I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1804 Dealing with funeral affairs

General Lane nodded, "Well, the tactics of the Dark New God of Apokolips are very similar to the telecommunications fraud in a certain country in Southeast Asia.

However, the fundamental purpose of telecommunications fraud is money, but the group of fallen human dark new gods is to defraud lives.

According to the Justice League, at least more than 5,000 people have been deceived so far, and the mortality rate is as high as 60%.

The vast majority of those who survived did so because they had family and friends, and they are still trying to lure their family and friends to go to Apokolips to 'live a happy life like gods'.

Once they have deceived all their relatives and friends, or their identity as a liar is exposed and they completely lose credibility, the new dark god of mankind will play tricks on them and eventually kill them without exception.

The cruel and cruel methods of the new dark gods of mankind who chose to fall were even more cruel than those of the new dark gods native to Apokolips. "

At this point, he looked at Harley with extremely complicated eyes, "You are right, when collective ascension occurs, they will no longer be people on Earth.

Even at the beginning of their ascension, they still have a sense of identity with the 'human race', but as time goes by, this identity will gradually be erased by the real life of the new dark god.

In fact, when they chose to give up their human identity and become a new god, it has been proved that in their minds, their own interests are far more important than their human identity.

Alas, ordinary people on earth will be even more stupid than a farmer who warms a snake when he treats the new dark gods of mankind as compatriots and gives them compassion and care. "

Harley thought for a while and said: "Mr. Miracle should have collected a lot of relevant videos, right? I'm sure Louise will be very interested in this and will definitely create a series of special programs."

General Lane's old face twitched a few times, "She has started to produce a series of special topics, which will be broadcast in two days."

In fact, Louise learned about the "Apocalypse Telecommunications Fraud" incident from her husband at the first time.

She specially ran to the Hall of Justice and told Mr. Miracle Scott to turn on the photography function of the Mother Box. No matter what scene he saw, he must record it completely and then bring it back to her.

"Now that she has prepared a program to warn everyone, this matter is almost over. Well, I will post an announcement on the official account of the Grand Commander later. At least the government's task is completed." Harley said.

General Lane frowned slightly, "Just issuing an announcement to warn everyone?"

"What else do you think we can do? Most of the new human gods who have Mother Boxes now are not from Earth, and they are not even on Earth." Harley said.

General Lane lowered his voice and said meaningfully: "Harry, telecommunications fraud in Southeast Asia cannot be eradicated because the criminals are abroad and Eastern countries cannot cross the border to enforce law.

Whenever they do something illegal, we, who have been staring at them with a magnifying glass and looking for their mistakes, will pull all the civilized countries on the earth to accuse them and criticize them.

But we are different. Our arms are long enough and we have legal basis. It is normal to enforce the law when crossing the border. "

Harley said with a dull face: "You mean we can reach out to Apokolips and treat Apokolips as Mexico, Afghanistan, or Iraq?"

"For you, there is no difference between Apokolips and Mexico. Of course, I understand your attitude and know that you don't want to waste too much time and energy on the bad things of the new human race of gods.

I mean, since the dark elite can continue to use dirty tricks on the people of Earth after signing the "peace agreement", why don't we fight back?

Even if the Earth is to Apokolips at this time, it cannot be what the United States is to Mexico or Afghanistan.

At least it can maintain peace through limited private struggles like the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War.

If we make dough, they will really bully us like dough, and the bottom line will get lower and lower.

If we retaliate in kind, they will know that we are not easy to mess with, and they will restrain their actions, reducing a lot of conflicts and troubles. "

"How do you plan to take revenge on Apokolips?" Harley asked.

General Lane thought for a while and said: "First, based on the list of human dark new gods we have who have chosen to join Apokolips, we will target their relatives and friends in the material universe and monitor their phone calls and emails.

After discovering that they had received a fraudulent message from Apokolips, they sent someone to spy on them.

When the new human dark god of Apokolips opened a sonic boom channel to return to the material universe and planned to take those people to "enjoy happiness" on Apokolips, the earth's super agents struck hard and killed them all.

