I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1812 Harley’s Plan B

"The natural magic crystal stone is the foundation of mankind's 'White Magic Civilization'. Now that Tim has destroyed the central energy network building, the law enforcer's energy crystal mecha has lost its energy and has almost become an ordinary person.

Even though there are still tens of millions of humans in the city, Tim's 'Magical Resistance Army' has already won the battle.

Next, he will capture a law enforcer whose energy mecha has disintegrated and force him to reveal the location where you are being held.

Law enforcers are selected from humans with the strongest mental and willpower. Their ideas are also indestructible and they will naturally not give in easily.

But Tim has magic.

In about ten minutes, Tim will rush into the Second Academy of Science riding a magic dragon. "

Harley glanced around the people and said, "I'm going to take away John and Xanadu, but you guys stay, Zac, Boston and Frankenstein."

She opened her mouth and vomited out Sage Ochi, who had been placed in the hut on Mount Li to recuperate.

"With Sage Aoqi, you should be able to assist Tim in achieving the 'Great Emperor'."

After hesitating for a moment, she reminded Xiao Zha and Boston: "You are the 'emperor's' of 'Hunter the Great', Tim's mentors and helpful friends, not generals, and you do not need to charge into battle for him.

There are three main things you have to do. First, give him correct guidance when he is confused.

Alas, this was originally the job of Xanadu, who revealed the fate of the world through divination.

You want to leave with me now——"

"Hey, don't talk to yourself!" The boss interrupted her and said: "We have brought Sage Aoqi over. You must have been to my hut, but have you brought me a bottle of youth potion? "

Harley was speechless, "Even asking me where I want to take you and John is more meaningful than this question."

"Give me the magic potion to restore my youth, and I will naturally continue to ask this question in my leisure time." Mrs. Shangdu said.

"You said earlier that you just drank the potion and haven't prepared a second bottle yet. The formula of the potion is only known to you. I can't even help you collect magic materials." Harley said.

"Can you just open your mouth and put all the materials in the potion room into the stomach bag dimension?"

"I'm not you. I care so much about your 'beauty' and am always thinking about restoring your youth.

And if you don't come with me, drinking the magic potion will be useless. Well, maybe it will be of some use. The song of science is coming to an end.

But it definitely won't work now.

Only by following me, and I use the creation power of the God King to create a realm with independent laws, and you stay in the realm, will the magic medicine be effective.

But I won't stay in this world for long, I will leave soon, so why should you be anxious? "

Then Harley continued the previous topic and said: "Xanadu, if you come with me, Emperor Hunter may be confused about his future.

Sage Aoqi, I will tell you the answer directly now.

Hunter's mission is to destroy the white magic civilization, but not to destroy mankind.

He is the guardian and savior of the world of Ipeko.

The spirits that have been oppressed for many years are part of the creatures of Ipeki, and so are humans. "

"Why does Tim have to destroy the white magic civilization?" Xiao Zha looked around at the dimmed human city, with unbearable confusion on his face, "Such a beautiful city, such a great civilization, just because it kidnapped a few of us, was destroyed. Is it too much to be destroyed?”

"Xiao Zha, the people in this world have no humanity. They use cruel methods to deal with us than black magicians. You actually think they are beautiful, great, and innocent?" "Dead Man" Boston said excitedly.

Xiao Zha pointed to the panicked crowd on the street and said: "Look, not everyone is a 'Frankenstein', most of them are civilians.

From Harley's narration, we can know that they are more civilized and purer than us earthlings. "

Harley shook her head and said: "They are indeed more civilized than the earth, but they are not pure and innocent.

Once upon a time, thousands of magical races were born in this world.

Because the energy level of the world is high enough and the races are prosperous, it surpasses most magical planes outside the ancient earth.

But now there are only a few hundred spirits left in the world.

From the attitude of law enforcement and scientists towards you, you can also see the living conditions of magical creatures in this world.

The law enforcers are not targeting you. They want to kill all creatures that can control magic, that is, to exterminate extraordinary beings and kill magic.

