I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1806 On the verge of breaking out

Somewhere in Limbo.

The Secret House, which had just experienced a "speeding car battle", was intact and still running at high speed.

It was very fast, and the magic storm it caused created dense scarlet lightning in Limbo Prison. From a distance, it looked like a flaming meteor, full of power.

But the space inside the Secret House is extremely stable, with no bumps at all, and is no different from a house built on flat ground.

"Hahaha, Xiao Zha, have you seen it?"

Nick stood in front of the huge arched floor-to-ceiling windows.

He smiled very happily as he looked at the mysterious house that was rapidly sliding down into the material world, with thick smoke rising from the surface.

"Wow, the House of Mystery crashed. It took Constantine and the group of dark heroes directly into the material universe. I don't know how many people were killed and injured. It's great!"

"Don't talk to me, I feel sick even seeing you now."

Xiao Zha's hands were handcuffed with silver magic arcs flashing, and he was placed on a high-backed chair. He closed his eyes to hide the worry in his eyes, with an expression of indifference and obvious disgust on his face.

"Disgusting?" Nick turned around, bent down, pinched her chin with his big iron-like hands, and forced her to face him, "But I think you are even more charming, and I can't help but want to see more of you and be with you more." You talk."

Xiao Zha still closed his eyes tightly and said nothing.

"Stab!" Magic arcs flashed in Nick's palm, and Zatanna couldn't help but scream.

"Even listening to you wailing, I feel like hearing fairy music, satisfied and intoxicated." Nick narrowed his eyes slightly and said with joy.

"Nick, you are reduced to getting happiness by hurting a woman. It's so pitiful and pathetic." Xiao Zha sneered.

Nick let go and smiled: "Whether you believe it or not, I really don't want to hurt you at all."

Xiao Zha sneered: "You tried so hard to plan me, plot against me, and forcefully kidnapped me here, wasn't it just to torture me and hurt me?

What's the point of saying things that can't even fool a child? You won't hesitate at all when it's time to take action. "

Nick sat opposite her, stared at her strangely for a while, and then said: "I didn't lie, and there's no need to lie now.

I really didn't do this to hurt you, I did it to hurt Constantine. "

"John?" Zatanna was stunned, her eyes a little suspicious.

Nick sighed: "I placed Hunter's parents in two places respectively, just to divide your troops into two groups and spread your strength so that I can defeat them one by one.

I know Constantine well, and he must know that my purpose in doing this is against you and him.

He also understands that I have no interest in the other dark heroes.

And my hatred for him is far greater than for you. He understands me just as I understand him.

So he will be separated from you, and you will each lead a team.

Constantine thinks that I hate him more and must choose to attack him instead of you.

This is also true.

If I could capture him, I wouldn't come to you at all and would just beat him to death.

He knows me very well, and I know him very well. I know that bastard has been very proud and arrogant in recent years because he developed a set of 'Thick Skin Defense Magic' using the 'Nine-Nine Gods' Famous Watch' magic theory.

When Harley was not yet developed, Constantine's best skill was various 'absolute defense' magic circles.

The Astra incident in his early years left an indelible psychological shadow on him, causing him to be particularly obsessed with protective magic circles.

When Harley was still threatened by the 'Witch Hunting Team', she invited Constantine to draw a defensive circle for the manor."

Nick scratched the back of his head, a look of reminiscence and sentimentality quickly flashed across his face, and he smiled sinisterly again: "In short, Constantine is now able to skillfully use Harley's thick-skinned power to perform various defensive magics.

Don't talk about me, even the devil can't break it.

I know the whole story of his conflict with Beelzebub, Lord of the Flies.

He deceived the three Satans of Hell and should have suffered fatal revenge from the three Satans.

Later, Lucifer resigned, and Belial, the King of Lies, was sealed by the Sandman, leaving only Beelzebub, the King of Flies, who has been causing trouble for him.

Until the beginning of last year, Constantine cleverly set up a trap to lure Beelzebub into his newly developed 'thick-skinned array', and stabbed him with the 'waist-cutting sword', making him scream in agony.

The waist-cutting sword is very evil. It is just an indestructible weapon to ordinary living people, but it has powerful sealing properties against demons.

