I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1805 Nick and Zha Kang

Lishan, Mrs. Xanadu’s hut.

"Why is this happening? I have rejected magic, given up all my magic power, and become a mortal. Why are they still refusing to let me go?"

Tim Hunter sat slumped next to his mother's "corpse" with a painful expression on his face, his face covered with tears and runny nose.

"Giving up your magic power is just the path you have chosen, it does not mean that your destiny has completely disappeared.

Nick had already obtained the treasure map of the Book of Magic and found the specific location of the Book of Magic, but they did not have the bloodline of a 'hunter', let alone the destiny to open the treasure house. "

Mrs. Xanadu's face was pale, with blood stains spreading downward from the corners of her mouth and nostrils. Her purple cheongsam was torn open several times, revealing the flesh that had been burned and corroded by powerful magic.

But she was still meticulous, her expression was focused, and she made quick seals with her hands to cast a spell to protect Mrs. Hunter's physical activity while she was lying on the carpet.

Mr. Hunter was captured, and Mrs. Hunter was beaten to death by magic. Most of her body was burnt, and even her soul was taken away by Nick.

If left alone, her physical body would surely die quickly.

Once the body dies, even if the soul is recovered, the person cannot be saved.

"Hunter bloodline?" Tim was confused.

"According to the information I recently found, your surname Hunter actually represents the identity of the ancestor of white magic, not his surname.

In the legendary hometown of White Magic, he is a ‘Hunter’. Well, something like a world guardian, an alien superhero or something like that.

Only the 'Hunter' can open the "Book of Magic" and open the door to the magical world.

On our planet, you are the only one who has awakened the ancient 'Hunter' bloodline, and Nick can only find you. "Mrs. Xanadu explained.

"So, my decision to give up my magic power and become a mortal was completely wrong?

If I fulfill my talent and become the 'Magic Messenger' and 'King of Light' I see in the future, those bad guys won't dare to come to my house and my parents won't be harmed? "

The "Harry Potter copycat" gradually showed deep regret on its young face with small freckles, as well as a slightly twisted and frightening ferocity.

“I was wrong, I was too weak, and because I was afraid of a future full of blood and death, I finally chose the wrong path.

I should strive to become a magic user and the King of Light, even if it is for my family and my own peaceful life.

Maybe there will be piles of corpses at my feet, but they all belong to enemies who want to harm my family, and they deserve to die! "

"Bang!" Tim Hunter's thin and shriveled body suddenly erupted with a powerful aura that was so powerful that his hands staggered and shattered the window glass.

Silver-blue pure magic power gathered around him, forming a coat of substantial energy visible to the naked eye.

Just like the tail beast suit in "Naruto".

Sage Ochi, who was healing his own injuries through meditation in the next room, noticed the violent magic storm and hurriedly ran out of the room. He shouted to the "Harry Potter copycat" that was gradually turning dark and twisted in the living room: "Tim, calm down. Come down! Do you still remember the 'Arcana Meditation Method' I taught you?

Enter a meditative state immediately, stabilize your mind, and don't let negative emotions such as anger and hatred occupy your soul! "

Tim could still listen to his words and subconsciously followed his teachings to meditate.

In just a few breaths, the magic cloak on Tim's body converged into his body. The violent magic storm in the room subsided, and his expression returned to calm, but a trace of hatred that was rarely seen in the past could still be seen in his eyes.

"Omaika, how can you still burst out with such powerful magic power?" Only then did Madam Xanadu get up from the ground in a daze, staring at Tim Hunter with wide eyes, her face and eyes full of Incredible.

"Xanadu, your head has been smashed and you are bleeding!" Sage Aoqi reminded.

"Uh, it hurts!" Madam Xanadu stretched out her hand and her palms were stained red, and she felt burning pain on her already broken forehead.

Sage Aoqi whispered a spell and cast a simple healing magic on her.

For damage caused by magic, healing magic is extremely ineffective and is not as useful as drinking a potion.

Unless the magic energy level of the healing magic is much higher than that of the damage-causing magic.

