I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1821 The Dark Door

The once metropolitan National Mall now has a thousands-meter-high "human tower" of dark energy.

Superboy and Wonder Woman's arms were tied together with mantra lasso, floating thousands of meters in the air. Next to them was a "human tower" stacked by the citizens of Metropolis.

Purple-black lightning energy covered everyone's body surface, and their souls were lost in nightmares. Their bodies were like concrete blocks, their heads looked straight, their arms hung down on their waists, and their bodies stood upright and motionless.

Around them, above their heads, and below their feet, there were people with the same posture and the same situation.

Millions of people are stacked on top of each other, layer after layer. Under the blessing of purple-black lightning energy, they are completely unaffected by gravity and will not collapse, like a "spear of the gods" inserted into the earth.

"What's wrong with everyone?" Dachao murmured.

"They were trapped in a dark nightmare just like us. They didn't die completely, but the situation must be millions of times worse than the two of us. Maybe some of their souls have completely sunk." Diana looked at the human tower with a sad and angry look. , "I don't understand why Barbatos did this, but we will not give up hope, we will definitely defeat it and save everyone."

"We... uh!" Dachao slapped his head hard and groaned: "Why are we here?"

"We lost, don't you remember? We followed Bateman to the tomb of Seth, the Lord of Labisu, and met the owl priest and the people from the Court of Owls. We didn't even see Barbatos himself. Then he fainted." Diana said bitterly.

Dachao rubbed his temples and said with a sad expression: "It took you a long time to wake up? My mind is a little unclear and I need time to sort it out.

Too many memories are intertwined like threads, and it is almost impossible to tell which memories are real and which ones are just nightmares I have experienced for decades. Damn it, I know they are illusory nightmares, but I remember them very clearly, and my feelings are very real, as if reality.

Decades of memories are too many and too confusing, burying all my real-world experiences. "

"I woke up half an hour earlier than you, and I couldn't sort out the complicated memories in my mind at first. Close your eyes and enter a meditative state, and I'll help you." Diana stretched out her free left hand, her fingers flashing with golden light. , lightly printed on Da Chao’s eyebrows.

"There is no Harley in all nightmare memories. This is a label that is easy to distinguish. As long as Harley exists, it is a real experience. I feel that our experiences in dreams are not illusory, they are too real.

Oh, it would be great if Harley were here, even if she didn't do anything, just help us answer our difficult questions. "

Sighing, she continued: "You can start remembering when Harley left, and smooth out the memories from the time when she left to when we were captured."

With Diana's help, Dachao quickly anchored the source of the chaotic memory: the day Harley left.

On the day Harley left, they received a message from the Watchdog system. It only said one sentence: Be careful, I'm leaving. A crisis may be coming soon, but don't worry, I've prepared a few back-ups for you.

Only an hour had passed since the message was received, and a huge mountain suddenly appeared in Gotham.

The 100-meter-high mountain with a radius of one or two kilometers moved to the center of Gotham City without any warning, without any process of falling from the sky or rising from the earth. It was like teleporting.

Nearly 300,000 people were killed or injured on the spot.

If before the "Darkseid War", Gotham citizens still lived in ordinary reinforced concrete houses, 300,000 would have been at least ten times higher.

Fortunately, during the "Darkseid War", Harley dug out a piece of land with a radius of thousands of miles from the western continent of the United States and formed a "fighting world" in the dimension of the stomach bag - the earth goddess Gaia descended part of the will and carried part of the thick skin Divine power enters the land, ensuring that it cannot be easily destroyed by supreme battles.

Doujie is like a rubber doll, which has been kneaded into various shapes by two supreme gods and countless gods. It is riddled with holes and can withstand countless forces and attacks.

The earth was barely preserved and was not completely annihilated.

But all the city buildings on the land were destroyed, not even the debris was left.

When the "Darkseid War" ended and Harley spat out the Doujia, it was like a band-aid on the "wound" on the surface of the earth. The ground was very clean and there was not a single man-made building.

In order to help citizens rebuild their homes, Harley hinted to the US government: Darkseid and the Anti-Monitor do not want to destroy the earth, they want to destroy the main universe! What we are destroying and rescuing is not only saving ourselves and the earth. Extraterrestrial advanced civilizations should be grateful to us and help us.

