I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1820 The Earth finally fell completely

Although the Endless Family is very powerful, they theoretically belong to one of the eight divine realms of the Fifth World.

The fifth world is the divine world within Limbo Prison in the fifth dimension. It is dominated by the eight divine realms. Heaven and hell are created by God and belong to angels and demons respectively. Heaven and Hell are created by the old gods and are composed of all the old gods. The Apocalypse Star and the Genesis Star came from the original "Old God Star of the Material Realm" and later became a "state-owned asset". Under the arrangement of the origin, they were split into two divine planets representing light and darkness respectively.

The dream kingdom and nightmare dimension are "purely state-owned assets."

Although Apokolips and Chuangshi Star are also state-owned assets, they are transferred from private companies to state-owned assets. When the original owners of the private companies die, their assets will belong to "Origin". Just like in the real world, if you die without leaving a will, your personal inheritance will belong to the state.

As a purely private company in the DC multiverse, Heaven, Hell, and Heaven and Hell are relatively free, and their responsibilities are also very simple: as the pillars of the fifth world, they support the stable operation of the Sea of ​​Laws and maintain the normal flow of the miracle power of the multiverse.

The nationalized Apokolips Star and Creation Star, in addition to assuming the responsibility of the load-bearing pillars of the Law Sea, also represent the darkness and light, evil and justice of the multiverse respectively.

They maintain to a certain extent the balance between good and evil, light and darkness.

Although judging from Heavenly Father's performance in various major events in the past ten years or so, whether it is IQ, force, emotional intelligence, decisiveness, vision, ambition, or mind and magnanimity, he cannot compare with Darkseid, Apokolips The influence of the New God of Darkness in the multiverse is even greater than that of the Light Gods on the Creation Star, but the balance of good and evil in the multiverse remains basically stable.

Because the main universe also has the Justice League, which represents absolute justice.

The responsibility of Apokolips and Creation Star is to maintain the balance of good and evil in the multiverse as a whole, not the absolute balance between Darkseid and Heavenly Father, the Dark Gods and the Light Gods.

When good in the world flourishes and evil declines, Darkseid's power will grow, or the power of the Heavenly Father will weaken, and the entire multiverse will still be balanced between good and evil; when good does not suppress evil in the world, the power of the Heavenly Father will grow, or the power of Darkseid will Decay, the multiverse is generally still a balance between good and evil.

Millions of years ago, the Justice League had not yet appeared. There were no super villains or superheroes in the world. There was a balance between good and evil. There were no major events or crises. Heavenly Father and Darkseid had been fighting each other face to face, fist to fist, and anal for hundreds of millions of years. , it has always been a 50-50 draw and it is hard to tell the winner.

In addition to maintaining the balance between good and evil, light and darkness, Harley also speculated that Darkseid is related to the transformation of the "crisis force" in the multiverse.

The dream dimension and nightmare dimension are purer "state-owned enterprises" than Apokolips and Creation Star, and are also the earliest divine realms in the fifth world.

Even heaven and hell only became complete after Lucifer Morningstar betrayed God eons after the birth of the universe.

Well, at the creation of the world, God created heaven.

A "primordial hell" without demons lies beneath heaven.

The heaven and hell at that time were very different from now, and they were not perfect divine realms.

When Lucifer fell and Michael became the king of Silver City, the mature heaven system "Holy Sound City-Silver City-Outer Heaven" was officially formed.

The arrival of Lucifer also caused nine levels of hell to emerge from the sunless sea of ​​chaos.

At this time, heaven and hell were officially opened to the outside world. Heaven recruits believers in God, and hell accepts evil spirits and evil gods.

But as early as the beginning of creation, time was the father and "night" was the mother. After giving birth to the seven brothers and sisters of the Endless Family, the dream dimension and the nightmare dimension were immediately born.

The dream dimension is the domain of the Sandman, and is also home to the other six brothers and sisters. Their domains are placed "above" the dream dimension, such as the "Garden of Destiny" of Destiny.

