I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1822 Dark Knights

Da Chao floats in outer space, bathing in the golden sunshine, and his body quickly recovers energy. Next to him, Wonder Woman also closes her eyes slightly, seeming to be recovering her physical strength and divine power through meditation.

Although his body was recharging, Da Chao did not relax his guard.

His gaze penetrated the thick dark clouds and landed on Gotham City thousands of miles away.

It is true that as Bruce worried earlier, Challenger Mountain has become larger, and more matter has fallen into the main universe from the dark dimension to the earth.

It has changed from a small mountain peak with a radius of one or two kilometers to a giant peak covering dozens of square kilometers and 1,000 meters.

Like Metropolis, millions of Gotham citizens' bodies glowed with purple-black lightning energy, forming a neat queue, stacked layer by layer around the mountain.

In the sky above the peak, there is a dark energy cloud that is so dense that it can almost block the super sight.

There are several strange dragons circling and rising in the clouds.

The strange dragon was a hundred meters long, with the body of a snake and the head of a human, without claws or wings. Although the human head was twisted and deformed, Dachao recognized his identity at a glance, a clown!

The strange dragon has green hair on its head, a pale face, a mouth that is split to the ears, bright red lips like residual blood, and a weird and twisted smile, all of which are the iconic features of the clown.

Dachao stared at the clown dragon's eyes for a while, vaguely feeling that they were not pure monsters.

They are still conscious, with grins on their faces, but anger, fear and sadness in their eyes.

"Could they all be real clowns? Barbatos transformed living clowns into puppet clown dragons that have no arms or legs but retain their memory and consciousness?" Dachao's expression became a little strange.

Seeing ordinary people piled up into "human towers", he looked serious and felt sad and angry.

But seeing the clown being twisted into a clown dragon, he actually felt funny and couldn't help but want to grin.

Although the Joker has always been Batman's lifelong enemy, he spends most of his time in Gotham, and sometimes sets his sights on him and Metropolis.

If the Joker has 100 energy, 98 of it is devoted to Bateman and Gotham, another 100 to him and Metropolis, and the last one is shared by everyone.

It’s not just the main universe.

In the parallel universe, Superman also often ranks second on the "Most Liked Joker List".

Now that the "Injustice Superman" has left his home and boarded the Dome, isn't it because the Joker caused the "idea of ​​absolute justice" to collapse and turned into a poisoner?

Thinking of Injustice Superman and the Dome, Dachao began to think divergently: I wonder if the Dome has discovered the changes in the main universe and the earth. Now that Harley has left home and the earth has fallen, the "incarnation of justice" in the Dome may be theirs. savior?

"Clark Kent, have you seen that everything is just like what you just experienced at the Kent Farm in the small town of Smallville?"

At the top of Challenger Mountain stands the dragon-scaled batman Barbatos.

It wears the same black cape as Batman, but the cape is in tatters.

There was darkness under the bat mask, and his face could not be seen clearly. Only his two eyes were shining with scarlet light.

The moment Dachao cast his sights on Challenger Mountain, it noticed something.

At this time, it did not have long-distance spiritual sound transmission.

It understands Da Chao's abilities, and must have turned on super hearing at the same time.

As long as you speak at a normal volume, Superhero in outer space can still hear you.

"You think they are hallucinations, but they are not. Every story you experience is absolutely real, and there is a real world, a nightmare world.

Every nightmare world has some characteristics of today's real world.

So you understand, no matter how you struggle, no matter how many times you come back, in the end every road will only think about me in the darkness! "

"Yes, I have experienced countless nightmares. The total time I have struggled in those nightmare worlds is longer than the time I have been alive in this life. But I have always had a question, why among the countless nightmare worlds, there is no one in the world. Has Harley ever existed?" Dachao shouted.

The dragon-scaled batman's tone was stagnant and he didn't speak for a long time.

Da Chao continued: "I heard that in the era of the King of Martial Gods, she didn't even take the initiative to end the war. Only the human Martial Gods under her command drove the 'Lord of Labisu' Set into panic and ran away like a lost dog.

You are Set, the Lord of Labisu!

Back then, you didn't dare to show up in person or reveal your real name, so you could only devote yourself to the Egyptian pantheon and become an ordinary god of storms.

