I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1809 Police Officer Ipok

Vicar is a police officer in Ipece.

Iperce is what Earth mages call the "Land of White Magic."

This world is like a closed jar, with almost no connections to other magical planes.

Throughout his life, Vikal has neither known about the earth nor seen alien civilization.

Without comparison, he would not know how special his world is, nor how unique his police profession is.

This morning, just like every other day, he woke up from "thinking exercises" and left the empty bedroom of 40 square meters without a bed.

There is no need to manually activate the switch or use voice control. When Vikar has an idea, the speakers in the room will automatically turn on and automatically adjust to the music he likes.

Since learning mental health exercises at the age of 3, Vikal has given up on the traditional "unconscious and uncontrollable brain dormancy".

That is, the sleep of ordinary people on earth.

As early as 10,000 years ago, scientists at Ipoca developed a systematic and complete "thinking exercise" based on the magician's meditation method, and promoted it to all citizens.

Using mental health exercises not only improves sleep efficiency, but also further develops the brain, and even uses idle brain cells to perform "real-life simulations."

For example, learning knowledge, practicing fighting skills, practicing combat mechas, etc. while sleeping.

Vikal listened to music, did a set of boxing in the small balcony garden, took a cold shower, put on a police uniform that was not much different from his daily clothes except for the police badge on the chest, and started the "snowmobile" similar to that on Earth. "Magic Speeder" jumped out of the window.

He lives on the 143rd floor of a two-hundred-story building in XC District.

Most of the neighbors around him are like him, launching their flying cars or flying motorcycles from the "landing pad" on their balconies.

There are many similar buildings in the city. The dense and tall buildings turn the entire city into a forest of steel and glass.

The building looks like it is forged in one piece, with a whole metal structure covered with a smooth and bright "glass" shell.

When it comes to technology, this city is indeed stronger and more sci-fi than most advanced civilized metropolises.

But it’s not cyberpunk technology.

It is obviously a man-made construction, but it also has a very strong sense of technology, and the whole city looks very harmonious.

Just like natural forests, natural lakes, and natural mountains, it seems that this city is also formed naturally. It is no different from forests, lakes, and mountains. It does not have the depression brought by earthly cities at all.

The sky in the city is as clear and blue as the sky in the forest and grassland, and the air composition is the same as that in the forest.

The life of the Ipok people in the city is like the life of birds in the forest and the life of fish in the water.

"Hi, Officer Vikal."

"Power and precision come first, Officer Vikar."

After walking through the "Forest of Steel and Glass" for two minutes, Vikal's magic speeder stopped in front of "Fili's Food Shop" three streets away.

Citizens queuing up to buy breakfast in front of the store all knew him and greeted him warmly.

In Ipece, police officer and scientist are two of the most respected professions.

Scientists manage the city and lead the Ipok civilization to move forward; police officers are responsible for protecting the safety of the people. There is no large-scale war in this world, there is no need for an army, and there is no "soldier" profession.

"Energy and precision come first!"

Vikal jumped off the speeding car, with a heartfelt happy smile on his face, made a fist with his right hand, and lightly beat his left chest.

There is no God, no gods, no savior in Ipece.

Their ideological concepts and civilization foundation are reflected in their daily slogan "Energy and precision come first."

Energy is the magic of nature.

The reason why it is called "energy" rather than "magic" is mainly because there are no magicians among humans in this world, and magicians are not allowed to exist.

There has never been a mage who left a mark on the magic.

Even their daily lives are inseparable from magic.

Even though he was respected and famous, Vikal did not have the right to enter the store in advance.

Citizens waiting in line had no intention of giving up their seats.

Their expressions were natural, they were either joking with Vikal, or talking and laughing with their companions in front of Vikal. They seemed to have no concept of privilege and privileged people at all.

And there was absolutely no look of anxiety or rush on their faces.

Everyone is relaxed and idle, just like the old people on earth with a pension of 20,000 yuan.

