I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1813 Attacking the Garden of Destiny

Seeing Harley sitting in the yard, Dr. Mist subconsciously wanted to take a few steps quickly and bow to her as a mage.

But before he could speak, his eyes were covered with a hazy golden light. After a while, the world spun and he appeared on a bright spring island.

The island is not too big, its length and width are less than one kilometer.

There are resort hotels built on it, as well as acres of fruit trees, and the fruit trees are filled with a dazzling variety of fruits.

He and the gypsy wizard appeared directly on the edge of the hotel rooftop swimming pool.

The hotel is built on the highest rock on the island, and you can easily look out into the distance from the rooftop.

In the distance, the sea and sky were the same color. It was impossible to tell the direction, and no land could be seen.

"What's the situation now?" The gypsy wizard looked around and only saw two workers laying tiles at the bottom of the 300-square-meter swimming pool.

"Dr. Mist, where are we?"

The workers below were not surprised when they heard the shouting. They continued working and said casually: "You are the mage invited by Miss Quinn - Omaika, I recognize you, you are a gypsy wizard!"

The worker subconsciously looked up and recognized the identity of the gypsy wizard.

"Yes, I am a gypsy wizard. Do you know me?" A smile appeared on the gypsy wizard's face.

You can even meet fans in the stomach bag dimension. What does this mean?

"William, I watch almost every episode of your show. Although the signal in the stomach bag dimension is poor and intermittent, every time I connect to the Internet, I immediately search for your videos." The black worker put down the cement bucket and shouted excitedly.

If the Harleys were on Earth, they would not block the TV signals passing through their bodies. Ark Continent also built a specially built TV tower that could amplify the weak TV signals so that the entire continent could receive them.

If Harley leaves Earth, only the Keeper Dog System will be available.

However, the traffic fee of the Guardian Dog system is too expensive, and even Ark Mainland TV Station cannot afford it.

The gypsy wizard smiled even brighter, squatted on the edge of the swimming pool and asked: "Man, what do you call me, what are you doing?"

"I'm Locke and his name is Duncan."

The black guy didn't forget to introduce the white workers next to him.

"We are construction workers from Wayne Construction Group." He tapped the chest patch of his overalls with his gloved fingers, and a bright "W" was pasted on the construction pattern.

"All the buildings on the 'Island of the Gods' were contracted by our company. Not only the hotel, but also the fruit trees outside were planted by us.

The project is almost finished now, except for the swimming pool. We will leave in about half an hour. "

The gypsy wizard scanned the bottom of the pool, "How to leave? I didn't see the boat."

"You don't need a boat. As long as you pray devoutly to the King of Martial God, you can open a space door to the town." Locke said.

"In Ark Continent, space gates are still common. They can be opened by just praying?" the gypsy wizard asked in surprise.

The black worker shook his head and said: "The engineering tasks on the Island of the Gods come from Admiral Galaxy. Without her pick-up and delivery, neither we nor the construction materials would be able to get through.

Except for the missions from her, there is no space gate at other times.

Although I am laying tiles now, I am actually an electric truck driver. "

"What does the Island of the Gods mean? Why is it so far away from the land? I am a magician and I can't even see the end of the ocean."

"I'm not sure." Locke, the black man, glanced at Duncan, the white man, and asked, "I remember Steve said that this was originally the Hilton Island Hotel, right?

It was originally located on the seaside and could swim directly to the land. Later, Admiral Galaxy used his divine power to move it to the middle of this remote sea. "

Duncan has been immersed in work, and did not stop when he met the Internet celebrity mage. At this moment, he was still laying bricks and said: "What is the name of the island and who belongs to it, there is no reservation in advance.

But this island hotel is destined to be prepared for the rich and high-ranking officials.

According to the situation of the earth in recent years, we will definitely encounter a global crisis.

The powerful were afraid of death and did not want to crowd into tents with ordinary people on the 'Noah Continent', so they built a specially built island hotel.

In the end, whoever the government hands over the management of the hotel will bear the name of which company.

It could be Hilton, it could be acquired by Four Seasons, who knows?

Now it is called ‘Island of the Gods’, but it may not continue to be called this name in the future.

When the Mages' Gathering is over, the Galactic Admiral will certainly no longer want it, and it will be moved back to its original location. "

"Oh, the Island of the Gods is specially prepared for you." The black-skinned worker looked at the two mages above him with a look of surprise on his black face.