Human beings in this world cannot become wizards. There is no magic power in their blood. They cannot awaken the blood, nor can they guide the magic into the blood. They can only control the magic with the help of 'technology'."

Harley hesitated for a moment and then said: "Strictly speaking, it's not that humans in this world can't become wizards, it's just that they are born white magicians and cannot learn black magic."

Speaking of this, she couldn't help but feel emotional, "In various fantasy novels, film and television works, white magicians and black magicians are diametrically opposed, and they are incompatible enemies of life and death.

After entering the magic circle and understanding the current situation of mages, I still laughed at those novel authors and film editors with all their superiority because they only had random opinions and knew nothing about real magic.

The magicians only compete for personal interests, and there is no "black and white" conflict of ideas at all.

Even Holy Light Mage and Nanda Mountain White Mage can study black magic.

Interact with black magicians without any mental barriers.

Even a black magician would be grateful if he had the opportunity to be favored by a divine being.

There is also a rush for pure natural magic. "

"The truth is that we haven't come into contact with real white magicians at all, and the white magicians we have seen are all fakes.

White magicians and black magicians are really incompatible.

Not only do the two sides have huge differences in philosophy, but they are also unable to coexist at all.

It is the black magician who plunders the magic power for his own use and leaves a mark on it.

They will exhaust all the 'pure natural magic' in nature, leaving others with no way out, and causing white magic to lose the basis for its existence.

The black magic civilization is a deformed civilization, and powerful individuals can dominate the entire civilization.

The individual being at the top of civilization is the God-King, representing the entire civilization.

The combined weight of all the lives under the God-King in civilization is not as important as one finger of the God-King. "

“White magicians manipulate magic with ‘science’ and logic, using only its power, not possessing it, and leaving no mark on natural magic.

Individuals in the white magic civilization have equal status, and there is no most special ‘the one’.

If a black magician appears in the white magic civilization, the black magician will gradually plunder the natural magic power and completely shake the foundation of the white magic civilization.

Therefore, the humans in this world treat their fellow humans far more civilized and kindly than the people on Earth; they treat you ‘black magicians’ with absolutely ruthlessness, and there is no possibility of coexistence.

They're not targeting you.

They target all magical beings, and the foundation of white magic civilization is the bones of hundreds of millions of magical beings. "

"If there were thousands of magic races in this world, all the magic power in the world would have been plundered, and all the magic power would have been imprinted. How could there be any chance of the rise of a white magic civilization?" Zatanna asked doubtfully.

"The people who created the white magic civilization are not ordinary humans. The identity of the ancestor of white magic is very special." Constantine glanced at Harley and said: "According to Harley, the ancestor of white magic should be the 'Lord of the World of Ipoca' of reincarnation.

Since he is the master of the world, even if he has been reincarnated, he still has the power to modify the laws of the world.

It is equivalent to the God King comprehending the Second God King Law.

When you understand the first God-King Law, you create a kingdom of God based on the First God-King Law.

Without the establishment of a divine system, the Kingdom of God is equivalent to an ordinary magic plane with a high level of energy, giving birth to tens of millions of magical beings.

Comprehend the second God-King Law - Scientific White Magic, and gradually replace the original first God-King Law with the 'Song of Science'.

At the same time, the magic mark was also cleaned by the ancestor of white magic. After all, he is the real master of magic. "

"Harry, is this the history you saw on the River of Time?" Xiao Zha asked.

Several other mages also looked at Harley.

Harley shook her head and said: "I can defeat the God King in a duel, and my spiritual realm is higher than theirs, but the foundation of the God King is ultimately the law.

In the realm of laws, I am just a novice god king.

It is already very difficult for a novice god-king to enter the god-king's kingdom of an experienced god-king and find the river of time in the kingdom of god, and even tear open the cover to see part of the content from the river of time.

It is completely impossible to peek into the core secret of the God King through the river of time.

Therefore, from the beginning, I just 'guessed' that Tim, Tim's ancestor, and the ancestor of White Magic were related to each other.