After receiving a few severe blows, Beelzebub would not be able to leave hell for a million years.

Constantine has finally overcome the disaster of "playing with the three Satans". "

Zatanna looked complicated, "Even I only know that he has been entangled with a demon in recent years. I don't know who the demon is or what happened."

——I didn’t expect you to know him so well and know everything that happened to him. You just came back from hell last year!

She felt inexplicably more sour and self-blame.

Nick's expression became a little complicated after hearing this, with a mixture of pride and a touch of sarcasm on his face, "He deliberately hid these things from you and didn't let you get involved, just because he loves you and wants to protect you.

He silently endured the tremendous pressure from the Demon King of Hell. "

Zatanna was stunned for a moment and fell silent with misty eyes.

"Ahem, that's too far off topic." Nick coughed lightly, stared at her and sneered: "Do you understand now? I don't have the confidence to break through Constantine's 'Thick Skin Defense Formation' in a short time.

And he cares about you so much, that's why I kidnapped you and hurt him by hurting you. "

Zatanna said angrily: "I am your ex-girlfriend, he is just your friend, I had an affair with him behind your back, shouldn't you hate me more?"

Nick wasn't even willing to hurt her just to hate her.

Hurting her was just his means, but his purpose was Constantine.

Nick shrugged, "I was your first love. We were together for seven or eight years, and we were always harmonious and happy until we met Constantine. You are a good girl, I know.

The real source of all evil is Constantine! "

"Stop being so smug, my first love is far from your turn. If your good friend Phoenix Faust hadn't sacrificed his son's soul to extend his life, I wouldn't have fallen in love with you at all." Xiao Zha sneered. .

Phoenix Faust's son Sebastian was her classmate at Gotham University and her lover.

Later, in order to repay the debt, Phoenix sacrificed part of Sebastian's soul to the devil in hell. It was probably the black magic that divided the soul into three souls and six souls, and only part of the soul was sacrificed.

With his soul incomplete, Sebastian lost his emotions and became as cold and heartless as a zombie. He could not continue to be in love with Xiao Zha, so the two broke up.

Not long after the breakup, Nick became the apprentice of Xiao Zha's father. The two were both talented and beautiful, and they quickly came together.

Nick waved his hand and said: "First love is not the point. I had countless relationships before I met you.

The key is Constantine!

I want to defeat him completely and make him fall into hell in pain, where he will scream day and night in agony. "

"Like you did in the past?" Zatanna imitated Nick and smiled crookedly, "Nick, although you are proud, I guarantee you that sooner or later you will be swallowed by hell again.

I would stand there with a smile on my face and my arms crossed, witnessing it all. "

Nick stared into her eyes for a long moment.

He didn't change his gaze, and her eyes were firm and unblinking.

"Do you know how close I was to the Book of Magic before you betrayed me?"

He asked softly, and without waiting for Xiao Zha's answer, he said to himself: "Before I met you, I began to study the legend of the "Book of Magic" and look for clues related to it.

I've dedicated almost my entire life to it, and you know that.

I remember we had a big fight on the eve of the betrayal. You blamed me for wasting too much time and energy on false legends.

Alas, you and John don't believe that the "Book of Magic" really exists in the world.

At that time, I swore to you that the Book of Magic was real, and I passionately promised you that when we find the Book of Magic, the three of us can be promoted to divine wizards together.

Yes, although I am obsessed with the "Book of Magic", I have never thought of possessing it alone.

When I really find the Book of Magic, I will share my experience and knowledge with you as I did in the past. Constantine's achievements today are entirely due to my selfless teachings. "

He said the last sentence through gritted teeth.

Although the magic circle in the DC multiverse is very closed, within the circle, there is not much difference between the magicians.

The inheritance model is somewhat similar to doctoral students and doctoral supervisors in universities.

There is a master-disciple relationship, but it is not as close as the master-disciple relationship in the world of Celestial Immortal Martial Arts.

Just like Harley met Madam Xanadu by chance when she first debuted. Xanadu knew her little tricks and still answered every question she had with all his heart. Nick also searched for famous magic masters.