"Duncan, you know a lot! What does the name 'Island of the Gods' mean? We are just wizards, and we are millions of light years away from the gods!" the gypsy wizard laughed at himself.

Before Duncan could speak, Black Locke said with envy: "Duncan's status is extraordinary.

The cousin of his second aunt's ex-boyfriend is brother and sister to Angela, the housekeeper of Quinn Villa.

Not siblings.

When Mrs. Angela was an orphan, she was adopted by the cousin of Duncan's second aunt's ex-boyfriend and lived with her for two months.

Even though he is doing the same job as me now, he is a citizen of ‘Arkworld’, and his whole family has obtained the permanent residence permit of ‘Arkworld’!

The manager of the Ark branch of Wayne Construction Company is his second aunt's ex-boyfriend. "

The amount of information in these words was not low, and it was also very convoluted. The Gypsy Wizard reacted for a while before saying: "Wayne Group also set up a branch in Arkworld?

Could it be that there are still many workers on Ark Continent and there are batches of hotel construction plans? "

Dr. Mist said calmly: "Don't you watch the news? The US government is investing 20 billion US dollars to build a temporary shelter in the Ark."

"I've seen this news, but what's the use of a mere 20 billion? It's not even enough to buy a tent for every American." said the Gypsy wizard.

Doctor Mist said: "First of all, the building materials on Ark Continent, including bricks, stones, sand and soil, do not require money and can be harvested directly.

Secondly, the fact that the government only allocated 20 billion U.S. dollars does not mean that the entire project is only 20 billion U.S. dollars.

Many charities and wealthy individuals donated large sums of money.

Especially the rich and powerful in the United States.

In order to make themselves comfortable, they do not hesitate to spend money.

An island resort hotel like this one obviously serves special groups of people. Is it possible that special groups of people would be reluctant to pay for it? "

Locke, the worker at the bottom of the swimming pool, immediately nodded in agreement and said: "Yes, in the New American continent, there are many similar luxury manors and hotels. The rich paid for them to the government, and the government sent construction companies to build them.

In addition to building luxury villas for themselves, rich people also have to pay taxes equivalent to the villas to build residential buildings. However, the environment of public residential buildings is so bad that it is worse than a tent on the beach. "

"So that's it." The gypsy wizard nodded and asked, "So, there are many people living in the Arkworld at this time?"

“The Arkworld is also divided into different countries. It is said that the ‘New Celestial Dynasty’ area has more than one million people, and they have built several cities, all of which are very gorgeous.

Alas, we only have one small town in the United States. There are about four to five thousand residents like Duncan, and there are another fifty or sixty thousand dispatched workers like me. "

The gypsy wizard looked at Duncan who was working hard and asked: "Why do you want to settle here? There are so few people here, and it is far less spacious and prosperous than the real world."

"You like prosperity, I like tranquility and tranquility." Duncan said.

"Haha, he is a Christian and wants to go to heaven with the Galaxy Admiral, at least the closest to heaven." Black Locke smiled and revealed the true thoughts of the coworker.

Duncan glanced sideways at him and said: "Two guests, you should be like the previous mages, who came here after being invited by Miss Quinn, right? The others have already gone to the lobby on the first floor, where there is The food and drinks are cooler, too.”

"I understand, thank you."

Seeing that he didn't want to talk nonsense with him, the gypsy wizard stood up and walked towards the stairwell.

"Whoa!" The light golden light flashed, and another mage was teleported to the rooftop.

"Where is this - ah, it's Dr. Mist and the Gypsy Wizard. What are you doing?"

The mage who just came over was also a little confused like the two people before him.

"Let's talk as we walk." The gypsy wizard greeted him and pulled him and Dr. Mist away from the rooftop.

The hall on the first floor was indeed full of people, more than thirty magic masters, and Dr. Mist knew all of them.

Almost all of them were people he had organized to go to "Mrs. Xanadu" to exchange divination methods.

After the greetings, an octopus-headed master from another world asked: "Dr. Mist, Witch, cough, what is the purpose of His Majesty the King of Martial God summoning us here this time?"

Dr. Mist is also confused and doesn't know any more than they do.

"You should have all received the message she sent, right?" he asked calmly.

"I received the text message, but I remember that I didn't exchange contact information with her at first." An Earth mage said.

Immediately, a mage from another world said: "I don't have a mobile phone at all, and I still live in Helen's magic plane outside the main universe, and I actually received the letter.

