I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1811 The Destruction of White Magic Civilization

"John. John John!"

Constantine seemed to be sleeping at the bottom of a 500-meter-deep well.

The sound coming from the mouth of the well was very soft in the first place. The lingering sound that reached the bottom of the well penetrated the water and entered his ears. It was as illusory as the light mist in the morning light.

But the sound was like a thread, continuous.

Constantine finally opened his tired eyes and responded, "Harry?"

"John. John John, John!"

The man who called him from the well seemed to have gone down into the well, getting closer and closer to him, and his voice became clearer and clearer.

Not only did she come down, she also held a bright lamp in her hand to dispel the darkness around her and dispel some of the coldness on his body.

"Harley, save me!" Constantine's mind was clearer and his perception was sharper. He felt extremely tired, as if he had taken medicine and fought 20 fierce women non-stop for three days and three nights, and then was used again. The 20 tough men fighting for drugs competed for three days and three nights, and finally participated in an ultra-marathon.

In addition to endless fatigue, he also felt extremely painful.

Different injuries to the body will cause different pains.

At this moment, he felt that he was experiencing hundreds of millions of pains at the same time, and each pain was extremely painful.

The pain was so deep that it didn't numb him, it just made him confused and couldn't explain exactly how it hurt.

In addition to his own pain and exhaustion, the environment he was in was also very bad, dark, cold, and extremely depressing.

"John, how do you feel?"

A warm golden light came to Constantine. Bathed in the light, his eyes filled with tears. He was so moved that he wanted to cry and hug her.

Sure enough, Harley is here, and she is a source of warm golden light.

Now she was standing in front of him.

"Harry, why are you here? We were captured by law enforcers and tortured in various ways by Frankenstein." He said aggrievedly.

"I warned you before leaving, so that you must be careful. The energy level of this world is higher than that of most god kings' kingdoms."

For some reason, Harley came to him and stood a few steps away, no longer approaching.

"We are already very cautious and don't even dare to use teleportation magic. The enemy is too weird and too powerful.

And he has captured Boston, and if we don't surrender, Boston will die miserably like the spirit of fire. ” he defended.

“You are so careless that you didn’t even take away the magical aura from your body, and you walked carelessly in the forest, directly exposing your vital signs as a living person.

Not to mention the law enforcement officers of Ipok, the satellites of ordinary interstellar civilizations can also directly lock on you. Just wake up first and assemble your body before talking. " Harley sighed.

"Wake up? I am now -" Constantine asked in a daze, and the master's law "true knowledge" in his soul was activated again, and his muddy mind finally became clear.

"This is not the real world. You and I are in the deepest part of my subconscious. Shit, my skull was opened by the Frankenstein of this world. The brain was taken out from the skull and connected to the thinking fiber Fuck. I was dismembered by the Frankenstein. Got it!

Farke, I was dismembered by Frankenstein, and you didn’t jump out to save me immediately. "His voice gradually became excited and full of resentment.

He wasn't just complaining either.

After being reminded by Harley, his soul gradually revived. The thoughts that sank into the deepest part of his subconscious were like water columns in a fountain, erupting from the well mouth and arriving at a vast world of starry sky - his sea of ​​consciousness.

After thoughts occupy the sea of ​​consciousness, the soul also completely controls his brain.

Then he clearly saw his current state from the perspective of his soul.

The skull was cut off like a can lid and thrown into a distant trash can.

It's really a trash can. The silver tin bucket not only contains his "can lid", but also a "can lid" with black hair, a "can lid" with gray dead hair, and a large green "can lid" .

There were more than a dozen "can lids", which made Constantine's liver and gallbladder tremble and his scalp tingle. Oh, no, his scalp was in the trash can at the moment, and he couldn't "get his scalp tingling" at all.

"Beasts, what a beast! Those beasts not only opened my skull, but also attacked Xiao Zha and Shang. Moreover, they didn't want to let us go at all and threw our skulls directly into the trash can." His The soul roars with rage.

"And my brain, Fake, is ruined. It has been soaked in formalin." There was a hint of crying in his voice.

For an octopus can, take off the lid of the can, take out the juicy "octopus" from the can, put it into a transparent water tank, and soak it in the light yellow liquid.

