I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 186 From now on, you are the king

"Who, who is it, come out!" Fish yelled crazily.

Luo Zhan huddled behind the unpowered hood, holding a walkie-talkie, and loudly ordered to the helicopter in the sky: "Group A goes to the Wal-Mart building opposite, Groups B and C inspect the surroundings, Group D - buy it, be careful!"

"R~P~~G!" screamed from the rooftop, and more than a dozen rockets with long golden and red tail flames flew out from each floor of the opposite building.

It’s not just the top floor of the building.

Enemies were placed in various positions with good attack angles to attack the "close" helicopters.

"Boom boom boom——"

More than half of the rockets were evaded by the helicopter pilot, but the distance was too close. They didn't take any precautions before the critical moment - everyone knew that the Red Room Killer occupied the building opposite, and the GCPD even knew that the Red Room now belonged to them. people.

Three helicopters were killed on the spot, exploding a brilliant spark in the sky. The other helicopter was a little far away from the building, more than 150 meters away, and it dodged three rockets in a row.

Then, it ignored Captain Luo who called for help from the rooftop and ran away quickly without looking back.

"Who, who else is hiding behind?" Fish was still yelling angrily.

"Hahaha" Penguin stood among a pile of corpses and stamped his feet and laughed, bending over with laughter.


From the first floor to the rooftop, the United Hospital suddenly became darkened layer by layer.

Turn off the lights.

"Da da da da."

“Bang bang bang bang.”

"Ah, who, who is—"

"Ah, don't kill me!"

"Help, Boss Maroni, help!"

After the gate was opened, bursts of rhythmic gunshots were heard from the first floor, and with every gunshot, someone would die wailing.

The Great Purge has begun.

"Hahaha, Fish, you're done. The real oriole appears and starts clearing the place!" Penguin roared at the distorted face of Sister Yu.

"Who is it? Who is it?" Fish shouted, beating the ground.

"Boss Maroni is dead. The United Hospital is a trap. Come out with me."

Maroni died, but not all of his younger brothers died. The second in charge yelled and rushed to the stairs first.

"Tssssssssssssth of it."

A pillar of fire floated out from the dark stairwell, accompanied by the sound of tearing cloth. Dozens of Maroni's gunmen had no room for resistance. Their limbs flew everywhere on the spot, blood splashed everywhere, hands, legs and bodies were broken, and the explosion The head explodes, the chest explodes and the belly explodes.

"Vulcan Cannon——" they howled in despair.

"Buzz buzz buzz" The people who hit the entrance of the corridor died. The Vulcan cannon stopped, and only the reverberation of the idling barrel floated in the air.

"Tower, tower, tower, tower"

Heavy footsteps, stepping on the stairs, rose from the darkness and slowly walked out of the corridor.

The survivor swallowed, feeling that the shadow of the terrifying demon from hell was gradually covering his body and soul.

The atmosphere was extremely solemn.

"Hi, everyone!" The voice of 'Moying' was gentle and somewhat familiar.

"Witch Harley!"

Vulcan cannon, Cobot reacted first to the familiar sound.

Then he got into a show, cried and laughed, and cried out: "Why did you come here? I——"

"I was here early, earlier than you." Harley smiled.

Penguin felt as if he had been hit hard in the mouth, and a series of words he said immediately went back to his stomach, and he stood there in a daze, with a look of confusion on his face.

Harley gradually emerged from the darkness.

The black carbon nanofiber armor familiar to Gotham people, wearing strange sunglasses (owl glasses), holding a

They were stunned, she was actually holding an M134 heavy machine gun in one hand.

It’s as easy as an aunt carrying a shopping basket.

Two quick-reacting GCPDs immediately rushed to Lao Kamai, whose body was lying on a stretcher.

"Bang bang!" The two of them rushed to the street with headshots.

Harley didn't move, and everyone looked at Reagan in surprise.

"Are you crazy?" Fish shouted to him again after Copot.

"Oh, Sister Harley didn't lie, she was here long ago."

Reagan still held his gun and slowly backed away from the crowd.

"Deng, Deng, Deng!" The sound of dense footsteps came from the stairs. Soon, a fully armed team of ten people entered the rooftop and tightly surrounded the remaining people.

Following the gunner team were two doctors in white coats.

At Harry's glance, the two doctors timidly approached the stretcher truck and began to examine the old Kamai's body.

There were only about thirty people left on the rooftop, most of them Fish's younger brothers.

The first wave of sniper kills were people armed with net guns and heavy weapons. After killing them all, the sniping came to an end, and only the remaining ones survived.

"Theresa!" Cobot's voice was difficult as he recognized the identity of the leading gunman.

"Have you figured it out?" Harley threw away the Vulcan cannon with a "thud" and asked with a faint smile.

"I can't figure it out." Cobot shook his head.

“As long as Teresa is killed, you will be sure that I worked hard, and you will really believe that I gave up on Kamai out of desperation.

Not only was Teresa's murder an act, but the chemical truck on the Williamsburg Bridge was also staged by me.

The purpose is simple, to delay time, let you use up your strength, and let more mice come out of the mouse holes so that I can catch them all.

You are so smart, how can you not make sense? "Harry said strangely.

While several people were talking, the cleaning downstairs continued. The screams and gunshots continued continuously, gradually moving from the second floor to the third floor.

"Have you used dark magic to read all of our minds?" Cobot asked.

"If there is such magic, I would also like to learn it. But apart from making people fall into hell, I don't know any magic." Harley said half-seriously.