It was real letterhead, and the envelope contained the letter.

The letter fell directly on my workbench. At that time, I was lying on the workbench doing experiments. Without any warning, I was startled. "

"Yes, I also received the letter, and it suddenly appeared in front of me out of thin air. I still don't understand what kind of magic the letter was transmitted through, and how King Martial God learned about my secret residence."

"I'm from the planet Born, so I'm an alien to you earthlings, but I can actually receive messages from Admiral Galactic even in Born. We're not using the same communication network!"

Earth guys, alien guys, and alien guys all expressed their opinions.

Those who have a mobile phone or social account will receive electronic messages; those who live in a world that has not entered the electrical age will receive Harley's handwritten letter.

Dr. Mist thought about it again and guessed: "Last time we communicated with the Galaxy Admiral about the 'method of precise divination', she said that she could see through the river of time of the person in front of her at will, and could filter divination from the river of time in the future. the desired result

She has met us, interacted with us in reality, and read our thoughts and memories at that time. She should be able to find our river of time at any time, lock our position at any time, and find us accurately.

As for electronic messages and letters, they are nothing to ordinary masters. She is the God King! "

"Well, that makes sense." The mages nodded thoughtfully.

"What did Admiral Galaxy say in your letters?" Dr. Mist asked.

The octopus-headed alien master gently stroked the long tentacles hanging on his chest and said slowly: "The letter to me didn't contain much content.

About two hundred words, starting with a greeting and asking about my recent physical condition.

Hehe, I'm honored that King Wushen knows that I have been troubled by lung disease recently.

Then she said that she had encountered two great opportunities and wanted to share them with me.

Of course, I also have to pay the corresponding price.

To find out exactly what the opportunity and price are, go to Quinn Manor to talk to her in detail.

At the end of the letter, she also mentioned that if she had any friends who also understood the rules of divination, they could come together. "

He pointed at another octopus-headed mage next to him, "Although I don't know what the opportunity is, it must be very precious to be valued so much by the King of Martial God.

Since it is a good thing, it should be shared with friends. "

His best friend smiled and nodded.

The gypsy wizard said: "The message I received was similar in content. First, I congratulated me for breaking through to become a master, then asked about my recent work situation, and then went straight to the point. She has encountered two major opportunities recently.

She is too powerful and the two opportunities are valuable, but they are useless to her and tasteless.

For me, her original words were ‘It will definitely affect your life and completely change your career as a mage’.

Behind this message, she also solemnly warned me that, just like the last divination experience exchange, I had to pay a certain price. "

"me too."

After listening to the narrations of the mages, Dr. Mist pondered: "First of all, we can be sure that Admiral Galaxy remembers us, not only remembers our names, but also understands our general situation."

The mages nodded.

Although the content of the letters is similar, only the format is the same and the details are unique.

Especially the greetings to everyone at the beginning are by no means the same and are very targeted.

"Secondly, we all have mastered the master's laws related to prophecy and divination."

The mages nodded gently again. Most of them were "fellow Taoists" who had exchanged divination experiences with "Mrs. Fake Shangdu" last time.

"Finally, Admiral Galaxy invited us over. It was related to two major opportunities. Admiral Galaxy generally doesn't lie. Well, she doesn't need to lie to us."

"Galactic admirals generally don't talk big words" is a big statement in itself.

The mages showed some strange expressions this time, but their nods were wider than the previous two times.

There are two more opportunities that can change their destiny. If they are not tempted, they will not come here.

As for worrying about Witch Harley plotting to kill them and really want to take action against them, she already took action last time.

"So, we just need to wait with peace of mind. When everyone arrives, the Galaxy Admiral will naturally tell us what the opportunity is and what to do." Dr. Mist concluded.

"What do you think the opportunity will be?" the gypsy wizard asked curiously.

“Although we are not seeing the Galactic Admiral right now, we are all in the Stomach Dimension at this time.

We can't see her, but she knows our every move. "Dr. Mist said calmly.

The gypsy wizard smiled awkwardly, then carefully scanned the surrounding area, then fell silent and stopped talking.

All the mages also looked at each other and closed their mouths.

Harley's Plan A is that Amra, the angel of destiny, understands emotions and interests, puts the overall situation first, and believes in her for once.

Plan B had been a vague idea for a long time, and it was only finally finalized after following Tim Hunter into Ipoca for the first time.