"Vikal, is it the same as usual?"

Finally it was Vikal's turn. The beautiful female shop owner with blond hair was also an old acquaintance. She asked and handed over the paper bag she had prepared earlier.

"Thank you!" Vikar took the paper bag skillfully and praised: "Phili, the beef and leek pie you made is so delicious, I can't live without it for a day."

He and Feili were actually childhood sweethearts.

The two grew up together until they graduated from junior high school.

Because of different talents and interests, I chose different majors in different universities.

Although Feili is just a female chef in a restaurant now, her father is actually a scientist and even joined the parliament.

Ipok people like to call "energy and precision first", which not only refers to the precise delivery and efficient use of natural magic, but also means that every citizen must accurately find his or her position in society.

Although scientists and police officers are more respected and hold higher government power than other professions, there is no distinction between high and low in the profession itself. At least they will not feel inferior or feel superior to others psychologically.

Being able to find the future development direction based on one's own expertise is the highest pursuit of Ipok people.

For example, at this time, Vikar really didn't compliment his friend.

Feili's cooking skills are indeed very good, so that many customers can feel the joy and happiness in her food, and she also enjoys it.

After breakfast, Vikar's magic speed car arrived in front of a cylindrical building in the center of the city.

Jump off the speed car, complete the identity authentication at the gate, then take the elevator from the first floor and go straight to the rooftop of the building.

In the center of the rooftop stood eight metal pipes as thick as a dozen and more than 30 meters long.

The end of the pipe opened like an octopus, biting a huge diamond-shaped crystal.

It's like a diamond ring magnified countless times. The crystal is the diamond ring, and the eight pipes biting the bottom of the crystal are the ring holders.

The "ring surface" above can fit most of a football field.

The crystal shines with azure light, and the azure energy can be seen flowing into the pipe with the naked eye, making the metal pipe also appear faintly azure.

"Network, please identify me." Vikal stood under the azure crystal and shouted to the sky.

"Identification, Officer Vikal." A voice that only Vikal could hear rang in his head.

"Apply to load energy-powered weapons." Vikar said.

"application passed"

"Buzz buzz~~~"

Blue light glowed on the surface of the azure crystal and condensed into a beam, falling between the eyebrows of Officer Vikar below.

Starting from the center of his eyebrows, the cyan magic energy beam quickly covered his whole body, and the scattered light condensed into a solid body.

A set of two-meter-tall cyan mecha.

There are also two "angel wings" compressed by a cyan force field at the rear of the mecha.

The mecha was connected to Vikar's consciousness, and when his heart moved, the angel wings flapped gently. He moved as nimble as a winged ape, and with a few jumps, he reached the top of the cyan crystal.

Then he stood in the center of the crystal "ring face" and kept glancing around.

This is his job, to protect the city's magic crystal.

This is not the city police station. The building below is the Ipok energy control center.

It is equivalent to a nuclear power plant for people on Earth.

The azure "diamond" at Vikar's feet is larger than most stadiums and is composed entirely of pure natural magic.

The eight metal tubes of the "ring holder" absorb pure natural magic from the crystals at all times.

With the help of the "energy pump" in the building, the natural magic flowing from the azure magic crystal will be transported to every corner of the city for the daily and work needs of all citizens.

For example, Vikal's magic speed car.

It needs to be "charged" regularly, and the "charging pile" is connected to the magic conduit.

Even the kitchen utensils Feili uses to cook rely on magic conduits for energy.

Ipoca is a pure "magic civilization", and the natural magic power returns to nature after it is consumed.

Along with the magic tide in nature, the magic power is once again absorbed by the azure crystal, which is equivalent to a power station, and becomes part of the crystal. It is then transported to thousands of households through magic conduits.

In this cycle, supplemented by the concept of "energy and precision first", waste is minimized, and the entire civilization continues to operate. There is no crisis of resource depletion, and there is no environmental pollution caused by industrial development. It is almost perfect, at least so far, very Perfect.

