I want to have a date with Superman

An explanation of Bruce’s constant time traveling

(ps: The story of Bateman being carried away by omega rays and drifting on the river of time is rarely described in the book. It only describes what he did 50,000 years ago, and nothing else is written about it. I am here. Just say it briefly.

In fact, Bateman didn't do anything big 50,000 years ago. He didn't stay too long. He just helped the 'chief's son' of a small tribe. He saved the other party and drove away the tribe's people in his weird costume of Batman. enemy.

Then after Bateman fell into the water and disappeared, the Chief's son established the Bat Tribe with bats as totems, and worshiped the cape left by Batman as a fetish.

A cloak that can block machine gun fire is a sacred item even in the world of martial arts.

In short, the original bat tribe was weak and had no special significance. It was a very ordinary primitive tribe.

But Barbatos has set his sights on Bateman, and its followers (Eagle Priests) have infiltrated the Bat Tribe and taken complete control of it.

Batman didn't participate in the construction of the tribe, and he didn't leave any ideological outline. It was natural that he was targeted by Barbatos and quickly deteriorated.

The subsequent conflict between the Bat tribe and the other three major human tribes was also intentional by Barbatos, in order to create a dark world where the Dark Knight could be born.

By the way, the cave where the bat tribe first lived will be the future Bat Cave.

Later, the bat tribe split into two, and some people left the bat tribe and joined the bird tribe.

We are not sure of their original purpose. Maybe the tribesmen found out that their tribe worshiped the dark gods and wanted to abandon the darkness and join the light. Perhaps, as the Eagle Girl said, they joined the Bird Tribe with the purpose of betrayal. In fact, this group of mortals had no idea. Important, the important thing is that as long as Barbatos wants to pollute the Bird Tribe, the Bat tribe members who join the Bird Tribe will definitely play Infernal Affairs.

Even as time passed and modern civilization entered, the struggle between the bat tribe and the human righteous people did not stop.

Well, the Bat tribe is still barely holding on, and the other tribes have declined... It can't be said to be completely dead, but the concept of tribes has disappeared.

Most of them exist as exorcists and human warriors fighting against darkness.

And their struggle has always been centered on Gotham, mainly because the Bat-Tribe has been holding on to Gotham.

Later in the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries, Bateman traveled to Gotham more and more frequently and participated in various events that seemed small and only affected the Wayne family and the establishment of Gotham City.

Well, Bateman traveled into the past and influenced the founding and development of the Wayne family.

The main reason why Barbatos allowed him to travel frequently was to eliminate variables and ensure the birth of the Dark Knight, Batman.

So, what are the variables that prevent Bruce from becoming the Dark Knight, and where do they come from?

The plot in the original comic: Bruce Wayne has been shrouded in the dark shadow of Barbatos since he was born. His city, Gotham, is secretly controlled by the Court of Owls. The Court of Owls is controlled by the owl hidden 3,000 kilometers below the surface of Gotham. Controlled by the Falcon Priests, they made Gotham extremely dark and depraved, allowing Bruce to grow up in darkness without being completely depraved, allowing him to watch his parents being killed when he was a teenager, and allowing him to grow up according to the trajectory of Batman. Finally, the Dark Knight Batman was born and he became a regular hero. He continued to experience extreme darkness in Gotham, and his heart was almost surrounded by darkness.

Later, he traveled back to 50,000 years ago in the final crisis and met Barbatos. Barbatos found that Bruce was the best portal for him to enter the multiverse of light, so he began to make plans from 50,000 years ago to create the Bat Tribe and other The conflict of tribes, polluting the bird tribe, spreading dark beliefs, establishing Gotham City in Gotham, and instructing the owl priest to turn Gotham City into a dark place, allowing Batman to grow in the darkness without falling.

Uh, seems to have entered an infinite loop?

In the real world, it may be a time paradox.

But DC has a timeline and the concept of timeline restart.

Before Earth 0, there were two main universes, Earth 2 and Earth 1.

Well, only one main universe can exist at the same time. Think of "main universe" as an identity. Earth 2 is the "first generation main universe", Earth 1 is the second generation, and Earth 0 is the third generation. According to the progress of DC comics in the real world, the fourth generation will be born soon.

When Earth 1 was still the main universe, Barbatos killed the World Forger and became the boss of the sixth dimension. It wanted to cause trouble, but it couldn't enter the multiverse of light. It needed a portal.

It opened its eyes wide and scanned around the world: Hey, Bateman is a good guy, very dark, and very nightmare - Bateman's nightmare is connected to the nightmare dimension of the sixth dimension.

But at that time, Bateman was only a crack in the door. It had too much power and was too strong to squeeze out completely in a short time.

"It would be great if I met him fifty thousand years ago. Fifty thousand years is enough time for me to enter the multiverse of light at this time."

It manipulated a blank cosmic egg, which meant that it made a destiny: Bateman traveled to 50,000 years ago and met me.