In addition, we can place undercover agents on Apokolips to spy on the dark elite's actions. If there is a chance to cause trouble, we can teach them a painful lesson.

And there are still resistance forces on Apokolips.

Especially after hundreds of slave camps were liberated by Luther and billions of slaves have experienced the beauty of freedom, the voice on Apokolips to resist the tyranny of Darkseid and demand reform of the New God world has become louder.

We can provide them with military help, help them train officers, and provide weapons. Unfortunately, arms from the material world cannot enter Limbo. We can only provide them with the technology to forge weapons for them to forge themselves.

In addition to fanning the color to kill, when necessary, we can also take action ourselves to cooperate with the Justice League in combating the Dark Elite's invasion of the material universe.

Also, we—"

"Okay, okay!" Harley waved her hand to interrupt him and said: "Whatever you want to do, just arrange it yourself without having to discuss it with me.

From now on, I appoint you as the deputy commander.

As the temporary commander-in-chief, I will soon be unable to perform my duties as commander-in-chief. You, the temporary deputy commander-in-chief, will act as the ‘acting commander-in-chief’ until I return safely or the election is over at the end of the year.

Well, that's why I came to find you. "

General Lane was stunned and asked in surprise: "You want to leave the main universe? What are you going to do? Is it dangerous?"

"Due to some irresistible reasons, in a few days I have to go to the realm of destiny in the sixth dimension to do a life-or-death event.

It shouldn't be life-threatening, but I don't know how much time it will take.

In any case, I can no longer be the 'acting commander'. " Harley sighed.

"Why go to the Destiny Realm? If you have three advantages and two disadvantages. Even if you just disappear for three to five years, the earth and the main universe will be finished." General Lane worried.

"I have a reason to go to the Destiny Realm. Don't ask too much. Knowing too much is not good for you. Before I leave, I will make arrangements for my funeral to prevent some young people who have been holding back for a long time from taking the opportunity to steal the house. " Harley comforted.

Sam Lane was even more worried, "You seem to have something on your mind, Harley, who has been holding back for a long time. A terrible existence is eyeing the earth again?"

Harley said: "Have you not noticed? It has been almost a year since the Darkseid War to today, and there has not been a single major crisis."

General Ryan looked thoughtful, "Darkseid's war will cause very little direct damage to the earth.

But in terms of the degree of danger, it is definitely the greatest crisis in history.

The two supreme beings are fighting to the death on the earth. A single move can blow up the earth and even destroy the main universe.

The reason why it didn't cause too much damage is mainly because you returned from the era of the God of War and your strength increased dramatically.

From now on, whoever wants to take advantage of the earth must take your existence into account.

When you are on Earth, they can only hold back and remain silent once you leave."

He was startled, and his body couldn't help but tremble.

How many terrible crises have accumulated in the nearly one year of peace?

When Harley enters the realm of destiny, will those demons and monsters that have been holding back for a long time swarm in and let out the frustration and murderous desire that have been pent up in their chests for many days?

"Harry, have you guessed who will jump out and cause a big crisis after you leave?"

Harley nodded, "Don't worry, I told you that I will make arrangements for the funeral in advance.

Even if a crisis does come, it will not completely destroy the entire multiverse and never be saved. "

"The world is completely destroyed and can no longer be saved." General Lane shivered again, feeling more worried and scared.

Harry said: "As for the handover of the 'acting commander' position, you will make arrangements.

From now on, you will be responsible for handling the tasks related to ‘Apocalypse Telecom Fraud’.

If you can't make up your mind, ask the Justice League. "

"When are you leaving?" Ryan asked.

"You can leave at any time, no more than a week at the latest. Anyway, from this minute on, you are essentially the 'second generation acting commander.'" Harley smiled.

Ryan hesitated: "Should I still participate in the general election in the second half of the year?"

"When you become the second-generation acting commander-in-chief, it will be equivalent to the current commander-in-chief seeking re-election, and it will not delay your election, just like Truman back then."

General Lane smiled bitterly, "Truman has been acting commander-in-chief for four years and has enough time and energy to prepare for the next election.