"Time: 14:22 on October 13th, Ipoca. Event: Abnormal energy phenomenon was detected in the 13th sector of the 'Natural Zone'!"

Almost at the same time that Tim Hunter led a group of heroes and villains into the "Land of White Magic", Officer Vicar received an alert from the "Network".

“Network” is artificial intelligence that coordinates urban energy operations and maintains public safety.

"Report the details of the abnormal phenomenon." Vikar walked to the edge of the crystal and looked in the direction of sector 13 with a serious expression.

"Through the analysis of the chaotic energy spectrum characteristics of the abnormal phenomenon, it can be determined to be an unauthorized space transfer phenomenon." The network directly transmitted the message into Vikal's consciousness.

"Long-distance space teleportation is considered a Class B crime by law, and criminals will face solitary confinement for no less than 6 natural years.

Officer Vikar, please go to the scene immediately to apprehend the suspect.

There are many suspects, falling in four different places, and all four sets of coordinates have been imported into your armor system. "

Vikal jumped up, like a big azure bird, gliding to the edge of the city in the blink of an eye at a speed that was almost teleporting.

"Network, help me connect to the satellite system."

"Hi, Officer Vikar, I'm Sansa. I will control the B-13 satellite to cooperate with you."

"Thank you, Sansa, for your energy and precision!"

"Power and precision come first, officer."

"Whoosh -" In the next moment, Vikar disappeared on the edge of the city.

By the time he finished his space jump, he had arrived above the vast primeval forest.

In the forest below him, the amethyst princess Amaya and the giant Xuanlan were teaming up to fight Phoenix Faust.

Tim Hunter held his head and hid behind a big tree.

"Listen to my order, everyone should immediately stop using energy illegally, put your hands on your head, kneel on your knees, and don't resist!" Vikal fell like a blue cannonball in the center of the battlefield, startling several people.

"Who are you, a native here? What a big bitch, how dare you order me." Phoenix Faust looked him up and down with interest, then stretched his hands forward, and the huge magic power turned into a giant net, Cover Vikar in it.

"Ah ah ah!" As the giant magic net shrank, the cyan force field wings behind Vikar were first shattered, and then the cyan armor on his body creaked and gradually collapsed, and he howled in pain.

The next second, the cold and ruthless voice of the "Internet" sounded in his ears: "Resisting arrest and releasing weapon-level energy at Officer Vikar. This behavior is defined as a Class A crime, punishable by up to the death penalty; illegal plundering of natural energy, and Using taboo techniques that are expressly prohibited by law to manipulate energy and cause it to decay from natural energy into chaotic energy can lead to immediate execution!"

"In view of the danger and evil of the enemy, the maximum power limit of Officer Vikal's armor has been lifted, the weapon system restrictions have been lifted, the armor has been lifted, the armor has been reassembled, and the S-class weapon system has been loaded."

"BOOOM!" Officer Vikar, whose mecha collapsed and exposed most of his body, suddenly exploded like a missile. A terrifying aura erupted from the spot. The energy storm he set off easily tore apart Faust's magic hunting net.

He and Princess Amethyst and others were even thrown dozens of meters away and hit hard against the trunk of a big tree.

There was only a cyan energy ball in the center of the explosion.

Accompanied by the sound of "click-click-click" components being assembled, the light group dispersed, and a brand new mecha warrior appeared in front of everyone.

The style has not changed much, except that the shape has expanded to ten meters high, and the whole body is covered with mist-like magic.

The natural magic power is so strong that it turns into a mist visible to the naked eye!

"This is impossible!" Faust looked shocked and exclaimed, "Even a divine wizard cannot control such a huge magic power.

Farke, the magic power has been condensed into crystals. The entire mecha is made of pure natural magic power? ! "

"Gods. Wizards." Vikar was also startled, then gritted his teeth and roared angrily: "This is Ipoca, the pure land of science and logic. How dare you mention such blasphemous words as 'wizards' and 'gods' here?" You are all guilty, your crimes are extremely heinous, and you should be punished for your crimes!”