But if it is physical damage such as bruises or bruises, healing magic can be called a miracle. Once used, the effect will be immediate.

"Tim, what's wrong with you? Didn't you wipe out the magic in your bloodline before? Why did you suddenly burst out with such powerful power?

I feel like a volcano is erupting inside your body, filled with violent energy, and the level of magic power is stronger than before. "Shangdu wiped the blood stains from his forehead and said in surprise.

"I don't know, but I feel very good now." Tim Hunter clenched his fists and said with firm eyes: "I chose the wrong path before. I should not be afraid of magic, reject magic, and resist my destiny. "

For Tim Hunter, "the descendant and successor of the ancestor of white magic" and "the first legendary mage in the future", Stranger and others had formulated a complete set of teaching plans early on.

The Stranger taught Tim about the history of magic, took him to witness major magical events in history on the river of time, and even communicated with magical figures at that time; Constantine led Tim to see the three religions and nine streams in the real magic world, and taught him how to survive. The way; Sage Aoqi is equivalent to a nanny and tutor, caring about his daily life and teaching him basic magic knowledge and skills; Mr. E is a practical person, teaching Tim various white magic, black magic, and holy magic battles Skill.

Madam Xanadu shows Tim various possibilities for the future and helps him determine his future path.

Earlier, when Harley was still disguising herself as Madam Xanadu to perform divination for the public, Stranger took Tim Hunter to the Xanadu cabin. At that time, Mrs. Xanadu used tarot cards to build the "Tarot Card Destiny World" and took Tim to roam freely in the long river of destiny, and also alarmed Big Brother Destiny and Second Sister Death.

In the world of Tarot cards, Tim saw himself working hard to learn magic, develop his bloodline talents, and eventually become the controller of magic - the "Magic Messenger", and the king of white magic - the "Lord of Light".

He is the most powerful and legendary mage in the magic world, and he is also the ruler of the magic world. He has bones at his feet and a sea of ​​blood and corpses behind him. Countless wizards were killed by him.

Tim witnessed the whole process of killing all the mages by his other, more mature self, and was horrified.

Mrs. Xanadu revealed all the future to him, and her fundamental purpose was to help him choose a path.

Seeing the future of the "Magic User" and "Lord of Light", Tim made a choice without hesitation: to give up magic and never become a murderous, bloodthirsty magic user.

The "ancestor of white magic" only exists in legends, and his descendants are even more elusive and traceless.

Stranger, Zha Kang and others were able to find Tim because Tim had begun to awaken his bloodline and was surrounded by a faint layer of natural magic power.

A powerful mage can tell at a glance that he is gifted and that he is a legendary "peerless genius" who is rarely seen in thousands of years; if he has enough knowledge and experience, like a stranger, he can see more things and be sure that Tim will He is a descendant of the legendary ancestor of white magic, and his bloodline is awakening, and he will surely become a legendary figure in the future.

When Tim chose the future path of being a Muggle and not touching magic, he only used one thought to make all the symbols of miracles in him disappear.

"I don't want magic, I want to be human."

Tim made a decision in his mind, and the pure natural magic surrounding him immediately dissipated.

The bloodline of the ancestor of white magic he was awakening also lost its magical properties and completely turned into a mortal bloodline. At least after careful inspection by Zha Kang and others at that time, they did not find any miraculous power in his bloodline, which was a proper Muggle.

Spells and mudras are not necessary to perform magic.

They are simply tools used by the mage to communicate with the deeper laws beyond the spell.

Tim Hunter's titles as "the ancestor of white magic" and "the future's first legendary mage" are not for nothing. He doesn't need spells, he doesn't need to learn magic fingerprints, and he doesn't need to understand the rules. Whatever he thinks in his heart, he can speak in his mouth What, the magic responds naturally and miracles happen directly.

It's even more "easy to say what you say" than Zatanna's irony magic.

This is what magic is all about: doing whatever you want to create miracles.

Tim Hunter's last magic is to eliminate all traces of magic and magic talents in himself.

