I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1810 The truth about the ancestor of white magic (at the end of the month, 10,000 words will

They all met "Energy Network Law Enforcement Officer" Vikal. The ending of the protagonist Hunter is completely different from that of Zha Kang and others.

When Phoenix Faust attracted Vikar's attention, the ground under the feet of Hunter, Amaya and Xuanlan suddenly cracked, and tiny vines grew out of the crack in the ground, wrapping around the legs and feet of the three of them, and there was a A big hand stretched out from the ground, grabbed their ankles, and pulled the three of them into the dirt.

If it were in a cemetery at night, such a scene would be extremely terrifying and could scare the person involved to death.

Hunter was indeed frightened, his body kept struggling, and he screamed repeatedly, but soon a soothing voice came to his ears: "Hunter, don't be afraid, we are friends, we are saving you!"

When Hunter really stopped struggling, the force pulling him slowed down, and the tree roots wrapped around him gradually fell off.

He found himself falling into a dark underground cave, with rustling sounds coming from all around, and a group of strange spirits surrounding him.

"Who are you and what do you want to do?"

Princess Amethyst struggled to crawl to Tim, holding her sword across her chest and looking around with a vigilant expression.

She saw werewolves with black fur on their bodies, palm-sized goblins flapping dragonfly wings, tall trolls and trolls, and forest elves with emerald green hair, pointed ears, and magical eyes. , and even saw devils with withered and pale muscles. They are all common spirits in fantasy worlds.

"Hello Tim, my name is Algeon. As you can see, I am an old elf!" A white-bearded old elf with pointed ears and a shriveled and thin body crawled up to her and Tim, put his right hand on his chest and bent down to bow. He bowed, then squatted on the ground with his feet in a splayed position, and said with a serious expression: "Do you know who the person wearing the cyan energy armor just now was?

They call themselves the 'Energy Network Law Enforcement Officer', but we call him the 'Magic Envoy'.

In this world, no one is a match for the magic user, not even the gods. "

"Magic Envoy." Hunter had a strange expression and hesitated to speak.

"Except Hunter. Hunter is our savior. He will definitely be able to defeat all magic users and eventually lead us out of the cave and regain control of the world." The purple-brown-skinned troll leader shouted.

"Yes, Hunter will change everything, Hunter, Hunter!" The flower fairy sitting on his shoulder waved excitedly.

"Hunter, you are our king and the master of this earth's destiny. Long live Your Majesty Hunter!"

"Long live His Majesty Hunter, long live His Majesty Hunter!"

Hundreds of spirits in the cave stared at Hunter and shouted excitedly.

"I, I don't quite understand why you call me 'His Majesty the King'?" Hunter was at a loss.

The white-bearded old elf raised his hand to silence the many elves, and then faced Tim and said, "Your name is Tim Hunter, and you come from the outside world, right?"

Hunter nodded and said, "But I don't know you."

"Your ancestors knew us and were one of us." The old elf carefully looked at Tim's face and body, focusing his eyes on his ordinary round ears, and sighed: "Now you have almost become a pure Human, but your ancestor is just like us, a spirit in the forest, a tree spirit with pointed and long ears."

"But you look very similar to him, equally handsome and heroic." The old elf added.

Amaya turned her head to look at Tim's date-core face with small eyes, big nose, and plump lips. She didn't see a single bit of handsomeness or prowess. Instead, she found bulging white spots of acne. She found seven or eight at a glance.

"My ancestors turned out to be spirits." Hunter touched his face, feeling both surprised and a little doubtful. "Why do you know my name and find me in the first place?"

"The prophecy explains everything!" The old elf pulled the three guests deep into the cave, prepared vine seats and fruits for them, and lit torches beside them. Then he sighed: "This world has not always been like this. Ruled by humans and technology”

He paused, looked at the confused Hunter, touched the two strands of beard on his cheeks, and said: "You have just entered this world, and you may not understand the true face of the world.

Once upon a time, Ipoca was a world of pure and free natural magic, full of miraculous lives in fantasy.

The elves wandered under the silver crescent moon, singing in the forest and on the grass; the flower fairies sat among the flowers, clasped their hands together, and devoutly told their wishes to the diamond-dazzling stars; the devils and trolls slipped from the tops of the trees, Passing by each other in the muddy tunnels, laughing and having fun; fairies living happily in daily deceit.

Back then, even humans lived in peace with us.