The eight legs of the "Octopus" are also connected to crystal clear optical fibers. The optical fibers flash with colorful light. It seems that there is magical information flowing in the optical fibers, and it is unknown where it is transmitted.

The "bottle" containing the canned octopus is also placed in another larger transparent water tank.

The chest was cut open, and black "wires" were connected to the hands, feet, and organs. It was unknown whether they were collecting data or conducting special human experiments.

This is the situation of "Canned Constantine" at this time.

"How can you survive if it's really put in formalin? It's just that the color is a bit like formalin's culture medium."

In the open space outside the glass tank, stood Harley in white short-sleeved shirts, blue jeans, and black open-toed high heels.

It is already mid-October in the world of Ipoca, but summer has just begun in the United States at this time, and students have not yet finished their summer vacation.

Her long blond hair was tied up in her head, and a strand of hair fell to her chest on each side of her temples. Harley was dressed very casually and her expression was very leisurely.

"Do you think I still look like a living person now that my limbs are separated?" Zha Kang was a little excited.

"Whether it is judged from science or magic, you are a truly living person. Your soul has not entered the place of death. Your brain and body cells are only 'dying', not already dead." Harley said.

"I'm just not dead! My soul has left my body and entered the 'shadow realm'. Frankenstein has tortured me to the point of brain death." Zha Kang shouted.

The so-called "lowest level of the subconscious mind" is not in the brain cells.

It is a state in which the soul is separated from the body and hangs on the edge of the realm of death.

If it were a human doctor, even if he could put the "juicy octopus" back into the "can bottle" and then pick up the "can lid" from the trash can and put it on, he would probably only be able to revive a brain-dead vegetative state.

Harley just "awakened" Constantine to help his soul return to its original place.

"John, I want to remind you that the 'Frankenstein' you are talking about did not leave the laboratory. He was just attracted by the 'Magic Resistance Chaos' outside.

If you don't assemble your body quickly and wait for him to look back at the monitor or read your experimental data, he can immediately detect your abnormality and seal your brain in formalin again. " Harley said.

She not only awakened his mind from the bottom of his subconscious mind and allowed his soul to return to his brain, but also removed the magic-forbidden seal around the "can bottle", allowing his thoughts to move freely and to control his magic and use magic.

Without outside help, his soul would not be able to move at all. After all, the "dead man" Boston in the spirit state was also frozen in the force field beam and even dissected layer by layer.

Well, the scientists at Ipoca are so awesome, they can even dissect spiritual bodies.

Just ten steps away, in another "incubation tank" formed by coupling multiple layers of force fields, the "dead man" Boston's limbs were also separated, which was horrific.

"You mean, if Frankenstein discovers that I have escaped from prison, you will stand on the sidelines and watch and not help me at all?"

The "octopus" jumped out of the glass tank and used only the simplest magic trick - "magic hand" to lift out the "can bottle" in another glass tank.

Then the surface of the "octopus" flashed with a faint light of healing magic, and slowly fell towards the "can bottle".

"Bang bang bang!" There is no "cover", and the milky white "octopus" can be seen beating gently with the naked eye, which is a bit eye-catching.

But Zha Kang soon felt the presence of his body again.

Harry was watching from the side, not even willing to use the holy healing spell, "When you wake up, I will explain together.

Not only are you complaining to me now, Xiao Zha, Boston, Xanadu, and Frankenstein are all full of resentment, as if I am the culprit that caused you to fall into this situation. "

She was not only talking to Zha Kang, but she was also not just awakening Zha Kang from the bottom of his subconscious.

Harley multi-tasks, and at the same time lifts the magic-forbidden restrictions and thinking restrictions of all the heroes of the Dark Alliance, helping them regain control of their consciousness, thereby controlling magic and freely performing magic.

At this moment, they are all saving themselves, but Zha Kang is more efficient.

He clenched his fists and took a few steps forward crookedly. Then he opened his eyes and took complete control of his body.

"My skull is gone." He looked at the trash can next to him with an expression of sadness, anger and helplessness.

Harley also glanced at the trash can and said casually: "After washing it, it should be able to be connected again."

"It's all thrown into the trash can, how can I pick it up?"