Then the U.S. government hinted to the high-level cultural representatives of the embassy: Admiral Galaxy asks you to donate money and materials to help us rebuild our homeland.

Reconstruction funds are astronomical to the U.S. government, but only a drop in the bucket to advanced alien civilizations.

As a result, all residents from Metropolis to Gotham, thousands of miles away, lived in alien high-tech buildings.

The building's protective properties are very powerful and helped the people of Gotham greatly during this crisis.

Inside the mountain, the heroes of Zhenglian saw ancient but extremely advanced high-tech equipment.

Inside a machine that looked like a space capsule, they found a freezing cabin that emitted strong energy fluctuations. There was a line of words scrawled in blood on the outer shell of the cabin: Run quickly, it is chasing us. We were wrong, we should first Find the tomb of King Martial God. Maybe King Martial God is not dead, only her.

There were several bloody handprints at the back, but the writing was not finished, and there was no body.

Before they could continue their investigation, the "Black Hawk Lady" arrived at the scene with the Black Hawk Squadron, stopped the Zhenglian heroes, and took over the scene.

"Ms. Black Hawk, Black Hawk Squadron?" Sea King Arthur stared at the fully armed Ms. Black Hawk and said with a strange expression: "Kendra, you don't think I can't recognize you wearing a helmet, do you? Even if you are separated by Even with a wall, I can distinguish your breath of life.”

When he said the last words, a triumphant look appeared on his bearded face.

Kendra Sanders, the Hawkgirl who was once one of the little giants of Zhenglian.

"Arthur, I never thought of hiding my identity from you. Everyone knows that someone can see my face directly. This clothes is mainly to isolate dark energy radiation." Ms. Blackhawk glanced at Dachao specifically, "But now I do As the leader of the Black Hawk Squadron, 'Hawk Girl' became a thing of the past many years ago, and 'Ms. Black Hawk' is my true identity now."

"Many years? How do I remember that last year you and I, Dinah, shot promotional posters for Justice League? You still insisted on spreading your wings, saying that men thought your wings were sexier than your breasts." Diana glanced at Behind her, Eagle Girl looked like an ordinary person, with a bare back and no wings spread.

"It's not last year, it's the year before last, before the final crisis." Dinah frowned and looked at Ms. Black Hawk, "After the final crisis, she and Carter (Hawk Man) left without saying goodbye.

He only sent a message to the Hall of Justice saying that he was quitting the Justice League.

As of today, we haven't seen you for almost two years. "

"The situation is a bit complicated." Black Hawk Ms. Kendra looked around at the old scientific research instruments and said, "This mountain is called 'Challenger Mountain'. You should have sensed it. It is emitting strong energy radiation waves. It There is a huge energy storm blowing around."

Standing outside, you can directly see purple-black energy lightning flashing over Challenger Mountain.

"Challenger Mountain? Kendra, you don't seem surprised at all by the current situation. Why? What secrets are you hiding from us?" Dachao said seriously.

"I mean, staying here for a long time is harmful to our health, so why not talk somewhere else."

Kendra took her former Zhenglian teammates to a small island in the South Pacific.

"This is Black Hawk Island, a pocket dimension similar to Paradise Island, Dinosaur Island, and Nanda Mountain, or it can be regarded as a time-space wrinkle on the earth."

On Black Hawk Island, the heroes of Zhenglian saw many strange dinosaurs with bird wings.

There is a very sci-fi building in the center of the island, and there are many scientific researchers and training soldiers inside.

There is also a golden statue of Eagle Carter erected in the square, which looks quite old.

"I know about Paradise Island, Dinosaur Island, and Nanda Mountain. When the Crisis on Infinite Earths broke out, I saw with my own eyes the Naboo God King and the human gods and wizards used magic to blend the space gaps and time turbulence belts together to form The spectacular scene of Dinosaur Island, but I only knew about Black Hawk Island today." Dachao looked at Kendra, feeling that she had become more and more strange.

They had only been separated for two years, and they had fought together for more than ten years. Now they were face to face, eye to eye, but there was almost no feeling of familiarity.