Endless magical music depicts its content on land, sky and sea.

The whole world is full of vitality and prosperity, and is a common paradise for all living things.

At that time, all of us, well, not including humans, but we took it for granted that humans were just as content and content as we were.

Alas, at that time we and other spirits naively believed that the world would always be full of sunshine, laughter and music, never change, and that everyone would work hard to safeguard our common interests.

We were wrong.

Human beings have no magical talent, but they have always been jealous of our control over the power of nature, and have been secretly studying how to seize the power of the natural world.

I don’t know exactly when, driven by ambition and desire, they invented their own dark magic - science! "

"Hiss, science, what a terrifying dark power!"

The old elf had a solemn expression, and the surrounding monsters also shrank their necks and trembled slightly. Their faces showed a look of horror and disgust, and they murmured in fear.

Like the wizards of Diagon Alley discussing "He Who Must Not Be Named."

It’s also like when the demons in hell talk about “Witch Harley” today.

"Why has science become dark? Is it dark science, human body research, biochemical experiments, heavy industrial pollution?" Hunter asked doubtfully.

The old elf clenched his withered fists and said excitedly: "Science itself is the darkest magic technique!

It goes against nature in every aspect. It is the enemy of nature and the destroyer of natural life.

As I said before, in the original world, endless magical music depicts the content of the music on the land, sky and ocean. All things are alive, free, vibrant, full of vitality and joy.

Technology is another magic song. Its music content is full of formatted order and irrefutable logic. It is an extremely dark and evil funeral song.

The technological music of decadence and darkness covers the original diverse, free and vigorous natural magic music.

The new song of technology also depicts its dark and depraved content on land, in the sky, and in the ocean. Except for the "natural areas" at the edge of the world, the entire world has been distorted by human technology.

The world fell into deep darkness.

Freedom and joy become history. "

Tim, who has received modern scientific education since childhood, cannot understand the old elf's words and cannot form emotional resonance with them.

But the expressions on the faces of the old elf and the surrounding spirits were so real that they didn't look fake at all. He had never seen the science of this world, so he couldn't question it if he had questions in his heart.

At this time, only Xuanlan and Amethyst Princess Amaya were around him.

Xuanlan, like Madame Xanadu and Boston, enters the land of white magic, and her body is forced to manifest into its "true form": a piece of flesh that has lost its intelligence and "the power of nature".

The red of all living things, which represents animal life, and the green of all things, which represents plant life, are both natural forces, but they are not purely natural. They are natural forces artificially cultivated by the God of Order.

Xuanlan is an experimental product of the Shadow Bureau to study the natural power of the earth. In essence, it is a piece of "living flesh" that combines the redness of all living things and the power of all things. Her body has been melted by the power of nature.

The image of the sexy big-breasted lady under normal circumstances is indeed her original appearance, and it is also the transformation of her current appearance.

She can take on the appearance of anyone, and even her breath can be perfectly imitated through the red of all beings in her body.

The world of the Land of White Magic has a complete and independent system of laws.

It has its own laws of life and death, as well as its own redness of all living things and greenness of all things.

The natural force in Xuanlan's body conflicted with the laws of this world, and she almost lost her human reason, leaving only instinct, and her body turned into an ugly and twisted image of a troll.

Naturally, she cannot comment on the old elf's "scientific theory" now.

Then there is Princess Amethyst.

Amaya has lived in a city on Earth, but her hometown is a fantasy world of swords and magic. She just felt that the old elf's words were a bit extreme, not a complete fallacy, so she didn't open her mouth to refute or defend "science".

"What happened next? You had a world war with humans and were driven away." Princess Amethyst looked around, "Is this cave the world you live in, or a temporary place to live?

We had just fallen into the earth before and came to the cave. Is this place very close to the surface?

That mecha man you call the 'Magic Envoy' is very powerful, isn't it? Will he find it here? "

"We did not launch a war against humanity. They took the initiative to provoke the war and massacre us."

The old goblin clenched his bony fists again and said excitedly: "At first, they only dared to study science in secret. When they can use science in combat and life, they immediately kill development without any cover-up.

No longer maintain a humble and polite attitude when facing us.

They began to reveal their arrogant and rude nature, attacking us with very vicious words, humiliating us, and actively provoking trouble.

Alas, science spreads among mankind faster and more ferociously than the plague.

Soon they used science to arm a huge army, entered our homeland, and plundered the most fertile land in the center of the world.