He became a Muggle through and through.

Although Stranger and Zha Kang were shocked and regretful, they all kept their promises and respected Tim's self-choice.

After leaving a magic warning barrier at Tim's house, the "Windbreaker Magic Boys" announced their disbandment and went back to their respective homes. Until this afternoon, Nick led people to break into Tim's house.

The moment the magic warning barrier was triggered, Sage Aoqi reacted. Unfortunately, he was no match for Nick and the others. If not for Mrs. Xanadu’s timely arrival, Mrs. Strong, at least rescue the "protagonist" Tim Hunter and make Nick fall short.

Now, Tim Hunter, who should have been reduced to a useless Muggle, actually regained the powerful "ancestor of white magic" bloodline in front of Madam Xanadu and Sage Ochi.

The "natural magic power" in his body is thousands of times more powerful than before.

"Tim, we have always firmly supported you in finding your own path, and we will not stop you now, but I hope you calm down and don't make decisions at this time."

Sage Aoqi once again turned into a gentle and beautiful mature sister, Miss Rose, and pulled Tim to her side. Her eyes were sincere and soft, "I understand that my father has been taken away and my mother's life and death are uncertain. You are very worried and very worried." anger.

But if you let anger control your emotions, and even determine the future path in anger and hatred, you will lose yourself, and your enemies will be even more proud.

He indirectly controls your life.

Moreover, the ‘Magic Envoy’ cannot become a reality in one day.

Talents as outstanding as 'Witch Harley' also need time to grow slowly.

Your parents couldn't wait too long. As soon as we returned to Lishan, Mrs. Xanadu received a text message from Nick.

He wants you to meet him at the foot of Nanda Peak tomorrow morning. If you fail to meet him, he will kill your parents immediately. "

"Take me to see that person, it doesn't matter what he does to me, as long as my parents can be released immediately." Tim Hunter said excitedly.

Rose grabbed Tim's shoulders, stared into his eyes and said seriously: "Have you seen too few TV and movie plots similar to your current situation?

What results do the protagonists in the movie get when they comply with the threats of the villain?

If the enemy is so easy to talk to and trustworthy, will they assassinate you, an underage child, who has voluntarily given up his magic power without any restraint?

Your parents are also ordinary people, do they have any scruples? "

Mrs. Xanadu also said: "Tim, you are very smart, you should understand why Nick came to you.

You are the one destined, and the Book of Magic and the magical world behind it belong to you.

And Nick wants to snatch the "Book of Magic" which represents the ultimate secret of white magic.

He even wanted to enter the land of white magic full of 'natural magic' through the "Book of Magic".

The conflict between you is irreconcilable.

If you really follow his words and surrender honestly, he will first use you to open the treasure house and get the "Book of Magic", then kill you and use black magic to extract the power of your bloodline and integrate it into himself.

As for your parents, even if the one in a billion chance of happening becomes a reality, the ruthless Nick will keep his promise and release them.

How can they continue to live an ordinary life after learning that you died tragically for them?

No, they will only be in pain, and life would be worse than death. "

"So what do I do?" Tim asked.

"Buzz buzz"

A light blue magical light suddenly lit up in the center of the living room, and a high-frequency vibrating sound like bee wings could be heard in the air.

Several people in the room vaguely heard a young woman shouting: "! All the gentlemen in the room came up to deliver the message."

The next second, the blue light suddenly expanded into a light gate, and then disappeared without a trace. Two people, a man and a woman, appeared in front of them.

The woman wearing black leather boots, black leather pants, and a short black leather jacket is the ironic magician Zatanna.

The man with messy yellow hair, a brown Burberry classic long trench coat, and a cigarette in his mouth is John Constantine.

"You are here!" Mrs. Xanadu exclaimed excitedly, then turned to Tim and said: "Look, the help is here. You can stay here peacefully. The Justice League Dark will help you rescue Mr. Hunter." and Mrs. Hunter.”