She stayed in Ipok for less than ten minutes before leaving. Immediately after leaving, she sent invitation letters to known masters who mastered the laws of divination.

When she disguised herself as Mrs. Xanadu and publicly performed divination, the mages who were also proficient in divination were very curious about how she achieved accurate divination and wanted to exchange divination experiences with her.

Harley gave Dr. Mist the task of organizing the "Divination Skills Exchange Meeting" and asked him to release the news in the magic circle.

Eventually a large group of mages skilled in divination were brought to her.

Those magicians had their divination experience stolen by her, but they didn't dare to talk nonsense after they returned. When other magicians asked about it, they even showed a mysterious smile as if they had benefited greatly.

Therefore, after the exchange meeting, divination masters who missed the first exchange meeting often come to the door and continue to steal the "Tao Xing" from her.

The Grandmasters who received the invitation were the unlucky ones who had been exploited by her once.

The total is over 50!

The invitation letter clearly stated the time of the rally "three days later, before nine o'clock in the evening."

She waited at the gate of heaven for another three days. Before she could wait for Amra, she entered the world of Ipok again and witnessed Tim Hunter destroying the pure natural magic crystal.

She only picked up a piece of crystal and returned to Lishan with Xanadu and Zha Kang.

The time is eight o'clock in the evening.

There are more than a dozen cautious masters who have arrived in advance with gift boxes.

At this time, one hour passed, and almost all the invited masters arrived. She sent out 58 invitations, and 97 mages arrived at this time, bringing back 54 invitations.

In other words, four other mages who received invitations declined.

"You go back to heaven now, and when I call you, you can come back."

When nine o'clock arrived, Harry did not hesitate. He first sent away the angel who was watching the door at the bottom of the mountain, then opened the "Gate of Destiny" and plunged in.

At the same time, a projection of her fell into the lobby on the first floor of the "Island of the Gods" resort hotel.

"Ah, King of Martial God!"

"Admiral of the Galaxy!"

"Miss Quinn."

The mage who saw her first let out an exclamation, and then the other mage stood up and saluted her, calling her different names.

"Sit down and talk."

When the mages sat down again, she immediately pulled Zha Kang and Madam Xanadu beside her.

Seeing that her two good friends were also present, the expressions of the mages became more relaxed, and the anxiety in their hearts completely disappeared.

——Even if there are any costs and risks, her friends will bear them together, so it will definitely not be too dangerous.

They are all thinking so.

Only Zha Kang and Mrs. Xanadu, who gave them confidence, had a stiff smile and a hint of sadness in their eyes.

"It is now nine o'clock in the United States time. I have left the fifth dimension and headed for the legendary sixth dimension."

The expressions of all the mages were stunned, with confusion written all over their faces.

Didn't you say that we would give them two great opportunities? Why are you going to the sixth dimension now?

Is it really possible to enter the sixth dimension?

Countless years after the birth of the multiverse, I have always heard that there is a higher sixth dimension above the fifth world, but no one has really entered the sixth dimension!

"My goal is the field of destiny, which is the home of the big brother Destiny of the Endless Family. You are all proficient in divination and have mastered at least one master law related to divination. Maybe some of you have heard of the legend of the 'Garden of Destiny'.

Tonight, we will enter the Garden of Destiny together.

And the first opportunity I give you is the Garden of Destiny.

I don’t need to say more about the significance of the Garden of Destiny to fortune tellers.

Big Brother Destiny is the law of destiny in the multiverse itself.

If you get close to him and step into his territory, you can directly understand the law of destiny. "

"King Wushen, why do you want to enter the realm of destiny? Can ordinary people really enter the garden of destiny?"

As soon as Harry finished speaking, many mages immediately raised their hands to ask questions.

Zha Kang said in a cool voice: "Didn't you hear it? She has now begun to attack the sixth dimension and is about to enter the Garden of Destiny. Why are you asking such a useless question?

At this moment, no matter what she wants to do, what she plans to do to you, or what you are about to face, it is not something you need to consider.

Because you have already got on the bus and have no chance to get off halfway. "

The faces of all the mages turned pale, and there was more panic in their eyes.

Harley glanced at Zha Kang, faced the mages, and said warmly: "Don't be afraid, my purpose of entering the Garden of Destiny this time is very simple. I just borrowed Big Brother Destiny's "Book of Destiny" and then modified the words in the "Book of Destiny" It’s just a certain piece of content.”