The dream dimension is already in the fifth dimension, and it is higher than the fifth dimension. It can only be the sixth manager dimension.

Why do you say that the home of the Endless Family members is built in the dream dimension even though they live in the sixth dimension? Why not just say that they live in the sixth dimension?

Harley was friends with Morpheus, and she had asked similar questions earlier in her life, driven by curiosity.

Morpheus didn't make it clear at the time.

When it comes to the secrets of the manager dimension, Morpheus himself is greatly restricted and cannot go into too much detail.

He just told Harley that the responsibility of the dream dimension is far heavier than that of Apokolips and Genesis, and that the structure of the dream dimension is far more complex and larger than what she is exposed to now.

Even in the sixth dimension, there is a realm of dreams—the dark nightmare dimension.

It can also be said that the complete dream realm spreads from the fifth dimension to the sixth dimension, and his brothers and sisters live in the dream dimension of the sixth dimension.

Another point is that Morpheus is only the highest authority in the dream kingdom of the fifth dimension.

In the sixth dimension, the master of the sixth dimension is the absolute manager of the six-dimensional dream dimension.

When Harley breaks the dimensional barrier between the fifth and sixth dimensions, the first person to be alarmed is not Big Brother Destiny, but the master of the sixth dimension.

Theoretically, the master of the Manager dimension is the "Former of the World", one of the three Creators.

But at this time, the actual manager of the sixth dimension is "Papetua's fourth son" Barbatos. Well, it claims to be Pappetua's fourth son, and has always called Pappetua "mother" ".

"Mother, our chance has finally come!" Seeing Harley penetrate layer after layer of dimensional barriers like a bullet, shooting straight into the Garden of Destiny, the "Fourth Son" once again called his old mother inside the wall of origin.

"Mother, mother, can you hear me?" After shouting and getting no response, the "Fourth Son" couldn't wait to shout again.

"Barbatos, stop shouting, I can hear you." Although Pepatua's voice was weak and a little erratic, it went directly into the mind of "Fourth Son" Barbatos.

"Mother, you don't seem to be in good condition?" Barbatos asked with concern.

"I'm fine, it's just that the Color Light Corps has used the new 'Origin Wall Repair Technology' in recent months.

The pace and progress of repairing the Origin Wall is increasing rapidly.

The more complete the Origin Wall is and the tighter the seal is on me, the weaker my consciousness of entering the multiverse will be. "

"That bastard is really a big disaster!" At the end of the sentence, the mother of creation couldn't help but cursed in a low voice.

"A relic?" Barbatos thought for a while before remembering the story of an orphan from the last universe. "A 'foreigner' from a completely destroyed multiverse?"

Papetua said: "That's him, he has the complete wisdom of the color and light civilization in the previous universe, and the little blue man has the richest color and light knowledge in this multiverse.

The color and light army has powerful talents that are most suitable for emotional energy.

The three of them formed the "Origin Wall Restoration Team", which posed a great threat to me.

Especially behind the "tripartite organization" stands the witch Harley.

It was she who first proposed the 'Emotional Neutralization Plan', and it was she who urged the major pornographic corps to cooperate with the survivors to form the 'Emotional Neutralization Organization'.

The current ‘Origin Wall Restoration Group’ is almost the other side of the ‘Emotionally Neutralizing Organization’.

Even if I resort to provoking conflicts between all parties, as I did in the past, Witch Harley can suppress everything, keep her word, and smooth out any dissatisfaction. "

"Mother, we don't have to worry about Witch Harley anymore." Barbatos said excitedly: "She has completely left the multiverse of light. Now she is forcibly breaking through the dimensional barrier and is about to enter - ah, she has already entered the Garden of Destiny. She and Destiny Bar On.

Facing destiny in the field of destiny, Witch Harley is finished! "

"Origin comes first. Our chance has finally come. Barbatos, you can't delay any longer. Act now. Why does Witch Harley want to attack the Garden of Destiny?" Papetua was both surprised and puzzled.