After understanding the situation a little, Zha Kang said: "Xanadu, you and Sage Aoqi are injured. Just stay here and guard Hunter. You don't have to act with us."

Then he turned to "Harry Potter Copycat", threw away the half cigarette between his fingers, patted his shoulder gently, and solemnly said: "Hunter, stay here peacefully, we will definitely rescue your parents, I swear! "

"Well, thank you, Constantine." In Zha Kang's confident and powerful eyes, Tim Hunter felt comforted and calmed down completely.

"Can you find Nick's location?" Xanadu asked.

"Of course it's useless to directly use searching magic to find Nick, but our target at this time is not Nick, but Tim's parents." Zha Kang put his right index finger against Tim's eyebrows and asked: "I want to get it from you. Take a drop of blood, your blood contains powerful magic power, and you can locate your parents through 'bloodline resonance'."

"You take it."

Zha Kang lightly poked Tim's forehead, and red threads seeped out from the pores, gathering into a drop of blood as big as a soybean in mid-air.

Then Constantine took out a compass from his pocket and found a world map at Xanadu's house.

He held the compass and recited a spell, and the drop of blood fell on the map with a "splat" and split into two, like two small snakes, swimming in two different directions.

In the end, one drop of blood fell somewhere in Peru, South America, and the other drop of blood went to Lyon, France.

"What's going on? Hunter's parents are separated. One is in Peru and the other is in Lyon?" Zatanna asked.

Constantine frowned at first, then smiled after a moment and said: "Nick really understands us and has predicted our reactions in advance, but after all, I am superior."

"What are you going to do?" Xanadu asked.

"The troops are divided into two groups and attack at the same time." Constantine said.

"This is obviously a trap, you still want to disperse your troops?" Xanadu looked worried.

"You guys stay at home with peace of mind. I guarantee that Nick will not succeed." Zha Kang comforted them and pulled Zatanna out.

"You want to go back to the House of Mystery? Let's go with you." Xanadu was not at ease after all.

The House of Mystery is the headquarters of the Justice League Dark.

Since the troops have to be divided into two groups, the heroes of Heizheng must be summoned to the headquarters first before assigning tasks.

"It is safer here and is suitable for you to recuperate. The Mysterious House will go to the battlefield with us. We don't know what kind of battle will happen." Zha Kang said.

None of them thought it was safe and said, "What's the point of safety? Harry has already run away, and Lishan Manor has been evacuated. Not even a single dog is left behind."

"At least for now, Harley is still within the scope of the multiverse. Even if she is not at home, no one dares to break into Lishan."

After saying this, Zha Kang turned around and walked out of the house, with Zatanna following behind him.

Miss Rose hesitated for a moment and said, "I'll take you out."

Outside the house, Miss Rose did not let Zha Kang and Zatanna teleport away immediately.

She pulled them out of the small courtyard and walked into the Lishan Forest. As she walked, she mentally transmitted messages and told them about Tim Hunter's reawakening of the power of blood in anger.

"At that time, his expression was twisted and full of anger, and his heart seemed to be filled with darkness. If killing could solve the problem, he would not hesitate at all.

That kind of frightening aura is almost like the 'magic user' in his youth."

Miss Rose looked worried and said: "Is it possible that we have never really given Tim a chance to choose the future? Everything we do is an arrangement of fate and an opportunity to create the destiny line of the 'Magic Envoy'" ?

If he hadn't seen a future where he would chase power and eventually become a 'magic user', and if he hadn't given up his magic power out of fear of that future, Nick might not have been able to take his father away.

If he successfully protects his parents this time and does not suffer the psychological trauma of losing his parents as a teenager, Tim will not be obsessed with power and will not become ruthless, and there will be no future as a 'magic user'. "

Zha Kang blew out the cigarette butt and said angrily: "It sounds like we have failed and Tim's parents have already burped."

"I have an ominous feeling, you." Miss Rose sighed and changed her words: "I sincerely hope you can succeed, Constantine, you are not only saving Mr. and Mrs. Hunter this time, you are also saving thousands of people in the future. Magician."