"It has only been two days since the incision, and this is an absolutely sterile experimental area. The scalp cells still retain more than 70% of their activity." Harley said.

"Two days. Two days have passed? It took you so long to come to rescue us?" Zha Kang's eyes widened, and his exposed brain was beating, showing his inner excitement.

Harley glanced at Xanadu and Xiao Zha on the other side, who were also gradually mastering the physical body, and said: "At first, I had no intention of coming back.

Less than 5 minutes after I parted from you, I understood the general situation of this world and left Ipeko.

If nothing else happens, I have entered the realm of destiny at this time and have no chance or energy to save you. "

After leaving Epoch, she remained at the gate of heaven for several days.

Didn't wait for the angel of fate.

In desperation, she could only return to Ipoce to implement Plan B.

"Didn't you have a whim and an idea on the timeline, and then calculated with your fingers that we were about to be in danger?

When Constantine was having his head cut off, he kept shouting "Harry, save me", and his voice became hoarse, but you never showed up.

When it was our turn, we could only shout "Harry, help", but it still had no effect.

Do you know how disappointed and desperate we are?

The reason why we surrendered to the cyan mecha man is because we trust you and think you will not let us get hurt. "

Mrs. Xanadu staggered to the edge of the trash can. She hesitated for a moment and finally took out her "can lid".

Harley said: "There is no need for whims, the fate of this world has been fixed, and even the timeline for the future is very clear. I directly saw the whole process of your arrest.

But I can't interfere with fate.

You are also in the destiny. Your arrest and torture are the script arranged by destiny. "

Shangdu carried his "can lid" to the glass tank, grabbed his gray hair, put the "can lid" into the pool and rinsed it gently, and said in surprise: "We are not from this world at all, how could we do this?" Is there a ‘fixed script’ in this world’s timeline?”

"! Wash your head!"

Xiao Zha directly used irony magic to make his "can lid" clean.

Even the hair stained with sticky black blood became flowing again.

"Harry, you have been twisting fate, and you still care about interfering with fate?" There was also a deep resentment in her tone.

Harley sighed: "I'm not afraid to interfere with fate, nor am I powerless to interfere.

I can't do that because you are just a supporting role in this destiny. The protagonist of destiny is Tim Hunter.

Do you want me to ruin the fate of Tim, the ‘ancestor of the new white magic’, the ‘son of the plane of Ipe’, and the ‘magic user of light’? "

"What's wrong with Tim? What's his condition now? Has he encountered a blue mecha man? What does Tim's destiny have to do with our being captured and tortured?" Xanadu was worried and confused.

Harley said: "If Princess Peach had not been captured by Bowser, Mario would still be just a plumber, even if he had all the skills. The 'Mario Legend Story' would not have happened, and he would not have become a hero.

Similar scenes can be seen everywhere in Hollywood movies.

In the main universe and on Earth, you, the heroes of the Dark Alliance, are considered protagonists, but when you come to the land of white magic, you can only become the "Princess Peach" who is captured, tortured, in danger, and in urgent need of rescue.

Princess Peach is the reason why Mario transforms into ‘Super Mario’.

You are the initial motivation for Tim Hunter to transform from an ordinary middle school student into ‘Hunter the Great’. "

"Do you know why the Yperce scientists no longer pay attention to this laboratory?"

Harley touched her right hand in front of her body, and a 50-inch space screen appeared in mid-air.

Scenes dozens of kilometers away are projected into the laboratory through space folding technology.

A grand magical battle is taking place on the screen.

Tim Hunter, a short-haired middle school student wearing glasses, holds a magic sword and controls a 20-meter-long fire-breathing dragon. He leads hundreds of monsters, trolls, devils, and flower fairies in a desperate charge towards the city ahead. .

The spirits were still shouting slogans such as "Long live His Majesty King Hunter", "Long live His Majesty the true magic user", "Kill all the people of Ipeki for the sake of magic".

As soon as the camera turned, Zha Kang and others saw the enemies of "Tim's Magic Army" again: seven or eight cyan energy mechas that had lifted their power restrictions and showed giant forms, and a group of motorcyclists who were also covered in light energy armor.

In the blink of an eye, the two teams collided.