According to the agreement she made with Barbatos in the Era of the God of War, it should be launched as soon as the final crisis is over.

But during the Era of the Martial God King, both she and Barbatos attracted the attention of the Martial God King Harley, and both suffered major setbacks at the hands of Harley: the 'meteorite' containing Pepatua's will had just fallen to the earth and was immediately destroyed. Harley discovered it and sealed it back to the Origin Wall.

The "Whispers" of Pappetua, which can pollute the Creator's soul, are completely ineffective against Harley.

Barbatos is even worse, and its reality has been greatly distorted by Harley: some of the Egret Priests directly became Harley's followers.

In the real timeline before the Final Crisis, Barbatos was active in the ancient times as the Storm God Set, developing a team of fallen and dark priests openly and extending the tentacles of darkness to every human tribe.

But in the era of the Martial God King, the name of the Martial God spread throughout the world, the belief in the Martial God spread all over the world, and the human Martial God controlled the world. The followers of Barbatos could only lurk and hide, breathe in the gutter, and linger in the dark corners.

There are also several ancient ancestors who were supposed to become owl priests, but "returned their evil ways" and became followers of the King of Martial God.

One of them was even promoted to the God of Martial Arts and fought against the "Owl Evil God" for thousands of years on behalf of the Martial God King.

The priest who was supposed to be the most loyal follower of Barbatos turned into a human hero fighting against darkness.

If they had the ability to beat Harley to death, neither Pappetua nor Barbatos would endure it for a single second.

However, the reality is very helpless. Even the Anti-Monitor, who even Barbatos is very afraid of, cannot kill the Witch Harley even if he joins forces with Darkseid.

Witch Harley is at the height of her power and is powerful all over the world.

As long as she is on Earth, Barbatos will not dare invade the Multiverse of Light.

Papetua was anxious and helpless.

She needed to trigger a multiverse-level crisis to create a crisis force, which should have urged or even forced Barbatos to act sooner.

But if Barbatos had just entered the light multiverse from the dark multiverse, and was immediately suppressed by the Witch Harley, and the crisis broke out, she would also not gain any crisis power, but would lose a trump card.

So they, "mother and son", have been waiting until now.

"We should act immediately, but not immediately introduce darkness and nightmare into the light multiverse." Hearing the surprise in the old mother's voice, Barbatos calmed down first.

"The top priority now is to ensure that the Witch Harley never comes back. The conflict between her and destiny began as early as last year, long before the final crisis.

With the help and connivance of Destiny, the three sisters of Destiny plotted against the witch Harley, which almost caused the earth's civilization to be completely destroyed by the doomsday virus." Barbatos explained to the old mother in detail and quickly the grudge between Harley and Destiny.

Very precise, even certain details are clear.

"Since you know that she has a conflict with fate, why didn't you tell me earlier? Maybe I could have triggered the conflict between the two parties earlier." Papetua complained.

"Can you still seduce those guys from the Endless Family whose minds are as rigid as computer programs?" Barbatos asked doubtfully.

Papetua said proudly: "All creatures in the multiverse are my creations and will be affected by me. Witch Harley is a freak. She has obtained a new 'power of origin' from the omnipotent universe, which is Manhattan. The doctor's power can resist the contamination of my soul.

Although the Endless Family is the incarnation of rules, they all have their own will and can also be tempted by me.

But there's little value in tempting them.

Once they fail in their duties, they will lose their destiny at the same time, and they will quickly complete the 'update iteration' - the incarnation of the old rules dies and a new incarnation of the rules is reborn.

Once their souls are contaminated by me, they will soon be replaced by new incarnations of the rules.

If a person dies, he cannot help me.

But the Three Sisters of Destiny are also a pretty good target.

Aren't they the ones who instigated the feud between fate and the witch Harley?

If I can control them, I can make the conflict between Witch Harley and fate break out earlier and more intensely. "

If she really seduces the three sisters of destiny, Big Brother Destiny will definitely find out from the "Book of Destiny" that their souls are contaminated.