For example, Xiao Zha's father Zhatar Ergun Wizard, Mr. E, Sage Aoqi, etc. all did not reject Nick. Except for the birth curse, which cannot be passed on to others, all his special skills were taught to him.

Zha Kang had the opportunity to follow Nick's old path again. He had been accepted as an apprentice by Zatara. However, a joint channeling during the giant beast crisis caused many old masters to wither away. Xiao Zha lost his father and Zha Kang lost his master.

Later, when he met Nick, Zha Kang's interrupted "apprenticeship" was continued.

Nick is to Zha Kang what the old masters such as Za'atar L'Gon, Ochi Sage, and Mr. E were to Nick in the early years.

Nick's reputation as "the number one young extraordinary person of our generation" is not just a boast. If he can get his full support, Zha Kang can be regarded as smoking from his ancestors (ps).

"On the eve of your betrayal of me, I had made a breakthrough in my research on the Book of Magic.

I found an ancient temple in the Amazon forest on the border with Peru.

In the underground chamber of the temple, I discovered the remains of the most powerful mage of the Dark Ages. "

Nick glanced at Xiao Zha and said, "The remains of the Demon Governor."

Xiao Zha's pupils shrank, obviously shocked.

Before Harley, the most powerful mage in mankind was Naboo, the God of Order.

Naboo represents order, and the opposite is the Demon Lord, who represents darkness and chaos.

The Demon Lord is so powerful that he is still active in the 31st century and is the biggest and most terrifying enemy of the superhero army.

"The Demon Governor is not dead at all. He is imprisoned in a special magic prison of the 31st Century Super Hero Legion." Xiao Zha said.

Nick glanced at her lightly, "So what? The God King of Naboo is still active on the earth. Maybe one day I can find his remains."

Xiao Zha was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that the human body is inherently weak and the amount of magic it can withstand is limited.

After becoming a spiritual wizard, the higher the realm, the more magic power you have.

When they reach a certain state, the spiritual wizard must abandon the physical body and transfer all the essence and wisdom in the body into the natal artifact.

The Demon Lord is the "lifelong enemy" of the same generation as Naboo. He is also human in nature and cannot overcome the inherent weaknesses of human beings.

"The treasure map of the Book of Magic is held in the palm of the Demon Governor's remains. Obviously, even as powerful as the Demon Governor, he also wants to find the legendary 'Land of White Magic with Infinite Natural Magic Power'.

It's a pity that he is a villain. Just like I was "heroic" by the Justice League Dark, he was also targeted by the ancient magical superhero-Merlin.

Merlin sealed the map with the magic box, and the Demon Governor never broke the seal in his life. "

Having said this, Nick showed a proud and proud smile on his face, "The Demon Lord calls himself the 'Dark Lord' and is considered the most powerful and genius black magician.

Merlin is a legendary mage known to the world.

But the only thing they are stronger than us is that they are born earlier.

In terms of truth and wisdom, they may not be better than you, but they may not be as good as me.

The ‘map box’ that the Demon Governor never opened in his whole life, I only studied it for six days before I got an idea.

The map box is a sealed box made by Merlin. As long as you give me a piece of Merlin's relic, I can extract Merlin's magic power and imitate Merlin's magic to open the box. "

The smile on Nick's face disappeared, and his expression became ferocious.

"I studied in the basement of the temple for six days and six nights without eating or drinking. During this period, I was chased by the Cold Flame Holy See many times. Like me, they were also looking for the Book of Magic, and they also tracked down the Rainforest Temple.

When I finally got home after all the hardships, full of excitement and joy, and planned to share my results with you, I saw you two lying on my bed sharing your saliva! "

Nick pointed at his chest, stared at Zha with bloodshot eyes, twisted his face and roared: "I am the one who has suffered the most harm and the most pain!

No matter how I deal with you, it will be the retribution you deserve! "

Nick and Zach are not the only ones in the House of Secrets.

Nick's recruited fellow Grandmasters are among them.

They had also teamed up to blow up the mysterious house that they had bumped into before.

"Why is Nick repeatedly complaining about his pain and grievances like a resentful woman? He doesn't have the slightest bit of coldness and domineering that a strong man should have." In the rest room next door, Dark Thorn asked Phoenix Faust next to him in a low voice.