"The Black Hawk Squadron is a secret 'Guardian Team'. Their course of action is to protect mankind and eliminate darkness. The history is longer than the existence of the United States, and their leaders have always been Kendra and Carter." Bateman His eyes were complicated.

Da Chao asked in surprise: "What do you mean? Kendra and Carter have been disguising themselves and deceiving us before?"

Neptune asked doubtfully: "Did you know about the 'Black Hawk Squadron' before today?"

"The reason why I know them is because they have been secretly tracking me for the past two years. Their actions aroused my alertness, and I was eventually traced to Black Hawk Island and learned about the existence of the Black Hawk Squadron."

Bateman looked at the short-haired black girl Kendra and hesitated: "Do you understand the impact of the restart of the world on your personal timeline?

Have you and Carter ever thought that your lives and memories were distorted in the final crisis? "

"Ah, Kendra and Carter's timeline has been restarted?" the heroes exclaimed.

While surprised, a look of surprise gradually appeared on their faces.

"Kendra, why didn't you tell us? Tell us earlier and go to Harley earlier to minimize the impact! With her ability, she should be able to help you find the past timeline." Dinah said .

In the final crisis, the fifth world completely underwent a big reset. The dead Heavenly Father and Darkseid returned, and the material universe was slightly affected.

After all, Darkseid is conducting an equation argument in the main universe that "everything belongs to Darkseid." The material basis and laws of the universe have become part of Darkseid and need to be restarted and repaired.

However, most ordinary people were not affected at all. On the contrary, the subsequent "Flashpoint Incident" and the restart of the Flashpoint world had a greater impact on the timeline of the people on earth.

"I know about reboots, and I know that reboots have the potential to distort the reality of the world and change some people's timelines, but trust me, Carter and I are just returning to our truest selves.

It’s actually you, all of you, who are really being distorted by the reboot’s perception and timeline! "Kendra said with a serious expression.

Seeing that their eyes were suspicious and hesitant, and they hesitated to speak several times, she asked again: "Is the Era of the Martial God King real history?"

"The Era of the God of War is real, but the truth about it is known to everyone in the world. Didn't you watch the news?

Louise also made a special series about the Era of the God of War, which lasted for 45 episodes. The ins and outs, cause and effect, impact and results were all explained in great detail. "Diana said.

Kendra said: “No matter what the truth of the Martial God King’s era is, it is extremely real to all of us on this timeline.

Since it is absolutely true and has a huge impact on history, ask yourself, have you ever truly regarded it as history?

There are ruins of King Martial God everywhere on the earth. Do you still remember the experience of learning the history of King Martial God in class when you were a child?

Especially you, Diana.

They were born late, too far away from the era of King Wushen, and may regard King Wushen as a myth.

But you are a god yourself and have lived for eight thousand years. Your mother even experienced the era of the God of War herself and is very aware of the battle between humans and gods back then. Did she ever tell you about it?

But after meeting Harley, have you ever had the same feeling as meeting a legend? "

Diana looked at her with a hint of pity in her eyes.

This is a standard patient with "restart syndrome"!

Stubborn and unrepentant, plausible but unable to persuade.

"Although the Martial God King Era is real, I already existed before this timeline. I still remember everything on the real timeline, so naturally I will not be affected by the new timeline."

Kendra shook his head and said: "How can it not be affected? The Era of the God of War is today's reality. You live in this reality, and every minute and every second you experience is affected by the real history of the past.

Otherwise, how do you think Challenger Mountain came about? "

"I was just about to say it." Neptune seemed to have been holding it in for a long time and was finally released. "We can talk about the restart later. The key now is Challenger Mountain.

Hundreds of thousands of people were killed and injured in one fell swoop. The United States was shocked, the world was in turmoil, and people were in a quarrel online.

Only by announcing the truth as soon as possible can we appease people's hearts. "

"Maybe the truth will only bring greater panic."

Kendra sighed and said, “However, I won’t hide anything from you.

You all know the history of Carter and I. Thousands of years ago, we reincarnated on the earth. He was Khufu, the son of the Pharaoh of the 19th Dynasty of ancient Egypt. I was his wife. The wizards Naboo and Shazam also served us. What do you think? But no, our souls appeared earlier. "

Dinah said: "Why don't you think about it? We know the history and customs of the Senagan people very well.