At this time, Dr. Manhattan entered the DC multiverse from the Omniverse and merged the timeline of his Watcher universe with the timeline of the DC main universe to create a new timeline.

The new timeline is inserted into the cosmic egg that Barbatos had prepared long ago. Reality begins directly in 1992. The timeline before 1992 is a dotted line derived from self-deduction, but because of Barbatos' "wishes", when Baxter When Man came of age and really traveled back to 50,000 years ago, the dotted line of time from 50,000 years ago to 1992 became real.

In fact, this is also the origin of the plot of the Era of the God of War. The original comic does not have the Era of the God of War, but there is a similar plot of Bateman traveling 50,000 years ago to meet Barbatos.

And then back to the previous question: What are the variables that prevent Bruce from becoming the Dark Knight, and where do they come from?

First, calculate how many timelines appeared in Project Barbatos: timeline A of the original main universe, timeline B of the Watcher universe, new timeline C after the fusion of the two timelines A and B, Bruce Time travel to timeline d from 50,000 years ago to 1992 (note that Bruce’s time travel is not an ordinary time travel. His time travel is to fulfill the script prepared by Barbatos in advance. Harley’s Era of the God of War is also to fulfill the Crisis on Infinite Earths. "Restart Wish", to put it bluntly, they can affect reality through time travel because they use the restart power and have destiny, which is different from ordinary time travellers).

Timeline A was not affected in any way, it developed naturally, and the birth of the Dark Knight Batman was the established result.

Now Barbatos wants to produce the same results in Timeline C as Timeline A, or even better results.

But different timelines may yield different results.

This is also the reason for the birth of parallel universes. There are countless parallel universes and countless different Bruces. Not all Bruces can become Batman, and not all Batmans are dark enough and nightmarish enough.

For example, Batman on Earth 51 directly killed all the villains. Gotham was at peace, the United States was at peace, the heroes retired, and the world was bright. He just had dark hands, which did not mean that his soul was wrapped in endless oppressive darkness.

The definition of the Dark Knight is: the surrounding environment and people are extremely depraved and dark, almost hopeless, and more evil than the devil. Bruce himself is also very painful and powerless, but he still has a glimmer of light in his heart, and he wants to use that glimmer of light Dispel the darkness from the whole world.

It is precisely because he has seen too much darkness and experienced too much despair that he has extremely dark nightmares, and the nightmares are connected to the dark multiverse and are the passage for Barbatos to enter the main universe.

If Barbatos wants Timeline C to bear fruit similar to Timeline A, he must ensure that Bruce’s experience on Timeline C is similar to Timeline A. For example, both parents will die in Crime Alley.

But C is the result of the fusion of A and B. C and A are obviously different, so Barbatos needs to send the owl priest as the "Batman Gardener" to guard Gotham for 50,000 years, just to eliminate variables and ensure Bruce's safety. Life experiences don’t change much.

It just keeps the direction unchanged, it's not exactly the same as Bruce on timeline A.

After all, the owl priest's interference in Bateman's life is itself a variable.

As long as Bruce on timeline C is more "Dark Knight" than Bruce on A, it can be darker, as long as he doesn't completely collapse in the darkness.

In order to make Bruce's life darker, the owl priest has committed many crimes for 50,000 years.

For example, Gotham in Timeline C is obviously darker and more depraved than in Timeline A, so much so that the protagonist Harley has not been able to grow up smoothly. She originally planned to survive until adulthood safely.

Even she can't bear it, which shows how depraved Gotham is under the secret control of the Priest Priest.

The Wayne couple in Timeline C were also even worse. Their unborn son was beaten to death, and the butler (Afu's father) was burned alive in Wayne Manor. It was too horrible to watch.

Finally, if you want to connect timeline d from 50,000 years ago to 1992 to timeline C, you must ensure that what happened in time period d will not cause too much distortion to the reality of C after 1992 - definitely There are twists, there are tweaks to the timeline.

In the order of time, d is before "Line C after 1992", but the order of occurrence is that "Line C after 1992" comes first, and then Bruce travels through time, and time period d becomes reality.

In time period d, there is the era of the God of War, and there is also the human race's rejection of Barbatos - the warriors of the three tribes of birds, bears, and wolves have been fighting against the dark bat demon for ten thousand years, so time period d also has great fluctuations. Outside intervention is needed.

Barbatos chose to involve Bruce personally to help fine-tune it. Bruce is an outsider, equivalent to a hand outside the system, and will not become a persistent variable.

While eliminating variables, the causal connection between the two can also be increased, which will facilitate the formation of the "door" in the future.

For example, Bruce knew that he had been entangled with the dark bat demon for thousands of years, so he decided to investigate the matter personally. During the investigation, he gathered five kinds of metals, and also came to the altar of Barbatos, the owl priest. There was no need to prepare anything. Bruce had already prepared everything they needed. He easily completed the ceremony and summoned Barbatos. The whole process was completely under Barbatos' control.

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