I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 188 Bruce, let’s rule Gotham together

"What, are you stupid?" Harley said with a smile.

Bruce looked dazed, "You, you know we are hiding here?"

The allegiance ceremony had just ended.

Bruce was shocked and shocked, not one shock after another, but constant shock.

He was shocked to see Mayor Luo, city councilors and justices.

He was shocked again when he heard with his own ears that the Pentagon representative was "discussing business" with Harley and Harley promised that "everything will be business as usual and the profits will be higher but not lower."

He thought he was numb, but he was still shocked when several directors of Wayne Group appeared and made some terrible transaction demands.

Gotham is really dark.

But it’s not just Harley who is black, but the entire Gotham ruling class.

Bruce fell into such deep self-isolation that he didn't even notice when the private meeting ended and when Harley came to him.

Looking at the amusement on her face, and then turning around to see the worry on the kitten's face, Bruce suddenly had an idea in his mind.

"You deliberately?"

"What's the purpose?" Harry asked knowingly.

"This is not a coincidence, you deliberately arranged this scene. Selina brought me here just to let me see this." Bruce said.

Harley hooked her hands and said, "It's freezing outside, come in and talk."

The two jumped off the balcony, entered the small conference room, and sat down by the fireplace. Then she smiled and said, "You're not too stupid."

"Why?" Selena was also curious.

Harley raised her chin towards Bruce, "Help the Prince of Gotham grow."

"Stop calling me 'Prince'."

This time when faced with the title of 'prince', he was more excited than before.

"Selena, can you lend me your lover for a few minutes?" Harley smiled.

Selina blushed and glared at her, then left the small conference room without asking why.

"Do you know why I kept Copot?" Harley said quietly.

Bruce shook his head.

Harry said: "According to my heart, I should kill the cunning penguin directly, but old Camai convinced me with the wisdom he has accumulated over half a century.

His notion is that there are places in Gotham that are meant to be occupied.

Just like if a pyramid wants to remain stable, the foundation stone at the bottom cannot be empty.

If there is a position that you don't want, it can affect your peace and interests.

Then it would be wise to arrange for someone you can control to occupy it. "

"I don't quite understand." Bruce frowned.

"Then do you know how many black and gray industries there are in Gotham?" Harley asked.

"Theft, assassination, Du Ping, smuggling." Bruce shook his head slightly and sighed: "There are so many crimes, almost too many to count."

Harley said: "Human appetite and energy are limited. If you can eat fat meat on the table, you won't go to the garbage dump to compete with wild dogs for bones.

Therefore, when choosing industries, I will choose assets with high profits that do not violate the law or are on the edge of the law.

I would never do anything like Du Pinghe buying and selling people.

But Du Ping's profits were too high.

In Gotham, money can be equated with power and power.

Therefore, I would rather let ‘controllable’ people run these industries, lest outsiders become my challengers. "

"Can you control Cobot? Even if I haven't met him, I only heard about the things he did. I know he is a rebellious and ambitious person." Bruce doubted.

"Isn't Maroni also unruly and ambitious, always trying to challenge the old Camai? Cobot is my 'Maroni'."

"What does this have to do with me?" Bruce asked confused.

“Going back to the previous topic, there are certain positions in Gotham that must be occupied, and I took Falcone’s position, and Copperpot was vying for Maroney’s position.

So, who should take the Court of Owls' place? " Harley smiled.

Bruce's eyes widened, "Are you planning to take action against the Court of Owls?"

"Hush, keep your voice down!" Harley lowered her voice and sang mysteriously: "Beware of the Court of Owls, always watching your travels; watching Gotham City from the dark, hiding in the low-walled pavilion; living with him at home, lying in the He is also there in the bed; never mention his name, or his sharp claws will come looking for you!"

This is the famous "scary nursery rhyme" in Gotham, and almost everyone has heard it.

"Are you sure?" Bruce's eyes flickered and he started to get excited.

“As long as I have the idea, I can always find an opportunity.”

"What's your plan? Count me in." Bruce said quickly.

"Old Kamai once taught me that before you remove someone from a certain position, you must first prepare a replacement.

For example, Loeb.

Even though he has no personal grudge against me, he has already targeted me twice.

I want to kill him.

But if Loeb is killed, who will be the police chief?

I don't mind if Gordon takes over, but he won't listen to me.

So, I could only hold my nose and let his smelly mouth kiss the back of my hand. "

As Harley said this, she wiped her right hand on the sofa a few times in disgust.

"You don't want me to replace the Court of Owls, do you?" Bruce said with a ridiculous look.

"Do you know what the Court of Owls stands for?" Harley asked.

"Represents Gotham's deepest evil!" Bruce said without hesitation.

Harley shook her head and said: “It represents the union of intellectuals, business elites and political dignitaries.

In fact, they are the elite of Gotham.

In the United States, where elites rule the country and civilians are happily educated to be raised like pigs, the Court of Owls represents the ruling class.

Bruce, think again about your own identity.

Don't ever say you're a regular Gothamite. "

Bruce looked sluggish and sweat was pouring from his forehead.

Harley pointed at his nose and said in a pronouncement tone: "You are the leader of the largest plutocrat in the United States, and you are also an 'owl'.