"BOOM!" He raised his right hand, a muzzle opened in his palm, and the blue magic light burst out, like the Milky Way falling horizontally from the sky, drowning Faust in one fell swoop.

After all, Faust was a veteran master and would not stand stupidly and let the enemy attack. Although he did not move away, he opened the magic defense shield in time.

However, the grandmaster-level defensive cover was no harder than the tree trunks around him when faced with the erosion of magic light, and was almost torn apart at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Ah-no!" Faust's scream was full of shock, "This is impossible. After being strengthened by natural magic, my magic has more than doubled than before. Why is it so fragile?"

"Boom!" The blue mecha had jumped in front of him and punched him into the dirt.

Vikal did not kill him immediately, but pointed his gun at him and asked in a cold voice: "Surrender, or die immediately?"

"I surrender." Faust's magic robe was in tatters, and the exposed skin was burnt by the magic fire into a bloody and charred mess, which was very miserable.

A beam of green light shot out from the left shoulder of the Vikal mecha. When it landed on the ground, it immediately turned into a large net, wrapping Faust tightly like a rice dumpling.

"Hey, where are your companions?" Vikar turned around and looked around. When he was about to take action against Hunter and the others, he was surprised to find that there was no one in the surrounding forest.

"Sansa, why are the other criminals missing?" He immediately asked the surveillance satellite above his head.

The satellite can not only help him locate the surrounding life, but also detect the life's weapons and estimate the attack method and threat level.

"They seemed to suddenly get into the ground and disappear. I'm not sure they used a method that the system couldn't detect.

But several other groups of criminals are still within the monitoring range of the satellite. Officer Vikar, you can go find them first. One of the teams is approaching quickly. They are less than three kilometers away from you. They seem to be aware of the fighting here. Stopped suddenly.

I suggest you turn on stealth mode and sneak up on them to catch them off guard. "Sansa said.

"Okay!" Vikar accepted her suggestion, and the mecha and Faust in the net bag gradually disappeared.

"Something is wrong, please stop!"

In the dense forest less than three kilometers away from the place where Faust was captured, Constantine suddenly looked solemn and stopped his companions who were moving quickly.

"There are very strong and very strange magic fluctuations ahead." Xiao Zha also noticed the strangeness for the first time.

"Why is it weird? I don't feel anything." Boston said.

"You are just an ordinary Muggle now. It's not normal to have feelings." The old man said.

"Judging from the intensity of the magic fluctuations, it is at least a divine-level forbidden spell. But the magic flow is very smooth and orderly, which is very abnormal."

Xiao Zha looked puzzled and said: "In an undisturbed natural environment, the thin magic power in the air usually flows smoothly.

Like the water of a stream, although the water is shallow, it is very clear.

Once someone uses magic, the peace will be broken, just like stepping on a stream and turning the clear water into muddy.

The higher the level of magic, the harder you step on it and the turbidity the water becomes.

When the level reaches a certain level, such as a forbidden spell, it will cause the entire stream to vibrate violently, which is to say, a large-scale 'magic storm' will be blown.

In short, man-made use of magic will cause natural forces to become chaotic and disordered.

But the intensity of the magic power in the distance is very high, which is equivalent to constantly stepping on the stream and river. The stream is neither turbid, nor splashing, or the water flow is disordered. "

"Why is this happening?" Boston asked.

Xiao Zha shook his head, "I don't know."

Zha Kang said solemnly: "It is very likely that the magic power in the entire natural environment is controlled by him.

All magic obeys his words, and the natural environment is equivalent to his body.

When using the forbidden spell, the magic power in the body will fluctuate violently, but it will never become chaotic. "

Old Shangdu said: "To control all magic power, unless he is the lord of the world and the master of the land of white magic. Then who are Hunter and the ancestor of white magic?"

She paused and then said: "I prefer to believe that he used special techniques."