"Plop!" A mage's body softened and he slid down from the chair.

The other mages also looked horrified, looking at Harry as if they were looking at a madman.

"Ahem, do you know why this island is called 'Island of the Gods'?"

With just one stroke of the stick, their livers and gallbladders were split into pieces. Harley quickly gave them a sweet date to calm their shock.

"Because many gods will be born on this island, and those gods will be you in the future."

"Click!" She stretched out her hand and snapped her fingers, and a cyan crystal the size of a basketball court instantly moved to the beach outside.

The island is not big, and the resort hotel is located relatively high. Through the floor-to-ceiling windows, you can see the beach not far away, and the huge crystals shining with green light on the beach.

"Oh my god, what a rich magic power, what a pure magic power. Holy shit, is that crystal the crystallization of pure magic power?!"

The mages present were all masters, and some of them had a keen sense of magic power. Even if they didn't notice the cyan crystals on the beach at first, they were deeply shocked by the huge amount of pure natural magic power.

"This is the second opportunity!" Harry led the mages to the wide beach, placed the huge crystal horizontally, and extended his hand to indicate that they could stand on it directly.

"This magic crystal comes from the Land of White Magic. You must know about the Book of Magic incident. The Book of Magic has been opened and the Land of White Magic has also been found.

Just like the legend, the "Book of Magic" contains the supreme secret of white magic, and the hometown of white magic, "Yipoke", has endless pure natural magic power.

You see, the natural magic power is so strong that it forms crystals.

Now it belongs to you. "Harry waved his hand and said extremely boldly.

"Your Majesty the King of Martial God, have you squeezed out the pure magic power in the Land of White Magic?" A mage exclaimed.

Harley shook her head, "As you can see, this crystal is irregular. It was obviously knocked from a larger crystal."

"Such a huge magic power is just a fragment? The land of white magic"

The mages were shocked and had greedy eyes, almost drooling.

"There is a God King in the land of white magic, and there is also a huge 'god system' of white magic. Even the magic heroes of the Justice League Dark can't defeat a mere law enforcement officer. The law enforcement officer is just a policeman in the white magic world." Harley He said calmly.

The expressions of the mages froze, and the greed in their hearts was instantly replaced by regret.

"King Martial God, do you mean to allow us to absorb the pure natural magic power in the crystal at will?" the gypsy wizard asked.

"That's right, you can absorb as much as you want. If you can't absorb it anymore, just tell me and I will help you tailor a method to use magic power more efficiently." Harley said loudly.

The eyes of all the mages shone, and they were so excited that they almost fainted.

Zha Kang next to him said coolly again, "Witch Harley gave away unlimited magic power. You didn't feel scared. Instead, you were all happy."

These words were like a bucket of ice water, which chilled the hearts of all the mages.

Witch Harley sending magic power seems more abnormal than a weasel sending New Year greetings to a chicken!

"Admiral Galaxy, what do you want us to do?" Dr. Mist asked cautiously.

Harley did not answer his question directly, "Seeing this spar, you should understand why this island is called the 'Island of the Gods', right?

In our multiverse, there are two basic ways to become a god.

One is that the law becomes a god.

The master's law is accepted by the sea of ​​laws, and the will follows the exclusive law and enters the sea of ​​laws. The soul is sublimated, and humanity is transformed into divinity. From then on, it is reborn, breaks away from the mortal world, and becomes a divine existence.

From an apprentice who first came into contact with magic to becoming a master, it has been extremely difficult, and from a master to a god. You are all masters, and you yourself are deeply aware of the difficulty.

A peerless genius like me who has just comprehended the Master's Law and is immediately accepted by the Law Sea is rarely seen in thousands of years.

It is almost impossible for a master like you, who has understood the master's laws for decades, hundreds of years, or even longer, to be recognized by the 'origin' simply by relying on the laws.

To be honest, your laws may have their own characteristics and are very powerful, but for Origin, they are all shit!

Your laws have little benefit to the multiverse.

Shit can still fertilize the fields, your laws are just a poor imitation of your predecessors. "

Harley turned to Xanadu, who was glaring at her, and said calmly: "Are you not convinced? Tell yourself how long you have lived."

"My rules have not imitated anyone's, and my Tarot card skills have even defeated the supreme being." Xanadu gritted his teeth.