"But it's like you're cheating, and you've calculated every move we make." Cobot said suspiciously.

Harley shook her head and said, "I'm just not stupid.

I would be stupid if I didn't take any precautions despite knowing your character.

Of course, I also have more information than you know.

For example, you keep calling them ‘big shots’ and you have never even met them, but I have already dealt with them.

They are the Court of Owls, composed of Gotham's top elites. They think they control Gotham's economy, politics, and even the lifeblood of the Taoist forces. "

"Gotham legend, the Court of Owls?" Everyone looked at each other.

"They once arranged for Claw to attack my fighting arena building and prepare to assassinate Bruce Wayne." Harley said.

"There was indeed a time when Wayne lived at your place for nearly a month." Cobot suddenly believed her words.

"Have you figured it out now?" Harley smiled.

"You were sure that big shots would be involved in this matter, so you arranged for your people to 'intercept' Theresa and make them disappear from our eyes.

Change the direction, ambush around the United Hospital, and catch all of us clowns in one fell swoop?

How do you convince the big guys that you're in the ring all the time? "Cobot said.

"Last time Bruce Wayne searched for call records from a few months ago through his own telecommunications company, you didn't have any feelings or were alert?" Harley asked.

Cobot shook his head in embarrassment.

"Well, what even Bruce can do, Owl can do easier.

Therefore, I found a computer hacker to customize a software a long time ago.

Through that software and three mobile phones, I can keep my ‘location’ where I want it to be, while running around everywhere. "

Cobot looked complicated, "I underestimate you."

"Did you know about my existence before?" Fish gritted his teeth.

Harley frowned and sighed: "Even Maroni was shot to pieces by me. Oh, he was shot in the head by my little brother.

Do you think you are more powerful than him, or more of a threat to me and worthy of my attention?

You, Cobot, and Maroney are all little shrimps in the net, and my target has never been you.

In other words, if you were the only ones causing trouble, I wouldn't use the "behind the oriole" strategy at all, and would just lead people to rush in and fight. "

Harley, this is absolutely true.

If she charges hard today, she will be able to level up at least a third of the level.

At a time when upgrading is becoming more and more difficult, 30% experience is already very tempting.

But she finally gave up.

When Fish heard this, his face turned pale.

Cobot's face turned red with shame and anger.

Seeing this scene, Harley couldn't bear it and consoled her: "Of course, Fish, your 'war god returns' and teamed up with Maroni to trick Copot was indeed beyond my expectation. Although I didn't even try to 'expect it' 'Pass."

Fish couldn't stand it and sarcastically said: "The operation was as fierce as a tiger, but the net ended up being empty. Only rotten fish and shrimps like us were caught. The big shots didn't show up at all."

Cobot smiled bitterly and shook his head, "Even if they didn't show up, their methods were used throughout the whole process. She almost knows their background."

"You are smarter." Harry glanced at Old Kamai who woke up with a groan, and said with a smile: "You think the big man is mysterious, but in fact, Old Kamai already knows who Catherine is and where she lives.

It is more important to figure out the court's cards than who the big shot is. "

Old Kamai sat up, rubbed his bruised arms, and said with a wry smile: "The strength shown now is not all the trump cards of the big man.

Harley, don't become arrogant just because of this small victory. "

Loeb hurriedly took a few steps forward and begged helplessly: "Under the Falco Cabinet, you know that our GCPD has no position on its own. I only came here because of tradition."

Gordon gritted his teeth and blushed.

Old Kamai pointed at Harley and sighed: "Don't tell me, she is the boss now."

Harley frowned, "BOSS, you——"

The old man waved his hand and interrupted her: "Strength is respected, and the winner is king.

I lost, Cobot won; Cobot lost, Fish won; Fish lost, you won.

You are the last king, this is the true tradition of Gotham! "

"Sister Harley"

Rob agreed with what Old Kamai said and immediately looked at Harley pleadingly.

Harley wanted to give the order and tutu them.

At this moment, the killing still did not stop, and the gunshots and wails downstairs were getting closer and closer.

"Harry, come here." Old Kamai seemed to guess her thoughts and waved gently.

Harry leaned over and heard him whisper: "You can kill the others, but it's best to keep Lob and Cobot."

Harry frowned and said, "I remember your teachings, put interests first and don't be emotional.

Don't mess with Gotham's power structure until a better replacement is found.

Because we ourselves stand at the top of the power pyramid.

So, leaving Loeb behind, I can barely understand. But what's the use of Cobot being ambitious and showing no loyalty? "

"Oh, you killed Maroni." The old man sighed.

"He has the most younger brothers. To capture the thief first, capture the king." Harley said.

"You did the right thing. Killing Maroni is right, but you have to take a long-term view. Gotham cannot live without Maroni for a day. At least, I need Maroni, and you also need your own Maroni." Ni'.

For example, you wouldn't want to take over Maroney's business. "

Harry frowned and said, "Cobot is very shrewd, I'm afraid."

“Compared to other players, Maroney is also the smartest and most capable, as long as I am smarter and more capable than him.

Obviously, you are smarter and more powerful than Cobot.

Idiots and weak people cannot become a moat for the strong, and cannot block external pure Taoist forces (black countries that operate entirely black industries) for you. "The old man said calmly.

(PS: Maroni was secretly supported by Old Camai. Please read back to Chapter 150 for the reason. The last paragraph clearly points out the huge role of "Maroni".)

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