I only had half a year, I was still a newbie, and I didn’t even have a campaign team ready.

Within half a year, I have to deal with the 'Apocalypse scam phone call' and take revenge on the new dark god of Apokolips. I also have to be prepared for the new crisis that arises after you disappear. Then I have to participate in the next election.

So many big things put together, just thinking about it makes my head explode. "

"How can you not endure hardship when you want to be a great leader? Before I leave, I will publicly express to the people that I am willing to support you in the next general election.

My public support should save you a lot of work.

If you can do a good job in crisis response during my absence, there is no doubt that you will become the most popular commander-in-chief with the highest vote rate. " Harley comforted.

General Lane was not comforted at all.

He said helplessly: "No matter how weak the abilities of the previous commanders were, you always helped to take care of them.

With you here, even a mediocre person like Zetas can easily lead the people through the terrible final crisis, the Lord of Eclipse crisis, and the Darkseid war crisis.

Without you now, even if the crisis of alien invasion is the easiest for you, I'm afraid we will be in dire straits and suffer heavy losses.

Once there are too many casualties, I am afraid that I will become the most incompetent commander in the hearts of the people, let alone the most popular commander. "

His worries are likely to come true, and Harley can't comfort him without conscience.

Ryan added: "If there is a real crisis, I may not be able to survive until the next election. Maybe there will be a third generation of acting commander-in-chief and a fourth generation of acting commander-in-chief soon. Hey, the United States has been really ill-fated recently!

The commander-in-chief has had accidents one after another, and it seems that even you can't handle it. Is the feng shui of the White House really broken?

Forget it, you are about to go to the realm of destiny, and the dangers you face are much more than mine. I have no right to be pretentious in front of you. "

He touched the thick short beard on his chin, stood up and prepared to leave, "I will handle the tedious work after you leave. You can arrange other things now. Oh, I almost forgot, Waller came here with me.

She is waiting for you to summon her outside the door, and she seems to have something urgent. "

"Then let her in."

"Harry, you should be aware of the recent 'Book of Magic' incident that has caused a sensation in the magical world, right?" Waller came in and reported directly: "Generally, there are two parties involved, one is Nick in the 'Magic Fission Cannon' case. ·Necro and Phoenix Faust; the other side is the group of mage heroes from the Justice League Dark.

Nick's side not only obtained the treasure map of the "Book of Magic", but also locked in the key figure in opening the treasure map, Tim Hunter.

The Justice League Dark is protecting and teaching Tim Hunter, who is known as the "future first legendary mage".

The battle for the "Book of Magic" has entered a fierce stage.

Nick is about to take action against Tim and the Justice League Dark, and it's not long before the Book of Magic is actually released. "

Harley asked curiously: "This matter has become a big news that everyone in the magical world knows? Even you know about Tim's existence, and you also know that Nick will take action against Tim soon."

Waller said: "Almost everyone knows that Nick bombed the headquarters of the Sky Eye Society and snatched Merlin's treasure from the dark room.

Everyone knows that Nick got the treasure map to the Book of Magic.

In recent months, Nick has given up his low-key and forbearing style of doing things and has been recruiting people in the magical world.

Nick not only recruits powerful people, but also ordinary magic apprentices. There is a lot of movement. I also have informants in the magic world, so naturally I will not be unaware of it. "

"What's the use of a magic apprentice? You're not even qualified to be cannon fodder." Harley asked doubtfully.

"One or two magic apprentices alone are of little use, but what if hundreds or thousands of magic apprentices hold magic AKs and form an 'AK Mage Army'?" Waller said.

"AK Mage Legion" Harley's mouth twitched, "Your informant has locked down Nick's location and plans to attack him?"

Waller shook his head, "Nick is very cautious. He comes and goes without a trace. No one knows his specific address.

Moreover, the book of magic has not been found, so it is too early to close the net now. "

"Are you also interested in the Book of Magic?" Harley looked her up and down and said, "As the first generation of 'Holy Light Corpse Demon', your path has been determined, and 'White Magic' is of no use to you.