While he was on guard, he would never let the three sisters enter the Garden of Destiny again, and the conflict with Harley might not have developed to the extent it has today.

"Mother, you know, although with your help, I assassinated Alpheus (the Forger's real name) and took away his authority, all I can control is the Dark Multiverse.

Everything that happens in the multiverse of light is not within my scope of vision. "

Barbatos explained: “Now I can understand the conflict between Witch Harley and destiny because I just found one of Bateman’s nightmares from the nightmare dimension.

In his nightmare, there was a scene where the Witch Harley failed and was killed - I decided to turn this nightmare into reality. "

"How do you plan to make Bateman's nightmare come true?" Pappetua asked with interest.

"Uh, isn't it just like creating the Dark Multiverse before, stuffing his nightmares into the ruined cosmic egg, and allowing the cosmic egg to grow deformed into a new nightmare universe.

In that universe, Witch Harley will definitely be brutally killed by fate. "Barbatos said.

Papetua felt disgusted and said angrily: "Can this kind of love hurt even a hair on Witch Harley's true body?"

She thought that her son was going to help Big Brother Destiny brutally kill the Witch Harley in reality.

Only in this way can the evil spirit that she has held back for tens of thousands of years (the era of the God of War) be released all at once.

What’s the point of just having a nightmare world in the Dark Multiverse?

"I will not be satisfied with this. Creating a nightmare universe in which the Witch Harley was brutally killed by fate is just a matter of convenience.

My real plan is to increase the flow of time in the Garden of Destiny.

Under normal circumstances, if Witch Harley dares to invade the Garden of Destiny, even if she is not killed miserably, she will be sealed forever.

Just like Belial, the King of Lies, who provoked Morpheus in the Dream Kingdom that day.

But Witch Harley is not a normal person. If she seizes the one in ten thousand chance to create a miracle. Even if she finally creates a miracle, as long as the time in the Garden of Destiny flows fast enough and by the time she defeats Destiny, I will have completely destroyed the multiverse of light. , destroy her hometown, we will also win a great victory. "Barbatos said excitedly.

"Well, that's a good idea. You are the master of the sixth dimension. The Garden of Destiny is in the sixth dimension. As long as the people of the Endless Family don't interfere, you. Try it. How many times can you increase the speed of time?" Papetua road.

"The moment Witch Harley stepped into the Garden of Destiny, I started to actively speed up, and it went smoothly. Destiny didn't care, and it was useless for him to care. No one could stop me unless I called his father, the 'Master of Time,' to come.

Hey, it's about thirty times improved.

Originally, the flow rate of time in the Garden of Destiny was the same as that of the main universe.

Now one day in the Garden of Destiny, one month has passed in the main universe.

By the time Witch Harley stays in the Garden of Destiny for two or three days, I have transformed the light multiverse into the dark multiverse! "Barbatos said proudly.

"Thirty times." Pepatua asked: "Can it continue to be improved? If it is increased by three hundred or three thousand times, it will obviously be safer."

Barbatos sighed: "If it is a nightmare universe in the dark multiverse, let alone three thousand times, I can see the outside world for an instant, and the universe has been thousands of years.

But the Garden of Destiny is not my domain, and I cannot even directly change the flow rate in the garden.

Only because the Garden of Destiny is in the sixth dimension and I speed up the entire sixth dimension, I indirectly increase the flow of time in the Garden of Destiny. "

"Then hurry up." Pappetua urged.

"Mother, I still need your help." Barbatos said quickly: "According to the agreement between Mobius, Alpheus, and Marnou, the multiverse of light belongs to Marnou, and the antimatter universe belongs to Marnou. Belongs to Mobius.

Now that I leave the sixth dimension and enter the multiverse of light, I will definitely attract interference from the monitors.

A monitor with complete powers and a home field advantage, I'm afraid I'm no match for him. "

Papetua said calmly: "I have created opportunities for you before. The Darkseid war earlier, you didn't think it was an accident, right?