After Seth's vest was exposed, you disguised yourself as the 'Bat Demon'.

He even used Bateman to create smoke, confuse the public, and conceal his identity.

I'm so low that I don't even want to show my face.

It was only after Harley left and faced us that you vented your anger and announced your identity, proudly announcing that you were actually Barbatos.

Barbatos, are you so afraid of her?

Even in the most terrifying nightmare world, you dare not give her a place, dare not let her exist.

Are you our nightmare and she is your nightmare? "

"In the end, every road will lead to darkness. Witch Harley has already fallen into darkness one step ahead of you. Self-comfort cannot change her reality, nor can it change the reality that you will eventually enter darkness."

Barbatos spoke calmly, but his voice was full of uncontrollable anger and hatred.

There is no Harley in the nightmare world, not that it is afraid of her. Well, if she were on Earth, it might be a little scared, but now that she is trapped in the Garden of Destiny, it is afraid of a ball!

It just doesn't want to give Harley any chance to escape the Garden of Destiny.

Well, it felt like she was completely finished, at least sealed by fate forever.

If it projects the 'real Harley' in the nightmare world (different from the Harley in the parallel universe), she will probably be able to sense it, and maybe it will allow her to use the power of nightmares to break out of the seal and enter the nightmare world that owns her.

It seemed that it sensed Barbatos' anger, or that it secretly issued an order.

Before Da Chao could say anything, a black shadow passed through the dark atmosphere like the bottom of a pot and pounced on the two people in the sun.

"Hey, Batman? Bruce, is that you?"

Dachao's reaction speed is very fast, and he has already turned on his super hearing to listen in all directions, so it is impossible for someone to sneak attack him silently.

But as the black shadow got closer, he felt more life breath from the other party, which was very familiar but also mixed with some unknown breath.

"You talk a lot of nonsense."

The black shadow's speed was almost as fast as Superman's. It arrived in front of him in an instant. His face was deformed with a fist bigger than a rice cooker, and his body fell rapidly to the ground like a meteor.

Diana, who was tied to his arm, slid down several hundred kilometers before voluntarily escaping.

The mantra lasso wrapped around their arms loosened, and it was Diana who took the initiative to relax it.

Strong enemies surrounded them from all directions, and the two of them were already at a disadvantage. Their arms were entangled, preventing them from exerting their full combat power, making their situation even worse.

"You are really Bruce, but how did you become like this?"

Diana stopped the black shadow that was about to pounce on Da Chao and saw its appearance clearly.

Da Chao's perception was correct. It had very obvious Bruce's vital signs.

Even wearing a Batsuit.

But its body surface is covered with sharp bone spurs similar to Doomsday.

Almost a mix of Doomsday and normal Batman.

"Yes, I used to be the Bruce you were completely familiar with, and now I have become a ravager. I became like this solely to protect you!"

"Protect us? Protect us from whom? If you want to protect us, you should crush Barbatos' bat head." Diana didn't show mercy just because he was Bruce. She found the right opportunity and thrust the Vulcan Sword straight into him. Chest.

"It's 'you' from my world. In my world, Superman even killed Lois!"

The ravager did not dodge, but punched Diana on the head.

Diana raised her shield to block.


The Devastator had almost as much power and defense as Doomsday. Diana's Vulcan sword drew a long spark on its chest, and there was a faint crack in the Amazon buckler on her left arm.

She herself also groaned, and like a flaming meteor, she hit the ground hard.

"Diana, are you okay?" Dachao had already flown into the air again and picked her up halfway.

But the huge impact still brought the two to the ground, drawing a long ravine in the snow.

"I'm fine." Diana stabilized her body again, looked around and said, "The Dark Knights are coming around, be careful!"

"I have fought against them countless times in nightmares." Da Chao said.

Then he added with a complicated expression: "But in the nightmare, the Dark Knights only had dark shadows, and their aura was somewhat similar to Barbatos. I didn't recognize that they were all Bruce."

The ravager from the sky descended quickly, and six more black shadows surrounded him from all directions.

The dark aura of Barbatos blocked the sun, and the entire earth was dark and cold. It had snowed for many days in a row, and the ground was covered with a thick layer of ice and snow.

Six dark figures came through the snow, and the rustling sound gradually came closer.