"Leave him alone. He only behaves like this when faced with Constantine's problems. At other times, he is colder, domineering, smarter and rational than anyone else." Phoenix was already used to it.

The fire troll Blake Boris muttered: "I heard that in the past, before Nick and Constantine broke up, they often took Zatanna to have a 'Saturday Night Threesome.' Nick said it himself, even the Witch Haha Li also entrusted him to help research the magic spell to store the power of counter-injury.

Since they have threesomes every week, why should Nick care about his girlfriend Zatanna and Constantine messing around in his bed? "

Faust said: "Three people are not the same as Srippi. They just treat each other sincerely, have soul connections, superimpose wisdom, share experiences, and study magic problems together.

And didn’t you notice?

Nick doesn't really love Zatanna at all, true love cannot be shared!

What he cared about was not that Zatanna was getting along with Constantine behind his back.

But when they got together, they didn’t take him with them.”

"Shit, what a pervert!" The troll's outlook was about to explode.

Faust explained: "Don't think blindly, Nick doesn't want to sleep with them. Maybe they have already slept with them many times. Who knows?"

The point is not to have sex, who among us black magicians care about that?

Nick is all about love and affection.

He wants them to love him more, instead of forgetting him and excluding him, only Constantine and Zatanna are in true love. Well, the key is that Constantine and Zatanna are really in love.

True love is the strongest and most selfish emotion and does not allow third parties to interfere.

Unfortunately, Nick, who was originally deeply loved by Constantine and Zatanna, suddenly became a disharmonious third party.

Everyone must have had similar experiences when they were children, right?

Originally, you had a very good relationship with a few of your friends. They played with you every day, took you as the center, supported you, and loved you.

Suddenly one day, not only did they stop playing with you, but they also became closer friends than before, showing off their affection in front of you.

You will be disappointed and feel betrayed.

Amplifying that feeling a million times, that's what Nick was feeling right now. "

"Oh, that's it, Faust, you really understand Nick!" The masters thought thoughtfully.

Phoenix Faust looked at the sky at a 45-degree angle, with blurred eyes and a faint voice, saying: "For a long time, Nick was my inner demon, my 'Constantine'! How could I not understand him?" That’s weird.”

"You actually have such feelings for Nick?!" The troll's expression was distorted.

"Don't think so wildly!" Faust shouted, "My attachment to Nick has nothing to do with love, he was once my lifelong enemy!

Troll Boris, isn’t Frankenstein your inner demon, your ‘Constantine’?

Darkthorn, is your emotion and understanding of Swamp Thing more shallow than Nick's of Constantine?

And you, Baron Winston, I dare say that when Wonder Woman and your wife are about to fall into the River Styx in hell at the same time, and you can only save one, you will not have any hesitation and subconsciously choose Wonder Woman, but you are right Her emotion is not love.

Also, Silver Banshee"

All the fallen mages had their lifelong enemies. Faust kept talking, naming them one by one, leaving them speechless and feeling the same.

In silence, Dark Thorn asked: "Just now Nick said that he found the 'Map Box' in an ancient temple in Peru. What was the 'Book of Magic' that you snatched from the Dark Room of the Eye of the Sky?"

“To open ‘Merlin’s Map Box’, you need to find the second magical artifact made by Merlin, such as the Sword of Merlin and the Book of Merlin.

The Americans are extremely greedy. They have snatched away the relics and magic artifacts that have been excavated in the past century. They even claim to be 'eliminating security risks for world peace', Fake! "

Faust spat bitterly and continued: "The relics of Merlin that we know so far are all stored in the Sky Eye Society's treasure room. The magic book we snatched away at that time was actually Merlin's magic book.

You would never have guessed that Merlin's Magic Book not only contains Witch Harley's annotations, but also Constantine, Madam Xanadu, Zatanna, Ivy, and many other mages who have a close relationship with Witch Harley have left traces on it. .


They have all read Merlin's magic book, which is as easy as ordinary people borrowing books from the library. "

Faust's face was full of anger and he shouted in a high voice: "Nick and I have been suffering for several years for a mere relic of Merlin.

In the end, he was deceived by Night Owl and caused a 'magic fission cannon' accident, which almost cost him his life.