Frankenstein said anxiously: "The fluctuation of magic power is not the point. The point is that the battle happened there, and the position of Tim you divined is also in that direction.

He must be in danger, let's go and save him! "

The old man on crutches looked worried, "We can directly sense the magic power fluctuations. The other party must be stronger than us. Can they also sense our existence?"

"Stand high and see far. I'll go take a look in the tree."

The living Boston is like Tarzan, grabbing a vine hanging from the tree and jumping to the top of the tree with a few swings.

"Whoosh, whoosh whoosh!"

Before Boston could stand firm, large swaths of cyan magic bullets rained down from the empty blue sky.

"Bang!" The living Boston was caught off guard and his head was blown off. Before he could even leave a last word, the entity fell down from the tree.

"The enemy attack is an invisible enemy, Fake!"

It was only then that the mages below let out urgent shouts.

"! Cover the defense and start fighting!"

Xiao Zha stretched his hands forward and opened an arc-shaped magic shield in mid-air to block incoming magic missiles for those around him.

"Ah, the dead have been killed!" Xanadu shouted in shock and anger as he looked at Boston, who was so imaginative.

"Uh, sorry, I thought..." Vikal was also a little confused when his figure appeared in the sky.

This group of criminals has been identified by the "network" as Class A dangerous elements who can be executed immediately.

He had competed with Faust just now and had seen how powerful Faust was.

He thought they were all as strong as Faust. At least judging from the enemy's "energy index" given by the satellite, all of them were Class A criminals and needed to be treated with caution.

He didn't expect that just the most ordinary magic missile would hit one of them in the head. He seemed to be an ordinary person?

"I am Vikar, the 'Energy Network Law Enforcer' of Ipok. You have committed the felony of abusing natural energy. Please immediately disarm and kneel down and surrender. Otherwise, what will happen to your companions will be your next ending." Vikar finally restrained his emotions. , shouted majestically.

"Fuck you, you killed Boston, you killed our friends, you know!" Frankenstein shouted loudly, raised his head more than ten meters high, and struck the "Energy Body Mecha Warrior" Vikal with a sword .

The life of the living Boston was ended, but the story of the "dead" Boston was not.

"Where am I? What am I doing?"

Boston felt that his head suddenly became very cold, so cool that his heart felt cold, and then his consciousness became blurred.

It seemed that a long time passed, and it seemed that only in the next moment, he regained consciousness again, but he was still a little confused.

"Ah, I remembered. Everyone and I followed Tim to the Land of White Magic, and saw Harley. After Harley left, Mrs. Xanadu used tracing and divination to find Hunter's location. Xiao Zhaxiang He wanted to teleport through space, but Constantine said that he sensed an inexplicable ominousness. As long as magic was used, the sense of crisis would be particularly strong, and then "

"Shit, I'm dead again!"

"Dead Man" Boston's eyes widened, his broken head was finally put together, and all his memories came back.

Then he found himself in a dark and void space, falling rapidly.

"Below." He stared at the dark void below, feeling a little familiar.

"Ah, I understand, I'm dead, and my soul is falling rapidly into the land of death. Entering the land of death is the real death. I can't fall down. The 'land of death' below belongs to the land of white magic. I don't want to die trapped here."

As soon as he thought this in his mind, his body awakened a power that he was very familiar with - the divine power and blessing of Moro Kushner!

The attraction to his soul in the land of death below disappeared instantly.

Boston's body is as flexible as a fish swimming in the ocean, quickly floating toward the "sea surface" above.

"Hehe, what Harley said is true. The Land of White Magic only sealed the power of the goddess Morokushna, not completely stripped it away. As long as I die again, I can become a 'dead person' again."

Boston smiled a little bitterly.

He actually didn't want to die.

Originally, he had planned that when the "Book of Magic Incident" was over, he would go home and marry Bai Ge.

He wanted her to feel his strong, real and warm chest, to let her know how much he loved her and how much he longed to possess her.