The man from the north is the closest. He wears a long black leather jacket with rivets. The collar is raised high, covering half of his face. He wears a bat hood, but he also wears a spiked metal ring on his head. .

The metal ring is three fingers wide and has finger-long sharp spikes on its surface, like a dog collar.

He put it on his head like goggles, covering his eyes tightly.

Only the mouth can be seen of the entire face. It is an extremely ferocious face. The upper and lower lips have been cut off. The lips are split to the base of the ears, and a mouth of neat white teeth can be directly seen.

Even though he is so scary, he always maintains a grinning expression, the same crazy smile as the Joker.

He is the leader of the Dark Knights of Barbatos, the Laughing Bat!

"The Laughing Bat" is not a person.

He held several metal dog leashes on each hand.

On the dog chain is a crazy Robin who is infected with the clown virus and completely transformed into a clown.

"Goo croak croak croak." The cry from "Robin Dog"'s mouth was like a wolf dog swallowing raw meat, which was very permeable.

"You are Bruce, even if your appearance changes drastically, I am sure that you are Bruce Wayne." Dachao shouted to him, "Bruce, I believe that no matter what universe or environment you are in, you are a hero. .”

"Not to mention, I was once really a superhero, and I formed the Justice League with you." The Laughing Bat smiled and pointed at Superhero and Diana, "Not just me, but the entire Dark Knights too. , we are all blues and we all thought we were heroes."

"Shashasha!" The footsteps gradually approached, and several other black shadows entered the field of vision of Dachao and Diana.

Sure enough, they are all Bruce. Oh, there is also a female Bruce among them, her name is "Bruce".

Bruce is holding the Trident of Neptune, with flowing black hair, a frosty face, and a proud figure. Her breasts are two times bigger than Diana's, and the deep groove can almost fit the entire tip of the trident.

There is also Bruce, the speedster. Among the entire Dark Knights, only his bat uniform is red. Like Barry Allen in The Flash, he also has black and red Speed ​​Force lightning jumping on his body.

Bruce, the Green Lantern, is thin and short, with his feet floating in the air. A green light shines from the lantern ring on his right thumb.

Bruce was wearing a classical Greek warrior helmet and holding a machete. Diana felt the familiar aura of divine power on him, the divine power of the Olympus pantheon.

In addition to the Devastator who has been photographed before, the last Bruce is "Cyborg Bruce". It is obvious that like Cyborg, most of his body has been "cyborgized".

The Seven King Kongs of the Dark Knights almost correspond to the seven giants of the main alliance.

"You are all Bruce, and you all once had heroic ideas. I believe that even now, there must be some kindness and justice hidden in you somewhere." Dachao looked around at the seven "True Dark Knights" with his eyes With some sadness and pity in his heart, he shouted excitedly: "Come back, Bruce, please, Barbatos is our enemy, you should stand with us, fight with it, and save the upcoming people from its hands." Sinking into a world of darkness.”

"We are saving our world, and you just want to save your world." Bruce said coldly.

There seems to be a lot of information hidden in this sentence.

The Laughing Bat glanced at her and smiled: "Clark, do you know, in my world, you also said the same thing to me before I killed your whole family.

I was fed up with it then, and now I'm fed up with the ravagers even more, so I killed them. "

He hooked his fingers, and the ravager immediately slammed into Dachao's back like a wild bull.

At the same time, Green Lantern Bruce also shot a beam of green light towards Super. The green light flew in mid-air and split into two, turning into locks, locking Super's head and legs respectively.

"Boom——" Dachao couldn't struggle or dodge, so he was hit by the ravager again.

Wonder Woman next to her had no chance to help.

When Da Chao was besieged, Bruce the Power, who was holding a machete, also slashed at her with the knife.

"Why do you have the divine power of Ares in your body?" Diana raised the Vulcan Sword to block and shouted loudly.

"Didn't you notice? The helmet I wear on my head belongs to Ares, the God of War." Powerful Bruce's sword was ruthless, but his tone was very complicated, "Diana, I'm so happy to see you again. You know, in my life world, we are lovers.”

"If you are a normal Bruce, hearing you say this will make me happy for at least half a month and show off to everyone for half a year."

"If I could kill you again, I would be very happy." Powerful Bruce slashed her hundreds of meters away with his sword.