"I didn't say that your laws are weak. In fact, whether the laws are accepted by the sea of ​​laws has no direct relationship with the strength. The key lies in the 'newness'.

Innovation is the foundation of scientific and technological development.

New laws and new original power are also the core driving force for the development of the multiverse.

The universe is now more than 10 billion years old, during which countless gods were born.

Those who came before us walked, but those who came after us had no way to go.

Even if you don’t want to plagiarize, there is a high chance that you will make the same mistakes as your predecessors.

The ancient divine laws contain all the contents of your laws.

Repetition does not mean much to the Law Sea, so Origin is unwilling to bestow the divine status on you.

Therefore, 99% of the masters can only take the second path - to prove the Tao through force (ps)! "

"Using powerful magic power to push the Grandmaster's Law into the Sea of ​​Laws. It's very direct, very rough, very simple, and very efficient."

"Bang, bang, bang!" Harley slapped the cyan magic crystal hard several times, once again making all the mages' eyes glued to the crystal and unable to move.

"Absorb it, and you will have unlimited power and be 100% promoted to a divine wizard!" Harley's voice was sonorous and powerful, full of endless temptation.

"Gudong!" The mages swallowed, their eyes red, eager to try.

If "Witch Harley" hadn't been so powerful, they would have been unable to bear it and snatched it directly.

"Hehe, the greater the benefit, the more terrible the price." Zha Kang said sarcastically to the side again.

"Isn't it just to snatch the "Book of Destiny"? Let's do it!" the octopus-headed mage shouted without even turning his eyes.

"With Witch Harley as the 'leading sister', we have nothing to fear!"

"Witch Harley, a miracle in her life, she will definitely create another miracle this time."

"Forcibly break into the Garden of Destiny, overthrow Big Brother Destiny, and steal the "Book of Destiny", for the magic power, and for the Witch Harley!"

Not to mention the cost and danger, looking at the huge natural magic crystal so close at hand, they got carried away and even shouted out "Witch Harley".

"Alas, it turns out that people die for money and birds die for food." Zha Kang shook his head and sighed.

Madam Xanadu frowned and whispered: "Stop being so weird here, you and I have also boarded Harley's pirate ship. The more grandmasters she deceives into becoming cannon fodder, the safer we will be. Don't you understand this?" "

Zha Kang was speechless.

"Listen to me!" Harley waved her hand gently to calm down the excited mages, and then said: "All benefits have a price!

I give you the opportunity to become a god, and you sacrifice your own destiny and stand completely on my side. "

"Sister Harley, you say what to do and how to do it, we all listen to you." Grandmaster Octopus Head said enthusiastically.

"You have three tasks. First, try your best to become a god. Come up now, immediately, immediately!" Harley pointed at the natural magic crystal, "The natural magic crystal is not for seeing, it is your qualifications for becoming a god.

Suck it for me now, suck it hard, absorb the magic power, and push the master's law into the law sea. "

"Can we?"

Harry was so straightforward and forthright, and the masters felt that it was a bit unreal.

"By becoming gods, you can better help me. Remember, you can only try to break through the God of Destiny. Regardless of whether you regard the divination master's law as the core law, you must now focus on the divination law.

I need the help of the God of Destiny, ordinary gods and wizards have no meaning to me.

If this incident ends and there is still some natural magic left, I will not keep any of it and give it all to you.

Whoever becomes the God of Destiny first will get more natural magic power, the sooner, the more.

Do you understand? "

"Sister Harley, don't worry, we know how powerful we are." All the mages nodded.

They were all in the stomach bag dimension right now, and they couldn't hide anything from her.

If she was discovered by her secretly doing something small, not to mention losing the qualification to absorb magic power, she might even lose her life, which is totally not worth it.

Anyway, the God of Destiny is also a spiritual wizard, and also has the power and endless lifespan of a god.

She is about to rush into the Garden of Destiny. At this time, she will become the God of Destiny, and the probability of becoming a god will be higher.

Now it is not about choosing which god to become, but how to increase the probability of becoming a god. They are all shits looked down upon by "Origin" and have no right to be picky.

After all the masters, including Xanadu and Zha Kang, climbed onto the natural magic crystal and sat down cross-legged to enter a meditative state, Harley continued: "Your second task is to completely let go of your mind, consciousness and my spiritual power. Connect and follow my guidance.”

If it were any other mage, he would definitely be resistant and hesitant.

Just like the last time they were forced to exchange divination experiences with Harley.