Even if you get the "Book of Magic" and learn the secret techniques of white magic in it, you will get twice the result with half the effort. "

Using black magic to force the soul of the deceased into the corpse and bring it back to life is called the corpse demon.

Waller's situation is very special. First of all, her body is not completely dead, but Harley mistakenly sent Waller, the undead from the shadow universe, into the body of "living Waller". This body is in a strange state of neither life nor death; secondly, , Harley is the god of war in heaven. When she resurrects the undead Waller, she uses pure divine power from heaven, and the energy level is very high. Even if the corpse demon is a life from hell, Waller also shows the powerful characteristics of holy light.

But no matter how special the Holy Light Corpse Demon is, it is a creation of the god (Harley) and has no chance of independent and self-reliant white magic.

"I heard that the "Book of Magic" connects to a 'white magic world' with endless pure magic power. Pure magic power is useless to me?" Waller asked.

"Do you still remember our agreement? The theory of corpse demon is immortality, but you can only live for a thousand years. When the holy light attribute in your body disappears and you are about to become a bloodthirsty and cruel corpse demon, I will send you into reincarnation. ." Harley said.

Waller nodded slightly.

Harley continued: "Suppose that when I resurrected you as a corpse demon, I injected 1 point of the sacred power of heaven into your soul. As a corpse demon, you naturally have 0.0001 units of the dark magic power of hell in your body.

1 point is far more than 0.001, so you are a Holy Light Corpse Demon who retains your humanity.

Over time, the nature of the corpse demon will gradually transform the power of heaven's holy light into special hell's magic.

Essentially, that's my power too.

I don't care about holy power or magic power, but you will be infiltrated by magic power and your soul will gradually be corroded.

When the magic power of hell exceeds the holy power of heaven, that is, when more than 0.5 points of the holy power of heaven are converted into the magic power of hell, you will gradually be unable to suppress the nature of the corpse demon.

You can continue to survive then, but I can't let you live. If you live, you will hurt living people.

Of course, even if we get to know each other and have been friends for many years, I will not send you to hell.

I'll give you a chance to be reincarnated, and you can even do it again with memories. "

"If you go to the magic world and get 1 unit of pure magic power, your body will have a total of 1 point of heaven's holy power, 1 point of pure magic power, and one ten thousandth of a point of hell magic power.

Since you are still essentially a corpse demon and a demon from hell, after 1 point of pure magic power enters your body, it will be polluted into hell magic power in an instant.

Then the magic power of hell overwhelmed the holy power of heaven, and your humanity began to disappear, gradually revealing the characteristics of a corpse demon, loving blood and raw meat. Don’t you have a daughter?

When you become a real corpse demon and see her again, you will not have the love of a mother, but the love of Taotie for food.

In order to prevent you from causing harm to the world, I will kill you before you become a corpse demon.

Originally, you could still wander around the world for thousands of years, but it turned out that you were a blessing and a curse, and you suddenly burped, and in the end you could only take advantage of me. "

Waller was terrified, with a look of luck on his face, "Fortunately, fortunately I haven't..."

"How can I take advantage of you?" After feeling happy for a while, she asked curiously.

"I am your creditor, your soul and magic power belong to me. I don't want your soul and will send you to reincarnation.

The 1 point of pure magic power that you worked hard, risked your life, and robbed cleverly, and the 1 point of holy power that I originally gave you, will all return to my body. " Harley said.

Waller's expression was distorted and full of depression.

"When half of the holy power in my body is converted into hell's magic power, and you input another point of holy power into my body, will I be able to last longer?" she asked.

"Theoretically, it is possible, but it will be very troublesome to operate. That 1 point of holy power has been integrated into your soul and has a chemical reaction with your soul.

Do you know the difference between chemical reaction and mixing?

Do you think that adding a little Holy Power is like asking me to refuel when a car is short of gas?

it's not like that.

I have to extract your soul again, clean it from head to toe, and then alas, I’m not sure how to do it now. You are the first generation of ‘Holy Light Corpse Demon’, and you are the first example.

In short, don't mess around, live the thousand years honestly, you can feel at ease, and I can worry too.