Diana stood up from the snow and said with a strange expression: "Did your Diana also betray you and get together with Superman, or Luthor?"

She thought of the Super Queen of Earth 3.

The Super Queen married Super Power, but at the same time she had affairs with Nite Owl, Luthor and many others.

After she became pregnant with Luther's son, she even told Night Owl, "The child is yours."

The "only hero" Alexander Luthor was killed by Lex Luthor due to the ingenious calculation of Night Owl, the god of knowledge.

"What, you are so slutty, going behind the back of Bruce and Superman in this world, and even fooling around with Luther?" Powerful Bruce paused, his voice full of anger and contempt, "I was wrong, you are not worthy of being with my Dai. Annabi. Even though she is also a splatterer, I obviously put on my helmet to kill Ares to save her, but she actually blamed me for killing and wanted to take my helmet away. Now, just seeing you makes me sick! "

"No, I don't have a relationship with Superman or Bruce. They all have their own wives. I only love Trevor the way he did at least ten years ago."

On another topic, Diana didn't care what "Machete Blues" thought or said.

But she would rather explain herself to her enemies than be mistaken for a "super queen."

"Didn't you say that your Diana was killed by Ares?" She quickly changed the subject.

"Ares just knocked her out"

He thought his Diana was dead, and at that time he was devastated and distraught.

He knew that the "God of War Helmet" could corrode people's hearts, but he still wore it with the belief that he would die.

When he finally beat the culprit Ares to death, his Diana groaned and came back to life.

But his heart has been corroded by the Ares Helmet

Diana's eyes showed sympathy, "Bruce, listen to me, although you have experienced great misfortune in the world, you still have a chance to turn back.

I once knew a Bruce who made mistakes. He killed more people than you. He was over eighty years old and could still regain his belief in absolute justice.

I also know a Superman who made mistakes, he——"

"My stinky cousin is chirping, it makes me upset!"

The speedster Bruce turned into a ray of red light and came behind Diana in an instant. The knife in his hand vibrated at high frequency, trying to penetrate her heart like a hot knife cutting through butter, but was blocked by a layer of gold film that was so dim that it almost disappeared.

Harley's Speed ​​Force defense expertise has been upgraded to level nine!

Even though Diana's divine power was weak at this time and her condition was poor, she still blocked the speedster's ultimate move with the speed force.

"BOOOM!" Diana was just like being hit by a cannonball. She was knocked hundreds of meters away and plowed a mark more than ten meters deep on the ground. She was not pierced through her body.


There were still white snowflakes and black soil falling in front of Diana's eyes, and red lightning came to her again.

Just as she was about to stab her with a sword, a familiar and anxious voice came into her ears, "Diana, it's me!"

"Barry?! You-"

"Don't talk to me yet, I'll take you away!"

Realizing that the speedster who just came over was her teammate The Flash, Diana immediately gave up her guard and allowed him to hold her and flash quickly.

The next moment, she came to Dachao.

Dachao was being pushed to the ground by several dark knights and beaten severely.

Barry made an iron push and pushed big-breasted Brucey into the air. Then he pulled up the big super at lightning speed, and then retreated at a very fast speed.

"You have nowhere to escape!" Speedster Bruce's sneer almost sounded in the back of their heads.

"Naboo!" Barry shouted.

"Buzz!" A golden-red gap opened in the air in front of him, and he went straight through it. However, the speedster Bruce, who was only a few feet away behind him, was still running in the snow. The door to space was like a shadow to him.

"Whoa!" The next second, Barry, Dachao, and Diana came to an antique and spacious hall.

The hall is hundreds of square meters, but it seems a bit crowded at this time because it is full of people.

"Hey, the bait is indeed effective. No, it immediately locked the rebels' lair."

Seeing Barry, Chao and Diana disappear, the Laughing Bat smiled even more happily.

"Killing machine, prepare the blood domain mothership, let's go after the God King Naboo." He turned around and ordered "Cyborg Bruce".

"My dear, Arthur, Hal, Cyborg, Raven. Great, you are all here."

Seeing all the familiar old friends and teammates, Dachao's eyes were filled with excitement.

Diana looked around and said, "We are in the Tower of Destiny now? Where is Dr. Destiny?"