But last time, I had the experience of opening up my heart and being completely controlled by Harley's will and plundering the "Tao Xing". This time, except for the newcomers, everyone else was familiar with the business, very obedient, very straightforward, and immediately became 100% obedient. Li's will.

"Run your master's laws of destiny and follow this direction to sense the location of the Garden of Destiny."

Harley passed on the "sense of direction" of the Gate of Destiny to the masters and asked them to help lock the location of the Destiny Domain.

She has formed the Thinking Internet with them, and her sea of ​​consciousness is the main server of the Thinking Internet.

Because they are 100% obedient, Harley can almost indirectly control their destiny-like Grandmaster Law.

The fate of everyone in the DC multiverse is recorded in the "Book of Destiny".

Personal destiny is like a thread, and the entire thread is hidden in the "Book of Destiny".

When Harley twists a person's thread of destiny, it means that she replaces the "Book of Destiny" and controls the fate of the person who asks for divination, which is equivalent to her holding this thread of destiny.

The two ends of the line of fate are still in the book of fate.

Theoretically, she can trace the thread of destiny in her hand all the way to the Book of Destiny.

But the thread of personal destiny is too elusive.

She tried to rewrite the fate of all sentient beings in the main universe as much as possible, making more and more silk threads in her hands, so much that they formed a door connecting the realm of destiny. At this moment, her mental projection was still in the stomach bag dimension. The PUA masters, her body It has shattered the dimensional barrier and forced its way into an unknown territory.

There are two major difficulties for creatures in the universe to enter the sixth dimension: first, they are blocked by the dimensional barrier, and even the God King cannot break through the cosmic structure composed of the power of creation; second, they cannot find their way forward in a directionless void space. direction.

There are a total of five powers of creation in the multiverse. The three major creators, the Monitor, the Anti-Monitor, and the Forger, each have a "secondary power of creation." Papetua and Dr. Manhattan each have a complete power of creation.

The barrier of the sixth dimension is created by the three major secondary creation forces.

The Supreme Being is difficult to break, and Harley crushes it with one punch.

Because she has activated defense expertise against all five powers of creation.

In addition to Forger, the other four defensive feats are already at level nine or above.

For her, the biggest difficulty is how to find the location of the Destiny Realm after breaking the dimensional barrier.

At this moment, the Garden of Destiny.

"Witch Harley is really here to kill her!" the girl among the three goddesses of destiny exclaimed in shock.

The woman lamented: "Her speed is so fast and her movements are so fierce. If she encounters any barrier, she will smash it with one punch. Like a sniper bomb with infinite power.

The bullet shot from the outside of the solid cement bunker to a small room in the bunker, shattering bricks one after another, penetrating high walls one after another, without turning, unstoppable, and finally accurately arrived at where we were. small room'. "

"Gods of Destiny, take your positions and prepare to protect destiny!" The old woman first shouted at the Gods of Destiny, making them look solemn and move nervously, then turned to the center of the Garden of Destiny, still holding the "Book of Destiny" as usual. Big Brother Destiny, who was walking, reminded via voice transmission: "Your Excellency Destiny, should you do something now?"

"You think I didn't do anything?" Brother Destiny looked calm and his tone was calm, "I have been observing the fate of her and the people around her, and I am also sensing my own fate."

The old woman was startled, "Witch Harley has a helper by her side? Is it that bitch Amra?"

Destiny said: "Amra is very hesitant. He knows that Harley Quinn is waiting for him outside the gate of heaven. As long as he shows up, Harley Quinn will kidnap him.

He had hesitated to leave Silver City at least three times.

In the end He listened to my warning and stepped back.

Now following her are ninety-nine magic masters.

They have all understood the master laws related to divination, and are now using the magic crystal stolen by the witch Harley from Ipeko to attack the God of Destiny. Well, Xanadu has touched 'me'. "

(PS: Comprehending new laws, being accepted by the origin, and finally becoming a god are two settings. The original comic did not directly provide this setting.

Well, there is a plot about becoming a saint through the road.

Proving the truth with force is a setting clearly given by DC comics. The Cold Flame Holy See is almost Constantine's most powerful mage enemy and DC's biggest human mage villain.

The biggest conflict between the Lengyan Holy See and the mage heroes is that the Lengyan Holy See plunders magic power and magical objects in an attempt to prove the Tao with force and become a god with its huge magic power. )

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