To this day we are still wanted by the Sky Eye Society.

After the magic fission cannon accident, some mages openly questioned that there were too many magical objects hidden in the black room. However, the U.S. government shamelessly claimed that the relics of the mages were also antiques. Antiques are the property of all mankind and should be nationalized. It is up to them. Take good care of it by professionals.

The results of it?

The big leader of the Sky Eye Society regards the black room as his own cabin, and even his relatives and friends are full of fat!

It's so shameless and unfair. "

"Hey, look at it. The big leader of the Sky Eye Society is the witch Harley. She didn't drag all the strange objects to the dimension of her stomach, and she also gave you the opportunity to snatch a Merlin magic book. It's already a blessing from fate." Darkthorn sighed.

"This time the Book of Magic appears, will Witch Harley jump out and snatch it?" the flame troll asked worriedly.

"She has been busy with big things recently, and she may have left the main universe." Faust pondered.

"I also heard that Witch Harley resigned from the position of Acting Commander. There was news within the US government that she had to leave the main universe and could no longer perform her duties as Commander." Baron Winston said.

"What is she going to do?"

"It seems to be related to the God of Destiny, but Nick and I don't know what it is specifically." Faust shook his head.

"Would it be safer if we waited a few more days?" Dark Thorn asked.

"How long did the 'Darkseid War' last that day?" Faust asked rhetorically.

Without waiting for anyone to answer, he raised a finger and said, "Less than a day! Darkseid and the Anti-Monitor joined forces, and they didn't even last a day.

So, how long will it take for what Witch Harley is about to do?

It has been five days since she announced her resignation as acting commander-in-chief.

Are you going to wait a few more days for her to come back from completing important tasks quickly?

When she has her leisure time, not only will she be interested in the book of magic, but she will also be interested in writing off our lives? "

Dark Thorn lowered his head and stopped talking.

Faust added: "Even if she hasn't left yet, she has been thinking about big things and probably doesn't have the time or energy to pay attention to us. At least our lives are safe."

"That makes sense!"

Meanwhile, the Sahara Desert.

"Fortunately, I reacted quickly enough and deflected the direction of the Mystery House's fall in time, preventing it from hitting a big city with a population of millions like a meteor."

Zha Kang was facing the sun in the sky, with his hands in his pockets and a cigarette in his mouth, bragging to the Shadow Bureau agents who had just arrived by helicopter.

"John, your house seems to be repairing itself?" Frankenstein stared at the mysterious house on the sand and said in surprise: "It looks like an Autobot with a broken leg, with parts flying around and the body paralyzed.

At this time, it was struggling to stand up from the ground. Even though its legs were shaking and its body was crooked and swaying, it was obviously recovering to its integrity.

Even the broken stones and random pieces of wood on the ground are alive, flying back to their original positions and reorganizing into a whole. "

Zha Kang blew out a smoke ring and said calmly: "You must be familiar with Uncle Sam who is in the same government department as you.

He is a combination of American patriotism and noble American spirit. He was born naturally and no one created him.

The same goes for the House of Mysteries and the House of Secrets.

They were originally a collection of house concepts.

Later, because humans had too many complex emotions towards houses, they added human obsession and emotional attributes such as desire and dependence on houses.

On the surface, it appears to be made of bricks and wood, but actually, look closer.

If your spiritual sense is sharp enough, you may be able to see something more essential. "

Curious, Frankenstein strode toward the Mystery House, which was repairing itself.

After approaching the ten-meter range, he heard a lot of chaotic sounds in his ears.

The voice was clearer and more singular as he stared at the self-healing planks and masonry.

"I want a brick and stone house like Lord Coster's. It won't blow down in the wind, won't leak in the rain, and won't freeze in the winter."

"Why do I work so hard and never slack off, but I don't even have a roof over my head? I'm not willing to accept it!"

"I have lived my entire life without even having a home. Wow, oh, oh, oh, I really want to have a house of my own!"

"It would be great if I had a house in the city. Xiaomei's parents would agree to our marriage. Xiaomei, just wait, I will definitely fight for a world for you - no, Xiaomei is already married, and so am I. I have worked overtime too much and died suddenly from overwork. Ah, ah, house, I want a house even if I die!"