"Dr. Destiny has been staying in the control room of the Tower of Destiny and only contacted us through spiritual transmission." Arthur, the king of the sea, said while pouring twice as much red wine for the two teammates who had just arrived.

After drinking red wine, Dachao calmed down a little and asked: "Everyone, Diana and I just woke up from the 'Human Tower'. Do you know what the situation is now?"

"The situation is very complicated and very bad. I don't know where to start." Arthur sighed.

"Actually, we also have many questions, and we would like to ask you, Diana, and Bateman." Hal Jordan said doubtfully: "I was not on Earth that day.

When darkness fell and I rushed back, Barbatos already ruled the world.

When I asked them why Barbatos suddenly arrived, they all looked confused. "

Cyborg looked at Diana and Da Chao and said, "You and Diana went to track Bateman that day, and I will be responsible for providing you with communication services and helping you track and locate Bateman.

Finally you enter the Valley of the Kings in Egypt, the ancient tomb of Pharaoh Khufu.

Then the signal suddenly disappeared. I sent you a message using the Guardian Dog system, but you didn't respond.

Before we could take the next step, the sky above Challenger Mountain split open, and darkness fell into our world from an unknown dimension like the Milky Way that had opened its dam. In an instant, the entire earth was enveloped in darkness.

The sky is covered with snow, the oceans and rivers are frozen, and Barbatos leads his Dark Knights across the earth."

Facing everyone's questioning gazes, Da Chao sighed: "On the day Challenger Mountain came, we went to Black Eagle Island, and Lady Eagle. Lady Black Eagle explained Bateman's situation to us.

After leaving Blackhawk Island, Bateman and I had a candid and in-depth conversation in the Batcave.

He doesn't want to sit still and wait for death, but he will no longer be as stubborn and free as before (ps).

None of his plans will be hidden from me.

He asked me to supervise his actions, but he often told me what he had done only after the action."

"What did he do?" Hal asked.

A look of memory appeared on Da Chao's face, and he said slowly: "He finally cracked the secret of Barbatos's 'Dark Portal' through the diary of 'Restarter Carter' and his own investigation.

It was the fourth day after Challenger and the fourth day after Harley left, and he was very excited."

The Batcave on the fourth night after Challenger Mountain descended.

"Clark, this crisis is very special." Bateman looked hesitant, "I'm afraid we have to part ways, and you should stop investigating the dark bat demon.

Leave this matter completely to me. Don't interfere, don't ask, and don't investigate without authorization.

Of course, you also have important work.

The challenge is coming, and Harley's first backup has appeared.

Oliver has obtained the highest authority in the 'Martial God World', which is equivalent to the 'temporary Martial God King'.

He is building a dimensional passage connecting the earth and the gate of hell. You help him transfer as many people on earth as possible to the world of the God of War.

Heaven is closed, but the key to the door of hell is in Harley's hand, and she can't close it even if she wants. "

"Why not involve us? There are hundreds of superheroes on Earth, so naturally they will help Oliver transfer the citizens.

We agreed at the beginning, you make a plan and I supervise you. When the dark bat demon is found, all the heroes of the Zhenglian Alliance will dispatch to defeat the dark bat demon together. "Dachao was a little excited.

Bateman suddenly became more excited, "You don't understand, I am the only one who can stop Barbatos! It -"

"Wait, Barbatos is the name of the dark bat demon? How do you know?" Da Chao interrupted him.

"I feel it, it's looking at me from above." Bateman pointed upward, still very excited: "Its real name, its appearance, and even its subordinates'Dark Knights', I know After Challenger Mountain came, you often had nightmares, right?

As soon as I closed my eyes, I immediately looked into Barbatos's fierce and proud scarlet eyes.

It was talking to me, trying to force me into submission.

The Dark Knights around it are also calling me, asking me to join them and be their 'boss'. "

“I asked about what was recorded in the ‘Carter Diary’, and Barbatos made no bones about it and admitted that he had been keeping an eye on me for tens of thousands of years.

In the final crisis, the first thing I saw when I woke up after traveling through time was not a cave or a savage, but Barbatos!

That glance, I have forgotten, it left an eternal 'nightmare mark' on me.