Your souls have been imbued with N metal and can reincarnate indefinitely.

Many Senagans choose to reincarnate in other civilizations to experience more colorful cultures and collect more scientific and technological knowledge.

The Senagon people have hardly done any scientific research on their own, but through reincarnation with memories, they have forcibly raised a primitive civilization with serious religious worship to the top of the universe.

However, all benefits come at a price. You have not experienced hard self-struggle, your achievements have come too easily, and your spiritual civilization has failed to keep up with the development of society.

Some people who choose reincarnation are well-informed, broad-minded, and trendy in their thinking.

The people who have remained in the inner reincarnation of Senagang planet have conservative ideas and follow the old ways, and have entered advanced civilization. They are still practicing the most primitive religious worship.

What I worship is the great devil of hell, bloody, cruel, and depraved.”

"Don't go too far." Sea King Arthur patted her arm.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to ridicule you, I just felt sorry for you." Dinah sighed.

She personally experienced the "Rann-Senagon War" and saw with her own eyes the entire process of the demon Onyma destroying Senagan civilization, and she was deeply moved.

Many years have passed since the war that year. Not to mention that Lann has recovered as before, at least his position as the overlord of the galaxy has not been shaken at all.

Senagan, who had obviously suffered less losses on the battlefield, was almost in a state of collapse, and he has yet to recover.

"To be honest, I identify more with my identity as an Earthling." Kendra looked calm and did not feel offended. "What I want to say is that before Khufu and Triaya, Carter and I have been reincarnated in Earth, the Earth of ancient times.”

"So?" Dachao looked confused, "Carter also said that he was once a Kryptonian. What does your reincarnation have to do with Challenger Mountain?"

Bateman's eyes flashed slightly, and there was a hint of shock in his low voice, "Your previous life was also in the era of the Martial God King?"

Kendra nodded slightly, "Carter and I have witnessed the afterglow of the Martial God King era. At that time, the war between humans and gods had ended, and even the human Martial God patrol envoys had almost disappeared.

Do you know about the Martial God Inspector? He is the human warrior god who rides an alien motorcycle to patrol the human tribe. "

Dinah said strangely: "Of course I know that Oliver has been a human patrol for tens of thousands of years, so that after he returned to modern times, he didn't like patrolling the streets very much.

Almost every superhero likes to patrol the streets. He used to patrol the streets every day, and he felt uncomfortable if he didn't patrol once a day.

Now he prefers to lie on the sofa and play games while being distracted and serving as a technical director for Team Arrow.

He said that he used to patrol the entire earth, and even enter the solar system and various other dimensions. The enemies he guarded against were gods and demons, which was very majestic and gave him a sense of accomplishment.

Now I'm patrolling a small city and just arresting some human villains, which is really not interesting. "

"When Carter and I reincarnated on Earth, the patrol system had been cancelled, and the human God of War would only leave the God of War from time to time. In addition, we had also heard of the famous name of 'Dead-Eyed Yi', and we heard that he had fallen into a deep sleep." Ken Della said.

"Then what?" Dachao asked.

Kendra glanced at Bateman, "At the beginning, there were four major human tribes in the western continent of North America, namely the bird tribe, the bear tribe, the wolf tribe, and the bat tribe that emerged later. Kent and I became the leaders of the bird tribe."

"Bat tribe. I seem to have heard Oliver talk about it." Dinah recalled.

Kendra continued to stare at Batman, "The Bat Tribe had a protracted war with the three major tribes, but later some members of the Bat Tribe broke away from the original tribe and joined the Bird Tribe.

They don't really want to integrate into the Bird Tribe, they just want to pollute the spirit and thoughts of the Bird Tribe.

They spread the belief in a terrifying demon among the bird tribe, and the symbol of that demon is a huge and terrifying bat.

It is the source of all the subsequent disasters for mankind for tens of thousands of years, and it is also the darkness that is about to come. "

"Am I related to the Bat Tribe and the Bat Demon?" Bateman asked directly.

"You created the Bat Tribe, and the descendants you left behind in the Bat Tribe are the priests who serve the Bat Demon, and are also the 'Judas' who infiltrated the Bird Tribe. You and the Bat Demon are inextricably linked to each other," Kendra said. .