Instigating Mobius to kill Darkseid has two purposes. One is to gain crisis power, and the other is to create conditions for you.

Mobius invades the multiverse, and the new monitor Wu Tan must stop it with all his strength.

Taking advantage of the stalemate between Wu Tan and Mobius, I plotted against him.

The parallel universe destroyed by Mobius also needs time and energy to be restored completely. Wu Tan will be unable to fight you for a long time. "

"The destroyed parallel universe has been repaired by Witch Harley and Wu Tan. One year has passed, Wu Tan should have recovered, right?" Barbatos said.

In the process of repairing the parallel universe, Harley obtained thousands of cosmic eggs from the sixth dimension, and the cosmic eggs were managed by the "master of the sixth dimension", so Barbatos was very aware of the situation at that time.

"Yes, you wasted too much time and the great opportunity I created for you." Papetua said.

If Harley had not traveled to the DC multiverse, the "Dark Night" crisis would have broken out long ago.

The old mother of creation sighed again: "It's not entirely your fault. Witch Harley is a freak. Mobius and Darkseid didn't even tear apart her stomach. In the 'Battle of the Fighting Realm', Darkseid didn't tear up her stomach." Said probably didn't use all his strength, that ungrateful bastard didn't want me to benefit."

Barbatos asked cautiously: "You also cooperate with Darkseid?"

The Mother of Creation was silent for a while and said: "Didn't I just say that there are two purposes for tempting Mobius to launch the Darkseid War, the most important of which is crisis power.

As the 'crisis force purifier' of the multiverse, Darkseid has the ability to reabsorb and digest the crisis force, and also has the responsibility to transform the crisis force into the origin of the universe.

I was able to break free of the seal so quickly, thanks to him resisting the pressure of the will of the multiverse in recent years and forcibly transferring the crisis power to me.

Of course, he also got a lot of benefits from me.

After the final crisis, he refused to remain loyal to me.

In order to continue to gain crisis power, I can only kill him.

Before the new 'Darkseid' takes the throne, the crisis force born in the universe cannot be digested naturally and can only be absorbed by me.

Even if the second generation of Dark Lord is born and can reach the realm of Darkseid, who can sense and control the power of crisis in killing, I can corrupt him again. Alas, Darkseid did not escape after all. "

"Barbatos, after you enter the main universe, help me pay attention to one person, Lex Luthor of Metropolis. No matter how many people you kill, try not to let him die in this crisis." The Mother of Creation added road.

"Lex Luthor, is he the failed second-generation Dark Lord? Do you still expect him to make a comeback?" Barbatos asked.

"I'm just a little short of getting out of trouble. If you perform well this time, maybe my crisis power will be enough. Even if Lex Luthor can really make a comeback, I will have already escaped from trouble."

"Then what can he do for you?"

Papetua shouted: "Don't ask any questions, prepare to invade the Light Multiverse immediately. Don't be afraid of Monitor Wu Tan, I will definitely help you if necessary."

At this moment.

"Clark, don't be in a daze, Louise is calling you, didn't you hear?" Martha patted her son's arm reproachfully and handed a plate of skewered beef rolls to his hand.

Clark subconsciously took the plate, looked down at the dark red tender meat rolls, and then turned around to look around.

The scene around him was obviously very familiar and warm, but he always felt that there was an inexplicable dissonance.

They were at "Kent Farm" in the small town of Smallville, Kansas.

Next to it is the golden wheat field, and a hundred meters away is the barn where the harvester is parked.

The sun sets in the west, and the warm red sunlight falls on the lawn, like a dark red blanket, which is reassuring and comfortable.

Clark has seen this scene countless times, but it was when he was a boy. It has been almost twenty years since his father passed away——

"Pah!" Clark patted his head gently.

Is he out of his mind?

His father was obviously nearby, flying kites with Xiao Qiao and Chloe (Nala Long's daughter). How could he feel that he had already passed away for more than ten years?

"What's wrong? You haven't recovered from the battle that just passed?" Louise handed over a glass of beer and took the initiative to take the plate of meat rolls.