We have no choice but to migrate sadly and hide ourselves.

At that time, we thought that humans had become the overlord of the world and occupied the best territory in the world, so we should give up.

As long as we stay away from their cities and refuse to interact with them, we can maintain our lives.

We were wrong, humans are never satisfied!

They reproduced very quickly, and their population quickly expanded to the edge of our new home, and then used more cruel and efficient methods to kill us.

In the beginning, we elves alone had a population of millions. Every full moon night, our songs praising the world could be heard in the endless vast forests.


With tears in his eyes, he looked around sadly, his old voice trembling slightly, "There are less than a thousand people of all races and spirits combined."

"Humans in this world are too much!" the human magic swordsman Amaya said excitedly.

Tim Hunter glanced at the pitiful group of spirits in the cave, and felt a sense of sadness and sympathy in his heart.

The old elf wiped away the tears from his eyes and continued: "Wherever humans go, the music of dark science also spreads.

In the end, only their scientific song echoed in the sky, earth and ocean.

We can't adapt to it. As long as we get close, we may be exposed, be found by them, and then killed.

But no one can revolutionize a world.

Even if the original song of natural magic in the world has been covered by the song of science, a small part will remain at the edge of the world.

The areas at the edge of the world that are not affected by the music of science are called ‘natural zones’.

In the natural zone. Alas, now even the "natural zone" is about to fall.

Humanity's dark science is so terrible that it has been eroding the last "natural magic song" for countless years.

Hundreds of years ago, we could still live in the forest, but the sky played the dark chapter composed by the "Song of Science".

Today, the ‘song of science’ has spread to forests and rivers.

Only a small area deep in the earth remains uncontaminated.

To put it simply, the only real natural zone left is the land at the edge of the world, and it must go deeper than 50 meters into the earth.

We hid deep in the earth and built this 'natural tunnel'.

Naturally, the tunnel has also become the last home for magic resisters like us.

Here we can still work our natural magic.

When we pulled you underground just now, we used the space shifting technique.

It seems that you have just submerged underground, but in fact you have penetrated a space barrier and traveled hundreds of meters. "

"No, we were able to use magic when we were on the ground before." Princess Amethyst said.

The old elf asked back: "Why do you think the 'Magic Envoy' can find you immediately and accurately?"

"Didn't we accidentally encounter a law enforcement officer on patrol?" Princess Amethyst asked doubtfully.

The old elf Algeon shook his head and said: "Of course it's not an accident. The world has been covered by the 'Song of Science', and any magic fluctuations will be detected by them.

Then lock the location and send magic envoys to capture or eliminate them directly.

Only in this small 'natural tunnel' can we freely use magical power. "

"Ah, wouldn't Constantine and Madam Xanadu also be targeted by magic messengers?" Amaya looked anxious and asked: "Algerian, we still have several companions who are in the process of traveling to this world. It’s scattered in China, can you help me find it?”

There was an embarrassed look on the old elf's face, "I'm afraid not, it's not that I don't want to, I just can't do anything.

If you send giant monsters to search for your friends on the surface, it will be too inefficient and time-consuming. I'm afraid they will have been taken away by the magic messengers.

To find the target quickly, you can only use the seeking magic.

But the forest already belongs to the realm of the Song of Dark Science, and our magic has not failed. The problem is that once magic is used in the realm of the Song of Science, it will immediately alert the magic user. "

After a pause, he took the initiative to explain: "His Majesty Hunter asked us how we found him before, and I said it was a prophecy.

This is a fact.

When humans used the song of science to force us spirits into desperation, Zell, the greatest hero in ancient times, our king and leader, stepped forward. He, well, he stole four books from the human Academy of Sciences. 'The Book of Science'.

He said that you can use the Book of Science to break the blockade of the 'Song of Science and Technology', escape from Ipeko, and enter the 'Second Magical World', which is where you come from, the Earth! "

"The tool leading to the earth is the Book of Science? There are exactly four of them."

Tim and Amaya exclaimed at the same time, their expressions distorted.

The old elves only thought that they were shocked that the "greatest elf hero in ancient times" actually learned the "song of technology" of fallen humans.

He explained: “At the original ‘Guardian Council’, the Fairy King also publicly questioned Zell’s approach.

She feels that only a madman would use the enemy's dark science.

Zell asked her, in addition to the way of science, what other magic can break the content of the sky composed by the 'Song of Science'?