Thousands of years later, I will probably transcend the multiverse, and I may not be able to find you a ‘classical fairy father’. "

"What is a classical fairy father?" Waller asked doubtfully.

Harley said: "Have you read the classical fairy novels from the East? Mortals can practice and become immortals, with long-lasting vision and infinite power.

There is no classical immortal warrior plane in our multiverse, but there must be many immortal worlds in the endless omnipotent universe.

When the time comes, I will send you to be the daughter of an immortal. As long as you don't imitate the female supporting characters in Eastern fairy puppet dramas and indulge in jealousy with the heroine, and practice diligently and diligently, it will be easy to become an unparalleled female fairy. "

Although I still don’t quite understand what’s wrong with the female supporting cast in the Oriental Fairy Puppet Drama, and why it’s the female supporting role and not the heroine, Waller understands the general idea.

Harley can help her reincarnate as the "Second Generation of Gods and Demons"!

"In addition to injecting holy power, can I slow down the erosion of holy power into hellish magic through practice?" She looked at Harry expectantly and asked.

Harley frowned, "Why are you so confused? You would rather be a corpse demon than the daughter of an immortal."

"No, I really want to be open. In fact, I wish I could be the daughter of the Immortal Lord right now.

I just think that a thousand years is too short. You have been in the War God Era for tens of thousands of years and have not transcended. If after a thousand years, your realm has not changed much, you can only send me to be reincarnated as an ordinary person.

If I could live a few more years until you really transcend the multiverse, you would be able to send me to be a 'peerless fairy'.

The stronger you are, the more noble my status will be after my reincarnation.

Trying to live a few more years is not to cherish the identity of the Holy Light Corpse Demon, but to wait for a better destination! Waller said shrewdly.

Harley was a little speechless, but admitted that she had thought carefully about it.

"Read more of the "Quishi Bible" I wrote, and pray more to the God of War in Heaven and to God. If you can truly practice God's teachings, there is no way you can reverse the magic power of hell, transform it into the divine power of heaven, and transform from a corpse demon into a 'saint'. corpse'."

Waller nodded thoughtfully, "I will never let go of the Bible from now on. As long as you give public lectures on the Bible again, I will not miss a single one."

"Are you okay?" Harley asked.

Waller suppressed his distracting thoughts and said in a deep voice: "Tracing the Book of Magic and searching for Nick and Phoenix were originally the responsibilities of the Sky Eye Society. My previous selfishness was just incidental.

I came to you today mainly for three things.

First, determine the government's attitude toward the Book of Magic.

To put it bluntly, should we seize all the benefits and all the benefits belong to the country?

As has been the way of government for the last century, we will not let go of any of the known miracles.

This is how the magical objects in the Dark Room of the Sky Eyes came to be.

Even if they don't know the purpose of the rare objects, they will dispatch agents and even the army to snatch them at any cost.

Secondly, both Justice League Dark and The Bureau of Shadows are focusing on Book of Magic and Tim Hunter.

Should the three of us unite, or what kind of tacit understanding should we reach? What should we do if there is a conflict?

This requires government mediation.

The last thing is more personal. Nick claimed to be friends with you many times, but he bombed the headquarters of the Sky Eye Society."

"I am no longer the commander-in-chief now," Harley said about her upcoming departure and Ryan becoming the second-generation acting commander-in-chief.

"If you have anything to do, go to him. As for Nick, do you think I will bend the law for personal gain and waste a lot of time and energy on his behalf?"

Waller looked at her and asked: "Pure magic power is useless to me, and you don't need it either?"

"I'm going to the realm of destiny right away." Harley thought for a moment and said, "If "The Book of Magic" is released within a week, you can call me."

It is absolutely impossible to say that you are not curious about the Book of Magic.

But the Book of Magic was of no obvious help to her current situation.

After officially handing over the position of Acting Commander to Sam Lane, Harley started the space teleportation and came to the periphery of a certain origin wall on the border of the universe.

The origin wall itself does not emit light, but absorbs all visible light and invisible electromagnetic waves that fall on the surface. Not only is the surrounding space invisible, it must also be dark, like a dark deep sky without stars.