There is no conclusive evidence, and the answer cannot be found in the river of time.

However, I did a little research into white magic.

White magicians are very powerful. They can actively cleanse the magic marks in the magic of the mage. "

"Can the magic mark be washed away?" All the mages were shocked.

"Their 'technology' can only cleanse the world's 'natural magic', and the cleaning conditions are very harsh. They must first completely kill the mage or god who left a mark on the magic, and then go through multiple 'scientific white magic processes'."

Harley pointed in the direction of the suburbs, "If you go to the edge of the city, you can see many ancient 'relics'.

A large part of them is the 'decay energy activation station' handed down from ancient times.

It looks a bit like a wind power station on Earth.

Huge 'paddles' absorb decay energy from energy tides. "

"Decay energy refers to magic power with magic marks?" Xanadu asked.

Harley nodded and said: "Scientists have discovered that once natural magic is used by a mage, it will undergo some kind of irreversible decay and can no longer be absorbed and utilized by the central energy network.

That's why they killed all magical creatures and developed the technology to cleanse magic marks.

Decay energy activation stations are generally built outside the city and surround the city.

First, the 'decay magic' in the magic tide is filtered, and then the pure natural magic is absorbed from the blue crystal stone. This continues for thousands of years, as more and more pure natural magic becomes available, human civilization becomes stronger and stronger, and magical creatures and The gods became fewer and fewer and eventually became extinct. "

Boston said seriously: "Harry, the gods are not extinct! After I was beaten to death by the law enforcers, I fell into the underworld of this world, and met a guy who called himself the 'Underworld Toll Collector'.

If he didn't lie, there would be a complete underworld system in the world of death.

There is at least one god of death and many divine creatures in the underworld. "

Harley did not show any surprise, "Before the appearance of 'Song of Science', Yiper was originally a fantasy world, where thousands of magical races and hundreds of gods were born.

The gods in the sky, the earth, the forests, and the rivers were all killed by the 'scientific white magicians'.

Only the reincarnation system is still intact deep in the earth.

This is also the reason why the entire world is covered by the 'Song of Science' and the spirits can still dig 'natural passages' underground.

As long as the underworld exists, the earth will always be beyond the reach of science. "

“It was also after seeing that the reincarnation system was well preserved that I guessed that the ancestor of white magic has been reincarnating.

The ‘underworld’ cannot be formed naturally.

Since Ipok has its own underworld, it means that the ancestor of white magic has mastered very advanced laws of life and death.

He is fully capable of reincarnation.

In addition to ability, there is also motivation.

If this world did not have its own reincarnation system, the souls of the dead would leave Ipece and enter Limbo to dissipate naturally.

I can understand that the ancestor of white magic committed suicide, completely ended his first life, and reincarnated to verify the 'scientific way of white magic'.

If there is a God-King-level being who has strength and talent, but deliberately commits suicide, it will be over.

I couldn't understand it at all.

There should be no such person in the world.

At least in the ancient times when there was no need to worry about the magic debt crisis, there shouldn't be any God-Kings who couldn't think about it. "

"If Tim grows up, can he awaken the memory of his previous life?" asked the elders.

Harry sighed: "Even if what I say is correct, the conjecture about the reincarnation of the ancestor of white magic is still conjecture after all.

I am still not sure whether my guess is correct, so how can I use my guess as a basis to predict future results?

All I can say is that if Tim awakens his past life memories, it will prove that my guess is 100% correct.

If he has not awakened his memory, it may be that the ancestor of white magic has a decisive personality and only cares about the road and does not care about past relationships. This does not mean that my guess is wrong. "

She looked at Xiao Zha and Sage Aoqi, continued the previous topic, and said: "In addition to guiding Tim out of confusion, your second role is to help Hunter grow with your rich experience and the concept of a righteous hero. Provide advice for his decision.

Xanadu himself lived in a muddle and had no experience to teach Hunter; John was full of bad ideas and had nothing to teach Hunter except the experience of supporting his friends.