So, I think you can replace the Court of Owls!

You replace the Court of Owls and become the leader of the White Way, and I lead the Hey Way.

Together, you and I can make Gotham the most beautiful city in America. "

Don’t think that Harley is fooling ‘Baitman’.

She sincerely feels that the help of a cross-dressing hero to Gotham is far less practical than "Master Wayne being a rational and smart man".

"Harry, this idea is a bit evil!" Bruce said with a complicated expression.


Harley couldn't maintain the cold and arrogant temperament of Miss Hedao, so she squeezed out a questioning expression on her pretty face.

She really does good for Gotham, so why is she evil?

Bruce sighed: "Black and white join forces to change Gotham at will.

Gotham can be made better, or it can be made worse.

Isn't this kind of rule based on individual will a dictatorship?

Gotham belongs to the people of Gotham, and Wayne may be a plutocrat, but I am not willing to put my will over Gotham.

But as soon as you became the Godfather of Hedao, you naturally thought so. "

"Your ideas are a bit strange." Harley said strangely.

Bruce said seriously: "Harry, if I go by what you said, you and I will rule Gotham together.

So, what is the difference between us and the elite ruling class in the meritocracy you hate, and the Court of Owls?

We defeat the evil dragon not to become the next evil dragon, right? "

Harry frowned and said, "This sounds really harsh."

"You think my words are harsh, but I think your words are evil." Bruce actually laughed. "This makes me feel relieved. Our ideas are not in harmony, and we can't form a dictator's alliance at last!"

Harry waved his hands in disinterest, "Forget it, the party is about to start, let's go down."

After saying that, she strode out.

Bruce caught up with her and whispered: "Harry, at least we can unite to deal with the Court of Owls."

Harley glanced at him sideways and said contemptuously: "You are unwilling to transform into a dragon. You are not even as good as an elite gunner. How can you help me?"

"Tell me a name and I'll have Fox monitor his communications."

"Haha, you can invade other people's privacy at will Bruce, you really have the potential to become a raptor." Harley sneered.

Bruce smiled bitterly: "Can dictatorship and lawlessness and discipline be the same?

Dictatorship hurts the people.

Breaking the law against criminals only hurts yourself. "

"It's another novel theory. It's illegal for others. How can you get hurt?" Hali asked curiously.

Bruce sighed: “You don’t respect the law, that’s why you said this.

But I respect and believe in the law. No matter how many flaws the current law has, it is always the greatest protection for the people's collective rights and interests.

People who believe in the law have no choice but to break the law, just like believers who must save their faith by humiliating the gods they believe in devoutly.

The pain in the soul and the setback in faith are invisible and intangible, but they are not comparable to the pain in the body. "

"~~~It's interesting." Harley's eyes were surprised.

If Bruce thinks this way, then the Dark Knight is really tragic.

Respect the law, but must break the law to defend the law.

You deserve to suffer for having such a concept!

"Monitoring her will only alert the snake. I have a better plan." Harley's tone was no longer harsh.

"Who is she? How much do you know about the court?" Bruce asked quickly.

Harley paused at the door of the small conference room and whispered: "Every time we get together, Owl wears a mask to hide his identity.

Old Kamai has never participated in the court a few times, so he doesn’t know much about the court.

But he told me a strange secret. "

"What secret?" Bruce asked curiously.

"As I told you last time, your grandfather once controlled the court."

"Impossible!" Bruce continued to deny it just like last time.

Harley stretched out her right palm and gently put it on his shoulder, like an adult pressing the head of an irritable child, controlling him at once.

"Calm down!" she shouted.

"Think about it with your head, Gotham in the 21st century is so dark, but what about a hundred years ago?

In Gotham, a city with such a harsh environment where people cannot survive without being cruel, if your ancestors are all innocent people who follow the rules, why should you keep your family property and even let Wayne become the king of Gotham?

Although Kamai retired, he also took away billions of legal private assets. His son is a clean doctor. If his grandson is born, he will be as 'clean' as you.

Decades later, his pretty great-grandson will be as shocked as you - why was my great-grandfather the Hedao Emperor who did all the bad things? "

Bruce's face turned pale and his voice was hoarse: "Even if my great-grandfather was a villain who controlled the court, what does it mean to us now?"

“The current court specifically recruits Gotham’s top elites—it does not require them to be old political and business families.

But the legend of the court began with the founding of Gotham and has a history of hundreds of years.

What did you think of? "Harry said quietly.

"Stop being so pretentious, my mind is in a mess and I don't have the energy to think." Bruce said with a bitter smile.

“Your great-grandfather Thomas is obviously not in the same class as ‘elites’ like Camai.

My guess is that the court has two levels, the inner and the outer. Wayne and the 'old aristocrats' who established Gotham are the core members, and the upstart social elite are just peripheral members in the foreground. " Harley whispered.

"I'm Wayne, but I'm not an owl!" Bruce said.

“As long as you are willing, the big shot club that is difficult to reach for our ‘new forces’ will easily open its doors to you.

How about we make a bet whether the owl contacts you first or recruits me first. "

Bruce suddenly thought of the newly discovered secret room under the fireplace, and his heart moved, and he said: "Harry, after the party is over, can you come with me to Wayne Manor?"

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