"Battle." Clark was stunned for a moment, and then memories flooded into his mind: After Harley left the main universe, the world immediately became very strange. Many superheroes in the Justice League had nightmares one after another, especially Bateman. He said that he was After receiving the revelation in his dream, the dream god Morpheus also found him and said many strange things to him.

In short, after they received the last news from Harley and learned that she had completely left the main universe, Bateman became neurotic, often talking to the air alone, and doing strange things.

For example, he actually sneaked into Paradise Island and stole baby Darkseid!

God, even Diana doesn't know that Greer is hiding in the rainforest of Paradise Island with baby Darkseid, let alone Diana, even Harley may not know.

Bateman has never been to Paradise Island, how did he know the location of baby Darkseid?

Moreover, Greer is the king of assassins. He secretly stole from her the baby Darkseid, whom she regarded as her only relative and her final salvation. How did Bateman do it?

What’s even weirder is that Bateman actually wants to use baby Darkseid to commit suicide!

He wanted to die from baby Darkseid's omega rays.

He said that only in this way can the upcoming crisis of annihilation be truly resolved.

But Bateman had no chance to commit suicide with baby Darkseid. The Court of Owls stopped him, and the Owl Priest led a group of "owls" to surround them. The Owl Priest is so strong!

He and Diana joined forces, but they couldn't survive a single attack. No, that's not right!

"Pah!" Clark slapped his head hard again, "No, something's wrong, me, Diana and I, we-"

"You defeated the Owl Priest." Louise smiled at the side.

Her smile was so gentle, as reassuring as ever, but why was her smiling face so far away from him?

It's clearly right in front of you, but it seems like you'll never be able to touch it.

Clark looked at her blankly, nodded slightly and said, "Yes, although we were caught off guard by the Owl Priests, we still defeated them in the end.

Even if they take the opportunity to open the Dark Portal and release the terrifying Dark God Barbatos, Diana and I will still win the final victory."

"Hey hey hey!" The golden-red sunset seemed to be drawn with curtains, and suddenly it was covered by thick black clouds, and a strange laughter came from above the black clouds.

"Pfft!" Before Clark could recover from the changes in the sky, Louise's chest was suddenly pierced by a sharp, dark blade, and blood splashed all over his face.

"No, don't come again, no~~~" Clark's expression was so horrified that he screamed heartbreakingly while holding his head.

"Chichi!" The sharp blade continued to thrust forward. It turned out that it was not a blade, but a fingernail that was sharper than the blade.

After the jet-black nails wider than a kitchen knife and longer than a spear penetrated Louise's chest, a finger as thick as a pillar followed, and Louise's thin body exploded into two pieces.

The owner of the finger is right behind them, a thirty-meter-tall dragon-scaled bat-man: he has the most basic human form, wearing a tattered black cloak, with two huge dry black bat wings on his back, and his palms are dragon claws. The exposed skin is also covered with pale white dragon scales.

"Barbatos!" Clark howled angrily.

He didn't recognize it before, let alone its name.

Now that Harley has left and darkness has fallen, he already knows who it is and what it represents.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie" The dragon-scaled batman smiled strangely and waved his arms. The dragon claws were like machetes, cutting Martha, Old Jonathan, Little Jonathan, and Little Chloe into several pieces in turn.

"No, mom, dad, Xiao Qiao, Chloe!" Clark flew towards Bat-Man, but was grabbed tightly by his other hand, just like an ordinary person grabbing a grasshopper.

"Barbatos, we defeated you, Diana and I have defeated you!"

His screams were filled with unwillingness and anger, but not much fear.

“If you don’t feel like you’ve defeated me, how can you enjoy a warm scene surrounded by family and friends?

If you don't kill them when you are happiest, how can you be afraid? Well, your fear has grown, but it's still not enough, not nearly enough. "

The dragon-scaled batman was triumphant at first, but as he spoke, his tone became low and irritable.