The law enforcer who could easily suppress many magic masters was obviously suppressed and beaten by a child named Tim Hunter.

When facing the heroes of the Dark Alliance, the law enforcer who has lifted the power limit, every move and every move is comparable to the forbidden spell of the divine wizard, full of power and amazing effect.

Now Zha Kang and others saw with their own eyes that after their attack approached Tim, the protection encountered a weak force field and was easily split open by Tim's magic sword.

“Tim Hunter, like you, was targeted by the ‘Energy Network Enforcers’ when he first entered this world.

You are just supporting roles, but he is the protagonist.

The protagonist can naturally turn into good fortune in times of adversity.

He was taken into the natural tunnel by the 'Magic Resistance Army' and became the king of magical creatures.

However, leading magical creatures to fight against humans who master the 'Song of Science' obviously does not meet Tim's psychological expectations for the 'Successor of White Magic'.

He thought that the most he could do was inherit the white magic book from his ancestors, and then work hard to develop the world of white magic so that more mages on the earth could obtain free 'pure natural magic'.

He himself is a human being and has lived in the world of 'science' since he was a child.

Asking him to help spirits fight against humans is also not in line with his values.

Then fate gave him a reason to rebel - his companions, that is, you, have been taken away by the law enforcers.

Humans in this world regard magic as taboo. If he doesn't do anything, you will be dead.

This is indeed the case. Even if you raise your hands and surrender and actively cooperate, the "city people" in Ipok still do not regard you as human beings and have no intention of letting you survive.

If I rescue you right away, Tim will lose the motivation to fight.

Even because I was so disappointed with this world, I chose to leave here and return to Earth with you. "

"Even if I don't intervene, probably this afternoon or at most evening, Tim will ride a fire-breathing dragon and rush into the "Second Academy of Life Sciences" in Ipoca.

Seeing you being dismembered into pieces, he was furious and completely disappointed with the human beings in this world. He showed no mercy and rode a fire-breathing dragon directly."

Harry suddenly stopped and said: "Anyway, it's not far from the evening. Then you can see for yourselves. If the secret is revealed now, it may have adverse consequences for me."

"Is there anyone in this world that can hurt you?" Zha Kang asked doubtfully.

"It's a disservice to me if I can't benefit." Harley said.

The corner of Zha Kang's mouth twitched, "It seems that you entered the land of white magic again, not just to save us, but more to take advantage of the opportunity. What do you fancy?"

"You are overthinking. I came here this time for you and Xanadu."

"The Monster Resistance, the Natural Tunnel, and the Song of Science. What do these mean?" Madam Xanadu asked in confusion.

She had put the "can lid" back on her head.

At this time, the wound has basically healed, leaving only an obvious red mark, and the face can show natural surprise, confusion and other complex expressions.

Harley was about to speak when Boston's mental fluctuations suddenly came from the glass tank not far away, "Harry, help me, my ghost body is too broken and cannot heal naturally!"

In his normal form, "Dead Man" Boston wears a white latex "devil hood" and a red tights.

At this moment, it was as if he had been put into a masher and blended, turning into a red, white, and gray paste.

Harley said: "Didn't I just tell you that I can sense Moro Kushner's blessing, and then use his blessing to recall the power of the God of Death that was taken away by scientists.

As soon as the divine power returns to your body, you will immediately look like a stressed doll being rubbed out of shape by a giant man.

Once the giant man lets go, the pressure doll immediately returns to its original shape. "

Unlike Zuckerberg and the others, Boston didn't just stuff "juicy octopus" canned meat into a canned bottle and then use magic to reseal the bottle.

He had no body at all, and his spiritual body was broken down into a paste, and he had to use other methods to restore it to its original state.

But Boston is also a magical being. As long as it gets rid of the seal, the "physical damage" caused by scientific means is not fatal and can be self-healed with magic or divine magic.

"I am confused, mentally weak, and unable to sense the blessing of the goddess," cried Boston.

"Don't be impatient, calm down, control as many thoughts as you can, silently recite the name of Morakushna in your heart, and recite His teachings."

Boston said: "I have never come into contact with the scriptures of the goddess of death, and I have never even been to her temple as an adult."