Even if the two of them are missing, it will not affect your destiny as 'Emperor Master'. "

Even the boss was unhappy, "Harry, please explain clearly, why am I confused? I have lived for more than two thousand years and experienced countless events and crises. Each time, I dealt with it alone with my own experience and wisdom." .”

Zha Kang also said: "Harley, please don't slander me. When did I take my friend as my back? It's better to go through fire and water for my friend."

Harley first looked at Lao Xanadu and said: "An Eternal with a slightly brighter mind, even if he only has one-tenth of your resources at the beginning, will still become the big boss behind the scenes without having to experience any crisis at all.

No one can put the big boss behind the scenes into crisis.

For example, Wandall Savage.

You are a dignified ancient ancestor, a 'fairy' recognized by the forest and the earth. You have two fairy sisters. You are the best at the start. Your own talent is also top-notch. You can configure immortality potions and have the most genius divination skills.

I simply can't imagine how confused you have to be to put yourself in crisis countless times. "

Xiao Zha and Boston beside them didn't say anything, but nodded their heads lightly a few times.

Xanadu's face turned black.

Harley turned her attention to Zha Kang again, "When you first debuted, you were so impressive when you called out your friends. There were more than ten people in the 'Constantine Team' alone. How many are still alive now? Among those unfortunate accidents, How involved were you?"

"Everyone has his own destiny. You can't make me responsible for everyone's destiny." Zha Kang argued.

Harley ignored him, looked at Xiao Zha and Sage Ochi, and said, "Your last role for Tim is to provide emotional value, to comfort him when he is frustrated, and to cheer and applaud him when he succeeds." I believe you can do this job well without Constantine and Xanadu."

"If we really do what you say, we won't be the 'Great Emperor's Mentor', but his nannies." Xiao Zha struggled: "What are you going to take John and Xanadu to do? Can I help?"

If Tim Hunter's life was in danger, she would risk everything to save him.

But Tim is the reincarnation of the ancestor of white magic, the son of this world plane. He can sweep away the law enforcers by himself. She doesn't need to worry about safety at all. She just wants to be his nanny. She would rather follow Harley to take risks.

"Of course you can help me, but I can't bear to put you in danger." Harley hesitated for a moment, then wrapped her mental power with the God's force field, and said to everyone: "I will forcefully break into the 'Gate of Destiny' soon." , I am not 100% sure whether I can enter the realm of destiny.

Needless to say, you also know what I will face once I enter the realm of destiny.

Ivy, Selina and others have been transferred to Heaven Mountain by me instead of being placed in the stomach bag dimension.

Because the stomach bag dimension also has a destiny.”

"Shit, it's too dangerous, I don't want to go." Zha Kang shouted.

"You have no choice." Harley said calmly.

All the elders said: "Why are you worried about Ivy, Selena and Xiao Zha, but you don't care about our life and death? You're too biased!"

"You and Constantine have special gifts that no one else has."

Harley couldn't help but open her mouth, and the force field golden film wrapped the two of them, forcing them into the stomach dimension.

"Do you have anything else to do? If not, I will leave now."

She glanced at the remaining people with questioning eyes.

Sage Aoqi hesitated and said: "I don't understand. Isn't Tim the destiny of the 'ancestral descendant of white magic'? Why did he shoulder the mission of destroying the white magic civilization after entering Ipok?"

Harley said: "He is destroying the white magic civilization and also protecting the white magic civilization.

All miracles have a price, and the magic debt crisis is imminent.

Now that the cyan energy crystal is destroyed, humans in the white magic world may live a difficult life, confused and desperate, but at least they will not have to face Hecate.

Hecate is the wizard’s ultimate nightmare!”

"So that's it." Sage Aoqi first showed a look of surprise, and then said worriedly: "Where is Tim? If he becomes the 'magic user' who controls all the natural magic in the world, wouldn't he have to bear all the debt of magic?"

"I don't know his final fate." Harley shook her head and sighed: "Everything I know is derived from information obtained from the River of Time and supplemented by the 'Kui's Fate Observation Technique'.