Finally, it raised its finger, and purple-black lightning emitted from its fingertips, "Clark Kent, accept the reality, every road will eventually lead to darkness."

"Stab la la -" The fingertips were inserted into Clark's mouth, and the purple and black lightning jumped wildly. Clark couldn't even scream, and his life force was burned away by the purple and black lightning, turning him into a mummy.

"Clark, Clark"

Clark fell into endless darkness in extreme pain, and a familiar voice could be heard vaguely outside the darkness.

The voice was calling his name.

"Clark, tear Man, wake up quickly, wake up, wake up from the nightmare!!"

Clark heard it, it was Diana!

"Diana" Clark wanted to respond to her, the sound coming out almost inaudible even to himself.

"Alas, Thick Skin's magical power really doesn't work!" He seemed to hear Diana sighing.

"Don't give up saving me, save me." He shouted in his heart, but he couldn't even shout out.

He felt that he was falling rapidly, falling deeper into darkness, getting further and further away from Diana.

"Buzz~~~" Suddenly, a strong force pulled him, pulling him up quickly. The darkness gradually moved away from him, and dots of light appeared above his head. His strength seemed to be recovering quickly.


"I'm here, Clark, I'm by your side, wake up!" Diana's voice was obviously filled with joy.

"Pah!" Clark felt a little pain on his face.

"Don't stop resisting!" It was Diana who was slapping him in the face and shouting in his face.

Dachao's consciousness finally broke through the darkness and came into light. He slowly opened his eyes and said weakly: "I will never surrender to Barbatos."

He saw Diana. Diana's hair was messy, her face was scarred, and her body shone with a faint golden light, which should be the thick-skinned power.

But outside the thick-skinned power, there were dense purple-black lightnings like rain.

They were like bloodthirsty leeches, clinging to her, burrowing hard into the light golden defensive gold film.

"I know that neither of us will give in. You and I have been resisting Barbatos even in our dreams, but we have been failing." Her eyes were still bright, full of indomitable fighting spirit, but her tone was full of bitterness. with sadness.

"In a dream?" Clark was stunned.

Diana didn't speak, she just lifted the mantra lasso wrapped around her right hand and silently used her divine power.

"Buzz buzz!" The mantra lasso lit up with brilliant golden light, and Clark's mind seemed to have opened a floodgate, and countless memories and images poured into the sea of ​​consciousness.

"I think about it, I fought Barbatos again and again, for months. No, decades. I fought it for decades. I used everything. We, the Justice League, went out together. I fought with him. Villains like Luther teamed up, and I asked the new gods of the Genesis Star to help me. I failed, failed countless times, but every time it made me think that I succeeded, and then in my most relaxed and enjoyable It’s time to expose the truth and let me”

"Where are we now? Where is Bateman?" He tried to struggle to sit up, but found that the Lasso of Truth tied his arm to Diana's arm, and he was pinned under her, unable to move.

"It was the Mantra Lasso that woke you up. Thick-skinned divine power is very strong, but it doesn't have a very good effect on nightmares. Moreover, the thick-skinned divine power in my body was drained by Barbatos. Now it has only recovered less than 1%, and the effect is very weak." ." Diana explained.

She hadn't untied the Word Lasso, and they needed it to keep their minds clear at this point.

"The two of us are prisoners now. Barbatos has pulled our consciousness into a nightmare, reincarnated countless times, trying to make us surrender completely.

Once we give in, the Prime Universe will be pulled into darkness.

The scenes you remember all happened in nightmares, and so did I, and they were all the same. "

"Them? Who else was captured?" Clark asked.

"Everyone" Diana helped Clark up and had a clear view of the surrounding scene.

The undoubtedly counted "corpses" were connected in series by purple-black lightning, arranged neatly, one on top of another, forming a "corpse mountain" 10,000 meters high.

"I'm sorry! They, they" Clark was so shocked that his whole body became stiff and he couldn't speak.

"The earth has fallen, and Barbatos rules the entire world." Diana said bitterly.

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