Zatanna said: "Rose, you are so unreasonable. Even if we fail, even if the Hunters die tragically, Harley will not die. With her 'magic thief' here, how can a 'magic user' appear?"

"Even if the 'Magic Envoy' is drained of his magic power by the magic thieves and dies miserably, it won't end well! Tim is well-behaved, kind, smart and sensible. As his magic mentor, shouldn't we protect his kindness and happiness? "Miss Rose said in an excited tone.

Zatanna nodded solemnly, "I will do my best!"

"We will not fail, I am 100% sure." Zha Kang also said confidently.

"But I don't have much confidence in your two-pronged plan. Not to mention that Nick has obviously set up unknown traps for you to escape. Even if you overcome difficulties and meet him, he holds the lives of Hunter and his wife in his hands. What can you do? What?" Miss Rose asked worriedly.

"I know what's going on, don't worry about it."

Zha Kang waved his hand, pulled Zatanna and jumped up to the mysterious house hovering above the two of them.

The next moment, the mysterious house disappeared into the material world.

Rose sighed helplessly and walked back to the Xanadu hut with a dejected expression.

Before entering, she paused for a moment, adjusted the expression on her face to a relaxed and confident smile, and then pushed the door open and entered.

Every superhero has at least one "lifetime enemy."

Swamp Thing is also considered a superhero and has several "lifelong enemies", and they are all related to natural forces such as the green of all things and the black of decay.

The Dark Thorn among them is a Grandmaster Druid who uses the Green of All Things.

Now Darkthorn has accepted Nick Necro's invitation to become a member of the "Hunter family kidnapping gang."

At this time, in Peru, South America, in a rain forest near the Amazon River.

"Just you two? I'm still waiting for Constantine."

The giant two-story tree man slowly stood up, and the surrounding forest seemed to come alive. Branches and vines grew rapidly, surrounding Zatanna and Dead Man Boston from all directions.

"Dark Thorn, because we have completely restrained you, it is us, not Constantine, who came to find you. If you know the truth, hand over Mrs. Hunter honestly."

Zatanna's eyes radiated a faint silver light, staring closely at the chest of the tall tree man, paying no attention to the vines and branches that were rushing in around her.

"Restrain me? Just rely on your irony magic?" The tree man opened his mouth made entirely of vines and branches and let out a thunderous laugh, "This is the Amazon rainforest, this is my domain.

Every tree and vine within a hundred miles is a part of me, just like my limbs.

You can't even find my true form, how can you restrain me? "

"Idiot, don't ignore me! Xiao Zha is only responsible for saving people, I am the one who restrains you."

"Dead Man" Boston roared and turned into a beam of red light, which instantly rushed into the tree man's huge mouth.


The vines and branches that rushed towards Zatanna like a torrent suddenly stopped as if the pause button had been pressed.

Zatanna smiled slightly, not surprised, but stared at the tree man's chest more expectantly.

"No~~~" The huge tree man trembled. The huge body composed of branches and vines was like a building with the load-bearing wall removed, and it collapsed into a messy green hill.

An old man with a long beard in a gray-brown robe struggled to get out from under the branches and vines.

"Boston, is that you?" Zatanna called tentatively.

"Do you still need to doubt it? Of course it's me! Any life that can be touched by me, no matter what form it is, can be easily possessed by me."

The bearded old mage made a face to Zatanna and skipped away from the plant hill.

Zatanna asked with concern: "Mrs. Hunter's soul is in the tree man. Have you seen her?"

"Dark Thorn" nodded and said with a proud smile: "Dark Thorn originally placed Mrs. Hunter's soul on the tree man's chest, and also drew a magic circle around it to prevent others from snatching it.

As a result, his body became my body, his magic circle had no response to 'himself', and I rescued Mrs. Hunter easily.

Hehe, before coming over, Constantine repeatedly emphasized that Nick was smart, cunning, and cruel, so he must be careful and cautious. Even if he couldn't get Mrs. Hunter back, it didn't matter. He prioritized protecting himself.