The Guardians were speechless and could only agree with his plan.

The "Book of Science" is the most precious treasure of mankind, and the Academy of Sciences is the temple of mankind. Zell's behavior of stealing the "Book of Science" completely angered mankind.

While the Guardians were studying the "Book of Science", the entire human army was dispatched, digging almost three feet into the natural area, and finally found the 'Guardian Temple'.

Fortunately, Zell and several guardians have found a way to break the "Song of the Sky" from the four "Books of Science".

Other guardians sacrificed themselves to buy time for Zell, and before the last guardian was killed by humans, Zell finally teleported away from the world. "

The old elf sighed with contentment. His face showed the emotion of recalling the ancient epic events, and also showed his admiration for the legendary heroes in the epic stories.

Tim Hunter and Amaya had very strange expressions, neither moved nor excited at all.

"Is this the end? What about the subsequent story? How did my ancestor Zell become the greatest hero in ancient times?" Tim tried.

Instead, the old elf looked at him with strange eyes and said doubtfully: "Isn't what I said clear enough? Your ancestors sneaked into the Supreme Temple of mankind quietly and stole four 'science books' that are the essence of human technology. This is not enough. great?"

A scene automatically appeared in Tim Hunter's mind: a strange-looking thief, wearing a hooded robe and covering his face, quietly dodged the doorman, jumped out of the window and entered the London library, and solemnly took away "Advanced Mathematics", Four books, "Physics", "Chemistry", and "Mechanical Manufacturing", were put into the pockets and fled.

“On Earth, there are science books everywhere, and citizens don’t even need to pay and can borrow them for free,” he said.

The old elf was startled, and his eyes were suspicious: "Can the earth's science books also compose the content of the 'Song of Science' in the sky, the earth and the ocean?"

Tim shook his head and said: "Earth's science only studies and uses the rules of the universe, and will not modify them."

He hesitated for a moment and said uncertainly: "It seems that advanced civilizations have been able to rewrite physical constants on a small scale, and they have even created 'regular weapons'.

However, they certainly cannot replace the original rules of the universe with their own rules. "

"Ipo can use human's 'dark technology'." The old elf showed a true expression and quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Even though the book of science and technology is very precious, my ancestors just stole the book and didn't make much contribution to you!" Tim wondered.

The old elf said: "Your ancestor Zell has a very great plan. He plans to break the sky through the Book of Technology and transfer us all to the second world——"

"Why do you call the earth the second world?" Amaya interrupted him and asked.

"Our hometown is of course the First World. The Earth is 'above' Ipoce and is the world closest to us. It is naturally called the 'Second World'."

"Okay, you continue."

The old elf said: "Zel plans to lead us into the second world. While recuperating and accumulating strength in the new world, we will continue to study the "Book of Science" until we find a way to crack the "Song of Science".

When the time is right, we will counterattack the first world and return to our hometown. "

"Although the plan is good, my ancestor is the only one who entered the earth." Tim said.

"Although only Zell left Ipok alone, he never gave up saving us and never forgot his mission." The old elf said solemnly: "After your ancestors left, the human army bloodbathed the Guardian Temple, but they Not all the guardians were killed.

The last remaining guardian left us the oath that Zell made before he left - when he thoroughly studies the "Book of Technology", he will break open the sky of the first world in the second world and take away all the remaining monsters.

Zell means what he says.

About the 165th year after Zell left, a hole suddenly opened in the sky of Ipoca. At that time, the sky was dark and the earth was dark, thunder flashed, and the whole world was vibrating violently.

The space-time channel was forcibly opened. "

Tim Hunter was stunned.

Princess Amethyst also looked shocked and hesitated to speak several times.

The old elf only thought that they were shocked by the great deeds of "Legendary Hero Zell", with an expression of extreme regret on his face, and said: "It is a pity that human beings' technology has been constantly developing.

Especially after the "Book of Science and Technology" was stolen, they seemed to have a sense of crisis and developed very quickly.

In just 165 years, they actually completely abolished the army.

Because the even more terrifying 'Magic Envoy' was born in the 100th year after Zell left.

As his name suggests, the Magic User has almost unlimited control over natural magic.

There is no upper limit to the strength.

As great as the ancient hero Zell is, he is so powerful that he has torn apart the sky, but he is still no match for the magic user.