At this time, the origin wall in front of Harley lit up with crystal clear green light.

Hundreds of Green Lanterns are suspended on the edge of the Origin Wall, using Green Lantern rings to build a green wall with a rivet structure, covering the originally cracked Origin Wall.

From a distance, it looks like Green Lantern has put a giant green patch on the wound in the Origin Wall.

All the lanterns were attentive and busy at work, without any noise or play.

Their expressions were serious.

Only this group of lanterns understand how dangerous the multiverse is today.

"Harry? Why are you here?"

Hal was very surprised and unexpected when he saw Harley's figure suddenly appearing in front of him.

"I'm leaving." Harley said again that she was about to enter the realm of destiny and that the earth might be in crisis.

Her red lips parted slightly, she raised her right hand and slapped her cheek.

"Bang!" In Hal's dull eyes, one of the front teeth in Harry's mouth broke off, and the white teeth flew out of the mouth and slowly floated in front of him.

He also saw a few drops of blood flying out of the pressure tank, and then actively falling back into the pressure tank and disappearing as if alive.

"What are you doing?" he asked in surprise.

Harley pointed to the front teeth with pink polyps attached to the gums, and said mentally: "You have seen my bone-white stick, right?

I extracted my calf bone, all the bone cells remained active, and directly soaked it with the Tears of Destruction and the Wind of Nothingness, and finally created a unique weapon.

This front tooth is also similar to a white bone stick.

However, what is stored in it is not the basic force of the universe, but the power outside the universe. If you pick it up and take a closer look, do you feel familiar? "

Hal grabbed his front teeth and sensed it carefully for a moment, his expression gradually changed from blank to frightened, "Is entropy inside? Oh my God, you are crazy, you actually brought entropy into the material universe.

If the tooth breaks and leaks occur, the entire multiverse will be doomed! "

Harley looked relaxed and said: "I drank a lot of 'entropy' in the ocean of entropy, and nothing happened.

Only one drop is stored in this tooth, and it will not break or accidentally leak. "

"What did you give me this tooth for?" Hal looked at the tooth in his palm, still frightened.

Harry said: "You once transformed into a time demon and controlled the rift of entropy to swallow the entire mother river of time. You have rich experience.

My tooth is alive. The tooth cells retain their activity and have instinctive consciousness. They can sense your will and help you control entropy.

Even if you lose your destiny as a time demon now, with my help, you should be able to do it again.

If you encounter a crisis that is difficult to resolve while I am away, do not hesitate to take this tooth directly into the river of time.

You can restart the mother river of time, slow down the restart process, and wait for my return.

If you're careful, you can also use the Entropic Rift to wipe out an enemy's timeline.

Or you can take a stance to destroy the timeline and force the enemy to fight you in the river of time."

After a pause, she continued: "You decide how to do it specifically. In short, this is a trump card.

With it, you can deal with any enemy. At least you can die together. "

"It would be fine if we and the enemy die together, but once the rift of entropy is activated, the entire multiverse will restart in time. If I make a mistake, the multiverse will be completely destroyed. It is better to kill us and save everyone." Hal said with a bitter smile. .

"I believe in you, you can definitely grasp it." Harley encouraged.

"Besides this 'Tooth of Entropy', are there any other trump cards?" Hal turned his head and glanced at the Origin Wall, and said bitterly: "The Origin Wall is already scarred and cannot withstand such torture."

Harley followed his gaze and glanced at the Origin Wall, saying: "Whether the crisis comes or not is not under our control.

If we really encounter a crisis that requires us to use our teeth, even if we do nothing, the multiverse will still collapse and the origin wall will still collapse. "

——Perhaps when the Origin Wall finally collapses and she kills Pepatua, who secretly creates conflicts and collects crisis power, the multiverse-level large-scale crisis will disappear completely.

"Don't put too much pressure on me. Teeth are just my trump card. Maybe my trip will be smooth sailing. I will leave in the morning and return in the evening. I will be personally in charge of the earth by then. No matter who or what the crisis is, I will not be able to threaten the multiverse."