Just when Boston was thinking wildly, a huge fireball hit him head-on.

"Little ghost, where are you running away from?"

Boston was startled, but not panicked.

In his soul state, he can make all kinds of incredible actions, such as making an emergency stop and then bypassing the fireball at the speed of light.

"Who are you and why are you attacking me?"

Above the fireball, there was an ugly giant man whose whole body was on fire.

He was wearing black tattered robes, with a long black iron chain wrapped around his waist, and each of his hands condensed a ball of flames as big as a dustpan.

Apparently the fireball that just hit Boston came from one of his hands.

"Kid, you are already dead, do you know that? I am the toll collector of hell, and I am the cross-border bridge builder. I will send you newly deceased souls to the judgment house of hell.

If there is a kid who wants to escape death or escape from the path of death, I will be solely responsible for arresting him! "

The giant flame man had an ugly face and a ferocious expression, and his voice was loud and full of power. "No one has ever been able to travel back in time without leaving money to pay for the journey. Kid, do you understand?"

Boston was stunned and tried: "You mean, as long as I leave a sum of money, you can pretend that you can't see me and let me leave?"

"No, I'm not leaving a sum of money, I'm leaving all the money you have. If the amount is not enough, I won't let you go." The giant flame man said with greed on his face.

Boston was a little speechless, "I have no money at all, and didn't you notice? I'm not from this world, and my life and death are not up to you."

"If you don't pay, I will have to lock you up and send you to the underworld."

The giant flame man straightened his face, waved his hands continuously, and threw fireballs one after another towards Boston.

Boston dodged first, then found an opening, and came to the flaming giant like lightning, and punched the giant man on the chin with his fist.

"Oh, it hurts!" The giant flame man was as tall as a horse, and his fist was bigger than Boston's head. However, he was punched by Boston and flew dozens of meters away, screaming in pain.

"Hey, hell toll collector, that's all you have?" Boston was surprised and delighted.

He thought there would be a tough battle, but he didn't expect the giant flame man to be a pure spirit like him.

Although he can control Hellfire and possesses the omnipotence of Hell's Death God, his "strength" is not as great as his.

"How dare you attack the hell toll collector? I'm going to kill you and steal all your money!"

The giant flame man stood up and roared towards Boston.

"I don't have time to fight with you, my friend has met his enemy!"

Boston clenched his hands into fists, stretched his arms forward, made a classic Superman flying posture, and flew rapidly towards the world.

He didn't know where the human world was, he was just flying in the completely opposite direction to the land of death.

"Don't run!" The giant flame man rushed in front of him again and slammed the fire ball downwards.

Boston ignored it, endured the burning of hellfire on his soul, and continued flying at high speed.

"Boom!" His fist hit the flame troll's chest, pushing him up and flying away.


Boston felt like he had penetrated an invisible barrier, and then his eyes suddenly brightened, and he saw the familiar forest and familiar friends. He was back!

"Boston? What are you doing?"

Looking at the familiar figure flying out from the ground in front of him, Zha Kang's expression was a little dull.

"Ouch~~ No!" The giant flame man was also forced out of the world of death by Boston. His expression was horrified and he screamed miserably, "I do not belong to the human world. Coming to the world of the living is the greatest blasphemy to the gods!"

“To mention ‘gods’ in the territory of Ipece is the greatest blasphemy against science and energy!”

The cyan mecha warrior punched Frankenstein, who was slashing at him with his sword, and quickly fell down. He grabbed the giant flaming man and squeezed him hard as he was pushed into the air.

"BOOOM, scoff~~~"

It was like a cannon that was lit and then thrown into the water and exploded, making a muffled sound.

"Shit, the underworld toll collector was crushed to pieces?!" Boston exclaimed.

"What happened to you? Who was the 'Fire Spirit' just now?"

Frankenstein asked in confusion as he landed heavily on the ground.