"His teachings are your talents, your supernatural powers, and your possessions. The scriptures are just a way to explain the teachings. Practicing the way of God by one's body is the true piety.

As long as you keep activating the possession ability, the effect will be better than silently reciting scriptures. "

"Harley, I need help too." Frankenstein tilted his body and shouted: "That monster tore me into pieces. I don't know magic. Many body parts cannot be aligned, and many fixed bodies are missing. The screws and rivets of the organ.”

He looked like a robot with incorrectly assembled parts. His body looked very distorted, and his movements were very stiff and uncoordinated.

"Just do this for now. When you see Hunter, he will use the 'Song of Science' to help you complete an upgrade, making you stronger, more magical, and more scientific," Harley said.

"Is this what you saw on the timeline?" Zha Kang asked.

"It's almost time for Hunter to arrive." Harley looked around and said, "You guys take your things and let's get out of here."

She opened a defensive force field bubble with a radius of five meters, put several people inside, and slowly lifted into the air.

The surrounding experimental equipment and the buildings above are like shadows, allowing the bubble to pass directly through.

"If you take us away now, won't it affect Hunter's fate?" Xiao Zha asked.

"There will definitely be an impact, but it won't be too big."

Harley explained: "First of all, Hunter is an arrow from the bow. He has already started a rebellion and has come to the edge of the city. He will break into the Academy of Sciences laboratory within an hour.

Secondly, in addition to you, the dozen or so fallen mages who entered the land of white magic, including Darkthorn, Baron Winster, and Phoenix Boston, were also tied to the experimental table and cut into piles of rotten flesh.

Their miserable appearance also stimulated Tim.

In addition, this biological laboratory stores hundreds of thousands of organ samples of magical creatures.

If no one saves you, your brains, torsos, and organs will all become collections of scientists.

They will leave Tim dumbfounded and shocked. In the end, his overlord spirit will be shaken, and he will make up his mind to become the 'Magic Emperor'. "

"Oh my God, what a beautiful city, what a magnificent building. Is this really the home of Frankenstein people?"

The force field sphere passed through the gap in space, flew away from the experimental building, and came to the city mid-air. The surrounding scenery was unobstructed. The heroes of the Dark Zhenglian all had expressions of wonder and confusion on their faces.

Based on the cruel methods used by Frankenstein on them, they believe that human cities, even if they are not hell, should be smoky, hazy, dark, gloomy, and dirty. It is a cyberpunk version of the American Zombie Street.

The city that can be seen in front of them is beautiful, clean, neat and orderly, with a natural and harmonious beauty.

Without any contact with city residents, they were attracted by its unique charm just by seeing the cityscape from mid-air.

Harley pointed at the giant cyan crystal in the distance, her eyes flickering and said, "Have you seen that thing?"

"That is--"

With just one glance, Zha Kang's eyes bulged and he exclaimed: "Shit, I must be dreaming."

Xiao Zha also looked shocked, "It's such a strong magical aura, it's all pure natural magic."

"Oh God, the natural magic power has been condensed into crystals. The magic crystal is larger than my house. How much magic power does this have? How many gods and wizards can be created with this much magic power?!" Xanadu was so excited that his whole body was trembling.

In other words, Boston and Frankenstein don't know magic, and their bodies have not recovered as before, so they are not very interested in magic crystals.

“It is the center of the city’s energy network, and tens of millions of residents in the city rely on the magic it provides to maintain daily life and industrial production.

Magic is transmitted to every corner of the city through conduits.

The consumed ‘low activity magic power’ re-enters nature.

As the world moves naturally, the magic of nature will also flow, forming a highly active ‘magic tide’.

The energy network center draws tidal energy from the 'Magic Sea', absorbs and compresses the highly active magic power into the energy crystal, and the energy crystal expands in a circle.

When the city enters the 'peak period of power consumption', the magic power stored in the energy crystal is transmitted to thousands of households through conduits, and the azure energy crystal will shrink in size.

In this cycle, there is no industrial pollution or energy crisis in the city.

The entire human society of Ipeki is like a giant natural magic.

So you will feel that this city is very beautiful and harmonious.

In essence, the city is a living magical creature.

The humans who inhabit it are the cells that make up living beings. "

Speaking of this, Harley couldn't help but sigh with emotion, "This is the real white magic! All the white magicians on the earth are fakes.