“I don’t remember the detailed experience of traveling through the Martial King Era, but Harley knows it, and Oliver knows it, and they all said that I only stayed in the Martial King Era for a few days.

I haven't had any relationships with any female savages, so there's no way I could leave any descendants. "Baitman said.

“Among the sacred objects enshrined by the Bat tribe are your bat uniform and belt, and the omnipotent belt also contains your weapons, such as batarangs.

They respect you almost as much as the bat demon, and they regard you as the messenger of the bat demon.

As for everyone having ancestors, have you ever thought that your ancestors come from the bat tribe? Even you are the ancestor of your ancestors. "

The heroes were stunned.

"Kendra, do you know what you are talking about? Bateman gave birth to a child with an ancient man, and that child is Bateman's ancestor? That's ridiculous."

"My mind is very clear. Bateman not only traveled to 50,000 years ago, he drifted on the river of time and appeared many times at different points in time.

Have you ever seen a waste of money? At first, the stones were very powerful and the distance between the landing points was very far. Later, the distance became shorter and shorter, and finally they fell into the water.

Bateman appeared very rarely in the early and middle periods of the War God King Era, maybe only once or twice?

The closer we get to 'modern times', the more frequently he appears, traveling through the world once every few decades or ten years.

Harley and Oliver don't know what happened at a time close to 'modern times', and they have already fallen into 'sleep'. " Kendra said.

"Do you have evidence?" Bateman's expression remained calm.

"There is no conclusive evidence, but Carter has studied many ancient murals and legends. In almost every incident, you have interacted with bat demons and bat tribes. If you are interested, I can introduce them to you one by one."

Kendra said as she led the heroes into Hawkman Carter's storage room.

There are many ancient utensils placed inside, and there are also yellowed old photos or hand-painted murals hanging on the walls.

Bateman's "black bat logo" is indeed visible in several of the drawings.

Kendra also opened the drawer and took out a "diary" that was thicker than a dictionary. It contained Carter's records and collected materials.

"The struggle between the bird tribe and the bat tribe has lasted for many years. It should be said that humans have never lacked heroes, and they have never given up fighting the darkness.

Because we have been entangled with the Bat Tribe and the Bat Priests, we were able to collect this information and found out that you are so deeply involved with the Bat Tribe (ps). "

Dachao first turned on his super vision and looked at the "Carter Diary", then glanced at his good friend and said hesitantly: "Harry once said that the evil owl god may be targeting you.

Although your journey through the timeline is related to Omega rays, Darkseid has no special purpose."

Bateman frowned and looked through "Carter's Diary" without speaking.

Diana looked sideways at the contents of the diary for a while and asked, "Kendra, are the Owl Evil God and the Bat Demon the same existence?"

Kendra shook her head, "I don't know much about the evil owl god. Carter and I died in the war between the bird tribe and the bat tribe, and were killed by the 'bat priest' of the bat tribe.

Later, we awakened this memory and began to inquire about the Bat Demon.

We need to find it, challenge it, and then eradicate its evil influence on humanity.

Challenger Mountain, which fell in Gotham at this time, was originally a small peak in the Rocky Mountains. Hundreds of years ago, Carter established a secret "hyperspace travel experimental base" in the heart of the mountain.

Didn't you see the space capsule and the cryogenic chamber inside before?

That's for plane travel. "

"The equipment in Challenger Mountain is indeed very old, as if it has many years of history, but did the earth have such advanced technology hundreds of years ago?" Dachao asked confused.

"First of all, Carter and I have memories of past lives, including life experiences on Krypton or other interstellar civilizations, and we have powerful scientific research technology.

Secondly, the earth is not as simple as you think.

Not to mention anything else, tens of thousands of years ago in the era of the King of Martial Gods, human Martial God inspectors all rode space motorcycles.

After those motorcycles are enchanted by the prisoners of the old gods, they can enter other dimensions and dimensional rifts to fight gods and demons.

When we were excavating the ruins of King Martial God, we found a lot of treasures.

It’s not just us. Many of the ancient emperors and overlords relied on the ‘Martial God King’s Legacy’ to dominate the world.