Although he forcibly opened the dimensional channel and wanted to take us away, he was beaten alive by the magic user who had lifted the power limit."

The old elf thought for a moment before continuing: "Hero Zell is probably not dead, he was just seriously injured.

Because he was not married at the time, he left no descendants.

After the rescue failed, he sent us a message through the dimensional rift - from today on, he will take the surname 'Hunter' and thrive in the second world. In the future, one of his descendants will be born named 'Tim' · Hunter's Savior. On the thirteenth day of the Dew Moon, Tim Hunter will enter the natural zone of Ipeko through the "Book of Science and Technology" and finally complete the unfinished mission of his ancestors. "

He looked at Tim with burning eyes, "You are Tim Hunter, our savior. Your appearance, name and place of appearance are completely consistent with the prophecy left by Zell.

Today is the 13th day of the Dew Moon.

You landed in a natural area, not far from a natural tunnel, and happened to be seen by a forest troll. "

Tim Hunter sighed: "It turns out that the truth is like this. The so-called 'ancestor of white magic' is just a lie. It was an accident.

The "Book of Magic", which is considered to contain the ultimate secret of white magic, actually has nothing to do with white magic. They are both science and technology books. "

"The ancestor of white magic?" The old elf was a little confused, "Is it possible that in the second world, the story of the hero Zell is different from ours?

Even on Earth, he is famous, admired by the world, and has become an eternal legend, right? "

"Almost no one knows the name Zell Hunter. They all call him the 'Ancestor of White Magic'. I guess he just studied the "Book of Science and Technology" and did not have too in-depth communication with the earth's magic world."

Tim struggled for a moment, but still did not explain in detail what the ancestor of white magic means to the people on earth. He just asked: "My ancestor is not named 'Hunter', right? He is just a member of the Guardian Council. The Guardian Council is a permanent Institution, or was it established after humans launched a 'war on science'?"

The old elf said: "Before the music of science was played, there were contacts between various races, but no joint organization was formed.

The Guardian Council, as its name suggests, exists specifically for protection.

Before humans started war, the world was peaceful and peaceful, so why did it need guardians?

In fact, at the beginning of the war, everyone was scattered and focused on their own affairs.

After a large number of natural creatures have been completely exterminated by humans, and the remaining monsters are horrified by everyone, the gods of each race will send their own envoys to form a loose joint organization. "

"There are actually gods in your tribe? More than one?" Amaya was shocked.

"Is it strange to have gods? Are gods rarely seen in the second world?" the old elf asked doubtfully.

"No, not long ago, the earth was full of gods and gods, and there were as many god-kings as dogs. I just don't understand how powerful the magic users are, and even if the gods join forces, they can't resist them."

Now it was the old elf's turn to be shocked, "Are you kidding me? There are gods all over the earth, and there are as many god kings as dogs?!"

"I'm not bragging. During the Final Crisis, hundreds of god-kings in the heavens formed an alliance. In the recent incident of the New God of Humanity, tens of millions of new gods with godhead were born. There are more than 100,000 new human gods without divinity. 2000000000!"

"How much is 2 billion?" the troll on the side asked blankly.

"Hundreds of God Kings" The old elf was a little dizzy.

"Hey, the world is different. The realm of wizards and the names for gods must be different. The 'God King' they call may just be the 'Grand Master' here." A little fairy said.

"Well, their god-king will definitely not be able to defeat the magic user."

"Yes, the magic user is the most terrifying monster in the world, and no one can defeat it."

"Except Hunter."

"Yes, yes, Hunter is a real magic user, and he will definitely defeat human beings' false magic users."

Princess Amethyst was relatively simple and did not just follow the guests. Instead, she explained seriously: "We also have great masters over there, and the divisions of realms should be similar. Although many god-kings in the heavens originated from the earth, they have already left the earth."

She explained the concepts of the multiverse and the eight divine realms.

All the spirits looked at each other, a little confused, and were silent.

In fact, they also know that there are countless material worlds and magical worlds outside Iperce.

Ipeche herself was not inferior.

It's just that the remaining spirits are weak, their inheritance has been broken, and their knowledge and experience are too shallow.

Hunter asked again: "The Guardian Council is composed of divine envoys. My ancestors also served a god?"

"Your ancestors, like me, are elves. We serve the Silver Moon Goddess and the Hunting Goddess. Your last name, 'Hunter', is the original name of the Hunting Goddess' envoy.