The concept of white magic is to develop freely according to personal choice and talent, without magic debt, and not to be polluted by the original properties of magic. The white magicians on earth have not achieved any of this.

They themselves have obtained pure natural magic power, and can choose their future path based on their own talents rather than the source of magic power. They can basically be free and make the best use of their talents.

But what about their descendants and their apprentices?

Magic power is limited, and pure natural magic power will always be exhausted.

Once the descendants and apprentices of the white magician borrow the power of their ancestors or ancestors, they immediately become debtors no different from the black magicians, and the white magician himself becomes the creditor.

How ridiculous. "

“The human scientists of Ipoca are the real white magicians! Their ‘Song of Scientific Magic’ allows everyone to enjoy the convenience and beauty of the power of miracles, without creditors, slaves, exploitation and oppression.

Everyone is free to choose their future life path based on their own talents and strengths.

There is no magic pollution that forcibly assimilates you into becoming a part of the magic master.

Their own souls have not left any magic marks, and they don't even have to worry about the final magic debt crisis, if they can survive until then.

Nor will the ancestors eat meat in large quantities, and their descendants will have no descendants.

As long as the world is not destroyed, the natural tide of magic will not stop.

As long as efficient and accurate production and lifestyle are ensured, the ‘song of science’ will ring forever. "

"Hey, white magic is well-deserved, and the ancestor of white magic is well-deserved. The white magic civilization is almost the most perfect magic civilization I have ever seen. Unfortunately, all civilizations have an end. Today, the 'new ancestor of white magic' will destroy this civilization with his own hands."

As soon as Harry finished speaking, a space crack more than thirty meters long opened in the sky in the distance.

With the eardrum-shaking dragon roar, the fire-breathing demonic dragon carried Tim and flew out of the space door, heading straight for the brilliant blue "giant diamond".

"Boom!" Long Yan left his mouth and quickly expanded to a diameter of 100 meters, suddenly submerging the cyan magic energy crystal.


With a flash of green light, the law enforcer driving a huge energy mecha also teleported over and stood in front of the dragon.

"Ah!" The law enforcer roared angrily, condensing a "hydrodynamic magic shield" in front of himself.

It is a magic shield built with cyan natural magic power, but it is not a common magic shield with a fixed form.

The magic shield is composed of countless scales, all of which come together like flowing liquid.

The dragon flame is very powerful, and the law enforcer's magic shield keeps expanding and contracting like a spring to release its force, eventually completely separating the entire cyan crystal from the flame.

"Whoosh whoosh!" Five more law enforcers rushed back in succession.

Each law enforcer has lifted the maximum power and weapon restrictions, and there are even blue energy conduits as thick as a bowl visible to the naked eye on the back of their energy mechas.

The conduit can be extended infinitely, and the end is connected to the surface of the cyan crystal.

"Those energy mechas can extract energy directly from natural magic crystals. They are almost endless and invincible!" Constantine frowned.

"This is probably why Tim got rid of them and attacked the cyan crystal first." Xiao Zha said.

Harley said: "Before, seven or eight law enforcement officers besieged Hunter, but now there are two less, and 80% of them were killed.

Although the energy mecha can extract energy directly from the energy crystal, its power is still limited. The law enforcer's own mental power is limited, and the natural energy that can be controlled is also limited.

The energy output power is limited, and the mecha's defense must have limits.

As long as the attack power exceeds the endurance limit of the mecha, the law enforcers inside are just ordinary people. Killing the mecha before it can repair itself is very simple for those who can defeat the mecha with one move. "

"Why is Tim so strong? Facing law enforcers who are more powerful than gods, he even has the upper hand.

When we faced the law enforcers before, just one person caused absolute aura crushing on us.

Facing him was like we were fighting the whole world. Madam Xanadu said doubtfully.

"Law enforcers are also called 'magic messengers' by the spirits. They can leverage the 'song of science' through the magic network and control the power of the world. Of course they are very powerful -"

"Harry, wait a minute. You have mentioned the 'Song of Science' several times. What does it represent?" Xiao Zha interrupted her.

Harley said: "'Scientific Song' is what this world calls it.