"Hahaha, I finally have a house. After paying the down payment, the house belongs to me. The monthly mortgage is only $2,000. After 20 years, oh oh oh, don't take my house away. Please, this is I have paid off the mortgage for my house for 18 years, don’t take it away from me!”

"Uh!" When he was three meters close to the House of Mystery, Frankenstein couldn't resist. He stopped holding his head and let out a low groan.

"Silly man, come back. How can half of the multiverse's human beings be obsessed with houses more than your little brain can bear?" Zha Kang shouted with a smile from a distance.

"They are all undead. Those boards, bricks, nails, glass. All the building materials that make up the house are dead ghosts. They are full of unwillingness and resentment." Frankenstein shouted as he backed away.

"The building materials are not the undead." Zha Kang shook his head. "They are the remnant souls that cannot be digested in Limbo and are full of obsession with the house. They are integrated into every turn of the head and every inch of the floor of the Mysterious House.

The House of Mystery itself is a huge ghost, and there are countless ghosts inside the ghost. "

"No wonder Father Time said that the House of Mystery is the most terrifying haunted house in the world. All the wizards who live in it have met unknown fate." Frankenstein said with emotion.

Zha Kang's face looked a bit disgusting, "I won my house of mystery from that perverted old ghost."

"The original owner of the House of Mystery was Father Time?" Frankenstein asked in surprise.

Zha Kang nodded with a disgusted look on his face, "That guy almost sold his ass after losing at the gambling table, so he took out the Mystery House as collateral.

At that time, our eyes were shining and we were so excited. We just felt that we were just lucky to meet such a fool. We didn’t expect it. Alas! "

Frankenstein chuckled and asked again: "What about the House of Secrets? Is it the same?"

"Didn't you notice? The howling ghosts all have male voices. The House of Mystery and the House of Secrets have their own will. The will of the House of Mystery is male, and the House of Secrets is female. This is the only difference between them." Kang Dao.

"Now that the House of Mystery is almost restored, what are you going to do next?" Frankenstein stared at him and asked.

Zha Kang said: "It's not your Shadow Bureau's turn to care about what the Justice League Dark is going to do, right?"

"The reason why we were able to find this place right away was because the psychics from the Bureau of Shadows detected a level 9 magic storm in Limbo." Frankenstein glanced at him, "Do you understand what I mean? Your actions Every movement is under the surveillance of the Shadow Bureau."

"so what?"

Frankenstein pursed his lips and said directly: "I want to join your actions to ensure that nothing that threatens the security of the world will happen."

"By protecting the Book of Magic from people like me, does that count as maintaining world peace?" Zha Kang joked.

Frankenstein shook his head, "You underestimate us too much. We don't want to grab the book of magic, and we are not interested in the land of white magic.

As long as this incident can end smoothly, we will have completed our mission. "

"Okay, I believe you, welcome to join the Justice League Dark!" Zha Kang extended his right hand to him.

An hour later, the House of Mystery, which had completed its self-repair, returned to Limbo.

In the conference hall, the superheroes of the Dark Alliance sat around a round table.

"I feel uncomfortable thinking that every inch of wood in this house hides countless obsessive ghosts." Temporary member Frankenstein gently rubbed his arm, his expression a little unnatural.

"Believe me, in the hearts of most ghosts, you are the monster." Zha Kang said with a smile.

"Constantine, we are all here. If you have any battle plans, please tell us quickly." Madam Xanadu urged.

Zha Kang glanced sideways at Tim Hunter, who looked worried, and said, "I can tell you clearly that last night's failure, including the crash of the Mystery House, was all part of my plan."

"Stop talking nonsense, you didn't even think that the House of Secrets was in Nick's hands, and you didn't expect that he would take action against Zatanna." Shang said rudely.

Zha Kang's expression remained unchanged and he maintained a confident smile, "Details are not important. What is important is that Nick made sure that I tried my best and tried my best.

He must be feeling very proud at this moment, feeling that he has completely mastered me.

And my ultimate move will be launched when he is most proud, and now the time is ripe. "

"Let's get straight to the point." Xuan Lan was also a little impatient.