After bidding farewell to Hal Jordan, Harley returned to Quinn Manor and quietly sent Ivy, Selena, Helena and other people who were closely related to her to Paradise Mountain.

"Harry, can you not go to the Garden of Destiny?" Before leaving Paradise Mountain, Ivy pulled her in with worry on her face.

"Don't worry, I'm sure that you won't be in danger." A confident smile appeared on Harley's face.

"If you didn't feel extremely critical, would you send us all to Heaven Mountain?" Selena complained at the side.

"Don't get me wrong, sending you to Heaven Mountain does not mean that I have no confidence in coming back from the Garden of Destiny alive, nor does it mean that the crises that the earth will encounter next are all terrifying.

I will definitely win and return successfully, but I am not sure when I will return.

The Garden of Destiny is in the sixth dimension, and the speed of time is definitely different from that of the main universe. Maybe one day in the garden is one year in the world, or maybe Big Brother Destiny is so clever that he can fight me to the edge of the universe and the end of time?

If I leave for too long, the earth will definitely be in crisis.

And I am certain that the originator of the crisis hates me with all his heart.

I sent you to Heaven Mountain because I was mainly worried that the beast would attack you. "

Harley grabbed the palms of Ivy and Selina respectively, squeezed them tightly, and said seriously: "If I make sure you are safe and sound, I will have no flaws, and I will be invincible and succeed immediately."

"Can I come with you? I'm in the stomach bag dimension." Ivy asked.

Harley shook her head and said, "Not this time. My body can withstand physical and magical attacks, but it cannot stop fate.

Even if you stay in the stomach dimension, you still cannot avoid the fate of the multiverse. "

After leaving Heaven Mountain, Harley did not return to the material universe. Instead, she hid her figure and sat cross-legged near the gate of Heaven.

She is waiting for Amla.

As soon as Amra leaves heaven, she will open her mouth and swallow her in one gulp, then instantly open the door of destiny and force her way into the Garden of Destiny.

When facing Big Brother Destiny, it is not safe to hide in the stomach dimension. Harley is unwilling to let Ivy take any risks, but it does not mean that she has the same love and care for Amra.

After waiting for two days and two nights, there was no sign of Amra. However, Harley's mobile phone received many messages from the earth.

She ignored other messages until Waller called.

"Harry, just this afternoon, Nick took action against Tim Hunter. He personally led a team to break into Tim Hunter's home in London, took away the soul of Tim's mother, and kidnapped Tim's father, Tim. Mu himself was rescued by Madam Xanadu and Sage Ochi.

Then Nick sent a message to Tim, asking him to go to Nanda Peak alone to find him early tomorrow morning.

He only wants the "Book of Magic", and if Tim helps him open the treasure, he will release Tim's family.

If Tim refuses, he will not only kill the Hunters, but also sacrifice their souls to the demons of hell. "

"It's only been a few days, and Nick has already started to take action. Is he in a hurry?" Harley asked curiously.

"He has already obtained the treasure map and found the location of the Book of Magic. He can wait until today." Waller paused and guessed: "You announced that you have something to do and you have to leave the main universe for a long time and take over the position of acting commander. The news delivered to Sam Lane caused an uproar throughout the galaxy.

Everyone is talking about where you are going and what you are going to do.

Perhaps because he was sure that you were busy with important things and had no time or energy to focus on yourself, Nick made up his mind to take action immediately.

Before this, he had never dared to show up on Earth.

This time to capture Tim Hunter, he came in person. "

"Do you know the specific location of the Book of Magic? I am very short on time and very capable. If I can determine the approximate location, I may be able to find the treasure myself without Tim Hunter." Harry said .

Waller said: "The place where Nick met Tim was at the foot of Nanda Peak. The Book of Magic must be hidden somewhere on Nanda Peak, but except for Nick, not even Phoenix knows where it is."

Harley hesitated for a moment and said, "Then continue to stare. If you see Nick or determine the location of the Book of Magic, let me know. If Nick procrastinates and takes three to five days, forget it."

"I see."

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