In fact, it is not difficult for people on earth to understand.

Have you seen "The Lord of the Rings"?

Tolkien compared the laws of the world to music, and the chorus is the combination of many laws.

The ‘Scientific Song’ is similar to the ‘Main Song’ in a cantata.

This world can be regarded as the kingdom of a powerful god-king, and the god-king’s laws are the ‘main theme’ of the kingdom of god. "

Xiao Zha frowned and said: "You mean, the ancestor of white magic is the God King, who created this world with his own 'technological white magic' rules as the core? The song of science is the authority of the God King?"

"The real situation is more complicated than what you said, but if we are only discussing the strength of law enforcers, you can understand it this way."

After a pause, Harley continued: "In the world created by the God King, facing the 'magic messenger' who controls the power of the God King, it is abnormal for you not to feel the pressure.

But the human law enforcer is not the God King himself.

They only indirectly borrowed the power of the 'Song of Science' through the 'Energy Network Center'.

This move can easily crush other people, but it is useless when facing Hunter.

Because Hunter is the real magic user and the master of Ipok's natural magic power.

The mecha warriors want to use natural magic power to deal with Hunter, just like the gods' favored ones rebelling, using the power blessed by the gods to deal with the gods themselves. "

Mrs. Xanadu was shocked: "Hunter is the God-King who controls the 'Technology White Magic' God-King Law and created the world of Ipok?"

"Yes, not entirely." Harley pondered: "I guess Tim Hunter is the reincarnation of Zell Hunter, and Zell Hunter is the reincarnation of the White Magic God King."

"I'm a little confused." Boston put his hand on his forehead, "Who is Zell Hunter? Why did the White Magic God King reincarnate several times?"

He has reactivated the blessings of Moro Kushna.

As expected, Harley immediately recalled the divine power that had been taken away. When the divine power entered his body, he instantly returned to his original state.

Zatanna also wondered: "If there is a master in this world, and all magic power belongs to the White Magic God King, why can't we sense the magic mark in the natural magic power?

Not only us, many people in the ancient Nanda Mountains have absorbed the pure and ownerless natural magic power and become the gods of white magic. "

Mrs. Xanadu hesitated and said: “Perhaps the natural magic power is not as pure as everyone thinks.

When I was doing fortune telling for Tim before, I was vaguely aware of a hint of discord.

In the world of Tarot cards, Tim, the future magic user, slaughtered many magicians. It was a bit like collecting magic debt.

When I told you about the divination content of the magic messenger, many people still scoffed.

Harley felt that as long as she was around, it would be impossible for a magic user to appear.

But if it's a magic debt, even Harley can't interfere. "

"But we didn't sense the 'Master's Mark' in the natural magic!" Zatanna said.

"I don't know either." Xanadu looked at Harley with questioning eyes.

"Have you ever considered this question? If the god who obtained the first-hand pure magic power from Hecate dies completely, will the magic power he left behind be considered pure magic power? Will there still be an owner?" Harley asked.

"This" everyone's expressions were shocked, and they all fell into deep thought.


The huge explosion brought everyone back to reality, and then they saw the city energy center building in the distance like a lit firework, with a huge blue crystal spewing an extremely bright blue energy beam into the sky.

The entire city was shrouded in green light, and the faces of Harry and others were also reflected green.

"Boom - click, click, click."

As a massive amount of natural magic power spurted out, the building trembled violently, and lines cracked on the surface of the spar. Finally, with a muffled sound, it fell apart.

"Buzzing--" The whole city darkened.

"Hehe, it's just as I expected!"

Harry smiled proudly, and with a flash of his body, he disappeared above the Academy of Sciences with everyone.

When he appeared again, he was right under a spar fragment with a maximum cross-section that could fit a basketball court.

Harley opened her mouth, a flash of blue light appeared, and the green energy crystal disappeared silently.

"Fake, I knew it." Zha Kang held his forehead.

Mrs. Xanadu sighed: "A country is easy to change, but a person's nature is hard to change. Witch Harley only stole a piece of crystal, rather than taking away the whole stone. It is already restrained enough."

"Don't think nonsense, this is prepared for you." Harley smiled strangely: "I want to help you become gods!"

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