Only humans have surnames. We elves don’t have surnames. Your ancestor is called ‘Zel’.

Later, in order to integrate into the human society on earth, he chose 'hunter' as his surname, which represented his identity and honor. "The old elf analyzed.

"Since my ancestor is just one of many divine envoys, why do you call him a 'king'? Is every divine envoy a king? What about the gods above the divine envoys?" Hunter asked.

"This" the old elf was a little embarrassed, looked around, and said with twinkling eyes: "The gods have their own song of the gods. After the song of science covers the world, the gods gradually wither and disappear.

At least we haven't seen the gods for a long time, and we haven't heard from them.

In order to prevent the resurrection of gods, humans also prohibit any living being from reciting the names of gods and prayers to gods.

The temple has long since been demolished, and the statues of gods have been burned and destroyed. Any sacrificial activities may trigger the "song of science" and lead to brutal massacres by magic users.

Wasn’t it that the magic user who wanted to arrest you was angered by the ‘spiritual wizard’ in your companion’s words? "

"You mean Phoenix Faust? He is not our companion." Amaya said.

"It's not that your companion is better. He has been captured by the magic user." The old elf's expression became more relaxed and he continued: "Now, let alone the name of gods, even the concepts of 'gods' and 'wizards' are no longer was erased.

Daring to say "gods" means that you at least know what "gods" are, and this is the biggest crime. "

"The humans in this world are too cruel and vicious." Amaya murmured.

Many spirits nodded in agreement.

The old elf looked at the human magic swordsman with a gentler look and said: "Since the gods are dead, the divine envoys will naturally wither. The only divine envoy Zell Hunter has become the greatest hero and the most noble person.

He is our hope and reliance, and our respected king.

Now Tim Hunter, as his successor, is also our King. "

Not to mention Amaya next to her, even Tim now feels that this "His Majesty the King" is so cheap.

"Everyone, I sympathize with your experience, and I believe you have not lied to me, but I know how strong I am. I may become a powerful mage in the future. Now I can't even defeat Phoenix Faust. But he was instantly killed by the magic user."

"You are the real magic user!" A green-haired flower fairy said excitedly.

Tim hesitated and said: "This is not the first time I have heard the name 'Magic Messenger'. There was once a mage who divined my destiny. In the future, I will become a powerful Magic Messenger."

"Yes, you are destined to become the strongest magic user!" the old elf said seriously.

"What is the difference between me and the magic users in this world? Why do I say that I am the real magic user?" Tim asked.

"I don't know much about the 'Magic Envoy', but I believe in the prophecy. The prophecy says that you will lead us to the final victory, and you will definitely succeed." The old elf looked at Tim firmly, "Your Majesty the King, you You are the leader, you are the savior, you decide which path to take and how to take it.

Don’t be confused, don’t hesitate, we all believe in you and follow you firmly. "

Tim held his head and thought for a long time with a troubled expression, and sighed: "Find my friends first, and then I can decide what to do next after meeting them."

"You are the king, and we all listen to you." The old elf turned his head and said to the green-brown giant monster leader: "Immediately arrange for a giant monster to enter the surface, centering on the descending point of His Majesty Hunter, to look for other descendants .”

Tim said: "Will the law enforcement be alerted after entering the forest?"

"Although the troll is a magical being, it cannot use magic and has no magic power in its body. It can avoid the surveillance of law enforcement to the greatest extent." The old elf explained.

The cyan-haired Flower Fairy also said: "Even we can move in the forest as long as we don't use magic.

It's just that controlling natural magic is our instinctive talent. It is easy to unconsciously drive natural magic and then attract law enforcement. "

Half a day later, the troll who went out to inquire for information returned to the natural tunnel carrying a corpse.

"I have checked the forest within a 10-kilometer radius and found four battle sites. I only found this body and blood stains from 12 different humans. There is obvious magic reaction in the blood. It should belong to a powerful magician. ." said the giant monster.

"Oh my god, this is Boston, dead guy Boston got his head shot!"

The moment Tim and Amaya saw the corpse, they couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Hey, that's not right. Didn't Boston die long ago? Why is there a body?" Amaya quickly reacted and asked doubtfully.

Tim turned his head and glanced at "Routou" who was huddled in the corner and snoring, and guessed: "It is possible that like Xuanlan, some kind of change has occurred in them."

Amaya looked worried and asked, "Where are Constantine, Madam Xanadu, and Zatanna?"