From then on, it has been looking at me expectantly. The Dark Knights are looking forward to me, and the dark priests of Barbatos have also been looking forward to me. They are all staring at me, expecting me to walk alone in the darkness. "

"You are not alone. Harley and we are always by your side." Da Chao said immediately.

"No, I meant 'metal'. My nightmare."

"What metal?" Dachao looked confused.

Bateman took a few deep breaths, forced himself to calm down, and said: "The dark priests of the bat demons that Carter and Kendra talked about are called 'bird priests', and they are the core believers of Barbatos.

The owl is the owl, the owl of the Court of Owls.

The descendants of the 'Judas' who rebelled against the Bird Tribe took off their 'bat coats' and put on owl coats, transforming into the Court of Owls.

The Court of Owls is secretly controlled by the Owl Priests and is a peripheral force of the "Barbatos Church".

Let’s put aside their control of Gotham and their surveillance and influence on me.

The ultimate mission of the Owl Priest is to preside over a sacrificial ceremony called the 'Falling Curtain'.

The so-called 'falling curtain' means that the followers of Barbatos feed five kinds of ninth divine gold to their prey, and the prey will completely turn into a door for darkness to fall.

I was the prey. When I was exterminating the remnants of the owl gang in my early years, I was led into a maze by them. I was so hungry and thirsty that I found a fountain and drank the water. There was amber gold in the water.

Liquid metal amber is the ninth metal.

My necklace—"

He pulled out a teardrop chain that shone with a faint holy light from under his neck, "Harley made a necklace with N metal strings connected with my parents' tears.

It has been worn around my neck, and the N metal element has already penetrated into my body.

Harry had good intentions at the beginning, and under the protection of my parents' tears of blessing, the N metal's contamination of the flesh was absolutely safe and harmless.

My martial arts level has improved rapidly in the past few years, and the necklace has played a big role.

But N metal is also a ninth metal. "

He walked to the edge of the apron again and pointed to the deep crack in the ground below, "There is a pool under the Bat Cave, and the water in the pool is the 'Dionysian factor'.

Three years ago, the Joker finally discovered my identity. Maybe he had known it for a long time. That day he sneaked into the Batcave quietly. I had a big fight with him and we both fell into a deep stream.

If it weren't for the Dionysus factor that kept me alive, I would have fallen to my death.

Metal promethium is the fourth type of ninth divine gold.

You know, Wayne Mining Group has always been Khandak’s largest partner.”

Bateman raised four fingers and waved them in front of Da Chao, "I have taken four kinds of metals, only the last one is left. I don't know what it is yet, but Barbatos' followers must know, It must have been arranged long ago.

As long as I am infected by it, I will immediately turn into a door. "

Dachao digested the information for a while and asked: "I don't quite understand. It saw you 50,000 years ago and can control you to float on the river of time. Why doesn't it directly pour 50% of it into your body?" Plant metal and open the door on the spot?"

Bateman said: "I heard Harley say a conjecture. If you insert a straw into a Coke cup, if you go slowly, you can drink up the Coke in two minutes.

If you insert the straw into the swimming pool, it will be difficult to suck it dry for days and nights.

If you put a straw into the Atlantic Ocean, maybe it would take 50,000 years? "

"You mean that since it left its mark on you 50,000 years ago, it has been transferring energy to the main universe? Now, 50,000 years later, it has brought all its power to the main universe?

That being the case, what does it do by feeding you five metals? "Dachao was even more confused.

Bateman looked up at the sky and said quietly: "Harley said that the 'Owl Evil God' comes from outside the universe. That place is very far away from the multiverse we know, and it is even more difficult to contact."

Dachao nodded lightly, "And no one knows the 'Owl Evil God', and even gods and demons find its aura very strange."

"The question is, the 'Owl Evil God' is so far away from the multiverse, how did Carter find the 'Dark Dimension'?

He really teleported Challenger Mountain to the entrance of the 'Dark Dimension'.

He even built a 'dimensional space capsule' to enter the dark dimension.

Is it possible that his skills and abilities are stronger than God King Harley, and more powerful than all the supreme beings in the multiverse? Bateman asked.

"This" Dachao said hesitantly: "Carter must have found the right place. Challenger Mountain has fallen from the dark dimension, and that dark dimension is Barbatos' domain."