During World War II, Heitler wanted to dominate the world by excavating the relics of the King of Martial Arts. If it hadn't been for the rise of the Justice Society, he would have probably succeeded. "

The corners of the heroes' mouths twitched, and they felt extremely awkward. They wanted to complain loudly, but they opened their mouths several times but were speechless.

Because what she is talking about is the "real history" of this timeline.

Even today, relics from the War God King era can be found from all over the world. If you are lucky, you can dig up weapons that are more powerful than space battleships.

Some warlord leaders in the Middle East and Africa relied on "relic weapons" to rise to power.

"Finally, we did not act alone. Shazam Wizard and Naboo both took into account the feelings of the old monarchs and ministers and provided us with a lot of help.

The energy source for entering the dark dimension is the N-metal power pump that Shazam Wizard helped design.

Other power sources cannot adapt to the environment of the dark dimension. Only the special energy extracted from N metal is effective.

In the end, as you can see, the entire top of Challenger Mountain was moved to another space, and it was only today that it fell back to the material world from the edge of the dark dimension, but I don’t know why it landed in Gotham.”

Kendra glanced at Bateman again, "Maybe Gotham is located directly under the dark dimension and is the place where the Bat Demon finally descends.

When the dragon climbs out of the cave, rocks may fall from the foot of the mountain.

Those stones were originally at the entrance of the dragon's cave. When the dragon crawled, it took the stones out of the cave and rolled down to the foot of the mountain, hitting them right in the center of the valley village.

At this time, the alert villagers should have sensed that a great terror was coming. "

"What do you want me to do?" Bateman closed the "Carter Diary" and looked at Kendra and asked.

Kendra hesitated for a moment, then took out a bundle of ancient parchment rolls from the cabinet, "There is a legend recorded here that the bat demon in the darkness needs to use a human-shaped passage to enter the world.

Before that human being can become a portal of darkness, he must first be fed five kinds of 'sacred metals', which is the ninth divine gold, through the priests of the bat demon.

The Bat-demon will seek out that human nightmare and take them all under his wing.”

"Look here!" Kendra pointed to an ancient word in the parchment. "It has appeared together with the dark bat demon many times. It means a movable container, a -"

"Carriage? The word is wagon." Diana said.

Kendra said calmly: "I think it's Wayne."

Dachao said in a harsh voice: "If we want to prevent the dark bat demon from coming, we must destroy the human-shaped door?"

"Only by feeding five kinds of metals can a door become a door. Bateman, hurry up to Heaven Mountain and hide in God's house. No one can hurt you.

Although Harley has left, we can contact Ivy in Paradise Mountain and ask her to take Bateman to heaven in the Archimedes airship. "Poseidon said.

"The Archimedes airship is on Earth, and Harley left it with Rachel." Dinah said.

"That's better."

Kendra said: "I originally planned to let Bateman stay on Black Hawk Island and let us protect him, but if he can go to Paradise Mountain, it should be safer than Black Hawk Island."

Bateman fell asleep for a moment and said: "A Challenger Mountain can fall from the dark dimension today, but what about tomorrow and the day after tomorrow? We must completely solve this problem."

"You go to Heaven Mountain, and we will solve the cracks in the dark dimension." Da Chao said.

"No, I can't escape."

At this moment, Diana moved her fingers away from Da Chao's eyebrows and asked, "Have you sorted out your memories?"

"Alas, Bateman should have gone to Heaven Mountain earlier." Dachao opened his eyes and sighed.

"I can't go. The moment Harley leaves, heaven immediately closes its doors," Diana said.

Da Chao was stunned for a moment and asked curiously: "How do you know? Didn't the Keeper Dog System persist for several days?"

"Baitman told me that he is a destined person and cannot enter Paradise Mountain."

Dachao was silent for a moment and said: "Now let's go to Gotham. I can hear Barbatos laughing and screaming. Maybe Bateman is there too."

"We shouldn't be its opponent. At least not right now." Diana hesitated.

"Barbatos is laughing at us, it knows that we have come down from the human tower, and the Dark Knights are coming here.

And there are only two of us free people left in this world, with nowhere to go and no way to escape. I don’t know what backup plan Harley has left, but now we can only fight to the death. "

Dachao looked up at the sky. The sky was filled with dark clouds and there was no trace of the sun.

"I'll go up first to replenish energy." He took Diana and flew into the sky.

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