In the river of time, one can vaguely see the fixed fate of Tim Hunter's "Emperor Ipeko", but cannot peek into the core secrets and plans of the "ancestor of white magic".

Don't think too much, forget about Timbai's identity as the reincarnation of the ancestor of magic, just treat him as your apprentice, help him, educate him, and fulfill your responsibilities as a mentor and a true hero. "

"I understand, Harley, take care!"

Main universe, earth, Nanda Mountain.

The Sky Eye Association set up tents in the open space on the edge of the square and built a temporary base.

"Waller, what's going on here?"

On the big screen at the headquarters, the portrait of the acting commander-in-chief of the second generation suddenly popped up.

"Tim Hunter and the heroes of the Dark Alliance have not returned, so we can only unite with the Chinese people to continue to block Nanda Mountain.

However, after several days of research, the deciphering work of the "Book of Magic" has initially achieved results. " Waller said.

"Oh, what secrets are recorded in the Book of Magic?" Sam Lane's eyes lit up and he asked curiously.

Waller said: "It's not a magic book, it seems to contain an artificial intelligence.

Judging from the operating mode of artificial intelligence, the information recorded in the book is all related to science.

But it is absorbing the magic of nature.

Its operation does not require common scientific energy such as electrical energy and electromagnetic energy, which is very unscientific and weird. "

Sam Lane frowned, "You're confusing me. It's obviously the legendary Book of White Magic, so how did it become a scientific book? It's said to be a scientific book, but it's very unscientific."

Waller sighed: "Your Excellency, Commander, I don't think you can expect to get any accurate information from the researchers.

No matter what happens with 'The Descendant of White Magic' Tim Hunter, the Justice League Dark hero will definitely be back.

When they return from the land of white magic, all questions will be revealed. "

"Yeah, that makes sense." Sam nodded, agreeing with her statement.

But he didn't hang up the phone, and there was an obvious look of hesitation on his face.

"Commander, do you have anything else to do?" Waller asked proactively.

"Just now, news came from the Hall of Justice that Luther seemed to have secretly returned to the main universe." Sam Lane said with a strange expression.

"Luthor?" Waller was stunned and asked in surprise: "You mean Lex Luthor? Lex Luthor returned to Earth?"

Seeing Sam Lane nodding, she said in disbelief: "With how much the Dark Elite values ​​him, how could he escape? Who helped him, a superhero from the Justice League?"

Ryan shook his head and said: "Actually, the Justice League also doesn't know much about it, and all their information comes from Mister Miracle.

Not long after the "Peace Agreement" between Zhenglian and the Dark Elite was signed, the "Apocalypse Scam" activity began to spread in the main universe.

In order to solve the 'Apocalypse Fraud Crisis', Mr. Miracle has been lurking on Apokolips for a long time.

His focus is on the scam calls from Apokolips, and his rescue targets are the new human protoss who were deceived into Apokolips by scam calls.

It wasn't until Luther escaped, Apokolips shook, and the New God of Darkness began a large-scale search for Luther that Mr. Miracle knew that Luther had successfully escaped from prison.

He's not even sure if Luthor has returned to the main universe.

But he was certain that no one helped Luther and that Luther escaped by his own ability. "

"I remember that the Sky Eye Society also planted several spies on Apokolips. Didn't you receive the news?"

"No, they will not contact me if it is not a particularly important and urgent confidential matter. Of course, it is also possible that when they encounter something urgent and important, they will hesitate again and again, and finally obey the nature of the new dark god and betray them completely. The Eye of Heaven will betray humanity." Waller said calmly.

"Alas!" Ryan sighed helplessly and said nothing.

Waller was confused again: "I have watched Louise's "Apocalypse Peace Agreement" series.

Luther was chained to his body and imprisoned in the most conspicuous position in the center of the slave camp, almost under the eyes of the New God of Darkness. How did he escape by his own ability? "

"It seems to be related to Harley's blessing. Oh, no, it's not a blessing, it's Harley's curse.