Now it seems that he is completely - ah! "

Before "Dark Thorn" could reach Zatanna, he suddenly held his head and screamed.

Zatanna also suddenly sensed a crazy magical storm blowing from Limbo to the material world.

The mental power escaping outside her body was blown to pieces, causing her head to ache and the magic power inside her body to fluctuate erratically.

"Rumble, click!"

In the center of the violent magic storm, dense scarlet lightning flashed.

The lightning turned from virtual to real, and gradually spread from Limbo to the material universe, reaching the tops of Zatanna and the "Dark Thorn".

In the center of the scarlet lightning, there is also a spire castle covering an area of ​​more than 500 square meters.

"That's the House of Mystery? Is Constantine here? What is he doing? How can he make such a big noise?" "Dark Thorn" asked in surprise.

"No, this is not the House of Mystery." A real sense of crisis came from Zatanna's spiritual sense.

She stared at the slowly descending castle, and her expression suddenly changed wildly, "This is the house of secrets! There is also a very familiar atmosphere. Farke, it's Nick."

"! Lin Sen Shanli is back!" She immediately activated her irony magic, wanting to activate space teleportation and leave the rainforest immediately.

But the space door flickered a few times and then dissipated in the frenzied flow of magic power.

"Xiao Zha, it's so gratifying. After so many years, you can still recognize my magic aura immediately."

The door to the Secret House creaked open, and Nick showed a "cool" smile with a normal corner of his mouth and a crooked corner of his mouth on the other side. He stepped on the void and walked down step by step.

"It's a pity that you are still as naive as before. I have clearly covered this space with a house of secrets, but you still fantasize about opening the space door and escaping."

"Boom - click!"

Nick suddenly raised his hand, pointing his palm at the "Dark Thorns", and the silver-white lightning chain hit his chest like a cannonball.

The dark thorns were motionless, as if the thick lightning were just an illusion.

The illusory "dead man" Boston screamed and flew out of the dark thorn body.

"Uh!" Dark Thorn groaned and regained control of his body.

"Nick, Hunter's mother's soul was snatched away by this undead." He shouted anxiously.

Nick's expression remained unchanged, and the white magic light in his palm became even brighter. The white light separated into thousands of lightning bolts, like threads, winding the dead Boston into a mummy.

"Ah, Xiao Zha, help me, I can't move." Boston screamed.

"Nick, he's open!"

Zatanna's body erupted with light orange magic light, and she used irony magic on Nick.

Nick didn't panic and shouted: "! The shield magic word is reversed!"

A transparent magical force field enveloped Zatanna, completely rendering her irony magic ineffective.

"This is impossible!" she exclaimed.

"Nothing is impossible. Your father is also my teacher. He has no secrets and teaches me, my future son-in-law. My irony magic is actually stronger than yours.

I know this is a very cruel fact. You are known as the ‘Ironic Magic Princess’ and you have studied with your father all your life, but you are not as good as my achievements in two or three years. It is too shocking.

In order to maintain your self-esteem and self-confidence, I have always tried to avoid using irony magic in the past, but now."

Nick cast spells with both hands at the same time, and a bolt of lightning as thick as a bowl knocked Zatanna flying more than ten meters, and hit a giant tree hard, causing leaves to fall.

"Now I just want to see you in pain. The more painful you are, the more excited I am, haha."

Xiao Zha was also strong enough. He only spat out a mouthful of bloody saliva and quickly got up from the ground.

"I must have been blind before, to have fallen in love with a bastard like you."

Her hands were covered with light orange magic light, and she used regular magic to fight Nick.

Even without the use of irony magic, her magic skills and the magic power in her body are far beyond those of ordinary masters.

Being suppressed by Nick now is not because she is not strong enough or talented enough.

Before Zha Kang and Harley debuted, the title of "the number one transcendent of the young generation" had always belonged to Nick.

"I gave you all my love and my selfless friendship to Constantine, but you got together behind my back and still had the nerve to say you loved me?" Nick yelled angrily.