"Well, let's help Tim level up first."

"Upgrade, help him improve his realm? How can you do it in such a short time?" Madam Xanadu shook her head.

"Only ordinary mages like us need realm. The descendants of the dignified ancestor of magic, don't need realm at all."

Zha Kang put his hand into the pocket of his windbreaker and fumbled for a while before taking out a metal cylinder and placing it on the table.

"This is it."

He took off his gloves, gently twisted the metal tube, and poured out a palm-long crystal that emitted purple light.

Madam Xanadu asked in surprise: "The magic power emitted by this crystal comes from the 'Crystal World'?"

"Good eyesight!" Zha Kang smiled at her, holding the bottom of the crystal with his left hand and gently rubbing it with two fingers of his right hand. Rich purple smoke spread from the surface of the crystal.

"Bang!" Finally, the crystal suddenly exploded into a huge ball of purple light.

The purple light flashed away, and a beautiful girl with long golden hair fell on the spot.

The girl is seventeen or eighteen years old, with a delicate face, slender figure and slender legs.

She wore purple boots, a purple dress, a metal hoop on her forehead inlaid with purple gems, and held a long sword in her hand.

"What's going on? Where am I? Who are you?"

The hero of the Dark Zhenglian looked at her blankly, and she was also confused and panicked.

"Princess Amaya, right? Don't panic, you just responded to my call. Everyone, let me introduce to you, this magic swordsman comes from the legendary 'Amethyst World', which is what we often call 'Crystal' Plane', she is Princess Ai of the Crystal Plane—Oh, what are you doing?"

Before Zha Kang finished speaking, Princess Amaya's face was full of anger and she stabbed Zha Kang's neck with a sharp sword.

"Why can you forcefully summon me? You evil wizard, what do you want to do to me?!"

"I'm a friend of Witch Harley, Witch Harley, have you heard of her?" Zha Kang shouted quickly.

Amaya froze and asked in surprise: "Witch Harley wants to see me?"

"We are the Justice League Dark." Zha Kang quickly introduced the identities of himself and others, and then said: "I won that amethyst in the casino.

The fool who lost it is ignorant, but I know that it comes from the core of your world and possesses strange magic.

I planned to randomly summon a magician who is closely connected with the origin of the amethyst world, and I didn't target you. "

Zha Kang pointed at Tim and said, "Do you know him? The descendant of the ancestor of white magic."

Seeing Amaya's confused expression, he sighed, "Forget it, just shake his hand or let him touch you, and your mission will be completed."

"I don't understand." Amaya didn't know why, but she still extended her right hand to Tim, and Tim also extended his hand.


The moment the two hands touched, a purple magic arc erupted between the palms, and then Tim screamed in pain, and bright red flames shot up from his body.

Zha Kang immediately shouted: "Tim calm down and enter meditation. Don't touch him either. He is not on fire. What is burning at this time is his bloodline, which is similar to our first stage of terminal transformation - bloodline awakening."

Tim only yelped once before returning to normal.

"I feel like there's magic in my body, a lot of magic, too much." He said with a sad expression.

"You want to save your parents, you need strength, right?" Zha Kang said.

"Yes, I need strength!" Tim gritted his teeth and insisted, looking determined.

Princess Amaya was full of confusion, "I didn't feel anything, why did he react so violently?"

Zha Kang smiled and said: "Because the magic power of your amethyst world comes from the land of white magic."

(ps: In Constantine’s recent comics, Zha Kang learned of Nick’s name and traveled all the way from London to Gotham to wait for Nick, hoping to learn from him.

Zatanna was Nick's girlfriend at the time and didn't know Zha Kang.

In the early comics, it was another setting. At that time, there was no Nick as a character, and even Zatanna was not Zha Kang’s official partner (Zatanna was originally one of Batman’s harem, and later became Zha Kang became Zha Kang's true love). Zha Kang was an apprentice with Zatara, and he and Xiao Zha had a sibling relationship with each other.

In fact, Zha Kang can also talk about magic.

There are two settings in this book. Zha Kang was first appreciated by Zatara, and later Zha Tala became an old man. Zha Kang followed Nick to complete his "magic doctorate" studies. )

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