After the multidimensional reboot crisis, Luthor was controlled by Alexander Luthor and became neither human nor ghost.

In order to help him regain his self, Harley sent him to hell to undergo countless tortures. I don’t know the exact reason. In short, she cursed him and made him become the first generation of "Pain Man". "

Waller said: "I know that Luther was thrown into the 9 levels of hell and experienced countless kinds of hell torture.

After leaving hell, he no longer pursued monetary interests, donated all his property, and established the 'Luther Charitable Foundation'.

But this is the first time I heard about ‘Pain Pain Ren’ today. "

"This is also the first time I've heard that Luther has the bloodline of the 'Painful Man's Ancestor'. Only Luther and Harley know about it. Luther won't publicize it, and Harley only mentioned a few words to people around her. You know Yes, Bateman is also her 'person'," said Ryan.

Thinking that he was also infiltrated by Harley's power to become the first generation of "Holy Corpse Demon", Waller couldn't help but be curious about the "Ancestor of the Pain Man" produced by Harley's curse, and asked: "What special abilities does the Pain Man have? "

Ryan said: "I am just passing on the reasoning of the Justice League. Those blessed by the gods can display magical skills related to the characteristics of the gods; if they are cursed by the gods with all their strength, they will gain abilities that are opposite to the characteristics of the gods.

For example, Cain, the ancestor of vampires.

Cain was originally a human being, but he became the ancestor of vampires after being cursed by God.

The characteristics of a vampire are almost the opposite of the divine God.

Harley is the strongest thick-skinned god-king in the world, and her most distinctive feature is her strong defense. "

Waller's heart moved, and he blurted out: "So, Luther's 'Painful Man' blood talent is weak, allowing others to lower their defense?

He finally awakened his talent, made the shackles tied to his hands 'weak', broke them easily, and then escaped quietly? "

Ryan said: "Painting Ren's bloodline talent is indeed 'weak', but Luther did not break the chain.

He easily broke the neck of the exhausted new god of darkness who was lying on his buttocks panting.

It also seems to have crushed the Mother Box. This is a legend, Mister Miracle is not sure.

In short, Luther relied on his weak talent to kill many people in a row, and eventually disappeared.

The heroes of Zhenglian also approached Lena Luthor. Lena said that Luthor had long awakened the talent of Painful People, but he has always rejected it and extremely resisted it in his heart. He also specially invented nano-pharmaceuticals to suppress the Painful People's blood in his body. .

Lena guessed that during his captivity, Luther was unable to take blocking medicine on a regular basis, and the painful power in his body gradually recovered.

In order to escape, he may have taken the initiative to train it and strengthen it until it explodes today. "

"Why resist? Painren is very talented." Waller asked puzzledly.

Much more powerful than her Holy Ghoul.

"Because the Painful Man first hurts himself. When his talent is developed to a higher stage, he can form a weak force field and cause pain to others. When he first became a Painful Man, Luther would scream in pain if someone else touched him."

Ryan's expression became a little distorted and he whispered: "It is said that Luther is particularly popular in the slave camp.

Not only because of his special status.

Mainly because his reaction was so intense and his screams were so miserable, they were very excited.

I guess he is really in pain."

Waller's expression also began to twist.

Now she suddenly didn't envy Luther's "Painful Man Ancestor" bloodline at all.

Although her "Holy Corpse Demon Ancestor" bloodline is not powerful, it has few side effects and she can live a comfortable life!

"Sure enough, all miracles have a price." She said with emotion.

"Waller, you need some energy to pay attention to Luther. I suspect that guy is still evil and wants to make a comeback with the talent of 'The Ancestor of Pain Man'." Ryan said seriously.

"Having fallen to this point, he can't see the situation clearly, right?" Waller asked doubtfully.

"If he really recognized the reality, he should have escaped back to Earth immediately after escaping from prison. Now that he can't hide, he must have a plan." Ryan said.

"Waller, I have something to do and need to leave the Sky Eye Club for a while."

As soon as Waller ended her call with the Commander-in-Chief, her number one magician, Dr. Mist, came over.

