely severed from the knee by Barrett's sniper. She never received treatment. She lost too much blood and fell into a coma. She was unable to be rescued."

It didn't need to be said explicitly that only she and Bruce could guess that this result was intentional on Harley's part.

"Copot was left until the end, and I don't know what promise he made to Harley. Anyway, he and Butch are not dead. Now he is fighting with Maroni Jr., Maroni's son, for the land that once belonged to Maroni." Territory.”

After a long silence, Bruce suddenly asked: "Where is Harley?"


Selina rolled her eyes, leaned into Bruce's ear and said, "Are you interested in following me to peek into the secrets of Gotham's Queen?"

Bruce is indeed curious about what the Queen's version of Harley is like.

The two of them first went to the third floor together, then quietly climbed out of the window and walked against the wall to the balcony outside the conference room where Harry was.

They didn't dare to jump directly to the balcony and only stretched out half of their eyes to peek.

Harley's silhouette can be seen.

Her dark purple straight long hair is not braided and hangs naturally on her shoulders. Her upper body is white lined with a short black jacket, and her lower body is a black skirt that reaches her bare feet.

In addition to the necklace around her neck, she also wore a bright golden brooch on her chest, in the shape of a floral "H".

"Wow, Harley is doing great today. She is obviously not older than me, but she is full of majesty. She feels like the arrogant eldest daughter of the Hedao family in the movie.

Oh, she's already a queen. Selena shouted in a low voice.

Bruce also felt that Harley today was very interesting, like a high-ranking ascetic queen.

Now that you have become a heydao boss, your temperament has changed so much?

Just as she was thinking wildly, she saw an old man in a suit walking up to Halli, kneeling down on one knee, respectfully raising Hally's right hand with both hands, and kissing the back of her fair and tender hand.

The description in words is a bit wretched, but the scene is extremely solemn and solemn.

"I offer you the loyalty of the Zanetti family, Godfather!" the old man said solemnly.

Harley's expression was indifferent, and she nodded lightly without saying a word. After the old man stood up, he breathed a sigh of relief and slowly backed away, followed by the next person.

"These people are swearing allegiance to Harley?" Bruce asked in shock.

"They are all big bosses of the Falcone family, and they come from various cities in the United States. At the beginning, there were three thorny heads who shouted 'disobedience'. Harley personally led people to kill their family, and the rest became honest." Lina whispered.

"Bloodbath?" Bruce was shocked again.

"Do you think being a gangster is just playing house?"

Bruce was silent.

More than 20 big guys came over one after another, the older ones were in their sixties or seventies, the younger ones were in their early thirties, most of them were white, and there were also two or three black people.

Everyone's attitude towards Harley was similar: awe, sincerity, and politeness.

"Oh my god, they're here too?!" Bruce said in disbelief.

Selina glanced at it, it was the Chief Justice and Chief Luo.

Like the big guys, he knelt in front of Harley and kissed the back of her hand to show his allegiance.

"What's so strange about this? The Falcone family originally controlled the prosecutor's office, the court and the police station." Mao Mao said disapprovingly.

"No, they call her 'Godfather'! But they are not gang members, but government officials - even the congressmen are here.

Gotham, how can it be so dark! ! "

Bruce's views were shattered, and he shook his head repeatedly, with an expression of unacceptable expression on his face.

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