"After I died, I became a dead person again, and almost fell into the underworld of this world. When the ghosts from the underworld saw me escaping from the place of death, they came over and locked me up, mainly because they wanted me to keep the money for traveling. And then, by the way, I left. how long it has been?"

"You have just been head-shot, and the muscles of the corpse have not lost their activity, and they are still twitching slightly." Frankenstein pointed at the imaginative corpse Boston, "Can you still go back?"

"Dead man" Boston's mouth twitched and said, "How can you go back when your brains are splashed all over the floor?"

"If Harley is here, we may not be able to rescue her as much as possible." Frankenstein turned around and looked around, with some hope in his eyes, "There is so much movement here, has Harley noticed it?"

"Concentrate on fighting the enemy, don't think nonsense, Harley has left this world." Constantine said with a solemn expression.

"What, how long have we been apart? Are you mistaken?"

Zha Kang said: "This world is very special, just like the divine kingdom of the divine king, it can isolate the priest's magical skills, unless the gods are also in this world.

Now that I can't borrow Harley's power and use the Thick Skin Defense Magic, it means she has left the land of white magic.

In fact, for her who can directly read the timeline, a few minutes is enough to understand the world.

And she also said at the time that she would be gone in no more than 10 minutes—shit! "

Before he could finish his words, Vikar, the energy mecha warrior, had already thrown away the remains of the giant flame man and slapped him in the face.

"This is Ipoca, the territory of science and logic. Dare to say 'divine magic' is the biggest sin!" He roared angrily and showed no mercy.

"Bang!" The shield that Xiao Zha opened with irony magic only lasted for 0.5 seconds before turning into crystal clear fragments.

Before the magic fragments hit the ground, they naturally dissipated in the air.

"Fake!" Zha Kang rolled and crawled, and finally escaped from Vikal's attack range.

"Stop, please listen to me. If I ask you to stop and chat with me, I can create opportunities for Boston to sneak up on you, sneak into your energy carapace along the gaps, and seize your body." Zha Kang twisted. Face shouted.

Vikal turned around suddenly and pinched the "dead man" Boston who was quietly approaching him.

"Constantine, you betrayed me!" Boston shouted in disbelief.

Xiao Zha was stunned, "John, what are you doing?"

"Constantine is crazy," cried Frankenstein.

The boss was stunned for a moment, and then she reacted and said strangely: "Constantine cannot lie. Once he subconsciously uses the 'Law of Lies', he will say what is in his heart."

"The Internet sent me a message confirming that you are all outsiders, which has great research value.

Now I give you another chance to disarm and surrender to me immediately, otherwise he will die again! "

The huge palm of the energy mecha squeezed the dead man Boston, just like an ordinary strong man squeezing a chicken.

"Don't doubt it, I was able to kill that flame spirit just now, and I can also kill him!"

"You must not listen to him. Once we surrender, we will be dead. He will kill us all." Boston struggled hard and shouted, "Iron Armored Man, I am already dead. I am not afraid of death. Come and kill me." !”

"I am the law enforcer of the Ipok Energy Network, a police officer, and I never lie. Of course, you can doubt me, but please believe in your own research value to the Academy of Sciences." Vikar said coldly.

The heroes looked at each other with tangled expressions.

"I'm giving you a chance just to keep the sample. It's not that I'm incapable of taking you down." Vikar spoke again, with a firm tone: "I'll count to three. If you don't surrender, I'll kill him immediately, and then in turn Kill you all, three—"

"We surrender." Zha Kang immediately raised his hands and shouted.

"Constantine, you idiot, I won't be grateful to you at all, because you killed everyone!" Boston was excited and yelled.

"I don't believe him, I believe Harley." Zha Kang turned to Xanadu and smiled bitterly: "With her level of divination, she will definitely be able to sense our danger on a whim when watching the timeline. Right?"

Xanadu nodded thoughtfully and said: "It really doesn't work, so this is the only way. This mecha warrior is really weird. When facing him, it feels like we are facing the whole world. It is very likely that we really can't defeat him. .”

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