Tim frowned and said nothing.

The old elf analyzed: "There was a corpse and obvious signs of battle at the scene, which shows that they were indeed targeted by law enforcement.

It is almost impossible for anyone who is targeted by law enforcement to escape.

Especially people from other worlds who are unfamiliar with natural areas and unfamiliar places. Where can they escape?

But there was only one body at the scene, which meant that the others must not have died.

Your Majesty, I guess they were all taken to the Academy of Sciences by law enforcers.

Humans are vicious and smart.

They will definitely try to extract information about Earth from outsiders, and even find out your secrets. "

"What will they do with my friend after they get the information?" Tim asked.

"Kill them of course, humans will not allow any magical creatures to exist."

All the spirits almost spoke in unison, and their tone was very certain.

Tim suddenly stood up and said firmly: "I'm going to save them!"

"Your Majesty, we will follow you to the death!"

Not only did the monsters not dissuade him, they didn't even ask him what his plans were. Their faces were filled with only excitement and no worry at all.

Ipoca, a scientific research institute in the city.

In the dark and empty room, Zha Kang, Madam Xanadu, Zatanna, and Frankenstein were like bugs in amber, frozen in a beam of energy with a diameter of two meters, and their bodies could not move.

Even the soul body "Dead Man" Boston is no exception.

"State your names." A cold and ruthless voice sounded in the empty room.

No one spoke, everyone closed their eyes and pretended to be dead.

"If you are not willing to cooperate honestly, I can only do it myself and look for the answer in your brains."

"Buzz!" A mechanical arm fell from the roof. The robot hand held a circular saw. The chainsaw started and slowly approached Constantine's head.

"I will open your skull, connect your brain nerves with brainwave optical fibers, and directly extract the information I need from inside."

Zha Kang quickly shouted: "Don't! I said, my name is John Constantine, they are my companions, we are from the earth.

I have a very powerful friend, her name is "Witch Harley", she can break the river of time with one punch and swallow the whole world in one mouthful. When she was 13 years old."

He talked incessantly for several hours, repeating almost the entire contents of "Quinn."

"Let us go! Witch Harley is famous in the multiverse, and no one with a little knowledge will offend her. We are just ordinary magicians, we have no value, and we have not offended you. There is really no need to torment us." His mouth was a little dry.

"Buzz buzz!" The chainsaw started up again and reached Zha Kang's ears.

"What are you doing? Oh, I've already said it. If you still want to ask anything, I'll tell you everything." Zha Kang shouted excitedly.

"The information you revealed shocked me. I have to confirm whether you are lying." The voice was less cold than before and more solemn.

"I didn't lie. After coming to your world, I can't lie at all." Zha Kang said.

"I can testify that he really can't lie." Xiao Zha also said.

"Don't worry, it will be your turn later. One person may lie, and the memories in his mind can be forged with magic, but it is impossible for more than ten of you to prepare the same lies in your heads in advance."

"More than a dozen people?" Zha Kang was stunned for a moment, then quickly said: "Have you caught Faust and the others? Brother, listen to me, I am a good citizen, a good citizen. What do you ask, what do I say, a little No resistance.

I've been so cooperative, so I have to get some preferential treatment, right?

Why don't you cut off another group of people first? Send me the photos of the captured people and I will identify them for you.

I am an enemy of them and it is impossible for me to cheat with them.

You just have to cut them. "

"Buzzing." The chainsaw gradually stopped, and the voice said: "You are very cunning, but you are right. Compared with you, the other few are arrogant and unruly, which makes me even more disgusted."

One day later, the chainsaw beside Zha Kang's ear began to buzz again.

"Hey, hey, what's going on? Brother, uncle, can I call you 'Dad'? Didn't we agree that you go kill Fenix ​​and Baron Winster?" Zha Kang shouted in horror. .

"It was cut yesterday. Now we have almost confirmed the existence of Witch Harley, but she is not in this world. She may have left the main universe long ago and is missing. We don't need to be afraid of her.

In fact, we don’t need to be afraid of her in Epoch.

No one except rebel leader Tim Hunter can activate the dimensional tunnel into Ipeche. "The voice became much more relaxed.

"In addition, Faust told me that only you know her core secrets, such as the 'Thick Skin Magic', which can only be obtained from your mind."

"No, listen to me - ah~~~ Harley, where are you? Help!"

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