"What does it mean to leave the Sky Eye?" Waller frowned.

"I probably won't be able to return to Earth for a long time, and I won't be able to carry out the mission of the Sky Eye Society anymore. I may not even be able to see anyone."

Seeing Waller's serious expression and stern eyes, Dr. Misty looked hesitant, moved slightly closer to her, and said mentally: "I don't want to leave the Sky Eye Society. A few days ago, I received a call from Admiral Galaxy. She Let me go quietly to Lishan to find her at 8:30 tonight without telling anyone or alarming anyone."

"Harry? What does she want from you?" Waller asked in surprise.

Doctor Mist shook his head and said, "That's all I can tell you."

Waller was silent for a moment and asked: "What will happen to Nanda Peak after you leave?"

She has many subordinates under her command, but no one can compare with Dr. Mist in terms of combat power and ruthless methods.

Without Dr. Mist, when Nanda Peak's "White Magic Treasure" is opened, who will help her grab the treasure?

"To be honest, we won't get much benefit from the 'Book of Magic Incident'." Misty Boss said.

"Do you know something? Harry has entered the world of white magic. What is his state?"

Dr. Mist said: "She didn't say much."

"Okay, let's go."

Doctor Mist has seen Lishan countless times, and tonight is the first time he has truly entered Lishan's gate.

I didn't see the legendary "fat housekeeper Angela", the doormen were two two-winged angels.

Of course, they are all in human form at this time, and only the magician can detect the difference in their aura.

"I am Dr. Mist, and I am Galaxy——"

"Please come in."

Before Dr. Mist could finish his words, the angel guard opened the door and let him in.

"Don't you need to verify my identity?" Dr. Mist asked curiously.

"You have magic power and are a master of magic. That's enough." The black angel on the left said.

"Tonight, as long as you are a master, no matter who you are, you can enter Lishan Villa." The white angel on the right added.

"Hi, Dr. Mist!"

There was sudden space fluctuation in the parking lot outside the door, and another magic master teleported over.

"Gypsy wizard?"

Looking at the internet celebrity mage with 20 million fans, Dr. Mist frowned slightly, "The aura on your body——"

"Hahaha, I have become a grandmaster!" The gypsy wizard walked up to him quickly and said excitedly: "Praise Xanadu. Ahem, praise the King of Martial God!

The King of Martial God is the omnipotent God of Destiny!

I followed her guidance and went to the Cheng Liansu Square in Nanda Mountain. Sure enough, I found my opportunity. I broke through the barriers of the Archmage in one fell swoop, understood my own exclusive rules, and became a magic master. "

Cheng Liansu Square is similar to Diagon Alley in "Harry Potter". It is a magic market located on Nanda Peak and is named after the legendary mage Cheng Liansu of the Chinese Dynasty.

"Have you ever encountered a backlash from fate?"

Dr. Mist felt a little unbalanced. When both of them got the opportunity to do divination, he used his opportunity to exchange divination skills with "Mrs. Xanadu".

As a result, dozens of masters were invited, and she was forced to steal the "Tao Xing".

He himself received no additional benefits, but the gypsy wizard really gained great opportunities from divination.

"Shouldn't you bless me?" the gypsy wizard smiled stiffly.

——What the hell, you asked me if I had any backlash when we first met. You really want to see me unlucky, right?

"You also received an invitation from Admiral Galaxy?"

——I hope you encounter a terrible backlash of fate as soon as possible and die immediately!

Dr. Mist cursed him in his mind.

"I am the Grand Master now!" The Gypsy Wizard smiled triumphantly again.

"Let's go." Dr. Mist was unhappy and didn't want to talk nonsense with him.

The two soon arrived at Quinn Manor halfway up the mountain.

The gate of the manor was open, a chair was placed in the yard, and Harry sat on the chair.

"You're here, come in."

Without waiting for the two of them to greet each other, Harley opened her mouth and sucked lightly, sucking the two masters with destiny-like laws into the stomach dimension.

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