Suddenly he had a flash of inspiration and said thoughtfully: "Barbatos regards you as a 'straw channel' and has been transferring dark energy to our main universe for 50,000 years.

The transferred energy is hidden in hidden corners on the periphery of the cosmic membrane.

More and more energy almost creates an energy dimension.

The 'dark dimension' that Carter and the others found is actually the secret place where Barbatos stores his power!

Carter and Kendra's timeline was restarted, and their search for the "Dark Dimension" took place at the end of the Era of the God of War, when Harley had already entered the Ocean of Entropy for tens of thousands of years.

Even Oliver and the world of Valkyrie are sleeping above the river of time.

So they don't know about dark demons, and they don't know about dark dimensions.

By the time the Era of the God of War ended, 50,000 years had passed, and Barbatos had transferred all of his power to the multiverse.

Shit, it gave us almost no chance to stop it. "

"Hey, that's not right. Since its power has come to the multiverse, why is it still opening the door? Is it just to bring the Dark Knights to our universe?" He looked at Bateman in confusion.

"What do you think Barbatos' ultimate goal is? Refer to the multiverse-level crises we encountered in previous years." Bateman said.

"Crisis on Infinite Earths, anti-surveillance intention to transform the multiverse into an antimatter universe——"

Just after recalling a crisis, Da Chao looked shocked and murmured: "Is it possible that Barbatos is also planning on the multiverse? Could it be that it wants to pull our multiverse into its nightmare realm?

So it wants to use the huge energy that has been transferred to the multiverse to open a huge dimensional door and plunder the energy and matter of the multiverse through that door? "

Bateman said: "Villains who can cause multiverse-level crises have supreme power.

Supreme Beings often have ‘big ambitions’.

Additionally, all that has been transferred to our universe over the past fifty thousand years is Barbatos energy.

Its soul, will and power are still in another distant dimension.

Carter can discover the dark dimension, and Harley and the human Valkyrie may also discover it.

If the soul and will were directly transferred, and the result fell short and was beaten to death by Harley, then it would be miserable.

If only dark energy.

All power has its mark, and no one can truly steal its energy. "

When he communicated with Barbatos in his nightmare, he clearly felt that Barbatos was very far away from him. Even now, the two sides were still separated by a dimension.

That's why he concluded that Barbatos' spiritual will was still on the other side and needed a portal to cross over.

"There must be a solution." Dachao grabbed his shoulders and said firmly.

Bateman's eyes flashed quickly, and he said firmly: "There must be, I will find a solution.

But don't get involved in this anymore, Barbatos is not Darkseid, nor is he the Anti-Monitor.

It won't fight you fist-to-fist, and its power is very weird.

I have been trapped in a nightmare and cannot turn back. You can only bless me and cannot go with me. Going with me means taking the initiative to fall into darkness and nightmare.

Even if you have a body of steel, how effective can you be in the nightmare? "

"Even if you have fallen into a nightmare, we will not give up on you. We are not afraid of nightmares." Dachao said resolutely.

At this moment, the Tower of Destiny.

"Has Harley noticed the nightmare mark on his body and the Ninth God Gold in his body? What are his plans?" After listening to Da Chao's story, Hal Jordan asked.

Dachao shook his head and said: "Harry just guessed that he was being targeted by the evil owl god, and did not find anything abnormal in his body or soul."

"Since it is a nightmare mark, why not go to her 'Brother Morpheus'? He is the expert!" said Sea King Arthur.

"Harry can't even sense the mark, so how could he know it's called the 'Nightmare Mark'?"

After a pause, Dachao continued: "Mengjun Morpheus did take the initiative to find Bruce. In those days, we often saw Bruce talking to himself.

He is not crazy, he is just talking to Morpheus in his dream. "

Everyone had strange expressions, "His eyes were wide open and he was talking a little bit. Was he talking in his dream?"

Only a lunatic can say this, right?

"Hey, he was targeted by Barbatos and didn't dare to enter deep sleep. We ordinary people can only lie motionless in bed. Bateman is highly skilled and can control the cerebral cortex that affects sleep to enter 'awake sleep'."

"Sober sleep" everyone wanted to complain again.

"Ahem, sleep is not important. What did Sandman do? What plan did Bateman make with his help?" Neptune said.

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