"Boss Nick, according to the original plan, we cannot stay in one place for a long time. The Dark Justice League will come soon, and the House of Secrets must leave immediately!" Not far away, Dark Thorn shouted urgently.

"Okay, Xiao Zha, if I'm not done with you, fall down and be bound!"

Two consecutive irony magic spells made the "Irony Magic Princess" panic.

Then the House of Secrets was like a cover, falling from above Zatanna's head, forcibly capturing her.

"Let's go!" Looking up at the sky in the distance, Nick smiled crookedly again, entered the secret room with the dark thorns, and disappeared in the rain forest in an instant.

In less than two seconds, another spire castle descended from Limbo to the material world and landed in the rain forest.

"Boston, what happened, where is Xiao Zha?" Zha Kang ran out and shouted anxiously.

"I can't move, help me."

Silver threads were wrapped around the body of "Dead Man" Boston, like a painting, hanging in the air, unable to move.

Zha Kang only stared at him for a moment, then temporarily created a spell to break the curse, tearing the silver threads on Boston's body, allowing him to regain his freedom.

Boston told everything that had just happened, and then asked with lingering fear: "I am obviously a dead person, and even the gods and tree people can't stop me. Why can I be easily entangled in a thread? It's like being stuck in a spider web. The feeling of insects is so terrible."

"Obviously, Nick came prepared and invented a binding spell specifically for you. Not only did he know every member of the Dark Justice League, he also guessed that I would arrange for you and Xiao Zha to deal with the Dark Thorns." Zha Kang It's just that his tone is a little complicated, and there's not much worry on his face.

"What to do now?" Xuanlan asked.

Xuanlan was originally an ordinary agent of the Shadow Bureau. In her early years, she participated in the U.S. government's experiments on life elements. She combined the two natural forces of green and red in her body, and gained the superpower to control plants and change their appearance.

After the establishment of the Sky Eye Society, she joined Amanda Waller's command; when the Justice League Dark was established, she switched to becoming a magical superhero. No one is sure which organization she is loyal to, but she is currently very happy as a superhero. The heroes of the Dark Alliance don't mind her origins either.

"Let's go after the House of Secrets."

The next morning, the Sahara Desert.

"My dear, is this the house of mystery?" Mrs. Xanadu looked at the dilapidated building on the sand that looked like a demolition site, and said in shock: "It was blown up? Who can catch up with it in Limbo Prison? Have you offended? A certain god king?"

"It's Nick." Zha Kang's clothes were messy, his face was gray, and the cigarette in his mouth was broken in the middle. He was very embarrassed, but his expression remained calm, showing no signs of panic or worry.

“That bastard found the secret house out of nowhere and caught us by surprise, even Xiao Zha was kidnapped.

Of course, I couldn't ignore death and immediately activated the House of Mystery to chase after me. The House of Mystery and the House of Secrets, the two magic castles, staged a magical version of "The Fast and the Furious" in Limbo.

Although I had Boss Fan's skills, I had already caught up with the secret house. However, Nick did not practice martial arts and hid a group of masters in the secret house. They joined forces and destroyed my mystery house with just one move. "

Mrs. Xanadu looked sad and asked, "Where are the Hunters? How many of them have you rescued?"

Zha Kang said nonchalantly: "No one was saved, but don't worry -"

Mrs. Xanadu said anxiously: "How can I not be worried? You swore last night to ensure immediate success, but no one was rescued. Now you have broken Xiaozhao, and even the Mystery House has been blown up. What should I do?" Tell Tim?

He didn't sleep all night and called me to come to you as soon as dawn came. He was fully expecting to see his parents right away! "

"Believe me, Xiao Zha was captured unexpectedly, because I didn't expect Nick to find the secret house that even Harley couldn't find, but the current result was within my plan." Zha Kang smiled strangely, He said: “Didn’t Nick invite us to meet at the foot of Nanda Peak this morning?

Just wait and see, today we can not only save everyone, but also get the "Book of Magic". "

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